Memoir Rubric –Grade 5

Memoir Rubric –Grade 5

|Criteria | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

|Content |I have written about a very important |I have written about an important |I wrote about an event that |I wrote a story but it is |

| |moment in my life and included |moment in my life and included some |happened to me but my piece is |unclear to my reader how this |

| |reflection about how this event has |reflection about how this event has |more about the event that took |event was important to me. I |

| |helped to change me. It is easy for my|helped to change me. The message I |place rather than about the |did not include reflection and |

| |reader to identify the message I wished|wished to reveal about myself to my |person it happened to. I |my story does not reveal |

| |to reveal about myself through my |reader is somewhat clearly presented.|attempted to show my reader why|anything about the type of |

| |writing. | |this event was important. |person I am. |

|Elaboration |I started my story “in the moment” by |I started my story “in the moment” by|I tried to begin my story “in |I did not start my story “in |

| |starting with either dialogue, action, |starting with either dialogue, |the moment” and included only a|the moment” or include examples|

| |or with a brief description of the |action, or with a brief description |few examples of what I was |of what I was thinking, |

| |setting. I combed the internal story |of the setting. I combed the internal|thinking, remembering, feeling,|remembering, feeling, and |

| |through the external story by including|story through the external story by |and wondering during certain |wondering during parts of my |

| |what happened as well as what I was |including what happened as well as |parts of my story. I tried to |story. I did not stretch out |

| |thinking, remembering, feeling, and |what I was thinking, remembering, |stretch out the most important |the most important part of the |

| |wondering in many parts of the story. |feeling, and wondering in some parts |part of my story. |story. |

| |I stretched out the most important part|of the story. I stretched out the | | |

| |of my story. |most important part of my story. | | |

| | | | | |

|Organization |My writing has a clear topic. I used |My writing has a clear topic. I used|I attempted to stay on topic. |My story may not be organized |

| |paragraphs and my story follows a |paragraphs and my story follows a |I have included some paragraphs|in a sequential order. I did |

| |logical sequence. My writing follows |logical sequence. I mostly followed |and tried to follow the |not follow the structure of my |

| |the structure of my mentor piece. |the structure of my mentor piece. |structure of my mentor text. |mentor text. |

|Language Usage |My writing is very engaging. It’s easy|My writing is mostly engaging. I |My writing is somewhat engaging|My writing is not engaging to |

| |for my reader to imagine being in my |used some sensory images and included|but there are parts that are |the reader because it does not |

| |story because I used a lot of sensory |some strong verbs and adjectives. |confusing. I tried to include |have sensory images or strong |

| |images. I used many strong verbs and | |sensory images and used few |adjectives or verbs. |

| |strong adjectives in my writing. | |strong verbs or adjectives. | |

|Mechanics |My writing contains correct spelling, |My writing contains few spelling and |My writing contains some |My writing is hard to read and |

| |grammar, punctuation, complete complex |grammar errors; and has correct |spelling and grammar errors; |contains many spelling and |

| |sentences and correct use of |punctuation and complete sentences. |most sentences have correct |grammatical errors. |

| |capitalization. | |punctuation and are complete. | |

| | | |I used simple sentences. | |


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