Judson Independent School District

Wortham Oaks Elementary, Judson ISD-Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary-140350416560Data Sources Reviewed STAAR data from SY 2018-2019Universal Screen data from SY 2018-2019CBA data from SY 2018-2019Surveys (staff, parents, and students) 00Data Sources Reviewed STAAR data from SY 2018-2019Universal Screen data from SY 2018-2019CBA data from SY 2018-2019Surveys (staff, parents, and students) School Year: 2019-2020310959569850PEIMS DataDemographics, Technology, Staff Development, Parent InvolvementI-Station ReadingI-Station Mathematics00PEIMS DataDemographics, Technology, Staff Development, Parent InvolvementI-Station ReadingI-Station MathematicsArea ReviewedSummary of StrengthsWhat were the identified strengths?Summary of NeedsWhat were the identified needs? PrioritiesWhat are the priorities for the campus, including how federal and state program funds will be used? DemographicsEnrollment: 310Our demographics are as follows:White: 78%Hispanic: 54%Economically Disadvantaged: 41%African American: 22%Asian: 6%American Indian/Akn: 2%Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 1%LEP: 9%SPED: 12%Wortham will have a diverse population. Student to teacher ratios will be reasonable and manageable allowing for more effective instructional opportunitiesAttendance Rate is at 96.07%, improvement needed in student attendance. Staff attendance rate is at 92.67% much improvements is needed. JISD set a goal of a 1% percentage pt. attendance rate increase-we will strive for this improvement in 2019-2020.WOW does not have migrant students currently. 1.3% of students are recent immigrants. WOW has 7 homeless students.Increase the amount of incentive programs to help improve student attendance. Celebrate perfect attendance every 9 weeks by providing incentives. Find additional strategies of communicating with students and their families the importance of coming to school every day. Student AchievementSTAAR Data:3rd Grade Math: 97%3rd Grade Reading: 97%4th Grade Math: 87%4th Grade Reading: 77%4th Grade Writing: 71%5th Grade Math: 100%5th Grade Reading: 85%5th Grade Science: 84%STAAR Scores at the Meets/Masters levels:3rd Grade Math: 74% Meets; 41% Masters3rd Grade Reading: 62% Meets; 32% Masters4th Grade Math: 56% Meets; 38% Masters4th Grade Reading: 51% Meets; 28% Masters4th Grade Writing: 53% Meets; 21% MastersMay 2019?Reading?I-Station: (EOY)Kinder: Tier I: 68%????????????? Tier II: 20%????????????? Tier III: 12%??1st:??????? Tier I: 60%????????????? Tier II: 33%????????????? Tier III: 7%2nd:????? Tier I: 87%????????????? Tier II: 4%????????????? Tier III: 9%Istation Spanish (EOY)Kinder: Tier I: 83%????????????? Tier II: 17%????????????? Tier III: 0%?1st:??????? Tier I: 75%????????????? Tier II: 12%????????????? Tier III: 12%Math-?I-Station: (EOY) ENGLISH ONLYKinder: Tier I: 73%????????????? Tier II: 16%????????????? Tier III: 11%?1st:??????? Tier I: 79%????????????? Tier II: 18%????????????? Tier III: 3%2nd:????? Tier I: 85%????????????? Tier II: 13%????????????? Tier III: 2%STAAR performance data demonstrates a critical need to increase student achievement in Writing, Reading, and ScienceIncrease levels of advanced or masters scores on all STAAR assessments. There are low numbers of advanced/masters level scores in all subjects and in all grade levels.Staff development on RTI to include behavior RTI, Writing, Science, Readers/Writers Workshop, Balanced Literacy to include Phonics, Guided Reading, and Close Reading PD. Differentiation of Instruction (ELL, TAG, Spec Ed).Collaboration between 3rd & 4th Grade teachers to vertically plan writing lessons to include TREES strategy.Increase amount of writing in classrooms PK-5; implement Grammar Keepers, DOL, and Jeff Anderson strategies in grades 1-5; SCE pull-out support for all students, to include students who are at-risk in both reading, math, and Science.Implement science camp (off campus) and science mini boot-camps (on campus) to target specific SE’sFacilitate planning to ensure that lessons/activities are aligned to the TEKS across all content areasInitiate camp invention in the summer for students coming into 4th and 5th grade (next summer with Title I funding)Homework – 1st -5th grade math homework will be strategically planned so that it provides ongoing spiral review and targets specific areas of weakness.1st -5th grade reading homework will be strategically planned so that it target specific metacognitive strategies and areas of weakness.Extended Day Program – After-school tutoring will begin in January 2020 for math, reading, and writing for at-risk students. School Culture and ClimateAccording to survey results: More than 100% of Wortham Oaks newly appointed staff feel welcome and appreciated; 100% of staff feel strong collaboration exists between admin and teachers at this point; There is strong communication with all stakeholders- As of 5/2019 WOW Facebook page has 458 followers, 113 have visited the page in the last 28 days, and 438 liked the Facebook page.According to student survey results: 81.1% said they like their school 93% said they feel safe at school. 89% said that if they report unsafe or dangerous behavior, they are sure that it will be taken care of. 95% said that their teachers believe that all students will do well in school. 91% said their teachers treat them fairly. According to parents survey yielded the following strengths:Parents trust the information they receive from the campus 94% Administrators are willing to listen. 98%Teachers keep parents informed. 95%Parents feel welcomed at the school. 98%Parents feel like it’s a safe school. 97%Students are getting a good education. 98%According to survey results:Students are concerned with bullying on the campus Continue to build on the collaboration, communication, and mutual support between staff and administration.Parent survey results noted the need for school rules to be enforced consistently and commented on how behaviors are handled in the classroom--including recognition of positive behaviors and reporting to parents of “victims” of incidents. Parent survey results noted that communication needs to be more timely and varied (internet vs. paper) Teachers would like to see a campus wide discipline plan put into place--with more training. Improve WOW website page and teacher websites, only 78% of parents feel that WOW website is informativeContinue improving parent communication by sending Broken Arrow reminder calls and Facebook entriesIncrease classroom guidance; find different ways to recognize staff for accomplishments and hard work; continue work with Discipline Committee to improve student behavior through the development of the Leader In Me habits.Guidance Counselor will Increase the amount of regularly scheduled counseling classes that focus on character education and positive behavior.Anti-bullying campaign that will educate teachers, staff and students on how to handle bullying situations.Within the classroom setting, build the teacher/student and student/student relationships by having class meetings and team building activities.Train teachers on Leader in Me, our campus discipline plan, and provide professional development on stimulating positive behaviors; as well as Interventions that can be utilized to promote acceptable classroom and school behavior. Increase the amount of information given on classroom websites to include homework, schedule, and grade level’s curriculum focus; post news, events (past/present), updates on WOW Facebook page; update parent compacts(Title I requirement)Staff Quality/ Professional Development100% of staff is Highly Qualified;K-1st grade teachers received Guided Reading training through Scholastic.Several teachers will attend GT training this summer; bought a new reading intervention program to be utilized during RtI reading called Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI); new teachers are mentored by a grade level and campus representative. Several teachers are seeking ESL certification.PD on new reading adoption, PD on writing and science STAAR PD on differentiationProvide PD on raising the level of achievement of all students, especially, SPEC ED, ELL, TAGPD on behavior management and strategies, mentoring new teachers.PD on integration of technology in the classroom Ex. (GoogleDocs/Classrm)Staff development on TTESS and walkthroughs. Aligning instruction with objective posted, including the TEK and Readiness/Supporting standard identified.Checking for Understanding and Questioning – dominant cognitive level of questioning is in the lower levels of bloom’s remembering, understanding, and applying (authentic vs. ritual)Problem Solving with use of a unified grade-level problem solving process (SOAR, SELFIE, CUP) etc.Authentic Student Engagement Authentic journal entries with reflections and extension of learning across all content areas.Academic language consistent across the grade-levels.PD in reading, writing, science, and math; PD in integration of technology (iPads, Chromebooks, Genius Hour, Google to support all subjects); PD for behavior RTI students; PD for at-risk students on a variety of RTI topics and content areas; Perform instructional learning walks that allow teachers to analyze student work and alignment to the TEKS; Implement teacher mentoring program on our campus; Implement Leader In Me habits campus wide; Initiate monthly writing camps; Increase teacher knowledge of the TTESS evaluation tool and goals/objectives of walkthroughs.Increase checking for understanding and cognitive questioning in higher levels of bloom’s taxonomy: analyze, evaluate, and create.Continue professional learning communities (PLC) that focus on the following:The math TEKS and problem solving Reading Comprehension, metacognitive strategies and genre study through the use of the reader’s workshop model.Science- implementation of STEM Scopes (to be done routinely and with fidelity across all grade-levels)RTI GISTS driven by student data Curriculum, Instruction, AssessmentWith the district’s adoption of the TEKS Resources curriculum, our instruction is now vertically aligned in math, science and social studies.Our campus will be implement guided reading, as a way to meet student’s individual needs both RTI and enrichment. Great STAAR scores in grades 3-5 at the approaches level; advanced/masters level scores in math and reading in grades 3-5 has increased/decreased significantly, 15-20 percentage points in mathematics and 10 percentage points in reading; More detailed and aligned curriculum for reading and writing.District is working on this nowContinue to develop understanding of TEKS, including the student expectation and knowledge statement. Continue to develop understanding readiness and supporting standards in reading, math, writing and science.Purchase writing materials specifically designed to aid students in composition and revising/editing lessons. Reading materials to assist in intervention programs that aid in the area of phonics, comprehension, vocabulary and fluency. Also, materials related to helping students obtain meets and masters levels on STAAR Math fact fluency and mental math resources to grow these skills in lower grades.Campus wide professional development on reader’s and writer’s workshop and guided math and reading.Librarian/Media Center teacher to collaborate with general education teachers on research projects and providing lessons on metacognitive strategies and genre studies that align with our Reader’s Workshop curriculum.In order to promote vertical alignment, professional learning communities will continue meeting through the content committees who will meet monthly to review, collaborate and discuss the TEKS (Readiness/Supporting) for each content area.Utilize I-Station Reading and Math, the online intervention for reading and math, to provide a supplementary intervention curriculum for both subject areas.Resources and PD for teachers in WritingResources for advanced reading skills for differentiationResources to provide more fluency in Math facts and mental mathFunding for after-school tutoring and mini science campsRTI Facilitator will evaluate/analyze the RTI program; students will be closely monitored to ensure interventions are provided with fidelity; Display exemplary student work aiming for alignment.Family and Community InvolvementParent surveys for input about school experienceOpen HouseMeet the TeacherWatch DogsPre-K/Kinder Round-UpTexas Public Schools WeekScience CampBike RodeoPTO MeetingsSite Based Decision Making CommitteeCommunity Mentor PartnershipCareer DayCoffee with the CounselorK-5th Science Day and NightChoir/Instrument EnsembleReading RestaurantAuthors TeaBook FairMath MarathonFall CarnivalFiesta NightRoboticsTeachers Support Bus Safety (teachers riding PM buses)Choir PerformancesBilingual/Dual Parent EventsBuild partnerships around the greater San Antonio community to assist in parent involvement events and provide students with resourcesOngoing parent information events.Staff/Community understanding of SBDM process and its impact on student achievement.Parent training for utilizing online resources such as Parent Center and district/school website.Grow parent involvement nights to include events targeting participation of specific sub-pops (ex. bilingual night)Initiate parent volunteer opportunitiesIncrease number of automated Broken Arrow reminder callsContinue the implementation of the WOW Facebook pageDevelop a true community partnership.Parent information sessions for STAAR readiness standards and updates.Staff training on SBDM and the impact on student achievement.Offer session for parent to train on Parent Center, district/school website and resources in the community to access the internet (if not available in the home).Use funding to support and increase parent involvement opportunities.Open computer labs during parent involvement nights to promote increase participation of parent center as well as volunteer training. Continue- Watch D.O.G Program. School Context and OrganizationWeekly Broken Arrow connect call, emails and text messages by administration Strong SBDMC and grade level chairs. PTOLego Robotics TeamChoir/Instrument EnsembleMusic MemoryWOW TVBattle of BooksGarden ClubMorning ShowSports Club (Extended Day)Art Club (Extended Day)Science Club (Extended Day)Camp Invention- (Summer)Safety PatrolsNEHSStudent CouncilContinue to grow teachers into master teachers by providing opportunities to lead initiatives, attend PD, support higher educationCampus newsletters, twice a year or once every 9 weeks to recap events, curriculum timelines, etc.Consistent use of teacher websites as a communication tool for parents and the community.Optimizing instructional time throughout grade levels.Not enough structured time to collaborate regarding teaching and munication to parents needs to be timely and consistent.Recognize staff members and celebrate successesReduce paper work for staff to the maximum extent possibleImplement WOW Newspaper (4x per year)Inform and engage with Wortham Oaks Elementary School students and their families, staff, residents by posting news on the WOW Facebook pageProvide professional development on parent communication and getting “Parents On Your Side”.Utilize teacher websites as a form of communication for parents and community members.Specials schedules created around instructional schedules.Beginning of the year: all specials programs collaborate with grade levels regarding student expectations, student needs/information, review of IEP/BIP’s with teams (dyslexia, RTI, etc.).TechnologyBuilt in projectors and document cameras/ELMOs in all classrooms; iPads; Mobi; Chromebooks available for checkout in the Library; Smart board in music classroomI-Station Reading, Istation Math and Accelerated Reader Reading Online reading program Interactive white boards per grade level pod. Broadcast televisionImplement iPad integration to support instruction (device and applications)Implement Chromebook integration to support instruction (device and applications)Provide functional-quality headphones for all students to use in the computer labsIntegrating technology across the core curriculumProfessional development on how to integrate technology into the core curriculum and online learning.Professional development on utilizing free web-based technology such as Audacity Tool, Web Tools 2.0, and Back Tunneling, Google Docs to enhance student ELA skills including fluency, vocabulary building, and comprehension.Student headphones for x-tendas in all classroomsProvide PD for Chromebook integration; Increase the number of Smart boards to support instructionImplement the All in Learning program to facilitate data driven decision making ................

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