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Name_____________________ Campus__________


Embracing a tradition of diverse educational experiences and extensive community partnerships, the Georgetown Independent School District mission is to empower and inspire all students to lead and serve in a global society by creating world class learners and engaged citizens through relevant experiences every day.


The entire GISD ELEMENTARY handbook may be found on the website: . It informs parents and their children about school rules and procedures that have been developed to provide the best learning environment for all students. The information included on this TAKE HOME FOLDER is only part of the GISD Elementary Student Handbook. We share a common goal, a quality education for your child. We can achieve this goal with your help and support. Plan to work and to communicate with us to achieve the maximum benefit for every student. Please read this handbook, the GISD Student Code of Conduct, and the Acceptable Use of Computers Policy very carefully. Then sign the GISD Student Registration form acknowledging that you have received these documents and return the form to your child’s teacher.


Visitors (Parents and/or Friends)

1. All visitors (including parents and volunteers) must first report to the main office, must sign in, present their driver’s license or appropriate identification, and wear a visitor’s badge while in the building. Parents, visitors, and volunteers are not to go directly to the classroom.

2. Students’ friends are not allowed to visit on campus.

3. Unauthorized persons and visitors who cause disturbances or interfere with learning will be subject to prosecution.

4. Classroom parent visits to observe instruction require principal approval.

5. Classroom visitors must not disrupt the learning environment.

Telephone Usage

School telephones are for school business. Students’ telephone access will be limited to illness and emergency usage only.

Students Leaving Campus

A student must have the principal’s permission and MUST BE SIGNED OUT IN THE OFFICE to leave for any reason. A student will not be released from the classroom until his/her parent/guardian has signed him/her out.


Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch. Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child in the cafeteria. The Texas Dept. of Agriculture prohibits the sale or give away of any foods or beverages during lunch periods or during the After School Snack program served during ESE. This policy does not restrict what parents provide for their own child’s lunch or snack but does restrict items to other children at school. For example, a parent cannot provide pizza or soda to any student other than his or her own. ONLY parents/legal guardians may bring lunch for their own child/children. Students and adults may not bring in or give away food to other students during lunch times. You will be asked to dispose of items brought for other students. Non-compliance with these regulations can cost GISD state and federal funding. More information can be viewed at .

Before School

Children must not arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. since no official supervision is scheduled. For parents who go to work early, there is before-school care available through the Extended School Enrichment Centers (ESE) from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. daily.

Children should not enter the classroom before 7:50 a.m. Teachers are preparing for the day. Parents needing to speak to a teacher should call during the teacher’s conference time to make an appointment. Parents can help children learn to be independent by allowing them to walk to classrooms by themselves.

After School

The instructional day ends at 3:00 p.m. Parents should not come to the classroom to pick up a child. Please wait for your child in your car or at the front of the building, not in the hallways by the classrooms. Teachers need to be able to release the students in an orderly fashion and need your cooperation. Parents waiting in hallways and looking in classrooms distract students receiving instructions at the end of the day and hinder teachers from dismissing children in an orderly fashion. All students that walk or ride bicycles home are to leave the school grounds immediately after being released. Do not park cars in or block the bus lanes. Park cars in designated areas only and do not leave cars unattended. Unattended cars create unnecessary delays in pick up and delivery of students and present safety hazards. If picking up your child on time becomes a problem, please make arrangements for childcare after school or for someone else to pick up your child. After-school care is available through the Extended School Enrichment program at each campus. Contact ESE at (512) 943-5087.


Students may ride bicycles to school. Bicycles must be parked in the designated area upon arrival and until school is dismissed. The bicycle should be locked for security. The school assumes no liability on bicycles brought to school.


Students who use school transportation are expected to follow the bus rules outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Georgetown ISD Transportation Department is committed to ensuring the safety of each student. Riding in a District transportation vehicle is a privilege offered to students who reside within the District. All students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver and must obey his or her requests. Procedures and safety rules help ensure the safety and protection of each student. Failure to meet these standards or follow these safety rules and procedures may result in student conflicts or injuries and may also cause delays or distractions to the driver. Any student failing to follow the rules and procedures will receive a Bus Conduct Report that will be turned in by the bus driver to the Director of Transportation. For a student with severe or repeated violations, the Transportation Director and the campus administrator will determine the appropriate disciplinary measures that may include temporary or permanent removal of transportation privileges.


Conduct and discipline are based on the precepts of common sense and courtesy. It is important that the students form positive attitudes toward discipline. For school to be an effective place to learn, a teacher cannot spend a large part of his/her time handling discipline problems. No student will be allowed to disrupt the learning of others. Each teacher has a classroom management plan to insure classrooms are orderly.

The primary goal of discipline is to teach the child the proper way to behave in a school setting. Please read the Student Code of Conduct that outlines the behavior expectations and consequences for disciplinary infractions. Georgetown I.S.D. takes a position of zero tolerance on certain activities including taunting, teasing, bullying and harassment, whether verbal, physical, or emotional. Such behavior may constitute interference with an educational institution, and is strictly prohibited. Parents are responsible for reading and explaining the expected behaviors to their child(ren).


Notification of Child’s Transportation Home

Changes in transportation can be confusing to your child. For any change in the way your child will get home, please send a note to the teacher or call the office as early in the day as possible. Bus changes must be reported through a note to the office. Please include a phone number where a parent can be reached if clarification is needed. Changes called in after 2:00 p.m. are difficult to make. If the teacher or office does not receive official notification of change either by note or phone, the student will go home as usual. Please keep these changes to a minimum to prevent confusion on the part of the student.

Notification of Change of Address or Telephone Number

Parents must notify the school regarding any change of address or telephone number. Parents should also notify the school with changes in phone numbers of alternative emergency contact persons. Should an emergency arise, the school needs to be able to contact the parent or other persons listed as emergency contacts immediately. Persons who falsify records through omissions are subject to prosecution.

Parent Involvement, Responsibilities, and Rights

Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. All parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s education through PTA, volunteerism, and regular communication with school. A booklet, Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities, is available from the school office upon request or on the District website. In order to ensure the safety of our students, Georgetown Independent School District requires all volunteers, PTA volunteers, and mentors to pass criminal history background checks. GISD is authorized by state law to obtain criminal history record information on individuals who intend to serve as volunteers for the district (Texas Education Code 22.083). The volunteer background check form may be completed online at .

Parent-Teacher Conferences

GISD encourages conferences between parents and teachers. In many cases, the teacher will request these conferences. If a parent desires a conference, the parent should send a note, e-mail, or call the teacher’s phone extension for an appointment. Conferences will be held during the teacher’s conference period or before or after school. While the teacher is holding class is not an appropriate time for a conference. Please do not call teachers at home.


Complaints should be directed to the proper individuals at the campus level. The question, concern, or complaint should first be addressed to the teacher or individual involved. If the matter is not resolved, the campus principal may then be contacted. If necessary, matters may then be referred to the Superintendent or designee and then to the Board of Trustees. Policies FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL) outline the District’s complaint procedure and are available in any school office and on the District website.

Bad Weather

On occasions of possible hazardous road conditions, the Superintendent will make a decision whether to delay school starting time, to cancel school, to dismiss classes, or to proceed as usual with school. Parents and students are asked to tune in to local radio or television stations for information should school be canceled, delayed, or dismissed. Our district website will post information as soon as decisions are made for any changes in the school day.



By state law, students must attend school 90% of the days of the school year in order to receive credit for the year. If a student misses more than 10% of the days, a committee composed of administrators and teachers will make the final promotion decision. Parents must make sure their child attends school and are held responsible by law for such attendance. Official attendance is taken daily at 10:00 a.m..


Students are expected to be in school to meet the compulsory attendance laws unless they are ill or there is an emergency or death in the family. The campus will excuse absences for temporary medical illnesses, family emergencies or deaths, and observance of religious holy days. The campus shall excuse a student for a temporary absence resulting from a health-care professional appointment if the student begins classes or returns to school on the same day of the appointment. Please check the school calendar to schedule appointment days so they do not conflict with school attendance and the state STAAR test days. Unexcused absences include but are not limited to family trips and vacations during school days and non-school sponsored activities and events. The make up work for unexcused absences shall be a maximum of 70 for each assignment and test that is missed. Family trips, vacations, and non-school sponsored activities should not be scheduled when school is in session.

Parents are asked to call the school on the day(s) their child is absent and give the reason the child is absent. Students, upon returning to school, must bring a note, signed by a parent, which describes the reason for the absence. Any child returning after a communicable illness must be seen by the school nurse before being admitted to the classroom. Certain communicable illnesses will require a doctor’s release to return to school. In addition, a doctors’ note or medical documentation may be necessary for illnesses after 4 consecutive or 10 cumulative days of absences. After 10 absences, medical documentation will be required for absences to be excused.


Parents are expected to ensure that their child arrives on time. A student is tardy if he/she is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. Students must report to the office or designated school area when tardy. Parents will be notified when tardies are excessive. Perfect attendance awards may be impacted by tardies. Excessive tardies are subject to disciplinary consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.


Parents should notify the school as soon as it becomes certain a student will be withdrawn and should report to the principal’s office with the student on the day withdrawal is to be completed. The student will be required to clear all accounts and records, including library, cafeteria, and textbook accounts. At the time of withdrawal, the necessary records will be given to the parent to carry to the next school.



Georgetown Independent School District’s curriculum standards meet or exceed the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards established by Texas Education Agency (TEA). The TEKS specify what skills and concepts students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Teachers use the TEKS Scope and Sequence to plan and deliver a TEKS-based curriculum that is 100% aligned to the state assessment system. The state-mandated STAAR tests are administered to students in grades 3 through 8, and End Of Course (EOC) tests in High School. Students must meet passing standards on these course-specific tests in order to be promoted from 5th grade and also 8th grade, and to graduate from high school.

The GISD TEKS curriculum documents can be viewed at .


Students in grades PK-5 receive report cards at each nine-week grading period. Grading regulations can be viewed at .

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards will be issued once every nine weeks. Please review and sign the report card. Please return the report card to the teacher promptly. The report card is one form of communication between parents and teachers. Evaluation of student work on the report card is an indication of progress. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments with teachers to discuss student progress.

PK- 5th students receive a progress report at the beginning of the fifth week of each grading period. These notices are for your information and must be signed and returned to school so that teachers know parents have seen the progress report.


When a teacher assigns homework, it is to help students prepare for the next day’s lessons and to build good study habits. Students should always complete homework assignments to the very best of their ability. The purposes of homework are (1) to help students improve achievement; (2) to nurture the development of good study habits; (3) to familiarize parents with their children’s work and give them a chance for involvement; and (4) to provide more time for in-class instruction.

Late Assignments/Late Work

Late work is classified as work not turned in on time, not due to an excused or unexcused absence. The Late Assignment/Late Work penalties do not apply to excused absences, unexcused absences and/or truancy, but apply to students who are in attendance but fail to turn work in on time. For Grades PK-1, there are no penalties for late work. In Grades 2-5 for late assignments and work, the following penalties apply:

-10 for the first day -30 for the third day

-20 for the second day 0 for the fourth day

Student Records

The District operates in full compliance with the student confidentiality requirements of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For a full explanation of District practices and procedures regarding student confidentiality, see District policies FL (LEGAL) and FL (LOCAL) on the GISD website. In cases involving divorced parents, both shall have the right to review the student’s records, unless the court has specifically removed such a right. The assignment of custody of a child to one parent does not automatically preclude the other parent from examining the records. GISD recognizes the inherent right of privacy of students in the District. The District has adopted policies that meet all requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and state and federal laws pertaining to access to student records.

The principal is custodian of all records for currently-enrolled students at the assigned school. The Superintendent is the custodian of all records for students who have withdrawn or graduated. Records may be reviewed during regular school hours. The records custodian or designee will respond to reasonable requests for explanation and interpretation of the records.

Awards and Recognition

At pre-kindergarten through 1stgrade, students are recognized for perfect attendance. 2nd through 5th grade students are recognized for perfect attendance, A-B honor roll, and other campus awards. Students qualify for the A-B honor roll by making all A’s and B’s in Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading, Language Arts and having no more than one N (needs improvement) in the areas of P.E., Arts, Health, and Music. Any student who receives more than one N and/or a U (unsatisfactory) in these areas will not qualify for the honor roll. Conduct grades are not used to determine honor roll status.


To be promoted from one grade level to the next, a student must have:

• An overall combined yearly average of 70 or above in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science, and

• A yearly average of 70 or above in Reading, Math, and Language Arts

• Attended at least 90% of the school days.

In addition to the above promotion criteria, 5th grade students must pass the reading and math sections of the STAAR in order to be promoted to 6th grade.

The final decision on grade placement for students rests with the school principal. The principal and the review committee will review the records of all students who do not meet the requirements for promotion listed above. In addition, if these requirements are not met, the principal or counselor notifies the parents.

Student Success Initiative

The Student Success Initiative was created by the Texas Legislature to ensure that all students receive the instruction and support they need to be successful in reading and mathematics.

Under the Student Success Initiative grade advancement requirements, students are required to meet the passing standard on the Grade 5 STAAR reading and mathematics tests to be promoted to sixth grade. The requirements also apply to students served by special education who take STAAR Accommodated.

Fifth grade students have three opportunities to meet the passing standard on each of the tests and will receive additional instruction after each testing opportunity on which they do not meet the standard. A grade placement committee, consisting of the principal, teacher, and parent or guardian, meets when a student has not met the passing standard after two testing opportunities and decides the most effective way to support a student’s academic success. A student who does not meet the passing standard after three testing opportunities is automatically retained; however, if the parents appeal the retention, the grade placement committee may choose to promote the student if all members agree that the student is likely to perform on grade level with additional instruction.

Examination for Acceleration

Students in kindergarten through grade five may be eligible to be advanced one grade level if they pass all advanced placement examinations at 80%. Contact the principal or the school counselor for more information.


Gifted and Talented

GISD provides services for Gifted and Talented students in grades K-12. The District believes that highly able students exist at all age levels and in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups. The purpose of the GISD Services for the Gifted and Talented is to provide learning experiences that meet the educational needs of students whose academic and/or intellectual abilities and thinking processes are significantly advanced for their ages. Students requiring these services will have teachers who are trained in methods of differentiating for gifted students and will give opportunities for identified gifted students to demonstrate their abilities. For more information about these services and how to refer a child for evaluation, please contact the school counselor.

Assistance to Students

Learning Difficulties - Special Education

If a child is experiencing learning difficulties, the parent may contact the RtI campus coordinator to learn about the District’s overall general education referral or screening system for support services. This system links students to a variety of support options, including referral for a special education evaluation. Students having difficulty in the regular classroom should be considered for intervention and other academic or behavioral support services that are available to all students.

At any time, a parent is entitled to request an evaluation for special education services. Within a reasonable amount of time, the District must decide if the evaluation is needed. If evaluation is needed, the parent will be notified and asked to provide informed written consent for the evaluation. The District must complete the evaluation and the report within 60 calendar days of the date of the District receives the written consent. The District must give a copy of the report to the parent.

If the District determines that the evaluation is not needed, the District will provide the parent with a written notice that explains why the child will not be evaluated. This written notice will include a statement that informs the parent of their rights if they disagree with the District. Additionally, the notice must inform the parent how to obtain a copy of the Notice of Procedural Safeguards - Rights of Parents of Students with Disabilities.

The designated person to contact regarding options for a child experiencing learning difficulties or a referral for evaluation for special education is the campus counselor or campus RtI coordinator.


Immunization Record

The State of Texas requires immunizations for children enrolled in the school system. All required immunizations should be completed and verified by the school nurse prior to the start of school and/or at time of enrollment. Some 30 day provisional enrollment will be granted but ONLY if certain requirements are met. School Nurses can assist students who do not have required vaccinations. Signature or validation of personal records by a physician or a public health clinic is required in school files. Records must show month, day, and year that immunizations were received. Contact the school nurse for any questions regarding the required immunizations and/or visit the DSHS site: .

Communicable Disease Control

Students will not be allowed to attend school if they have a communicable illness. If you suspect that your child has a communicable disease, please check with your family physician prior to sending your child to school. Check with the school nurse regarding guidelines used in the exclusion of children with communicable diseases. Exclusion criteria for various illnesses can be reviewed at tdh.state.tx.us/ideas/report/chichart.pdf Parents of a student with a communicable disease should notify the school nurse/principal, immediately for appropriate follow up. Every student must be clear of fever 100 degrees without medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Please check your child’s temperature before sending him/her back to school.

Accidents/Illness at School

Safety is of great concern at school. In the event an accident does occur, the school nurse or a designated member of the faculty will administer first aid. The parent and/or medical personnel listed on your registration information will be notified if needed. If your child becomes too ill to remain at school, you or someone you have designated will be notified. Keep emergency contact information current and make sure contacts are local. If your child has surgery, or an injury, please contact the school nurse so she can help your student return safely and keep them as comfortable as possible.

Medication at School

GISD requires that all students who need any medication during school hours follow the guidelines listed below.

For prescription medications:

1. Present to the nurse a written request signed by the parent or legal guardian (with child’s first and last name).

2. Bring the medication in the original prescription bottle, properly labeled by a registered pharmacist as prescribed by law.

Prescription medications must have current dates and the student name on the label.. Pharmacies will usually make a “school” bottle if requested (this will eliminate having to transport medicine each day).

3. Sample medications provided by a physician may be administered if those medications are accompanied by a signed note from the physician and are appropriately labeled and prescribed by a physician licensed to practice in the United States.

For non-prescription medications:

1. Medication must be sent in original bottle or unopened/sealed container.

2. A written request from parent/guardian is sent, including:

– The child’s first and last name,

– The name of the medicine, the amount to be given, and the time to be given, and

– What the medicine is being given for.

Please write the student’s name and room number on the bottle. Medications that are expired will not be given. Do not send individual pills, blister/bubble packs loose or in a plastic baggie – they will not be given. The school nurses can confer with parent/guardian regarding any medication needs prior to the student bringing the medication to school. Medication administration forms may be obtained from the school nurse or on the Health and Safety Services website under forms. Medications are not supplied by the school staff at all. A student may be allowed to self-administer inhaled asthma medication, an Epi-pen, or diabetes treatment ONLY if the following conditions have been complied with: A.)Written permission from the physician and an individual Health Care Plan for the student is on file in the clinic. B.) The nurse has counseled with student and parent to determine competency of student and makes realistic plans and C.) The student complies with the campus safety policies.

Coordinated School Health Program

GISD implements a coordinated school health program containing eight interactive components. Health education, Physical education, Health Services, Family/Community involvement, Staff Wellness, Healthy School Environment, Nutrition Services, and Mental Health/Counseling. The School Health Advisory Council, comprised of at least 50% parents/community members and chaired or cochaired by this group, must conduct at least 4 6 meetings per year to ensure compliance with state coordinated school health statutes. See GISD policies EHAA (Legal) and FFA (Local) for elementary and middle school coordinated school health and physical education/activity requirements.


The purpose of Nutrition Services is to serve nutritious meals to students and staff. GISD Nutrition Services will actively work to ensure that meals served in the school cafeteria meet or exceed health guidelines for all students. GISD follows federal and state guidelines for nutritional value of foods served. GISD will not serve or provide access for students to Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) and all other forms of candy at any time, anywhere on school premises until the end of the last scheduled class. More information can be obtained by contacting Nutrition Services at (512) 943-5119.


Breakfast is served at 7:30 a.m. daily. Please make sure your child arrives for breakfast in time to finish eating before class begins. If buses are late, students may still eat. Students will have a choice of at least two lunch entrees daily.

The cafeteria uses a computerized accounting system. Each student has a personal account code number that is used to purchase meals. Parents can send dollar amounts to be credited to a child’s account. Please make checks payable to “GISD”. Parents can also go online to the GISD webpage at under the “Resources for Parents and Students” section to make an Online Payment by credit card to their child’s lunch account and to view Lunch Menus. Checks and cash will be deposited into meal accounts for the full amount; no change will be given. Customers may withdraw money from their meal accounts only if the student(s) are withdrawing from GISD. The customer must submit a name and forwarding address so the refund check can be mailed. There is a $25.00 charge for each returned non-sufficient funds check. If you must send cash, please send it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and dollar amount written on the outside. You can keep track of your child's purchases by going to the GISD website , Meal Prices and Online Payments, Meal Time Online, and Creating a New Account with your child's six digit GISD student ID number, which is found on report cards and schedules. Once your child’s account becomes negative, lunch charge notices will be sent home. Your child will be allowed to charge two meals after which he/she will receive a courtesy meal with milk until money is deposited into his/her account.

Applications for Free and Reduced Meal Prices are sent home with each child at the beginning of the school year. Applications can be done electronically by going to the GISD website . Free & Reduced Meal Application Forms are also available from the school office and can be completed at any time during the year. See Closed Campus for more information.


Dress and Grooming

Students should come to school clean, neat, and wearing appropriate clothing. Students will go outside on days when the weather is dry. Students should follow these guidelines:

1. Shoes must be worn at all times - no flip-flop sandals. Tennis shoes are encouraged daily.

2. Shorts will be permitted if they are not so short or tight as to be inappropriate for school.

3. Tank tops, tube tops, bare midriff or half shirts, halter-type blouses, see–through blouses, or mesh shirts will not be permitted.

4. Items with provocative or drug-related pictures or slogans will not be permitted. Items advertising alcoholic beverages or tobacco products will not be permitted. Clothing which is offensive or that has pictures or words that are considered inappropriate at school will not be permitted.

5. Hats, caps, bandanas or scarves should not be worn during the school day.

6. Clothing such as baggy pants and loose, over-sized shirts or items associated with gangs, gang type colors or gang membership are not permitted.

7. Dress/grooming should not create a health or safety hazard or interfere in any way with the educational process.

8. If the principal determines that a student’s grooming violates the dress code, the student shall be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. If not corrected, the student’s parents will be called, and the student will remain in the office until the problem is corrected.

9. No unnatural hair colors (green, orange, etc.), mohawks, shavings, carvings or hairstyle are allowed.

10. Tattoos must be covered.

11. Earrings are to be worn only in the ears. Nose rings, eyebrow rings, belly rings, large jewelry and excessive jewelry are not allowed at school due to potential safety hazards.

12. Cosmetic makeup is not appropriate at elementary school.

Cell Phones, Telecommunication Devices, Toys, Pets, Valuables, and Other Items

Using, displaying, or having in operational mode paging devices, cellular telephones, or telecommunications devices at school during the school day violates district policy. Students are discouraged from bringing cell phones and all electronic devices including CD/DVD players, MP3s, IPODS, or Walkman-type players to school. If devices are brought to school, the students must turn them off and put them in their backpacks from the time they arrive on campus until after the last bell rings at the end of the day. Electronic devices and cell phones will be confiscated if used, displayed in sight, and/or left in operational mode. Parents must contact the principal to pick up confiscated items.

No skateboards are to be brought to school. Please do not bring toys, games, any animal, insect or reptile of any type to school unless your child has permission from the teacher and/or the principal. Do not bring anything in a glass container.

Students should not bring expensive jewelry, watches or other personal valuables to school and, if any jewelry is worn, it must be kept on at all times. The loss of valuables can be traumatic for students. GISD is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Identification of Items

Parents should mark all items sent to school, particularly coats and lunch boxes. Unmarked items are difficult to return to the owner. The Lost & Found is located in the main building. The school is not responsible for lost items.

Candy, Gum, and Drinks

Please leave all candy, gum, and carbonated canned drinks at home. Gum may not be chewed at school. Canned drinks tend to explode and cause problems.

Extra Money

Students are urged not to bring extra money to school. Money that is kept in desks, backpacks, and pockets is often lost. Teachers will not keep money for students. Students buying lunch or extra milk may deposit money in their lunch accounts in the mornings before school.


Grades PK-5 will have up to three (3) official school parties per year for each class as designated by each campus. Because learning is our most important job, parents are not to bring balloons, flowers and other birthday or special event celebration items to school without first speaking to the principal. The school does not accept special deliveries of these items for students. Out of respect and concern for others, invitations to private parties will not be distributed at school or campus grounds.

Non-Discrimination Statement

GISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in providing education, access to services, activities, and programs, and equal employment opportunities in accordance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997; and local Board policies EB (LEGAL) and EB (LOCAL). GISD uses board-adopted procedures set out in FNG (LOCAL) for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging discrimination, Title IX violations or sexual harassment. Copies of procedures can be obtained upon request or at the GISD website, . For more information, contact Joe Dan Lee, Superintendent, at 603 Lakeway Drive, (512) 943-5000.






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