University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

TS GOLD Alignment with Foundations and NC Early Learning and Development ProgressionsTEACHING STRATEGIES GOLD OBJECTIVES AND DIMENSIONSFOUNDATIONS EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENTNC Early Learning and Development Progressions (Birth to Five)Social-Emotional DevelopmentGoalProgression1.Regulates own emotions and behaviors 1a. Manages feelingsGoal ESD-6: Children identify, manage, and express their feelings.Emotional expressionSelf-control Goal CD-3: Children demonstrate the ability to think about their own thinking: reasoning, taking perspectives, and making decisions.Thinking and reasoningPerspective taking Making decisions1.Regulates own emotions and behaviors 1b. Follows limits and expectations Goal ESD-5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.Social awareness and conscienceBehavioral regulation Goal ESD-6: Children identify, manage, and express their feelings.Emotional expressionSelf-control 1.Regulates own emotions and behaviors 1c. Takes care of own needs appropriatelyGoal ESD-1: Children demonstrate a positive sense of self-identity and self-awareness.Awareness of self through actionsAwareness of self through emotional expressions and verbalizationsGoal ESD-2: Children express positive feelings about themselves and confidence in what they can do.Expresses and seeks out positive emotions about what they can doExpresses confidence in abilities and persistence toward goalsGoal HPD-6: Children develop awareness of their needs and the ability to communicate their needs.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progressionGoal HPD-7: Children develop independence in caring for themselves and their environment.Eating/drinkingDressingSelf-careToiletingSocial-Emotional DevelopmentGoalProgression2.Establishes and sustains positive relationships 2a. Forms relationships with adultsGoal ESD-3: Children form relationships and interact positively with familiar adults who are consistent and responsive to their needs.AttachmentSeparation2.Establishes and sustains positive relationships 2b. Responds to emotional cuesGoal ESD-7: Children recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of others.Recognizes and responds to needs and feelings of othersGoal CD-3: Children demonstrate the ability to think about their own thinking: reasoning, taking perspectives, and making decisions.Thinking and reasoningPerspective taking Making decisions2.Establishes and sustains positive relationships 2c. Interacts with peersGoal ESD-4: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children.Positive social interactions2.Establishes and sustains positive relationships 2d. Makes friendsGoal ESD-4: Children form relationships and interact positively with other children.Positive social interactions3.Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations 3a. Balances needs and rights of self and othersGoal ESD-5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.Social awareness and conscienceBehavioral regulationGoal CD-7: Children recognize that they are members of different groups (e.g. family, preschool class, cultural group).Recognize they are members of different groups3.Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations 3b. Solves social problemsGoal ESD-5: Children demonstrate the social and behavioral skills needed to successfully participate in groups.Social awareness and conscienceBehavioral regulationPhysicalGoalProgression4.Demonstrates traveling skills 4a. Walks 4b. Runs 4c. Gallops and skipsGoal HPD-4: Children develop the large muscle control and abilities needed to move through and explore their environment.A. Supine/proneD. Locomotion: Crawling/walking/running5.Demonstrates balancing skills 5a. Sits and stands 5b. Walks on beam 5c. Jumps and hopsGoal HPD-4: Children develop the large muscle control and abilities needed to move through and explore their environment.B. SittingC. StandingLocomotion: Crawling/walking/runningJumping/hopping6.Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills 6a. Throws 6b. Catches 6c. KicksGoal HPD-4: Children develop the large muscle control and abilities needed to move through and explore their environment.Ball skills7.Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination 7a. Uses fingers and handsGoal HPD-5: Children develop small muscle control and hand-eye coordination to manipulate objects and work with tools.Arm movementsReach/Grasp/ReleaseManipulation/Tool useDrawing7.Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination 7b. Uses writing and drawing toolsGoal HPD-5: Children develop small muscle control and hand-eye coordination to manipulate objects and work with tools.Arm movementsReach/Grasp/ReleaseManipulation/Tool useDrawingLanguageGoalProgression8.Listens to and understands increasingly complex language 8a. Comprehends languageGoal LDC-1: Children understand communications from others.Understand communication from othersGoal LDC-7: Children respond to and use a growing vocabulary.Respond to and use a growing vocabulary8.Listens to and understands increasingly complex language 8b. Follows directionsGoal LDC-1: Children understand communications from others.Understand communication from othersLanguageGoalProgression9.Uses language to express thoughts and needs 9a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabularyGoal LDC-7: Children respond to and use a growing vocabulary.Respond to and use a growing vocabulary9.Uses language to express thoughts and needs 9b. Speaks clearlyGoal LDC-4: Children speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.Articulation/sound productionPossible developmentally appropriate sound errorsLanguage production 9.Uses language to express thoughts and needs 9c. Uses conventional grammarGoal LDC-6: Children use most grammatical constructions of their home language well.Use most grammatical constructions of home language well9.Uses language to express thoughts and needs 9d. Tells about another time or placeGoal LDC-5: Children describe familiar people, places, things, and events.Use of narrative skills to describe10.Uses appropriate conversational and other communication skills 10a.Engages in conversationsGoal LDC-2: Children participate in conversations with peers and adults in one-on-one, small, and larger group interactions. Participate in conversations with peers and adultsGoal LDC-3: Children ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.Answers questions Asks questions10. Uses appropriate conversational and other communications skills 10b. Uses social rules of languageGoal LDC-4: Children speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.Articulation/sound productionPossible developmentally appropriate sound errorsLanguage production 11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 11a. Attends and engagesGoal APL-8: Children maintain attentiveness and focus.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 11b. PersistsGoal APL-7: Children demonstrate initiative.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal APL-9: Children persist at challenging activities.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 11c. Solves problemsGoal APL-6: Children use a variety of strategies to solve problems.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.LanguageGoalProgression11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 11d. Shows curiosity and motivationGoal APL-1: Children show curiosity and express interest in the world around them.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal APL-2: Children actively seek to understand the world around them.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal CD-1: Children use their senses to construct knowledge about the world around them.Constructs knowledgeCognitiveGoalProgression11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning 11e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinkingGoal APL-4: Children demonstrate creativity, imagination, and inventiveness.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal APL-5: Children are willing to try new and challenging experiences.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.12. Remembers and connects experiences 12a. Recognizes and recallsGoal CD-2: Children recall information and use it for new situations and problems.Recalls and uses information for problem solving12. Remembers and connects experiences 12b. Makes connectionsGoal CD-2: Children recall information and use it for new situations and problems.Recalls and uses information for problem solving13.Uses classification skillsGoal CD-1: Children use their senses to construct knowledge about the world around them.Constructs knowledgeGoal CD-11: Children compare, sort, group, organize, and measure objects and create patterns in their everyday paring and orderingMeasuringPatterningClassifying14.Uses symbols and images to represent something not present 14a.Thinks symbolically 14b. Engages in sociodramatic playGoal APL-3: Children engage in increasingly complex play.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal APL-4: Children demonstrate creativity, imagination, and inventiveness.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.LiteracyGoalProgression15.Demonstrates phonological awareness 15a.Notices and discriminates rhymeGoal LDC-11: Children develop phonological awareness.Develop phonological awareness15.Demonstrates phonological awareness 15b. Notices and discriminates alliterationGoal LDC-11: Children develop phonological awareness.Develop phonological awareness15.Demonstrates phonological awareness 15c. Notices and discriminates smaller and smaller units of soundGoal LDC-11: Children develop phonological awareness.Develop phonological awareness16.Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet 16a. Identifies and names lettersGoal LDC-12: Children develop knowledge of the alphabet and the alphabetic principle.Develop knowledge of the alphabet and the alphabetic principle16.Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet 16b. Uses letter-sound knowledgeGoal LDC-12: Children develop knowledge of the alphabet and the alphabetic principle.Develop knowledge of the alphabet and the alphabetic principle17.Demonstrates knowledge of print and its use 17a.Uses and appreciates booksGoal LDC-8: Children develop interest in books and motivation to read.Develop interest in books and motivation to readGoal LDC-9: Children comprehend and use information presented in books and other print prehend and use information presented in books and other print media17.Demonstrates knowledge of print and its uses 17b.Uses print conceptsGoal LDC-10: Children develop book knowledge and print awareness.Develop book knowledge and print prehends and responds to books and other tasks 18a.Interacts during read-aloud and book conversationsGoal LDC-9: Children comprehend and use information presented in books and other print prehend and use information presented in books and other print prehends and responds to books and other texts 18b.Uses emergent reading skillsGoal LDC-8: Children develop interest in books and motivation to read.Develop interest in books and motivation to readGoal LDC-9: Children comprehend and use information presented in books and other print mediaComprehend and use information presented in books and other print mediaLiteracyGoalProgression18. Comprehends and responds to books and other texts 18c.Retells storiesGoal LDC-8: Children develop interest in books and motivation to read.Develop interest in books and motivation to readGoal LDC-9: Children comprehend and use information presented in books and other print prehend and use information presented in books and other print mediaGoal LDC-13: Children use writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposes.Uses writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposes19.Demonstrates emergent writing skills 19a.Writes nameGoal LDC-13: Children use writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposes.Uses writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposesGoal LDC-14: Children use knowledge of letters in their attempts to write.Use knowledge of letters in attempts to write19.Demonstrates emergent writing skills 19b.Writes to convey meaningGoal LDC-13: Children use writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposes.Uses writing and other symbols to record information and communicate for a variety of purposesGoal LDC-15: Children use writing skills and writing conventions.Use writing skills and writing conventionsMathematicsGoalProgression20.Uses number concepts and operations 20a. Counts 20b. Quantifies 20c. Connects numerals with their quantitiesGoal CD-10: Children show understanding of numbers and quantities during play and other activities.CountingRecognizing number and subitizingComposing and decomposing number21.Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes 21a. Understands spatial relationshipsGoal CD-12: Children identify and use common shapes and concepts about position during play and other activities.Recognizes geometric shapesComposes geometric shapesSpatial understanding21.Explores and describes spatial relationships and shapes 21b. Understands shapesGoal CD-12: Children identify and use common shapes and concepts about position during play and other activities.Recognizes geometric shapesComposes geometric shapesSpatial pares and measuresGoal CD-11: Children compare, sort, group, organize, and measure objects and create patterns in their everyday paring and orderingMeasuringPatterningClassifyingGoal CD-12: Children use mathematical thinking to solve problems in their everyday environment.Recognizes geometric shapesComposes geometric shapesSpatial understanding23.Demonstrate knowledge of patternsGoal CD-11: Children compare, sort, group, organize, and measure objects and create patterns in their everyday paring and orderingMeasuringPatterningClassifyingScience and TechnologyGoalProgression24.Uses scientific inquiry skillsGoal CD-12: Children identify and use common shapes and concepts about position during play and other activities.Recognizes geometric shapesComposes geometric shapesSpatial understandingGoal CD-15: Children explore the natural world by observing, manipulating objects, asking questions, making predictions, and developing generalizations.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.25.Demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of living thingsGoal CD-8: Children identify and demonstrate acceptance of similarities and differences between themselves and others.Identify and demonstrate acceptance of similarities and differencesGoal CD-9: Children explore concepts connected with their daily experiences in their community.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal CD-14: Children observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world.Observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical worldScience and TechnologyGoalProgression26.Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materialsGoal CD-1: Children use their senses to construct knowledge about the world around them.Constructs knowledgeGoal CD-14: Children observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world.Observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world27.Demonstrates knowledge of Earth’s environmentGoal CD-14: Children observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world.Observe and describe characteristics of living things and the physical world28.Uses tools and other technology to perform tasksGoal CD-15: Children explore the natural world by observing, manipulating objects, asking questions, making predictions, and developinggeneralizations.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Social StudiesGoalProgression29.Demonstrates knowledge about selfGoal HPD-1: Children develop healthy eating habits.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal HPD-2: Children engage in active physical play indoors and outdoors.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal HPD-3: Children develop healthy sleeping habits.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.Goal HPD-8: Children develop awareness of basic safety rules and begin to follow them.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.30.Shows basic understanding of people and how they liveGoal CD-3: Children demonstrate the ability to think about their own thinking: reasoning, taking perspectives, and making decisions.Thinking and reasoningPerspective taking Making decisionsGoal CD-6: Children demonstrate knowledge of relationships and roles within their own families, homes, classrooms, and communities.Demonstrates knowledge of relationships and rolesSocial StudiesGoalProgression31.Explores change related to familiar people or placesGoal CD-6: Children demonstrate knowledge of relationships and roles within their own families, homes, classrooms, and communities.Demonstrates knowledge of relationships and rolesGoal CD-9: Children explore concepts connected with their daily experiences in their community.No skill progression: Goal is too general for a specific skill progression.32.Demonstrates simple geographic knowledgeGoal CD-6: Children demonstrate knowledge of relationships and roles within their own families, homes, classrooms, and communities.Demonstrates knowledge of relationships and rolesThe ArtsGoalProgression33. Explores the visual artsGoal CD-4: Children demonstrate appreciation for different forms of artistic expression.MusicArtGoal CD-5: Children demonstrate self-expression and creativity in a variety of forms and contexts, including play, visual arts, music, drama, and dance.Music/danceArtDrama34. Explores musical concepts and expressionGoal CD-4: Children demonstrate appreciation for different forms of artistic expression.MusicArtGoal CD-5: Children demonstrate self-expression and creativity in a variety of forms and contexts, including play, visual arts, music, drama, and dance.Music/danceArtDrama35.Explores dance and movement conceptsGoal CD-4: Children demonstrate appreciation for different forms of artistic expression.MusicArtGoal CD-5: Children demonstrate self-expression and creativity in a variety of forms and contexts, including play, visual arts, music, drama, and dance.Music/danceArtDramaThe ArtsGoalProgression36.Explores drama through actions and languageGoal CD-4: Children demonstrate appreciation for different forms of artistic expression.MusicArtGoal CD-5: Children demonstrate self-expression and creativity in a variety of forms and contexts, including play, visual arts, music, drama, and dance.Music/danceArtDrama ................

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