Place Value (PV) - Sarasota County Public Schools

Place Value (PV)Expressions (E)ALL Word Problems:I can draw & model to explain how a digit’s position affects its value.I can explain what happens to the value of a digit as it’s placed in different places.I can model and explain how a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.I can model and explain how a digit in one place represents 110 what it represents in the place to its left.I can write a number that is 1/10 of a number AND ten times a number.Explain the patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10.Explain the relationship of the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10.I can explain what happens to a number when the decimal is moved right or left. I can write numbers in expanded form, standard form, and with powers of 10 using exponents.When given a number, I can write it in expanded form using powers of ten with a whole number exponent to represent each digit. I can explain how to use the order of operations to evaluate numeric expressions. I can evaluate a numerical expression with brackets, parentheses, or braces.When evaluating a numeric expression, I can explain each step in the process. When given an expression in words, I can write a numeric expression. When given a numeric expression, I can write an expression in words.I can explain why my numerical expression makes sense based on the words used in a mathematical expression.When given an evaluated expression, I can identify what step is incorrect and correct it.I can describe what is happening in the problem.I can identify and explain what the problem is asking me to find for one step and two step word problems.I can write or tell a reasonable estimate before I add, subtract, multiply, or divide. I can represent each problem using models (manipulatives).I can represent my thinking using a picture and equation with a symbol representing what I need to find (unknown). I can explain how I arrived at my answer. I can justify why my answer makes sense.I can compare what is similar and what is different in various problems.I can create any type of addition, subtraction, or comparison word problem and explain how to solve it.I can create any type of multiplication or division word problem and explain how to solve it.Multiplication (M)Division (D)Conversions (C)I can write a reasonable estimate for a multi-digit multiplication equation and explain whether my estimate is high or low. I can solve a multi-digit multiplication equation using partial products or area models. I can solve a multi-digit multiplication equation using the standard algorithm. I can explain why a zero is put in the second row when solving. I can find the missing digit(s) in the factor(s) when given a solved equation. I can solve for a missing digit in the product. I can check the reasonableness of my answer based on my estimate.I can determine a reasonable estimate for a multi-digit division problem. I can find the most reasonable partial quotient using my understanding of powers of ten. I can draw and solve the division problem by using partial quotients. I can draw and solve the division problem by using a rectangular array.I can draw and solve the division problem by using an area model.I can explain how to divide by thinking “what times the divisor gets me close to the dividend?”. I can explain what a remainder means.I can show my quotient is correct by multiplying the quotient by the divisor to get the dividend. I can determine if the converted amount will be more or less units than the original unit, and explain my reasoning.I can make a multiplication or division equation to convert units. I can make an equation to solve multi-step, real world problems that involve converting standard units.I can make an equation to solve multi-step, real world problems that involve converting units.I can explain how my understanding of place value and decimals help me convert among the metric system. I can model a decimal to the thousandths value using a meter stick. I can use base ten blocks to show the relationship between milliliters and liters. I can make an equation to solve multi-step, real world problems that involve converting metric units.Decimals (PV-D)Addition/Subtraction DecimalsMultiplication/Division DecimalsI can use place value charts, grids, and pictures to show decimals to the thousandths. I can create a number line, plot my decimal, then justify its location.I can write a decimal in fraction form.I can write a fraction in decimal form.I can explain how decimals & fractions relate. I can read and write decimals using number names, word form, & expanded form.I can write a decimal in expanded form.I can write the value of each digit to help me compare decimals.I can use a visual model to show and compare two decimal numbers.I can write >, <, or = to show a comparison of two decimal numbers.I can explain how a number in fraction form and a number in decimal form are different ways to represent the same amount.I can use the fraction form of a number to explain whether two decimals are greater than, less than, or equal.I can show how a given decimal can be written as tenths, hundredths, or thousandths. I can use base 10 models and grids to explain why a certain number of tenths would be the same as a certain number of hundredths and a certain number of thousandths. I can round a decimal to any place value and justify my reasoning.I can write a reasonable estimate for an addition/subtraction equation involving decimals.I can check the reasonableness of my answer based on my estimate.I can use models (grids/manipulatives) and drawings based on place value to add/subtract decimals and justify my answer. I can write an equation to solve an addition/subtraction problem involving decimals. I can prove my addition/subtraction answer is correct by using the inverse operation to check.I can write a reasonable estimate.I can check the reasonableness of my answer based on my estimate.I can explain why the product gets smaller when I multiply a decimal by a decimal. I can explain why the value of the digits is important to understand when multiplying and dividing decimals. When multiplying two decimals, I can determine where to put a decimal in the product and explain my reasoning. I can use the area model to solve a multiplication equation involving decimals. I can use a partial product model to solve a multiplication equation involving decimals. I can use a model to show how to solve a division problem involving decimals. I can explain why decimals are moved and lined up in a division problem. I can explain what the dividend and divisor mean. Adding/Subtracting FractionsLine PlotsQuadrilateralsI can write a reasonable estimate using the benchmarks 0, ?, and 1.I can use visual models, including area models, fraction strips, and number lines. I can explain my solution using models, pictures, words, and numbers. I can explain my answer using models and the benchmarks 0, ? and 1 to determine reasonableness. I can explain why common denominators are needed when adding and subtracting fractions. I can explain how to use the formula for adding fractions, and explain why it works. (ad + bc) /bd I can use my understanding of multiples to find a common denominator.I can create fractions with like denominators to add and subtract. I can rewrite a mixed number in multiple ways to subtract fractions. I can write a fraction greater than one in multiple ways. I can create a scenario to represent an addition or subtraction fraction equation. I can solve word problems involving addition/ subtraction of fractions with unlike denominators.I can explain how a line plot is used to display measurement data.I can determine an appropriate scale needed to create a line plot to organize data. I can create a line plot by drawing a line, then create line segments to partition my line into fractional parts. (1/2, ?, 1/8) I can read and interpret the results of data plotted on a line plot.I can explain what the data I plotted on my line plot represents. I can generate questions that ask about the data represented on a line plot.When given a problem that relates to the data on a line plot, I can solve it and justify my thinking using a model, picture, or equations.I can describe attributes of a shape using words such as regular/irregular polygon, parallel/perpendicular lines, obtuse, acute or right angles, congruent adjacent, or opposite sides, and symmetry.I can identify regular and irregular polygons. I can draw or create a shape based on properties given. I can sort and classify two-dimensional figures based on their properties.I can identify and define a parallelogram, rectangle, trapezoid, square, kite, and rhombus.I can classify a quadrilateral in a hierarchy based on the shape’s properties. I can identify how shapes are sorted in a Venn Diagram. I can compare and contrast shapes based on their attributes using a Venn Diagram. When given a shape, I can list all the categories the shape belongs, and explain why. Multiplying/Dividing FractionsDivision of Unit FractionsI can write a fraction as a division expression. I can write a division expression as a fraction. I can explain how the numerator and denominator relate to a division expression.Given a word problem, I can write a division equation and a fraction to show the dividend and divisor. Given a division problem, I can interpret the words to identify what is being shared and represent that as a fraction.I can explain how the numerator and denominator relate to the numbers in the word problem. Given a division word problem, I can draw a model, create a fraction, and explain my answer. I can model problems where the divisor is greater than the dividend and share my thinking about the quotient being a fraction. I can create a division word problem to represent a fraction or a fraction greater than one.I can model a fraction times a whole number using number lines, area models, set models, and bar models. I can write an addition sentence to explain a fraction times a whole number. When given a fraction times a whole number equation, I can create a word problem to represent it. I can explain the meaning of the two factors in a fraction equation. I can model a fraction times a fraction using number lines, area models, and bar models. I can represent a fraction equation by creating a rectangular array and labeling the parts that make up the whole. I can represent a fraction equation by creating a story problem. I can determine what operations are needed to solve a real-world problem involving fractions and represent it with pictures, numbers, or words. I can explain what happens when a fraction is multiplied by another fraction When given an expression involving fractions, whole numbers, or mixed numbers, I can explain whether my product will be greater than, less than, or equal to the size of the factors. I can model dividing a unit fraction by a whole number and explain my thinking. I can create a story context for a unit fraction divided by a whole number and draw a visual to represent itI can model dividing a whole number by a unit fraction and explain my thinking. I can create a story context for a whole number divided by a unit fraction and draw a visual to represent it.I can show the relationship between multiplication and division to explain my answer.VolumeCoordinate GridsI can build a rectangular prism with unit cubes with given dimensions, and write different equations to represent the volume.I can explain how to find volume. I can explain the relationship between height and the number of layers needed to fill a rectangular prism and write it as an equation. Given a picture of a rectangular prism in cubic units, I can label each dimension and find the volume. I can use words such as length, width, height, depth, area of the base, and cubic units to discuss the volume of a rectangular prism. I can explain and model what each part of the volume formulas represents.Given the dimensions of a rectangular prism, I can use the volume formula to find the volume. Given the volume, I can create rectangular prisms and label their dimensions. Given the volume and two dimensions of a rectangular prism, I can find the missing dimension. When given a real world-volume problem, I can solve it and justify my answer. When given a picture of two non-overlapping rectangular prisms, I can find the volume and explain my reasoning.I can plot a point on a coordinate grid.When given a point on a coordinate grid, I can give the coordinates.I can use the words origin, x-axis, y-axis, left, right, up, down, horizontal, and vertical to describe a point’s position on a coordinate grid. When given a point on a coordinate grid, I can use directions to plot another point. I can locate coordinates on a coordinate grid by using an ordered pair of numbers. I can find the missing coordinate needed on the coordinate grid to create a polygon.I can recognize and describe the connection between the ordered pair and the x- and y-axes from the origin.When given labeled coordinates on a grid, I can explain directions of how to get from one point to another. I can represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant.When given two number sequences, I can describe patterns in the terms.I can generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. I can identify and explain relationships between two numerical patterns’ terms.When given a set of mathematical rules, I can make a table, generate a sequence of numbers, create a set of ordered pairs, and then plot them on the coordinate grid. ................

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