Do You Have a Desire to Revise with The 6 Traits

Do You Have a Desire to Revise with The 6 Traits?

WHAT: a quick list of ways to revise your writing

WHY: great writing uses the 6 Traits, and Revision creates great writing

HOW: revise your first draft with at least one of the suggestions in each TRAIT

IDEAS/CONTENT (the blueprint for success or how to build better writing)

What, Why, and How increase the level of knowledge shown in writing

Personal stories or experiences

ORGANIZATION (a clear road to where you are taking your reader)

Chunky conclusion paragraph

Extra paragraphs of varying style

( Techniques: Full Circle Ending

Openings and closings for each paragraph

VOICE (putting yourself in the words)

Questions (avoid at the start of any paragraph) and even cooler if you provide an answer

( Techniques: Humor

( Techniques: Specific Details for effect

( Techniques: Expanded Moment

WORD CHOICE (from boring to BRILLIANT)

Thesaurus—remove all of the boring words (a lot, like, love, . . . . )

Specific terms for the topic or subject (snowboarding terms with definitions)

SENTENCE FLUENCY (variety, music, rhythm)

Any (Techniques

( Techniques: Repetition For Effect

( Techniques: Magic Three

( Techniques: Figurative Language

Small, Medium, and Long sentence all mixed up

One-word sentence (use sparingly)

Complex sentences: subordinate conjunctions, semi-colons, colons, dashes, commas

CONVENTIONS (spelling, punctuation, capitals, grammar)

Edit your paper using the 5 steps to a publishable paper

1. Read your writing out loud (slowly) so you can hear the mistakes.

2. Circle ANY word you think may be misspelled. LOOK IT UP!

3. Capitals start sentences, proper nouns, etc.

4. Punctuation ends sentences, is in contractions, careful with commas

5. Read your story backward, word-by-word so that you can focus on the spelling.

Take a break, then do it again and again until you are confident. Remember, what you write is a reflection of you. Remember, you want your reader to be able to understand what you write; your ideas are important enough to be heard. You do care about how you represent yourself. I care.



The Traits of "Revision"

The Trait of "Editing"


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