



• CTE7209 Biotechnology II

Goal 6.03 and 8.01

• CTE6871 Biotech & Ag Res I

Goal 16

• CTE6871 Biotech & Ag Res II

Goal 07

• Biology

Goals 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.2, 3.2.1-3

• Earth & Environ. Sci

Goals 2.8.2, 2.8.3

• Other Biotech courses/topics

Why do we need GM foods?

Hired as a marketing consultant for Syngenta company

GM foods are safe to eat

How are GM crops made?

Job is to inform public of their products, how they are created and address any misconceptions they have about GM foods/crops.

What are the concerns of GM foods?

GM crops are safe to grow

How can traits be selected without GM?

Must produce a presentation for their website

As a marketing consultant, you have been hired by the company Syngenta to promote their line of genetically engineered crops. It is your job to help inform the public of their products, how they are created, and to address the many misconceptions people have about GM foods. You are to produce a presentation that can be viewed from the company website.

What is the prevalence of GM foods in our country?

GM crops can help the growing demand for food in the future

How is the research and development of GM regulated?

Final Product (graded)

See the link below for a rubric.

Students may use Powerpoint, Prezi, MovieMaker, Animoto, TACKK or other apps. They can also just do a poster presentation.

Possible Lab Activities

• General plant studies

• Genetically Modified Plant Activity ($52)

• Testing Foods for GMOs

• Plant Cloning Lab

• Herbicide BioAssay Study Guide

Expert Job Tasks (optional)

Students may research and report to their group on one of the following jobs and then add this to the groups’ presentation.

• Trait Developer: Come up with novel traits that can be engineered into crop plants.

• Vector Constructor: Designs the recombinant DNA that will be integrated into the crop plants.

• Transformation Scientist: Uses a gene gun or Agrobacteria tumefaciens to insert the vector into the plants.

• Plant Analyst: Assess the transformed/transgenic plants to understand integration and expression of the trait gene(s).

• Product Safety: Assess the safety of the products before it can be marketed marketed.

General Notes

Below is suggested plan only. Labs can be omitted to reduce time commitment

• 1-2 Weeks prior to beginning Unit: Have students plant corn and soybean plants (possibly in conjunction with horticulture or other agriculture class?).

• Day 1: Assign project to student groups/4 to 5 students/group (based on job assignments). Students brainstorm on know/need to know. Debrief know/need to know as a class and discuss. Facilitate student research.

• Day 2: Class discussion on presentation format choices (power-point, prezi, web-site, etc.). Share Google-doc with students where they can share/view web resources that they discover while doing research. Teacher can post comments and use for formative assessment to check student/group progress. Continue to facilitate student research.

• Day 3: Class discussion on links that are pro GMO and anti GMO. Students ‘think, pair, share opinions. Begin Glyphosate lab.

• Day 4: Collect data for Glyphosate lab. Begin GMO lab. Know/need to know brainstorm and then class debrief on student presentation research.

• Day 5: Run gels for GMO lab. Student groups complete presentations. Facilitate student work. Proofread student presentations and assess using rubric.

• Day 6: Observe gels and collect data. Students complete lab write-ups. Practice presentations in groups. Facilitate student work and continue assessments.

• Day 7: Formal presentations to authentic audience. (May include fellow teachers, other classes, parents, school board members, administrators, local farmers, politicians, agriculture cooperative extension agents, 4H/FFA representatives, and so on). Use rubric to assess presentations.

Source of Facts During Case Presentation

To learn more about GM products and the Agriculture industry, the students can go to the included websites. They can also use any print sources from creditable sources. The labs will also help them understand the concepts.

Presentation Flow / “Cycles”

Task 1:

The first task that you decide to do is to organize a focus group in order to brainstorm and create a list of essential questions that your marketing campaign should address. These essential questions must address the public’s lack of understanding and subsequent fear of GM crops/foods.

Task 2:

While doing due diligence on the essential questions you created, you decide that it may be necessary to get into the research and development lab. You schedule an opportunity to participate in several brief labs in order to better understand the products you are marketing.

Scope of Project

This project is designed to be multilayered. With sufficient time, the project can include labs with time for students to explore the topics through the suggested websites. However, if time is limited, then teachers can choose to omit the labs and direct students to specific websites in order to address the essential issues.


Possible Websites to Visit

Genetically Modified Crops

Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)

North Carolina Biotechnology Center

Biotechnology Institute

(Your World Magazine)




Crop Development


Engineering (animations)


Gene Gun


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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