The Writing Samples

3-8 Writing Assessment Guidelines

The Wallingford Public Schools feels that it is important to measure each child’s ability to organize and express his/her thoughts in writing. To do this, all students in grades 3-8 will complete two writing samples each year. The first prompt will be teacher selected and given in September/October. The second prompt will be determined by the district’s Language Arts Management Team and given in January/February. The January/February sample will be placed in a cumulative writing folder which will follow the student from grade to grade.

Purpose of the Writing Samples

• To inform instruction- Using the district’s analytical rubric to score the writing prompts, teachers are provided with diagnostic information about the strengths and weaknesses of student’s writing.

• To set goals- Enables teachers to set individual and class writing goals to meet student needs.

• To improve consistency district-wide in writing expectations.

Types of Grade Level Writing

The focus of writing for each grade level is (but should not be limited to):

• Grade 3: Narrative

• Grade 4: Narrative

• Grade 5: Expository

• Grade 6: Expository

• Grade 7: Persuasive

• Grade 8: Persuasive with support information provided


Although each grade level has a specific focus, students should not be limited to one form of writing. They should experiment with other types of writing.

Preparing to Take the Writing Samples

□ Students will be expected to prewrite and write a rough draft when completing

the prompts. Students may edit and revise if time permits.

□ The writing prompt will be timed and all students will be given 45 minutes to

complete the prompt, unless extended time modifications are required per the

I.E.P. or 504 plan.

Scoring the Writing Samples

□ All prompts will be scored using the Grade 3-8 Writing Rubric. Because all

prompts are scored as a rough draft, do not score for


□ Scores for the September/October and January writing samples will be recorded

on the district writing folders.

Completed Writing Samples

□ The September/October writing sample should be saved for parent conferencing

and will be used for lesson planning.

□ The January writing sample will be included in the district writing

folder of each student.

□ Writing samples should include (stapled together):

- Copy of the directions and/or prompt

- Writing sample (clearly marked with student name, date, and


- Grade 3-8 Writing Rubric (final score should be clearly highlighted or circled)

□ At the end of the 5th grade year, all district writing folders should be purged of all

writing except for the 5th grade prompt. The same should be done at the end of

the 8th grade year (leaving just the 8th grade prompt).

Focus for Instruction

□ Based on the strengths and weaknesses of students, teachers should design

lessons to address student needs.

□ The prompts will be used to assess writing growth in each student throughout

the year. This information can be shared with parents or the individual student

to help set personal goals for continued growth.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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