5th Grade

Notes to the Teacher

• This document was based on New York State Core Curriculum Grades 5-8 Science and designed for teachers to use in their development of lessons for standards focused instruction.

• Collaboration in lesson design, instructional delivery, assessment development, and resource application is strongly encouraged across and through the grade levels to establish collegiality, consistency, and continuity.

• In a standards-based educational system lesson development should begin with the content and skills (major understandings and performance Objectives) and integrated with assessment. This framework should be used to articulate the design and activities of the lesson.

• This document should be used to design standards focused instruction that would increase students’ understanding and skills in science as well as improve student preparation and performance on state assessments.


This curriculum should be used as a lesson planning guide/instructional design for teachers.

The Key Ideas

The key ideas are broad, unifying, general statements that represent knowledge within a domain. They represent a thematic or conceptual body of knowledge of what students should know.

The Performance Objectives

The Performance Objectives are derived from the Key Ideas in the Core Curriculum. They are designed to match the Major Understandings and to focus assessment and instructional activities. Performance Objectives provide a general guideline for skill that students must demonstrate to provide evidence of the acquisition of the standard.

The Major Understanding

The Major Understandings are conceptual statements that make up the Content Standards within each Key Idea. They were taken from NYS Core Curriculum and the corresponding identification codes were also adopted. These statements should not be taught verbatim but developed conceptually through instructional activities and cognitive processes.

Suggested Assessments

These are stated as general categories based on the Major Understandings and Performance Objectives. They are designed to assess student understanding and acquisition of the standard. Teachers may develop items that focus on those assessment categories or design their own assessments that measure acquisition of the Major Understandings and Performance Objectives.


The essential vocabulary were listed in order to acquire the concepts of the Major Understanding. Students should be at the acquaintance or familiarity level with these terms. Visuals should be used to assist in model representations and reinforcement of the terms.

The Suggested Activities

The suggested activities are designed to enhance the understanding of the concepts and prepare students for the assessment. Other activities that support the development of the Major Understanding and Performance Objectives in addition to preparing students for the assessment may also be used.

The Conceptual Question

The Conceptual question is based in the Performance Objectives and Major Understandings. It is conceptual in nature and is designed to focus the lesson. Teachers may elect to develop their own focus or conceptual question based on the Major Understandings and Performance Objectives.


Working Effectively — contributing to the work of a brainstorming group, laboratory, partnership, cooperative learning group, or project team; planning procedures; identifying and managing responsibilities of team members; and staying on task, whether working alone or as part of group.

Gathering and Processing Information — accessing information from printed, media, electronic databases, and community resources using the information to develop a definition of the problem and to research possible solutions.

Generating and Analyzing Ideas — developing ideas for proposed solutions, investigating ideas, collecting data, and showing relationships and patterns in the data.

Common Themes — observing examples of common unifying themes, applying them to the problem, and using them to better understand the dimensions of the problem.

Realizing Ideas — constructing components or models, arriving at a solution, and evaluating the results.

Presenting Results — using a variety of media to present the solution and to communicate the results.

General Skills

1. Follow safety procedures in the classroom and laboratory

2. Safely and accurately use the following measurement tools:

a. Metric ruler

b. Balance

c. Stopwatch

d. Graduated cylinder

e. Thermometer

f. Spring scale

g. Voltmeter

3. Use appropriate units for measured or calculated values

4. Recognize and analyze patterns and trends

5. Classify objects according to an established scheme and student-generated scheme

6. Develop and use a dichotomous key

7. Sequence events

8. Identify cause-and-effect relationships

9. Use Objectives and interpret results

Living Environment Skills

1. Manipulate a compound microscope to view microscopic objects

2. Determine the size of a microscopic object, using a compound microscope

3. Prepare a wet mount slide

4. Use appropriate staining techniques

5. Design and use a Punnett square or a pedigree chart to predict the probability of certain traits

6. Classify living things according to student-generated scheme and an establish scheme

7. Interpret and / or illustrate the energy flow in a food chain, energy pyramid, or food web

8. Identify pulse points and pulse rates

9. Identify structure and function relationships in organisms

Physical Setting Skills

Given the latitude and longitude of a location, indicate its position on a map and determine the latitude and longitude of a given location on a map.

1. Using Identification tests and flow chart, Identify mineral samples

2. Use a diagram of the rock cycle to determine geological processes that led to the formation of a specific rock type

3. Plot the location of recent Earthquake and volcanic activity on a map and identify patterns of distribution

4. Use a magnetic compass to find cardinal directions

5. Measure the angular elevation of an object, using appropriate instruments

6. Generate and interpret field maps including topographic and weather maps

7. Predict the characteristics of an air mass based on the origin of the air mass

8. Measure weather variables such as wind speed and direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, etc.

9. Determine the density of liquid, and regular-and irregular-shaped solids

10. Determine the volume of a regular- and an irregular shaped solid, using water displacement

11. Using the periodic table, identify an element as a metal, nonmetal, or noble gas

12. Determine the identity of an unknown element, using physical and chemical properties

13. Using appropriate resources, separate the parts of a mixture

14. Determine the electrical conductivity of a material, using a simple circuit

15. Determine the speed and acceleration of a moving object



• Using one or more of your senses to gather information about objects or events

• Seeing, hearing ,touching, smelling, or tasting or combinations of these

• Observations may be made with the use of some instruments like microscopes, magnifying glasses, etc.

• Scientific observations are always recorded

• Some observations may include measurements, color, shape, size taste, smell, texture, actions, etc.


• Separating, arranging, grouping, or distributing objects or events or information representing objects or events into some criteria of common properties, methods, patterns, or systems.

• Based on an identification process objects or events can be grouped according to similarities and differences

• Objects or events are placed into categories based on their identifiable characteristics or attributes.

• Identification keys or characteristics are used to group objects, events or information. These identifiable keys are also used to retrieve information

Comparing and Contrasting

• Identifying observable or measurable similarities and differences between two or more objects, data, events or systems

• Using specific criteria to establish similarities and /or differences between two or more objects or events.

• Showing what is common and what is uncommon between two objects, events, conditions, data, etc.


• A statement, reasonable judgment or explanation based on an observation or set of observations

• Drawing a conclusion based on past experiences and observations

• Inferences are influenced by past experiences

• Inferences often lead to predictions

• Taking previous knowledge and linking it to an observation

• An untested explanation


• Making a forecast of future events or conditions expected to exist

• Forecasting an expected result based on past observations, patterns, trends, data, or evidence

• Reliable predictions depends on the accuracy of past observations, data, and the nature of the condition or event being predicted

• Using an inference to tell what will happen in the future

• Interpolated prediction is made between two known data points

• Extrapolated prediction is made outside or beyond known data points


• Making direct and indirect comparisons to a standard unit

• Each measurement has a number and a unit

• Making quantitative observations or comparisons to conventional or non-conventional standards

• Instruments may be used to make reliable, precise, and accurate measurements


• Verbal, graphic or written exchange of information

• Describing observations, procedures, results or methods

• Sharing information or observations with charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.


• Making a possible explanation based on previous knowledge and observations

• Making an “educated” guess

• Proposing a solution to a problem based on some pertinent information on the problem

• Constructing an explanation based on knowledge of the condition

• Tells how one variable will affect the other variable

• A logical explanation that can be tested

• Identifying variables and their relationship(s)

• Has three parts; IF( condition) THEN(predicted results) BECAUSE(explanation)

Testing a Hypothesis/ Experimenting

• Following a procedure to gather evidence to support or reject the hypothesis

• Applying the scientific method to gather supportive or non-supportive evidence

• Testing variables and drawing conclusions based on the results

• Designing investigations to test hypotheses

• Testing how one variable affects the other

• Following a precise method to test a hypothesis

• Forming conclusions based on information collected

• Controlling variables to isolate how one will affect the other.

• Answering a research question

Making Models

• Creating representations of objects, ideas or events to demonstrate how something looks or works

• Models may be physical or mental representations

• Models can be computer generated

• Displaying information, using multi-sensory representations

Constructing Graphs

• Identifying dependent and independent variables and showing relationships

• Showing comparisons between two or more , objects or events

• Distribution of percentages

• Producing a visual representative of data that shows relationships, comparisons or distribution

• Labeling and scaling the axis

• Descriptive data – bar graph

• Continuous data – line graph

• Converting discreet data into pictures

Collecting and Organizing Data

• Gathering raw information, qualitative and quantitative observations and measurements using approved methods or systems

• Categorizing and tabulating the information to illustrate patterns or trends

• Recording measurements, male drawings, diagrams, lists or descriptions

• Observing, sampling, estimating, and measuring items or events and putting the information in an ordered or tabulated format.

• Sorting, organizing and presenting information to better display the results

• Using titles, tables, and units for columns

Analyzing and Interpreting Data

• Looking for patterns, trends or relationships in the arrangement of data

• Deciding what the collection of information means

• Looking at pieces of data to understand the whole

• Looking at the independent and dependent variables and their relationship

• Looking for consistency and discrepancies in the data

• Making sense of the observations, data, etc.

Forming Conclusions

• Making final statements based on the interpretation of data

• Making a decision or generalization based on evidence supported by the data

• Telling whether the data supports the hypothesis or not

• A factual summary of the data

Researching Information

• Asking questions and looking for relevant information to answer it

• Using various methods and sources to find information

• Identifying variables and asking questions about it followed by gathering relevant information.

• Research questions may focus on one variable or the relationship between two variables.

• Asking relevant questions to a specific problem and identify resources to gather information and answer the problem

Formulating Questions

• Asking the who, what, where, when, why, how, what if, of the problem, information, or even

• Using the given information to search for further understanding

• Asking textually explicit questions that can be answered by the text.

• Asking textually implicit questions that are inferential and cannot be answered by the text alone


• Making a judgment about the size or number of an item, or attribute without actually measuring it

• Making a judgment based on past experiences or familiarity

Identifying Variables

• Stating and explaining the independent(manipulated) and dependent(responding) variables and their relationships

• Showing the cause and effect relationship in respect to the variables

• Any factor, condition, or relationship that can affect the outcome of an experiment, event or system.

• There are three types of variables in an experiment, manipulated (independent), responding (dependent) controlled (other variables that are held constant).

Controlling Variables

• Keeping variables consistent or constant throughout and experiment

• Controlling the effect or factors that influence the investigation

Forming Operational Definitions

• Tell how an object, item, idea, or model functions works or behaves

• Tells the purpose or the use of the object or model

• Tells what the term means and how to recognize it

Reading Scales and Instruments

• Identifying the intervals and scales

• Reading or counting the total number of scales , graduations or points

• Identifying initial and final measurements, counts or increments

Calibrating Instruments

• Setting the instrument to zero before beginning to use it

• Adjusting the instrument to measure exact with known copies

• Setting the instrument measures to a known standard

Following Procedures

• Following a given set of oral or written directions to accomplish a specific task to obtain desired results

Applying Formulas

• Using theoretical formulas to a concrete or abstract situation

• Applying a theoretical measurement to a model

• Gathering information from a known condition or situation and substituting the elements or variables into a formula.

Interpreting Scientific Illustrations

• Looking for connections, sequences and relationships amongst the components

• Identifying individual and multiple relationships

• Categorizing groups and individual entities

• Reading the label or description of the illustration


• Ordering, listing or organizing steps, pieces, attributes or entities according to a set of criteria

• Identifying the elements and organizing them chronologically

Conduct an Investigation

• Identify the question or problem

• Conduct some preliminary research

• Identify the variables

• Develop and follow the procedures

• Make observations and collect data

• Analyze the information and report the results

Identifying Properties

• Selecting items, conditions or events based on specific attributes or features


• Making a judgment of worth or merit based on a set of criteria

• Deciding to approve or disapprove a based on some standard

• Asking how the data was obtained or how the information was collected

• Asking how the investigation was done

Seeking and Providing Evidence

• Searching for and sharing factual information

• Identifying relationships or proofs that support an argument

• Stating specific and significant or relevant information to support an idea, decision or argument

Making decisions

• Gathering relevant information, or evidence to support a choice between alternatives

Manipulating Materials

• Handling materials and equipment in a safe, skillfully and in an appropriate manner


• Making a general statements from specifics, particulars, or components

Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships

• Recognizing the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable

• Identifying controlled variables in an experiment and the influence of the experimental variable on the outcome

Constructing Tables

• Placing similar information into categories

• Ordering discrete information into groups to develop patterns, trends, etc

• Using columns and rows to distinguish elements and components of the information

Analyzing Results

• Determine the meaning of the data collected

• Identifying specific patterns from the information or effects

• Separating the information to understand the components

Interpreting Graphs

• Identify the variables and categories

• Look for relationships and patterns

• Look for sources of errors

• Asking what is evident from the information

Can interpolations and extrapolations be made from the data

Interpreting Diagrams

• Tell what the objects, or items represents

• Tell what the diagram is a model of, or represents

• Tell how the diagram illustrates relationships, operational definitions, functions, concepts or schemes

• Tell the sequence of events or the chronology of the elements

• Construct an explanation from the interrelated parts or components



Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering designs, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.


5th Grade


Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Mathematical Analysis

Key Idea 1: The abstractions and symbolic representations are used to communicate mathematically.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|M1.1 Extend mathematically notation and symbolism to include |Identify independent and dependent variables. |Label and describe the dependent and independent variables. |

|variables and algebraic expressions in order to describe and compare |Identify relationships among variables including: direct, indirect, |Identify and describe the relationship among variables. |

|quantities and express mathematical relationships |cyclic, constant; identify non related material |Apply mathematical equations to represent the relationship among |

| |Apply mathematical equations to describe relationships among variables |variables. |

| |in the natural world | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|dependent variable |Practice developing scientific explanation using mathematical equations|How is scientific information or relationships represented |

|independent variable |and values. |mathematically? |

|direct relationship |Use graphs to display relationships among variables. | |

|indirect relationship |Construct and analyze graphs that represent scientific data. | |

|cyclic relationship | | |

|constant | | |

|equation | | |

|symbolic representation | | |

|mathematical representation | | |

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Mathematical Analysis

Key Idea 2: Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to reach mathematical conclusions.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|M2.1 Use inductive reasoning to construct, evaluate, and validate |Interpolate and extrapolate from data. |Predict quantifiable patterns or trends from data. |

|conjectures and arguments, recognizing that patterns and |Quantify patterns and trends. |Determine unknown values from given known values. |

|relationships can assist in explaining and extending mathematical | |Explain patterns, trends, causes and effects using data. |

|phenomena. | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| |Analyze case studies, graphs, charts, and tables to determine trends |Why is it important to organize information into charts, graphs, |

|inductive reasoning |and make predictions. |tables, etc.? |

|deductive reasoning | | |

|generalization | | |

|evaluate | | |

|validate | | |

|extrapolate | | |

|interpolate | | |

|quantify | | |

| | | |

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Mathematical Analysis

Key Idea 3: Critical thinking skills are used in the solution of mathematical problems.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|M3.1 Apply mathematical knowledge to solve real-world problems and |Use appropriate scientific tools to solve problems about the natural |Design and explain flow charts of experimental procedures. |

|problems that arise from investigation of mathematical ideas, using |world |Construct and explain graphic representation of collected |

|representations such as picture, charts, and tables. | |information. |

| | |Analyze charts, graphs and tables to explain relationships. |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| |Conduct activities that engage students in collecting information and |How can scientific information be represented to demonstrate |

|Chart |representing that information mathematically in graphic, tabular or |relationships? |

|Table |chart form. | |

| | | |

|Graph (S3.1) | | |

|Tabulate | | |

|Flow chart (PS Skills 2) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |






Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Systems thinking

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.1 Through systems thinking, people can recognize the |Describe the difference between dynamic systems and organizational |Analyze systems and identify the role of each component. |

|commonalities that exist among all systems and how parts of a system |systems. |Identify and describe various types of systems. |

|interrelate and combine to perform specific functions. |Describe the differences and similarities among engineering systems, |Describe how various sub systems interact with each other. |

| |natural systems, and social systems. |Explain why systems are designed to operate and produce certain |

| |Describe the difference between open- and closed-loop systems. |results. |

| |Describe how the output from one part of a system (which can include | |

| |material, energy, or information) can become the input to other parts. | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|interrelate |Observe the operation of various systems. |Why are systems developed? |

|dynamic systems |Compare and contrast a living system with a non-living system. |What makes a system efficient? |

|organizational systems |Construct a diagram that represents a system. | |

|open system | | |

|closed-loop-system | | |

|input | | |

|output | | |

| | | |

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Systems thinking

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.2 Models are simplified representations of objects, structures, |Select appropriate model to begin the search for answers or solutions |Design various models to represent and explain natural phenomena |

|or systems used in analysis, explanation, interpretation, or design. |to a question or problem. |or systems. |

| |Use models to study processes that cannot directly (e.g., when real |Analyze various models to determine how well they represent |

| |process is too slow, too fast, or too dangerous for direct |natural phenomena. |

| |observation). | |

| |Demonstrate the effectiveness of different models to represent the same| |

| |thing and the same model to represent different things. | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|models |Design various models to represent and explain various phenomena. |Why do we construct and use models? |

| |Observe and analyze various models. | |

|mental models | | |

|physical models | | |

|mathematical/graphical models | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Magnitude and scale

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.3 The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and |Cite examples of how different aspects of natural and design systems |Convert values from standard notation to exponential notation and |

|pressures or other units of measurement into a series of relative |change at different rates with changes in scale. |vice versa. |

|order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the |Use powers of ten notations to represent very small and very large |Describe the ratios and magnitude of changes using scales. |

|changes in scales that affect the behavior and design systems. |numbers. | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|magnitude |Observe, record, and measure changes over time. Rank order the changes |How can changes be represented to show magnitudes? |

|frequency |and determine the ratios and magnitudes. | |

|scale |Observe changes over time and look for consistency and inconsistencies.| |

|range | | |

|relative order | | |

| | | |

|scientific notation | | |

|intensity | | |

|duration | | |

|rank order | | |

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Equilibrium and stability

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.4 Equilibrium is a state of stability due either to a lack of |Describe how feedback mechanisms are used in both designed and natural |Describe positive and negative feedback |

|change (static equilibrium) or a balance between opposing forces |systems to keep changes within desired limits. |Explain why consistency or equilibrium is important in various |

|(dynamic equilibrium). |Describe changes within equilibrium cycles in terms of frequency or |systems. |

| |cycle length and determine the highest and lowest values and when they |Compare static equilibrium with dynamic equilibrium. |

| |occur. | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|equilibrium |Study positive and negative feedback systems and observe how they |What is equilibrium? |

|stability |function in maintaining equilibrium. |How is equilibrium achieved? |

|static equilibrium |Observe how forces work against and with each other to maintain | |

|dynamic equilibrium |balance. | |

|equilibrium cycles | | |

| | | |

|opposing forces | | |

|positive feedback | | |

|negative feedback | | |

|unbalanced force | | |

|balanced force | | |

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes - Patterns of change

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.5 Identifying patterns of change is necessary for making |Use simple linear equations to represent how a parameter changes with |Describe how various patterns are used to make inferences and |

|predictions about future behavior and conditions. |time. |predictions. |

| |Observe patterns of change in trends or cycles and make predictions on |Make inferences and predictions and observe data. |

| |what might happen in the future. | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| |Collect information or changes in behavior and conditions to establish |How are predictions made? |

|linear (S6 5.1) |patterns and trends. | |

|cyclical (S4 KI1) |Observe changes in patterns and trends to determine causes and make | |

|loop (S6 1.3) |predictions. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes – Optimization

Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|KI 6.6 In order to arrive at the best solution that meets criteria |Determine the criteria and constraints and make trade-offs to determine|Develop various criteria for making decision. |

|within constraints, it is often necessary to make trade-offs. |the best decision. |List alternatives for specific choices under various conditions. |

| |Use graphs of information for a decision-making problem to determine |List advantages and disadvantages for making certain decisions. |

| |the optimum solution. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|constraints |Practice decision making based on specific criteria. |Why do we need criteria for making decisions? |

|criteria |Practice developing criteria for making decisions under certain |Why is it important to know advantages and disadvantages before |

|optimum solution |conditions. |making a decision/choice? |

| | | |

|alternatives (S1 T1.3b) | | |

|disadvantages | | |

|advantages(S2 2.2) | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Scientific Inquiry

Key Idea 2: Beyond the use of reasoning and consensus, scientific inquiry involves the testing of proposed explanations involving the use of conventional techniques and procedures and usually requiring considerable ingenuity.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|S2.1 Use conventional techniques and those of their own design to |Demonstrate appropriate safety techniques. |Identify and use the appropriate instruments to conduct metric |

|make further observations and refine their explanations, guided by a |Conduct an experiment designed by others. |measurements. |

|need for more information. |Design and conduct an experiment to test a hypothesis. |Identify and perform standard safety techniques within the |

| |Use appropriate tools and conventional techniques to solve problems |investigation. |

| |about the natural world, including: |Design and conduct simple investigation to answer a question/test |

| |measuring |a hypothesis. |

| |observing |Use of appropriate units for measured or calculated values. |

| |describing | |

| |classifying | |

| |sequencing | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|metric (Process Skills) |Model for students how to use lab instruments properly. |Why are instruments used in laboratory investigations? |

|safety procedures (Process Skills) |Conduct measurement activities on mass, volume, length, temperature, |Why are precision and accuracy important in laboratory |

| |force, voltage, etc. |investigations? |

|scientific method |Design and follow the procedures of an investigation. | |

|investigations (S1 M3.1) | | |

|procedures(S1 2.2a) | | |

|accuracy (S2 2.1) | | |

|precision | | |

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Scientific Inquiry

Key Idea 3: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional an invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|S3.1 Design charts, tables, graphs, and other representations of |Organize results, using appropriate graphs, diagrams, data tables, and |Construct charts and tables of data. |

|observations in conventional and creative ways to help them address |other models to show relationships. |Tabulate and graph data. |

|their research question or hypothesis. |Generate and use scales, create legends, and appropriately label axes. |Organize data into tables, graphs, and charts to represent the |

| | |information and use appropriate data to draw conclusions. |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|charts |Model for students how to organize information into tables, charts, and|Why should information be organized? |

|tables |graphs. |How do we organize information into meaningful ways? |

|graphs |Practice constructing tables, charts, and graphs. | |

|question |Practice making explanations from organized data. | |

|hypothesis | | |

|data tables | | |

| | | |

|x-axis | | |

|y-axis | | |

|direct relationships | | |

|inverse relationships | | |

|coordinate | | |



The Living Environment

The Physical Setting

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

Performance Indicator 4.3 Observe and describe developmental patterns in selected plants and animals (e.g., insects, frogs, humans, seed-bearing plants).

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|4.3c Various body structures and functions change as an organism goes |Describe how growth and development occurs as the organism matures |Identify the changes that occur in various organisms as they go |

|through its life cycle. |through its life cycle. |through their life cycle. |

| | |Compare and contrast the changes of body parts in various organisms. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| | | |

|life cycle |Observe models, charts, illustrations, and videos of life cycles of | |

|structure |organisms and identify the major changes that occur. |How do body structures and functions change over an organisms life |

| | |time? |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

Performance Indicator 4.3 Observe and describe developmental patterns in selected plants and animals (e.g., insects, frogs, humans, seed-bearing plants).

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|4.3d Patterns of development vary among animals. In some species the |Describe the development patterns of various animals. |Identify and label the stages in the various life cycles. |

|young resemble the adult, while in others they do not. Some insects and|Identify metamorphosis as the developmental pattern for some insects |Describe the process of metamorphosis as it occurs in the life cycle |

|amphibians undergo metamorphosis as they mature. |andamphibians |of various organisms. |

| | |Sequence and explain the events that occur in the development of |

| | |various organisms (animals). |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|insects | | |

|amphibian |Investigate the life cycles of various organisms (animals) and document | |

|metamorphosis |the changes throughout their development. |How do patterns of development vary among animals |

| |Observe videos on the stages of development of various animals and |What is metamorphosis? |

|larva |construct a concept map for each. | |

|pupa | | |

|nymph | | |

|egg | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

Performance Indicator 4.3 Observe and describe developmental patterns in selected plants and animals (e.g., insects, frogs, humans, seed-bearing plants).

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|4.3e Patterns of development vary among plants. In seed-bearing |Describe and diagram the development patterns of various plants. |Sequence and describe the stages of growth of various categories of |

|plants, seeds contain stored food for early development. Their later |Identify the role of seeds in supplying energy for early develoment |plants. |

|development into adulthood is characterized by varying patterns of |. | |

|growth from species to species. | | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|seed bearing plants | | |

| |Investigate the stages of growth in various plants and sequence the | |

| |changes that occur throughout their development. |How do plants develop and grow? |

| |Analyze and create diagrams illustrating the patterns of growth and | |

| |development in various species | |

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Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.

Performance Indicator 4.3 Observe and describe developmental patterns in selected plants and animals (e.g., insects, frogs, humans, seed-bearing plants).

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|4.3f As an individual organism ages, various body structures and |Explain how maturation during life stages of growth and development |Identify structural and functional changes that occur in various |

|functions change. |leads to changes in structure and function. |organisms as they advance through developmental process. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| | | |

| |Research the aging process and describe the major structural changes |How does aging affect an organism? |

| |that occur. | |

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Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 1: Living things are both similar to and different from each other and from nonliving things.

Performance Indicator 1.1 Compare and contrast the parts of plants, animals, and one-celled organisms.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|1.1f. Many plants have roots, stems, leaves and reproductive |Identify and explain the role of the plant structures responsible for its|Identify and label plant structures |

|structures. These organized groups of tissues are responsible for a |life activities. |Describe the function of various plant structures and explain how |

|plant’s life activities. |Describe how the functions of various plant tissue interact to sustain |do parts work together to support life functions. |

| |the life of a plant. | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|plants |Design an experiment to show what happens to a plant when you limit |How do plants carry out life activities? |

|root |sunlight or one of the raw materials for photosynthesis. | |

|stem |Investigate the vascular system of plant from root to leaves. | |

|leaves |Trace the path of water from the root to the leaves and label diagrams of| |

|reproductive structure |plant. | |

|life activites (processes) | | |

| | | |

|photosynthesis | | |

|pollen | | |

|flower | | |

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 1: Living things are both similar to and different from each other and from nonliving things.

Performance Indicator 1.1 Compare and contrast the parts of plants, animals, and one-celled organisms.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|1.1h. Living things are classified by shared characteristics on the |Identify the characteristics biologists use to classify organsisms |Use internal and external structures to classigy organisms. |

|cellular and organism level. In classifying organisms, biologists |. |Explain how species are organized in the biological classification|

|consider details of internal and external structures. Biological |Organize the levels of biological classification from general to specific|system |

|classification systems are arranged from general (kingdom) to | | |

|specific (species). | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|characteristics | | |

|classified |Practice using the dichotomous key |What is considered when classifying organsims? |

|kingdom |Compare the internal and external characteristics of organsism. |What system do scientists use to classify living things? |

|species |Conduct lab activity that classify/ categorize various objects with | |

|biological |similar features | |

| | | |

|binomial nomenclature | | |

|variation | | |

|genus | | |

|mammal | | |

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustain life.

Performance Indicator 5.1 Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| |Identify that plants and animals have diverse body plans and internal |Construct a diagram comparing the internal structures and body |

|5.1a. Animals and plants have a great variety of body plans and |structures |plans of plants vs animals. |

|internal structures that contribute to their ability to maintain a |Evaluate how the internal structures nd body plan function to maintain |Complete a table listing the function of the internal structures |

|balanced condition. |a balanced condition for a variety of plants or animals |of plants and animals. |

| |Compare and contrast the body plans and internal structures of plants |Explain how differnet structures serve similar functions in |

| |and animals |different organisms |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|Body Plans | |Why do plants and animals have different structures that function |

|Internal Structures | |in similar ways? |

|Balanced Condition | |How does the body use internal structures and systems to maintain |

| | |a balanced condition? |

|digestion system (1.2c) stems (1.1f) | | |

|nervous system (1.2h) leaves (1.1f) | | |

|circulatory system (1.2f) homeostasis (LE) | | |

|respiratory system (1.2d) | | |

|reproductive systems (1.2i) | | |

|excretory system (1.2e) | | |

|endocrine system (1.2h) | | |

|feedback (5.1f) | | |

|roots (1.1f) | | |

Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustain life

Performance Indicator 5.1 Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| |Explain the relationship between body structures, environment and |Match a body plan to the appropriate environment. |

|5.1b An organism's overall body plan and its environment determine |survival. |Predict the consequence of having the wrong body plan for a given |

|the way that the organism carries out the life processes. |Hypothesize how an organisms body plan enables it to survive in its |environment. |

| |environment. | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| | | |

|life processes | |How does an organisms body plan allow it to survive in its |

|environment | |environment? |

| | | |

|adaptive characteristics (3.2b) | | |

|biotic (LE) | | |

|abiotic (LE) | | |

|homeostasis | | |

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Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustain life

Performance Indicator 5.1 Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|5.1d. The methods for obtaining nutrients vary among organisms. | | |

|Producers, such as green plants, use light energy to make their food.|Explain what makes plants producers and animals consumers |Organize examples of plants and animals into categories |

|Consumers, such as animals, take in energy-rich foods. |Compare and contrast the means by which plants and animals obtain nutrient |(producers or consumers) |

| |energy. |Compare method of obtaining energy in a producer and consumer.|

| | |Identify the source of energy for consumers and producers |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|nutrients | |How do organsims obtain nutrients? |

|produces |Analyze diagrams illustrating plants and animals obtaining nutrients | |

|green plants |Watch videos aboutconsumers and producers. | |

|light energy |Develop concept maps of the methods organisms obtain nutrients | |

|consumers | | |

|animals | | |

| | | |

|glucose | | |

|photosynthesis | | |

|chlorophyll | | |

|chloroplasts | | |

|producers | | |

| | | |

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STANDARD 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea: 6 Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.

Performance Indicator 6.2: Provide evidence that green plants make food and explain the significance of this process to other organisms.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|6.2a Photosynthesis is carried on by green plants and other |Describe the process of photosynthesis. |Explain the process of photosynthesis. |

|organisms containing chlorophyll. In this process, the Sun’s energy |Explain the chemical equation of photosynthesis (words only). | |

|is converted into and stored as chemical energy in the form of |(carbon dioxide + water ( sugar + oxygen) | |

|sugar. The quantity of sugar molecules increases in green plants | | |

|during photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight. | | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| | | |

|photosynthesis |Set up a controlled experiment using “amount of sunlight” as the independent |How is light energy changed to chemical energy by plants? |

|chlorophyll |variable and “plant growth” as the dependent variable. Graph the results and | |

|chemical energy |analyze the data. | |

|sugar | | |

| | | |

|glucose (LE) | | |

|chloroplast (1.1c) | | |

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STANDARD 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea: 6 Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.

Performance Indicator 6.2: Provide evidence that green plants make food and explain the significance of this process to other organisms.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|6.2b The major source of atmospheric oxygen is photosynthesis. |Explain how the process of photosynthesis demonstrates interdependence. |State the roles of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the process of |

|Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and oxygen is released|Explain the process of photosynthesis. |photosynthesis. |

|during photosynthesis. | |Explain the role of photosynthesis in the carbon dioxide-oxygen |

| | |cycle. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|atmosphere | | |

|carbon dioxide |Teacher Demo: Using the chemical indicator bromthymol blue (BTB) and the |How do plants affect the atmosphere? |

|oxygen |water plant Elodea, demonstrate with a controlled experiment that carbon | |

|photosynthesis |dioxide is used during photosynthesis. | |

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STANDARD 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea: 6 Plants and animals depend on each other and their physical environment.

Performance Indicator 6.2: Provide evidence that green plants make food and explain the significance of this process to other organisms.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|6.2c Green plants are the producers of food which is used directly or |Explain the importance of green plants to other organisms |Explain howconsumers are dependent on plants. |

|indirectly by consumers. | |Trace each organism in a food web back to the producer on which it |

| | |depends. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|green plants | | |

|producers |Construct food chains and discuss the importance of plants. |Why do consumers depend on plants for food? |

|consumers |Discuss ecological implications of eating higher up in the food chain | |

| |(e.g. Rainforests being demolished to graze cattle). | |

|primary consumer |\ | |

|secondary consumer | | |

|food chain (6.1) | | |

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Standard 4: The Living Environment

Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustain life

Performance Indicator 5.1 Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|5.1e. Herbivores obtain energy from plants. Carnivores obtain energy|Diagram and describe the flow of energy in an ecosystem. |Identify which organisms are herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, |

|from animals. Omnivores obtain energy from both plants and animals. |Describe the interaction of the various feeding levels in an ecosystem. |and decomposers in a food web |

|Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, obtain energy by consuming | |Describe the flow of energy through the various tropic levels. |

|wastes and/or dead organisms. | |Describe the role of decomposers in an ecosystem. |

| | | |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|herbivore |Trace the path of energy in the food chain which led to your breakfast. |How does energy move through a food chain/web? |

|carnivore |Identify the herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers. | |

|omnivore |Using pictures construct a food web and identify their roles. | |

|decomposers |Weave a food web using students representing organism with yarn to | |

|bacteria |connect organisms. Remove one organism and tell how many and what | |

|fungi (fungus) |organisms are affected. | |

|wastes | | |

| | | |

|population size | | |

|energy pyramid | | |

|producers | | |

|food chain (6.1) | | |

|food web | | |

|energy | | |

Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 1: The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.

Performance Indicator 1.1: Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggest Assessment |

| | | |

|1.1a Earth’s Sun is an average-sized star. The |Classify the Sun as an average sized star. | |

|Sun is more than a million times greater |Compare the volume of the Sun to Earth. | |

|in volume than Earth. | | |

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|Vocabulary/Visual |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|Earth | | |

|Sun | |What is the Sun? |

|Star | | |

| | |How does the volume of the Sun compare to Earth’s volume? |

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Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 1: The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.

Performance Indicator 1.1: Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggest Assessment |

| | | |

|1.1b Other stars are like the sun but are so far | |Measure how many kilometers are in three light years. |

|away that they look points of light. |Describe the size of stars and explain how their distance from Earth | |

|Distances between stars are vast |determines their apparence. | |

|compared to distances within our solar |Compare the distance between stars (including the Sun) to the distance| |

|system |between the planets in our solar system. | |

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| Vocabulary/Visual |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|Solar system | | |

|Universe |Determine the distance from the sun to the Earth. | |

| |Determine how far the nearest star is and how long the light takes to |If the Sun average star why do the stars look like a points of light? |

|Galaxy |reach Earth. | |

|Milky Way(ES) | |How do the distances between stars compare to the distances between |

| | |planets? |

Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 1: The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.

Performance Indicator 1.1: Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggest Assessment |

| | | |

|1.1c The Sun and the planets that revolve around it are the major |Explain how the Earth,other planets, comets and asteroids revolve |Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting planets, comets, and |

|bodies in the solar system. Other members include comets, moons, and |around the Sun. |asteroids. |

|asteroids. Earth’s orbit is nearly circular. |Explain the motion of a moon around its planet and the sun. |Draw the orbits of the moon and earth |

| |Describe the shape of Earth’s orbit | |

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|Vocabulary/Visual |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|planets | | |

|revolve |Develop a scale model of the solar system. |What is revolution how does it apply to our solar system? |

|moons |Study the relative motion of our solar system. | |

|comet | | |

|asteroid | | |

|orbit | | |

|(celestial) bodies | | |

| | | |

|planetary motion | | |

|meteor | | |

|meteorit | | |

Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 1: The Earth and celestial phenomena can be described by principles of relative motion and perspective.

Performance Indicator 1.1: Explain daily, monthly, and seasonal changes on Earth.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggest Assessment |

| | | |

|1.1j The shape of Earth, the other planets, and |Describe the shape of the Sun, Earth and planets as nearly spherical |Illustrate the shape of the stars and planets. |

|stars is nearly spherical. |. | |

| |Identify the appearance of the Earth’s shape as a perfect circle. | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|spherical | | |

| |Study a model of planet-Earth. |What are the shapes of the stars and planets? |

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Key Idea 4: Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

Performance Indicator 4.4 Observe and describe properties of sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|4.4d Electrical energy can be produced from a variety of energy |Explain how electrical energy is produced. |Identify different sources of electrical energy. |

|sources and can be transformed into almost any other form of energy. |Describe how electrical energy is transformed/converted to other forms of|Describe how other forms of energy (chemical, mechanical) can be |

| |energy. |converted to electrical energy. |

| | |Explain how electrical energy can be converted to light, sound, |

| | |and mechanical energy. |

|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|electrical energy |Conduct conversion activities with lights, bells and machines powered by |How is electrical energy produced and transformed to other forms |

|transformed |electrical sources |of energy? |

| | | |

|converted | | |

|source of energy | | |

|mechanical energy | | |

|sound energy | | |

|light energy | | |

|electromagnetic energy | | |

|conservation energy | | |

| | | |

Standard 4: Physical Setting

Key Idea 4: Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

Performance Indicator 4.4 Observe and describe properties of sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|4.4e Electrical circuits provide a means of transferring electrical |Explain how electrical circuits operate. |Diagram a simple circuit |

|energy. | |Explain how an electrical circuit works |

| | | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|Electrical circuits | | |

| |Design and build a circuit. |How is electricity transfered by a circuit? |

|Conductor |. | |

|Insulator | | |

| | | |

|Current | | |

|Switch | | |

Standard 4: Physical Setting

Key Idea 4: Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

Performance Indicator 4.4 Observe and describe properties of sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|4.4f Without touching them, material that has been electrically | |Define electrically charged. |

|charged attracts uncharged material, and may either attract or repel |Explain how an object becomes electrically charged. |Predict the behavior of charged and uncharged materials. |

|other charged material. |Explain the behavior of like and unlike charged materials. | |

| |Describe how an object becomes positively or negatively changed. | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|electrically charged | | |

|attract |Conduct investigations with charged materials. |Why does an electrically charged material attract or repel other |

|repel | |materials? |

| | | |

|static electricity | | |

|negatively charged | | |

|positively charged | | |

Standard 4: Physical Setting

Key Idea 4: Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved.

Performance Indicator 4.4 Observe and describe properties of sound, light, magnetism, and electricity.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

|4.4g Without direct contact, a magnet attracts certain materials and |Describe the properties of a magnet and how a magnet works. |Differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic materials. |

|either attracts or repels other magnets. The attractive force of a |Describe that like poles of a magnet will repel and unlike are attracted.|Predict which materials would be attracted by a magnet. |

|magnet is greatest at its poles. | |Given the poles of two different magnets predict if they would be |

| | |attracted or repelled. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|magnet | | |

|attractive force |Design experiments to test the attractive forces of magnets with other |Why does a magnet attact certain materials? |

|poles |materials. |Why does a magnet either attract or repel other magnets? |

| |Test the attractive/repulsive forces of the poles of two magnets. | |

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Standard 5: Physical Settings

Key Idea 5: Energy and matter interact through forces that result in changes in motion.

Performance Indicator 5.2: Observe, describe, and compare effects of forces (gravity, electric current, and magnetism) on the motion of objects.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|5.2b Electric currents and magnets can exert a force on each other. |Compare and contrast electricity and magnetism. |Compare and contrast an electromagnet to a permanent magnet. |

| |Explain how electric currents and magnets interact? |Identify the parts of an electromagnet. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|electric current | | |

|magnets |Have students bring a compass near a current carrying wire and record |How is electricity and magnetism related? |

| |their observations | |

|attraction | | |

|repulsion |Have students create an electromagnet. Record observations of design and| |

|electromagnetism |behavior with and without a current applied | |

|electromagnets | | |

|electric motor |Have students experiment to determine how they can make their | |

|generator |electromagnet stronger. | |

| | | |

| |Show students an actual motor. Explain using the basis of their | |

| |electromagnets how a motor works. | |

Standard 4: Physical Settings

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1: Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|3.1a Substances have characteristic properties. Some of these |Describe the physical properties of various substances. |Distinguish substances based on their different properties. |

|properties include color, odor, phase at room temperature, density, | |Identify the properties based on observations and classifications |

|solubility, heat and electrical conductivity, hardness, and boiling and | |criteria. |

|freezing points. | |Classify various substances based on their properties. |

| | |Compare the properties or difference in properties of various |

| | |substances. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| | | |

|color |Conduct tests to identify whether substances/objects have specific |How can substances be identified? |

|odor |properties. | |

|phase |Observe and list the properties of various substances. | |

|density |Construct a chart or table to identify and categorize various | |

|solubility |substances. | |

|heat conductivity |Conduct investigations to identify unknown substances. | |

|electrical conductivity | | |

|hardness | | |

|boiling point | | |

|freezing point | | |

|substance | | |

| | | |

|melting point | | |

|malleability | | |

Standard 4: Physical Settings

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1: Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|3.1d Gases have neither a determined shape nor a definite volume. |Define a gas based on the characteristics of shape and volume. |Identify which substances act like gases based on behavior of their |

|Gases assume the shape and volume of a closed container. |Explain the behavior of molecules in a gas. |molecules. |

| | |Define a gas based on the behavior of its molecules in an enclosed |

| | |container. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|gases | | |

|volume |Inflate balloons with different sizes and shapes |How can gases be defined? |

| |Demonstrate displacement of water with gases | |

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Standard 4: Physical Settings

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1: Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|3.1e A liquid has definite volume, but takes the shape of a |Define a liquid based on the characteristics of shape and volume. |Identify substances as liquids based on the behavior of the molecules. |

|container. |Explain the behavior of molecules of a liquid. |Define a liquid based on the behavior of its molecules in an enclosed |

| | |container. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|liquid | | |

| |Demonstrate how the same volume of liquids can take on various shapes |How can liquids be defined? |

| |Demonstrate the behavior of liquids under various conditions (fluidity, | |

| |saturated, unsaturated). | |

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Standard 4: Physical Settings

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1: Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|3.1f A solid has definite shape and volume. Particles resist a |Define a solid based on the characteristics of shape and volume. |Identify substances as solids based on the behavior of their molecules. |

|change in position. |Explain the behavior of molecules in a solid. |Define a solid based on the behavior of the molecules. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|solid | | |

| |Display and describe various forms of solids. |How can solids be defined? |

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Standard 4: Physical Settings

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its reactivity.

Performance Indicator 3.1: Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility.

|Major Understandings |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|3.1g Characteristic properties can be used to identify different |Explain how substances in a mixture can be separated based on their |Define the characteristic of a mixture. |

|materials, and separate a mixture of substances into its components. |identified properties. |Identify substances that are mixtures. |

|For example, iron can be removed from a mixture by means of a magnet. |Construct the definition of a mixture. |Explain how certain substances in various mixtures can be separated. |

|An insoluble substance can be separated from a soluble substance by such| | |

|processes as filtration, settling, and evaporation. | | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|mixture | | |

|iron |Conduct investigations in filtration, settling, evaporation, sieving, |How are mixtures made? |

|magnet |and magnetism, to separate substances in mixtures. |What are the characteristics of mixtures? |

|insoluble | | |

|soluble | | |

|filtration | | |

|settling | | |

|evaporation | | |

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Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 2: Many phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

State Performance Indicator 2.1: Explain how the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and lithosphere (land), interact, evolve, and change.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|2.1a Nearly all the atmosphere is confined to a thin shell |Describe the layers of the atmosphere and their distinct properties. |Identify the specific layer of the atmosphere where most weather |

|surrounding Earth. The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, including | |occurs. |

|nitrogen and oxygen with small amounts of water vapor, carbon dioxide,| |Identify the layers of the atmosphere and their distinct |

|and other trace gases. The atmosphere is stratified into layers, each| |properties. |

|having distinct properties. Nearly all weather occurs in the lowest | |Define and describe the atmosphere. |

|layer of the atmosphere. | |Compare the thickness of the atmosphere to the diameter of the |

| | |Earth. |

|Vocabulary/Visuals |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|atmosphere (2.1) | | |

|lithosphere (2.1) |Make a pie graph showing the varying percentages of the different gases, |What is the atmosphere and what it is composition? (Science 6) |

|hydrosphere (2.1) |which make up the atmosphere. |Why is the atmosphere divided into layers? |

|gases / trace gases |Show the students a visual of the land, water, and atmosphere with arrows | |

|nitrogen |indicating the gas exchanges that take place between living organisms and | |

|water vapor |their environment. | |

|carbon dioxide |Make a chart showing the four distinct layers of the atmosphere, listing | |

|oxygen |the properties of each, and showing their depth relationships. | |

|stratified |Discuss recent scientific concerns about the Ozone layer, ultraviolet | |

|layers |rays, and the greenhouse effect. Have the students do some research about| |

|weather |these topics. | |

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|altitude (2.1b) ozone (7.2d) | | |

|air pressure (2.1b) | | |

|temperature (2.2l) | | |

|ultraviolet rays/light (4.4a) | | |

|greenhouse effect/gases (2.2r) | | |

Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 2: Many phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

Performance Indicator 2.1: Explain how the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and lithosphere (land), interact, evolve, and change.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|2.1c The rock at Earth’s surface forms a nearly continuous shell around|Describe th location of the lithosphere as the solid rock at the | |

|Earth called the lithosphere. |Earth’s surface [Tectonic Plates (2.2e)]. | |

| |Describe the composition of the lithosphere as solid rock . | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

| |Show visuals of the Earth, to distinguish the lithosphere, from the | |

|rock |hydrosphere and atmosphere. |What is the lithosphere ? |

|lithosphere |Intgrate with 2.2e |What is the composition of lithosphere? |

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|hydrosphere (2.1j) | | |

|atmosphere (2.1j) | | |

|mantle (2.2e) | | |

|crust (2.2e) | | |

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Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 2: Many phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

State Performance Indicator 2.1: Explain how the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and lithosphere (land), interact, evolve, and change.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|2.1d The majority of the lithosphere is covered by a relatively thin |Identify and describe the lithosphere and hydrosphere. | |

|layer of water called the hydrosphere. |Describe the location of the lithosphere and the hydrosphere (students | |

| |should describe that the lithosphere exist under the oceans). | |

| |Indicate what proportion/percentage of Earth is covered by water. | |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|lithosphere | | | |

|hydrosphere | |Give the students a picture/model that includes details such as a rock,|What are the hydrosphere and lithosphere and what is their |

| | |clouds, a glacier, a river, etc. Have them indicate which are |relationship to the Earth’s surface? |

|oceans (2.2a) | |lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. | |

|ocean currents (ES) | |Give the students a drawing of the globe and have them color the | |

|continents (2.2d) | |lithosphere and the hydrosphere. Have them estimate what the | |

| | |portion/percentage of the Earth is water. | |

| | |Construct a pie graph of the portion of the Earth’s surface that is | |

| | |covered by the hydrosphere and lithosphere. | |

Standard 4: The Physical Setting

Key Idea 2: Many phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among components of air, water, and land.

State Performance Indicator 2.1: Explain how the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), and lithosphere (land), interact, evolve, and change.

|Major Understanding |Performance Objectives |Suggested Assessment |

| | | |

|2.1j Water circulates through the atmosphere, lithosphere, and |Explain the processes involved in the water cycle. |Identify and explain the stages of the water cycle. |

|hydrosphere in what is known as the water cycle. |Explain the importance of the water cycle. | |

| | |Describe the major processes of the water cycle. |

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|Vocabulary |Suggested Activities |Conceptual Questions |

|circulates | | | |

|atmosphere | | |How is water cycled through the Earth’s lithosphere, hydrosphere and |

|lithosphere | |Model the processes of the water cycle. |atmosphere? |

|hydrosphere | | | |

|water cycle | | | |

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|condensation (2.3a) | | | |

|evaporation (2.3a) | | | |

|precipitation | | | |

|water vapor (2.2r) | | | |

|runoff (ES) | | | |

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