Blank District Improvement Plan

Tom Bean Elementary

Campus Improvement Plan

2018 - 2019

(Approved on December 17,2018 –Tom Bean ISD Board of Trustees)

Legal References

Each school year, the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, shall develop, review, and revise the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations, including students in special education programs under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, with respect to the student achievement indicators adopted under Section 39.051 and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations. (Section 11.253 of the Texas Education Code)

Mission Statement

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

A Comprehensive Needs Assessment was conducted with the Committee.

|Participants in Attendance | |

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|Patrice Counts, Principal |c] |

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|Lisa Courtney, Dean of Students | |

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|Christy Clark, Kindergarten Teacher | |

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|Jeff Brummett, Special Education Teacher | |

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|Rhonda Hunter, Elementary Cafeteria Manager | |

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|Dana Roh, Fifth Grade Teacher | |

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|Tammy Low, Community Member | |

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|Stephanie Welch, Parent Representative | |

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|Allen Tillett, Business Representative | |

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|Schelli Lusk, Elementary Physical Education Teacher | |

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|Katelynn Presley, First Grade Teacher | |

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|Mellisa Jones, Fifth Grade Teacher | |

Comprehensive Needs Assessment


Demographics Summary

Tom Bean Elementary is a rural elementary school located in North Texas. Among the 286 students enrolled in the 2017 – 2018, 52% were classified economically disadvantaged and 22 % were classified at-risk students. TBE received ‘Met Standard’ accountability rating from the Texas Education Agency. The average student to teacher ratio is 13:1. The average years of teaching experience is 13.8. The attendance rate is 97%.

Demographic Strengths

*Student to teacher ratio of 13:1

*Campus specialized support staff includes Dean of Students, Reading Interventionist and Math Interventionist

*Low teacher turnover rate

*51% of TBE staff live in Tom Bean, Texas

*High quality Pre-Kindergarten program including parent involvement, Kindergarten readiness assessments, highly

effective teachers and highly qualified paraprofessionals in full day Pre-Kindergarten classrooms

Demographic Needs

*High Special Education and 504 student population (Goal 1, Pgs 21-24)

*High economically disadvantaged population and at-risk population with few opportunities for educational support at

home (Goal 6, Pgs 34-36)

*High economically disadvantaged population and at-risk population with few real world cultural opportunities (Goal 1, Pg 21-24; Goal 6, Pg 34-36)

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Student Achievement

Student Achievement Summary

All schools in Texas must meet standards set in four state accountability areas. The top three scores are averaged together providing the campus overall rating and score. For the 2017- 2018 school year, Tom Bean Elementary met these standards:

STAAR Performance Report

|Student Achievement |

|2017-2018 |

|Approaches |Meets |Masters |

|86% |47% |18% |

On the 2018 STAAR Test, the following scores by grade levels show the percentage at approaches grade level, meets grade level and masters grade level.

All Students Grades 3 - 5

|STAAR |Math |Reading |Writing |Science |

| |2017-2018 |2017-2018 |2017-2018 |2017-2018 |

| |% Met Standard |% Met Standard |% Met Standard |% Met Standard |

| | | | | |

|Jessica Adams |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Kristi Ellis |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Tabethia Griffin |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Randa Hamilton |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Vicki Highlander |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Cynthia Howland |Elementary |Intervention Teacher |SCE |1.0 |

|Mellisa Jones |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Penny Lacy |Elementary |Intervention Teacher |SCE |1.0 |

|Tammy Low |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Billy McCoy |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Lisa McGraw |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Dixie Pauler |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Katelynn Presley |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Dana Roh |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Rebecca Shires |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

|Brianna Smith |Elementary |Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher |SCE |.0625 |

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|Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher | | | | |

|Reading/Math Enrichment Teacher | | | | |

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|Intervention Teacher | | | | |

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|Intervention Teacher | | | | |

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|State Comp Ed |Budget for Elementary Campus Improvement Plan: | |

| | | |

|Account Function |Account Object |Budget |

|11-Instruction |6100 - Salaries |$127,699 |

| |6300 - Supplies |$5,400 |

| |6600 – Capital Outlay |$2,400 |

| |Program 24, 26, 28, 29, 30 and 34 Total |$135,499 |

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Title 1 School-Wide Components

1. Comprehensive needs assessment.

2. School-wide reform strategies that are based on scientifically based research.

3. Instruction by highly qualified staff.

4. High-quality and on-going professional development.

5. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-needs schools.

6. Strategies to increase parental involvement.

7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs.

8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments.

9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance.

10. Coordination and integration of federal, state and local services and programs.

Goal 1: Tom Bean Elementary will work to maintain a Met Standard, A Rating with Academic Distinctions in Science, Math, Reading/ELA and Student Progress by improving overall student scores for 2018-2019.

Objective 1: By May 2019, a 5 -15% increase will occur in the academic performance and scores on all STAAR Tests among all students and performance groups.

Summative Evaluation: 5-15% increase of all students passing all portions of the state tests, meet ARD expectations, and the Campus will meet AYP. Additionally, 10% increase of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade economically disadvantaged students at the Meets Grade Level or Masters Grade Level Standards.

|All Subjects |All Students |AA |H |W |AI |

|2016-2017 | | | | | |

|Address relevancy of information taught and |1, 2, 3, 9 |Campus Site Based Decision | October |Local & State funds, |Improved nine weeks grades, Improved STAAR |

|insure both vertically and horizontally | |Making Team, |February |SCE ($2,200) |scores, Reduced failure rate |

|aligned curriculum emphasizing Critical | |Principal, |May | | |

|Thinking Skills Applications using vertical | |Curriculum Director | | | |

|alignment meetings, PLCs and data | | | | | |

|disaggregation to evaluate effective | | | | | |

|instructional strategies. | | | | | |

| Provide intervention for at-risk students to|1, 2, 9 |Reading and Math |October |Local & funds, |Improved nine weeks grades, Improved STAAR |

|ensure academic success through extended | |Interventionists, Principal, |December |SCE ($98,740) |scores, Reduced failure rate, Reduced Sp. Ed. |

|learning opportunities such as tutoring, | |Learning Lab tutors, |March | |referrals; Progress Monitoring data on campus |

|individualized /small group learning sessions | |SpEd/ESL Teacher |May | |assessments |

|and appropriate modifications/accommodations | | | | | |

|for daily 504/SpEd/ESL curriculum activities | | | | | |

|Provide teachers the opportunity to create |1, 2, 8 |Classroom teachers, Principal|October |State & Local funds |Improved nine weeks grades, improved STAAR and|

|campus assessments, teacher observations, | | |December | |Primary Reading Inventory scores, Reduced |

|performance assessments and benchmarks to | | |March | |failure rate |

|monitor student progress on TEKS/STAAR | | |May | | |

|objectives targeting Core subjects | | | | | |

|Provide opportunities for participation in |1, 3, 4, 10 |Classroom teachers, |August |Local & State funds, |Improved instructional strategies and student |

|teacher/coordinator trainings and workshops in| |Principal, |- |Region 10 ESC, Title II |success |

|both on site and off site settings targeting | |504 Coordinator, |July |Part A | |

|core subjects, data analysis, assessment | |Curriculum Director | | | |

|tools, | | | | | |

|Technology and procedures | | | | | |

|Provide a highly effective teacher & |1, 9 |Dyslexia teacher, |October |Local & State funds, |Improved nine weeks grades, Improved STAAR |

|supplemental programs for students identified | |Principal |December |SCE |scores & Primary Reading Inventory scores, |

|as dyslexic incorporating appropriate | | |March | |Reduced failure rate |

|modifications for curriculum activities | | |May | | |

|(Scottish Rite Curriculum & EdMark) | | | | | |

|Provide a highly effective teacher & |1, 9, 10 |Classroom teachers, |September |Local & State funds |Improved STAAR scores, Increased Accomplished |

|enrichment activities for students identified | |GT Services, |February | |performance on STAAR, Increased Tier 1 |

|as gifted and talented and accomplished | |Principal |May | |performance on Primary Reading Inventories |

|students that provide real world connections | | | | | |

|and enrichment activities | | | | | |

|Provide campus assessments for grades PK – 2 |1, 7, 8, 9 |Classroom teachers, Reading |September |Local & State funds, SCE |Improved middle of the year and end of the |

|to determine reading and math readiness and | |and Math Interventionist, |January | |year reading and math readiness and growth |

|growth (CIRCLE, iSIP, HMH Math, Released state| |Principal |May | |scores |

|assessments, campus curriculum/TRS | | | | | |

|assessments) | | | | | |

|Provide extended year services during Summer |1, 2, 9 |Summer School teachers, |September |Local & State funds, |Reduced failure rate, better performance |

|School for struggling students | |Principal |February |SCE, |during following school year |

| | | |May |SSI | |

|Provide inclusion techniques to help Special |1, 2, 9, 10 |SpEd. and Classroom |September |Local & State Funds, SpEd.|Improved nine weeks grades, Improved STAAR |

|Education students achieve at grade level with| |teachers, Inclusion |February |Funds ($300) |scores |

|the use of interactive classroom technologies | |Specialist, |May | | |

| | |Principal | | | |

|Insure 96% student attendance rate by all |1, 2, 9, 10 |Classroom Teachers, Parents, |Monthly |Local & State funds, |Improved nine weeks grades, Improved STAAR |

|student groups, targeting at-risk and | |School Secretary, | |SCE, |scores & Primary Readiness scores, reduced |

|economically disadvantaged groups in all grade| |Principal | |High Quality Pre-K Grant |failure rate, improved attendance rate |

|levels, through teacher/administrator | | | | | |

|attendance tracking methods, school/parent | | | | | |

|communication, and special student | | | | | |

|recognitions/celebrations | | | | | |

|Provide 30 minute Daily Enrichment period for |1, 2, 9 |Classroom teachers, Principal|September |Local & State funds, |Improved STAAR scores & Primary Readiness |

|students at-risk, economically disadvantaged, | | |February |SCE |scores, Increased Accomplished Performance on |

|accomplished and all student groups | | |May | |STAAR |

|Students will increase Meets and Masters grade|1, 2, 8, 9 |Classroom Teachers, Reading |October |Local & State funds, |Observations, |

|level scores on STAAR in Reading, Math, | |and Math Interventionist, |December |SCE, |Walk-throughs, |

|Writing & Science by 5 to 15%, including all | |SpEd Teacher, |March |Region 10 ESC |Student feedback, |

|economically disadvantaged students provided | |Inclusion Specialist, |May | |Unit Assessments, |

|through a rich curriculum that includes real | |Curriculum Director, | | |Data analysis, |

|world connections, differentiated instruction | |Principal | | |STAAR scores |

|techniques and enrichment activities and | | | | | |

|assessments through Targeted Instructional | | | | | |

|Planning (TIP), TEKS Resource System, Unit | | | | | |

|Tests/ Assessments/Cam-pus Assessments | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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Goal 2: In Tom Bean Elementary 100% of core academic classes will be taught by state certified teachers and 100% highly effective staff will be maintained.

Objective 1: 100% of core academic classes will be taught by state certified teachers and 100% of paraprofessionals with instructional duties will meet ESSA requirements. The LEA will recruit and retain highly qualified teachers.

Summative Evaluation: 100% of core academic classes will be taught by state certified teachers and 100% highly effective staff will be maintained.

| |% Classes taught by |% State Certified |% Highly Qualified |

|Data 2017-2018 |State Certified Teachers |Teachers |Paraprofessionals |

| |100% |100% |100% |

|Activity/Strategy |Title 1 Schoolwide |Person(s) Responsible | |Resources |Formative Evaluation |

| |Components | |Timeline | | |

|Monitor the effectiveness of teachers with |2, 3, 5 |Principal |September |Local & State funds |School Objects T-TESS data that indicates |

|regular classroom observations and frequent | | |- | |high-level of hyper monitoring and data, |

|walk-throughs and provide teachers with | | |April | |fostering student success. |

|instructional feedback | | | | | |

|Provide meaningful, scientific, research-based |3, 4, 5 |Principal, |August |Local & State funds, |Increased student performance on campus |

|professional development for all teachers, | |Curriculum Director |- |Region 10 ESC, |assessments & state assessments, Effective |

|coordinators, and paraprofessionals based on the| | |May |Title II Part A |staff development with teacher input based on|

|needs of Title I school-wide programs both on | | | | |survey responses |

|site and off site, including technology | | | | | |

|Provide meaningful, scientific, research-based |3, 4, 5, 8 |Principal, Curriculum Director|August | Local & State funds, |Increased student performance on campus |

|professional development for new teachers on | | |- |Region 10 ESC, Title II |assessments & state assessments |

|curriculum and assessment tools | | |May |Part A | |

|Actively recruit state certified teachers, |5 |Principal |August |Local & State funds, |100% core academic classes taught by state |

|professionals and highly qualified | | |- |Region 10 ECS |certified teachers, |

|paraprofessionals through advertising on our | | |May | |100% highly qualified Paraprofessionals |

|district website, physical postings and the | | | | |meeting ESSA requirements |

|Region 10 ESC Teacher Job Network | | | | | |

|Develop and implement highly effective |3, 5, 8 |Principal, Teachers |August |Local & State Funds, Region|100% core academic classes taught by state |

|strategies/activities to maintain highly | | |- |10 ESC |certified teachers, 100% highly qualified |

|effective staff, including | | |May | |paraprofessionals meet ESSA requirements |

|mentoring teachers, grade level planning | | | | | |

|sessions, vertical alignment planning | | | | | |

|sessions | | | | | |

|Promote a climate and working environment that |3, 5 |Principal, Teachers, Staff |August |Local Funds, Activity |Low mobility rate among staff, |

|maintains high employee morale. | | |- |account |Faculty survey |

| | | |May | | |

Goal 3: All students in Tom Bean Elementary will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.

Objective 1:   By May 2019 the number of incidents involving violence (to include dating violence), tobacco, alcohol and other drug use, will be reduced to 0% as measured by PEIMS and number of discipline referrals.

Summative Evaluation: There is a reduction in both incidents noted and discipline referrals by the amount stated.

|Data |All Students |

|2017-2018 | |

|Discipline/Incidents | ................

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