Statistical analysis of the holocaust

Statistical Analysis of the Holocaust

John W. Knight, III

March 9, 2008



The "Holocaust" of 6 million Jews during World War II is an immensely successful and profitable hoax!

"What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral Doctrine", Thomas Jefferson on the depraved state of the Talmud


The REAL holocaust!: 

The historic growth rate of the Christian population of 1.5% per year means that the 682,400,000 Christians in the world in 1933 would have been 853,158,362 by 1948.  Instead, mostly due to W.W.II, the actual population was 592,406,542, a loss of 260,751,820 Christians.  Even at a more conservative growth rate of Christians of 1% per year, there were 199,838,673 fewer Christians in 1948 than there would have been without W.W.II.

What about the worldwide population of jews?  Per  figures from FOUR different jewish sources: 1) The American Jewish Committee, Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 2) Judaica Encyclopedia, 3) The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, and 4) The jews, their History, Culture, and Religion, it INCREASED by 584,549 jews between 1941 and 1948!

Many White men have been imprisoned, tortured, persecuted, harassed, prosecuted, and murdered for simply speaking the truths you will read in the following statistical analysis of the FACTS which are right at the fingertips of 295 million Americans and a billion Whites worldwide.   The REAL criminals, the ones who must now pay reparations to the WHITE men who simply spoke the truth, are the jews who used OUR own laws against our OWN people, simply to enrich themselves in a multi-billion holocaust industry of unfathomable proportions.   The jews must also pay reparations for the many Christians who died at the hands of jews like Dylan Klebold who killed in retribution for a holocaust that never was.

Whines from a holohoaxster

Tallie tallie@   wrote:

To whom it may concern,

    After reading your site about the Holocaust and how it 'supposedly' did not happen and was all a hoax, could make a person sick to their stomach. Such lies and such ignorance should, under no circumstances, be allowed to be read on the internet.


Tallie, I submit to you that if anything should be removed from the internet, it's people like you who seem incapable of discerning FACTS.  Nobody said the holocaust "was all a hoax".  If you'd taken about 30 seconds more to read the FACTS, you would have known that there WAS a holocaust, and that 264 million Christians are MISSING because of that holocaust.  You would have also known (though this might be too optimistic an assessment in your case) that it was JEWISH statistics themselves which dispute that 40% of the world's supply of jews died during WWII.


The gas ovens used to cook human corpse and the gas chambers used to kill men, woman and children who committed no crime....accept being. They are there today in Poland to be seen, and so that it is never forgotten.



You seem to be completely unfamiliar with modern forensic evidence which proved long ago that not a single human corpse was ever "cooked", that less than 36,000 jews who are reported to have died of NATURAL causes in Auschwitz were some of the very few corpses which were cremated, and that there were far more Christians than jews in the concentration camps and who constituted the majority of those who died there.


    If, for example, it was your parents who had been hunted down by the Nazis, or thrown into an oven alive, or gasses to death, would such a site as this be on the internet for people to read? 25 000 people a day were gassed in some death camps. Whereas in the concentration camps they were starved to death and made to do hard labour. They slept 400 in a room meant for 80 people. And then there is Mengele, who tested babies to see how long they could live without food. These and many other experiments were done on children and adults. There is a book to prove this, there are survivors to vouch for all of these doing.



If that book was written by a jew, then there isn't a single "fact" in it which can be trusted.  One thing that jew would have missed, of course, is that it WAS my CHRISTIAN German ancestors who constituted the vast majority of those who were crammed into concentration camps, those thrown into mass graves, the innocent civilians in cities like Dresden and Hamburg which were firebombed out of human memory, and who were otherwise victims of jews like Hitler, Mengele, and his other Nazi thugs.



    How someone is sick enough to write such malicious lies about a people who were almost annihilated. If Hitler had succeeded they would have been.




What you fail to recognize is that jew Hitler DID succeed.  He succeeded in getting most jews into concentration camps which he knew the Allies wouldn't bomb out of existence like we did Dresden and Hamburg.  If the jews had been in those cities, then you'd have had a real complaint against Hitler.  Since they weren't, you don't--and we do. 


Hitler also succeeded because there were 264 MILLION fewer Christians in the world in 1948 had it not been for WWII.



The circumstances surrounding this war were far from normal, in what other war has an evil leader gasses millions of people to death? Sold their gold teeth and jewellery for money, made them go almost naked in the middle of winter?




Tallie, given the choice, which of the following would you prefer?:

1. Being a "survivor" of Auschwitz whose gold (and fake gold) rings and bracelets were melted down, or

2. Being a non-survivor of Dresden where up to half a million of your fellow CIVILIANS were holocausted in firestorms.


I could go on, but refuse to delve further into such a disgusting accusation.

The site:


Don't bother to go any further in your "thinking", Tallie.  You've already exceeded the point of no return in your mental ability to analyze facts.  If you take it another step further, you'll only dig your already huge hole of logic even deeper.


As Jesus said to the Pollocks, "stay right there and look stupid until I get back".

The Missing Holocaust

"I've checked out Churchill's Second World War and the statement

is quite correct” not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a

'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing.  How can it be explained?

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six

volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and

de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.  In this

mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including

the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find

no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews,

or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."

Richard Lynn, Professor Emeritus, University of Ulster, December 5, 2005




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|[p|A GREAT private video debunking the Auschwitz "death" camp "theory", from a jew. |

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BETWEEN 1988 AND 2000, according to JEW sources, THE WORLDWIDE SUPPLY OF JEWS PLUNGED FROM 18.1 TO 13.2.   FINALLY, JEWS HAVE PROOF OF A HOLOCAUST!  But there was no war.  The Nazis are long gone.  In the midst of peacetime, the jews LOST 4.9 million people, and still haven't been able to locate them.   Could it be that they need a war in Iraq to increase the jew population back to 18 million?  On top of that, the 2000 figure for jews in the world included 6.7 million in the US when in fact there may have been only 5.2 million.  The jews in the US, with all the modern techniques for counting populations and handling membership lists, a first class mail delivery system, no war or insurrection or gas ovens or mass graves, were unable to pin down their population to within 1.5 million jews--an error of 29%!

"The study's credibility became an issue last October after part of its findings on population was released and then withdrawn because some field data were not factored into the 5.2-million population estimate. At the same time, another study by a San Francisco-based group — using a broader definition of who was Jewish — placed the population at 6.7 million. But after reevaluating its methodology and findings, UJC said Wednesday that it stood by the 5.2-million figure."

These folks, who didn't have the brains to use modern techniques for estimating their own population to within an accuracy of 6.4 million jews, during peacetime, are the very same folks who claimed that they knew precisely, for certain, without ANY doubt, with such certitude that they had hundreds or thousands of people EXECUTED for denying it, that 6 million jews were missing during Nazi persecution,  world war, massive jew migration, and the death or disappearance of 264 million CHRISTIANS!

Impossible, says Amhadineajad, who claims the holocaust was a "myth"![pic]


Old Almanacs Never Lie!

They just lay out jew LIES like the fillet of rotten fish

584,549 MORE jews in 1949 than in 1940

Meyers Handlexicon, Germany 1921 -- 11,600,000

World Almanac, 1925, pg. 752 -- 15,630,000, "In 1925 a census of Palestine gave a total of 115,151 Jews"

World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727 -- 15,630,000

National Council of Churches 1930 -- 15,600 ,000

March 24, 1933, jewish newspaper Daily Express -- 14,000,000 jews worldwide

World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 -- 15,316,359, ["The estimate for Jews in the above table is for 1933, and is by the American Jewish Committee"

World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 -- world jewish population = 15,753,633

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 -- world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany

American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 -- 15,600,000

World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population -- 15,319,359

World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population -- 15,748,091

World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849: World Jewish Population -- 15,192,089 ("Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion")

World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population -- 15,690,000

World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population -- 15,713,638

Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 -- 15,300,000

Encyclopedia Britannica's 1955 Book of the Year -- 11,627,450, "Jewish figures include all Jews whether members of a synagogue or not"

World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews -- 16,820,850

World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population -- 14,117,000

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population --18,080,000

World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population -- 13,200,000


Nazis Evacuate Two Million jews from German Held Territory

Total World Population of jews

            America         Europe         Asia             Africa         Oceania    Total

1938    5,343,319     8,939,608    839,809    598,339     27,016    15,748,091

1948    5,198,219     9,372,666   572,930    542,869     26,954    15,763,638

Diff         -145,100    +433,058     -266,879    -55,470    -9,938         +15,547

The Wandering jew--from EIGHT million to 30,000 dead jews


Above left: This was the plaque on display at the Auschwitz camp until 1989: note the "4 million" victims. Above right: This is the plaque currently on display at Auschwitz (2002) - note the suddenly reduced number of victims to 1.5 million - a casual reduction in the number of deaths by 2.5 million which never appeared in the American "free press"

|Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the|Forever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity where |

|Nazi murderers between the years of 1940 and 1945 |the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women, and children, |

| |mainly jews from various countries of Europe, Auschwitz-Birkenam, 1940-1945 |



Jews complained about a holocaust in 1919! "Six million men and women are dying ... eight hundred thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, ... but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ..." --The American Hebrew (New York, issue 582 of October 31, 1919) The Talmud also has atrocity claims which demonstrate the Jewish mentality: Gittin 57b claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gittin 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

Actual Auschwitz records released by Russia reduce that figure to 30,000 jews


|[p|HAPPY, SMILING, CHRISTIAN FACES released from Dachau! |

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|[p|Why did "Judea declare war on Germany" in 1933. |

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|[p|Why should "Holocaust denial" be a crime? |

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|[p|Yet one more jew LIE exposed:  Rumbula. |

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|[p|Why are so many holocaust stories being exposed as frauds? |

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|[p|Why was Ernst Z�ndel imprisoned for telling the TRUTH? |

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|[p|Dr. E. R. Fields analyzes the known facts. |

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|[p|Holocaust is a "death by fire". |

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|[p|Torturing Rudolph Hoess to get at the "truth", jew style. |

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|[p|The absurdity of the Zyklon-B claims. |

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|[p|How to start a holocaust. |

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|[p|Many  RED CROSS recipients were jews. |

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|[p|Why did the US government keep the Nazi Master Plan to destroy Christian churches classified for half a century |

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|[p|Why did the number of dead jews mysteriously decrease from 8 million to 74,000 with no media fanfare? |

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|[p|Why did jews worldwide not celebrate the sudden reappearance of 7,926,000 supposedly holocausted jews? |

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|[p|Why would Semen Wiesenthal blacklist supporters of the Second Amendment as "hate sites"? |

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|[p|Why did jew Dyland Klebold kill dozens of "fellow" Littleton High School students as revenge for the "holocaust" that never was, a gift|

|ic|that keeps on giving? |

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|[p|Is Professor Butz really a "holocaust denier"? |

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|[p|Why is "White only" a "venomous message" to a jew? |

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Play "Hide the jew in Auschwitz"

Win $6 trillion, personally guaranteed by financial jew wizard Alan Greenspan who made 18 trillion dollars disappear from our economy without raising a SINGLE eyebrow in Congress

|Dec. 31, 1945 |French Research Dept. for Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal |8,000,000 |

|April 20, 1978 |Le Monde (One of Frances largest newspapers) |5,000,000 |

|Jan. 23, 1995 |Die Welt (One of Germanys largest newspapers) |5,000,000 |

|April 20, 1989 |Kogon, Der-SS-Staat (Expert on III Reich) |4,500,000 |

|Oct. 1, 1946 |International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg document number |4,000,000 |

| |008-USSR | |

|Nov. 24, 1989 |Chief Prosecutor Majorowsky, Wuppertal File No. (12 js 1037/89)|4,000,000 |

|July 26, 1990 |Germany's largest Jewish Weekly, "Allgemeine J�dische |4,000,000 |

| |Wochenzeitung" | |

|Dec. 08, 1993 |ZDF, Germany's second largest T.V. network |4,000,000 |

|Jan. 25, 1995 |German paper "Wetzlaer Neue Zeitung" |4,000,000 |

|Oct. 1, 1946 |International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg document number |3,000,000 |

| |3868-PS | |

|Jan. 1, 1995 |German magazine "Damals" (Magazine about history) |3,000,000 |

|July 18, 1990 |The Peninsula Times Tribune, San Fransisco (USA) |2,000,000 |

|July 25, 1990 |German newspaper Hamburger Adendblatt |2,000,000 |

|Jan. 27, 1995 |German newspaper "Die Welt" |2,000,000 |

|June 11, 1992 |Germany's largest Jewish Weekly, "Allgemeine J�dische |1,500,000 |

| |Wochenzeitung" | |

|Oct. 8, 1993 |ZDF, Germany's second largest T.V. network |1,500,000 |

|Jan. 23, 1995 |German newspaper "Die Welt" |1,500,000 |

|Sept. 1, 1989 |French newspaper "Le Monde" |1,433,000 |

|Feb. 2, 1995 |Large German weekly magazine "Bunte" |1,400,000 |

|Jan. 22, 1995 |German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" |1,200,000 |

|Jan. 27, 1995 |German newspaper "Die Welt" |1,100,000 |

|Dec. 21, 1994 |Institute for Contempory History, Semi-official organ of the |1,000,000 |

| |German State | |

|Dec. 31, 1989 |Jean-Claude Pressac's book "Auschwitz: Technique and Operation |928,000 |

| |of the Gas Chamber" | |

|Sept. 27, 1993 |German newspaper "Die Welt" |800,000 |

|Jan. 22, 1995 |German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" |750,000 |

|May 1, 1994 |Focus newsmagazine. Over 2 million circulation |700,000 |

|Jan. 23, 1995 |German newspaper "Die Welt" |700,000 |

|Jan. 31, 1994 |Jean-Claude Pressac's book "The Auschwitz Crematorium" |470,000 |

|Jan. 8, 1948 |Allied censored post-war German News Reels (Wochenschau Nr. |300,000 |

| |137) | |

|Jan. 6, 1990 |Frankfurter Rundschau |74,000 |

|May 31, 1995 |Former Director of the Institute for Military History at |74,000 |

| |Freiburg, Hoffmann in his book "Stalins war of | |

| |Destruction"--74,000 PEOPLE, of whom "many were jews" | |

|Jan. 10, 2002 |Pre-WWII vs post-WWII Almanacs: an worldwide increase of |-584,549 |

| |584,549 jews | |



The following data from the 1929, 1942, 1947, and 1963 editions of The World Almanac and Book of Facts published by the New York World Telegram, on pages 727, 849, 748, and 441, respectively, and from the 1996 edition published by Funk & Wagnalls, pg. 646, proves that six million Jews did not die in Nazi concentration camps.  While it's true that the number of Jews in Europe decreased from 10 to 9.4 million between 1928 and 1941, the entire population of Jews in rest of the world also decreased, and much of that was before they could have been exterminated in camps.   All world almanacs show that during WWII the number of Jews in Europe remained flat, but Britannica Book of the Year reports that the number of Jews in the world increased by 600,000, or 4% .  How could 6 million Jews (40% of all Jews and 64% of those in Europe) have died in the Holocaust if their worldwide population increased by 4%?



A possible explanation is that 584,549 jews disappeared, and then reappeared AFTER the "holocaust" in order to qualify for "war reparations" against a nation neither jews nor Israel ever took up arms against.  In other words, Jews who didn't admit to being Jews during the war suddenly did admit to being Jews when the money was being handed out.




Why do reputable references like Encyclopedia Britannica report that there 447,274 MORE jews in 1948, AFTER the war, than there were in 1933, BEFORE the war?  why were there 264 million FEWER Christians in the world in 1948 than there would have been without WWII (an event which reduced Europe's total population by more than 25%)?  If the 1942 and 1949 World Almanacs are correct (that there were 15.2 million jews in the world in 1941 and 15.75 million in 1948), and if the natural increase of jews was an unprecedented [unprecedented particularly for jews] rate of 1.5% per year for six years, then in 1947 there would have been 16.6 million jews, 850,000 more than reported by these reputable, unbiased  references.

Many jews claim that WWII was all about "saving jews from the Nazis".  If so, then we have the legitimate right to ask how many Christians must be sacrificed for each jew saved, particularly when jew Hitler's fruits were 307 dead Christians for each dead jew.


World Population of jews in Millions--no holocaust of jews

|Ye|North America |

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|[p|Why Pope Pius XII did not speak up against exterminations of Jews |

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|[p|Jew Norman Finkelstein rejects the 6 million figure. |

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|[p|David Irving explores the FACTS for a change |

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|[p|Why ninety percent of Lousianians never heard of the Holocaust |

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|[p|Why it is ILLEGAL in France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and Israel to even question the Holocaust |

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|[p|Why the promoters of the Holocaust can't present a reasoned argument |

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|[p|Links to historical reviews |

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|[p|Organizations which object to Zionist control |

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|[p|The mythology of Bergen-Belsen |

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|[p|Paul Rassinier, "holocaust survivor", denies the Holocaust and claimed more Christians than Jews died in Auschwitz |

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|[p|Universities can't mention that Allied bombing killed far more people than died in the concentration camps |

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|[p|Why American libraries banned "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" |

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|[p|Stormfront |

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|[p|Fred A. Leuchter and Ernst Z�ndel TRIED for questioning the Holocaust hoax |

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|[p|The Institute for Historical Review: "FBI determined the Jewish Defense League to be the second most active terrorist group in the US" |

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|[p|Holocaust: violation of the First Amendment |

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|[p|What Jews mean by "tolerance". |

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|[p|Herman Otten on the holocaust industry. |

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|[p|ADL: the definition of hypocrisy. |

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|[p|Jewish Programming. |

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|[p|Ground Penetrating Radar scan of Treblinka exposes massive lie |

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|[p|Dr. Fredrick Toben, an Australian scholar and educator, is free after seven months in German prison for having disputed Holocaust |

|ic|extermination allegations |

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|[p|The ADL, a KNOWN terrorist organization, convinces Kathleen McEvoy to shut down the Adelaide Institute under "terrestrial law" |

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The following misinformation is from Infoplease Almanac

The Holocaust (1933–1945)

“Holocaust” is the term describing the Nazi annihilation of about 6 million Jews (two thirds of the pre-World War II European Jewish population), including 4,500,000 from Russia, Poland, and the Baltic; 750,000 from Hungary and Romania; 290,000 from Germany and Austria; 105,000 from The Netherlands; 90,000 from France; 54,000 from Greece.

The Holocaust was unique in its being genocide—the systematic destruction of a people solely because of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, or sexual preference—on an unmatched scale. Along with the Jews, another 9 to 10 million people—Gypsies, Slavs (Poles, Ukrainians, and Belarussians), homosexuals, and the disabled—were exterminated.

1933 Hitler named German Chancellor (Jan.). Dachau, first concentration camp, established (March). Boycotts against Jews begin (April).

1935 Anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws passed by Reichstag; Jews lose citizenship and civil rights (Sept.).


1937 Buchenwald concentration camp opens (July).


1938 Extension of anti-Semitic laws to Austria after annexation (March). Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)—anti-Semitic riots and destruction of Jewish institutions in Germany and Austria (Nov. 9). 26,000 Jews sent to concentration camps; Jewish children expelled from schools (Nov. 9-10). Expropriation of Jewish property and businesses (Dec.).


1940 As war continues, Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing squads) follow German army into conquered lands, rounding up and massacring Jews and other “undesirables.”


1941 Goering instructs Heydrich to carry out the “final solution to the Jewish question” (July 31). Deportation of German Jews begins; massacres of Jews in Odessa and Kiev (Nov.); and in Riga and Vilna (Dec.).


1942 Mass killings using Zyklon-B begin at Auschwitz-Birkenau (Jan.). Nazi leaders attend Wannsee Conference to coordinate the “final solution” (Jan. 20). 100,000 Jews from Warsaw Ghetto deported to Treblinka death camp (July).


1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprisings (Jan. and April); Ghetto exterminated (May).


1944 476,000 Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz (May-June). D-day (June 6). Soviet Army liberates Maidanek death camp (July). Nazis try to hide evidence of death camps (Nov.).


1945 As Allies advance, Nazis force concentration camp inmates on death marches. Americans liberate Buchenwald and British liberate Bergen-Belsen camps (April). Nuremberg War Crimes Trial (Nov. 1945 to Oct. 1946).



More details

From the Birdman  

World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population- 15,319,359

World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population- 15,713,638

World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population- 14,117,000


Meyers Handlexicon, Germany 1921 - 11,600,000

National Council of Churches 1930 - 15,600 ,000

American Jewish Committee, Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 - 15,600,000

World Almanac USA 1947 - 15,690,000

Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 - 15,300,000



"According to the census of June 16, 1933, the Jewish population of Germany, including the Saar region (which at that time was still under the administration of the League of Nations), was approximately 505,000 people".

"Fourteen million Jews dispersed throughout the world have banded together as one man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists.   Sectional differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim--to stand by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorised by Hitlerist anti-semitism, and to compel Fascist Germany to end its campaign of violence and suppression directed against its Jewish Minority", front page, the jewish "Daily Express", March 24, 1933.

Fourteen MILLION jews in 1933?  That's almost TWO MILLION LESS than all jew publications reported AFTER World War II.

600 THOUSAND jews in Germany in 1933?  That total figure is less than a TENTH of what the jews claim Hitler killed.





Judgment Day Perspectives Newsletter, Volume 2, #6:

The Thirty-Nine Lashes Against the Hoaxacaust

By Eli James

The following are 39 good reasons why you should not believe in the biggest myth of the Twentieth Century:

1.) Consider the source. All of the “evidence” presented at the Nuremberg trials came from two sources: Communists and Zionists. Neither of these groups could be considered impartial. All communists are liars; and all Zionists are tyrants who believe that critics of Zionism should have no public say. Many of these people, such as Leon Trotsky and David Ben-Gurion, were both communists and Zionists! Since the myth-makers cannot prove their contentions in an open, public, discussion, the only choice they have is to quash dissent by making “questioning the holocaust” a crime in every country in the world, except the USA, where freedom of speech is hanging by a thread.

2.) Zyklon B delousing gas was just that. In the days of World War II, typhus was a scourge which was transmitted by fleas and lice. Xyklon B was the treatment given to all prison internees, no matter what their religious background, because typhus had to be controlled. The claim that it was used to poison people is absurd because it was highly flammable. To use it for the purposes described by the hoaxers would have put all of the camp facilities at risk of fire and explosion. Signed confessions, extracted by Jewish and communist interrogators, say that the dead bodies, after death by gassing, were extracted by workers who were “drinking and smoking.” Rudolph Hoess signed such a document, which was written for him. Hmm. Would you turn the gas on in your oven without lighting it, wait a while, and then walk into the room with a lit cigarette in your mouth? Obviously, the hoaxers had little technical knowledge when they made their ridiculous claims. In addition, the manufacturer of Zyklon B gas stated that, due to the adhesive qualities of the gas, it would require a 24-hour ventilation period before anyone could safely enter a room which had been used for such a purpose.

In addition, shaving heads was necessary in order to remove the breeding grounds of the lice.

3.) Killing six million people and disposing of their bodies is no small order for an army trying to conduct a war. Can you imagine the waste of fuel and other resources that would otherwise go to the war effort? Of the thousands of reconnaissance photos available from World War II, why are there no pictures of the fuel tanker convoys which would be needed to deliver the fuel for the crematoria? Why are there no pictures of the smokestacks, which were supposedly belching smoke day and night? The reality is that the Germans could hardly afford to waste fuel for such a purpose. Everyone agrees that the Germans kept tremendous records for efficiency and documentation purposes. Where are the records of these fuel shipments?

Think, think, think, you gullible Christian! The Zionists are laughing at you!

4.) Auschwitz, one of the largest concentration camps, had only about twenty ovens in its crematory. The crematoria at the various concentration camps were very crude and required lots of fuel and many hours to consume one body. One researcher has calculated that, given the exact number of ovens available and hours per body, the ovens would have to be going day and night from the War’s beginning until 1975 before that many bodies could be cremated. Are you beginning to comprehend the absurdity of such a claim? Yet, it is repeated by the Zionist-dominated bias machine on an almost daily basis, and it is force-fed to our school children at taxpayer expense and Zionist urging.

5.) If the bodies were not cremated as many hoaxers suggest, then where are the skeletons of all these bodies? Surely a few dozen would have turned up by now. Or did the Germans find some super-secret body disposal system that no one yet knows of?

6.) Would the Germans go out of their way to provide fuel for the crematoria when their airplanes and tanks were desperately in need of fuel? Not once have I heard anyone accuse the Germans of being stupid. Toward the end of the war, the Germans lost battles because lack of fuel. Would they be so stupid is to redirect fuel to the camps for “the ovens” when battles are at stake?

7.) Jews were singled out for special interrogation because so many of them were communists. The camp directors had to determine whether these Jews were harmless or dangerous - whether they would make reliable workers or just be troublemakers. Those who were determined to be useful workers were allowed many privileges, including the formation of orchestras. If the Jews were automatically gassed (killed), how would any of these privileges be considered, let alone established? The mere fact that there are so many Jewish survivors of concentration camps is evidence against the hoax.

8.) During the entire length of the War, the International Red Cross had constant access to the concentration camps. They delivered mail and packages containing food and clothing. The International Red Cross, despite this constant presence, never once filed a complaint or report about “the ovens of Auschwitz” or any other camp. It truly begs credulity to think that not a single Red Cross agent ever became suspicious, unless, of course, there was nothing to be suspicious about.

9.) The Nuremberg trials were conducted by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, forerunner of the CIA) at the behest of the Zionist International. The Israeli State did not yet exist. The vast bulk of “evidence” was provided by the pro-Zionist Soviet Union. Neither of these two organizations could possibly be considered fair or trustworthy. Again, consider the source.

10.) Confessions were obtained under duress and torture. “It was this same War Crimes Branch which itself administered the nightmarish trials at Dachau, where prisoners were beaten, kicked, starved, and brutalised by Jewish-American jailers.” -- Richard Harwood, from Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials, p. 14. In true gangland style, the accused were told that their family members would be hurt or killed if they did not cooperate. Techniques of interrogation included beatings, starvation, testicle smashing and other forms of torture. The German prisoners were often so badly beaten that they could not be brought into the courtroom for fear of demonstrating their adverse treatment. The State of Israel today continues to use torture and murder as part of their terrorist campaign. Amnesty International has repeatedly cited Israel for such violations of human rights.

11.) There were no more than 4 million Jews living in Nazi-occupied territory. As the Nazi army advanced, the Jews fled rather than be captured. On June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that 3,375,000 Jewish “holocaust survivors” had applied for reparations. Now, if we subtract 3,375,000 from 4,000,000, that leaves 625,000 unaccounted for. If we take 625,000 and add a zero to the figure, we arrive at the fictitious and truly fantastic six million lie.

12.) According to the World Almanac of 1947, the world population of Jews in 1939 was 15,688,259. These figures were supplied to the Almanac by the American Jewish Committee. Then, the Jewish-owned New York Times of Feb. 22, 1948 listed the Jewish population in Palestine as 600,000 to 700,000; and for the rest of the world, the Jewish population is listed as 15,600,000 to 18,700,000. If we add the two lower figures together, we get a minimum total of 16,200,000 Jews world-wide, which is still a net increase in the world Jewish population of at least 500,000. If six million Jews had really died, then the total should have been 10,200,000.

But since the whole six million myth was just in the process of being fabricated by the world Zionist propaganda machine, these accurate figures came out before the hoaxacaust figures could be subtracted from the equation. Considering the fact that populations generally decrease during times of war - which it most certainly did for the German people and other nationalities - it is quite astounding that the Jewish population actually increased during this time. The fact is that the vast majority of Jews simply relocated to other parts of the world: Palestine, Russia, America, South America, etc.

13.) According to a pamphlet by Dr. E.R. Fields, entitled Was There Really a Holocaust?, the Red Cross reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates, no more than 300,000 could have died. In item #11 above, we were willing to grant that possibly 625,000 were unaccounted for. If half of them died in the concentration camps and the other half died or disappeared to some other country, then our figures agree.

14.) Heinrich Himmler, Chief Commandant of the Concentration Camps, issued an order, dated Dec. 28, 1942, stating: “The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs.” - from Reitlinger’s book, The Final Solution. Ladies and gentlemen, the Germans were fighting a war, and they needed the productive capacity of the inmates of the camps to produce war material. An extermination policy would have shifted vital resources away from production to waste. Isn’t this holocaust claim incredible just from this consideration alone?

15.) One of the Nuremberg documents, a letter of April 10, 1943, was issued by Oswald Pohl, the head of the Economic Administration of the concentration camps. After addressing the above-cited order by Himmler, the mortality rate of the camps had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June, 1943. Given an extermination policy, why would there be any concern for mortality rates?

16.) Numerous claims of the hoaxers have been amended over time because the claims were obviously exaggerated or invented. In April 1975, Simon Wiesenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust Center was forced to admit in the paper, Books and Bookmen, “No gassing took place in any camp on German soil.” At that time, Auschwitz and other camps were still in the possession of the Soviets, who would not allow serious researchers into these camps to validate holocaust claims. We expect that, with full disclosure, Mr. Wiesenthal will be forced to admit that no gassing ever took place in any camp.

17.) The Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war. When asked if they witnessed any alleged “gassings,” the response was negative. From Red Cross document #9925, June, 1946, the entry states: “The detainees themselves have not spoken of them.” How can you gas six million Jews and nobody notices?

18.) Photos of emaciated bodies, both alive and dead, are not proof of an extermination campaign. The fact is that toward the end of the war, the Allies were bombing railroads and roads to the point of obliteration. This meant that valuable food, medicine, Red Cross packages, and other supplies were no longer reaching the camps. This was the real reason for the malnutrition, not to mention the serious side effects of malnutrition, which would be an increase in all types of disease.

The same thing happened in America during the Civil War. Northern prisoners in the Southern camp of Andersonville were also emaciated to the point of being only skin and bone. The commander of the camp, at his trial, said that he simply had no supplies with which to feed the inmates and he was not allowed to set them free. Pictures of these prisoners could easily be substituted for WWII inmates and no one would know the difference.

One thing we know for sure: The Jews are good at writing captions.

Please note that the published photos of concentration camp inmates show relatively well-fed people lining up for the showers. All of the photos of dead bodies being bulldozed show emaciated bodies. If they were gassed and killed immediately, as the hoaxers claim, there would be some photographic evidence of well-fed people being bulldozed into graves. There is none.

19.) In 1943, the SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant Karl Koch for mistreating and executing prisoners. He was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgan and was executed for his crimes. If there were an extermination policy in force, would they bother trying and executing Commandant Koch? Again, these were work camps designed to assist the war effort. An extermination policy would have required tremendous resources and effort. It would have disrupted the crucial work that was going on and it would have risked undermining the war effort.

20.) Cremating 6,000,000 bodies in order to dispose of the evidence would have left 15,000 tons of ashes. No such volume of ashes was ever found, and no air reconnaissance ever revealed enormous clouds of smoke, and certainly there was never any such total of bodies found. It is only when one considers the enormous lack of evidenceof a holocaust - all the physical matter that would have been left over from such a campaign (six million corpses?!!!!) and the sheer magnitude of such an undertaking - then the hoax becomes obvious. It is only the hoaxers themselves and those who have not really thought about the physical details who believe in this tragic farce.

It is quite certain that the Germans did not have enough fuel to consume anywhere near that amount of bodies. One of the hoaxers, Mr. Henri Michel, editor-in-chief of the Revue d’Histoire De La Seconde Guerre Mondial, exclaimed of Auschwitz: “This camp was the most international and the most western of the death factories, and its soil is enriched with the ashes of 4,000,000 corpses.” -- p. 3. The dust cloud of crematoria smoke from such a volume of corpses would certainly have prompted some aerial reconnaissance photos, don’t you think? Where is the evidence? Why is there not one single photo of the crematoria smokestacks belching out their tons of ashes?

21.) William L. Shirer, one of those authors who continued the hoaxacaust story in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, was forced to admit in a footnote on the crematoria: “…the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries, and would be unsuitable for mass burning.” This footnote occurs on p. 972 of the German edition only. The rest of the world is still in the midst of the Zionist Dark Age.

22.) Thies Christopherson, a German soldier and author stated: “I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there.” Now, remember, this man does not practice the religion of lies. His statement was proven to be true when, in 1960, Auschwitz was opened to tourists and no gas chamber could be found. What a disappointment this must have been for the tourists! Later, in order to make up for this communist oversight (they didn’t have much experience at developing capitalist-style theme parks), the Soviets built one themselves! No doubt, the money for construction was provided by some Zionist or rabbinical organization.

23.) The so-called Diary of Anne Frank was not written by Anne Frank at all. Photocopies of the supposed manuscript show two distinct styles of handwriting, one which is not handwriting at all but printing, and the other a very smooth handwriting angled at two o’clock. At least half of the manuscript was handwritten in ballpoint pen. The ballpoint pen, invented during WWII, was not commercially available until after the war. In addition, the American Jewish writer, Meyer Levin, sued Anne Frank’s father and won an award of $50,000 for his participation in the writing of “Anne Frank’s” supposed diary. This fact was only brought to light because one Jew tried to cheat another.

24.) Although death by starvation and disease had increased toward the end of the war, the videos of huge piles of dead bodies in civilian clothing were most often footage which was filmed in Dresden. Dresden was devastated by the firebombing raids of the Allies on February 13 and 14, 1945. This was one of the greatest wartime atrocities in history, because Dresden had become, in effect, a large refugee camp for German women, children, wounded soldiers, and old men. Dresden was one of Germany’s main artistic centers and had virtually no industry located in its vicinity. The Allies knew this and yet they bombed the city mercilessly for two nights, apparently to dispose of war ordnance which would otherwise go to waste, for Germany at that point was a defeated nation and the war was nearing its end. Why not kill as many unarmed civilians as you can? Who will know?

The German refugees thought that Dresden would be a safe haven because of its lack of industry. They were, sadly, wrong. They could not imagine that there would be such immense Zionist bloodlust in command of the U.S. and British military. You can imagine the horror of those who thought they would be safe in Dresden until the end of the war! The war criminals have successfully blocked out this war crime from the history books; but I am sure that Yahweh God will remember those who are responsible.

25.) The Nuremberg trials were an absolute farce. One of the most damning conditions of the trials agreed to by the Allies in the August 1945 London Agreement was “The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply, to the greatest possible extent, expeditious and non-technical procedure, and shall submit any evidence which it deems to have probative value.”

In other words, let’s railroad these “war criminals” as quickly as possible, so we can go home and collect our medals. How would you like to be tried by a court which does not abide by “rules of evidence?” A mere technicality, you say? Can you see the kangaroos hopping around? Except, these kangaroos have hooked noses and wear yarmulkas now and then.

26.) The fact that American Jews were allowed to be prosecutors and judges is a travesty in itself. The fact that many of them, if not all, were merely instruments of the Zionist International makes the entire proceeding suspect because of a lack of impartiality. No court would consider it impartial if an agent of the accuser were to be allowed to be a prosecutor or a judge. Yet, this is exactly what happened at the Nuremberg trials. Unfortunately, the American people were not aware of these shady Zionist dealings. They assumed, as people still assume today, that the Nuremberg trials were held in accordance to standard procedures.

Regarding the London Agreement, Harwood says: “…the same people who drew up the arrangements for Nuremberg promptly had themselves appointed as prosecutors and judges. Nikitchenko and Falco became judges. Jackson was American Chief Presecutor, Fyfe was Deputy-Chief British Prosecutor. Thus, virtually the same people were judges, prosecution, and court.” -- p. 14. And you were told that the Nuremberg trials were fair and impartial?

27.) Incriminating documents were simply fabricated by the Soviets. In his opening speech at the War Crimes Tribunal, Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson appeared to be quoting from a document which he ascribed to Baron Werner von Fritsch, the pre-war Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces. In fact, he was quoting from a typewritten document of unknown origin. No original document was ever produced. (You can imagine how many clerks and other military personnel were recruited by the Zionists, at U.S. and British expense, to produce “documents.” Oops! I shouldn’t encourage you to use your imagination. There’s been too much of that already! Even if you’ve only heard the Zionist version of these events, it would only be prudent to exercise some common sense and good old-fashioned skepticism before accepting their story without criticism. It seems that only the Jews routinely get away without scrutiny. Why is that?)

28.) Budd Schulberg, Jewish film producer, was recruited by the OSS to produce the photographic and film “evidence” at Nuremberg. Again, lack of impartiality at its worst. He received a military reward for his efforts. Surprising that he didn’t get an Academy Award as well! The Jews of Russia (Khazaria), America, Britain and Israel were the prosecution, the judge, the jury, the newspaper reporters and the film crew. The poor, persecuted Jew has no influence at all! Why do the goyim hate him so?

29.) Paul Rassinier, author of The Drama of the European Jews, relates that many of the hoaxers, authors who had profited from the hoax, could not verify their claims. One author, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, claimed to have been to Aushwitz but gave travel directions which made absolutely no sense. Professor Rassinier attempted to contact Dr. Nyiszli about such discrepancies and received from him a reply through a Mr. Tibere Kremer. As it turned out, Dr. Nyiszli had long since died, so even the reply was a forgery. Says Dr. Rassinier: “…this dead witness - another one - was peculiar enough himself to write to me after his death. And so Mr. Tibere Kremer’s silence is understandable. No further comment.” -- p. 41. This incident should give the reader an idea of the quality of the “evidence” which has been presented in the hoaxacaust literature.

When faced with a mountain lies, at least some statements must be true, right? Not necessarily.

30.) Prof. Rassinier’s book is a detailed examination of Jewish populations in virtually every country of Europe, including Poland and Russia, from 1931 to 1945. According to Rassinier’s statistics, in 1931 Europe had 9,777,500 documented Jews (figures from the World Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation). The population that remained in these locations in 1945 was 4,250,000. The emigrants who left Europe altogether is numbered at 4,416,608. These people went to three main locations: Palestine (the Israeli state had not yet been created), Central Asia (Soviet Union) and the United States. So, the total, documented numbers of living European Jews in 1945, according to Rassinier, was 8,666,608. If we subtract the documented number of survivors from the documented pre-war population, we have a total of l,003,392 unaccounted for. Of these, a certain number must have died from causes unrelated to the war. If we grant that half of them died from such causes, then we have a total of about 500,000 Jews who perished in the war. This is consistent with our previous totals from items 11 and 13.

31.) At the Nuremberg trials, Philip Auerbach, the Jewish attorney-general for post-war Bavaria was denounced by SS General Otto Ohlendorf. Auerbach had claimed the absurd figure of 11 million Jews having suffered in the concentration camps. “Ohlendorf lived long enough to see Auerbach convicted for embezzlement and fraud (forging documents purporting to show huge payments of compensation to non-existent people) before his own execution took place in 1951.” -- p. 10-11, The True History of “The Holocaust,” Did Six Million Really Die? - by the Institute for Historical Review.

32.) It has been frequently reported by American prisoners of war that the Germans treated them much more humanely than the Japanese. The same is true for the civilian prisoners in the concentration camps. Many of these people were arrested for being communist spies. Hundreds of affidavits described the circumstances at the camps as “humane.” “One Berta Schirotschin, who worked at the food service at Dachau throughout the war, testified that the working inmates…received their customary second breakfast at 10 a.m. every morning…The Polish underground leader, Jan Piechowiak, who was at Dachau from May 22nd, 1940 until April 29th, 1945, also testified on March 21st, 1946 that prisoners there received good treatment.” -- p. 21, Did Six Million Really Die?

33.) Elie Wiesel has a poor memory. According to the New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, Wiesel recalled “the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz.” Previously, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., in April, 1983, Wiesel “noted that on April 15, 1945, he was one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army.” - Jewish Telegraph Agency, April 11, 1983. “Oy, vey! I remember it like it vas yesterday” we can hear him sighing. Is this two lies or only one? Wiesel would have the distinction of being the only prisoner of war to be liberated from two different camps. Talk about bragging rights! The father of lies is truly proud of this weasel.

34.) In flagrant violation of the principle of freedom of speech, the Zionists impose their will on every organization they possibly can in order to prevent people from speaking out against the hoax. In Germany, it is against the law to deny the holocaust. Numerous people have been imprisoned for making public statements against the mythology. This fact should infuriate anyone who believes in freedom of speech.

35.) The holocaust industry makes millions of dollars every year promoting this holocaust trash. In literary circles, it is still a “hot ticket.” Truth be damned. Money talks.

36.) The Soviets brought out a bunch of “human skin” artifacts and “human soap” (presumably dusting off the trunks from their WWI displays), but the Tribunal chose not to pursue the matter any further.

37.) One of the chief presiding judges, Charles F. Wennerstrum, denounced the proceedings: “If I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here…Obviously, the victor in any war is not the best judge of the war crime guilt...The prosecution has failed to maintain objectivity aloof from vindictiveness, aloof from personal ambitions for convictions...the defense had access only to those documents which the prosecution considered material to the case…also abhorrent to the American sense of justice is the prosecution’s reliance upon self-incriminating statements made by the defendants while prisoners for more than 2&1/2 years and repeated interrogations without the presence of counsel.” - Harwood, p. 39, 40. But we are not dealing with the American sense of justice. We are dealing with the Talmudic, Zionist sense of justice. Dare we call it Satanic in origin? Judge Wennerstrum went to Nuremberg expecting to dispense justice. Instead, he was asked to rubber stamp a show trial.

38.) Many prisoners of the War Crimes Tribunal were kept in prison, held without charges being filed for months. This included even the wives of the suspects. (Harwood, p. 57.)

39.) Holocaust propaganda has changed with the times. Truth is not flexible. Lies are. No consistent flow of information has ever been established by the hoax industry. New charges and claims arise, all without any substantiation. Old ones dissolve, depending upon which charges have been refuted or not. We all know that the original story was that the Germans kept their “extermination program” a secret. How else could it have happened, anyway? Recently, the hoaxers, contradicting this theory, have claimed that it was common knowledge in those days that the exterminations were going on, but that nobody did anything about it. This claim has been fabricated for the sole purpose of trying to indict Pope Pius XII for “not helping the Jews.” But how can you prevent something that isn’t happening?

I remember very clearly as a child around 1954 standing in a mom-and-pop grocery store. Two Jewish women were reacting to a radio news story about the holocaust. I will never forget what the one woman said to the other: “If I had known they were being gassed, I would have never gotten on the train.” So, obviously, six million others didn’t know about it either! And she also survived, whatever camp she was in; and, from her statement, she did not witness any gassings either, because this was the first she had heard about it! Sooner or later, the liar gets caught in his lies. The fact that he owns all the newspapers will not prevent this eventuality.

Never underestimate the power of the BIG LIE. The Jews are the masters of it. My personal opinion is the Zionists decided to promote this myth in order to cover up their own involvement with Nazi Germany in transferring Jews from Germany to Palestine. They needed a smoke screen and a continuous barrage of propaganda to clamp the lid down on any criticism of their WWII maneuverings. The more newspaper space that is taken up by their lies, the less room there is for the truth. As the previous stories have revealed, the Zionists have much to hide.


"We remember the suffering of the innocent victims who were murdered here, and we bow our heads in respect" Vike-Freiberga



Just like my visits to other "concentration" [read: work] camps, for those who refused to work [and if jews represented the majority of those who refused to work, then ask yourself "WHY"], Rumbula turned out to be MORE THAN A COMPLETE DISAPPOINTMENT.

I had frequently visited a village in France where the sole survivor of 91 villagers conducted a tour of the remains of his wife, children, relatives, neighbors, buildings, church who were shot by Nazis as he hid in the hills above the town, watching in sheer horror.  The bullet holes in the side of the church are proof enough that those who lined CHRISTIANS up in front of their own church so they could be shot in the sight of God were NOT Christians--though little did I know then that they were JEWS!  Shooting 90 Christian civilian villagers on the side of their own church, burning down their buildings and cars, trying to burn down their church, could ONLY be the work of the children of the devil,and it left behind LOTS of evidence, including bullet holes in the relatively few trees around the village, the skeletons, bones, and ashes of the burned bodies, and burned out cars and houses [all with bullet holes that made Bonnie and Clyde seem like a Boy Scout meeting].

Yet in Rumbula, where "77,000 Jews from Latvia, and another 30,000 to 40,000" from Europe, where "1,000 per hour, falling on top of those [jews] who had died before" were killed, where was the forensic evidence?


Not even a single bullet hole.  This is a FOREST where you can't even see the road 100 feet away because of the pine and birch trees which live for CENTURIES [another photo here]--AND THERE WASN'T A SINGLE BULLET HOLE, nor a single PICTURE OF A single BULLET HOLE, in a single tree, building, car, or church.  The only way to remove the evidence of a bullet hole in the tree is to CUT THE TREE DOWN, but then the stump remains for CENTURIES, unless someone goes to a LOT of trouble to remove the stump.  THERE WERE NO STUMPS.  There was NO evidence that these trees had EVER been cut down, so just ONE bullet hole, which would have been proof of only ONE shot fired out of the hundreds of thousands of shots which would have been required to SHOOT TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND JEWS, was *non existent*.

There wasn't even a single skeleton, bone, vial of ashes, much less burned down buildings, burned out cars, bullet holes on the side of a church, nor ANY other evidence that ANYONE, much less a jew, had been shot in that forest by the Nazis.  Had they shot 1,000 PER HOUR [TWELVE TIMES as many as villagers were shot in France], there would have been bullet holes in EVERY single tree, not to mention skulls, bones, skeletons, ashes EVERYWHERE.


There are some cryptic plaques and artistic stones with the names of German cities on them which infer ONLY that SOMEBODY from those cities might have gone missing.  There was a plaque for Koln which we had just visited I can guarandam.tee you that there WERE people missing from, because half a million CHRISTIANS in Koln were firebombed into oblivion by bombs dropped from 22,000 feet and the flames were so hot and so tall that we lost some of the bombers even at that altitude.  The luckiest jew in the world would have been the one from Koln who'd reportedly been sent to Rumbula and been shot by bullets which didn't even leave bullet holes in the trees.



Some 77,000 Jews from Latvia, and another 30,000 to 40,000 sent by cattle truck from across Europe, were murdered in Latvia as part of Hitler's programme to exterminate European Jewry.

The massacre in Rumbula forest took place in November and December, 1941.

The victims are said to have been shot at a rate of 1,000 per hour, falling on top of those who had died before. Most of them came from Riga's Jewish ghetto.

"We remember the suffering of the innocent victims who were murdered here, and we bow our heads in respect," Ms Vike-Freiberga said.

Until recently, the Latvian authorities avoided acknowledging the atrocities that took place during the war, especially the role played by local collaborators.

Rumbula Forest is a pine forest enclave in Riga, Latvia in which Jews were massacred during the Holocaust.

In two days, November 30, 1941 and December 8, 1941 25,000 Jews were murdered in Rumbula Forest. Of these 25,000, 24,000 were Latvian Jews from the Riga Ghetto and 1,000 were German Jews transported to the forest by freight train. The systematic mass murder was carried out by the Nazi Einsatzgruppen with the help of Arajs commando, with support from other Lithuanian police units.

Over 25,000 Jews were ordered to disrobe in freezing weather to be shot in the back of the head at close range in pits that were mass graves. Two women survived. One of them, Frida Michelson, took advantage of a distraction and felll into the pit of dead bodies as if dead herself. She survived the war to write the book I Survived Rumbula, later translated into English and published by the Holocaust Memorial Museum.

During the Holocaust, 90% of Latvia's Jews were murdered at Rumbula, Liepaja (Libau) and other locations. When the war turned against Germany, the bodies at Rumbula Forest were ordered dug up and burned. The site has been marked by a series of makeshift memorials over the years. A moving Rumbula memorial was dedicated in November 2002, 61 years after the killings.




Holocaust Survivor Memoir Exposed as Fraud

by Mark Weber

A Holocaust survivor memoir that has received prestigious literary awards and lavish praise has been exposed as a hoax.

In Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood, Binjamin Wilkomirski describes his ordeal as an infant in the Jewish ghetto of Riga (Latvia), where his earliest memory is of seeing his father being killed. Wilkomirski also tells how he survived the terrible rigors of wartime internment, at the age of three or four, in the German-run concentration camps of Majdanek and Auschwitz.

First published in German in 1995, Fragments has been translated into twelve languages. In Switzerland, the country where Wilkomirski lives, the book has been a major best-seller. Two documentary films and numerous personal appearances by the author in schools throughout the country have helped promote the memoir.

The American edition was published by Schocken, an imprint of Random House, which heavily promoted the book with teachers' study guides and other supplementary materials.

Jewish groups and major American newspapers have warmly praised Fragments. The New York Times called it "stunning," and the Los Angeles Times lauded it as a "classic first-hand account of the Holocaust." It received the 1996 National Jewish Book Award for Autobiography and Memoir, while in Britain it was awarded the Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize, and in France the Prix Memoire de la Shoah.

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC -- a federal government agency -- was so impressed that it sent Wilkomirski on a six-city United States fund-raising tour last fall.

This past summer, though, compelling evidence came to light exposing Wilkomirski's memoir as an literary hoax.

Although he claims to have been born in Latvia in 1939, and to have arrived in Switzerland in 1947 or 1948, Swiss legal records show that he was actually born in Switzerland in February 1941, the son of an unwed woman, Yvette Grosjean. The infant was then adopted and raised by the Doessekkers, a middle-class Zurich couple. Jewish author Daniel Ganzfried, writing in the Swiss weekly Weltwoche, also reports that he has found a 1946 photo of the young Bruno Doessekker (Wilkomirski) in the garden of his adoptive parents.

Comparisons have been drawn between Wilkomirski's Fragments and The Painted Bird, the supposedly autobiographical "Holocaust memoir" by prominent literary figure Jerzy Kosinksi that turned out to be fraudulent.

Reaction by Jewish Holocaust scholars to the new revelations has been instructive, because they seem more concerned about propagandistic impact than about historical truth. Their primary regret seems merely to be that the fraud has been detected, not that it was perpetrated.

In an essay published in a major Canadian newspaper (Ottawa Citizen, Nov. 18, 1998), Jewish writer Judith Shulevitz arrogantly argued that it doesn't really matter much if Fragments is authentic. Her main misgiving, apparently, is that the deceit was not more adroit: "I can't help wishing Wilkomirksi-Doesseker [sic] had been more subtle in his efforts at deception, and produced the magnificent fraud world literature deserves."

Deborah Dwork, director of the Center for Holocaust Studies at Clark University (Worcester, Mass.), and co-author of Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present (Yale Univ. Press, 1996), agrees that Fragments now appears to be fraudulent. At the same time, though, she expressed sympathy for Wilkomirski, saying that when she met him he appeared "to be a deeply scarred man." Amazingly, Dwork does not blame him for the imposture, "because she believes in his identity." Instead, she takes the publishers to task for having "exploited" Wilkomirski. (New York Times, Nov. 3, 1998).

Deborah Lipstadt, author of the anti-revisionist polemic Denying the Holocaust, has assigned Fragments in her Emory University class on Holocaust memoirs. When confronted with evidence that it is a fraud, she commented that the new revelations "might complicate matters somewhat, but [the work] is still powerful."

Daniel Ganzfried reports that Jews have complained to him that even if Fragments is a fraud, his expos� is dangerously aiding "those who deny the Holocaust."

American Jewish writer Howard Weiss makes a similar point in an essay published in the Chicago Jewish Star (Oct. 9-29, 1998):

Presenting a fictional account of the Holocaust as factual only provides ammunition to those who already deny that the horrors of Nazism and the death camps ever even happened. If one account is untrue, the deniers' reasoning goes, how can we be sure any survivors accounts are true ... Perhaps no one was ready to question the authenticity of the [Wilkomirski] account because just about anything concerning the Holocaust becomes sacrosanct.

Wilkomirski himself has responded to the new revelations by going into hiding, although he did issue a defiant statement describing the climate of discussion about his memoir as a "poisonous" atmosphere of "totalitarian judgment and criticism."

Holocaust Fraud!


> The Jerusalem Post

> 12 Av 5761 / Wednesday August  1, 2001


> A Holocaust fraud

> By Calev Ben-David


> JERUSALEM��A post-modern parable about the pliable

> nature of historical truth and the ways in which the

> memory of the Holocaust is manipulated.


> In 1995, a new Holocaust memoir titled Fragments,

> written by one Binyamin Wilkomirski, was published in

> Switzerland and in several translated editions elsewhere.  

> It purported to tell of the author's childhood experiences

> growing up in the Riga ghetto, his deportation to Majdanek

> and Auschwitz, his experience in a Cracow orphanage after

> the war, and his eventual adoption by the Swiss family

> that raised him.


> The book received largely positive, even effusive critical

> praise.  A reviewer in Britain's The Guardian called it "one

> of the great works about the Holocaust" and a reviewer in

> the US magazine The Nation actually wrote:  "This stunning

> and austerely written work is so profoundly moving, so

> morally important, and so free from literary artifice of

> any kind at all that I wonder if I even have the right to

> try to offer praise."


> Fragments won several literary prizes, including a National

> Jewish Book award, and Wilkomirski himself became a

> celebrity-survivor, giving readings and lectures across

> the world.


> Then in 1998, Swiss-Jewish author, Daniel Ganzfried, who

> had been skeptical about the book since its publication,

> wrote an article which charged that Wilkomirski, far from

> being a Holocaust survivor, was a native-born, non-Jewish

> Swiss citizen originally named Bruno Grosjean, who had

> entirely invented the story of his childhood in war-time

> East Europe and the camps.


> Wilkomirski denied the accusation, and because he had

> indeed been an adopted child, it was not easy at first

> to establish the facts of his early years. But as other

> journalists began to poke into the story, the truth of

> Ganzfried's charges - and the falsehoods and inventions

> in Fragments��looked more and more evident, and calls

> were made for the book to be pulled from the shelves,

> or at least relabelled as fiction.


> Instead the publishers went out and hired a Swiss

> historian, Dr. Stefan Maechler, to investigate the

> charges against Wilkomirski.  The result, together with

> the complete text of Fragments, is now being put out

> by the same companies that published Wilkomirski's

> questionable text in the first place.


> If the whole affair already sounds like some kind of

> post-modern parable about the pliable nature of historical

> truth and the ways in which the memory of the Holocaust

> is being manipulated, it gets even worse. Maechler makes

> it absolutely clear that Wilkomirski-Grosjean (he took the

> former name because of a resemblance to a well-known

> Jewish violinist, Wanda Wilkomirski) made up everything

> in Fragments connected with the Holocaust��or borrowed

> it from other sources, especially Jerzy Kosinski's

> novel-memoir The Painted Bird, whose own veracity has

> been questioned.


> Serious doubts had been raised and then ignored about

> the work from the very beginning.  Even worse was the

> indiscriminate rush to canonize yet another survivor-saint

> following the book's publication.  The height of this

> absurdity, reports Maechler, came when Wilkomirski

> addressed a meeting of the Holocaust Child Survivors

> Group of Los Angeles, and was tearfully embraced there

> by a woman named Laura Grabowski, who claimed to

> remember him from the camps.  It later turned out

> that she was actually a non-Jewish, US-born woman

> named Lauren Stratford, who had falsely accepted

> Holocaust reparations and had previously claimed to

> be the childhood victim of ritual abuse by Satanic cults.


> Like other adherents of the so-called "recovered memory"

> movement in the US, Wilkomirski himself is seen by

> Maechler to be not some kind of deliberate con-artist,

> but a psychologically disturbed individual, who gradually

> created, and then accepted as truth, his fake

> Holocaust-survivor identity.  To this day, even when

> confronted with absolute proof of his deception,

> Wilkomirski refuses to admit his scam.  Even worse,

> some of his and Fragments initial admirers refuse to

> back down from their position��and claim that to now

> attack the author and his work is to question the very

> veracity of the Holocaust.


> Why were so many people initially fooled by Fragments?

> Reading it for the first time, it's not hard to imagine why.

> Wilkomirski does clearly have some literary talent; what's

> more, he very cleverly constructed his impressionistic book��

> deliberately or not��in such a manner that it evades easy

> detection. At the very beginning, he writes:  "My earliest

> memories are a rubble field of isolated images and events.  

> Shards of memory with hard knife-sharp edges, and events,

> which still cut flesh if touched today.  Mostly a chaotic

> jumble, with very little chronological fit."


> Although Holocaust experts were able to later pick out

> inaccuracies in the text��such as the description of a

> rat-plague in Majdanek that never took place��it is

> unlikely a layman would detect Wilkomirski's forgery.


> What is less understandable, however, is why this slim,

> vague and over-wrought work received such critical acclaim.  

> The answer, of course, is because it deals with the Holocaust,

> an event that has been lifted out of the realm of normative

> critical perspective, and elevated into a pseudo-religious

> sphere of sanctified legend.


> No wonder then that some academics are now turning a

> more jaundiced eye towards the way in which the memory

> of the Holocaust is increasingly being used��and misused.

> Maechler himself, at the end of his report, writes:  "The

> rise and fall of the figure of Binjamin Wilkomirski reveals

> more than just the mechanisms that are now part of the

> Shoah and its remembrance, and it would be wrong to

> discuss the phenomenon only within that framework.


> "Nonetheless it can be said that the Wilkomirski

> phenomenon, from the origins of his memories to their

> reception and exposure, is a litmus test revealing how

> we all��depending on the nature of our involvement��

> deal with its aftermath."


> Being cautious to a fault, Maechler doesn't come out

> and say "how we all" did on this


> particular litmus test.  But the implication is clear, and

> I don't hesitate to say it:  this affair is a clear sign that

> something has gone awry in the way we are remembering

> the Holocaust and dealing with its aftermath.  A Wilkomirski

> is in many ways as dangerous, if not more so, than a

> Holocaust-denier like David Irving.  We would do well to

> keep our guard up.

. . . And now you know how all the rest of

Hollow Cost "eyewitness" fictions came to be!


By Dr. E. R. Fields

The Holocaust has become the greatest instrument of sympathy which any nation has ever been able to use to gain support for wars, expansion and foreign-aid: This has made Israel the world's sixth strongest military power. The gravest threat to all this wealth and influence is the growing doubt over the question of whether or not a real holocaust of 6 million Jews actual took place.


The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanacs figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Nest the Jewish owned New York Times of Feb. 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in the addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? With the rise of Hitler to power there were no more than 4 million Jews at the most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. On June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had applied for reparations money. The Red Cross reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died. It is interesting to note that in the Jews real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrians era. Yet there is no historical evidence supporting this claim. The Jewish owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated Soviet Russia supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth". It is claimed that from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an "extermination camp".


Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Concentration Camps issued orders on Dec. 28, 1942, that "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs." (Source, Reitlinger's book, "The Final Solution.") The camps had been hit with a deadly typhus epidemic that spread by fleas and body lice. Stomach pain, high fever, emaciation and death can quickly follow. All of the camps were factories and the loss of workers was hurting war production. Inspector of the camps, Richard Glucks responded to Himmler's order on Jan 20, 1943, "Every means will be used to lower the death rates." (Source, Nuremberg Tribunal Document No. 1523.) On April 10, 1943, Oswald Pohl, head of the Economic Administration Office of the camps issued a letter stating that persons with tuberculosis were being sent to the camps resulting in the "shockingly high mortality figures." (Source: Nuremberg Documents.) Later on Sept. 30, 1943, Pohl was able to show that the camp death rate had been reduced from 8.5% in July, 1942 to 2.8% in June 1943. The German SS arrested Buchenwald Commandant, Karl Koch in 1943 for mistreating and even executing some prisoners. After an investigation Koch was found guilty by SS Judge Konrad Morgen and shot. Does this sound like a policy of "extermination?" With suspicion rapidly rising about the holocaust claim a committee of Jewish leaders from New York and Paris met with communist leaders in Warsaw. There they established the "Committee for the Investigation of War Crimes and War Criminals". It was after this meeting that the announcement was made that all gas chambers were located in Poland.


In 1945 it was announced that gas death chambers existed in all concentration camps in Poland, Germany, Austria and Alsace. Some 15 years later, in 1960, this was revised to the new claim that gas chambers existed only in camps located in Soviet held Poland. Simon Weisenthal of the Los Angeles Holocaust center states in the paper, "Books and Bookmen", April 1975, page 5, "No gassing took place in any camp on German soil." The pressure had been growing since The Vatican, Red Cross, English Intelligence and German Intelligence chiefs Canaris and Oster (who collaborated with the British) either did not know or believe in rumors of gassings.

This brings up the following questions. 1) Germans are meticulous record keepers but there is not one order for the construction of any gas chamber, no blueprint, no photo of any gas chamber or gassed victims. 2) There have been thousands on investigations of alleged Nazi war criminals, hundreds of trials, yet not one person was ever accused of being involved with actual gassings! No reliable witness on either side has ever come forward who saw a single person gassed-AND THERE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OVER 10,000 MASS GASSINGS! 3) Photos of bodies at Dachau and Belsen camps are of prisoners who died of typhus and malnutrition. Many Germans also died from typhus. 4) The Vatican and Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war about alleged gas chambers. the response was always the same, "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them." (From the Red Cross document No. 9925, June 1946.)


Rudoft Hoess was the commandant of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943. captured by the Soviets they extracted a confession to mass gassings using Zyclon-B gas. Such "confessions" are about as reliable as any forced by Stalin from victims tortured before taking the stand to confess during the Moscow show trials of 1936. The communists wrote the "Confession' and Hoess signed it. Later he was hanged. An assistant commandant refused to sign-he died in his cell. Hoess statement read, "half an hour after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation machines. They began immediately to extract the bodies while eating and smoking." Was Hoess trying to get a message across that there were no gassing? Zyclon-B is not "ventable". The manufacturers state Zyclon-B adheres to surface clothing and skin. They say that only after a 24 hour period, wearing a gas mask with the strongest filter, could any bodies be removed without killing such workers. If we believe the Hoess confession that the workers ran into the gas chamber "eating and smoking" - without gas masks - only minutes after the gassing - IF THIS OCCURRED ALL WOULD HAVE DIED!


The Jew Mosche Pearlmann in his book, "The Capture and Trial of Adolph Eichmann" pages 375 and 385 states Zyclon-B crystals were introduced from the ceilings of the gas chambers and "became immediately gaseous." The American Cyanamid Co. of Linden N.J. states: "We know of no chemical process whereby HCN (Zyclon-B) may be made to become instantly gaseous upon exposure to air."


Shirer claims the gas was released from overhead through fake shower outlets, (page 970) and quickly killed its victims. The truth is that Zyclon-B gas is lighter than air and would rise to the ceiling so that anyone throwing themselves to the floor would be saved. Shirer also quotes the Soviet written confession signed by Hoess as stating (page 968), "We knew when the people were dead because their screaming stopped." If anyone were actually killed with a cyanide type gas they would die instantly thus there would be no screaming at all. The truth is that Zyclon-B was used to delouse inmates clothing of lice and fleas which carry typhus.


At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Also, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18' doors and a time period of from 4 to 6 hours burning for each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation for those who passed away was used in the camps to prevent epidemics. Also, no large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of Aug. 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH EDITION??? On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people - this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!"


Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, eminent historian, author of 40 books, many standard college texts, noted in Rampart Journal, 1967. "It has been demonstrated that there had been no systematic extermination in those camps." Thies Christopherden, a German soldier and author: "I was at Auschwitz! There was no gas chamber there." Paul Rassiner, historian and anti-Nazi activist, who served a prison sentence in Buchenwald and the Dora camps stated in 1962. "The claim that a holocaust took place is an historic lie - the most tragic and most macabre imposture of all time." Prof. Robert Faurisson, a specialist in Document Analysis at the University of Lyon. France, stated on April 25, 1979. "The holocaust lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an enormous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal beneficiary is the state of Israel."


Hardly a week goes by when there are not stories in the press, on TV-News or movies about the alleged holocaust. What is the long range design for this constant attempt to fill Germans and indeed all Christians with a feeling of guilt over a holocaust which never occurred? Bernard Postal wrote in the Jewish Week, July 14, 1979, "Not until after the holocaust, did anti-Semitism become taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches were an open factor in national campaigns. The holocaust put a taboo on overt anti- Semitism among upper-level statesmen and publicists." S.E.D. Brown of South Africa, a noted journalist writes, "The holocaust instills a guilt complex in those said to be guilty and spreads the demoralization, degeneration, and eventually the destruction of the natural racial elite among a people. This transfers effective political control to the lowest elements who will cowtow to the Jews." Zionist spokesmen often boast of: "The shattering effect of the holocaust on the Christian conscience resulting in a feeling of collective indebtedness to the Jews." Massive unending U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel in made possible because anyone who dares to oppose these outrageous giveaways is condemned as being "anti-Semitic" and "insensitive" to holocaust victims. The Jews hold an unnatural violent hatred for the German people. Jews seek to turn all other peoples of the world against the Germans and keep that nation divided for all time to come. That is why no peace treaty has ever been signed as yet with Germany and they still live under Allied military occupation laws.


The Wall Street Journal quotes Jewish professional fund-raising consultant firm of Milton Goldin Co., as saying the main theme of Jewish fund-raising is the holocaust and has been for 38 years. When they don't use the holocaust the money collection sharply drops off. Thus the more the Press, TV and Hollywood promotes the holocaust the more money the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist funds can extract from gullible people.


Jewish leaders have discovered that by repeating holocaust stories over and over again they can instill a guilt complex within all Gentiles. This effectively silences most critics of Zionist political goals.


Why doesn't the press, TV and film industry give massive media attention to real victims to proven holocausts of Gentiles in recent history.


RUSSIAN KULAK FARMERS (1928-1930) 15 million exterminated. UKRANIAN FARMERS (1930-1933) 7 Million exterminated. RUSSIAN POLITICAL PRISONERS (1919-1949) 12 million exterminated. Total peoples murdered by Lenin and Stalin. 34 million. CAMBODIAN extermination 1975 2.5 million. ARMENIAN extermination by the Turks, 1915, 1.5 million.

Neither the Webster's New World Dictionary nor Webster's New Collegiate dictionary have changed the definition of "holocaust" to enable jews to claim that this is THEIR word:





The word "holocaust", if it were to apply to any group killed during WWII, would be applied to German civilians who were mostly Christians, most of whom opposed Hitler and the Nazis, and who died in a REAL holocaust in the firebombings of cities like Dresden and Hamburg.


|[pic][pic] |

|?HoloHoax |

| |

|Every day, in every aspect of the media, you will |

|be reminded of the holocaust of World War II and |

|the damage it did to one group of people. You are |

|supposed to feel guilty and excuse away anything |

|these people, who are portrayed as the only victims, |

|now do to society. You are not to mention others, |

|such as the Poles, Russians and Gypsies who suffered |

|equally if not more, for that would detract from the |

|lie with which the rest of humanity is being |

|burdened. Sure, terribly evil things happen in war, |

|but it is even more terrible to allow lies to be |

|embellished and used to promote guilt, |

|misunderstanding, blackmail and more evil. Sooner |

|or later, there will be a worldwide confrontation |

|arising from this deceit, and the liars will come off |

|second best. It is for this reason I have reproduced a |

|section of one of our books here: |

| |

|Alan Dershowitz believes that all American Jews |

|should think of themselves as victims of the |

|Holocaust; his rationale is that they were ultimately |

|targets of the Holocaust. But, the Holocaust is even |

|bigger than that to the Zionists; they want everyone |

|to believe that all wrong is done to the Jews, and no |

|wrong is done by the Jews. And, there is a reason for |

|this. |

| |

|Robert Faurisson observes, |

| |

|"Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. |

|He is generally accepted as a witness to the Jewish |

|‘Holocaust,’ and, more specifically, as a witness to |

|the legendary Nazi extermination gas chambers...." |

| |

|But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to |

|the alleged gas chambers? By what right does he ask |

|us to believe in that means of extermination? In an |

|autobiographical book that supposedly describes his |

|experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he |

|nowhere mentions the gas chambers. He does |

|indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, |

|fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, |

|before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than |

|that! Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad |

|luck. |

| |

|Forced to choose from among several Allied war |

|propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie |

|instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution |

|lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in |

|Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. |

|This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today |

|there is no longer a single historian who believes that |

|Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling |

|water and of electrocution have also disappeared. |

|Only the gas remains. |

| |

|* The gassing lie was spread by the Americans. |

| |

|* The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water |

|or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the |

|Poles. |

| |

|* The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets." |

| |

|Yes, these are all Holocaust lies. "The fire lie is of |

|undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war |

|propaganda or hate propaganda, just like the false |

|assertion of human (Jewish) skin being used to make |

|lamp shades. In his memoir, Night, which is a version of |

|his earlier Yiddish testimony, Wiesel reports that at |

|Auschwitz there was one flaming ditch for the adults |

|and another one for babies. He writes: ‘Not far from us, |

|flames were leaping from a ditch, gigantic flames. They |

|were burning something. A lorry drew up at the pit and |

|delivered its load - little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it |

|- |

|saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames.'" |

| |

|None of this ever happened. And, yet, such lies have |

|earned Wiesel the Nobel Peace Prize, and made it |

|"anti-Semitic" and even illegal to simply tell the truth |

|about the Holocaust. |

| |

|Why have lies superseded truth? And, more |

|specifically, who benefits from the lie? As we have |

|observed, every lie in the evil Zionist-controlled system |

|is designed to exploit; every lie keeps Yahweh's system |

|of evil securely in place. In this world, everything of |

|value is offered up to Yahweh by the Zionists, as a |

|"burnt offering." |

| |

|"Holocaust" means burnt offering; it is the |

|perpetuation of the illusion and the elevation of the lie |

|to the level of supreme truth, religiously. |

| |

|The fact is, the Holocaust is about money, |

|legitimacy for Israel, and the total denial of any moral |

|failings (or evilness) in the Jewish people. Jews are |

|outraged when it is mentioned that many gypsies and |

|Russians suffered the same fate as Jews, because to |

|compare a sub-human to a Jew is unspeakable. The |

|Jewish scripture declares that the life of a Jew is the |

|most priceless thing to "god" and the life of a non-Jew or |

|"goy" is worthless. The Jews have a history of crying |

|"holocaust." |

| |

|The Talmud cites examples of many billions of Jews |

|being killed (including children being burned). Needless |

|to say, there have never been that many Jews on the |

|face of the earth. The same falsification and |

|embellishment is true with regard to the "holocaust" of |

|World War II. Many Jews died, but not the six million |

|that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas |

|chambers. Red Cross documentation which Jewish |

|controllers refuse to release, is suspected of suggesting |

|that some 100,000 were lost. |

| |

|As historian David Irving and many others have |

|rightly observed, there never were gas chambers at the |

|concentration camps. And, it would have been |

|impossible for the Germans to have gassed and then |

|burned 12,000 Jews every day. Reports by |

|concentration camp survivors that tell of the guards |

|going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews |

|had been killed, clearing out the bodies, and then filling |

|the room again are patently false - the guards (none of |

|whom was reported to have worn a mask) would have |

|instantly died, since cyanide does not dissipate or |

|disappear in a few minutes. |

| |

|Also, there would have been bones and ashes to |

|show, with cyanide residue. None of this is found. Even |

|the Auschwitz Memorial which once stated that six |

|million Jews had died now states that perhaps a million |

|died. The plaque has been altered from six to one |

|million. That being said, even a million dead people is a |

|lot. |

| |

|The degree of suffering they experienced, and the |

|treatment they received from hateful, evil Nazis was a |

|fact. Yet, that does not excuse all of the evils and |

|wrongs committed by the victors, who fire-bombed |

|civilian populations in Germany and Japan, and |

|dropped atomic bombs on cities in Japan, before |

|ending the war. The intentional massacring of millions |

|of civilians by the Allied victors was certainly a war |

|crime, and perhaps of larger impact than what |

|happened to the Jews. |

| |

|War is a terrible thing, and though it is an unwritten |

|and unspoken policy, civilian populations are targeted |

|and slaughtered in the worst way, to weaken the morale |

|of the opposition. War is not just fought by soldier |

|against soldier, with some kind of boundary against |

|civilians. |

| |

|Yet, it is always the victors who write the history; |

|they are always in the right, and the losers are always in |

|the wrong. War is not black and white, truth is its first |

|casualty, and what is written in history and in the news |

|has little correlation with the truth. |

| |

|Jewish bankers funded the Nazis, and the Zionists |

|fiercely pressured Western nations to keep Jews from |

|being able to leave Germany before the war began. For |

|perverse political and economic reasons, the Zionists |

|did not want the Jews to go to free nations, but rather |

|had the single-minded objective of claiming Palestine as |

|the Jewish state. Because they could not force the |

|creation of Israel before the war, they readily sacrificed |

|the lives of their "lesser brethren" for the "greater |

|cause": |

|Israel. |

| |

|There are many people who hold that all major wars |

|in the last few centuries have been instigated by, funded |

|by, and profited by, the Zionist international bankers. |

| |

|* First, they instigate wars. |

| |

|* Then, during the war, they loan huge sums of |

|money, and make enormous profits in their |

|military-industrial production. |

| |

|* After the war, they buy up property and industry |

|at pennies on the dollar in the loser nations. |

| |

|This policy of economic conquest is not only a |

|factor in war; it is how the everyday economy operates, |

|worldwide, today. |

| |

|* The Zionists control the economies, governments, |

|and agreements/conflicts between major nations. |

| |

|* They control the daily economy, inflation, and |

|deflation. |

| |

|* They engaged in economic war in creating the |

|Great Depression in the US, in which they obtained vast |

|amounts of property and business by foreclosing on |

|mortgages and debt. |

| |

|* And, they have plundered the resources of Third |

|World nations, via the issuance of debt (loans) which |

|cannot be paid back due to usurious interest rates. |

| |

|We need to understand that nothing in this world |

|"just happens," especially not global events. Everything |

|has a reason and a purpose behind it. There are forces |

|that control all that happens in this world, and there is |

|an unseen "shadow government." It uses the masses or |

|"sheep" as cannon fodder during war, and to gain |

|sympathy and financial aid. |

| |

|We are told that we cannot forget the Holocaust, |

|though we dismiss all other genocide that has occurred |

|to all other racial groups throughout history. Why is |

|that? |

| |

|* Why is there no motto to remember the millions |

|of Native Americans slaughtered by white settlers; |

| |

|* why is there no public relations action to |

|memorialize the millions of Africans who were |

|slaughtered in the slave business; |

| |

|* why is there no mention of the millions of |

|Cambodians - nearly half their population - who were |

|slaughtered by Pol Pot; or the twenty million Russians |

|killed in World War II? |

| |

|* Why is it that what happens to these other groups |

|doesn't seem to matter? For the answer, we need to |

|only look to Jewish propaganda and scriptural dogma: |

|the life of a Jew matters, only a Jew is a human being; |

|the non-Jews do not matter, their lives are worthless. |

|The media are controlled by the Zionists, and because |

|most of them are Jewish they are greatly invested in the |

|story of the Jews. They readily promote fiction over fact, |

|the lie over the truth in all other areas, so why not in |

|this area - in which they have such strong emotional |

|and financial interest? |

| |

|Contradicting the Holocaust lies is illegal in some |

|countries (called an act of racial hatred and vilification, |

|defaming the dead, and anti-Semitism). The media |

|quickly label any less than glorifying truth about the |

|Jews as anti-Semitism. And, this, more than anything, |

|has given the evil Zionists the greatest cover and |

|freedom from public scrutiny. |

| |

|They are able to go about their agenda of world |

|domination and control with immunity from media |

|attention. If you doubt this, just check to see the last |

|time the Rothschilds and Rockefellers headed the |

|Forbes list of richest people in the world. Rather than |

|holding down the top spots due to their enormous and |

|cunningly concealed wealth, they are not even on the |

|list. |

| |

|The media refuse to acknowledge the power, |

|wealth, authority, and control that the Zionists truly |

|have in this world, because if they did, then some |

|attention would be directed their way when people |

|discuss what is wrong with this world - and why. They |

|have set things up, and controlled things so well, that |

|they never receive this bad publicity. Instead, they |

|portray themselves as philanthropists and benefactors of |

|all mankind - whom they think of as animals, and gladly |

|sacrifice as "burnt offerings" to their blood-thirsty and |

|evil "god" Yahweh (Jehovah). |

| |

|The Nazis allowed a ship full of Jews to leave |

|Germany, to see if another country would be willing to |

|accept Jewish refugees. But, every country, including |

|the United States, refused to let the passengers |

|disembark. |

| |

|Because of this worldwide Zionist policy of refusing |

|to accept Jews anywhere - because of their desire to |

|claim Israel as the homeland of the Jews - many Jews |

|were sacrificed for the political Zionist cause. The |

|shipload of Jews was forced to return, sacrificed as |

|another burnt offering to the greater glory of Yahweh. |

| |

|H.G. Wells noted, "Zionism is an expression of |

|Jewish refusal to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it |

|is because they have regarded themselves as a chosen |

|people." |

| |

|The Zionist leaders of the Jewish community have |

|repeatedly, historically, ensured the suffering of their |

|lesser brethren. It is they who have sacrificed the good |

|and innocent among the Jews, willingly, consciously, |

|methodically, so that they could implement their own, |

|self-serving, evil agenda. (Holocaust Fact and Fiction |

|Presented by: Annwn Publications P O Box 28 Malanda, |

|QLD, Australia, 4885) |

| |

|If you want proof that I am right, just watch the jews |

|have a fit about these posts; because if the lies that they |

|have fostered about the HoloHoax were true then they |

|would finance any and all reputable scientists to |

|examine all records and evidence; they would have |

|absolutely no problem with anyone examining the |

|evidence. But because it is a lie and a Hoax they deny |

|anyone, if they can, who tries to do research on the |

|subject. Therefore, by their own denials they prove that |

|it was a Hoax. |

| |

|There have been many terrible "Holocausts." The |

|worst I know of is the 50 million plus Russians |

|murdered by the Communists who ruled Russia (the |

|Soviet Union). |

| |

|Forty years previously (to 1917 Bolshevik |

|Revolution) Dostoevsky had predicted that Socialism |

|would cost Russia one hundred million victims. At the |

|time it seemed an improbable figure. Let me |

|recommend the British press to acquaint its readers |

|with the impartial three-page report of the Russian |

|statistician, Professor Ivan Kurganov. It was published |

|in the West twelve years ago, but, as is so often the case |

|with matters of social significance, we only take |

|cognizance of things that do not run counter to our own |

|feelings. From Professor Kurganov's analysis we learn |

|that if Dostoevsky erred, he erred on the side of |

|understatement. From 1917 to 1959 Socialism cost the |

|Soviet Union a hundred and ten million lives! (These |

|"lives" were for the most part Christians.) (A. |

|Solzhenitsyn, "The West's Betrayal of Civilization", p. |

|5-6, a B.B.C. address, March 26, 1976) |

| |

|This is a really big time "Holocaust" if numbers |

|make a difference. Why is it that we never see anything |

|about this "Holocaust" in any mainstream media, TV or |

|Hollywood movie? |

| |

|The next biggest "Holocaust" I know about is the |

|one that occurred in Mao's Red China. My 1990 |

|"Guinness Book of World Records" states on p. 367 that |

|during the regime of Mao Tse-tung (1949-1965) |

|between 32.25 and 61.7 were "killed by government |

|forces" according to an estimate by the US Senate |

|Judiciary Committee. I have seen estimates much |

|larger than this. "Killed by government forces" must |

|leave out many millions who starved as a direct result of |

|insane Communist policies such as the "Great Leap |

|Forward' during which many skilled farmers were |

|herded into "steel mills" where they "produced" |

|prodigious amounts of steel by melting tools, |

|impalements, kettles, pots, pans, etc. into "steel." The |

|resulting famine due to a great shortage of farmers |

|caused the deaths of many millions of Chinese people |

|not "killed by government forces." So how many people |

|were murdered by the Communists in the Red Chinese |

|"Holocaust." No one knows for sure, but it was many |

|times 6 million. Again, this is never mentioned in the |

|mainstream media, or wept over in TV programs or |

|Hollywood movies. The 32.25 to 61.7 million (plus many |

|millions more) are forgotten dead. |

| |

|It is estimated that over 40,000,000 (that's FORTY |

|MILLION!) unborn children have been killed by |

|abortion "Doctors" in the US since Roe v. Wade. (1973) |

|Now that's a real HOLOCAUST, but not one wept over |

|by TV, Hollywood, etc. The media only emphasizes a |

|"woman's right to choose." |

| |

|It horrifies me even to contemplate how many more |

|children have been killed by abortionists in numerous |

|other countries. |

| |

|At least 9 million German people died from |

|starvation, exposure, etc. after the Russian armies drove |

|them out of their homes in Germany's eastern provinces |

|at the end of World War II. |

| |

|After the Germans surrendered to the Allies in May |

|of 1945, millions of German soldiers were rounded up |

|and enclosed in barbed wire camps. They were called |

|"disarmed enemy forces." This meant to Eisenhower |

|and his bosses (Roosevelt, Morgenthau, and Truman (all |

|jews), etc.) and his men who imprisoned these DEF's |

|that they did not have to abide by the Geneva |

|convention since they were not POW's. I have pictures |

|of hundreds of thousands of these men in a barbed wire |

|enclosure, standing room only. Family members of |

|these men would come with food and water but were |

|driven away by allied soldiers with machine guns. How |

|long can human beings live in such unsheltered |

|enclosures in mud up to their knees with no food, |

|water, shelter, etc? |

| |

|Of course, not long. Between one and two million |

|German men died in these vast mud pits. Have you |

|ever seen a story about this real holocaust on TV, |

|Hollywood movies, etc? No. This holocaust is forgotten! |

| |

|Please be aware, I am NOT a "Holocaust Denier." I |

|do not deny that many Germans, Eastern Europeans, |

|self-styled "Jews" and Gypsies were severely mistreated |

|and died in Nazi Germany. Many inmates in the Nazi |

|work camps died of starvation, typhus, and other |

|diseases. It is very difficult to transport food when |

|everything that moves is bombed. It is difficult to |

|provide clean drinking water when all water purification |

|plants have been bombed with the idea in mind of |

|causing the very spread of disease that occurred. Did |

|the greedy industrialists profiting from these work |

|camps want their labor force to die or be "gassed." Not if |

|what I have read about their type has any validity. |

| |

|However, if numbers make any difference to you in |

|regards to the "Holocaust" that is "never forgiven" and |

|"never forgotten," and is repeatedly shown in detail in |

|countless TV shows and Hollywood movies and |

|mentioned on at least a weekly basis in mainstream |

|newspapers and magazines please read on. |

| |

|Six Million Jews: Ministers often repeat the Jew |

|story that “Hitler killed six million Jews,” yet the 1939 |

|World Almanac shows 15,688,259 Jews in the world, |

|and nine years later the New York Times reported there |

|were between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews! If |

|Hitler killed 6 million, how come there were no less in |

|1948 than in 1939? The same sources report the Jews in |

|Germany in 1938, prior to the supposed killings, totaled |

|only 550,000 (� million)! |

| |

|If Germans killed 38% of all the Jews in the world, |

|does that mean the 9,688,259 left had six to nine million |

|children in the next nine years? It takes normal |

|populations 100 years to double—how come "Jews" did |

|it in nine? AND THEN NEVER DID IT AGAIN? (the |

|present world population of “Jews” is about the same as |

|it was in 1948) Why do ministers repeat this Jewish |

|propaganda lie to their flocks? [An Open Letter to Any |

|Minister Who Teaches “the Jews Are Israel.” By Pastor |

|Sheldon Emery, (written after 1976, � date not given)] |

| |

|Yes, there have been many Holocausts. I do not |

|deny that. I sorrow over these holocausts more than |

|most people I know. I work to prevent current and |

|future holocausts knowing that "those who do not |

|remember the past are condemned to repeat it." |

|(Winston Palmer) |

| |

|More Jewish Lies Exposed! |

| |

|For more than fifty years, since the end of World |

|War II, the Talmudic, Zionist Jews have sought to |

|manipulate through Jewish Socialization, White |

|Western public opinion by crying, "Poor, persecuted |

|Jew," while systematically victimizing White Christian |

|culture. |

| |

|This constitutes a perfect description of the Jewish |

|Socialization or Jewish Socialism. Both atheistic, |

|Jewish, Socialism and atheistic, Communist, Socialism |

|are ideas predicated upon the practice of engineering |

|society along atheistic and Jewish ideas. This has been |

|the method of operation of the atheistic, Talmudic, |

|Zionist Jew even before the first century or the time of |

|Christ. |

| |

|Truth at Last: Israeli history textbooks are now |

|being rewritten, reports Ethan Bronner in “The New |

|York Times” (August 14, 1999) as a new generation of |

|historians are replacing myths with facts about the |

|nation’s founding. |

| |

|“Schoolchildren have long been taught that Jews |

|have always been surrounded by enemies and that their |

|victory over five Arab states in the 1948 War of |

|Independence was a new miracle of David-and-Goliath |

|proportions.” |

| |

|The Times reports. |

| |

|“ officially approved textbooks make plain |

|that many of the most common Israeli beliefs are as |

|much myth as fact. The new books say, for example, |

|that it was the Israelis who had the military edge in the |

|War of Independence.” |

| |

|They admit that Palestinians did not voluntarily |

|leave their land, as has been taught, but that they were |

|expelled by Israeli soldiers. One ninth grade text, |

|“Passage To The Past,” mentions the 1948 massacre |

|carried out by radical Zionist forces in the village of Deir |

| |

|Yassin. |

| |

|This is from a report of The American Council for |

|Judaism, December 99. In the Councils publication, |

|“Issues,” is the surprising admission that “the rise of the |

|Holocaust to the top of the Jewish agenda was by no |

|means a spontaneous development” but rather the |

|“consequence of decisions made by communal leaders |

|in response to their appraisals of current communal |

|needs” meaning the need for support for Israel, as |

|pointed out further in the article: |

| |

|The article states, |

| |

|“Examples of how the Holocaust has been used as a |

|weapon to promote policies favorable to Israel are |

|extensive.” |

| |

|Yet to be published by the Council is the fact that |

|the 6 million figure is a myth, invented in 1945 by Llya |

|Ehrenburg, Stalins Jewish propaganda chief during |

|World War II. Since then the figures have been |

|systematically reduced: |

| |

|(1) May 7, 1945: The Soviet Jewish anti-Fascist |

|Committee announced that the number gassed at |

|Auschwitz was 4,00,000; |

| |

|(2) September 1, 1998: Director of Holocaust |

|studies, Yeduha Bauer of Yad Vashem, Holocaust |

|Center at Jerusalem, set the number of deaths at |

|Auschwitz at 1,600,000; |

| |

|(3) 1989: Professor Raul Hilberg, Professor of |

|Holocaust Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, lists the Auschwitz |

|total at 1,250,000; |

| |

|(4) July, 1990: Polish Historians replaced the plaque |

|at Auschwitz with a new one stating that those who |

|died of all causes and of all nationalities is 1,100,000; |

|and |

| |

|(5) In 1991: Mikhail Gorbachev opened the KBG |

|archives and gave Elizabeth Dole the complete official |

|German register of all deaths, which totaled 74,000. No |

|gas chamber for the extermination of humans has ever |

|been found at any camp. |

| |

|The Jew Eisenhower's Holocaust! |

| |

|"God, I hate the Germans..." (Dwight David |

|Eisenhower in a letter to his wife in September, 1944) |

| |

|First, I want you to picture something in your mind. |

|You are a German soldier who survived through the |

|battles of World II. You were not really politically |

|involved, and your parents were also indifferent to |

|politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted |

|and you were drafted into the German army and told |

|where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that |

|your country has been demolished by the Allies, your |

|cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been |

|killed |

|or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it |

|is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other |

| |

|choice. |

| |

|It has been a long, cold winter. The German army |

|rations have not been all that good, but you managed to |

|survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold |

|rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are |

|tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of |

|surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has |

|your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must |

|surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world. |

| |

|You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into |

|American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner |

|of War camps scattered across Germany. You are |

|marched to a compound surrounded with barbed wire |

|fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands upon |

|thousands of your fellow German soldiers are already in |

|this make-shift corral. You see no evidence of a latrine |

|and after three hours of marching through the mud of |

|the spring rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in |

|your mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded |

|gate and find yourself free to move about, and you begin |

|the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for |

|directions, and are informed that no such luxury exists. |

|No more time. You find a place and squat. First you |

|were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and now; |

|dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you, |

|pushing you on, jamming you together and every one of |

|them searching for the latrine as soon as they could do |

|so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat, |

|much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None of the |

|prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food that day, |

|in fact there was no food while in the American hands |

|that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has |

|eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving |

|and dying. But, they can't do this to us! There are the |

|Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners |

|of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues |

|through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting |

|rain. |

| |

|Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave |

|soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy after |

|buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and |

|shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your own |

|hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you actually |

|begin to envy those who, having surrendered first |

|manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life itself. |

|More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you |

|remember is falling, unable to get up, and lying face |

|down in the mud mixed with the excrement of those |

|who have gone before. |

| |

|Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and |

|taken to a special tent where your clothing is stripped |

|off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never |

|again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in half and your |

|body along with those of your fellow soldiers are |

|covered with chemicals for rapid decomposition and |

|buried. You were not one of the exceptions, for more |

|than one million seven hundred thousand German |

|Prisoners of War died from a deliberate policy of |

|extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease, |

|under direct orders of the Jewish General Dwight David |

|Eisenhower. |

| |

|One month before the end of World War 11, |

|General Eisenhower issued special orders concerning |

|the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the |

|language of those orders was this statement, |

| |

|"Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other |

|comforts." |

| |

|Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was |

|given access to the Eisenhower personal letters, states |

|that he proposed to exterminate the entire German |

|General Staff, thousands of people, after the war. |

| |

|Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely |

|hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed its will |

|down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN |

|PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to |

|destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was |

|to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible. |

| |

|Of course, that was illegal under International law, |

|so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by |

|his initials on a cable of that date, that German |

|Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy |

|Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that |

|these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and |

|were not to be fed or given any water or medical |

|attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the |

|camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no |

|such authority or jurisdiction. |

| |

|Months after the war was officially over, |

|Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in |

|operation forcing the men into confinement, but |

|denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war |

|was over, General George Patton simply turned his |

|prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way |

|home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and |

|issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over |

|to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from |

|history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, |

|and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious |

|death may have been a result of what he knew about |

|these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps. |

| |

|The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way a few |

|months ago into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, |

|Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his |

|own research through contacts he had in Canada, and |

|reported in his column on September 12,1989 the |

|following, in part: |

| |

|" is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight |

|Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His |

|(DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were |

|killed in the European Theater." |

|"For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing |

|German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug |

|too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been |

|interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared |

|the American camps to Buchenwald." |

| |

|It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles |

|of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. |

|This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. |

|Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to |

|deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered |

|these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third |

|Army was the only command in the European Theater |

|to release significant numbers of Germans. Others, such |

|as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander |

|of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners |

|within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF |

|Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on |

|May 15th. |

| |

|Does that make you angry? What will it take to get |

|the average apathetic American involved in saving his |

|country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years ago, |

|amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was |

|written setting out the political and moral philosophy; of |

|Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by |

|Robert Welch. This year is the 107th Anniversary of |

|Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, |

|1890, the son of Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife |

|Ida. Everyone is all excited about the celebration of this |

|landmark in the history of "this American patriot." |

|Senator Robert Dole, in honor of the Commander of the |

|American Death Camps, proposed that Washington's |

|Dulles Airport be renamed the Eisenhower Airport! |

| |

|The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is |

|actually issuing a special Eisenhower Centennial Silver |

|Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million of |

|these collector's items, and veteran's magazines are |

|promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember |

|the Man ... Remember the Times.." Pardon me if I |

|regurgitate! |

| |

|There will be some veterans who will not be buying |

|these coins. Two will be Col. James Mason and Col. |

|Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical |

|Corps who published a paper on the Eisenhower Death |

|Camps in 1950. They stated in part: |

| |

|"Huddled close together for warmth, behind the |

|barbed wire was a most awesome sight; nearly 100,000 |

|haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men clad |

|in dirty gray uniforms, and standing ankle deep in mud |

|... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards away |

|the River Rhine was running bankfull." |

| |

|Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the |

|Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin Brech of Mahopac, |

|New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at |

|Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was |

|an 18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the |

|14th Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at the |

|Eisenhower Death Camp at Andernach, along the Rhine |

|River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990: |

| |

|"My protests (regarding treatment of the German |

|DEF'S) were met with hostility or indifference, and |

|when I threw our ample rations to them over the |

|barbed wire. I was threatened, making it clear that it |

|was our deliberate policy not to adequately feed them." |

|"When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the |

|fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One |

|Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me |

|again tossing food to the Germans ... Some of the men |

|were really only boys 13 years of age ... Some of the |

|prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last ditch |

|stand ... I understand that average weight of the |

|prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds ... I have |

|received threats ... Nevertheless, this ... has liberated |

|me, for I may now be heard when I relate the horrible |

|atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one of 'Ike's |

|death camps' along the Rhine." (Betty Lou Smith |

|Hanson) |

| |

|Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point |

|yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE |

|TERRIBLE SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, |

|or nearly so, to the last in his class. This article was |

|first |

|printed in 1990, but we thought it was meaningful to |

|reprint it now. |

| |

|Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West Point |

|Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of |

|the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. |

|At the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's |

|blood to insure White racial integrity. |

| |

|Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower's |

|racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's |

|attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part |

|Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After some |

|discussion, Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish |

|background. The headmaster then reportedly said, |

|"That's where you get your Oriental blood?" Although he |

|was allowed to remain at the academy, word got around |

|since this was a time in history when non-Whites were |

|not allowed into the academy. |

| |

|Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy |

|graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, |

|Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew." |

| |

|Wherever Eisenhower went during his military |

|career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary |

|manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow |

|officers. |

| |

|During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was |

|working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South |

|Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in |

|Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent |

|and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. |

| |

|In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. |

|Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more |

|than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star |

|general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in |

|Europe. |

| |

|Thus it comes as no surprise that General George |

|Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower. |

| |

|[Ed: Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and |

|reportedly kept some German units ready to move |

|against the Soviets ... unsurprisingly he was killed; after |

|the war, in a 'car crash,' just like Lawrence of Arabia |

|was conveniently bumped off, in a similar manner, for |

|his 'pro-fascist' views]. |

| |

|“the Holocaust framework has promoted as well a |

|belligerent stance toward any criticism of Israel.” |

| |

|The atheistic Jew has relentlessly sought to impose |

|his materialistic, atheistic ideas upon the Western |

|White man, both religious and political. He has |

|systematically invaded the White Man's schools of |

|theology, seeking to destroy any lingering first century |

|ideas of Christianity, and in turn pervert Christianity |

|against itself, enabling the Jew to use Christianity as a |

|tool to destroy the White Race. Thus, Judeo-Christianity |

|is nothing more than Judaized versions of so-called |

|Christianity. This becomes a tool of the Jewish Socialist. |

| |

|"The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and |

|ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta, the |

|Kabbalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and |

|thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the |

|cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had |

|formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the |

|Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and |

|Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally |

|adopted in the Occident.. |

|“It is admitted that the cradle of Gnosticism is |

|probably to be looked for in Syria and even in Palestine. |

|Most of its expounders wrote in that corrupted form of |

|the Greek used by the Hellenistic Jews...and there was |

|a striking analogy between their doctrines and those of |

|the Judeo-Egyptian Philo of Alexandria; itself the seat of |

|three schools, at once philosophic and religious, the |

|Greek, the Egyptian, and the Jewish. Pythagoras and |

|Plato, the most mystical of the Grecian philosophers |

|(the latter heir to the doctrines of the former), and who |

|had traveled, the latter in Egypt, and the former in |

|Phoenicia, India, and Persia, also taught the esoteric |

|doctrine...The dominant doctrines of Plutonism were |

|found in Gnosticism... |

|“The Jewish-Greek School of Alexandria is known |

|only by two of its chiefs, Aristobulus and Philo, both |

|Jews of Alexandria in Egypt. Belonging to Asia by its |

|origin, to Egypt by its residence, to Greece by its |

|language and studies, it strove to show that all truths |

|embedded in the philosophies of other countries were |

|transplanted thither from Palestine. |

|“Aristobulus declared that all the facts and details of |

|the Jewish Scriptures were so many allegories |

|concealing the most profound meanings, and that Plato |

|had borrowed from them all his finest ideas. Philo, who |

|lived a century after him, following the same theory, |

|endeavored to show that the Hebrew writings, by their |

|system of allegories, were the true source of all religions |

|and philosophical doctrines. According to him, the |

|literal meaning was for the vulgar alone...The Jews of |

|Syria and Judea were the direct precursors of |

|Gnosticism; and in their doctrines were ample Oriental |

|elements. |

|“These Jews had had with the Orient, at two |

|different periods, intimate relations, familiarizing them |

|with the doctrines of Asia and especially of Chaldea and |

|Persia...Living nearly two-thirds of a century, and many |

|of them long afterward, in Mesopotamia, the cradle of |

|their race; speaking the same language, and their |

|children reared with those of the Chaldeans. Assyrians, |

|Medes, and Persians, they necessarily adopted many of |

|the doctrines of their conquerors...and these additions |

|to the old doctrine were soon spread by the constant |

|intercourse of commerce into Syria and Palestine... |

|“From Egypt or Persia the new Platonists borrowed |

|the idea, and the Gnostics received it from them, that |

|man, in his terrestrial career, is successively under the |

|influence of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, |

|Jupiter, and Saturn, until he finally reaches the Elysian |

|Fields." (Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike) |

| |

|The Jews have also systematically invaded the |

|schools of learning. Today, the atheistic Jew continues |

|to Jewish/socialize little, White, Christian children by |

|teaching his atheistic and communistic holocaust |

|(HoloHOAX) propaganda in the American schools, all |

|the while denying White, Christian Americans their |

|freedom of speech and freedom to rebut or dispute the |

|blatant Jewish liars who come to the American school |

|system to tell their demonic lies, and thereby |

|Jewish/socialize our American White children. |

| |

|"'The Jewish Establishment": |

| |

|“In the early 1930s, Walter Duranty of the New York |

|Times was in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe |

|Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and |

|access, he expressly denied that there was famine in |

|Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians |

|were being starved into submission. For his work |

|Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. To this |

|day, the Times remains the most magisterial and |

|respectable of American newspapers. |

|“Now imagine that a major newspaper had had a |

|correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period |

|who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a |

|flattering light, and denied that Jews were being |

|mistreated, thereby not only concealing, but materially |

|assisting the regime's persecution. Would that paper's |

|respectability have been unimpaired several decades |

|later? |

|“There you have an epitome of what is lamely called |

|'media bias.' The Western supporters of Stalin haven't |

|just been excused; they have received the halo of victim |

|hood for the campaign, in what liberals call 'the |

|McCarthy era,' to get them out of the government, the |

|education system, and respectable society itself. |

|“Not only persecution of Jews but any critical |

|mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is |

|roundly condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't |

|even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass |

|murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure the |

|Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from |

|Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason, |

|liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still |

| |

|trying to uproot Christianity from America. |

|“It's permissible to discuss the power of every other |

|group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, |

|but the much greater power of the Jewish |

|establishment is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief |

|measure of its power: its ability to impose its own |

|taboos while tearing down the taboos of others, you |

|might almost say its prerogative of offending. |

|“You can read articles in Jewish-controlled |

|publications from the Times to Commentary blaming |

|Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII |

|of indifference to it, but don't look for articles in any |

|major publication that wants to stay in business |

|examining the Jewish role in Communism and |

|liberalism, however temperately." (The Jewish |

|Establishment, Joseph Sobran, September 1995 issue) |

| |

|The holocaust is taught in schools, and the Jew is |

|allowed to come in and teach his religious views in the |

|context of teaching about the holocaust, and he |

|influences our children into believing that Jews are the |

|chosen people of God. In reality, true White Christians |

|are the Chosen People of God. |

| |

|Atrocity propaganda is nothing new to the Jews. It |

|has accompanied every conflict of the 20th century and |

|doubtless will continue to do so. During the First World |

|War, the Germans were actually accused of eating |

|Belgian babies, as well as delighting to throw them in |

|the air and transfix them on bayonets. |

| |

|The British also alleged that the German forces |

|were operating a “Corpse Factory,” in which they boiled |

|down the bodies of their own dead in order to obtain |

|glycerine and other commodities, a calculated insult to |

|the honor of the German Army. AFTER THE WAR, |







| |

|No such statements have been made after the |

|Second World War (The Jews had obtained absolute |

|control of the news papers, magazines and etc., by the |

|end of the war). In fact, rather than diminish with the |

|passage of years, the atrocity propaganda concerning |

|the German occupation, and in particular their |

|treatment of the Jews, has done nothing but increase its |

|virulence and elaborate its catalogue of horrors. |

| |

|Gruesome paperback books with lurid covers |

|continue to roll from the presses, adding continuously |

|to a growing mythology of the concentration camps and |

|especially tot he story that no less than Six Million Jews |

|were exterminated in them. This study will reveal this |

|claim to be the most colossal piece of fiction and the |

|most successful of deceptions; but here an attempt may |

|be made to answer an important question: What has |

|rendered the atrocity stories of the Second World War |

|so uniquely different from those of the First? Why were |

|the former retracted while the latter are reiterated |

|louder than ever? Is it possible that the story of the Six |

|Million Jews is serving a political purpose; that it is a |

|form of political blackmail? |

| |

|So far as the Jewish people, themselves, are |

|concerned, the deception has been an incalculable |

|benefit. Every conceivable race and nationality had its |

|share of suffering in the Second World War, but none |

|has so successfully elaborated it and turned it to such |

|great advantage. The alleged extent of their persecution |

|quickly aroused sympathy for the Jewish national |

|homeland they had sought for so long; after the War the |

|British Government did little to prevent Jewish |

|emigration to Palestine which they had declared illegal, |

|and it was not long afterwards that the Zionists wrested |

|from the Government the land of Palestine and created |

|their haven from persecution, the State of Israel. |

| |

|Massacres Committed by the Jews in |

|Palestine A Partial List |

| |

|The worst of the massacres were the King David |

|Hotel, the Semiramis Hotel, Deir Yassin, Dawayma, |

|Kibya, Kafr Kassim, the attack against the USS Liberty |

|and the Libyan Boeing 727 Airliner, and the massacres |

|against Sabra and Shatila and other refugee camps in |

|Lebanon. Following are just a few of the many |

|massacres committed by the Jewish/Zionists; |

|specifically the Hagana, Irgun and Stern Gangs of Israel: |

|The Massacre of |

| |

|1. King David Hotel, July 22, 1946. |

|2. Sharafat, Feb. 7, 1951. |

|3. Deir Yassin, April 10, 1948. |

|4. Naseruddine, April 14, 1948. |

|5. Carmel, April 20, 1948. |

|6. Al-Qabu, May 1, 1948. |

|7. Beit Kiras, May 3, 1948. |

|8. Beitkhoury, May 5, 1948. |

|9. Az-Zaytoun, May 6, 1948. |

|10. Wadi Araba, May 13, 1950. |

|11. Falameh, April 2, 1951. |

|12. Quibya, Oct. 14, 1953. |

|13. Nahalin, March, 28, 1954. |

|14. Gaza, Feb. 28, 1955. |

|15. Khan Yunis, May 31, 1955. |

|16. Khan Yunis Again, Aug. 31, 1955. |

|17. Tiberia, Dec. 11, 1955. |

|18. As-Sabha, Nov. 2, 1955. |

|19. Gaza Again, April 5, 1956. |

|20. Houssan, Sept. 25, 1956. |

|21. Rafa, Aug. 16, 1956. |

|22. Qalqilyah, Oct. 10, 1956. |

|23. Ar-Rahwa, Sept. 12, 1956. |

|24. Kahr Kassem, Oct. 29, 1956. |

|25. Gharandal, Sept. 13, 1956. |

|26. Gaza Strip, Nov. 1956. |

| |

|It is a remarkable fact that the Jews emerged from |

|the Second World War as nothing less than a |

|triumphant minority. Dr. Max Nassbaum, the former |

|chief rabbi of he Jewish community in Berlin, stated on |

|April 11, 1953: |

| |

|“The position the Jewish people occupy today in |

|the world; despite the enormous losses, is ten times |

|stronger than what it was twenty years ago.” |

| |

|It should be added, if one is to be honest, that the |

|strength has been much consolidated financially by he |

|supposed massacre of the Six Million, undoubtedly the |

|most profitable atrocity allegation of all time. |

| |

|To date, e staggering figure of six thousand million |

|pounds has been paid out in compensation (For a |

|HoloHOAX that never happened) by the Federal |

|Government of West Germany, mostly to the State of |

|Israel (Which never existed until after the Second World |

|War), as well as to individual Jewish claims. |

| |

|Discouragement of Nationalism: In terms of |

|political blackmail, however, the allegation that Six |

|Million Jews died during the Second World War has |

|much far-reaching implications for the people of Britain |

|and Europe than simply be advantages it has gained for |

|the Jews. Here one comes in the crux of the question: |

|Why the Big Lie? What is its purpose? |

| |

|In the first pace, it has been used quite |

|unscrupulously to discourage any form of nationalism. |

|Should the people of Britain or any other European |

|country attempt to assert their patriotism and preserve |

|their national integrity in an age when the very |

|existence of nation-states is threatened, they are |

|immediately branded as”new-Nazis.” |

| |

|Because, of course, Nazism was nationalism, and |

|we all know what happened then; Six Million Jews |

|exterminated! So long as the myth is perpetuated, |

|peoples everywhere will remain in bondage to, the need |

|for international tolerance and understanding will be |

|hammered home by the United Nations until |

|nationhood itself, the very guarantee of freedom, is |

|abolished. |

| |

|A classic example of the use of the “Six Million” as |

|an anti-national weapon appears in Manvell and Frank’s |

|book, “The Incomparable Crime” (London, 1967), |

|which deals with “Genocide in the Twentieth Century.” |

|Anyone with an ounce of pride in being British will be |

|surprised by the vicious attack made on the British |

|Empire in this book. |

| |

|The authors quote Pandit Nehru, who wrote the |

|following while in a British prison in India: |

| |

|“Since Hitler emerged from obscurity and became |

|the Fuhrer of Germany, we have heard a great deal |

|about racialism and the Nazi theory of the |

|‘Herrenvolk’...but we in India have known racialism in |

|all its forms ever since the commencement of British |

|rule. The whole ideology of this rule was that of the |

|‘Herrenvolk’ and the master race...India as a nation and |

|Indians as individuals were subjected to insult, |

|humiliation and contemptuous treatment. The English |

|were an imperial race, we were told, with the God given |

|right to govern us and keep us in subjection; if we |

|protested we were reminded of the ‘tiger qualities of an |

|imperial race.’” |

| |

|The authors Manvell and Franki then go on to make |

|the point perfectly fear for all: “The White races of |

|Europe and America,” they write, |

| |

|“have become used during the centuries to |

|regarding themselves as a ‘Herrenvolk.’ The twentieth |

|century, the century of Auschwitz, has also achieved he |

|first stage in the recognition of multi-racial partnership.” |

| |

|(The Incomparable crime, by Manvell and Franki, p.14) |

| |

|The Race Problem Suppressed |

| |

|One could scarcely miss the object of this diatribe, |

|with its insidious hint about “multi-racial partnership.” |

|Thus the accusation of the Six Million is not only used |

|to undermine the principle of nationhood and national |

|pride, but it threatens the survival of the Race itself. It |

|is |

|wielded over the heads of the populace, rather a the |

|threat of hellfire and damnation was in the Middle Ages. |

| |

|Many countries of the Anglo-Saxon world, notably |

|the United States and Britain, are today facing the |

|gravest danger in their history, the danger poised by the |

|alien races in their midst. Unless something is done in |

|America to halt the immigration and assimilation of |

|Africans and Asians into their country, we are faced in |

|the near future, quite apart from the bloodshed of racial |

|conflict, with the biological alteration and destruction of |

|the American people as they have existed here since we |

|have been a nation. |

| |

|In short, we are threatened with the irrecoverable |

|loss of our European culture and racial heritage. But |

|what happens if a man dares to speak of the race |

|problem, of its biological and political implications? He |

|is branded as that most heinous of creatures, a |

|“racialist.” And what is racialism, of course, but the |

|very hallmark of the Nazi. They (So everyone is told, |

|anyway) murdered Six Mission Jews because of |

|racialism, so it must be a very evil thing indeed. When |

|Enoch Powell drew attention to the dangers posed by |

|colored immigration into Britain in one of his early |

|speeches, a certain prominent Socialist raised the |

|specter of Dachau and Auschwitz to silence his |

|presumption. |

| |

|Thus any rational discussion of the problems of |

|Race and the effort to preserve racial integrity is |

|effectively discouraged. No one could have anything but |

|admiration for the way in which the jews have sought to |

|preserve their identity through so many centuries, and |

|continue to do so today. In this effort they have frankly |

|been assisted by the story of the Six Million, which, |

|almost like a religious myth, has stressed the need for |

|greater Jewish racial solidarity. Unfortunately, it has |

|worked in quite the opposite way for all other peoples, |

|rendering them impotent in the struggle for self- |

|preservation. |

| |

|The American historian Harry Elmer Barnes once |

|wrote that |

| |

|“An attempt to make a competent, objective and |

|truthful investigation of the extermination |

|surely the most precarious venture that an historian or |

|demographer could undertake today.” |

| |

|In attempting this precarious task, it is hoped to |

|make some contribution, not only to historical truth, |

|but towards lifting the burden of a Lie from our own |

|shoulders, so that we may freely confront the dangers |

|which threaten us all. |

| |

|German Policy Towards The Jews |

|Prior To The War |

| |

|Rightly or wrongly, the Germany of Adolf Hitler |

|considered the Jews to be a disloyal and avaricious |

|element within the national community, as well as a |

|force of decadence in Germany’s cultural life. This was |

|held to be particularly unhealthy since, during the |

|Weimar period, the Jews had risen to a position of |

|remarkable strength and influence in the nation, |

|particularly in law, finance and the mass media, even |

|though they constituted only one percent of the |

|population. |

| |

|The fact that Karl Marx was a Jew and that Jews |

|such as Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht were |

|disproportionately prominent in the leadership of |

|revolutionary movements in Germany, also tended to |

|convince the Nazis of the powerful internationalist and |

|Communist tendencies of the Jewish people |

|themselves. |

| |

|It is no part of the discussion here to argue whether |

|the German attitude to the Jews was right or not, or to |

|judge whether its legislative measures against them |

|were just or unjust. Our concern is simply with the fact |

|that, believing of the Jews as they did, the Nazis’ |

|solution to the problem was to deprive them of their |

|influence within the nation by various legislative acts, |

|and most important of all, to encourage their emigration |

|from the country altogether. By 1939, the great majority |

|of German Jews had emigrated, all of them with a |

|sizeable proportion of their assets. Never at any time |

|had the Nazi leadership even contemplated a policy of |

|genocide towards them. |

| |

|Jews Called Emigration “Extermination” |

| |

|It is very significant, however, that certain Jews |

|were quick to interpret these policies of internal |

|discrimination as equivalent to extermination itself. A |

|1936 anti-German propaganda book by Leon |

|Feuchtwanger and others entitled “Der Gelbe Fleck: |

|Die Ausrotung von 500,000 deutschen Juden,” (The |

|Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German |

|Jews, Paris, 1936) presents a typical example. Despite |

|its baselessness in fact, the annihilation of the Jews is |

|discussed from the first pages; straightforward |

|emigration being regarded as the physical |

|“extermination” of German Jewry. |

| |

|The Nazi concentration camps for political prisoners |

|are also seen as potential instruments of genocide, and |

|special reference is made to the 100 Jews still detained |

|in Dachau in 1936, of whom 60 ad been there since |

|1933. A further example was the book by the German- |

|Jewish Communist, Hans Beimler, called |

| |

|“Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler’s Hell-Hounds: |

|The Nazi Murder Camp of Dachau,” WHICH WAS |


|Detained for his Marxist affiliations, he claimed that |

|Dachau was a death camp, though by his own |

|admission he was released after only a month there. The |

|East German Regime issued a Hans Beimler Award for |

|services to Communism. |

| |

|The fact that anti-Nazi genocide propaganda was |

|being disseminated at this impossibly early date, |

|therefore, by people biased on racial or political |

|grounds, should suggest extreme caution to the |

|independent-minded observer when approaching |

|similar stories of the war period. |

| |

|The encouragement of Jewish emigration should |

|not be confused with the purpose of concentration |

|camps in pre-war Germany. These were used for the |

|detention of political opponents and subversives; |

|principally liberals, Social Democrats and Communists |

|of all kinds, of whom a huge proportion were Jews such |

|as Hans Beimler. |

| |

|Unlike the millions enslaved in the Soviet Union, |

|the German concentration camp population was always |

|small; Reidinger admits that between 1934 and 1938 it |

|seldom exceeded, 20,000 throughout the whole of |

|Germany, and the number of Jews was never more than |

|3,000. (The S.S. Alibi of a Nation, London, 1956, p. 253) |

| |

|Zionist Policy Studied |

| |

|The Nazi view of Jewish emigration was not limited |

|to a negative policy of simple expulsion, but was |

|formulated along the lines of modern Zionism. The |

|founder of political Zionism in the 19th century, |

|Theodore Herzl, in his work “The Jewish State,” had |

|originally conceived of Madagascar as a national |

|homeland for the Jews, and this possibility was seriously |

|studied by the Nazis. It had been the party platform |

|before 1933 and was published by the party in |

|pamphlet form. This stated that the revival of Israel as a |

|Jewish state was much less acceptable since it would |

|result in perpetual war and disruption in the Arab |

|world, which has indeed been the case. |

| |

|The Germans were not original in proposing Jewish |

|emigration to Madagascar; the Polish Government had |

|already considered the scheme in respect of their own |

|Jewish population, and in 1937 they sent the Michael |

|Lepecki expedition to Madagascar, accompanied by |

|Jewish representatives, to investigate the problems |

|involved. |

| |

|The first Nazi proposals for a Madagascar solution |

|were made in association with the Schacht Plan of |

|1938. On the advice of Goering, Hitler agreed to send |

|the President of the Reichsbank, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, |

|to London for discussions with Jewish representatives |

|Lord Bearsted and Mr. Rublee of New York. (Reitilinger, |

|The Final Solution, London, 1953, p. 20) |

| |

|The plan was that German Jewish assets would be |

|frozen as security for an international loan to finance |

|Jewish emigration in Palestine, and Schacht reported |

|on these negotiations to Hitler at Berchresgaden on |

|January 2, 1939. The plan, which failed due to British |

|refusal to accept the financial terms, was first put |

|forward on November 12, 1938 at a conference |

|convened by Goering, who revealed that Hitler was |

|already considering the emigration of Jews to a |

|settlement in Madagascar. (Reitilinger, The Final |

|Solution, London, 1953, p.20) |

| |

|Later, in December, Ribbentrop was told by M. |

|Georges Bonnet, the French Foreign Secretary, that the |

|French Government itself was planning the evacuation |

|of 10,000 Jews to Madagascar. |

| |

|Prior to the Schacht Palestine proposals of 1938, |

|which were essentially a protraction of discussions that |

|had begun as early as 1935, numerous attempts had |

|been made to secure Jewish emigration to other |

|European nations, and these efforts culminated in the |

|Evian Conference of July, 1938. |

| |

|However, by 1939 the scheme of Jewish emigration |

|to Madagascar had gained the most favor in German |

|circles. It is true that in London Helmuth Wohitat of the |

|German Foreign Office discussed limited Jewish |

|emigration to Rhodesia and British Guiana as late as |

|April 1939; but by January 24th, when Goering wrote to |

|Interior Minister Frick ordering the creation of a Central |

|Emigration Office for Jews, and commissioned Heydrich |

|of the Reich Security Head Office to solve the Jewish |

|problem “by means of emigration and evacuation,” the |

|Madagascar Plan was being studied in earnest. |

| |

|By 1939, the consistent effort of the German |

|Government to secure the departure of Jews from the |

|Reich had resulted in the emigration of 400,000 |

|German Jews from a total population of about 600,000 |

|and an additional 480,000 emigrants from Austria and |

|Czechoslovakia, which constituted almost their entire |

|Jewish populations. This was accomplished through |

|Offices of Jewish Emigration in Berlin, Vienna and |

|Prague established by Adolf Eichmann, the head of the |

|Jewish Investigation Office of the Gestapo. So eager |

|were the German to secure this emigration that |

|Eichmann even established a training center in Austria, |

|where young Jews could learn farming in anticipation of |

|being smuggled illegally to Palestine. (Manvell & Frankl, |

|S.S. and Gestapo, p. 60) |

| |

|Had Hitler cherished any intention of exterminating |

|the Jews, it is inconceivable that he would have allowed |

|more than 800,000 to leave Reich territory with the |

|bulk of their wealth, much less considered plans for |

|their mass emigration to Palestine or Madagascar. What |

|is more, we shall see that the policy of emigration from |

|Europe was still under consideration well into the war |

|period, notably the Madagascar Plan, which Eichmann |

|discussed in 1940 with French Colonial Office experts |

|after the defeat of France had made the surrender of the |

|colony a practical proposition. |

| |

|German Policy Towards The Jews |

|After the Outbreak off War |

| |

|With the coming of the war, the situation regarding |

|the Jews altered drastically. It is not widely known that |

|world Jewry declared itself to be a belligerent party in |

|the Second World War, and there was therefore ample |

|basis under international law for the Germans to intern |

|the Jewish population as a hostile force. |

| |

|On September , 1939 Chaim Weizmann, the |

|principle Zionist leader, had declared war against |

|Germany on behalf of the world’s Jews, stating that |

| |

|“the Jews stand by Great Britain and will fight on |

|the side of the democracies...The Jewish Agency is |

|ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing |

|Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources etc...” |

|(Jewish Chronicle, September 8, 1939) |

| |

|This was only a reiterating of a state of war which |

|already existed between Germany and the Jews. For the |

|war between the two was first announced "Judea |

|declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, |

|1934) |

| |

|Detention Still Favored |

| |

|It is a remarkable fact, however, that well into the |

|war, the Germans continued o implement the policy of |

|Jewish emigration. The fall of France in 1940 enabled |

|the German Government to open serious negotiations |

|with the French for the transfer of European Jews to |

|Madagascar. |

| |

|A memorandum of August, 1942 from Luther, |

|Secretary of State in the German Foreign Office, reveals |

|that he had conducted these negotiations between July |

|and December 1940, when they were terminated by the |

|French. A circular from Luther’s department dated |

|August 15th, 1940 shows that the details of the German |

|plan had been worked out by Eichmann, for it is signed |

|by his assistant, Danecker. Eichmann had in fact been |

|commissioned in August to draw up a detailed |

|Madagascar Plan, and Danecker was employed in |

|research on Madagascar at the French Colonial Office. |

|(Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 77) The proposals of |

|August 15h were that an inter-European bank was to |

|finance the emigration of four million Jews throughout |

|a phased program. |

| |

|Luther’s 1942 memorandum shows that Heydrich |

|had obtained Himmler’s approval of this plan before the |

|end of August and had also submitted it to Goering. It |

|certainly met with Hitler’s approval, for as early as June |

|17th his interpreter, Schmidt, recalls Hitler observing to |

|Mussolini that “One could found a State of Israel in |

|Madagascar.” (Schmidt, Hitler’s Interpreter, London, |

|1951, p. 178) |

| |

|Although the French terminated the Madagascar |

|negotiations in December, 1940, Poliakov, the director |

|of the Center of Jewish Documentation in Paris, admits |

|that the Germans nevertheless pursued the scheme, |

|and that Eichmann was still busy with it throughout |

|1941. |

| |

|Eventually, however, it was rendered impractical by |

|the progress of the war, in particular by the situation |

|after the invasion of Russia, and on February 10th, 1942, |

|the Foreign Office was informed that the plan had been |

|temporarily shelved. This ruling, sent to the Foreign |

|Office by Luther’s assistant, Rademacher, is of great |

|importance, because it demonstrates conclusively that |

|the term”Final Solution” meant only the emigration of |

|Jews, and also that transportation to the eastern ghettos |

|and concentration camps such as Auschwitz |

|constituted nothing but an alterative plan of evacuation. |

| |

|The directive reads: |

| |

|“The war with the Soviet Union has in the |

|meantime created the possibility of disposing of other |

|territories for the Final Solution. In consequence the |

|Fuhrer has decided that the Jews should be evacuated |

|not to Madagascar but to the East. Madagascar need no |

|longer, therefore, be considered in connection with the |

|Final Solution.” (Reitilinger, The Final Solution, p. 79) |

| |

|The details of this evacuation had been discussed a |

|month earlier at the Wannsee Conference in Berlin, |

|which memorandum which we shall examine below. |

| |

|Reitilinger and Poiakov both make the entirely |

|unfounded supposition that because the Madagascar |

|Plan had been shelved, the Germans must necessarily |

|have been thinking of “extermination.” |

| |

|Only a month later, however, on March 7th, 1942, |

|Goebbels wrote a memorandum in favor of the |

|Madagascar Plan as a “final solution” of the Jewish |

|question. (Manvell & Frankl, Dr. Goebes, London, 1960, |

|p. 165) |

| |

|In the meantime he approved of the Jews being |

|“concentrated in the East.” Later Goebbels memoranda |

|also stress deportation to the East (i.e., the |

|Government-General of Poland)and lay emphasis on the |

|need for compulsory labor there; once the policy of |

|evacuation to the East had been inaugurated; the use of |

|Jewish labor became a fundamental part of the |

|operation. |

| |

|It is perfectly clear from the foregoing that the term |

|“Final Solution” was applied both to Madagascar and to |

|the Eastern territories, and that therefore it meant only |


| |

|Evan as late as May 1944, the Germans were |

|prepared to allow the emigration of one million |

|European Jews form Europe. An account of this |

|proposal is given by Alexander Weissberg, a prominent |

|Soviet Jewish scientist deported during the Stalin |

|purges, in his book Die Geschiche von Joel Brand |

|(Cologne,1956). Weissberg, who spent the war in |

|Cracow though he expected the Germans to intern him |

|in a concentration camp, explains that on the personal |

|authorization of Himmler, Eichmann had sent the |

|Budapest Jewish leader Joel Brand to Istanbul with an |

|offer to the Allies to permit the transfer of one million |

|European Jews in the midst of the war. (If the |

|“extermination”writers are to be believed, there were |

|scarcely one million Jews left by May, 1944). |

| |

|The Gestapo admitted that the transportation |

|involved would greatly inconvenience the German war- |

|effort, but were prepared to allow it in exchange for |

|10,000 trucks to be used exclusively on the Russian |

|front. Unfortunately, the plan came to nothing; the |

|British concluded that Brand must be a dangerous Nazi |

|agent and immediately imprisoned him in Cairo, while |

|the press denounced the offer as a Nazi trick. |

| |

|Winston Churchill, though orating to the effect that |

|the treatment of the Hungarian Jews was probably “the |

|biggest and most horrible crime ever committed in the |

|whole history of the world,” nevertheless told Chaim |

|Weizmann that acceptance of the Brand offer was |

|impossible, since it would be a betrayal of his Russian |

|allies. Although the plan was fruitless, it well illustrates |

| |

|that no one allegedly carrying out “thorough” |

|extermination would permit the emigration of a million |

|Jews, and it demonstrates, too, the prime importance |

|placed by the Germans on the war-effort. |

| |

|Population And Emigration |

| |

|Statistics relating to Jewish populations are not |

|everywhere known in precise detail, approximations for |

|various countries differing widely, and it also unknown |

|exactly how many Jews were deported and interned a |

|any one time between the years 1939-1945. In general, |

|however, what reliable statistics there are, especially |

|those relating to emigration, are sufficient to show that |

|not a fraction of six million Jews could have been |

|exterminated. |

| |

|In the first place, this claim cannot remotely be |

|upheld on examination of the European Jewish |

|population figures. According to “Chamers |

|Encyclopedia” the total number of Jews living in pre- |

|war Europe was, 6,500,000. Quite clearly, this would |

|mean that almost the entire number were exterminated. |

|But the “Baseler Nachrichten,” a neutral Swiss |

|publication employing available Jewish statistical data, |

|establishes that between 1933 and 1945, 1,500,000 |

|Jews emigrated to Britain, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, |

|Australia, China, India, Palestine and the United States. |

| |

|This is confirmed by the Jewish journalist Bruno |

|Blau, who cites the same figure in the New York Jewish |

|paper “Aufbau,” August 13th, 1948. Of these emigrants, |

|approximately 400,000 came from Germany before |

|September 1939. This is acknowledged by the World |

|Jewish Congress in its publication “Unity in |

|Dispersion,” p. 377, which states that: |

| |

|“The majority of the German Jews succeeded in |

|leaving Germany BEFORE THE WAR BROKE OUT.” |

| |

|In addition to the German Jews, 220,000 of the total |

|280,000 Austrian Jews had emigrated by September, |

|1939, while from March 1939 onwards the Institute for |

|Jewish emigration in Prague had secured the |

|emigration of 260,000 Jews from former |

|Czechoslovakia. In all, only 360,000 Jews remained in |

|Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia after September |

|1939. |

| |

|From Poland, an estimated 500,000 had emigrated |

|prior to the outbreak of war. These figures mean that |

|the number of Jewish emigrants from other European |

|countries (France, the Netherlands, Italy, the countries |

|of Eastern Europe etc.) was approximately 120,000. |

| |

|This exodus of Jews before and during hostilities, |

|therefore, reduces the number of Jews in Europe to |

|approximately 5 million. In addition to those emigrants, |

|we must also include the number of Jews who fled to |

|the Soviet Union after 1939, and who were later |

|evacuated beyond reach of the German invaders. |

| |

|It will be shown below that the majority of these, |

|about 1,250,000 were migrants from Poland. But apart |

|from Poland, Reitilinger admits that 300,000 other |

|European Jews slipped into Soviet territory between |

|1939 and 1941. This brings the total of Jewish |

|emigrants to the Soviet Union to about 1,550,000. In |

|“Colliers Magazine,” June 9th, 1945, Freiling Foster, |

|writing of the Jews in Russia, explained that “2,200,000 |

|have migrated to the Soviet Union since 1939 to escape |

|from the Nazis,” but our lower estimate is probably |

|more accurate. |

| |

|Jewish migration tot he Soviet Union, therefore, |

|reduces the number of Jews within the sphere of |

|German occupation to around 31/2 million, |

|approximately 3,450,000. From these should be |

|deducted those Jews living in neutral European |

|countries who escaped the consequences of the war. |

|According to the 1942 “World Almanac” p. 594 the |

|number of Jews living in Gibraltar, Britain, Portugal, |

|Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland and Turkey was |

|413,128. |

| |

|Three Million Jews in Europe |

| |

|A figure, consequently, of about a million Jews in |

|German-occupied Europe is an accurate as the |

|available emigration statistics will allow. Approximately |

|the same number, however, can be deduced in another |

|way if we examine statistics for the Jewish populations |

|remaining in countries occupied by the Reich. More |

|than half of those Jews who migrated to the Soviet |

|Union after 1939 came from Poland. |

| |

|It is frequently claimed that the war with Poland |

|added some 3 million Jews to the German sphere of |

|influence and that almost the whole of this Polish |

|Jewish population was “exterminated.” |

| |

|This is a major factual error. The 1931 Jewish |

|population census for Poland put the number of Jews at |

|2,732,600. (Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 36) Reitilinger |

|states that at least 1,170,000 of these were in the |

|Russian zone occupied in the autumn of 1949, about a |

|million of whom were evacuated to the Urals and south |

|Siberia after the German invasion of June 1941. |

|(Reitilinger, Die Endtosung, p. 50) |

| |

|As described above, an estimated 500,000 Jews had |

|emigrated from Poland prior to the war. Moreover, the |

|journalist Raymond Arthur Davis, who spent the war in |

|the Soviet Union, observed that approximately 250,000 |

|had already fled from German-occupied Poland to |

|Russia between 1939 and 1941 and were to be |

|encountered in every Soviet province. (Odyssey through |

|Hell, N.Y. 1946) |

| |

|Subtracting these figures from the population of |

|2,732,600, therefore, and allowing for the normal |

|population increase no more than 1,100,000 Polish |

|Jews could have been under German rule at the end of |

|1939. (Gutachendes Instituts fur Zeitgeshichie |

|Munich,1956, p. 50) |

| |

|To this number we may add the 360,000 Jews |

|remaining in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia |

|(Bohemia-Moravia and Slovakia) after the excessive |

|emigration from three countries prior o the war |

|described above. Of the 320,000 French Jews, the |

|Public Prosecutor representing that art of the |

|indictment relating to France at the Nuremberg Trials, |

|stated that120,000 Jews were deported, through |

|Reitilinger estimates only about 50,000. |

| |

|Thus the total number of Jews under Nazi rule |

|remains below two million. Deportations from the |

|Scandinavian countries were few, and from Bulgaria |

|none at all. When the Jewish populations of Holland |

|(140,000), Belgium (40,000), Italy (50,000), Yugoslavia |

|(55,000), Hungary (380,000) and Roumania (725,000) |

|are included, the figure does not much exceed 3 million. |

|His excess is due to the fact that the latter figures are |

|pre-war estimates unaffected by emigration, which from |

|these countries accounted for about 120,000 (see |

|above). This cross-checking, therefore, confirms the |

|estimate of approximately 2 million European Jews |

|under German occupation. |

| |

|Russian Jews Evacuated |

| |

|The precise figures concerning Russian Jews are |

|unknown, and have therefore been the subject of |

|extreme exaggeration. The Jewish statistician Jacob |

|Leszczynski states that in 1939 there were 2,100,000 |

|Jews living in future German-occupied Russia, i.e., |

|Western Russia. In addition, some 260,000 lived in the |

|Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. |

|According to Louis Levine, President of the American |

|Jewish Council for Russian Relief, who made a post-war |

|tour of the Soviet Union and submitted a report on the |

|status of Jews there, the majority of these numbers |

|were evacuated east after the German armies launched |

|their invasion. |

| |

|In Chicago, on October 30h, 1946, he declared that: |

| |



|WESTERN REGIONS threatened by the Hitlerite |



| |

|This high number is confirmed by the Jewish |

|journalist David Bergelson, who wrote in the Moscow |

|Yiddish paper “Ainikeit,” December 5th, 1942, that |

|“Thanks tot he evacuation, the majority (80%) of he |

|Jews in the Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania and Latvia |

|before the arrival of the Germans were rescued.” |

|Reitilinger agrees with the Jewish authority Joseph |

|Schechtmann, who admits that huge numbers were |

|evacuated, through he estimates a slightly higher |

|number of Russian and Baltic Jews left under German |

|occupation, between 650,000 and 850,000. (Reitilinger, |

|The Final Solution, p. 499) |

| |

|In respect of these Soviet Jews remaining in |

|German territory, it will be proven later that in the war |

|in Russia no more than one hundred thousand persons |

|were killed by the German Action Groups as partisans |

|and Bolshevik commissars, not all of whom were Jews. |

|By contrast, the partisans themselves claimed to have |

|murdered five times that number of German troops. |

| |

|Treblinka: No Trace of Mass Graves |

| |

|Treblinka Ground Radar Examination Finds No |

|Trace of Mass Graves |

| |

|A detailed forensic examination of the site of the |

|wartime Treblinka camp, using sophisticated electronic |

|ground radar, has found no evidence of mass graves |

|there. |

| |

|For six days in October 1999, an Australian team |

|headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics |

|engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the |

|site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland, where, |

|Holocaust historians say, more than half a million Jews |

|were put to death in gas chambers and then buried in |

|mass graves. |

| |

|According to the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust |

|(1997), for example, "a total of 870,000 people" were |

|killed and buried at Treblinka between July 1942 and |

|April 1943. Then, between April and July 1943, the |

|hundreds of thousands of corpses were allegedly dug up |

|and burned in batches of 2,000 or 2,500 on large grids |

|made of railway ties. |

| |

|Krege's team used an $80,000 Ground Penetration |

|Radar (GPR) device, which sends out vertical radar |

|signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR |

|detects any large-scale disturbances in the soil structure |

|to a normal effective depth of four or five meters, and |

|sometimes up to ten meters. (GPR devices are routinely |

|used around the world by geologists, archeologists, and |

|police.) In its Treblinka investigation, Krege's team also |

|carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to |

|take numerous soil core samples. |

| |

|The team carefully examined the entire Treblinka II |

|site, especially the alleged "mass graves" portion, and |

|carried out control examinations of the surrounding |

|area. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the |

|burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even |

|evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. |

| |

|In addition, Krege and his team found no evidence |

|of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or |

|wood ashes. |

| |

|"From these scans we could clearly identify the |

|largely undisturbed horizontal stratigraphic layering, |

|better known as horizons, of the soil under the camp |

|site," |

| |

|says the 30-year old Krege, who lives in Canberra. |

| |

|"We know from scans of grave sites, and other sites |

|with known soil disturbances, such as quarries, when |

|this natural layering is massively disrupted or missing |

|altogether." |

| |

|Because normal geological processes are very slow |

|acting, disruption of the soil structure would have been |

|detectable even after 60 years, Krege noted. |

| |

|While his initial investigation suggests that there |

|were never any mass graves at the Treblinka camp site, |

|Krege believes that further work is still called for. |

| |

|"Historians say that the bodies were exhumed and |

|cremated towards the end of the Treblinka camp's use |

|in 1943, but we found no indication that any mass |

|graves ever existed," he says. "Personally, I don't think |

|there was an extermination camp there at all." |

| |

|Krege is preparing a detailed report on his Treblinka |

|investigation. He says that he would welcome the |

|formation, possibly under United Nations auspices, of |

|an international team of neutral, qualified specialists, to |

|carry out similar investigations at the sites of all the |

|wartime German camps. |

| |

|Krege and his team are associated with, and funded |

|by, the Adelaide Institute, a south Australia revisionist |

|"think tank." Its director, Dr. Fredrick Toben, was jailed |

|in Germany for seven months in 1999 for disputing |

|Holocaust extermination claims. ("'Vernichtungslager' |

|Treblinka: archaelogisch betrachtet," by Ing. Richard |

|Krege, in Vierteljarhreshefte f�r freie |

|Geschichtsforschung, June 2000 [4. Jg., Heft 1], pp. |

|62-64; "'No Jewish mass grave' in Poland," The Canberra |

|Times, Jan. 24, 2000, p. 6; "Poland's Jews 'not buried at |

|Treblinka'," The Examiner [Australia], Jan. 24, 2000. |

|[The latter two newspaper items are reprinted in |

|facsimile in VHO-info, May 2000, p. 30.]; Information |

|provided by Richard Krege; M. Weber and A. Allen, |

|"Treblinka," The Journal of Historical Review, Summer |

|1992, pp. 133-158; Journal of Historical Review | |

|Volume 19, number 3 (May/June); "German Court |

|Sentences Australian Holocaust Skeptic," The Journal of |

|Historical Review, July-August 1999, pp. 2-5; Y. Arad, |

|"Treblinka," in I. Gutman, ed., Encyclopedia of the |

|Holocaust [New York: 1997], pp. 1481-1488.)) |

| |

|“Six Million” Untrue |

|According to Neutral Swiss |

| |

|It is clear, therefore, that the Germans could not |

|possibly have gained control over or exterminated |

|anything like six million Jews. Excluding the Soviet |

|Union, the number of Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe |

|after emigration was scarcely more than 3 million, by no |

|means all of whom were interned. To approach the |

|extermination of even half of six million would have |

|meant the liquidation of every Jew living in Europe. |

| |

|Nothing better illustrates the declining plausibility |

|of the Six Million legend than the fact that the |

|prosecution at the Eichmann trial deliberately avoided |

|mentioning the figure. Moreover, official Jewish |

|estimates of the casualties are being quietly revised |

|downwards. Our analysis of the population and |

|emigration statistics, as well as the studies by the Swiss |

|“Baseler Nachrichten” and Professor Rassinier, |

|demonstrate that it would have been simply impossible |

|for the number of Jewish casualties to have exceeded a |

|limit of one and a half million. |

| |

|Doubtless, several thousand Jewish people did die |

|in the course of the Second World War, but this must |

|be seen in the context of a war that cost many millions |

|of innocent victims on all sides. To put the matter in |

|perspective, for example, we may point out that 700,000 |

|Russian civilians died during the siege of Leningrad, and |

|a total of 2,050,000 German civilians were killed in |

|Allied air raids and forced repatriation after (Operation |

|Keelhaul) after the war. |

| |

|The question most pertinent to the extermination |

|legend is, of course: Ho many of the 3 million European |

|Jews, under German control, survived after 1945? The |

|Jewish Joint Distribution Committee estimated the |

|number of survivors in Europe to be only one and half |

|million, but such a figure is now totally unacceptable. |

| |

|This is proven by the growing number of Jews |

|calming compensation from the West German |

|Government for having allegedly suffered between 1939 |

|and 1945. By 1965, the number of these claimants |

|registered with the West German Government had |

|tripled in ten years and reached 3,375,000. (Aufbau, |

|June 30th, 1965) |

| |

|Nothing could be a more devastating proof of the |

|brazen fantasy of the Six Million. Most of these |

|claimants are Jews, so there can be no doubt that the |

|majority of the 3 million Jews who experienced the Nazi |

|occupation of Europe are, in fact, very much alive. It is a |

|resounding confirmation of the fact that Jewish |

|casualties during the Second World War can only be |

|estimated at a figure in thousands. |

| |

|The New Jewish Religion, |

|The “Supposed” Jewish Holocaust |

| |

|Today, at this late hour of the history of White |

|Christianity, the Jew has sought to brainwash |

|uneducated and ignorant generations into the |

|misplaced pity and sorrow of what can only be called |


| |

|Jews are allowed to teach people to hate Jesus |

|Christ and blaspheme Almighty God, yet they are |

|admired and pitied by most people in the world, while |

|they tell blatant lies about the so-called German "death |

|camps." These lies cannot be proven scientifically and |

|are lies designed only to be cheap, Jewish public |

|relation propaganda to invoke pity for the Jews, while |

|they pick the American White Man's pockets and raid |

|White America like a corporate lawyer. |

| |

|The pity heaped on them is misplaced pity that |

|should be directed to Jesus Christ, as He was the only |

|innocent person ever to walk the face of the earth, and |

|yet was put to death by the Jewish people. Now, |

|however, even though the Jews believe and teach in |

|their synagogues that Jesus is boiling in excrement in |

|Hell, to call a Jew a Christ-killer is an offense that has |

|put people in jail for much of their lives. |

| |

|The Holocaust He was first fabricated by the head of |

|the KGB, the Jew Lavrenty Beria. Since then, week |

|after week, for almost fifty years, the television, radio, |

|and media have continued to brainwash the American |

|public with scores of historically inaccurate anti-Nazi |

|and anti-German movies, claiming a German |

|conspiracy to commit genocide against the Jewish |

|people. |

| |

|Yet, no conspiracy or so-called "Final Solution" has |

|ever been proven to have existed among the Nazi |

|leadership. It is true that hundreds of thousands of |

|people died during World War II, and yes, a small |

|percentage of them were Jews. It is true that thousands |

|died in the internment camps, many of whom were |

|confessed enemies of the national state. Some were |

|gypsies, Communists, Baptists, Masons, homosexuals, |

|Jehovah's Witnesses, Germans, Poles, Czechs and |

|Frenchmen. |

| |

|The Jews have been exposed to claim that those |

|non-Jews who died in the camps were Jewish in order |

|to further exaggerate the numbers of Jews who died in |

|concentration camps. It is very important, for the sake |

|of truth, to remember that the work or industrial camps |

|were continuously exposed to rampant diseases. At the |

|time that these camps existed throughout Europe, there |

|were no magic drugs like our antibiotics. |

| |

|Most people in the European camps died of |

|dysentery, influenza, or perhaps hepatitis B, |

|tuberculosis, cholera, typhus, or even old age. So it may |

|be said that while the majority of deaths were of natural |

|causes or disease, they were nevertheless premature |

|because of the war. |

| |

|Talking about numbers let us examine a few here: |

| |

|1). How long does it take to cremate a body? |

| |

|Answer: According to crematory operators today, it |

|takes more about two hours to completely cremate a |

|body. |

| |

|2). How long did it take to cremate a body during |

|World War II? |

| |

|Answer: Cremation was a relatively new thing in the |

|early 40s and therefore it took more than four hours to |

|cremate a single body. It would have been impossible to |

|cremate more than one body at a time, for with more |

|bodies the time needed to create the bodies would |

|increase with each body. From one body and four hours |

|to three bodies and eight hours, four bodies and 12 |

|hours and etc. |

| |

|3). How much residue and ashes are left after a |

|body is cremated? |

| |

|Answer: Today there is about 10 to 12 pounds of |

|residue, depending upon the size of the body; and that |

|is with the residue being run through a grinder to |

|reduce the larger bone fragments into smaller one. In |

|the 40s there would have been 40 to 50 pounds of |

|residue and no grinding to reduce the larger bone and |

|meat fragments, so there would have no other reduction |

|in the size of the body. |

| |

|3). How much weight in ashes and bone fragments |

|would it take to fill a box car or hopper car? |

| |

|Answer: The European rail cars are about � the size |

|of the ones in the United States, then and now. So it |

|would have taken about 20,000 pounds of residue to fill |

|a box car. |

| |

|4). How many men would it have taken to transfer |

|the residue from the ovens to the rail siding where they |

|would have been loaded out on? |

| |

|Answer: With one man and one wheel borrow |

|which would have held about 50 pounds of residue it |

|would have taken about 200 hundred men to transfer |

|the 20,000 pounds that would fill the box car. These |

|men would have had to move constantly and therefore |

|would have had to be relieved every few hours to let |

|them rest so that they could work again. Thus the |

|number of men would have to be 600 at the rate of 200 |

|men changing shifts every 8 hours. |

| |

|Now slave labor, as history has shown, is the worst |

|sort of labor; because there is no incentive to produce |

|more and more. Instead the slaves move less and less as |

|time progresses. This would have added another 600 to |

|the work force thus causing the Germans to have use |

|1200 men for one box or hopper car per day, just to |

|move the residue from the ovens to the rail sidings. Of |

|course we have not taken into consideration the |

|distance that the men would have to travel with their |

|wheel barrow; and thus would have added substantially |

|more men to the work force. |

| |

|5). How many men would have taken to load the |

|residue in the box or hopper cars after the transfer from |

|the ovens? |

| |

|Answer: Due to the fact that the European cars are |

|about � the size of American ones, it would have take |

|at least 4 men on each side of the car shoveling the |

|residue up into the car. Then it would have taken 4 |

|men, two on each side to throw the residue from the |

|door to the back of the car. This would have taken at |

|least 8 men, and since they would have to be relieved |

|every few hours that would increase the work forces |

|from 8 to 24 men. Then just as we had to double the |

|work force because of the slowdown in the movement |

|of the slave labor, it would therefore take 72 men to |

|load the cars. Again we are not taking into |

|consideration the sickness and accidents which would |

|necessarily happen because of humans being just that: |

|humans. Which would also increase the work force. |

| |

|6). How many cars could be loaded at the same |

|time? And how many cars would a siding hold? |

| |

|Answer: Only about 10 cars could be loaded at one |

|time because if more than that were loaded, the |

|workers would be getting into each others way, thus |

|causing both a slowdown and additional workers to the |

|work force. Therefore, it would take about 1300 men to |

|load 10 cars in one days 24 hours time. |

| |

|7). How many pounds of residue would 4,000,000 |

|bodies produce? |

| |

|Answer: At the rate of 40 to 50 pounds per body; |

|and we will use the lesser weight of 40 pounds, it would |

|produce 4,000,000 x 40 pounds = 160,000,000 millions |

|of pounds of residue. |

| |

|8). How many rail cars would it take to move |

|160,000,000 pounds of residue? |

| |

|Answer: At the rate of 20,000 pounds per car, and |

|that is really filling the car up because the car would |

|probably not hold more than 15,000 pounds, it would |

|take about 16,000 cars. Which would not have been |

|possible because the allied bombers were bombing |

|everything in sight day and night and would have |

|destroyed that many cars in raids. |

| |

|9). How long would it take at the rate of 10 cars per |

|day to move 16000 cars? |

| |

|Answer: It would have taken 16000 days. |

| |

|10). How many years would it have taken to move |

|these cars at the rate above mentioned? |

| |

|Answer: it would have taken 16000 days divided by |

|365 days in a year = 54 years. |

| |

|Therefore, it would not have been possible to |

|cremate 4,000,000 people and move their ashes and |

|residue in 3 years time. |

| |

|The movies give the false impression that only Jews |

|were interned in the work and labor camps. The Jews |

|have claimed hundreds of thousands of non-Jews in |

|order to fabricate their numbers and claim that 6 |

|million Jews purposely were killed at the hands of the |

|SS, simply because they were Jewish. |

| |








| |

|This is a one-sided presentation of World War II that |

|belittles the American fighting man's part in the war |

|and gives undue credit to the Jews and exaggerates the |

|Jewish deaths at the expense of other more deserving |

|minorities such as the Ukrainian people. |

| |

|As incredible as it may sound, if it can be proven |

|beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jews themselves |

|were responsible for the excessive and insane bombing |

|policies of the Americans and the British over Germany |

|in World War II, then that would mean that the Jews |

|themselves are directly responsible for the incredible |

|numbers or deaths in the Nazi labor camps. |

| |

|For it is an indisputable fact that what has been |

|called the "atrocities" of the camps did not occur until |

|after the Allied bombers had destroyed the railway |

|systems that shipped food and medical supplies to these |

|camps. If the Nazis had been able to bomb the |

|transportation systems of the Americans and prevent |

|them from shipping medicine and foodstuffs to the |

|Japanese internees and German prisoners of war in |

|American concentration camps, then unsanitary living |

|conditions and malnutrition would certainly have had |

|the same results in extraordinary numbers of Japanese |

|internees dying from dysentery and cholera. |

| |

|But as of this date, not a single American nor British |

|soldier has been tried for war crimes or crimes against |

|humanity, even though thousands of such incidents did |

|occur in the American victimization of Japanese, |

|Germans and people of other nationalities during World |

|War II. |

| |

|To fail to present an objective and truthful look at |

|the events of World War II is to fail to learn from the |

|mistakes of that era. Today, Zionist and Talmudic |

|organized Jewry knowingly and willfully continue to |

|present and perpetuate atheistic, Communist |

|propaganda only because it paints the Jews as the |

|victims of the Nazis. Many courageous Americans such |

|as Senator Taft and many Supreme Court Justices |

|spoke out against the travesty of justice called the |

|Nuremberg War Crimes Trials against the leaders of the |

|German government after World War II. |

| |

|"World War II was a war to renew Jewish |

|domination of Germany and Central Europe and for the |

|maintenance of the power and glory of the |

|British/Jewish Empire. The conspirators in America, |

|England and France are responsible for the greatest |

|tragedy the world has ever known and their names will |

|be dishonored and execrated in history. |

|“It never would have started had not Roosevelt and |

|the half Jew Bullitt guaranteed to Britain and France all |

|of America's resources, which meant, first, repeal of our |

|neutrality act and supplying them with munitions and |

|bombers without stint; second, in time the extension of |

|unlimited credit; third the use of our fleet in the Pacific |

|to protect British, French and Dutch interests; if these |

|did not suffice for victory, then our young men as air |

|pilots and our fleet to be sent to Europe; and lastly, if |

|World Jewry and the British/Jewish Empire could not |

|win without them, millions of our lads to die in Europe's |

|babbles. |

|“The premeditated killing of human beings by |

|another, save in self defense, is murder, a crime against |

|Christianity, morality, humanity, and civilization, and |

|this applies with greatest guilt to the wholesale |

|slaughter by one nation of the people of another who |

|have not attacked or harmed them. After this illegal, |

|secret plot was negotiated, Roosevelt, the Jews and the |

|war-mongers of this country, of England and France |

|sought to overthrow the Chamberlain government and |

|to replace it with the Jews Churchill, Eden, Hore- |

|Belisha and Duff Cooper. |

|“They plotted to get Bonnet out of the French |

|Cabinet and to substitute the Jews Reynaud, Blum and |

|Mandel. The ardent but unsuccessful courtship of Stalin |

|and Soviet Russia was insisted upon by Roosevelt, |

|World Jewry and war-mongers of America, England and |

|France. |

|“One of the reasons for the Roosevelt/Eden plot to |

|overthrow the Chamberlain government and remove |

|Bonnet from the French Cabinet was because they |

|would not agree to pay the price Stalin demanded to |

|encircle and defeat Germany. At Roosevelt's and the |

|Jews' insistence, England and France guaranteed the |

|boundaries of Poland in order to encircle Germany and |

|renew Jewish control. This guarantee of the boundaries |

|of Poland was the direct cause of World War II, it |

|knowingly necessitated it." (War! War! War!, by |

|Cincinnatus, pp. 188-189) |

| |

|Many courageous and patriotic Americans knew |

|that the so-called war crimes and the changes against |

|the German government officials were nothing more |

|than Communist propaganda designed to blame the |

|Germans for many Communist atrocities that Stalin had |

|engineered and perpetrated. It is certainly un-American |

|to be afraid of the truth, and no truth-loving American |

|can possibly stand by and watch the Communist |

|propaganda of World War II continue to be taught in |

|our public school systems. |

| |

|Today, fifty years after Adolf Hitler, there is hardly a |

|week or a day that goes by without an anti-Nazi film or |

|propaganda movie being shown on television channels |

|that one would think they should be no longer political. |

|Moreover, the Jews have made Nazi memorabilia and |

|Nazi member organizations a big business in America. |

|No true American can afford to stand by and allow the |

|Communist, Jewish Zionist, Antichrist Jews to continue |

|imposing their version of history and their atheistic |

|values upon what was once a White Christian Nation. |

| |

|If the holocaust is to be discussed in our schools as |

|legitimate history, then let it be discussed objectively |

|and truthfully, based upon fact instead of Jewish fiction |

|that is designed only to protect the reputation of Joe |

|Stalin and the Jews behind the Bolshevik revolution of |

|world Communism. To insist upon fair play is truly an |

|American idea. If we must hear the Jews side, let us |

|also hear the Arabs' side. We Americans are innately |

|hateful toward anyone who seeks to rob us of our |

|freedom of thought, but today that is exactly what the |

|atheistic, Communistic Jews, and Hollywood one- |

|worlders are seeking to do. |

| |

|Stifling freedom of speech through their Communist |

|tactic of so-called political correctness, they seek to |

|brainwash the next generation of Americans through |

|drug abuse and relentless Communist propaganda. |

|They seek to create a police state wherein freedom of |

|speech is completely stifled, and when freedom of |

|speech is a crime, soon freedom of thought also |

|becomes a crime. |

| |

|The Jews, through the ACLU and other Communist |

|Jewish front groups have, when it is convenient, |

|defended freedom of speech as long as it is a |

|Communist or a dissenter seeking to tear down White |

|America. |

| |

|But when the shoe is on the other foot, they will not |

|defend the rights of White, Christian Americans, which |

|our forefathers fought for and embodied in the Bill of |

|Rights and the Constitution. The Jews are currently |

|using federal and state money that they have conned |

|form the American people to fund their one-sided |

|Communist views of World War II. So, in effect, every |

|state sponsored holocaust program is but another |

|Jewish con game designed to rob the working man and |

|the American tax payer, while enslaving these White |

|people's children into Jewish Socialism. |

| |

|Think of this travesty of freedom in these terms. A |

|group of atheistic, Christ-hating, Devil-worshipers |

|comes to your school system and demands the right to |

|teach your children their God-hating, atheistic values |

|while making no secret of their ulterior motives to |

|undermine your Christian values and your authority as a |

|parent. |

| |

|In addition to this, these same Devil-worshiping |

|pagans claim that Nero of Rome was right to burn the |

|Christians on crosses in his nocturnal garden and to |

|slaughter Christian women and children by throwing |

|them to the vicious, man-eating lions of the Roman |

|circus. What if these same people dared to say that the |

|Jews were absolutely correct in putting Jesus Christ to |

|death and viciously murdering Him? Would you, as a |

|God-fearing person speak up against such an obvious |

|abuse of American freedom? |

| |

|Well, that is exactly what the jews are doing |

|throughout the school systems of America by sending |

|their Jewish evangelists into your classrooms to preach |

|the establishment of their holocaust religious cult. That |

|is exactly what the Jews have made of the Jewish |

|deaths of WW II. |

| |

|They have used the Nazi work camps as an excuse |

|to extort billions of dollars from the American tax payer, |

|all in support of their Antichrist, world domination |

|philosophy known as Zionism, and all for the purpose of |

|supporting the illegal state of so-called Israel in |

|Palestine. |

| |

|We Americans have no objection to the truth, but |

|we do object to liars and to half-truths being promoted |

|in our school systems for the express purpose of |

|manipulating and brainwashing our children. Let us |

|remember that the school teachers and the Jews who |

|sponsor these programs do not invite the local Neo- |

|Nazis to defend their position, nor do they invite the |

|scholars of The Institute for Historical Review, whose |

|address is POB 1306, Torrance, CA 90505. They only |

|present one-sided arguments based upon fabrications |

|and lies first put forward by the Stalinist Communist |

|regime, namely the Jew head of the KGB Lavrenty |

|Beria, mentioned earlier. |

| |

|There are many honest and competent historians |

|who disagree with the Communist line of propaganda. |

|One outstanding example of orchestrated, modern, |

|Jewish propaganda is the Hollywood versions of the |

|Simon Wiesenthal stories. |

| |

|Mr. Wiesenthal is portrayed by the Jewish |

|Hollywood crowd as the foremost Nazi hunter in the |

|world. He is literally presented as a Jewish hero, and as |

|a wonderful humanitarian, when in fact, the man is a |

|liar and a hypocrite. He has openly lied and confused |

|the truth, but our children have never been taught the |

|truth about this lying Jew agent, who even admitted |

|that he was fighting for the Communists. |

| |

|What our children are taught is that the Simon |

|Wiesenthal Center was named after this "great man," |

|and that two American presidents awarded this liar |

|with honorary awards for his so-called work in tracking |

|down Nazis. |

| |

|Our children are not taught that this man has |

|consistency lied in his report about what he saw during |

|WW II. In 1948, this lying Jew testified under oath that |

|from 1939-1941 he was a "Soviet Chief engineer |

|working in Lvov and Odessa." But in his very own |

|biography, he claims that he was a "mechanic in a |

|factory that produced bedsprings" during those same |

|years. |

| |

|This example may seem trivial, but Wiesenthal has |

|lied about far worse than this. For example, Wiesenthal |

|published a book in 1946 in which he presented his |

|view of history, which he supposedly obtained facts |

|from the confession of Mauthausen Commandant Franz |

|Zieris. |

| |

|In his book, he claimed that four million people |

|were gassed at this camp. Later, he told USA Today in |

|April, 1983, |

| |

|"I was one of 34 prisoners alive out of 150,000 who |

|had been put there." |

| |

|Not only did he lie twice about this number, he lied |

|a third time in his own autobiography, in which he |

|wrote: |

| |

|"almost 3,000 prisoners died in Maunhausen after |

|the Americans liberated us on May 5, 1945." |

| |

|This is just like a Communist Jew to lie when it suits |

|his needs. Worse, Wiesenthal has been allowed to teach |

|our children these lies, without any questioning. Why |

|has this Jew, who has consistently lied in print, never |

|been questioned? Why have our children not been |

|presented with the fact that this man has been |

|consistently proven to be a liar? |

| |

|Finally, the most flagrant propaganda that has been |

|spread by Wiesenthal is the "human soap" myth. The |

|myth is that Germans used the fat form dead Jews to |

|make soap. Wiesenthal wrote in Der Neue Weg, an |

|Austrian Jew paper that 900,000 dead Jews were |

|shipped to a factory and used to make soap. |

| |

|Wiesenthal claimed that the letters RIF on German |

|soap made at that time stood for Rein juedisches Fett, |

|which means "Pure Jewish Fat." In fact, the letters stood |

|for Reichstelle Fuer industrielle Fettversorgung or |

|"National Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning." In fact, |

|no historians have ever acknowledged this claim to be |

|true. It was merely a fabrication of Mr. Wiesenthal a |

|proven liar. |

| |

|One example of this is the difficulties of the |

|historian David Irving, who after once being persuaded |

|of the facts, changed many of his views regarding the |

|history of World War II. Mr. Irving found it virtually |

|impossible to find a publisher to publish his new-found |

|convictions, which contradicted the Jewish version of |

|World War II. |

| |

|Yet, the hysterical Jewish exaggerations became so |

|blatant that the more sane Jews have found it necessary |

|to admit there could have been no more than 3.5 |

|million Jews to have died in that period of time, and |

|certainly not the exaggerated 6 million. The following is |

|reprinted from the New York Post, March 26, 1992: |

| |


|1.5M: Warsaw, Poland (UPI) - Newly released |

|documents confirm that 1.5 million victims died at the |

|Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau during |

|World War II, not 4 million - as claimed by the former |

|Soviet Union; Jewish and Polish officials said yesterday. |

| |

|Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, a member of the Council |

|for Dialogue between Poles and Jews, said the official |

|account of the number of victims was reduced following |

|verification of archives recently returned by Soviet |

|authorities to Poland. Polish Communist authorities |

|used the 4 million figure because it was established by a |

|postwar Soviet commission on Nazi crimes." This would |

|reduce the total number of so-called victims, even using |

|the 6 million figure to 3.5 million. |

| |

|Some prominent Jews, when confronted with the |

|indisputable facts, have even admitted that the so- |

|called gas chambers were fabrications of the Russian |

|Communist Jews, just as the number of 4 million dead |

|at Auschwitz was a fabrication. Notice in the above |

|article that the information proving that only 1.5 million |

|died at Auschwitz-Birkenau was found in archives |

|returned to Poland by the 'soviets. |

| |

|Also, |

| |

|"Polish Communist authorities used the number |

|because it was established by a postwar Soviet |

|commission on Nazi crimes." |

| |



|BUILDINGS” that were supposedly destroyed by them |

|after "liberation." Even the curator and director of |

|Auschwitz museum has admitted that the "gas |

|chambers" were altered and reconstructed by the |

|Russians after the war. The Communist Soviets |

|provided the figures and held the evidence. |

| |

|Everyone admits that the Germans were meticulous |

|record keepers, and the actual records of those people |

|that died in the camps were confiscated by the Soviets. |

|When the Soviets finally allowed the Red cross access |

|to the records in 1989, it was revealed in 46 books the |

|names of those that died at Auschwitz and the causes of |

|death. THE TOTAL: 70,000. |

| |

|The Soviets did not allow them access to the books |

|for the year of 1944, but those books could account for |

|the remaining dead. Even then, however, it is probably |

|true that the numbers may not even add up to the new |

|1.5 million figure. Now that this is released, we find that |

|they inflated the number from 1.5 million to over 4 |

|million (Keep in mind that the 1.5 million dead is cited |

|as the number of "victims," not Jews alone). |

| |

|The Soviets purposely lied about the 4 million dead, |

|and they built the buildings now standing at the camps |

|(This information should come as no surprise, as the |

|Jews have been the absolute rulers of Russia since |

|1917. And it would be expected that the Jews ruling |

|Russia would help the other Jews of the world to foster |

|and perpetuate their holocaust lie). |

| |

|Most historians agree that it is impossible that six |

|million people were gassed in gas chambers and then |

|burned in a crematorium. The fact shows that it would |

|have taken 68 years to gas 6 million people, and that it |

|would take 35 years to cremate 6 million bodies if the |

|crematoriums at the camps operated 24 hours a day, |

|every day, cremating the maximum number of bodies |

|that they could hold. |

| |

|Much of the misinformation was FABRICATED by |

|the (Jewish) Stalin regime of Soviet Russia during the |

|post-war years. Stalin (being Jewish himself)knew how |

|to feed the hysteria of the Russian Jew population. On |

|one hand he backed them with exaggerated holocaust |

|stories, pretending to be in sympathy with their world |

|Zionist cause, which induced the Jews to steal state |

|secrets about atomic energy and even their modern |

|missile technology form the United States to give to the |







| |

|Yet, history shows that whenever a great number of |

|Jews (who were not of the proper lineage or beliefs) |

|began to rise to prominence in the Communist |

|government, Stalin did not hesitate to liquidate them by |

|periodic purges of the intellectual Zionistic Jews in |

|Communist Russia. In the late 1930s Stalin began a |

|campaign against influential members of the |

|Communist Party; even those who had put him in |

|power were murdered. His political enemies were |

|numbered in the "tens of millions." (The New |

|Encyclopedia Britannica) |

| |

|Since 1945 there have been many conflicting claims |

|concerning the numbers of Jewish people (and others) |

|who died at Auschwitz-Birkeneu (Oswiecim, |

|concentration camp). However, it is only recent |

|research and access to hitherto unavailable documents, |

|that these numbers have drastically lowered, possibly |

|indicating that more of our people survive. Perhaps the |

|6 mills often publicized (though our best figure is 4.3 |

|million) may also need to be revised lower, we hope so. |

| |

|Dr. Nathan Nussbaum, |

|Honorary Director, |

|Center for Jewish Holocaust Studies. |

| |

|According to official documents in the French |

|Republic (institute for the Examination of |

|War-criminals) the number that died in Auschwitz was: |

|8,000,000 |

| |

|According to the French daily newspaper "Le |

|Monde" (20 April, 1978): 5,000,000 |

| |

|According to the memorial plaque on the |

|gas-chamber monument at Auschwitz-Birkenau (later |

|removed in 1990 by the Polish Government): 4,000,000 |

| |

|According to the "confession" of Rudolf Hoess, the |

|last commandant of Auschwitz. G.V. interrogation |

|record and written statement before his "suicide": |

|3,000,000 |

| |

|According to a statement by Yeduha Bauer, |

|Director of the Institute for Contemporary Jewry at the |

|Hebrew University, Jerusalem: 1,600,000 |

| |

|According to "La Monde" (1 September 1989): |

|1,433,000 |

| |

|According to Prof. Raul Hilberg (Professor for |

|Holocaust Research, and author of the book, "The |

|Annihilation of European Jewry," 2nd. ed. 1988: |

|1,250,000 |

| |

|According to Polish historians, G.V. DPA - Report of |

|July 1990 and corresponding public announcements: |

|1,100,000 |

| |

|According to Gerald Reitilinger, author of "Die |

|Endlbsun": 850,000 |

|_________ |

| |

|In the autumn of 1989 the Soviet President Mikhail |

|Gorbachev opened Soviet archives, and the public saw |

|for the first time, the complete register of deaths at |

|Auschwitz - which speaks as a key document of 74,000 |

|dead. |

| |

|There were, no doubt a considerable number of |

|individuals who were put to death as enemies of the |

|German government. Nevertheless, the majority of |

|people who died in the concentration camp labor |

|system died first of natural causes and old age, or |

|secondly, they died of dysentery, dehydration, typhus |

|and other such diseases relating to our caused by |

|malnutrition. Tuberculosis was s contributing factor, |

|and it is to be remembered that we did not have the |

|sophisticated medicines then as we have today. Those |

|in the concentration camps died, just as many |

|Germans, of malnutrition and disease. |

| |

|The internment camps in the United States that |

|were filled with Japanese internees suffered many of the |

|same problems as the German concentration camps. |

|Japanese internees lost their property, their businesses |

|and a great number of them lost their lives due to |

|natural causes and diseases while interned in the |

|American concentration camps. |

| |

|It is to be remembered that if the Germans had |

|been able to bomb the American food supply, which |

|usually came by railroad and prevent the Americans |

|from feeding the Japanese concentration camps, the |

|death rate among the Japanese would have been far |

|greater. |

| |

|It is also to be remembered that if the Japanese had |

|been left in their communities it is more than likely that |

|they would have fallen victim to rioting mobs of |

|Americans, especially after the Bataan death march and |

|the Japanese murders of thousands of defenseless |

|prisoners. |

| |

|A poll taken at that time proves the fact that |

|Americans hated the Japanese. The poll showed that |

|Californians would have voted 10 to 1 against allowing |

|the Japanese in the camps back on the street. (The |

|Journal of Historical Review) Roosevelt may |

|(unwittingly) have saved many Japanese lives by |

|interning them in these camps. |

| |

|In addition to these facts, while the Japanese |

|interned in American camps were accused of |

|committing no crimes and were legally established |

|citizens of America, the Jews interned in the German |

|camps were convicted criminals. They were guilty of |

|murder, theft, arson, and sabotage. Also, the Jews living |

|in Germany were truly foreigners, as they had not been |

|full citizens of Germany before the war. (The Journal of |

|Historical Review) Why, when a considerably greater |

|injustice was done to the Japanese of America during |

|that time, have not been showered with sympathy and |

|money? Why are there no memorials to these people, |

|when there are fifty Jewish holocaust memorials in |

|America alone? |

| |

|Why were the Americans not indicted for crimes |

|against humanity, as they tore Japanese Americans |

|from their homes and businesses, even though they |

|were charged with no crime, just as it is claimed the |

|Germans did with the Jews? The answer is that the |

|Jews are telling lies and playing on the sympathy of |

|American taxpayers because they know that they are |

|getting all of the ignorant population to fund the |

|creation of the Zionist state they so desire. But more so |

|than this, they know that they are also keeping True |

|White Christians from speaking the truth about the Jew |

|and his ways. No longer can White Christians speak the |

|truth about the Jew without fear of persecution, |

|imprisonment, or death. |

| |

|If the American government had not interned the |

|American Japanese population, it is more than likely |

|that there would have been no Japanese population at |

|the end of World War II. Much the same argument must |

|be made in regards to the German Jew. Resentment of |

|the materialistic criminal Jew had gained such force in |

|Germany that those Jews who had not fled the country |

|were in danger of systematic murder by the German |

|population who, in most cases, the Jew had personally |

|victimized. It was therefore expedient for the German |

|government, for the sake of protecting the Jew, to place |

|the remaining Jews in controlled surroundings, |

|fundamentally protecting them from the Germans, |

|Polish, Ukrainian populations. |

| |

|In exactly the same way, it was necessary for the |

|American government to intern the American Japanese |

|population. The difference in the outcome may be seen |

|only in understanding that the Americans and British |

|willfully bombed the trains of Germany that supplied |

|much needed food and medicine to the internment |

|camp workers and thereby escalated starvation, and |

|those diseases accompanying shortages of food and |

|water. |

| |

|The record showed clearly that it was the intention |

|of the Germans to feed, clothe and house the detainees |

|until such time as they could be repopulated safely to |

|either Madagascar or the Middle East. When we look at |

|this period of history it is important to remember that |

|Hitler employed an entire division of the German army |

|for the express purpose of collecting and preserving |

|Jewish antiquities during the war. |

| |

|And so, telling the truth about history is a subject |

|that must never be stifled or prevented in a land that |

|seeks to preserve its heritage of freedom of speech. It is |

|the atheistic Jew who would destroy the Constitution |

|and the Bill of Rights in order to impose his atheistic, |

|materialistic insane values upon the modern world. |

|Thus, the Jew has invented, along with his Jewish |

|Communist brothers, the blatant lie that 6 million |

|holocaust victims were Jews. |

| |

|Moreover, he has used this lie to create a Jewish |

|hysteria regarding the National Socialist government of |

|Germany, which is based on half-truths and the |

|Zionistic Jewish hysterical point of view. |

| |

|The tragedy is that White Americans, whose armies |

|and nations rescued the Jew form his European fate, are |

|now the ones being charged with hate crimes if they |

|dare to speak the objective truth in their own country. |

| |

|The Jew would have it be a crime to even dare to |

|disagree with the Jew, regardless of one's nationality. |

|Whenever Americans are told that they cannot hold |

|dissenting opinions with world Jewry, then freedom of |

|speech and freedom of thought has ceased to exist in |

|the "land of the free." |

| |

|While it is possible to lament and feel sorry for the |

|millions of Americans who sacrificed and died during |

|World War II, and it is even possible to have the same |

|sympathy for the millions of Russians and Germans, the |

|Jew would like the American people to only exercise |

|pity and empathy for the Jews who succumbed to |

|dysentery and malnutrition. |

| |

|The Jew would like the White Man to forget about |

|all the Americans solders who died fighting the |

|Germans and Japanese and who now lay in hundreds of |

|graveyards on foreign soil. The Jews would like to |

|continue presenting a historically inaccurate view of |

|World War II, so that they might reap a present political |

|advantage in manipulating public opinion to continue |

|taking from the American tax payers billions of dollars |

|for Israel. Let us assume that 3.5 million Jews did die of |

|disease and malnutrition at the hands of the Germans. |

|What is that compared to the tens of millions of |

|Ukrainian Russians who died at the fiendish hands of |

|Stalin and his brother Jews? |

| |

|The Encyclopedia Britannica cites that Stalin forced |

|25,000,000 households of Russian peasants to move |

|onto collective farms. Those who resisted were |

|collected, shot, attacked, exiled, or placed in Russian |

|concentration camps. This system, called collectivism, |

|also resulted in a great famine in the Ukraine. |

| |

|Although Stalin had provisions he could have sent |

|there, he instead decided to export them. The |

|Britannica claims that 10,000,000 perished under the |

|system of collectivism, however the numbers show that |

|the death toll over Stalin's total regime rings closer to |

|18,000,000. Today, mass graves in Russia are still |

|uncovered monthly, and yet, no mass graves are being |

|discovered in Germany. |

| |

|Should we not have a Russian Holocaust memorial |

|in Washington, D.C. to remember the millions of |

|Ukrainians starved to death by Stalin and his brother |

|Jews? When asked how many Jews died in the |

|concentration camps, almost everyone will give the |

|number 6 million, even though most historians |

|acknowledge this to be a fabricated number. How many |

|can tell you the number of Ukrainians that perished or |

|the number of Germans, or even the number of |

|American soldiers that died in the war? |

| |

|There are millions of Americans who questioned |

|why American tax payers' money should be used to |

|build a holocaust memorial on American soil. The |

|answer comes back that we should never forget the |

|tragedies of World War II. By that they mean the death |

|of some Jews. If we are looking to commemorate cases |

|of willful genocide, then there is no more of a clear case |

|of willful genocide than Stalin's starvation of millions of |

|Ukrainians. Or more recently, Paol pot's murders of |

|millions of Cambodians. |

| |

|We are forced to ask, |

| |

|"Why is there such special treatment for an |

|atheistic, materialistic people who are self-professed |

|Christ-hating Antichrists and who have done little more |

|in history than act as parasites against the host nations |

|where they have lived?” |

| |

|"The Jews as outcasts: Jews have been a wondering |

|people from the time of the beginning. History is filled |

|with peremptory edicts, expelling Jews from where they |

|had made their homes. At times the edicts were the |

|result of trumped up charges against the Jews or |

|Judaism, and later proved to be false. |

|“At other times they were the consequence of |

|economic situation, which the authorities believed |

|would be improved if the Jews were removed. Almost |

|always the bands were only temporary as below. The |

|culminate impact on the psychic on the Jewish people |

|however, has been traumatic. And may very well be |

|indelible. The following is a list, far from complete. |



|Only to be let back in again, later to be expelled once |

|more." (Jewish Almanac 1981, p. 127) |

| |

|Some ignorant and naive person may speak the |

|Jewish line that they, the Jews, are God's Chosen |



|POLITICAL ADVANTAGE. The Christian Scripture |

|declares that it is the True Israelite People who are the |

|Chosen People of Almighty God. |

| |

|The Scriptures clearly show that the Jews are not to |

|be allowed into your household. Those who speak |

|favorably of the Jews are participating in their evil of |

|denying Christ as the Son of God. And Jesus Himself |

|has already denied the Jews to be the Father for He |

|said: |

| |

|"But whoever will deny me before men, I also will |

|deny Him before my Father Who is in heaven." |

|(Matthew 10:33 AST) |

| |

|This also includes those who participate in their evil |

|of denying Christ. It is very strange that when we turn to |

|our Bibles, we begin to get an entirely different |

|perception of world politics than what we are receiving |

|from our television sets. |

| |

|If indeed 3.5 million atheistic, Christ-hating Jews |

|had been systematically murdered by the Nazis, and we |

|remind you that this by no means has been proven to be |

|the case, would that indeed be so great a crime against |

|mankind as was the Jews murdering the Lord Jesus |

|Christ? |

| |

|Which of the two was innocent and unworthy of |

|death? The 3.5 million Jews, or the Lamb of God, Who |

|was innocent and without a spot or wrinkle? The Jew |

|would like the deceived Christian to believe that the |

|blood of Christ is worthless and meaningless when |

|compared to the blood of an atheistic Jew. |

| |

|But the truth, is, if all the Jews and gypsies and |

|God-hating Communists, put together, were sacrificed |

|upon some pagan alter, all their blood together could |

|not do what one drop of the innocent blood of Christ |

|can do. In other words, there is no comparison between |

|the blood of a billion Christ-hating Jews and the blood |

|of Jesus Christ. In most cases the God-hating wretches |

|reaped what they had sown upon and against White |

|Christian Nations. |

| |

|The Bible does not teach White Christian men and |

|women to feel sorry for the guilty, but only to have pity |

|for the innocent. Anything else is a blatant miscarriage |

|and perversion of the very meaning of justice. Thus, it |

|must be said that too many Christians have taken their |

|eyes off the blood sacrifice of Calvary, and they have |

|allowed the atheistic, Talmudic and Zionistic Jew to |

|manipulate their feelings of compassion and pity away |

|form the Son of God, and to invest that pity in the |

|enemies of God. |

| |

|In 1936 a speech before the Royal Commission in |

|Jerusalem, Chaim Weizmann, president of the World |

|Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency of long years’ |

|standing, 1948 first President of the State of Israel, |

|defined the “Six Million” as a symbolic figure for the |

|Jewish fate. (Chaim Weizmann, “Reden + Aufs�tze |

|1901 - 1936,” j�d. Buchverlag Erwin L�we, Berlin 1937) |

| |

|“The world is taciturn, and it was only recently that |

|we heard the Polish Foreign Minister, Col. Beck, say in |

|many interviews in Geneva and in his own country and |

|in Berlin that there were one million Jews too many in |

|Poland... |

|“I do not wish to dwell on this subject any longer. I |

|am not going to engage the Commission’s time more |

|than necessary in order to describe what is going on in |

|Germany. It is too well known that I would have to go |

|into more precise details. This is the situation of roughly |

|3,600,000 Jews. Just over three million of them are |

|living in Poland, 600,000 were living in Germany in |

|1932, but this figure has decreased since. |

|“If we go on and take the Jews of Roumania, |

|Lithuania and Austria into consideration, then we have |

|practically the same picture, and it is therefore no |

|exaggeration at all when I say that today six million; I |

|am not talking about the Jews in Persia and Marocco |

|and in such countries which can only give very |

|uncertain information and about which very little is |

|heard nowadays, that in this part of the world six |

|million Jews are condemned to be crowded in places |

|where they are not wanted, human beings for whom the |

|world is divided into countries in which they cannot live |

|and countries which they are not allowed to enter. |

|“Just one word about Russia: There are around |

|three million Jews in Russia. We have only very little |

|contact with them. Russia is at present a closed |

|country. The situation there has, I think, materially |

|improved, namely due to the fact that many people who |

|could not be incorporated into Russia’s present society |

|are about to disappear...” (Chaim Weizmann, “Reden + |

|Aufs�tze 1901 - 1936,” j�d. Buchverlag Erwin L�we, |

|Berlin 1937, page 272) |

|“But in the meaning in which the term Jewry is |

|understood by us, it is disappearing in Russia. Zionism |

|is not allowed in Russia, it is regarded as a counter- |

|revolutionary movement, a stooge of British |

|imperialism. From time to time a Zionist escapes from |

|Russia; younger people, and the Commission will |

|perhaps have occasion to see several groups of these |

|young Russian men and women who managed to |

|escape from Russia under great sacrifices and at the risk |

|of their lives. But a regular emigration of Jews from |

|Russia to Palestine does not exist. |

|“With great effort we succeeded in getting one |

|thousand or twelve hundred Zionist families out of |

|Russia, who had been arrested there and were |

|incarcerated in Siberia prisons. We continue to attempt |

|under enormous difficulties to get them out and into |

|Palestine, but in reality a Russian Jewry as part of the |

|World Jewry does not exist... |

|“The six million whom I mentioned before, are |

|condemned to live from hand to mouth; they do not |

|know today what will happen tomorrow, I am not |

|talking about organized anti-Semitism and will assume |

|for a moment that most countries are behaving quite |

|amicably, but there are a number of objective reasons, |

|purely objective reasons, leading to a situation in those |

|parts of the world where the Jewish community is |

|crushed and the Jews are made the flotsam of the |

|world, where they are economically ground to dust. |

|“When saying this to you, I do not wish to involve |

|your emotions, but these things are not widely known. |

|Although it is common knowledge that the situation of |

|the Jews is not a very happy one. I think that the real |

|circumstances are not understood; this is why I have |

|taken the liberty to dwell a little more comprehensively |

|on this subject. This involves, after all, the fate of six |

|million human beings.” (Chaim Weizmann, “Reden + |

|Aufs�tze 1901 - 1936,” j�d. Buchverlag Erwin L�we, |

|Berlin 1937, page 274) |

| |

|On August 25, 1939; before the commencement of |

|the war, the same man handed over to the British |

|government the military declaration of war of the World |

|Jewish Congress on Germany. In his own words this |

|sounded somewhat more subtle as follows: |

| |

|“I took it upon myself to convey to the British |

|government in writing and verbally the resolution of |

|mutual assistance passed by the Geneva conference...” |

|(Chaim Weizmann, “Memoiren” Das Werden des |

|Staates Israel” Z�rich 1953) |

| |

|When war began in 1939, he had a conversation |

|with Winston Churchill: |

| |

|“He received me not only cordially, but he was also |

|full of confidence with respect to the war. His first |

|words, after he welcomed me, were about as follows: |

|‘Well, Dr. Weizmann, we have as good as beaten them |

|already.’ |

|“I was not quite of the same opinion at the time, but |

|I did not say so. I just changed the subject, spoke about |

|our own affairs and thanked him for his constant |

|support for the Zionist course. ‘You were standing at the |

|cradle of this enterprise,’ I said to him, ‘and hopefully |

|you will live to see that we have succeeded.’ Adding |

|that after the war we would build up a state of three to |

|four million Jews in Palestine, whereupon he implied: |

|‘Yes, go ahead, I am full in agreement with this idea.’ |

|(Chaim Weizmann, “Memoiren” Das Werden des |

|Staates Israel” Z�rich 1953, p. 611) |

| |

|About November, 1945, he said: |

| |

|“The British government refused to believe that six |

|million Jews had been killed in Europe.” (Chaim |

|Weizmann, “Memoiren” Das Werden des Staates Israel” |

|Z�rich 1953, p 642) And this was in November 1945! |

| |

|This was the first time in his voluminous “memoirs” |

|that he expressed himself on the subject of |

|“extermination of European Jewry by Hitler-Germany.” |

|Just as in the memoir-volumes of Nahum Goldmann, |

|the president of the World Jewish Congress and of the |

|American section of the Jewish Agency of long years’ |

|standing there is also nothing at all on the so-called |

|“Holocaust” as in Chaim Weizmann’s book, nothing |

|about what the Jewish world organizations had learned |

|during the war and how they had reacted on that |

|information. Still in November 1945, the British |

|government did not know anything about this either. |

| |

|Only later on it was considered necessary in terms |

|of power politics to join the chorus of the other agitators |

|or at least not to contradict them. This total silence on |

|the part of the two decisive representatives of |

|International Jewry in their memoirs concerning the |

|outrageous accusations raised against the German |

|people is highly important evidence in terms of world |

|history! |

| |

|The American Hebrew |

|October 31, 1919 |

| |

|The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop! |

| |


|(Former Governor of the State of N.Y.) |

| |

|“From across the sea six million men and women |

|call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little |

|children cry for bread. These children, these men and |

|women are our fellow-members of the human family, |

|with the same claim on life as we, the same |

|susceptibility to the winter's cold, the same propensity |

|to death before the pangs of hunger. Within them reside |

|the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the |

|human race as naturally would reside in six million |

|human beings. We may not be their keepers but we |

|ought to be their helpers. |

|“In the face of death, in the throes of starvation |

|there is no place for mental distinctions of creed, no |

|place for physical differentiations of race. In this |

|catastrophe, when SIX MILLION BEINGS ARE |


|and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings |

|of human nature should sway the heart and move the |

|hand. |


|from lack of the necessaries of life; eight hundred |

|thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon |

|them through no fault of their own, through no |

|transgression of the laws of God or man; but through |

|the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish |

|blood. |

|“In this threatened HOLOCAUST of human life.... |

| |

|The Most Debated Question of Our Time -- |

| |

|Was There Really A Holocaust? |

|By Dr. E. R. Fields |

| |

|"Since the Second World War, Jews have been |

|treated with silk gloves. Without Auschwitz, there |

|would be no Israel." (by Nathan Goldmann, the Founder |

|of Israel as quoted from Paris Match, December 29, |

|1979) |

| |

|The "Holocaust" has given Israel a tremendous |

|psychological advantage over the Gentile world, |

|particularly America and Germany. By exploiting the |

|guilt complex instilled in non-Jews, they have obtained: |

| |

|Over $65 billion in aid from Germany. Over $55 |

|billion in aid from America. Israel, a prosperous |

|country, receives $3.2 billion, (or $8 million a day) in |

|foreign aid - more than any other country. |

| |

|The 45,000 Jewish immigrants from Russia have the |

|highest annual quota after Mexico. They enter as |

|"refugees" without having to prove persecution! As |

|"refugees" they are automatically entitled to full welfare |

|benefits not subject to welfare reform cuts. |

| |

|Nonstop holocaust brainwashing in schools, TV, |

|movies and books has placed Israel and organized |

|Jewry above criticism! |

| |

|Official Holocaust Figures Reduced |

| |

|Immediately after World War II, Allied authorities |

|declared that "Jews had been gassed" in all German |

|concentration camps. It later discovered that the many |

|bodies photographed in the camps died during the |

|waning days of the war; from typhus, cold and |

|starvation. |

| |

|Simon Wiesenthal, of the "Holocaust Center" in Los |

|Angeles, stated in Books and Bookmen, April 1975, |

|page 5, |

| |

|"No gassing took place in any camp on German |

|soil." |

| |

|The Jew L.P. Beria headed the Soviet NKVD secret |

|police from 1938 to 1953. In 1945, he announced that |

|they had discovered a "holocaust" of six million Jews. |

|This conveniently occurred only in camps in Poland! |

|Beria would not allow any outside investigators to |

|examine these sites. |

| |

|The Jewish-owned New York Times reported in |

|1945 that Soviet Russia supplied the figure of four |

|million Jews having been put to death, "in the gas |

|chambers of Auschwitz." |

| |

|However, in July of 1990, the Polish government |

|reduced this figure to 1.1 million and it was accepted by |

|Jewish groups. Despite this evidence, the "official figure" |

|of six million dead was not lowered to three million! (It |

|should also be noted that Elizabeth Dole, president of |

|the American Red Cross, and wife of former Sen. Bob |

|Dole, revealed that the official death records from |

|Auschwitz had been uncovered in the Soviet Archives. |

|It listed 70,000 deaths from all causes.) |

| |

|No Holocaust Order Ever Given |

| |

|The Germans are noted for being meticulous record |

|keepers. There was no attempt made to destroy |

|wartime records, 1,100 tons of which were seized in the |

|U.S. Zone of occupation alone. British Historian, Colin |

|Cross, writes in his biography of Hitler, on page 313: |

|"There does not exist then, anything like a written order |

|signed by Hitler for the extermination of the Jews in |

|Europe." |

| |

|Madagascar is a vast island off the coast of Africa in |

|the Indian Ocean, then owned by France. Thousands of |

|pages of German documents have been located |

|providing a thorough study of the feasibility of |

|establishing a Jewish homeland on the island of |

|Madagascar. |

| |

|Plans were made for the reimbursement of the |

|25,000 French citizens who lived there. Even the |

|government of France studied the plan. Theodore Herzl, |

|the founder of Zionism, considered Madagascar a |

|possible site for a Jewish state. He also considered |

|Kenya, Africa, the Sinai from the Suez Canal to the Gaza |

|Strip, and a huge area in southern Poland, but they |

|really wanted Palestine. |

| |

|The German Foreign Ministry on January 25, 1939 |

|issued a document on the solution to the Jewish |

|problem which stated: |

| |

|"The end policy in regard to the Jews is the |

|emigration of all Jews living in the territory of the Old |

|Reich." |

| |

|In Auschwitz Notebooks, we read that all of the top |

|German leadership supported this plan. |

| |

|"On November 12, 1938, Goring had mentioned the |

|question of Madagascar. Himmler himself had dreamed |

|of that since 1934, a witness assures us. After the |

|armistice of June 1940 (surrender of France), the idea |

|was propounded by the Foreign Ministry and approved |

|by Himmler as well as by Hitler himself." |

| |

|For these reasons SS official Reinhard Heydrich |

|organized the Central Office for Jewish Emigration on |

|February 11, 1939. Once the war began, this was no |

|longer possible. Thus Hitler ordered the internment of |

|Jews as enemy aliens and deported them to the east. |

|On January 27, 1942, Hitler said: |

| |

|"The Jews must leave Europe. The best thing is that |

|they go to Russia." |

| |

|Roosevelt did the same thing as Hitler by ordering |

|120,000 Americans of Japanese descent living on the |

|West Coast interned in concentration camps. In March |

|1942 Roosevelt accused them of being "security risks." |

|The Japanese men, women and children were |

|imprisoned behind barbed wire fences and armed guard |

|towers in the blazing hot desert. |

| |

|The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial heard testimony |

|from Hans Lammers as to what he considered the "Final |

|Solution of The Jewish Problem." Lammers was Chief of |

|the Reich Chancellery and personally close to Himmler |

|and Hitler. Lammers said he asked Himmler what was |

|the "final solution." Himmler replied: |

| |

|"The Jews must be evacuated from Germany!" |

| |

|He said that Hitler told him the same thing. In other |

|words, "The Final Solution" was -- emigration! |

| |

|When asked, "when did you first learn that five |

|million Jews had been exterminated," Lammers replied |

|that it was "here" at the Nuremberg trials! Herman |

|Goring also told the court that the first time he had |

|heard anything about a holocaust was, "right here at |

|Nuremberg!" |

| |

|Auschwitz was a massive military-industrial |

|complex of 39 camps of which 19 mainly employed |

|Jews. The factories at the "Monowitz No. 16 Camp" |

|alone employed 126,000 workers. Holocaust expert, |

|Leon Poliakov of Paris, in Breviary of Hate, page 134, in |

|1979 wrote that the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto was one of |

|the Germans' "most important supply centers. The |

|second in economic importance was the Lodz ghetto |

|because it manufactured all kinds of goods, and, in |

|particular, its textile industries constituted support of |

|great value to the German economy." Heinrich Himmler |

|feared a typhus epidemic in the camps. Eastern |

|European Jews were very unhygienic and were often |

|blamed for the spread of typhus. On December 28, |

|1942, Himmler ordered that, "the death rate in the |

|camps must be reduced at all costs." (Source, |

|Reitilinger's book, The Final Solution) |

| |

|On January 20, 1943, chief inspector of the camps, |

|Richard Glucks, answered Himmler, "Every means will |

|be used to lower the death rates." (Source, Nuremberg |

|Trial Document No. 1523) The death rate had indeed |

|been reduced from 8.5% in July 1942 to 2.8% in June |

|1943. |

| |

|On April 17, 1943, Hitler asked Admiral Horthy, |

|regent of Hungary for, "100, 000 Jews to work on a new |

|pursuit plane program." (Source, Reitilinger's book, Die |

|Endlosung, 1956, page 478) |

| |

|In May 1944 Hitler personally ordered that 200,000 |

|more Jews be put to work in construction and "other |

|important military works." |

| |

|The Jews were vital to the German war industry. It |

|would have been counter productive to exterminate |

|them. In fact, the SS arrested Karl Koch, commandant |

|of Buchenwald, for mistreating and unjustly executing |

|some prisoners. After being found guilty by a military |

|court, Koch was sentenced to death and shot. If there |

|was actually a "holocaust" he would have been honored |

|instead of executed. |

| |

|Shindler's List features Commandant Amon Goeth, |

|who in reality did abuse prisoners. However, the film |

|fails to inform viewers that he had been arrested by the |

|SS and was in prison awaiting trial at war's end. |

| |

|Most of the gruesome pictures of bodies we see in |

|"made for TV" holocaust dramas are those who died of |

|starvation and disease during the final chaotic months |

|of the war. An example is Dachau. Some 54 died in |

|January 1944 and 101 in February 1944. |

| |

|When food and medical supplies could not be |

|delivered due to Allied bombings, 2,888 died in January |

|and 3,977 in February 1945. |

| |

|The Impossibility of Mass Gassings Auschwitz had |

|no mass graves. The cremation of four million bodies |

|would have left 15,000 tons of ash which was never |

|found. Many tons of coal would have been necessary for |

|such mass cremations. |

| |

|Initially, the Soviets told conflicting stories about |

|how the six million perished in the camps under their |

|control. At first they claimed that the inmates had been |

|"steamed" to death. On December 5, 1945, a |

|Communist judge issued the following "Accusation No. |

|6" against defendant Hans Frank at Nuremberg: "A large |

|boiler for the production of superheated steam was |

|injected into the interior of the rooms. The doors are |

|closed hermetically and the long asphyxiation of the |

|victims by the steam begins. At the start, screams came |

|from inside, they die down slowly; after 15 minutes, the |

|executions are completed." |

| |

|This story was not believable. It was then changed |

|to allege that trucks were backed up to the "death |

|chambers" and carbon monoxide gas was pumped into |

|the rooms. This claim too was "forgotten" and the |

|Soviets then charged that the Germans changed the |

|"steam chambers" into "gas chambers." |

| |

|The Soviets came up with a novel idea of how the |

|Jews were exterminated at the Belzec camp. |

| |

|"The Jews were ordered to undress as though to |

|take a bath. They were led in fact into a building that |

|could hold hundreds of people. The water was filled up |

|to their necks. Then a powerful electric current was |

|sent into the metal flooring and within a few seconds all |

|the Jews, thousands at a time, were dead." |

| |

|Soviet prosecutor L.N. Smirnov actually read this |

|accusation into the record at the December 19, 1945, |

|session of the Nuremberg trial. This story finally evolved |

|to execution by "Zyklon B" gas. This was a widely used |

|pesticide to kill lice which was the biggest health threat |

|in the camps. Had the Germans actually wanted to |

|perform mass exterminations, they had products |

|one-thousand times more deadly such as Sarin and |

|Tabun nerve gas! |

| |

|Austrian Engineer Walter Luftl issued a report in |

|March 1992, in which he found that, |

| |

|"Zyklon B is utterly unsuited for the purposes of |

|systematic mass murder." |

| |

|Fred Leuchter, America's foremost expert on |

|executions, took a team of investigators to Auschwitz in |

|1988 and reported: |

| |

|"I traveled to Poland to investigate the alleged |

|execution gas chamber facilities at the three |

|concentration camps of Auschwitz, Birkenau and |

|Majdanek. My forensic analysis and subsequent report |

|proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that there were |

|no gas execution facilities operated by the Nazis at these |

|sites." |

| |

|Leuchter also examined the capacity of the so-called |

|"gas chamber building" at Birkenau. The Nuremberg |

|Tribunal's document No. L-022 stated: |

| |

|"1,765,000 Jews were gassed at Birkenau between |

|April 1942 and April 1944." |

| |

|However, Leuchter found that even if used at full |

|capacity "only 105,688" persons could have been |

|"gassed." His team scraped forensic samples from brick, |

|mortar and concrete to find traces of cyanide |

|compounds which would be present for centuries. They |

|were submitted to the Alpha Analytical Laboratories of |

|Ashland, Massachusetts. |

| |

|In March 1988, the Alpha report found that no |

|cyanide elements, consistent with what could be |

|expected to be found in a gas chamber, were present. |

| |

|A retired German judge, Dr. Wilhelm Staglich said: |

| |

|"The extermination thesis stands or falls with the |

|allegation that Auschwitz was a 'death factory.'" |

| |

|Fred Leuchter's finding: |

| |

|"We have provided the definitive proof that there |

|were no execution gas chambers utilized for genocidal |

|purposes by the Germans at these wartime camps. The |

|simple fact is that the holocaust story is not true." |

| |

|How Many Jews Actually Died? |

| |

|The World Almanac for 1947, in quoting figures |

|supplies by the American Jewish Committee states that |

|the world Jewish population in 1939 was 15,688,259. |

|The New York Times of February 22, 1948, stated that |

|the world Jewish population ranged from 15,600,000 to |

|18,700,000, excluding some 600,000 to 700,000 living in |

|Palestine. How could the Jewish population have |

|increased so rapidly after losing six million during World |

|War II? |

| |

|Walter Sanning, the author of Dissolution of |

|European Jewry, says that no less than 2,200,000 Jews |

|had emigrated out of Europe leaving 2,847,000 Jews |

|residing there at the height of the German occupation |

|in June 1941. After the war, 3,375,000 Jews, according |

|to the Red Cross, applied for holocaust reparations. This |

|figure included many of the emigrants. Thus, the actual |

|number of those who died at the camps from all causes |

|ranges between 150,000 and 300,000. |

| |

|"Holocaust" Silences Opposition |

| |

|Hardly a week goes by without a new holocaust |

|story in the media. Bernard Postal wrote in Jewish |

|Week, July 14, 1979: |

| |

|"Not until the Holocaust, did anti-Semitism become |

|taboo. There was a time when anti-Semitic speeches |

|were an open factor in national (political) campaigns. |

|The Holocaust puts a taboo on overt anti-Semitism |

|among upper-level statesmen and publicists." |

| |

|Zionist spokesmen have often boasted that, |

| |

|"The shattering effect of the holocaust on the |

|Christian conscience results in a feeling of collective |

|indebtedness to the Jews." |

| |

|The Red Cross issued a massive, three volume, |

|1,600 page report on the camps after the war, part of |

|which reads: "In the final moths of the war, the camps |

|received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed |

|an increasing number of victims. |

| |

|" ...Gen. Kaltenbrunner...Allowed the Red Cross to |

|distribute relief packages and one (Red Cross) delegate |

|was authorized to stay in each camp (as an observer).” |

| |

|Does this sound like a holocaust? |

| |

|What About Real Holocausts? |

| |

|Why doesn't the film industry or news media |

|produce documentaries about the numerous true |

|holocausts during the century such as: |

| |

|The Soviet Holocaust of Christian Russian Kulak |

|farmers. (1924 - 1930) - 15 million exterminated! |

| |

|The Holocaust of the Ukranian farmers, (1930- |

|1933) - 7 million starved to death. |

| |

|The Holocaust of Russian political prisoners, (1919 - |

|1949) - 12 million perished. |

| |

|The Pol Pot Communist Holocaust in Cambodia |

|(1975) - 2.5 million slaughtered. |

| |

|Armenian Holocaust by the Turks, (1915) - 1.5 |

|million people killed. |

| |

|Bear in mind that the Jews are the only racial group |

|with an organization like the World Jewish congress |

|which wields fearsome power! This is just a few of the |

|many reasons that people, around the world, are |

|beginning to deny the "Holocaust." |

| |

|Which brings on the question of just what is a |

|"Holocaust Denial?" For in recent years, more and more |

|attention has been devoted to the supposed danger of |

|"Holocaust denial." Politicians, newspapers and |

|television warn about the growing influence of those |

|who reject the Holocaust story that some six million |

|European Jews were systematically exterminated |

|during the Second World War, most of them in gas |

|chambers. In several countries, including Israel, France, |

|Germany and Austria, "Holocaust denial" is against the |

|law, and "deniers" have been punished with stiff fines |

|and prison sentences. |

| |

|Some frantic Jewish community leaders are calling |

|fro similar government measures in the United States |

|against defiant "revisionists." In Canada, David Matas, |

|Senior Counsel for the "League for Human Rights" of the |

|Zionist B'nai B'rith organization, says: |

| |

|"The Holocaust was the murder of six million Jews, |

|including two million children. Holocaust denial is a |

|second murder of those same six million. First their lives |

|were extinguished; then their deaths. A person who |

|denies the Holocaust becomes part of the crime of the |

|Holocaust itself." (Globe and Mail (Toronto), January |

|22, 1992) |

| |

|Often overlooked in this controversy is the crucial |

|question: Just what constitutes "Holocaust denial?" |

|Should someone be considered a "Holocaust denier" |

|because he/she does not believe, as Matas and others |

|insist, that six million Jews were killed during World |

|War II? |

| |

|This figure was cited by the International Military |

|Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1945-1946. It found that "the |

|policy pursued {by the German Government} resulted |

|in the killing of six million Jews, of which four million |

|were killed in the extermination institutions. (Trial of |

|the Major War Criminals Before the International |

|Military Tribunal (IMT "blue series"), Vol. 22, p. 496) |

| |

|Yet if that is so, then several of the most prominent |

|Holocaust historians could be regarded as "deniers." |

|Professor Rual Hilberg, author of the standard reference |

|work, "The Destruction of the European Jews," does not |

|accept that six million Jews died. He puts the total of |

|deaths (by all causes) at 5.1 million. |

| |

|Berald Reitilinger, author of "The Final Solution," |

|likewise did not accept the six million figure. He |

|estimated the figure of Jewish wartime dead might be |

|as high as 4.6 million, but admitted that this was |

|conjectural due to a lack of reliable information. |

| |

|Human Soap?: Is someone a "Holocaust denier" if |

|he/she says that the Nazis didn't use Jewish fat to make |

|soap? After weighing all the evidence (including an |

|actual bar of soap supplied by the Soviets), the |

|Nuremberg Tribunal declared in its Judgment that |

| |

|"in some instances attempts were made to utilize |

|the fat from the bodies of the victims in the commercial |

|manufacture of soap." (IMT "blue series," Vol. 22, p. 496) |

| |

|In 1990, though, Israel's official "Yad Vashem" |

|Holocaust memorial agency "rewrote history" by |

|admitting that the soap story was not true. "Historians |

|have concluded that soap was not made from human |

|fat. |

| |

|When so many people deny the Holocaust ever |

|happened, why give them something to use against the |

|truth?," said Yad Vashem official Shmuel Krakowski. |

|(Globe and Mail Toronto), April 25, 1990; See also: M. |

|Weber, "Jewish Soap," The Journal of Historical Review, |

|Summer 1991) |

| |

|Wannsee Conference?: Is someone a "Holocaust |

|denier" if he does not accept that the January 1942 |

|"Wannsee Conference" of German bureaucrats was held |

|to set or coordinate a program of systematic mass |

|murder of Europe's Jews? If so, Israeli Holocaust |

|historian Yehuda Bauer must be wrong, and a |

|"Holocaust denier," because he recently declared: |

| |

|"The public still repeats, time after time, the silly |

|story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews |

|was arrived at." In Bauer's opinion, Wannsee was a |

|meeting but "hardly a conference" and "little of what |

|was said there was executed in detail." (Canadian |

|Jewish News (Toronto), January 30, 1992) |

| |

|Extermination Policy?: Is someone a "Holocaust |

|denier" if he/she says that there was no order by Hitler |

|to exterminate Europe's Jews? There was a time when |

|the answer would have been Yes. Holocaust historian |

|Raul Hilberg, for example, wrote in the 1961 edition of |

|his study, "The Destruction of the European Jews," that |

|there were two Hitler orders for the destruction of |

|Europe's Jews: the first given in the spring of 1941, and |

|the second shortly thereafter. But Hilberg removed |

|mention of any such order from the revised three- |

|volume edition of his book published in 1985. (Barbara |

|Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really Die: Report of the |

|Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst |

|Z�ndel (Toronto: Samisdat, 1992), pp. 192, 300, 349) |

| |

|As Holocaust historian Christopher Browning has |

|noted: |

| |

|"In the new edition, all references in the text to a |

|Hitler decision or Hitler order for the 'Final Solution' |

|have been systematically excised. Buried at the bottom |

|of a single footnote stand the solitary reference: |

|'Chronology and circumstances point to a Hitler |

|decision before the summer ended.' In the new edition, |

|decisions were not made and orders were not given." |

|(The Revised Hilberg, Simon Wiesenthal Annual, Vol. 3, |

|1986, p. 294) |

| |

|A lack of hard evidence for an extermination order |

|by Hitler has contributed to a controversy that divides |

|Holocaust historians into "intentionalists" and |

|"functionalists." The former contend that there was a |

|premeditated extermination policy ordered by Hitler, |

|while the latter hold that Germany's wartime "final |

|solution" Jewish policy evolved at lower levels in |

|response to circumstances. |

| |

|But the crucial point here is this: notwithstanding |

|the capture of literally tons of German documents after |

|the war, no one can point to documentary evidence of a |

|wartime extermination order, plan or program. This was |

|admitted by Professor Hilberg during his testimony in |

|the 1985 trial in Toronto of German-Canadian publisher |

|Ernist Z�ndel. (B. Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really |

|Die (Toronto: 1992), pp. 24-25)) |

| |

|Auschwitz: So just what constitutes "Holocaust |

|denial?" Surely a claim that most Auschwitz inmates |

|died from disease and not systematic extermination in |

|gas chambers would be "denial." But perhaps not. |

|Jewish historian Arno J. Mayer, a Princeton University |

|professor, wrote in his 1988 study "Why Did the |

|Heavens Not Darken?": The Final Solution in History:" |

| |

|"...From 1942 to 1945, certainly an Auschwitz, but |

|probably overall, more Jews were killed by so-called |

|'natural' causes than by 'unnatural' ones." (A. Mayer, |

|Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The "Final Solution" |

|in History (Pantheon, 1988), p. 365) |

| |

|Even estimates of the number of people who died at |

|Auschwitz, allegedly the main extermination center, are |

|no longer clear cut. At the postwar Nuremberg |

|Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans |

|exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. |

|(Nuremberg document 008-USSR.; IMT "blue series," |

|Vol. 39, pp. 241, 261) |

| |

|Until 1990, a memorial plaque at Auschwitz read: |

| |

|"Four Million People Suffered and Died Here at the |

|Hands of the Nazi Murderers Between the Years 1940 |

|and 1945." (B. Kulaszka, ed., Did Six Million Really Die |

|(Toronto: 1992), p. 441)) |

| |

|During a 1982 visit to the camp, Pope John Paul II |

|(a Jewish Pope) stood before this memorial and blessed |

|the four million victims. Is it "Holocaust denial" to |

|dispute these four million deaths? Not today. |

| |

|In July 1990, the Polish Government's Auschwitz |

|State Museum, along with Israel's Yad Vashem |

|Holocaust center, conceded that the four million figure |

|was a gross exaggeration, and references to it were |

|accordingly removed from the Auschwitz monument. |

|Israeli and Polish officials announced a tentative revised |

|toll of 1.1 million Auschwitz dead. (Y. Bauer, Fighting |

|the Distortions, Jerusalem Post (Israel), September 22, |

|1989; Auschwitz Deaths Reduced to a Million, Daily |

|Telegraph (London), July 17, 1990; Poland Reduces |

|Auschwitz Death Toll Estimate to 1 Million, The |

|Washington Times, July 17, 1990) |

| |

|In 1993, French Holocaust researcher Jean-Claude |

|Pressac, in a much-discussed book about Auschwitz, |

|estimated that altogether about 775,000 died there |

|during the war years. (J.C. Pressac, Les Cr�metoires |

|d'Auschwitz: La machinerie du meurtre (Paris: CNRS, |

|1993). See also: R. Faurisson, Jean-Claude Pressac's |

|New Auschwitz Book, The Journal of Historical Review, |

|Jan.-Feb. 1994, p. 24) |

| |

|Professor Mayer acknowledges that the question of |

|how many really died in Auschwitz remains open. In |

|"Why did the Heavens Not Darken?" he wrote: |

| |

|"...Many questions remain open...All in all, how |

|many bodies were cremated in Auschwitz? How many |

|died there all told? What was the national, religious, |

|and ethnic breakdown in this commonwealth of |

|victims? How many of them were condemned to die a |

|'natura' death and how many were deliberately |

|slaughtered? And what was the proportion of Jews |

|among those murdered in cold blood among these |

|gassed? We have simply no answers to these questions |

|at this time." (Why Did the Heavens Not Darken? p. |

|366) |

| |

|Having seen the success of the British propaganda |

|about the Germans using the skins of dead babies as |

|lamp shades in World War I [which the British later |

|apologized for after the end of the war and admitted it |

|was only propaganda to get the troops to fight harder]. |

|They conceived of the "Six Million Jew Lie" and spared |

|no amount of expense to forward this program [THEY |







| |

|The Zionists who have always been very far sighted |

|saw in it a chance to accomplish two things: |

| |

|(a) To destroy Nationalism by claiming that the |

|Germans killed "SIX MILLION JEWS" in an effort at |

|exterminating them, and the Germans were extremely |

|nationalistic, then it must follow, that Nationalism must |

|be very evil if millions of people can be murdered in its |

|name! [In other words do not be too Patriotic because if |

|you do you will have Six Million or more Dead Jews. |

|And if you don't believe it they will show you another |

|holocaust movie, then another, then another until you |

|do]. Do you see what I am saying? |

| |

|(b) Their claim to Palestine which came soon after |

|the end of THE WAR HAS ENABLED THEM [the |





| |

|Thus it is clear for all to see if they will look with any |

|honesty at all America fought World War II so that |

|World Jewry could dominate the Financial Money |

|Markets of the world; Expose any existing opposition to |

|their designs for world conquest and destroy such |

|opposition; destroy Nationalism, Patriotism, in the |

|major countries of the world. Perhaps William Anderson |

|in his Afterword in a book "WAR WAR WAR!" by |

|Cincinnatus describes it best: |

| |

|How The Jews Forced |

|America Into World War II |

| |

|In the years before World War II, the American |

|public had no desire to go to war in either Europe or |

|Asia. We, as Americans, had no interest in warring with |

|Germany, Italy or Japan. Yet America was forced to |

|battle the Axis Powers for four long years at the sole |

|behest of International Jewry. In fact, World Jewry |

|commenced its war against Germany in 1933, the year |

|Hitler came to power, even before he had time to begin |

|implementing a program for pulling Germany out of its |

|own economic depression. |

| |

|Jewry's declaration of a 'holy war' against Germany |

|was issued by Samuel Untermeyer of the World Jewish |

|Federation, who said in the New York 'Times' August 7, |

|1933, that it would be means of an 'economic boycott |

|that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the |

|German people to their senses by destroying their |

|export trade on which their very existence depends.' |

| |

|The Toronto 'Evening Telegram' February 26, 1940, |

|quotes Rabbi Maurice Perlzweig of the World Jewish |

|Congress as telling a Canadian audience that 'the World |

|Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for |

|seven years' [i.e. 1933]. Jews were obviously willing to |

|back up their threats, for the London 'Sunday Chronicle' |

|of January 2, 1938, reported that 'leaders of |

|International Jewry' had met in Geneva, Switzerland to |

|set up a $2.5 BILLION fund to undermine the economic |

|stability of Germany. |

| |

|However, Jewish boycotts against Germany failed to |

|bring that nation to its knees as [because] HITLER |



|pressure by World Jewry could not break the back of |

|Germany, it was determined that an actual war would |

|be necessary to destroy Hitler [the German People for |

|they had thrown off the control of the International |

|Banks]. This desire to decimate Germany is |

|understandable when one recognizes that Jews are a |

|parasitic race and as parasites will fight to the death |

|when the host attempts to expel them. |

| |

|The Jewish desire for war was admitted by Rabbi |

|Felix Mendelssohn in the Chicago "Sentinel" of October |

|8, 1942, where he states: |

| |




| |

|Thus, Rabbi Mendelssohn flatly expresses the view |

|that WW II WAS A JEWISH WAR. This Jewish |

|scheme came to fruitation in 1939, Germany invaded |

|Poland. Britain and France, under Jewish domination, |

|then declared war on Germany, conveniently ignoring |

|the fact that the Soviet Union [Under Jewish Rule] also |

|invaded Poland. |

| |







| |

|James Forestall, later to become Secretary of |

|Defense in his diary of December 27, 1945, notes that |

|he played golf with Joseph Kennedy FDR's Ambassador |

|to Britain, who told him that ex-Prime Minister Neville |



| |

|For his candor and later opposition to the bandit |

|state of Israel, Forestall was murdered in 1949 [ruled a |

|'suicide']. Jews throughout the world screamed that |

|Germany was intent on ruling the world, but General |

|George C. Marshall admitted after the war, in testimony |

|before Congress [it is recorded in the Congressional |




| |

|In fact, Hitler's actions against Czechoslovakia over |

|the Sudentenland and Poland over Danzig were just |

|part of Hitler's long stated desire to re-acquire the |

|territory taken from Germany after WW I in the Treaty |

|of Versailles [is that not what the Jews claim to be |

|doing in Palestine at the present time?]. |

| |

|While stones are being cast, it should be recalled |

|that after Germany took back the Sudentenland from |


|OF TRESCHEN FROM THE CZECHS which it had no |

|claims toward it. So, after the Jews had ignited a war in |

|Europe, it was found to be necessary to draw America |

|into that war as France had fallen and Britain tottered |

|on the brink of defeat. |

| |

|To bring the U.S. into this Jewish war, International |

|Jewry had the services of a master at corrupt politics -- |

|the one and only Franklin Delano Roosevelt [WHO |




| |

|Interestingly enough, Col. Curtis Dall who was once |

|FDR's son-in-law accused Roosevelt of being partly |

|Jewish. In any event, Roosevelt was surrounded by |

|plenty of Jew advisors such as Bernard Baruch, S.I. |

|Rosenman, Sidney Weinburg, Sidney Hillman and Felix |

|Frankfurter. |

| |

|For the first time, Jewry had a President who was |

|totally subservient to them and they spared no effort to |

|keep him in office. For example, when it appeared that |

|Senator Huey Long would defeat Roosevelt for the 1939 |

|Democratic nomination, he was assassinated by Dr. |

|Carl Weiss, a Jew. |

| |

|Nevertheless, American public opinion was |

|overwhelmingly opposed to any involvement in WW II. |

|Many Americans realized they had been duped into |

|WW I and were not interested in losing the lives of their |

|loved ones in a war that offered no benefits to the U.S. |

| |

|In effect, Americans were heeding the advice of |

|George Washington in his “Farewell Address” [that is |

|why the current campaign to discredit our founding |

|fathers is being waged, so that we will disregard their |

|God given advice -- just as the Prostitute Clergy of |

|Organized Religion of today are bringing disgrace and |

|shame upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ -- so that |

|the younger generations will disregard the teachings of |

|the TRUE MEN OF GOD] where he warned that |

|Americans must not become involved in entangling |

|alliances with foreign nations. |

| |

|Those Patriots who followed Washington's sound |


|“ISOLATIONISTS,” but they were, in actuality, |

|neutralists. Thus Congress, acting on the will of the |

|people, passed the Neutrality Act of 1935 which |

|embargoed any U.S. arms from being sent to a warring |

|nation. |

| |

|About three years later, in 1938, Representative |

|Louis Ludlow of Indiana introduced a resolution |

|requiring a public vote of support of any declaration of |

|war by Congress. Roosevelt and the Jews knew this |

|measure could easily destroy their efforts, so an all out |

|attack on the resolution was launched. As a result, the |

|Ludlow bill was narrowly defeated. The Jews had good |

|reason to block the resolution for the American Institute |

|for Public Opinion [AIPO] released at that time a poll |

|showing 83% of the citizens opposed to U.S. |

|intervention in an European war. |

| |

|Moreover, in April 1939, during the height of war |

|fever, a whopping 95% opposed American entry into a |

|war against Germany. That's right, virtually every citizen |

|was soundly against the U.S. involving itself in a foreign |

|war [but unfortunately this fact has been forgotten as a |

|result of a deluge of false propaganda by our controlled |

|news media]. As a result, Congress strengthened the |

|Neutrality Act by barring commerce and travel, as well |

|as arms, to any belligerent power. |

| |

|At this point, the Jews began to show signs of |

|desperation but these wily manipulators of world events |

|still had a few tricks up their collective sleeve. So, in |

|1939 an immense propaganda campaign, the likes of |

|which had never before been seen, was launched. No |

|stone was left unturned in Jewry's assault on the minds |

|of the American people. One was bombarded with the |

|most outlandish lies about Hitler and Germany from all |

|sides; in newspapers, magazines, books, radio and |

|motion pictures. FDR also unleashed the powerful, |

|persuasive techniques of the federal government in the |

|blitz to 'hate Germany.' |

| |

|To get an idea of just how far this propaganda |

|attack went, one should note that Jew Theodore |

|Kaufman wrote a book entitled “Germany Must Perish,” |

|which outlined a plan to exterminate Germans by |

|sterilizing 48 million of them. |

| |

|Believe it or not, this call for genocide by a Jew was |

|well received in many influential circles. Conversely, |

|Germany never carried out a 'holocaust' against the |

|Jews, but after the war, was accused of doing so any |

|way. This “holocaust” hoax trumped up by Jewry has |

|been used since WW II to divert attention from their |

|own machinations to plunge America into the |

|maelstrom of yet another war. |

| |

|The Jew orchestrated assault of hate against |

|Germany was successful in cowering Congress into |

|lifting the arms embargo and allowed the free flow of |

|weapons to Britain and later to the Soviet Union. This |

|action made U.S. ships carrying the arms fair targets for |

|German subs; BUT NO ATTACKS OCCURRED [but |

|American submarines were attacking German shipping |

|in violation of the Neutrality Act], which is certainly odd |

|behavior for a 'madman' [Hitler] bent on 'world rule.' |

| |

|While Congress succumbed to the barrage of hate |

|propaganda, the public remained totally against the |

|war. For instance, in October 1940 about 83% polled |

|were opposed to U.S. involvement. In April 1941, it was |

|85% against and in July 1941, opposition was pegged at |

|a healthy 79%. Not surprisingly, the pollsters quit asking |

|the question at this point, as FDR and Jewry had all but |

|gotten war officially declared. |

| |

|By 1940, Roosevelt had rammed through Congress |

|a draft and conscription although polls indicated at least |

|50% of the public was against such a move. By now it |

|should be perfectly obvious that World Jewry had |

|begun planning for U.S. entry into the war AT LEAST |


|overwhelming opposition. |

| |

|Speaking of Peal Harbor, it is important to |

|understand the complete facts surrounding the 'surprise |

|attack.' While 95% of all respondents were opposed to |

|war in 1939, about 90% indicated they were willing to |

|fight if directly attacked. |

| |

|Operating on this information, Jewry did everything |

|possible to goad either Germany or Italy into attacking |

|America. However, the bait was refused as Hitler was |

|attempting at that time to negotiate a peace with |

|England, which was flatly rejected by the Jew lackey |

|Churchill. |

| |

|Thus Jewry's attention turned toward Japan, which |

|had a mutual defense pact with Germany and Italy. |

|Japan had been engaged in a war with China which |

|FDR and the Jews tried to use as an excuse for |

|American intervention, even though the events in Asia |

|were of no concern to America. Jewish, not American, |

|interests however were what concerned Roosevelt and |

|in July 1941, he froze Japanese assets in the U.S. and |

|embargoed trade. |

| |

|This was reason enough to declare war, but Japan |

|humbly proposed to sit down and negotiate |

|U.S.-Japanese differences. Instead of accepting the |




| |

|As a result, Konoye and his “peace party” were |

|replaced by General Tojo and his “war party,” yet Japan |

|continued to make peace overtures only to have them |

|all flatly rejected. FINALLY, ON NOVEMBER 26, |




| |

|This ultimatum, according to Professor Harry Elmer |

|Barnes, was actually drafted by the Jew Harry Dexter |

|White [Weiss] in collaboration with Jew Treasury |

|Secretary Harry Morgenthau. It was this ultimatum, |

|penned by two Jews, that forced Japan to attack or else |

|'lose face,' which to Oriental thinking is a fate worse |

|than death. |

| |







|other name could this be known other than |










| |

|So International Jewry by going through the 'back |

|door' had successfully ensnared America into WW II; a |

|war that would cost millions of lives and billions of |

|dollars. The bottom line of the war would be a world |

|under the total subjugation of Jewry through its twin |

|arms of Communism and Zionism. |

| |

|These facts have been covered up and ignored in |

|the mass media, Charles Lindberg, for one, recognized |

|where the finger of proof pointed. In his “Wartime |

|Journals,” he states that 'the Jews, the Roosevelt |

|administration, and British sympathizers combined to |

|encourage the U.S. to enter World War II.' |

| |

|Lindberg and other patriots sought to stop Jewry's |

|war plans by setting up the America First Committee. |

|The committee found widespread support, but could |

|not overcome the billions spent by Jews to brainwash |

|the public into accepting war after Pearl Harbor. And it |

|is Jewry which best recognized why the U.S. entered |

|WW II. |

| |

|'The American Hebrew,' in an editorial of July 24, |

|1942, declared that; |

| |

|"Whenever an American or a Filipino fell at |

|Bataan or Corrugator or at any other of the now |

|historic spots where MacArthur's men put up their |

|remarkable fight, their survivors could have said |

|with truth: The real reason that boy went to his |

|death was because Hitler’s Anti-Semitic movement |

|succeeded in Germany. [can you not see it? World |

|War II was because Germany and its people were being |

|successful in their attempts to throw off the |

|International Jewish Bankers Rule of their country; God |

|what does it take for America to understand?]." |

| |

|The above quotation from a Jew newspaper is an |

|admission that the U.S. entered WW II only at the |

|behest of World Jewry; a war Jewry declared all the |

|way back in 1933!!! Of course, this admission was |

|intended only for consumption by a Jewish audience to |

|keep them in the know, which tends to make it all the |

|more revealing. |

| |

|Any American involvement in a foreign conflict |

|should be judged as to whether it is in the best interest |

|of the American nation; yet the U.S. entered WW II |

|because it was in the best interest of International |

|Jewry. |

| |

|Thus, the Jews forced the U.S. into war against the |

|public's will in 1941 and the $64 million question is will |

|it happen again? Events are already pointing towards a |

|build-up of war hysteria. Without a doubt, Jewry is |

|leading America by the nose towards war in the Middle |

|East on behalf of the bandit state of Israel. Will we learn |

|from the lesson of the past or will we once again find |

|ourselves forced into war for the benefit of World |

|Jewry? |

| |

|THE BIGGEST LIE: The biggest lie in modern |

|times has been told by the controlled propaganda |

|machine. It has to do with the number of Jews who |

|died during World War II. Jewish periodicals and |

|periodicals controlled by them usually set the figure |

|between six million and nine million. |

| |

|A research student, who has given the matter much |

|though, explodes this lie with some very devastating |

|logic and statistics. The following is a summary of his |

|research. "Tabu," or "taboo" implies that certain persons |

|or things are unsafe for casual contact and are not to be |

|lightly approached, and this definition of the ancient |

|custom of many savage tribes made by the |

|Encyclopedia Britannica describes most exactly the |

|attitude of practically all American "media" toward the |

|fantastic figure of the "Six Million Jewish Victims" who, |

|allegedly perished in Nazi concentration camps of |

|Buchenwald, Sachsenhousen, Auschwitz, etc. |

| |

|During the past years this "tool" was so much used, |

|and abused, by the World Jewry and its mouthpieces |

|that it began to lose its cutting edge, and many bitter |

|complaints were voiced that the world had "swept those |

|poor 'victims' under the rug" and does not want to |

|remember them anymore. |

| |

|The Eichmann Trial gave a splendid opportunity to |

|brush off the dust from the ghosts of those "victims," and |

|the world press did it really with a vengeance; every day |

|one could read the screaming headlines about the killer |

|of those "Six Million Jews" and this sacramental figure |

|was repeated "ad Nauseam" in all possible |

|combinations. Let us dare, however, to approach this |

|sacred "Taboo" without prejudice, fear and trepidation. |

|Let us treat it rather as a simple arithmetic problem |

|using for our calculations only such data which nobody |

|who is of a sane mind can call as being "Anti-Semitic" in |

|origin. |

| |

|Returning back to the same Encyclopedia |

|Britannica, we find there in Vol. XIII, p. 63-B, [1953 Ed.] |

|such an interesting, if somewhat ambiguous, sentence |

|about those "victims": |

| |

|"If but a fraction of the atrocities reported were |

|accurate, then many THOUSANDS of defenseless |

|Jewish non-combatants, men, women and children |

|were butchered after September 1939." |

| |

|The authors of this article mention THOUSANDS |

|AND NOT MILLIONS of the possible "victims," and put |

|a cautious "IF" at the beginning of the sentence. Had |

|they some ground to put in doubt the veracity of those |

|reports? |

| |

|Apparently yes, and this can be proved by the |

|following revealing information: |

| |

|"Dr. Aaron Ohrenstein, Chief Rabbi of Bavaria, was |

|sentenced to one year in prison for fraud, falsification of |

|sworn statements of the non-existent 'victims' of Nazi |

|terrorism." (S.C. Sunday Post, July 11, 1954) |

| |

|We don't know, unfortunately, how many phony |

|"dead souls" this honorable doctor included in his |

|report, and how many other doctors and common |

|mortals did follow in his steps but were not caught in |

|the act. |

| |

|It is safe to guess, however, that this Rabbi was not |

|alone, because only by concentrated and highly |

|organized efforts of many willing collaborators could it |

|be possible to create and to sustain such an ABSURD |

|MYTH. Just for the sake of comparison it might be |

|mentioned here that Japan which fought for many years |

|was mercilessly bombed and was the victim of the first |

|two atomic blasts, lost in dead during the past war was |

|3.1 million "ONLY." Right from the start of our |

|investigations we are confronted with such a puzzling |

|problem: WHICH of the figures of "victims" mentioned |

|by the American press is the exact one: four million? six |

|million? nine million? or still more? |

| |

|Time Magazine once dared to publish the lowest |

|figure of four million. |

| |

|The Los Angeles Mirror in an article of April 19, |

|1961 tells us as follows: "The actual [?] count exceeds 6 |

|million victims." |

| |

|Newsweek Magazine assured quite a few times its |

|credulous readers that the number of "victims" should |

|be at least seven million. |

| |

|Rabbi Schultz of New York adds to the six million |

|Jews killed by Nazis 3.4 million of the Soviet Jewry |

|liquidated during the post-war purges thus bringing the |

|total to the staggering figure of 9.4 million "victims." |

| |

|The generally admitted number, as every child in |

|America knows, is Six Million, which is easy to |

|remember and to repeat. But the so-called "official" |

|estimate released once by the joint Anglo-American |

|Committee fixes with a surprising accuracy the number |

|of "victims" at exactly 5,721,000! Let us admit for a |

|moment that this is the correct answer to our question, |

|and let us see how the Jewish-owned statistics comply |

|with it. |

| |

|Total number of the World Jewish population |

|in 1938 as per information of the Jewish |

|statistical Bureau in the U.S. 15.7 |

|million |

| |

|Natural increase in two decades |

|information of, the Jewish World Congress 1.0 |

|million |

|Total 16.7 million |

| |

|Less the "victims" 5.7 million |

|Should be now [May 1974] 11.0 million |

| |

|But in accordance with the data supplied by the |

|same Congress there are: |

| |

|Jews in the Soviet Union 2.0 |

|million |

|Jews in the U.S. 5.2 |

|million |

|Jews in other countries 4.6 |

|million |

|Or a total of 11.8 |

|million (Time, |

|February 18, |

|1957) |

| |

|It is already 0.8 million MORE than it should be in |

|accordance with the first calculation. Consequently the |

|World Jewish Congress itself tacitly agrees that the |

|number of "victims" cannot be even 5.7 million, but |

|should be about 4.9 million. Since it would be quite |

|difficult for us to check up on the number of Jews now |

|residing all over the world outside the Soviet Union and |

|the U.S., let us admit the figure of 4.6 million as given |

|by the Congress is the correct one. |

| |

|But according to the last Soviet census of |

|population the number of Jews living there is slightly |

|above 3 million, and NOT 2 million as claimed by the |

|Congress. (See the Soviet statistics published by the |

|Jewish-edited newspaper New Russian World of N.Y.C., |

|September 30, 1960) Subtracting this "lost" million of |

|Jews "found" now in the USSR from the above number |

|of "victims" we shall get our second "corrected" figure: |

|4.9 million, minus 1 million, equals 3.9 million. |

| |

|But if the said Congress could "adjust" the Soviet |

|Jewish population by one third, should we admit |

|without questioning the suspiciously low figure of 5.2 |

|million Jews now, allegedly, residing in the United |

|States? |

| |

|According to the figures released once by the |

|American Jewish Committee the Jewish population of |

|the U.S. was in 1917 3.27% of the total; in 1927 3.58%; |

|and in 1937 3.69%. Everybody knows that besides the |

|normal natural increase there was during the last two |

|decades a tremendous influx of Jewish immigrants, |

|both legal and illegal, to the hospitable American |

|shores. |

| |

|But, surprisingly enough, the relative proportion of |

|Jews to other populations of the U.S. registered a sharp |

|DROP and is now, if we have to believe the Congress |

|estimate, only 2.9% of the total. [5.2 million of 180 |

|million]. HOW could such a "miracle" happen?!! Would |

|it not be more logical to suppose that this |

|ever-increasing in the past years percentage should be |

|now somewhere between 4.5%-5%, [i.e. 8-9 million of |

|Jewish population], but by no possible means could it |

|drop BELOW the 1937 level? |

| |

|Let us approach the same question from another |

|angle. Time, (October 31, 1960), quoting the Yearbook |

|of American Churches for 1960, reported that there are |

|5.5 million of "practicing" Jews in the States. Or, in |

|other words, since the TOTAL officially admitted |

|number of Jews is only 5.2 million in America, MORE |

|THAN A HUNDRED PERCENT of the Jews are |

|registered with their religious communities?! HOW |

|could such a second "miracle" happen? |

| |

|That not all the Jews residing in the States are the |

|"practicing" ones proves the footnote in the same Time |

|Magazine of February 11, 1957 where it is stated that |

|only 10.6% of the New York City population profess |

|Jewish Faith, although the TOTAL percentage of Jewry |

|in that City is about 28%. So, admittedly, more than |

|ONE HALF of the N.Y.C. Jews are religiously indifferent |

|and are not registered with their synagogues. According |

|to the statistics, out of 100 Americans 62 belong to one |

|or another church group. |

| |

|Assuming that other Jews residing in the States are |

|more religious than their New York confreres, we shall |

|apply that average rule to the whole American Jewish |

|community. Then, if there are 5.5 million of "practicing" |

|Jews [62%], there should be besides a balance of about |

|3.3 million [38%] of those who are not "practicing." |

|Adding those two figures together we get 8.8 million |

|which should be, approximately, the actual number of |

|Jews now residing in the States. |

| |

|This figure, being about 4.9% of the total American |

|population, is in accord with our first calculation based |

|on the percentage. It is, without any doubt, far more |

|plausible than the ridiculously low figure of 5.2 million |

|as given by the Congress. This excess of the Jewish |

|population in the States, [8.8 million, minus 5.2 million, |

|equals 3.6 million], gives us the full right to cut down |

|drastically the number of the "victims" for the third, and |

|last, time because, as it is quite obvious from the above |

|calculations, the number of the American Jews was also |

|"adjusted" by more than one third. Otherwise it would |

|be simply impossible to sustain for so many years the |

|myth of the MILLIONS of Jewish "victims." |

| |

|And thus, finally, we get: 3.9 million, minus 3.6 |

|million "found" in the States equals: 0.3 million -- which |



|DURING THE LAST WAR. It might happen, of course, |

|that we are here a few tens of thousands "victims" off |

|the mark, but, in all probability, the figure cannot |

|exceed 0.4 million and should be between 200 and 400 |

|thousand. Consequently the world Jewish population at |

|present should be such: |

| |

|In the Soviet Union 3.0 |

|million |

|In the U.S. 8.8 |

|million |

|In other countries 4.6 |

|million |

|TOTAL 16.4 million |

| |

|As an additional, if indirect, proof of the massive |

|forgery of the number of "victims" let us quote here a few |

|revealing passages taken from the pages of the American |

|press: |

| |

|Reuter, (Sept. 13, 1958), reported that in the famous |

|Buchenwald camp where, allegedly, MILLIONS of Jews |

|alone perished, a memorial was dedicated to the 56,000 |

|prisoners of ALL NATIONALITIES who died there during |





|THERE??? |

| |

|Newsweek, (Oct. 27, 1958), said that a certain Sorge |

|Schubert, who was in charge of the Sachsenhousen camp, |


|10,000 Russians. ISN’T IT AMAZING THE JEWS |




| |

|Time, (March 23, 1959), stated; |

| |

|"Erich Koch, (Gauleiter of Ukraine)...stood accused of |

|responsibility or complicity in gas-chamber and |

|concentration camp death of 4,000,000 Russians, 160,000 |

|Jews and 72,000 Poles." |

| |

|The director of Auschwitz has been filmed on video- |



|THE WAR. In a dramatic and unprecedented filmed |

|interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and |

|director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum; |

|admits on camera that "Krema I," the alleged "homicidal |

|gas chamber" shown off to hundreds of thousands of |

|tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, is, in fact, |

| |

|a reconstruction, FABRICATED AFTER THE WAR BY |

|THE SOVIET UNION: apparently on the direct orders of |

|dictator Joseph Stalin. What Piper said, in effect - and on |

|camera - was that the explosive Leucher Report was |




| |

|Ironically, for someone to even suggest such a thing |

|could bring a jail sentence in more than one country, |

|including enlightened nations like France, Canada and |

|German. {Just ask British historian David Irving}. The |

|videotape on which Piper makes his revelations was taken |


|DAVID COLE. It has just been released, on January 1, |

|1993, although Cole announced his project at the 11th |

|International Revisionist Conference at Irvine, California |

|last October. |

| |

|Like most Americans, since his youth Cole had been |

|instructed in the "irrefutable fact" that homicidal gassings |

| |

|had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those so |

|executed - also declared irrefutable - was 4.1 million. |

|Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988. This was |

|followed by a "re-evaluation" of the total deaths at |

|Auschwitz {down to 1.1 million}. As a budding historian, |

|and a Jew, Cole was intrigued. |

| |

|Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted the |

|4.1 million "gassing" deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an |

|anti-Semite, neo-Nazi skinhead {at the very least}. |

|Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official |

|figure |

|has lowered to 1.1 million. No mention of that missing 3 |

|million. |

| |

|In the words of Dr. Wilhelm Staglich, another |

|internationally known historian, |

| |




| |

|With the Leuchter Report in mind, Cole took his |

|video equipment to Auschwitz and interviewed official |

|personnel there. Piper was the most important of these |

|interviewees. Following his comment that the "homicidal |

|gas chambers" were fabrications, Piper reveals, on |

|camera, how walls were knocked down, holes made in |

|the ceiling and "Zyklon B induction chimneys" installed on |

|the roof so that the building could be exhibited to tourists |

| |

|from all over the world as proof of the "final solution." |

| |

|And Piper doesn't stop there. He describes other |

|"proofs" of the "final solution," which are also |

|"reconstructions." He discusses the routine use of Zyklon |

|B to delouse buildings and the personal effects of |

|internees, and he admits, on camera, that the Leuchter |

|Report's findings concerning Zyklon B residues in the |

|alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz are right. He then, |

|paradoxically, affirms his belief, not only in homicidal |

|"gassing chambers," but also in the "human soap" tales and |

|the stories about "human skin" lampshades, both of which |

|allegations which long ago have been totally debunked. |

|And the revelations go on. |

| |

|In the video, you tour Auschwitz with Cole and hear |

|him being told that the main camp "gas chamber" {Krema |

|I} is in its "original state." You will see the undaunted |

|Cole |

|ask so many questions about the obviously ridiculous |

|nature of this "gas chamber" that the guide feels it |

|necessary to call her supervisor over to answer the young |

|historian. |

| |

|The Cole videotape proves that the people who run |

|the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of |

|fabricating "proofs" of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind |

|that over the years, millions of tourists have been told |

|that |

|Krema I is in its original state, while the officials knew |

|that |

|this "original state" was/is a lie. The political, |

|religious, |

|financial and historical ramifications of this proof of no |

|gas |

|chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured. Coupled |

|with the Leutcher Report, the Cole videotape proves that |

|what every Western Government has taught since World |

|War II is a lie. (The Spotlight, January 18, 1993, p. 21, by |

| |

|P. Samuel Foner) |

| |

|We believe, all that is stated above should be more |

|than sufficient to prove that the cautious approach of the |

|Encyclopedia Britannica to the number of Jewish |

|"victims" was, indeed, quite understandable. We are also |

|inclined to agree with this usually reliable source of |

|information that THE TOTAL NUMBER OF THOSE |







|LEAST FIFTEEN-FOLD! (This article was written when |

|all American press supported the Jewish myth that there |

|are only 5.2 million Jews residing in the States; finally on |

| |

|Jan. 13, 1964, the Jewish-owned Newsweek Magazine in |

|its article "Only WASHS?" admitted the actual number of |

|American Jews in the following sentences: 'By contrast, |

|Jews make up about 5 percent of the population [in the |

|States] and more than 8 percent of all college graduates.' |


|calculated above) |

| |

|This is but one of three problems which have plagued |

|the propagandists who want to claim that Hitler |

|exterminated the Jews of Central Europe, "Six Million" of |

|them: The second is that despite snooping all over Europe |

|and elsewhere they have not found any Third Reich order |

|to exterminate the Jews; the third is that the "Six Million" |

| |

|exterminated Jews nowhere left any skeletons, not even |

|any ashes. Even if the six million had been cremated they |

|would have piled up a mountain of 60,000 metric tons |

|[2240 lbs. per metric ton] of ashes. When the |

|Soviet-Bolshevik-Jewish- Russians murdered the Polish |

|POW's at Katyn, a few years later the corpses of 4,200 |

|were found with a bullet in their necks. But of the six |

|million allegedly "gassed Jews" NO REMAINS, NO |



| |


|WENT: But what has been found is hundreds of |

|thousands of Jews in countries where they had not been |

|in 1939. On June 11, 1973, the International Tribune, a |

|Jewish-controlled paper, boasted that; |

| |

|"About 500,000 of Israel's 2.6 million Jews had been |

|in a Nazi concentration camp." |

| |

|Obviously if there had been a Hitler order to |

|exterminate the Jews their bones [or their ashes] would |

|be in Central Europe. Some other examples: in 1939, |

|France had 200,000 Jews, but now it has 900,000; Great |

|Britain then 300,000, now 600,000 Canada then less than |

|150,000, now 400,000; Argentina then 200,000, now |

|800,000. |

| |

|In the U.S. where there were perhaps five million, |

|there are now, according to what Ben Gurion, while he |

|was alive, estimated, from nine to twelve million, so many |

|in fact that the Census Bureau has been forbidden to |

|count them, as the sheer numbers of them would be |

|embarrassing for the Jews, and would completely destroy |

|the "Six Million" MYTH! |

| |

|The fact is Jewish casualties during the war can only |

|be compiled by equating the Jews in the various countries |

|of the world now [or in 1950] with those in 1933-1939. |

|Instead propagandists subtract the Jews in Central Europe |

|after the war from those there before and call the |

|difference "massacred." |

| |

|Even reputable historians, as for example John |

|Gunther, fall into this elementary fallacy: of dishonesty. |

|He |

|wrote: "Of the 3,500,000 Polish Jews who lived in that |

|country before the war, not less than three million were |

|murdered by the Germans. The total number of Jews |

|surviving in Poland is only between 70,000 and 80,000." |

|(Philadelphia Inquirer, February 10, 1949) |

| |

|The millions of Jews who retreated into Soviet-Russia |

|and who fled into other countries Gunther simply writes |

|off as "massacred." In 1930 there were 2,488,000 Germans |

|in East Prussia. |

| |

|When by 1946 the Soviet-Russians and Poles got |

|finished raping and looting and terrorizing, only a few |

|thousand East Prussians were left there. Do the likes of |

|Gunther conclude that the Russians and Poles |

|"massacred" the other two plus million East Prussians??? |

|They do not. Even though in fact over 200,000 were |

|murdered by the expulsionist Poles and Russians, they |

|blithely pass over these and assume all the 2,488,000 are |

|safe in Germany! |

| |



|propagandists, who call every Jew no longer in Central |

|Europe "exterminated," do not call the 4,558,041 Germans |

|no longer in Silesia after the Poles terrorized them in |

|1945-1946 murdered, though twenty percent of them |

|were; they smugly call them "transferred" to Germany; so |

|with the 1,895,015 Pomeranians, the 407,500 Danzigers; |

|and the 3,912,849 Germans of the Sudetenland, of whom |

|210,000 were clubbed and raped to death, and only |

|100,000 remain in the Sudetenland! But when the |

|600,000 Jews in Germany in 1933, only some 30,000 were |

|found there in 1945, the propagandist scream that the |

|other 570,000 had been exterminated! When in fact, they |

|were in most cases all the while collecting indemnities |

|from the West German people, safely in New York, Israel |

|and Argentina! |

| |

|For more than thirty years hordes of official and |

|official snoopers have sniffed at every document of the |

|Third Reich, and they have cross-examined and |

|threatened and blackmailed every possible German in the |

|search for some document or order in which Hitler |

|ordered the extermination of Jews. And the more they |

|scratched around the more they came up with the |

|opposite. At least three historians in the last few years |

|may be thought to have unwittingly frustrated the last |

|hope of finding any Third Reich order to exterminate the |

|Jews. |

| |



|writes; |

| |

|"No document, no written or even spoken evidence |

|connects Hitler directly to the Wannsee decision." (The |

|Last European War (1976), p. 165) |

| |

|Nor does he anywhere else cite any such document. |

|And in fact the Wannsee Conference, held January 20, |

|1942, itself does not at all contemplate extermination, but |

|the deployment of "the Jews capable of work," like |

|road-building, in the East, but "It is not intended to |

|evacuate Jews over 65 years of age" nor "Jews who are |

|serious war-wounded cases and Jews with war |

|decorations" [presumably from World War I]. (Quoted |

|from Dr. A.R. Butz, The Hoax, p. 211-212) |

| |

|As for the block-busting Hoax of the Twentieth |

|Century, so the Los Angeles Herald, June 11, 1977, |



|ELICIT SYMPATHY" for a Palestine homeland. The latest |

|to frustrate all hope of finding a document authorizing the |

|massacre of Jews is Professor David Irving's Hitler's War |

|(Viking Press, N.Y. 1977, 926 pates). |

| |

|Irving writes categorically: |

| |

|"...the incontrovertible evidence is that Hitler ordered |

|on November 30, 1941, that there was to be 'NO |

|LIQUIDATION' of the Jews" (Hitler's War, David Irving, |

|p. xiv) |

| |

|And, in October, 1943; |

| |

|"Hitler was still forbidding liquidations..." (Hitler's |

|War, David Irving, p. xiv) |

| |

|GAS CHAMBERS: What about denying the |

|existence of extermination "gas chambers?" Here too, |

|Mayer makes a startling statement: |

| |

|"Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at |

|once rare and unreliable." (Why Did the Heavens Not |

|Darken? p. 362) |

| |

|While Mayer believes that such chambers did exist at |

|Auschwitz, he point out that: |

| |

|"...most of what is known is based on the depositions |

|of Nazi officials and executioners at postwar trials and on |

|the memory of survivors and bystanders. This testimony |

|must be screened carefully, since it can be influenced by |

|subjective factors of great complexity." |

| |

|H�ESS TESTIMONY: One example of this might be |

|the testimony of Rudolf H�ess, an SS officer who served as |

|commandant of Auschwitz. In its Judgment, the |

|Nuremberg International Military Tribunal quoted at |

|length from his testimony to support its findings of |

|extermination. (IMT "blue series," Vol. 22, p. 485; |

|Nuremberg document 3868-PS(USA-819), in IMT "blue |

|series," Vol. 33, pp. 275-279) |

| |

|It is now well established that H�ess' crucial |

|testimony, as well as his so-called "confession" which was |

|also cited by the Nuremberg Tribunal, are not only false, |

|but were obtained by beating the former commandant |

|nearly to death. (Rupert Butler, Legions of Death |

|(England, 1983), pp. 235-237; C. Hitchens, Whose History |

|is it?, Vanity Fair (New York), December 1993, p. 117) |

| |

|H�ess's wife and children were also threatened with |

|death and deportation to Siberia. In his statement, which |

|would not be admissible today in any United States court |

|of law, H�ess claimed the existence of an extermination |

|camp called "Wolzek." |

| |

|In fact, no such camp ever existed. He further |

|claimed that during the time that he was commandant of |

|Auschwitz, two and a half million people were |

|exterminated there, and that a further half million died of |

|disease. (R. Faurisson, How the British Obtained the |

|Confession of Rudolf H�ss, The Journal of Historical |

|Review, Winter 1986-87, pp. 389-403) Today no reputable |

|historian upholds these figures. H�ess was obviously |

|willing to say anything, sign anything and do anything to |

|stop the torture, and to try to save himself and his family. |

| |


|Professor Mayer calls for "excavations at the killing sites |

|and in their immediate environs" to determine more about |

|the gas chambers. In fact, such forensic studies have been |

|made. The first was conducted in 1988 by American |

|execution equipment consultant, Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. He |

|carried out an on-site forensic examination of the alleged |

|gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek to |

|determine if they could have been used to kill people as |

|claimed. After a careful study of the alleged killing |

|facilities, Leuchter concluded that the sites were not used, |

| |

|and could not have been used, as homicidal gas |

|chambers. |

| |

|Furthermore, an analysis of samples taken by |

|Leuchter from the walls and floors of the alleged gas |

|chambers showed either no or minuscule traces of |

|cyanide compound, from the active ingredient of Zyklon |

|B, the pesticide allegedly used to murder Jews at |

|Auschwitz. (A deluxe edition of The Leuchter Report is |

|available from the Institute For Historical Review, P.O. |

|Box 2739, Newport Beach, California 92659, for $20.00, |

|plus $2.00 shipping) |

| |

|A confidential forensic examination (and subsequent |

|report) commissioned by the Auschwitz State Museum |

|and conducted by Institute of Forensic Research in |

|Krakow has confirmed Leuchter's finding that minimal or |

|no traces of cyanide compound can be found in the sites |

|alleged to have been gas chambers. (The complete text of |

|this report was published in English in The Journal of |

|Historical Review, Summer 1991) |

| |

|The significance of this is evident when the results of |

|the forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas |

|chambers are compared with the results of the |

|examination of the Auschwitz disinfestation facilities, |

|where Zyklon B was used to delouse mattresses and |

|clothing. Whereas no or only trace amounts of cyanide |

|were found in the alleged homicidal gas chambers, |

|massive traces of cyanide were found in the walls and |

|floor in the camp's disinfestation delousing chambers. |

| |

|Another forensic study has been carried out by |

|German chemist Germar Rudolf. On the basis of his on- |

|site examination and analysis of samples, the certified |

|chemist and doctoral candidate concluded: |

| |

|"For chemical-technical reasons, the claimed mass |

|gassings with hydrocyanic acid in the alleged 'gas |

|chambers' in Auschwitz did not take place...The supposed |

|facilities for mass killing in Auschwitz and Birkenau were |

|not suitable for this purpose..." (G. Rudolf, Gutachten �ber |

| |

|die Bldung und Nachweisbarkeit von |

|Cyanidverbindungen in den "Gaskammern" von Auschwitz |

|(London: 1993). See: The Journal of Historical Reivew, |

|Nov.-Dec. 1993, pp. 25-26) |

| |

|Finally, there is the study of Austrian engineer Walter |

|L�ftl, a respected expert witness in numerous court cases, |

|and former president of Austria's professional association |

|of engineers. In a 1992 report he called the alleged mass |

|extermination of Jews in gas chambers "technically |

|impossible." (The 'L�ftl Report', The Journal of Historical |

|Review, Winter 1992-93) |

| |


|constitutes "Holocaust denial?" Those who advocate |

|criminal persecution of "Holocaust deniers" seem to be |

|still living in the world of 1946 where the Allied officials |

|of |

|the Nuremberg Tribunal have just pronounced their |

|verdict. But the Tribunal's findings can no longer be |

|assumed to be valid. Because it relied so heavily on such |

|untrustworthy evidence as the H�ess testimony, some of |

|its most critical findings are now discredited. |

| |

|Therefore, we can clearly see why so many scholars |

|continue to challenge the Holocaust story. Such scholars |

|as Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, Professor |

|Robert Faurisson of the University of Lyon in France and |

|best-selling British historian David Irving, have been |

|vigorously challenging the widely-accepted extermination |

|story. |

| |

|They do not dispute the fact that large numbers of |

|Jews were deported to concentration camps and ghettos, |

|or that many Jews died or were killed during the Second |

|World War. Revisionist scholars have, however, presented |

|considerable evidence to show that there was no German |

|program to exterminate Europe's Jews and that the |

|estimate of six million Jewish wartime dead is an |

|irresponsible exaggeration. |

| |

|As presented above, the revisionists point out that |

|the Holocaust story has changed quite a lot over the years. |

|Many extermination claims that were once widely |

|accepted have been quietly dropped in recent years. In |

|early 1995, CNN quietly reported, during one of the many |

|Jewish propaganda campaigns, stated that only one |

|million Jews died in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, |

|thinking no one would notice the change in numbers, and |

|most Americans did not. |

| |

|At one time it was alleged that the Germans gassed |

|Jews at Dachau, Buchenwald and other concentration |

|camps in Germany proper. But that part of the |

|extermination story proved so untenable that it was |

|abandoned more than twenty years ago. No serious |

|historian now supports the once supposedly proven story |

|of "extermination camps" in the territory of the old |

|German Reich. Even famed "Nazi hunter" Simon |

|Wiesenthal was forced to acknowledge in 1975 that |

| |


|ON GERMAN SOIL." (Books & Bookmen, London, April |

|1975, p. 5) |

| |

|In addition, more and more striking evidence has |

|been presented in recent years which simply cannot be |

|reconciled with the allegations of mass exterminations at |

|these camps. |

| |

|For example, detailed aerial reconnaissance |

|photographs taken of Auschwitz-Birkenau on several |

|random days in 1944 (during the height of the alleged |

|extermination period there) were made public by the CIA |

|in 1979. |

| |

|They show no trace of the piles of corpses, smoking |

|chimneys and masses of Jews awaiting death, all of which |

|have been alleged and would have been clearly visible if |

|Auschwitz had indeed been an extermination center. |

| |

|At one time it was also seriously claimed that the |

|Germans exterminated Jews with electricity and steam, |

|and that they manufactured soap from Jewish corpses. |

|For example, at Nuremberg the United States charged |

|that the Germans killed Jews at Treblinka, not in gas |

|chambers, as is now claimed, but by steaming them to |

|death in "steam chambers." (Nuremberg document PS- |

|3311 (USA-293). IMT "blue series," Vol. 32. pp. 153-158; |

|Imt. Vol. 3. pp. 566-568; NMT "green series," Vol. 5, pp. |

|1133-1134) These bizarre stories have also been quietly |

|abandoned in recent years. |

| |


|Holocaust extermination story is superficially plausible. |

|Everyone has seen the horrific photos of dead and dying |

|inmates taken at Bergen-Belsen, Nordhausen and other |

|concentration camps when they were liberated by British |

|and American forces in the final weeks of the war in |

|Europe. These people were unfortunate victims, not of an |

|extermination program, but of disease and malnutrition |

|brought on by the complete collapse of Germany in the |

|final months of the war. Indeed, if there had been an |

|extermination program, the Jews found by Allied forces at |

|the end of the war would have long since been killed. |

| |

|In the face of advancing Soviet forces, large numbers |

|of Jews were evacuated during the final months of the war |

|from eastern camps and ghettos to the remaining camps |

|in western Germany. These camps quickly became |

|terribly overcrowded, which severely hampered efforts to |

|prevent the spread of epidemics. Furthermore, the |

|breakdown of the German transportation system, as a |

|result of the carpet bombing of the allied forces made it |

|impossible to supply adequate food and medicine to the |

|camps. |

| |


|of the Second World War, the Allies confiscated a |

|tremendous quantity of German documents dealing with |

|Germany's wartime Jewish policy, which was sometimes |

|officially referred to as the "final solution." But not a |

|single |

|German document has ever been found which even refers |

|to an extermination program. To the contrary, the |

|documents clearly show that the German "final solution" |

|policy was one of EMIGRATION AND DEPORTATION, |

|not extermination. |

| |

|Consider, for example, the confidential German |

|Foreign Office memorandum of August 21, 1942. |

|(Nuremberg document NG-2586-J. NMT "green series," |

|Vol. 13, pp. 243-249) |

| |

|"The present war gives Germany the opportunity and |

|also the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe," |

|the memorandum notes. The policy "to promote the |

|EVACUATION OF THE JEWS (from Europe) in closest |

|cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsf�hrer SS |

|{Himmler} is still in force." |

| |

|The memo noted that |

| |

|"the number of Jews deported in this way to the East |

|did not suffice to cover the labor needs." |

| |

|The document quotes German Foreign Minister von |

|Ribbentrop as saying that, |

| |

|"at the end of this war, all Jews would have to leave |

|Europe. This was an unalterable decision of the F�hrer |

|{Hitler} and also the only way to master this problem, as |

|only a global and comprehensive solution could be |

|applied and individual measures would not help very |

|much." |

| |

|The memorandum concludes by stating that the, |

| |

|"deportations {of Jews to the East} are a further step |

|on the way of the total solution...The deportation to the |

|{Polish} General Government is a temporary measure. |

|The Jews will be moved on further to the occupied |

|{Soviet} eastern territories as soon as the technical |

|conditions for it are given." |

| |

|This unambiguous document, and others like it, are |

|routinely suppressed or ignored by those who uphold the |

|Holocaust extermination story. |

| |

|UNRELIABLE TESTIMONY: Holocaust historians |

|rely heavily on so-called "survivor testimony" to support |

|the extermination story. But such "evidence" is notoriously |

|unreliable. As one Jewish historian has pointed out, |

| |

|"most of the memoirs and reports {of Holocaust |

|survivors} are full of preposterous verbosity, graphomanic |

|exaggeration, dramatic effects, over estimated self- |

|inflation, dilettante philosophizing, would-be lyricism, |

|unchecked rumors, bias, partisan attacks and apologies." |

|(Samuel Gringauz in Jewish Social Studies (New York), |

|January 1950, Vol. 12. p. 65) |

| |


|no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave an |

|order to exterminate the Jews, or that he knew of any |

|extermination program. Instead, the record shows that the |

|German leader wanted the Jews to leave Europe, by |

|emigration if possible and by deportation if necessary. |

| |

|A document found after the war in the files of the |

|Reich Ministry of Justice records his thinking on the Jews. |

|In the spring of 1942, State Secretary Franz |

|Schlegelberger noted in a memorandum that Hitler's Chief |

|of Chancellery, Dr. Hans Lammers, had informed him: |

| |

|"The F�hrer has repeatedly declared to him |

|{Lammers} that he wants to see the solution of the Jewish |

|problem postponed until after the war is over." |

|(Nuremberg document PS-4025. David Irving, Goering: A |

|Biography (New York: 1989), p. 349) |

| |

|And on July 24, 1942, Hitler emphasized his |

|determination to remove all Jews from Europe AFTER the |

|war: |

| |

|"The Jews are interested in Europe for economic |

|reasons, but Europe must reject them, if only out of self- |

|interest, because the Jews are racially tougher. After this |

|war is over, I will rigorously hold to the view...that the |


|Madagascar or some other Jewish national state." (H. |

|Picker, Hitlers Tischgespr�che in F�hrerhauptquartier |

|(Stuttgart: 1976), p. 456) |

| |


|important part of Germany's wartime labor force, and it |

|was in Germany's interest to keep them alive. The head of |

|the SS camp administration office sent a directive dated |

|December 28, 1942, to every concentration camp, |

|including Auschwitz. It sharply criticized the high death |

|rate of inmates due to disease, and ordered that "camp |

|physicians must use all means at their disposal to |

|significantly reduce the death rate in the various camps." |

|Furthermore, it ordered: "The camp commandants...The |

|camp doctors are to see to it that the working conditions |

|at the various labor places are improved as much as |

|possible." |

| |

|Finally, the directive stressed that, |

| |

|"The Reichsf�hrer SS {Heinrich Himmler} has |

|ordered that the death rate absolutely must be reduced." |

|(Nuremberg document PS-2171, Annex 2; NC&A "red |

|series," Vol. 4, pp. 833-834) |

| |

|The head of the SS department that supervised the |

|concentration camps, Richard Gl�cks, sent a circular |

|letter to each camp commandant dated January 20, 1943. |

|In it he ordered: |

| |

|"As I have already pointed out, every means must be |

|used to lower the death rate in the camp." (Nuremberg |

|document NO-1523; NMT "green series," Vol. 5, pp. 372- |

|373) |

| |


|more than forty years, the stream of Holocaust films and |

|books shows no sign of diminishing. This relentless media |

|campaign, which Jewish historian Alfred Lilenthal calls |

|"Holocaustomania," portrays the fate of the Jews during |

|the Second World War as the central event of history. |

|There is no end to the heavy-handed motion pictures, the |

|simplistic television specials, the vindictive hunt for |

|"Nazi |

|war criminals," the one-sided "educational courses," and |

|the self-righteous appearances by politicians and |

|celebrities at Holocaust "memorial services." |

| |

|Britain's chief rabbi, Immanuel Jakobovits, has |

|accurately described the Holocaust campaign as, |

| |

|"an entire industry, with handsome profits for writers, |

|researchers, film-makers, monument builders, museum |

|planners and even politicians." |

| |

|He added that some rabbis and theologians are |

|"partners in this big business." (H. Shapiro, Jakobovits, |

|Jerusalem Post (Israel), November 26, 1987, p. 1) |

| |

|Non-Jewish victims just don't merit the same |

|concern. For example, there are no American memorials, |

|"study centers," or annual observances for Stalin's victims, |

| |

|who vastly outnumber Hitler's. |

| |

|WHO BENEFITS?: The perpetual Holocaust media |

|blitz is routinely used to justify enormous American |

|support for Israel and to excuse otherwise inexcusable |

|Israeli policies, even when they conflict with American |

|interests. The sophisticated and well-financed Holocaust |

|media campaign is crucially important to the interests of |

|Israel, which owes its existence to Massive annual |

|subsidies from American taxpayers. |

| |

|As Professor W.D. Rubinstein of Australia has |

|candidly acknowledged: "If the Holocaust can be shown to |

|be a 'Zionist myth,' the strongest of all weapons in |

|Israel's |

|propaganda armory collapses." (Quadrant (Australia), |

|September, 1979, p. 27) |

| |

|Jewish history teacher Paula Hyman of Columbia |

|University has observed: |

| |

|"With regard to Israel, the Holocaust may be used to |

|forestall political criticism and suppress debate; it |

|reinforces the sense of Jews as an eternally beleaguered |

|people who can rely for their defense only upon |

|themselves. The invocation of the suffering endured by the |

|Jews under the Nazis often takes the place of rational |

|argument, and is expected to convince doubters of the |

|legitimacy of current Israeli government policy." (New |

|York Times Magazine, September 14, 1980, p. 79) |

| |

|One major reason that the Holocaust story has |

|proven so durable is that the governments of the major |

|powers also have a vested interest in maintaining it. The |

|victorious powers of the Second World War, the United |

|States, the Soviet Union and Britain, have a stake in |

|portraying the defeated Hitler regime as negatively as |

|possible. The more evil and satanic the Hitler regime |

|appears, the more noble and justified seems the Allied |

|cause. The Soviet Union and the Jews also benefit, |

|because the "Six Million" HoloHOAX hides the millions |

|of Christians murdered by the Jews after the Bolshevik |

|takeover of Russia in 1917. |

| |

|For many Jews, the Holocaust has become both a |

|flourishing business and a kind of new religion, as noted |

|Jewish author and newspaper publisher Jacob Timerman |

|points out in his book, "The Longest War." He reports that |

|many Israelis, using the word Shoah, which is Hebrew for |

|Holocaust, joke that "There's no business like Shoah |

|business." (The Longest War (New York: Vintage, 1982), |

|p. 15) |

| |

|The Holocaust media campaign portrays Jews as |

|totally innocent victims, and non-Jews as morally |

|retarded and unreliable beings who can easily turn into |

|murderous Nazis under the right circumstances. This self- |

|serving but distorted portrayal greatly strengthens Jewish |

|group solidarity and self-awareness. |

| |

|A key lesson of the Holocaust story for Jews is that |

|non-Jews are never completely trustworthy. If a people as |

|cultured and as educated as the Germans could turn |

|against the Jews, so the thinking goes, that surely no non- |

|Jewish nation can ever be completely trusted. The |

|holocaust message is thus one of contempt for humanity. |

| |


|story is sometimes used to promote hatred and hostility, |

|particularly against the German people as a whole, |

|eastern Europeans and the leadership of the Roman |

|Catholic church. |

| |

|The well-known Jewish writer, Elie Wiesel, is a |

|former Auschwitz inmate who served as chairman of the |

|official U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council. He received the |

|1986 Nobel Peace Prize. This dedicated Zionist wrote in |

|his book, "Legends of Our Time": |

| |

|"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart |

|a zone of hate-healthy, virile hate-for what the German |

|personifies and for what persists in the German." (Legends |

|of Our Time (New York: Schocken Books, 1982), chap. 12. |

|p. 142) |

| |

|If a non-Jew were to write such a thing about the |

|Jews, one would be able to hear them scream from the |

|earth to the furthest reaches of the universe, and their |

|propaganda arm, the mass media in America would fill |

|the world with hundreds of thousands of pages of anti- |

|Semitic hate mongering. |

| |

Daniel Keren wrote:


> Neo-Nazi activist, ASMarques , writes:

Howdy, Danny? Thanks for your renewed participation in our little

"Holocaust" discussions in the Portuguese newsgroups. But your

"cry-Nazi" hysterics are to no avail. The Nazis are the only ones that

underwent extermination by fire and the rope, and I suppose the paranoia

that sees Nazis everywhere is simply trying to hide this very telling


> # Minha Senhora, os tolinhos acreditam em cabecas reduzidas, sabonete

> # humano, adubo 'a base de cinza de crematorio, e camaras de gas

> # funcionais funcionando com motores de submarino ou insecticida.


> The "insecticide" he mentions is Zyklon-B, which releases one of the

> most toxic gases known, HCN (hydrogen cyanide). This gas is still

> used to execute condemned inmates in some US prisons. It is very

> appropriate for mass murder; see, for example

No it isn't. Take, for instance, the deposition of Wolfgang Froelich

during the recent trial of Swiss revisionist Jurgen Graf (condemned to

15 months imprisonment and 18,000 SwF in monetary penalties for

investigating the "Holocaust" in Russian archives and publishing the

results, as well as a booklet titled "On the Decline of Swiss Freedom").

Froelich is an Austrian engineer and an expert witness whose field of

expertise are process engineering and gas applications. He told the

court he has carried out numerous gassings to exterminate pests and

infectious microbes. Here is how he answers the questions by public

prosecutor Aufdenblatten:

Aufdenblatten: "In your opinion were mass gassings with Zyklon B


Froelich: "No".

Aufdenblatten: "Why not?"

Froelich: "The pesticide Zyklon B is hydrocyanic acid absorbed in a

granular-shaped carrier substance. It is released though contact with

the air. The evaporation point of hydrocyanic acid is 25.7 degrees

(Celsius). The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the rate of

evaporation. The delousing chambers in which Zyklon B was used in NS

(German wartime) camps and elsewhere were heated to 30 degrees and

higher, so that the hydrocyanic acid would be released rapidly from the

carrier granules. However, in the half-underground mortuaries of the

Auschwitz-Birkenau crematories, where witnesses claim that mass killings

with Zyklon B took place, the temperatures were much lower. Even if one

allows for the warming of the spaces by the body warmth of the

hypothetical prisoners, the temperature would not have been more than 15

degrees, even in summer time. Consequently, it would have taken many

hours for the hydrocyanic acid to evaporate.

"According to eyewitness reports, the victims died very quickly. The

witnesses mention time frames of 'instantaneous' to '15 minutes'. To be

able to kill the gas chamber prisoners in such a short time, the Germans

would have had to use ridiculously large amounts of Zyklon -- I estimate

from 40 to 50 kilograms for each gassing. This would have made any work

in the gas chamber fundamentally impossible. The special detachment

(Sonderkommando) people, whom the witnesses say were assigned the task

of clearing out (dead bodies) from them (the gas chambers), would have

collapsed immediately upon entering the rooms, even if they were wearing

gas masks. Enormous amounts of hydrocyanic acid would have streamed out

into the open, and would have poisoned the entire camp".

Froehlich's statement corroborates the investigations and declarations

of such specialists as gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter, Austrian

engineer Wlater Lueftl, American research chemist William B. Lindsay,

German chemist Germar Rudolf, and German engineer Wofgang Schuster.

Now comes another interesting bit. Immediately following Froelich's

statement, here is what public prosecutor Aufdenblatten had to say to


Aufdenblatten: "I hereby ask the court to bring charges against you for

racial discrimination, on the basis of Article 261 (the Anti-Racism Law)

or otherwise I'll do it myself".

So this is how Zyklon B killed all the millions and why "Anti-Racism"

Laws are needed! Defence attorney Stehrenberger could only inform the

court that in view of this blatant intimidation of the witness , he

would withdraw from the case. He later expressed again his objections to

the amazing proceedings, and resumed his duties as defence attorney. To

no avail, of course:

Judge Andrea Staubli (to Graf): "Can't you imagine that Jews feel

offended by your books?"

Graf: "Yes, and many non-Jews as well. The brain-washing has been so

thorough that anyone who inadvertently stumbles upon the truth would be

completely upset".

Staubli: "And don't you care if Jews feel offended by your books?"

Graf: "Edgar Bronfman (the president of the Jewish World Congress) said

recently that Switzerland is like a man who has to have his feet held in

the fire before he sees reason. Can't you imagine that a Swiss person

would feel offended by that? Why is it that only Jewish feelings are

taken into account and never the feelings of non-Jews?"

Graf got his 15 months and 18,000 SwF. His publisher Gerhard Foerster --

a 78 years old man suffering from several illnesses, who needs a wheel

chair to go around -- got 12 months imprisonment and 53,000 SwF,

assorted financial punishment.

BTW, here is what the Swiss Anti-Racism Law -- Article (Section) 261 of

the criminal code (Strafgesetzbuch) -- has to say on the subject:

"Whoever (...) flagrantly whitewashes (groeblich verharmlost) or seeks

to justify, genocide or other crimes against humanity (...) will be

punished by (up to three years) imprisonment or a fine".

Sounds like Messieurs Fabius & Gayssot really are succeeding in making

disciples, doesn't it?

The "Anti-Racism" Law is in vigour since January 1, 1995. Until now

there were no cases presented by Africans or Turks. All the cases have

resulted from the "Holocaust" sensibilities of Jewish groups that feel

offended by the truth about the gigantic "Holocaust" hoax.

Mrs. Ruth Dreyfuss, the first Jewish woman to be elected President of

Switzerland by the electoral college, has just considered ("Lusa"

telegram, January 6) that the extorsion of the Swiss banks on behalf of

the Jewish groups and international organisations was the rightful thing

to do. She didn't use these words naturally, but that's what her

position on the matter amounts to. She also believes the role of

Switzerland during the War should be re-evaluated. Soon, no doubt, we'll

learn that Switzerland was one of the major Axis partners, exactly like

Portugal, a neutral country who committed the crime of exporting a few

silly cans of sardines to the Nazis, while giving air and naval bases to

the Allies. Seems we too, were accepting gold dentures as currency...

And that's why the Internet is so important for exposing the "Holocaust"


More data in English about the trial of Jurgen Graf can be found in the

"Journal of Historical Review", vol.17, #4:

More persecution and censorship cases in:

> "Cyanide (HCN gas) is notorious as a poison (Gee, 1987)

> but also is ideal as a chemical weapon. It kills rapidly,

> dissipates quickly, and leaves no toxic residue".


> ("Chemical Warfare Agents", by Satu M. Somani, Department of

> Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University, School of Medicine.

> Academic Press 1992, p. 211).


> Maybe "ASMarques" will try to demonstrate his "theories", by exposing

> himself to HCN gas in a closed room?

My dear fellow, if "Danny Keren" is inserted in a barrel of beer, he

will die by drowning. However, insertion in barrels of beer wouldn't be

a practical or intelligent way for the industrial extermination of

millions of people. It would be a surrealistic joke.

> As to the motor he mentions - exhaust from large engines will kill

> people quite quickly, especially if many of them are crammed

> together in a closed chamber. This is known to everyone with even

> a little of technical background and understanding.

Not if it is a submarine *diesel* motor, like I mentioned and we are

required to believe. Diesel fumes are not toxic. Of course one would

die... by asphixy, and that would be an EXTREMELY long, convolute,

difficult, and idiotic way of performing mass murder. Practical people

use bullets: quick, efficient, cheap and infallible. Ask the veteran

professional authors of the Katyn massacre, if you don't believe the


See you,




Some revisionist sites more for Danny's information. Bookmark them now!

Excellent fast introduction:

Six important sites with a lot of information in several languages and

many links to others:

Air photo interpretation with maps and photos (sound commentary or


Three important personal sites:

(David irving)

(Greg Raven)

(Arthur Butz)

A discussion forum open to all (and its archives):


|[pic|If you carte blanche accept 1949 and 1950 jewish statistics without question, jews are guilty of 633,480 counts of holocaust denial.  |

|] | |

|[pic|If you believe their 1940 statistics are more accurate than their 1950 statistics, jews are guilty of 1,492,509 counts of holocaust |

|] |denial. |

|[pic|If you believe their 1939 statistics are more accurate than their 1950 statistics, jews are guilty of 1,985,617 counts of holocaust |

|] |denial. |

|[pic|If you believe the Daily Express is more accurate than the Synagogues, jews are guilty of 3,276,600 counts of holocaust denial. |

|] | |

Since jews have now redefined "holocaust denial" to be an assertion that ONE less than 6 million jews died in a "holocaust",   if a gentile [but not a jew?] claims that only 5,999,998 jews died in a holocaust, he is guilty of TWO counts of holocaust denial.

Obviously, this is patently unfair in this putative Christian nation, as  the most egregious holocaust deniers are jews, and it is their rampant CRIMINAL behavior in the realm of holocaust denial which causes gentiles to become criminals and "deny the holocaust".   As pointed out in the article below, this amounts to entrapment, and the only way to eliminate this entrapment is to cut holocaust denial off at its root [requiring the instant imprisonment or execution of ANY jew involved in holocaust denial].

When the jewish newspaper "The Daily Express" on March 24, 1933 claimed that there were only 600,000 jews in Germany and only 14 million jews in the world, this "minimized" the holocaust because it under-reported the number of jews in the world by 2,643,120.  In 1949, the jewish experts revised their population estimates for the number of jews in the world in 1939 to 16,643,120, up from the 15,192,089 which they had estimated in 1943.  iow, AFTER WWII these jewish sources knew that there were 1,451,031 MORE jews in the world nine years earlier than they knew there were in 1943.

By minimizing the number of jews in the world before the war, The Daily Express minimized the holocaust, which legally is criminal denial of the holocaust.

Truth is no excuse.  As the Ernst Zundel trial proved, an inability to predict the future is even less of an excuse.  Where the Daily Express was guilty of only 1,192,089 counts of holocaust denial BEFORE the war, this revision of the 1939 population of jews makes them guilty of 2,643,120 counts of holocaust denial AFTER the war.  As we all know by now, for such an egregious crime, there is NO statute of limitations, so The Daily Express, its authors and writers, AND ALL ITS READERS who failed to object to this criminal holocaust denial, are already guilty as charged without the bothersome necessity of a show trial like Zundel's.

Furthermore, since these sources also claimed that there were 153,000 jews in Germany AFTER the war, they also are claiming that the maximum number of jews in Germany [not including emigration from Germany] who could have been holocausted is 447,000 [600,000 jews in Germany before the war - 153,000 jews after the war], which is actually 5,553,000 counts of holocaust denial.

What about jews like Einstein who came to the US?  What about the rapid increase of jews in Russia? What about the four million jews who immigrated to "Israel"?    Didn't some of them come from Germany?

It is clear that four jewish organizations have to commit criminal holocaust denial for the sole purpose of causing us "gentiles" to become guilty of an equivalent if not worse form of holocaust denial, which in legal terms is "entrapment".  Under holocaust denial laws, these four organizations must be investigated immediately, brought to trial, and if found guilty, disbanded instantly, and all responsible staff and members be punished or imprisoned in a manner commensurate with the five years that Ernst Zundel was sentenced to prison:

1. The Daily Express.

2. The American Jewish Committee.

3. The American Jewish Yearbook.

4. Jewish Statistical Bureau of the American Synagogue Council.

We cannot have one law for "gentiles" and another law for jews.  If Ernst Zundel deserved to be imprisoned for 5 years for his rather minor form of questioning certain technical details of the holocaust which is virtually unpublished, then these wholesale deniers of the holocaust, whose works are now in EVERY U.S. library, all deserve LIFE sentences, if not DEATH sentences.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

What's good for the gentiles is good for the joose.

SEE?  It's a win/win for everyone!!!

Except White men.



Because of their LIES, innocent WHITE MEN have been persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned, and KILLED.

For criminal holocaust denial.

And the most criminal, the most egregious, the most flagrant, the most vicious, holocaust deniers around are --jews

In 1924, jews said there were 15,286,000 jews in the world.

Then in 1928, jews said there were 15,315,359 jews, an increase of less than 0.05% annually.

By 1929, that jumped to 15,630,000, a whopping 2% increase in one year, and stayed at that level thru 1930.

Ten years later, in 1939, before WWII even began to involve jews, their population plunged to a mere 15,290,983, a drop of 2.2%, indicative of not exactly a robust race.

This pattern was repeated in 1940.

In 1941, the jew population for 1938 was adjusted upward to 15,748,091, suggesting jews were paying close attention to their population figures and that they had discovered that the population increased 0.7% rather than decreased 2.2% during that decade.

In 1945, still paying close attention to their fragile rate of growth, the population of jews was down by 60,000 to only 15,688,259. However, the other populations of many of the countries jews lived in suffered losses of up to 24% as the result of WWII, while there were now 2.6% more jews than there were in 1924.

This pattern was repeated in 1946 and 1947and 1948.

Then suddenly, in 1949, after decades of watching their population numbers so closely, jews suddenly discovered that they had completely missed the fact that there were only 5,376,520 jews missing, 623,480 jews short of the obligatory 6 million. Criminal holocaust denial kicks in when you claim that there was ONE jew less than 6 million holocausted, meaning that this criminal holocaust denial organization is guilty of 623,480 counts of holocaust denial.

This criminal pattern of holocaust denial was repeated in 1950 using exactly the same figures.

This minute attention to detail, so carefully reporting any minor change in the population of jews, then going back and adjusting the figures to reflect updates as they come in--totally belies the inability of these organizations to note a FORTY PERCENT reduction in jews, for more than FIVE YEARS.

1. We must note that it was THEY who claimed for a decade that there were less than 15,749,000 jews in the world, AND that it was THEY who retroactively adjusted this figure upward by 895,029.

2. Therefore, they are retroactively guilty of another 895,029 counts of criminal holocaust denial, times two [they did it at least twice].  In addition to this, after all this deliberation, and study, and research, these JEWISH sources unilaterally agreed that there were only 15,290,983 jews in the entire world in 1940, just prior to WWII.  So for what reason would they in 1949, 4 years after the war, INCREASE their estimate for 1940 from 15,290,983 to 16,643,120, a whopping increase of 1,352,137--almost THREE TIMES as many jews as there ever were in Germany?  How could they know more about the 1940 jewish population nine years later in 1949, than they knew in 1940?  This adds another 1,352,137 counts of criminal holocaust denial!

3. They also failed to include ANY immigration of jews to the US, even though up to 70% of our immigrants were jews in some years, averaging close to 50,000 annually prior to the 8 years they omitted. This is an additional 400,000 jews who were quietly dropped out of their statistics in a failed attempt to achieve the magic number of six million dead jews.

4. There were never 3 million jews in Poland. The maximum number there ever were is 300,000, so their estimate of 88,000 for 1950 represents a reducation of 212,000 jews, not 2,912,000. This additional figure of 2,700,000 missing jews is just another failed attempt to achieve that magic 6 million.

Thus the total under-representation of the number of jews missing missing in the holocaust, relative to the widely reported six million figure, according to these JEWISH statistical resources themselves, is as follows: 

633,480 jews short of the obligatory six million figure.

1,352,137 jews arbitrarily added to the 1940 population of jews.

400,000 jew immigrants to the US not included.

2,700,000 jews over-estimated for Poland.

 Total = 5,085,617

Thus these three jewish organizations CONSPIRED to deny the holocaust by  the amount of 5,085,617 jews.  They were SHORT of this SIX MILLION figure by a whopping EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT (85%).

Is it “holocaust denial” to quote JEWISH sources which DENY the Holocaust?


1924 = 15,286,000 jews

1928 = 15,315,359 jews

1929 = 15,630,000 jews

1933 = 14,000,000 jews

1939 = 15,290,983 jews

1940 = 15,290,983 jews

1941 = 15,784,091 jews

1945 = 15,688,259 jews

1946 = 15,688,259 jews

1947 = 15,688,259 jews

1948 = 15,688,259 jews

1949 = 11,266,600 jews

1950 = 11,266,600 jews


A.E. Mourant in The Genetics of Jews (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978) cites reports of blood group tests on thousands of individual Jews in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. A strain of genetic homogeneity runs through Jewry. Jews as a group differ from their host populations as a group having a Negro admixture of 5 to 10 per cent. This refutes the Khazar theory of Jewish origin. Even in Russia there have been very few Khazars


The very people who God commanded us to *remove* from “Israel”, Edomites, are the very people judeochristians now support, causing incredible grief around the world

Feinstein LIES about the Second Amendment


911 caused by our amoral support of "Israel"

The 1980 Jewish Almanac's first chapter entitled "Identity Crisis," begins with the following admission: "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an 'Israelite' or a 'Hebrew'"

"Edom is in modern Jewry" The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, Page 41

“The Edomites were conquered by John Hyrcanus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants”, The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1966), pg. 594, AS WELL AS in the The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589

"From this time the Idumeans [read: Edomites] became an inseparable part of the Jewish people”, Encyclopedia Judaica Jerusalem, in Volume 8, page 1147

“When, years before, John Hyrcanus had forced Judaism on the Idumeans [Edomites] he evidently conjectured that the new, though unwilling, converts could learn to identify their own destiny with that of his people”, The Jews, their History, Culture, and Religion, pg. 121

But there is a final twist declared in Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23:  "JEWS BEGAN IN THE 19TH CENTURY TO CALL THEMSELVES HEBREWS AND ISRAELITES IN 1860".

American Jewish Committee, Bureau of the Synagogue Council: there were 584,549 MORE jews after WWII than before!

The Talmud claims Jesus was a momzerr [a mongrel] who was born of the Roman soldier Pandira who raped Mary, hanged on a stake for blasphemy, thrown on a dung heap, and is now boiling in hot excrement



"Jews are not White," says Professor Leonard Fein, who teaches Politics and Social Policy at Brandeis University in the U.S.A. Fein was addressing the 172 biennial congress of the Jewish Board of Deputies in Johannesburg, South Africa in May, 1972. "You are not White, either symbolically or literally, as anyone knows who goes to Israel," he said. Professor Fein, besides being a specialist in jewish community problems in the U.S.A., is a specialist in Black-White relations in the cities. RAND DAILY MAIL, May 15, 1972.

"Jewish blood is different," says jew Dr. Michael Kaback of the John F. Kennedy Institute in Baltimore. Jewish blood lacks an enzyme called Hex A and often results in a condition called Tay-Sachs disease. Over 90% of the Tay-Sachs disease is found in jews. This disease causes convulsions, paralysis, idiocy and death."

A TV documentary featured the story of a jew who called himself "German". He mated with a Cajun woman. Their child was born with Tay-Sachs disease and died in infancy. Jews of all parts of the world have specific genetic similarities, even common fingerprint characteristics, according to Dr. Leo Sachs, who heads the genetics section of The Weizman Institute of Science in New York, in collaboration with Dr. M. Bat-Miriam.


"we killed your Jesus and we're proud of eet. .uck your Jesus".


"The distinctive character of the Jew does not arise solely from his religion. It is true that his race and religion are indissolubly connected, but whatever be the cause of this junction of the race idea with the religion, it is very certain that the religion alone does not constitute the people. A believer in the Jewish faith does not by reason of that fact become a Jew. On the other hand, however, a Jew by birth remains a Jew, even though he abjures his religion." Leo N. Levi, President of B'nai B'rith, 1900-1904

Graetz, the historian of the Jews, whose monumental work is one of the standard authorities, says that the history of the Jews, even since they lost the Jewish State, "still possesses a national character; it is by no means merely a creed or church history."

Moses Hess, one of the historic figures through whom the whole Jewish Program has flowed down from its ancient sources to its modern agents, wrote a book entitled "Rome and Jerusalem" in which he stated the whole matter with clearness and force:

1. "The Jews are something more than mere 'followers of a religion,' namely, they are a race, a brotherhood, a nation." (p. 71).

2. "A Jew belongs to his race and consequently also to Judaism, in spite of the fact that he or his ancestors have become apostates." (pp. 97-98).

3. "Every Jew is, whether he likes it or not, solidly united with the entire nation." (p. 163).

4. "Jewish religion is, above all, Jewish patriotism." (p. 61).


"Despite the meditations of pundits or the decrees of councils, our own instinct and acts, and those of others, have defined for us the term 'Jew'." Louis D. Brandeis, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and world leader of the Zionist movement, in his book "Zionism and the American Jews"

jew father to daughter's gentile "boyfriend"--"I'm going to .ucking KILL you"! [oops, Google "thinks" this violates their policy );  Try here instead]

"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history."

  --- Ari Shavit, Ha’aretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003

"throw the jew down the well"

"are all Americans jews?"


 Every jew I know is a faggot

 Every faggot I know is a jew

 1.9% of the population are jews

 1.9% of the population are faggots

 Is there any overlap? Probably not. So if states start executing faggots, as God’s Law COMMANDS of us, jews will get out of those states faster than you can say “kike”

 How many of these “catholic” priests who were faggots were actually jews in drag, or “conversos”?


 This is a genetic disease, just as the 112 hereditary genetic diseases that only jews get are a genetic disease, just as AIDS which attacks almost exclusively jews is a genetic disease, just as sexual confusion amongst jews about the role of women is a genetic disease, just as being a serial killer is a genetic disease only jews get, just as the racial confusion exhibited by Dann Dobson is a genetic disease

 It’s not from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—it’s from “g-d”, which is such a whimp that even rabbis routinely win arguments with it

 As illustrated by 91% of those who’ve taken the following poll, we must remove this virus from our midst



"As a consequence of the interest aroused by the Shalit case, a public opinion poll was held on the question. Fifteen hundred Jewish families were canvassed with the following results:

"12% declared that a Jew is a person whose father or mother is Jewish or who has a Jewish spouse.

"23% claimed that a Jew is a person who considers himself a Jew.

"19% held that a man born to a Jewish mother or who converts to Judaism is a Jew.

"13% said a Jew is one who lives in Israel or who identifies with the Jewish state.

"13% stated that a Jew is one who observes the Jewish religious practices.

"11% answered that a Jew is one who is raised and educated as a Jew.

"9% said they could not define it.

"These results were recorded in the Jerusalem Post of November 25, 1968. More could be said and other examples could be given to show the confusion in the Jewish world over definitions. But these should suffice to show that there is no uniformity or objective standard for defining Jewishness; virtually all definitions are subjective.

To this we will say Amen and Amen!"



A Special Report for "Real Jew News"

By Brother Nathanael Kapner…Street Evangelist!

HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:

1. The Jew sees himself as a "Jew First." In any nation that the Jew may reside in, he is an "American Second;" or a "Frenchman Second; etc. – for the Jew is always a "Jew First." Thus the Jew puts his interest first before national interests.

2. The Jew promotes secularism in any nation he may reside in. This works to his benefit. For the Jew fears nothing more than a Christian World View which has at its root the absolutism of Christianity over all other faiths as being false religions including Judaism. But the Jew believes that Judaism is the only true religion and it is his province alone. For the Jew looks upon the Gentiles, the "Goyim," as being inferior to him.

3. The Jew uses the indictment of "Anti Semitism," to prevent any criticism of his conduct, his ideas, and his agenda.

4. The Jew is hell bent on his self-preservation. Though American and European Jews love the good life, they promote Zionism, in order that they will always have a place to escape to.

5. The Jew would like to see the New Testament destroyed, defamed, discarded, and mocked. For in it contains the historical record of the Jewish leaders committing Deicide against the Eternal Son of God Who became man for our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jew wishes to eradicate this historical fact for it places him in a position as having to repent, an act that the Jew finds repulsive.

6. The Jew though he may be "non religious," still honors the rabbis as having final authority on all religious questions and matters. The rabbis have as their authority the Talmud which contradicts the Old Testament and blasphemes Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Christians.

7. The Jew may promote "equality amongst men," yet he sees himself in a self conscious ethnic group that he considers as being superior to all others.

8. The Jew when confronted with the claims of Christianity will always reply, "I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew." What he means is, "I will never become a Christian like the dumb goys."

9. The Jew loves to be in control. The Jew loves to be at the top of the ladder. If Christianity were again to be in predominance in America, the Jew would be horror-struck. For then he will have the finger pointed at him that he is a Christ denier, a stubborn, stiff-necked hater of Jesus Christ, and a supporter of the Jews Who brought Christ to Pilate to have Him crucified.

10. The Jew will use every means possible to undermine Christianity in whatever nation he may reside. He will always cry, "Look what they did to us!" as if he is an innocent lamb without any faults. But whenever someone shows why they "did this to them," he shouts back, "You're an Anti Semite!"


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|It's jews who claim they're not Whites. |

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|whiiiine from a "Norwegian jew". |

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|Martin's 20 seconds on the Tovia Singer Show. |

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|Edgar Steele's daughter threatened by jews. |

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|jews are sodomites, all sodomites are jews. |

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|Mexicans are actually jews? |

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|of dead jews?  REALLY? |

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|of persecution--BY jews. |

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Wednesday, September 22, 2004 10:19 PM Subject: First black female student rabbi leads congregation

According to the Jewish Kabbalah and texts - YES. One of the other Torah laws is that a man must listen to his wife when it concerns the family (family living). -- Joni Ferris




The Jewish Encyclopedia signed by Cyrus Adler states:

'An even more delicate problem that presented itself at the very outset was the attitude to be observed by the encyclopedia in regard to those Jews who, while born within the Jewish community, have, for one reason or another, abandoned it. As the present work deals with the Jews as a race, it was found impossible to exclude those who were of that race, whatever their religious affiliations might have been.'

"In the same encyclopedia is a statement by Joseph Jacobs, B.A., formerly president of the Jewish Historical Society of England:

'Anthropologically considered, the Jews are a race of markedly uniform type, due either to unity of race or to similarity of environment.'


And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you

received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the

word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in

you believers.

For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in

Christ Jesus which are in Judea; for you suffered the same things from your

own countrymen as they did from the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us

out, and displease God and oppose all men

by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be

saved--so as always to fill up the measure of their sins. But God's wrath

has come upon them at last!

1Thess 2:13-16


"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them."

Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981



Since jews consider themselves to be only guests in this country--why are they still here?


"they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal." 

Benjamin Franklin


"SYLLABUS OF AN ESTIMATE OF THE MERIT OF THE DOCTRINES OF JESUS, COMPARED WITH THOSE OF OTHERS April, 1803,   II. JEWS. 1. Their system was Deism; that is, the belief of one only God. But their ideas of him & of his attributes were degrading & injurious.   2. Their Ethics were not only imperfect, but often irreconcilable with the sound dictates of reason & morality, as they respect intercourse with those around us; & repulsive & anti-social, as respecting other nations. They needed reformation, therefore, in an eminent degree",

Thomas Jefferson


"But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you", Jesus Christ in John 10:26

NOTE that this says that the jews don't follow Jesus BECAUSE they are "not of my sheep", or flock, breed, or race, NOT that they are not of my sheep because they don't "believe", as churches want the world to think!



(Yet) there remains and is apparent the great injury to the Christians which has resulted and does result from the participation, conversation and communication which they have held and hold with the Jews, who have demonstrated that they would always endeavor, by all possible ways and manners, to subvert and draw away faithful Christians from our Holy Catholic Faith, and separate them from it, and attract and pervert them to their wicked belief and opinion, instructing them in the ceremonies and observances of their law, holding fasts during which they read and teach them what they have to believe and observe according to their law, causing them and their sons to be circumcized . . . notifying them of the Passover feasts before they come . . . giving them and taking to them from their houses unleavened bread and meat slaughtered with ceremonies. . . persuading them as far as possible to hold and observe the law of Moses, giving them to understand that there was no other true law but that; the which is clear from many utterances and confessions, not only by the Jews themselves, but by those who were perverted and injured by them, which has resulted in great harm, detriment and opprobrium to our Holy Catholic Faith.

Expulsion order for jews, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain


And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his

wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt;

and if any children of the deceased are left under

age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping

with the holding of the deceased; and out of the

residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however,

service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be

done touching debts due to others than Jews.

Magna Charta, Section 11


Ye are brought unto fountains of living water which ye digged not; do not cast earth into them with the Philistines, neither prefer broken pits before them with the wicked Jews. [Gen 26:15. Jer 2:13.] Others have laboured, and you may enter into their labours; O receive not so great things in vain, O despise not so great salvation! Be not like swine to tread under foot so precious things, neither yet like dogs to tear and abuse holy things. Say not to our Saviour with the Gergesites, Depart out of our coast [Matt 8:34]; neither yet with Esau sell your birthright for a mess of pottage [Heb 12:16].

Preface of the 1611 Authorized Version of the KJV

which was from the Translators and set to hand by:

Myles Smith of Brasenose College in Oxford

(who later became the Bishop of Gloucester.)


Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.

Harijan, 26-11-1938.

Mohatma K. Gandhi (Mohandas Kirmachand Gandhi), My Non-Violence. Edited by Sailesh Kumar Bandopadhaya (Ahmedabad: Navajivan Publishing House, 1960)



|jews threaten Attorney Edgar Steele. |

|jews threaten Attorney Edgar Steele's children. |


Our "Ally" Israel?   Never again!

"Israel" cost US $1.6 TRILLION!

Take five minutes to complete the Poll on Exiling Blacks

It is JEWS who spread AIDS

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail"

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin (NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6)

"Edom is in modern Jewry" The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, Page 41

Gould's most inflammatory allegation consists of blaming IQ testers for magnifying the toll of those lost in the Holocaust (p. 263). Here he has followed the lead of Leon Kamin's (1974) The Science and Politics of IQ. The Kamin-Gould thesis is that early IQ testers claimed their research proved that Jews as a group scored low on their tests and that this finding was then conveniently used to support passage of the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924 which then denied entry to hapless Jewish refugees in the 1930s. Gould goes so far as to claim (1996, pp. 195-198; 255-258) that Henry H. Goddard (in 1917) and Carl C. Brigham (in 1923) labeled four-fifths of Jewish immigrants as "feeble-minded ... morons". 

|[p|911 caused by our AMORAL support of "Israel". |

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|[p|Opinions about the jew: |

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|] |Two thirds of Americans blame 911 on the jew. |

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| |Three quarters blame 911 on NWO/White House. |

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|[p|FINALLY: Anglicans Vote to Divest From Concerns in Israel-Occupied Areas |

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|[p|What is a jew: |

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|] |The source of all evil:  The Talmud. |

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| |"Israel" doesn't exist according to jews. |

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| |Most jews are Ashkenazi jews. |

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| |American jews condemn 'jews' in Israel. |

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| |Israel costs US $10 billion per YEAR which now totals $1.6 trillion. |

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| |The legacy of Buford Furrow. |

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| |The "black jews" in Israel. |

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| |TIMSS confirms that jews are "feeble minded ... morons". |

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| |Ashkenazi jew describes zionist discrimination against Sephardic jews. |

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| |The jew Chertoff. |

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| |While our precious jews condemns Trent Lott for "racism", their Knessett in "Israel" tests DNA of immigrants to make sure they're |

| |jewish enough. |

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| |The jews at Pandagon. |

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| |The porn industry is headed by jews. |

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|[p|"Never again!" |

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|] |Never again let jews destroy a US warship like the USS LIberty! |

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| |Never again let jews like Pinhas Lavon see the light of day! |

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| |Never again let a proclamation like the one signed by 151 of 153 nations and 3,000 NGO's in Durban go unheeded! |

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| |Never again let jews use 911 to destroy our liberties! |

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| |Never again let women be raped by jews! |

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| |Never again let jews assassinate a President like they did Kennedy. |

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| |Never again let Israel violate 68 UN Resolutions. |

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| |Never again let jews steal top secret KH-ll Satellite technology. |

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| |Never again let jew LIES like Anne Frank's be published here. |

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| |Never again let mass murderers like Baruch Goldstein, who advocated bombing of Mosques, be honored by jews. |

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| |Never again let jews like Dershowitz and Emmerson, who advocate torture, become US citizens. |

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| |Never again let Israel, who has never repaid a US "loan", "borrow" another dime. |

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| |Never again Operation Northwoods. |

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| |Never again let jews execute Muslims like these jews caught on webcam. |

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| |Never again let infamous jewish massacres go unpunished. |

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| |Never again let jews like Ariel Sharon, who advocates assassination of parents "to prevent suicide bombing", and who has been indicted |

| |as a war criminal, become "allies". |

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| |Never again let jews pull off another holocaust hoax. |

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| |Never again let jews kill 64 million fellow Christians in Russia. |

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| |Never again let jews kill 150 million fellow Christians in WWII. |

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| |Never again let jews imprison White men like David Duke. |

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| |Never again let  Arabs hate Americans just because of jews. |

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| |Never again become an "ally" to a jew with such a one-sided "ethic". |

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| |Never again will we let jew criminals like Rafi Eitan come to the US. |

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| |Never again will JDL Terrorist Goldman violate the Patriot Act. |

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|[p|How jews spy on you: |

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|] |All our Personal Computers are tapped by Cydoor. |

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| |All our internet traffic is monitored by Narus. |

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| |All our most secret telephone calls are recorded by Comverse. |

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| |All our bank privacy is compromised by Promis. |

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| |Congress is misled by CALEA. |

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| |Boeing aircraft, sabotaged by Home Run, ram into the WTC and Pentagon. |

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| |American Airlines pilot describes his persecution by the ADL. |

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| |200 Mossad agents in American prisons for spying on their "ally". |

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| |The Mafia is jew. |

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|[p|Treachery of jews--"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail": |

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|] |Rabbi advocates assassinations. |

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| |Nathan Lewis ("top jew lawyer") advocates killing families of Palestinian fighters. |

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| |Perlmutter advocates Israel's use of nuclear weapons. |

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| |Ehud Barak advocates killing of Syrians. |

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| |85% of jews in Israel advocate mass invasion of Arab territory. |

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| |Snuff jews exposed. |

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| |UN condemned our "ally" Israel as an apartheid state JUST THREE DAYS before 9-11. |

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| |[pic] |

| |Why won't we condemn the killing in Palestine? |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |"Friendship" With Only One "Friend". |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Charley Reese of Orlando Sentinel reports truth about jewish treachery. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Confession of Rabbi Rabbinovitch. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Richard Butler on Israel's infinite hypocrisy. |

| | |

|[p|Solution: |

|ic|[pic] |

|] |Become a jew traitor. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Ban the jews. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |Issue this expulsion order. |

| | |




Population of Israel in 1924 before the "Middle East Crisis" began:

Christians 41%

Muslims 64%

jews 1%

Population of Israel since the jews were "put in charge" and the crisis began:

Christians 2%

Muslims 9%

jews 84%


|[pic]Israel's chief rabbi gives religious backing to assassinations |

|[pic] |

|Israel's much-criticised practice of assassinating Palestinian activists has the full backing of Jewish religious law, according to a |

|statement Thursday from Israeli Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau. Quoting ancient sages and Biblical passages, Lau explains that Israel is now |

|fighting a "war of commandment" mandated by God. He said that those engaged in the war are exempt from other commandments. Lau refers to an|

|often-quoted Jewish precept, "He who comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first." |

|[pic] |

|The Jordan Times [Jordan], 27 July 2001 click here for article |


[pic]That S.itty Little Country

French Ambassador Daniel Bernard had the courage to call Israel "that s.itty little country", and not even Conrad Black's attempt to smear his reputation in the world wide press was enough to make him "apologize" for speaking his mind at a "private" dinner party.  Hear, hear.

Did even one American "journalist" have the courage to back him up?  No, instead, they all marched in lockstep (or is that goose step?) as if though this was a slur on their religious beliefs.

Is it?  Absolutely not.  This is the same media which participated in the most colossal act of brainwashing in human history--making Americans believe that "Israel" has some protected religious status, that the "jews" moving there are "god's chosen people", and that simply saying the word "jew" will land you in the same prisons as David Duke, Jim Trafficant, and Ernst Zundel.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Not only is "Israel" a misnomer for the most failed welfare state in human history, but the "jews" moving there at our expense kicked out the true heirs to the real Israelites and Arabs and replaced them with the most motly collection of "jews" you could ever imagine.

Of course these "feeble minded ... morons" are incapable of defining what a "jew" is themselves, so let's merely summarize what they say.  Some "jews" like "Dr. Laura" claim that the only requirement to be a "jew" is to have a "jew" for a mother.  With such a sloppy definition, up to half of the ancestry of modern jews could be non-jews, which could mean that the 13 million remaining jews in the world have no common patriarch, as the Israelites or Arabs or Chinese or Indians do.  Other jews like Arthur Koestler, author of The Thirteenth Tribe, claim that 90% of today's jews are descendants of the Khazars who allegedly converted to "Judaism" in the 9th Century AD, removing them even further from any Israelites of Judaea.  Since they call themselves "Ashkenazi jews" it could be assumed that they're descendants of Ashkenaz, which would make them descendants of Noah, but not of Shem (so they aren't Semites), nor of Eber (so they aren't Hebrews), nor of Jacob (so they aren't Israelites").  But many jews disclaim this link, which then completely removes them from anything associated with a "jewish" patriarch.

As if though that's not enough to demand that these 'jews' be immediately removed from Israel, and the Palestinians be restored to their rightful homeland, jews claim that another 2% of jews are "Sephardic" jews who are descendants of the Edomites.  IF this is true, then ONLY these jews could claim to be children of Abraham [read: Semites and Hebrews], as weak as that link might be.   2,000 years ago, Christ accused them of being the children of the devil rather than children of Abraham.  But the Sephardic jews have no power in Israel and in fact are treated just as bad or even worse than Christians and Arabs in Israel, which means that they are being used by the Ashkenazi jews as a false flag.

But it gets worse.  Much worse.  To both jews and Arabs in Israel, the "jews" now moving into that land are nothing but Russians, more than half of whom claim to be Christians.  So now Israel has become the "melting pot" for whatever was left of the jewish "race", with the US being the primary funding source, and with Israel having become the central base of operation for jews who want nothing less than to see us Christians dead.

The term "Israel" in the Holy Bible is a reference to a *people", namely to the descendants of Jacob, not a *place*.   Renaming Judaea to Israel accomplished the objective of identifying non-Israelites as Israelites to Americans who are already awash in jewish propaganda.





A Never Before Attack Today In Tel Aviv

MID-EAST REALITIES � - - Washington - 8/05: It has not happened yet, but it is now the direction things are heading. Soon the Palestinians may start responding to Israel's increasingly brutal military occupation, unprecedented anywhere else in the world of our day, by targeting Israeli political leaders and maybe Zionist leaders outside of Israel. Soon suiciders using homemade bombs and old-style guns may turn to weapons of mass destruction that are no longer secret or unavailable -- everything from anthrax to plaque to smallpox to backpack nuclear devices. Such developments are no longer as difficult to contemplate as they have been in the past. Target everyone everywhere is being faintly heard coming from the depths of despair and from the deeper underground recesses to which the fighting cells are being pushed. A few days ago the Israelis ratcheted up the rules of the game by clearly targeting for assassination well-known Palestinian spokesman and political leaders. In the high-tech attack in Nablus they also killed two journalists and two pre-teenage boys. Then yesterday they went after Mustapha Barghouti, one of the best-known Palestinians in Arafat's own Fatah organization. Just a day later, earlier today, a Palestinian single-handedly attacked the headquarters of the Israeli army in the heart of Tel Aviv; quite possible an example of how much more dangerous and unpredictable this still expanding conflict could become. It has just been learned the Palestinian who carried out today's attack is a 30-year-old Israeli citizen from Jerusalem, married with 3 children, employed, and never before implicated in any such fighting. No one before can remember a person with this kind of background perpetrating an attack of this kind on his own right in the center of Tel Aviv in the middle of the day!


If anyone has any question about why jews are despised worldwide, they only need to consider that 85% of jews in Israel favor massive military attack on their neighbors as a "solution" to the terrorist bombings (which the jews probably orchestrated themselves).


|[|Current Poll |

|p| |

|i| |

|c|Should Israel launch a massive military response to the latest suicide bombing attack? |

|]| |

| | |

| |Yes |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |85 % |

| | |

| |No |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |15 % |

| | |

| |Total Votes: 19595 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Please note that our online polls are not scientific but offer our site users the chance to express their |

| |views about current issues in the news. |






U.S. Cluster Bombs Killed Civilians in Afghanistan


One of these objects is a cluster bomblet. The other a food package. Imagine you are a middle eastern child, starving because of the war, and unable to read English. Which do you pick up and try to open?


Facts worth considering. After reading the article below, check out the following article for a biblical perspective on what’s really going on:



Brigadier General Says Israel is the problem not Iraq

by James J. David a retired Brigadier General

- Jan 7, 2003

(James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the

U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College, and the National

Security Course, National Defense University, Washington, DC. He

served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the

Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of

Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.)

Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?

Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear

non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?

Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of

other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance

of United Nations Security Council resolutions?

Answer: Israel.

Q: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the

international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and

artillery and naval gunfire?

Answer: Israel.

Q: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins

into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice

sometimes called exporting terrorism)?

Answer: Israel.

Q: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military

officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were


Answer: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers

who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?

Answer: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and

refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?

Answer: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to

people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?

Answer: Israel.

Q: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United

Nations diplomat assassinated?

Answer: Israel.

Q: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the

assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?

Answer: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic

facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in

international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?

Answer: Israel.

Q: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard,

to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet


Answer: Israel.

Q: What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard,

then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that

the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?

Answer: Israel.

Q. What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee

to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses

to extradite them once in their custody?

Answer: Israel

Q. What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine

and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they

prayed in their Mosque.

Answer: Israel

Q: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in

the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of

Washington insiders?

Answer: Israel.

Q. Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a U.N.

Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and

especially children?

Answer: Israel

Q: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United

Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29

more by U.S. vetoes?

Answer: Israel.

Q. Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of

all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and

then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the

objections of the U.S.?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American

people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress

and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce

foreign aid?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to

his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We

control America?"

Answer: Israel

Q. What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International

for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means

of ethnic cleansing.

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of

mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a

highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian

children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored

vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising

to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built

more than 270 new settlements since the signing?

Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 100

political officials of its opponent in the last 2 years while killing

hundreds of civilians in the process, including dozens of children?

Answer: Israel

Q.. Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva

Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns,

villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as

demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?

Answer: Israel

Q: What country in the Middle East is the United States threatening to

attack because of fear that it may be a threat to us and to our


Answer: Iraq

 --- G Moison  --- scsn57@



260 million CHRISTIAN Lives Lost

WWI, WWII, and the Bolshevik Revolution



The 1934 World Almanac notes the following pre-WWII populations of Christians and jews:

Christians 682,400,000

jews 15,315,000

In 1948, after WWII, the 1949 World Almanac notes the following populations:

Christians 592,406,542

jews 15,753,638

Perceived difference:

Christians -89,993,458

jews +438,648

Thus, according to the most credible jew and Christian sources in the world, there were 89,993,458 FEWER Christians after the war, and 438,648 MORE jews after the war, than there were before.  But, at the historic growth rate of the Christian population of 1.5% per year, the 682,400,000 Christians in the world in 1933 would have been 853,158,362 by 1948.  Instead, mostly due to WWII, the actual population was 592,406,542,  260,751,820 fewer Christians than there would have been without WWII.  Even at a more conservative growth rate of Christians of 1% per year, there were 199,838,673 fewer Christians in 1948 than there would have been without WWII.

Real difference:

Christians -260,751,820

jews +438,648


Between 1950 and 2000, a period of 50 years, the world population more than doubled, from 2.56 billion to 6.09 billion, an annual growth rate of 1.75%.  Most of that growth was in the less developed countries where the population grew from 1.7 to 4.9 billion.  The population of India increased 3.5 fold (2%/year) and of China 2.5 fold (1.7%/year), adding another 1.4 billion people to the world.

So it's not at all unreasonable to expect that the population of Christians between 1933 and 1948 would have increased 1.5% per year had it not been for WWII:

|Year |At 1.5%/year |At 1%/year |

|1933 |682,400,000 |682,400,000 |

|1934 |692,636,000 |689,224,000 |

|1935 |703,025,540 |696,116,240 |

|1936 |713,570,923 |703,077,402 |

|1937 |724,274,487 |710,108,176 |

|1938 |735,138,604 |717,209,258 |

|1939 |746,165,683 |724,381,351 |

|1940 |757,358,169 |731,625,164 |

|1941 |768,718,541 |738,941,416 |

|1942 |780,249,319 |746,330,830 |

|1943 |791,953,059 |753,794,138 |

|1944 |803,832,355 |761,332,080 |

|1945 |815,889,840 |768,945,401 |

|1946 |828,128,188 |776,634,855 |

|1947 |840,550,111 |784,401,203 |

|1948 |853,158,362 |792,245,215 |


Amateur historians like Leonardo place the figure for the number of dead from WWII at 54 million, but they estimate only 20 million dead in Russia, whereas Russian sources put the figure as high as 64 million when the Bolshevik Revolution is included.  Encyclopedia Britannica casually estimates the loss of life to be between 35 to 60 million, but this puts the Russian loss of life at 18 million, 46 million lower than Russian sources which claim the figure is as high as 64 million.

Where is the monument to up to 260 million CHRISTIANS who died JUST due to WWII, not even including the First World War nor the Bolshevik Revolution?  Why are US taxpayers, the vast majority of whom are descendants and relatives of these dead Christians, expected to pay for holocaust memorials for six million jews who weren't even Americans, are an enemy foreign power, aided and abetted our enemy and according to the jews' own statistics didn't even die?

Brought to you by crypto jews Churchill and Amery!


The following is a very, very important story for all of us to grasp, because this is exactly what jews did to Russia in 1917 as “bolshevists” who hated the “proletariat” [read: Christians], and what they’re now doing to the US as “neo-conservatives” who hate “gentiles” [read: the White Race].

Note that “In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine.” Is EXACTLY what has happened to us here, now.  But also don’t forget that Germans got the worst of both worlds, because Hitler too was a jew, and HUNDREDS of millions of Christians died in WWII because of this scumbag jew.

The GOOD news is that millions of Americans are finally waking up to the truth that the “holocaust of six million jews” was a well crafted hoax to distract our attention from this REAL holocaust, which itself is proof that the power behind Bolshevism and Nazism is exactly the same as the one behind “neo-conservatives”:

Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be

By Kenneth McKilliam







|Above photo shows a young German girl using German currency as fuel in the family's furnace, such was the value of German |

|money after the "bankers" had run the German economy into the ground and intentionally bankrupted the nation. |

|Americans have had very little sympathy for the Germans historically, but this soon will change. |

|Distilling Facts From Fiction |

|The POWERS that emerged victorious from World War I made a second war almost inevitable by the peace conditions they |

|imposed upon Germany. That second war was later made certain, not by the intentions of Hitler but by the determination of |

|his enemies to destroy the new Germany that he had created. |

|By the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain on 20 September of the same year, the German |

|people were thoroughly humiliated. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: |

|'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders |

|with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.' |

|The old Austrian Empire was balkanised without respect to its various cultures and nationalities. East Prussia was |

|separated from Germany by a large area ceded to Poland. The Sudeten Germans were placed under Czech control. The coal |

|mining area of the Saar Valley was to be administered for fifteen years by the League of Nations and then a plebiscite |

|held. The corrupt Weimar Republic was forced upon the German nation and the middle classes were robbed of their savings by |

|corrupt finance. There were millions of unemployed and the Sparticist Jewish revolutionary leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa|

|Luxemburg were stirring up red revolution. |


|The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933: |

|'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the |

|pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. |

|Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative |

|machine.' |

|Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine |

|Zeitung (September 1933): |

|'Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets |

|of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and |

|administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German |

|nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.' |

|Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde and in the year before Adolf Hitler came to power |

|Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, stated: |

|'Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.' |

|The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag.|

|On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March |

|1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt |

|Weimar Republic ceased to exist. |

|On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea |

|declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite", and followed with: |

|'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as |

|the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one body to declare |

|war on Germany. The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his business, the banker his bank, the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar |

|his miserable hut in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's people.' |

|The German government was removing Jews from influential positions and transferring power back to the German people. This |

|declaration of war by the Jews on Germany was repeated throughout the world. The first boycott of Jewish business concerns |

|came after this Jewish declaration of war in April 1933. |


|Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist organisation, wrote in the January 1934 issue of Mascha |

|Rjetach: |

|"For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community at each conference in all our syndicates and|

|by each Jew all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will start |

|a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany's ambitions to become once again a great nation, to recover |

|lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand Germany's total destruction, collectively and individually."|

| |


|"The German nation is a threat to us Jews." |

|--Emil Ludwig Cohen wrote in his book The New Holy Alliance, Strasburg, 1938: |

|"Even if Hitler at the last moment would want to avoid war which would destroy him he will, in spite of his wishes, be |

|compelled to wage war." |

|--Bernard Lechache wrote in The Right to Live (December 1938): |

|"It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a |

|merciless war." |

|--The Jewish newspaper Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederlands printed on 13 September 1939: |

|"The millions of Jews living in America, England, France, North Africa and South, not forgetting Palestine, have decided to|

|carry on the war in Germany to the very end. It is to be a war of extermination." |

|--The Toronto Star (26 February 1940) printed a declaration of a Rabbi Perlberg, Director of the British section of the |

|Jewish World Congress: |

|"The Jewish World Congress is in a state of war with Germany for seven years." |

|--The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago printed in its issue of 8 October 1940: |

|"When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are |

|perfectly right." |

|Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas into one state and all Germans under one German |

|Government. The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January |

|1935, the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour. There were also Germans in East Prussia|

|and in Danzig now divided by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. It is interesting to note that between 1933 |

|and 1937 10,000 Jews migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine. |


|An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful |

|revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference was suggested which would preserve |

|the peace. The four powers were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy. |

|The paper Truth of 5 January 1952 stated that Mr. Oswald Pirow, South African Minister of Defence, was sent on a mission to|

|Germany in 1938 by General Smuts to ease the tension on the Jewish issue. The British Prime Minister told Pirow that |

|pressure of International Jewry was one of the principal obstacles to an Anglo-German accommodation and that it would |

|greatly help him resist that pressure if Hitler could be induced to moderate his policy towards the German Jews. Pirow |

|stated that Hitler viewed this idea with favour and an Anglo-German agreement was in sight; the effect would have been, in |

|the event of war, to limit the conflict to Germany and Russia, with the other great powers intervening to enforce their own|

|terms when the combatants were exhausted. |

|However, the Four Nations Pact was not to be. The Jews put an end to this, for on 7 November 1938, a few weeks after the |

|Munich Agreement and shortly before the journey to Paris of the German Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, the Polish Jew, |

|Herschel Feibel Grynszpan murdered the German Third Secretary of State, Ernst von Rath, in the German Embassy in Paris. The|

|five bullets fired were the logical result of the Jews' declaration of war on Germany of March 1933 and put an end to the |

|effort being made to explain and extend the importance of the Munich Agreement and the revision of the Treaty of |

|Versailles. |

|This assassination provoked anti-Jewish riots in Germany, with the burning of synagogues and the looting and burning of |

|Jewish shops. The anti-Jewish riots inflamed public opinion in Great Britain and the USA against Chamberlain's efforts to |

|relieve Anglo-German tension. In the United States Germans were assaulted and persecuted. The Jews began leaving Germany. |






1975 Encyclopedia Britannica

World Wars 1013

•something far more sinister was in hand, as the Ameri-

cans were telling the Soviets at Potsdam.

In 1939 physicists in the United States had learned of

experiments in Germany demonstrating the possibility of

nuclear fission and had understood that the potential en-

ergy might be released in an explosive weapon of unpre-

cedented power: on August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein had

warned Roosevelt of the danger of Nazi Germany's fore-

stalling other nations in the development of an atomic

bomb. Eventually, the U.S. Office of Scientific Research

and Development was created in June 1941 and given

joint responsibility with the war department in the Man-

hattan Project to develop a nuclear bomb. On July 16,

1945, an atomic device was set off in a desert area at

Alamogordo, New Mexico, generating an explosive pow-

er equivalent to that of more than 15,000 tons of TNT.

Thus the atomic bomb was born. Truman, the new U.S.

president, calculated that this monstrous weapon might

be used to defeat Japan in a way less costly of U.S. lives

than a conventional invasion of the Japanese homeland.

Japan's unsatisfactory response to the Allies' Potsdam

Declaration decided the matter. On August 6, 1945, an

atomic bomb carried from Tinian Island in the Marianas

in a specially equipped B-29 was dropped on Hiroshima,

at the southern end of Honshu, north of Kyushu: the

combined heat and blast pulverized everything in the

explosion's immediate vicinity, generated spontaneous

fires some distance away, produced winds that fanned the

flames in Hiroshima's craterlike configuration so power-

fully that they burned almost 4.4 square miles (11 square

kilometres) completely out, and killed between 70,000

and 80,000 people (flash burns killed 20-30 percent, ra-

diation 15-20 percent), besides injuring more than 70,-

000 others. A second bomb, dropped on Nagasaki, Kyu-

shu, on August 9, 1945, killed between 35,000 and 40,000

people, injured a like number, and devastated 1.8 square

miles (4.7 square kilometres).

Between these two demonstrations of U.S. superiority,

the Soviet Union on August 8 declared war against Japan.

The Japanese surrender. On August 10, 1945, the Jap-

anese government issued a statement substantially agree-

ing to the terms that the Allies had enunciated at Pots-

dam. In their reply the Allies granted Japan's request that

the Emperor'.s sovereign status be maintained, subject

only to their Supreme Commander's directives. Japan

accepted this proviso on August 14, and the emperor

Hirohito urged his people to accept the decision—pre-

viously so unthinkable—to surrender. Imperial princes

delivered the Emperor's message in person to distant Jap-

anese Army forces in China and in Korea, hoping thus to

mitigate the shock. A clique of diehards nevertheless at-

tempted to assassinate the new prime minister, Aden. Su-

zuki Kantaro; but by September 2, when the formal sur-

render ceremonies took place, the way had been smoothed.

Truman designated MacArthur as the Allied powers'

supreme commander to accept Japan's formal surrender,

which was solemnized aboard the U.S. flagship "Missouri"

in Tokyo Bay: the Japanese foreign minister, Shigemitsu

Mamoru, signed the document first, on behalf of the

Emperor and his government. Allied troops had mean-

while occupied the forts guarding the bay and Yokosuka

naval base. MacArthur likewise was to command the

Allied forces in occupation of Japan.

Japan concluded a separate surrender ceremony with

China in Nanking on September 9, 1945.

For Japan's surrender in Korea, the United States and

the U.S.S.R. agreed to a demarcation line along the 38th

parallel, which was ultimately to divide Korea into a

Communist north and a non-Communist south. (For in-

formation relating to the postwar settlement see INTER-


Cost. World War II is estimated, rather uncertainly,

to have cost between 35,000,000 and 60,000,000 lives.

The U.S.S.R. has been reckoned to have lost 11,000.000

combatants and 7,000,000 civilians; Poland, 5,800,000

lives altogether, including, however, some 3,200,000 of

the 5,700,000 Jews put to death by the Nazis in the course

of the war; Germany, 3,500,000 combatants dead and

780,000 civilians; China, 1,310,224 combatants in the

Nationalist forces alone, with civilian losses dubiously

estimated at 22,000,000; Japan, 1,300,000 combatants

and 672,000 civilians; Yugoslavia, 305,000 and 1,200,000;

the United Kingdom, 264,443 and 92,673; the United

States, 292,131 and 6,000.

BIBLIOGRAPHY. The causes of World War I, from 1878,

are best presented by LUIGI ALBERTIMI, Le origin! della guerra

del 1914, 3 vol. (1942-43; Eng. trans.. The Origins of the

War of 1914, 3 vol., 1952-57). More controversial is I-RITZ

PISCHEB, Griff nach der Wellmacht, 3rd ed. (1964; Eng.

trans., Germany's Aims in the First World War, 1967), an

indictment of German militarism, to which GERHARD HITTER,

Staatskunst und Kriegshandwerk, 2nd ed., 4 vol. (1959-68;

Eng. trans.. The Sword and the Scepter, 4 vol., 1969-72), pro-

vides an answer. The background of the precipitating crisis of

1914 is thoroughly investigated by JOACHIM RBMAK, Sara-

jevo: The Story of Political Murder (1959). The military

events of World War I are authoritatively narrated by B.H.

LIDDELL HART, A History of the World War, 1914-1918 (1934);

and by CYRIL B. FALLS, The Great War (1959; British title,

The First World War, 1960), JAMES E. EDMONDS (conip.),

A Short History of World War I (1951); and JOHN TERRAINS,

Thr Great War, 1914-1918; A Pictorial History (1965), are

useful introductions. The standard work on the war at sea

is ARTHUR J. MARDF.R, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow:

The Royal Navy in [he Fisher Era, 1904-1919, 5 vol. (1961-

70). International politics are studied by Z.A.B. ZEMAN, A

Diplomatic History of the First World War (1971); but the

individual insights of WINSTON CHURCHILL, The World Cri-

sis (6 vol., 1923-31; new ed., 4 vol., 1950- ), are also illumi-

nating. The U.S. position is analysed by ERNEST R. MAY, The

World War and American Isolation, 1914-1917 (1959). On

the peacemaking after World War T, the standard narrative

in English remains that of H.w.v. TF.MPERLEY (ed,), A His-

tory of the Peace Conference of Paris, 6 vol. (1920-24);

which, however, is supplemented by ARNO J. MAYER, Politics

ana Diplomacy of Peacemaking: Containment and Counter-

revolution at Versailles, 1918-1919 (1967). The influential

criticism of the Treaty of Versailles by JOHN MAYNARD

KEYNES, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1920),

is criticized in its turn by ETIENNE MANTOUX, The Carthagin-

ian Peace; or. The Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes

(1952). For the 1920s and 1930s, the reader should first

consult PIERRE RENOUVIN, Les Crises du xx° .wcle, 2 vol.

(1957-58; Eng. trans., War and Aftermath, 1914-1929 and

World War 11 and Its Origins: International Relations 1929-

45, both 1968). A less dispassionate account is given by

WINSTON CHURCHILL in The Gathering Storm (1948). ARNOLD

WOLFERS, Britain and France Between Two Wars; Conflict-

ing Strategies of Peace Since Versailles (1940), explains the

weakness of the West; WILLIAM T-, LANGER and s. EVERETT

GLEASON, The Challenge to Isolation, 1937-1940 (1952),

surveys the U.S. position; MAX BELOFE, The Foreign Policy

of Soviet Russia. 1929-1941, 2 vol. (1947^t9), deals magis-

terially with a much-debated theme. On German-Italian re-

lations, see ELIZABETH WISKEMANN, The Rome-Berlin Axis

(1949); on U.S.-Japanese relations, JOSEPH c. GREW, Turbu-

lent Era: A Diplomatic Record of Forty Years, 1904-1945,

1 vol. (1952). For World War II there is a good survey for

the general reader by BASIL COLLIER, A Short History of the

Second World War (1967); while the specifically military

theme is expounded by J.F.C. FULLER, The Second World

War, 1939-45: A Strategical and Tactical Hhlory (1948).

For a classic survey by a military commentator of interna-

tionally recognized authority, see B.H. LIRDELL HART (ed.),

History of the Second World War (1966- )- The standard

naval histories are STEPHEN w. ROSKILL, The War at Sea,

1930-1945, 3 vol. (1954-61); and FRIBDRICH RU(.E, Der See-

krieg, 1939-1945 (1954; Eng. trans,, Sea Warfare, 1939-1945:

A German Viewpoint, 1957). CHARLES K. WEBSTER and NOBLE

PRANKLAND are authoritative in The Strategic Air Offensive

against Germany, 1939-1945, 4 vol. (1961), as are, for the

U.S. aspect, WESLEY p. CRAVEN and JAMES L- GATE (eds.), in

Army Air Forces in World War II, ^ vol. (1948-50). Intcr-

AUied relations are examined by J.R.M. BUTLER (ed-), Grand

Strategy, 6 vol. (1956- ). The series of books by HERBERT

PEIS; The Road to Pearl Harbor: The Coming of the War

Between the United States and Japan (1950), The China

Tangle: The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to

the Marshall Mission (1953), Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin:

The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought (1957),

Between War and Peace: The Potsdam Conference (1960),

and Japan Subdued: The Atomic Bomb and the End of the

War in the Pacific (1961), arc valuable not only on U.S.-

Japanese and U.S.-Chinese relations but also on British and

Soviet interests in the war in the Far East.



World War One


|[p|24 million American men registered for the draft in WWI |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|4.3 million or 18% of them fought in the conflict |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|115,000 or 0.5% of them died in battle |

|ic| |

|] | |

The US now has a death rate of 873 per 100,000 population, which means that at the current rate, out of 24 million Americans, 209,520 of them die each year.  This is not to denigrate the brave American soldiers who fought and died in WWI at all--but their death rate seems incredibly low given all the media attention this war received.


jeremiahs: Germany 7.6 mil

jeremiahs: Japan 2

jeremiahs: Poland

jeremiahs: Greece 520k

jeremiahs: US 500k

jeremiahs: Czech 400k

jeremiahs: England 388k

jeremiahs: Neth

jeremiahs: Belgium 88k

jeremiahs: Finland 84k

jeremiahs: Canada 86k

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, aka Lenin

Researcher Wayne McGuire of Harvard University writes: "Lenin was a Jew by the standards of Israel's Law of Return: he possessed a Jewish grandparent. It would seem that not only was Lenin a Jew, but that he was a Jewish racist and chauvinist, although he kept his ideas on this volatile subject far in the background, probably because they were in radical conflict with the supposed universalism of Marxism. ...Lenin was a Jewish racist who deliberately gave Jews especially, the most 'intellectually demanding tasks.' He admitted that 50% of the communist terrorist vanguard in the south and west of Russia was comprised of Jews."


Out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, in 1918-19 there were 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Latvians, 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews


|[p|It was Lenin who ordered the assassination of the Czar and his family. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Karl Marx was from a long line of Talmudic scholars. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Bolshevik government in Russia was a jewish government. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|American jew and traitor Jacob Schiff financed both Lenin AND Japan. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|30 million Christians in Russia die at the hands of jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jim Condit "hundreds of revolutionaries had come from the United States, and most prominently from New York City, to form a large part |

|ic|of the new Bolshevik government in 1917" |

|] | |



Even American history books disagree that Stalin was a "bolshevist". A "bolshevist" was a jew, as were Trotsky and Lenin, but Stalin was a Christian who tried, convicted, and executed many of the "bolshevists" [read: jews]. If we had even the slightest idea of the terror that the jews unleashed on this once-Christian nation, we would realize that Stalin exercised considerable restraint in his treatment of the perpetrators (one of who's "accomplishments" was to ban spoken Christian prayers in public schools, and another was to outlaw Christian churches). Stalin is the man who restored school prayer and *almost* restored Christian churches, but it wasn't until Glasnost in 1991 that Christian churches were finally dusted off and treated with the respect they deserve.  

No matter what anyone says or thinks or believes about Russia, the ONE thing they cannot refute is that the most awesome cathedrals in the world are in Russia, and that there are MANY of them. These cathedrals weren't used to preach bolshevism, communism, socialism, judaism, Talmudism--THEY TAUGHT CHRISTIANITY.

The demise of Christianity in Russia was the demise of the entire Russian economy and society, just as it is right here in the US, right now.

Trotsky was a jew whose real name was Lev Davidovich Bronshtein and he plotted the overthrow of Russian Christians in London where he met another jew, Lenin, whose real name was Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov. It was Schiff, an American jew (whose grandson just married Gore's daughter) who financed them in their overthrow  

The Russians finally assassinated him in Mexico, which is something they should have done in 1898 when they first arrested him.  

The one thing that seems to be missing from Encyclop�dia Britannica, which is common knowledge in Russia, is the simple fact that jews assassinated the Czar of Russia. The following from Infoplease gives you an idea of why they would have done this.

  Alexander III, 1845-94, czar of Russia (1881-94), son and successor of Alexander II. Factors that contributed to Alexander's reactionary policies included his father's assassination, his limited intelligence and education, his military background, and the influence of such advisers as Konstantin P. Pobyedonostzev and Mikhail N. Katkov. On his accession he discarded the modest proposals for reform made by Count Loris-Melikov. Alexander increased the repressive powers of the police and tightened censorship and control of education. He limited the power of the zemstvos [local assemblies] and the judiciary, increased controls over the peasantry, subjected the national minorities to forcible Russification, and persecuted all religious minorities, especially the Jews. Perhaps the only enlightened policy of Alexander's reign was pursued by his energetic minister of finance, Count Witte, who used governmental pressure and investments to stimulate industrial development and to begin construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad. The czar and his foreign minister, Nikolai K. Giers, worked for peace in Europe, although Russian expansion in Central Asia almost led to conflict with Great Britain. In the Balkans, Russia's attempts to make Bulgaria a satellite proved unsuccessful and led to a final break with Austria-Hungary, which also had interests there. The Three Emperors' League of Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Germany was replaced (1887) with a Russo-German alliance. This was not renewed in 1890, and a Franco-Russian entente grew after 1891 (see Triple Alliance and Triple Entente). Alexander was succeeded by his son Nicholas II. See studies by C. Lowe (1972) and H. W. Whelan (1982).


The Jewish Role in the Early Soviet Regime

From Robert Wilton's, "The Last Days of the Romanovs"

Published 1920 (American and British 1920 editions did not include this list), 1921, 1923, and 1993 by the Institute for Historical Review.

According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, in 1918-19 there were 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Latvians, 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews.

|Ministry |Name |Nationality |

|Chairman |V.I. Ulyanov (in actuality, part Jewish) |Russian |

|Foreign Affairs |G.V. Chicherin |Georgian |

|Nationalities |J. Dzhugashvili (Stalin) |Georgian |

|Agriculture |Protian |Armenian |

|Economic Council |Lourie (Larin) |Jew |

|Food Supply |A.G. Schlikhter |Jew |

|Army and Navy |L.D. Bronstein (Trotski) |Jew |

|State Control |K.I. Lander |Jew |

|State Lands |Kaufmann |Jew |

|Works (Labor) |V. Schmidt |Jew |

|Social Relief |E. Lilina (Knigissen) |Jew |

|Education |A. Lunacharsky |Russian |

|Religion |Spitzberg |Jew |

|Interior |Apfelbaum (Radomyslski) |Jew |

|" |(Zinoviev) |Jew |

|Hygiene |Anvelt |Jew |

|Finance |I.E. Gukovs (and G. Sokolnikov) |Jews |

|Press |Voldarski (Goldstein) |Jew |

|Elections |M.S. Uritsky |Jew |

|Justice |I.Z. Shteinberg |Jew |

|Refugees |Fenigstein |Jew |

|" |Savitch (Assistant) |Jew |

|" |Zazslovski (Assistant) |Jew |

|  |  |  |

|  |  |  |


Out of these 22 "Sovnarkom" members, Wilton summed up, there were three Russians, one Georgian, one Armenian, and 17 Jews.

The Central Executive Committee, Wilton continues, was made up of the following members:


|Y.M. Sverdlov (Solomon) (Chairman) |Jew |

|Avanesov (Secretary) |Armenian |

|Bruno |Latvian |

|Breslau |Latvian (?) |

|Babtchinski |Jew |

|N.I. Bikharin |Russian |

|Weinberg |Jew |

|Gailiss |Jew |

|Ganzberg (Ganzburg) |Jew |

|Danichevski |Jew |

|Starck |German |

|Sachs |Jew |

|Scheinmann |Jew |

|Erdling |Jew |

|Landauer |Jew |

|Linder |Jew |

|Wolach |Czech |

|S. Dimanshtein |Jew |

|Encukidze |Georgian |

|Ermann |Jew |

|A.A. Ioffe |Jew |

|Karkhline |Jew |

|Knigissen |Jew |

|Rosenfeld (Kamenev) |Jew |

|Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) |Jew |

|N. Krylenko |Russian |

|Krassikov |Jew |

|Kaprik |Jew |

|Kaoul |Latvian |

|  |  |

|Ulyanov (Lenin) |Russian |

|Latsis |Jew |

|Lander |Jew |

|Lunacharsky |Russian |

|Peterson |Latvian |

|Peters |Latvian |

|Roudzoutas |Jew |

|Rosine |Jew |

|Smidovitch |Jew |

|Stoutchka |Latvian |

|Nakhamkes (Steklov) |Jew |

|Sosnovski |Jew |

|Skrytnik |Jew |

|L. Bronstein (Trotsky) |Jew |

|Teodorovitch |Jew (?) |

|Terian |Armenian |

|Uritsky |Jew |

|Telechkine |Russian |

|Feldmann |Jew |

|Frumkin |Jew |

|Souriupa |Ukranian |

|Tchavtchevadze |Georgian |

|Scheikmann |Jew |

|Rosental |Jew |

|Achkinazi |Imeretian (?) |

|Karakhane |Karaim (Karaite) |

|Rose |Jew |

|Sobelson (Radek) |Jew |

|Schlichter |Jew |

|Schikolini |Jew |

|Chklianski |Jew |

|Levine (Pravdine) |Jew |

|  |  |

|  |  |

|  |  |

Thus, concluded Wilton, out of 61 members, five were Russians, six were Latvians, one was a German, two were Armenians, one was a Czech, one was an Imeretian, two were Georgians, one was a Karaim, one was Ukrainian, and 41 were Jews.

The Extraordinary Commission of Moscow (Cheka)--the Soviet secret police and predecessor of the GPU, the NKVD, and the KGB--was made up of the following:


|F. Dzerzhinsky (Chairman) |Pole |

|Y. Peters (Deputy Chairman) |Latvian |

|Chklovski |Jew |

|Kheifiss |Jew |

|Zeistine |Jew |

|Razmirovitch |Jew |

|Kronberg |Jew |

|Khaikina |Jew |

|Karlson |Latvian |

|Schaumann |Latvian |

|Leontovitch |Jew |

|Jacob Goldine |Jew |

|Galperstein |Jew |

|Kniggisen |Jew |

|Katzis |Latvian |

|Schillenkuss |Jew |

|Janson |Latvian |

|Rivkine |Jew |

|Antonof |Russian |

|Delafabre |Jew |

|Tsitkine |Jew |

|Roskirovitch |Jew |

|G. Sverdlov* |Jew |

|Biesenski |Jew |

|J. Blumkin (Count Mirbach's assassin) |Jew |

|Alexandrovitch (Blumkin's accomplice) |Russian |

|I. Model |Jew |

|Routenberg |Jew |

|Pines |Jew |

|Sachs |Jew |

|Daybol |Latvian |

|Saissoune |Armenian |

|Deylkenen |Latvian |

|Liebert |Jew |

|Vogel |German |

|Zakiss |Latvian |

* (Brother of the president of the Central Executive)


Of these 36 Cheka officals, one was a Pole, one a German, one an Armenian, two were Russians, eight were Latvians, and 23 were Jews. "Accordingly," Wilton sums up, "there is no reason to be surprised at the preponderant role of Jews in the assassination of the Imperial family. It is rather the opposite that would have been surprising."

Source: Pages 184-190, Appendix D, of Robert Wilton's "The Last Days of the Romanovs," 1993 edition by the Institute for Historical Review. The Institute and its Noontide Press can be reached at: P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659. Noontide Press:               714-631-1490       .



Top bolshevik leadership


|[p|Two niggers. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|15 chinks |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|22 Armenians |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|264 jew YAWK kikes |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|ONLY 13 actual Russians |

|ic| |

|] | |



"384 commissars there were 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."



Part Four: The US Army's Telegrams on the Jewish role in Communism

The American Army Intelligence Service had its agents in  Russia at the time of the Communist Revolution, and the Jewish nature of that revolution is accurately reflected in those reports.

An American Senate subcommittee investigation into the Russian Revolution heard evidence, put on congressional record, that "(I)n December 1919, under the presidency of a man named Apfelbaum (Zinovieff) . . . out of the 388 members of the Bolshevik central government, only 16 happened to be real Russians, and all the rest (with the exception of a Negro from the U.S.) were Jews" (U.S. Senate Document 62, 1919).

Below: Both these telegrams are from official US National Archives: the upper one, State Department document 861.00/1757 was sent on 2 May 1918, from Moscow by US Consul General Summers. The lower one, State Department document 861.00/2205, was sent from Vladivostok on 5 July 1918, by US Consul Caldwell. Both describe the domination of the Bolshevik Communists by Jews, using the words "Fifty per cent of Soviet Government in each town consists of Jews of the worst type..."

Copies of documents from the US National Archives are freely available to anyone from the Washington DC, USA, office.



However, none of these authorities quoted above dared to use quite the language of a US Military Intelligence officer, one captain Montgomery Schuyler, who sent two reports to Washington in March and June 1919, describing in graphic detail the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution. Both these reports were only declassified in September 1957 and the originals are still held in the US National Archives in Washington, open for public inspection.

The first report, sent from Omsk on 1 March 1919, contains the following paragraph:

"it is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type..."

The second report, dated 9 June 1919, and sent from Vladivostok, said that of the

"384 commissars there were 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians and more than 300 Jews. Of the latter number 264 had come to Russia from the United States since the downfall of the Imperial Government."

Below: Both these American army military intelligence reports are freely available from the US National Archives in Washington DC. They were written by Captain Montgomery Schuyler, US Army. Schuyler made a point of the heavy Jewish involvement in the Communist revolution. Schuyler writes that "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled but Russians Jews of the greasiest type.." and goes on to point out that of the total 384 commissars running the Soviet Union, more than 300 were Jews."


The importance of this information does not need to be overemphasized in the light of the crucial governing role the commissars played in the running the early Soviet society.

It therefore came as no surprise when anti-Semitism was duly entered into the Soviet law books as a death penalty crime - although latent anti-Semitism simmered even in Communist Party circles, flaring up quite seriously when a Jewish woman, Fanny Kaplan, tried to assassinate Lenin by literally stabbing him in the back.

Eventually, as outlined earlier, the hardcore Communists were to part ways with the Jewish nationalists, or Zionists, and the two camps were to become bitter enemies, a situation which persisted right until the collapse of the Soviet Union late in the 20the Century.  


Jews were also behind the American Communist Party, which although politically unsuccessful, was very successful in its espionage and infiltration activities, eventually reaching right into the Civil Rights Movement and that group's leader, Martin Luther King.

According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, published in Jerusalem, Israel (1971), page 804 (extract below)  "the list of Jews who played a prominent role in the leadership and factional infighting of the American Communist Party is a long one . . .Many American Jewish authors and intellectuals, some of whom later recanted, were active in editing Communist publications and spreading party propaganda  . . among them Micheal Gold, Howard Fast and Bertram Wolfe."


American Jewish Communist Spies gave secrets of Atom Bomb to Soviets

Many of the Soviet spies arrested by the American government during the Cold War have been Jewish, and none have been more damaging than the group of spies who passed the secret of the Atom Bomb to the Soviet Union.

This group of Communist spies was all Jewish, from the ringleaders, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, to the actual scientists working at the top secret Los Alamos laboratory, namely David Greenglass and Theodore Hallsberg. The latter actually passed the atomic secrets to the Rosenbergs, who then passed it onto their Soviet handlers, via their Jewish courier, Harry Gold.


Above: the team of American Jewish Communists who passed the USA's  secrets of the Atom Bomb to the Soviet Union after the Second World War, enabling the latter country to explode its first atom bomb in 1948. From left to right: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the spy ring leaders, executed at Sing Sing prison; David Greenglass, scientist at Los Alamos; Theodore Hallsberg, scientist at Los Alamos, and Harry Gold, courier for the group to their Soviet handler.

Despite the overwhelming preponderance of Jews in Communist parties and movements world wide, it would however be incorrect to allege that all Jews were or are Communists, as the millions of Jewish capitalists and as the conflict between Zionist Jews and Communist Jews both attest.. It is however accurate to say that individual Jews, from Karl Marx onwards, have provided the mainspring for Communist

Hollywood artist Trotsky



| |

|Hollywood artist - Leo trotskiy (Bronstein) - by his own persona! There is! Long-awaited information! Who read Stoleshnikova "rehabilitation|

|not will be" antigulag.htm they remember that he mentioned about the fact that Trotsky, being in the beginning of 1917 in New York it were |

|removed in Hollywood in the film. Now I obtained the fresh issue ? of 458 underground American newspapers "coward 3t fin" ("finally Pravda")|

|here is it in the internetnom, reduced version, but here article, about which I will speak, there are no; therefore 4 here prevedu.: |

| Its editor - doctor fildz. Newspaper leaves practically underground in the state of Georgia: |

|. Large article on page 12. the "communism, originated in the fruit-bearing ghetto of |

|New York". Leo trotskiy in New York ". "Leo trotskiy, father of Bolshevik revolution in Russia swam up to New York on 13 January, 1917, and |

|stayed in New York two and one-half of month. To a few people it is known about its activity during this period. Leyba Trotsky, who ran out |

|from the reference, counted in the search not only in Russia, and also in the countries the allies of Russia in the war, namely: in France, |

|in Angliii, Spain and sotvetstvenno Trotsky was consecutively banished from France and Spain. England, evidently, to admit him, in order to |

|avoid of scandal, and did not want. And here then Trotsky was declared in New York. Newspaper "coward 3t fin" is assigned by the question: |

|"how quick katorozhnik Leo trotskiy could obtain visa in THE USA being iznannym from France and Spain?" - in principle this it is not |

|possible to obtain visa in THE USA with such matters, to quick katorozhniku. You that do think, then to obtain visa in THE USA was easier |

|than now? We found answer to this riddle buried in the references on the page of 409 books "The Roots of American Communism" |

|, where it is written, that "" new -c1orkTa1ms of 14 January, |

|1917, (this is why old newspapers they are not of interest, but VERY OLD NEWSPAPERS THEY ARE OF VERY GREAT INTEREST), it reports: |

|"representative" Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society "(KHIAS - it, until now, there exists and it is known to entire brighton |

| and ) |

it met Leon trotskiy and his family on the pier and drove away them with itself ". (i.e., Leon trotskiy with the family passed neither medical examination nor quarantine nor inoculation. Leon trotskiy, future first Jewish emperor of Russia, entered to THE USA on the special position, along the Jewish channel). The newspaper of the russkoyazychnykh Jews of New York "new Mir" (in 1925 this name was reproduced by Soviet Jews in the Soviet journal "new Mir", which and on the personnel and the spirit was the successor of American newspaper), it reported to the readers that to Leon trotskiy was immediately given the work in the russkoyazychnoy Jewish newspaper "new Mir" to 77 Street at mark's Place in Manhattan, where to it already worked as editors two Russian Jews - Nikolai Bukharin and Aleksandr Kollataj -Domontovic . The owners of newspaper were two Jews Grigoriy Weinstein (Gregory Weinstein) and Isaac Gurvich (Isaak Hourwich). To Trotsky it was given apartment in the center of Manhattan into the bildinge- lux with the telephone, the refrigerator (this in 1916!), and also automobile with the chauffeur- bodyguard. Since Trotsky, as to it Maxim Gor'kiy- Peshkov, to which to Trotsky, the Jewish organizations also arranged paid meetings in defense of Jews against Russia in New York, did not know English, Jewish organizations ensured the attendance of meetings in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, fitting on them the audience, govoryashuyu in the Russian and idish. Trotsky called at the meetings to all Jewish socialists they will be combined under the Communist banner. Some of the first leaders then the organized by Trotsky American communist party there was: Benjamin gitlov , Karl brodskiy , Bertram Wolf , Jay Lavstoun , Charles Ruthenberg







and that concealed subsequently in the Kremlin wall, John silas Reed, who in reality was also Jew - you will look on photo , and by the colleague of American special services on the nickname "jack". In addition to this John Reed was the husband of well-known American feminist, jewess of Louise Brian: . After poisoning of John Reed in Moscow Louise Brian married the former personal secretary of the President Vudro of Wilson William Bullitt, with whom subsequently she bred because of open lesbiyanstva. . The famous conjugal couple of Reeds arrived to Russia from New York on the steamship of Trotsky. It is interesting, vetches it reports that Charles Ruthenberg, who was being borne in America American Communist and prezzhavshiy into Soviet Russia only by visits, and dead person in 1927 in THE USA, is also buried into the Kremlin to wall. Is created impression, that Kremlin wall - this international Jewish cemetery. At that time, in 1917, "Hollywood", in the sense, American motion picture industry, it were located even in New York. Motion picture studio "Vitagraph Studios" - and (since 1925 it is called "Warner Brazers" ) was located on Long Island. The owners of motion picture studio were two Jews Emmanuel Cohen (Emmanuel Cohen) and Sol Of varttsel' (Sol Wartzel). They rapidly devised scenario, the advertising "red revolutionaries" and invited Leon trotskiy to the main role in the film "my official wife". Female main role was fulfilled by the film star of silent cinema by jewess Klara kimboll . Vetches it reports that in this film Of kimboll it plays Russian revolutionary, but, it adds, that the film is for some reason "lost", which in principle in America never occurred, and is shifted by yr of production by 1914, without mentioning about the participation of Trotsky, although, as you see, in the unofficial press this is not secret. And the fact that film enjoyed great success, as it reports vetches, the this only because of the fact that it left into 1917, but not in 1914, i.e., it would be to the topic of the day, what it did not happen if film about the Russian revolutionaries it left in 1914. So that vetches here again is caught on the lie. Then yet not there were bed scenes, so that to Trotsky transported to slip from this situation with the stainless reputation. To Trotsky under this role isolated money gorozdo greater than even film star - on the order of 20 million dollars of those days, that order of trillions of dollars in the dollars of present.


Thus, it turns out that the most highly-paid film actor of all times and peoples was Leo Trotsky- Bronstein, who received for the role in the film "my official wife" trillion of dollars to the present money. This was an example - "otmytiya of money", i.e., revolution in Russia was produced to the money, on the papers, which were being counted by fee of Trotsky for the role in the film. To conduct from Russia about the unexpected coup d'etat, and the renunciation of tsar, caused enthusiastic enthusiasm in numerous New York Jewish diaspore, already then by that counted approximately 3 million only clean and fresh Jew- emigrants. Trotsky began urgently it is prepared for the return to Russia and to collect the international group of Jewish volunteers. Especially were greeted New York gangsters from the Jewish gangster gangs, rotation with the weapon had experience. These people, such as Moisey The uritskiy first chief OF VCHK , and The volodarskiy (Moisey Goldstein) first commissioner of press - "two Moiseya" the former gangsters, became the leaders of the individual forces of Jewish volunteers. In all were collected 267 volunteers. New York Jews then affectionately said: "our it is left it will go to select work in Russian tsar". But as soon as 27 March of 1917 the steamship Of "kristianaf'ord" already swam off from America it was coast, it was arrested by the Canadian Coast Guard on the basis of the fact that Canada, as the colony of its majesty Korolev of England, country, which is been the ally of Russia in the war, after hearing about this enemy transport, arrested steamship in Halifax, Canada and ; in addition to this also to to the top well-packed by Colts and as "Maxims" which still will serve large service in future bloodshed. Trotsky was delayed together with the wife, two children and five secretaries and all 267 mercenary- volunteers. However, influential New York Jewish jurists Nikolai aleynikov and Artur Wolf, personally through the Canadian general postmaster (minister of connection) sent the order of first Loda of Winston's Adiralteystva Churchill, to free all and to make it possible to continue floating. In the publication of this order the action of three people is reliably established: the New York multi-millionaire of Yakov Schiff, the President OF THE USA Vudro of Wilson and first lord of the admiralty of England Winston Churchill. "vetches" he clearly indicates that Trotsky was freed on 29 April, 1917, on the order of British government, (Churchill), what was the straight treason of ally in the war. On 4 May Trotsky continued floating aboard the same ship in the direction of Stockholm.


WhiteArmyPropagandaPosterOfTrotsky.jpg But 6- oho April of 1917 OF THE USA entered the war on the side of Russia; therefore, if Trotsky let out until 6 April, 1917, then in the disturbance of its allied debt before Rossiyem it would be possible to accuse only Angliiyu and Canada, but since this occurred after 6 April of 1917, THE USA also destroyed before Russia their allied debt. Canadian newspaper "maklin store" ("Maclean's Magazine" during June 1919 wrote: "some Canadian officials bear enormous responsibility for the continuation of war and continuous human victims....Trotskiy had and it continues to have enormous secret support. Trotsky has so absolute power that its orders are fulfilled first of all ". President Wilson (Etogo always give frontal photo, but it has this "knife switch" - this something, look on you inete: depended on its advisers -kuklovodov, the main things from whom they were: banker Yakov Schiff and , banker Bernard Baruch and the chief judge OF THE USA Louis Brandes - all Jews. Photos: Winston Churchill and Bernard Baruch 1961 - not to understand this friendship if we do not know that Winston Cherchil' Jew, as a minimum, according to the mother. These three ordered Vudro Wilson to press on the Canadian government both directly and through Churchill, to let go Trotsky with all, that also who there is in that. The President OF THE USA Vudro Wilson at this moment even signed the assignment of American citizenship and passport to Leon trotskiy, thus, that Trotsky v'ekhal into Stockholm by American citizen and with the American passport . Banished from Germany German emperor Wilhelm of the second in the expulsion, in Holland, in the interview for newspaper to "Chicago Tribune", (The Chicago Tribune") on 2 July, 1922, said: "for the Bolshevik revolutions, both in Russia and in Germany bears responsibility international jews. During my administration the Jews made its intolerable, and I sourly will regret, that favoritiziroval to Jewish bankers ". - in the article is given black and white photo from the film "my official wife". On the photo: Klara kimboll, Leon trotskiy and one additional man actor. The unfortunately this site holds images only from the links. You will look the poster of 1918 - Trotsky as holy Georgiy - the patron of Russia (entire in the Jewish asterisks) (Nesvyatoy Jewish Zhora - patron of Russia ", that crushes the hydra of kontrerolyutsii in the person of the Russian people: and again reference to the classical work of prof. stoleshnikov A.P. for those, who interested themselves: Antigulag.htm By the way, you never did see the photo of Pavel "efimycha" of Dybenko - "matrosika from Avorory", which did flood with the blood the Crimea and its Kronstadt in 1921? "Matrosik"- that - the concrete Jew: I still of photo of one, which is counted by Russian, classical Bolshevik, 100% of Jew - Antonov -Ovseenko: I this entire kagal: :




Protocols_.of_.the_.Elders_.of_.Zion_1927_.Paris_.Ru_.emig.jpg This drawing vzglyan'te: and A this Sasha parvus (born Israel Gelfand) - the banker of the Bolsheviks: A this to a question about this modern idiotic "anti-terrorist war", to which in proper time does give answer the old work of Trotsky "TERRORISM and COMMUNISM" - so here comrades George Bush and Tony Blair Down's -"dva" you our, terrorism in the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks - this good - and why you, two idiots, Bush and Blair, were not borne up to 1917? Here then you have the outstanding possibility "to wet" multitudinously Jewish terrorists. Thus, Watson, you do see that it does occur? - already decades ago in order to report the information given above, I must sit with tens of books, cover with saliva by the finger of page, poke there here, and you would get tired much earlier than 4 to you that or it would have time to prove. But with the computer and the Internet - once, and into the queens! And 4 to you in a moment did decompose entire patience before the nose, and that? - Zhidov'e of the conformation does not maintain! Not all to the tomcat of maslennitsa. - I that now? We will make pogroms? - not the fig of similar! No pogroms! - all everything understood, entire game. - it is called into the "Zionist wise men" - "three playing are taken on four chips". For example, certain "marrying Lukashin" it had a custom of times per year for new yr to walk with the friend- Jews into the bath, where they it gave to drink to the unconscious state, and afterward, either they loaded it into the aircraft in Leningrad, or it fell under the electric railway, and your obedient servant, as the doctor of "fast", then it walked along the rails and guts were gathered - there was this time. But now this "teapot" marrying Of lukashin, after being collected the truthful internetnoy information, from which, as of the "spark", accurately will flare up flame, after arriving following time with the Jewish by friends into the bath, it vydet, in to an example to smoke... podopret from naruzhi the door, chinarik will spit out, will throw match and will leave. - "A steppe grass does smell of bitterness...!" - A you did think how the strange countries to conquer by quiet sap?



Herzl Tivadar is Adolf Hitler az egisz vilagot akartak uralni ugyanazon ideolsgia alapjan.

(Theodor Herzl and Adolf Hitler wanted to dominate the whole world on the same ideological ground.)

A "Les Secrets de l'Empire Nietzschien" cmm{ kvnyvemben felidizett zsids szabadkum{ves programnak ugyanahhoz, az egisz vilagra kiterjedu gyarmatbirodalomhoz kell vezetnie, mint a zsids szabadkum{ves Herzl Tivadar gyarmati programjanak. Megjegyzendu, hogy egy politikai program nem hamismtvany, nem plagium azirt, mert esetleg tartalmaz bizonyos, korabban mar mas kvnyvekben kvzzitett gondolatokat: minden politikai program tartalmaz ilyen gondolatokat. A zsids szabadkum{vessig - amely litrehozta a cionizmust cilja elirise vigett - arra tvrekszik, hogy kizsarolja az emberisigtul a zsids szabadkum{ves vilagcsaszarsagot, mint jsvatitelt az allmtslagos holokausztirt.

(The above mentioned Jewish Freemasonic programme in my book "Les Secrets de l'Empire Nietzschien" must illustrates a colonial empire over the whole world, the same conclusion as that of the colonial programme of the Jewish Freemason Theodor Herzl. It is worth mentioning that a political programme is not a forgery, not a plagiarism because it may contain certain ideas which have been published earlier in other books: all political programmes contain such ideas. Jewish Freemasonry - which called into existence Zionism in order to implement its aim - strives to extort from humanity Jewish Freemasonic imperial rule over the whole world as compensation due for the alleged holocaust.)



Adolf Hitler: Austrian jew

Hitler's fruits: 264 million dead or missing Christians

"He eventually fell

foul of his uncle [Adolf Hitler] when he suggested that if he wasn't found something

more befitting a member of the Fuhrer's family, he would go public

with rumours that the Nazi leader's grandfather was an Austrian Jew."

Der gr��te Unsinn, den man in den besetzen Ostgebieten machen k�nnte,

sei der, den unterworfenen V�lkern Waffen zu geben. Die Geschichte

lehre, da� alle Herrenv�lker untergegangen seien, nachdem sie den von

ihnen unterworfenen Volkern Waffen bewilligt hatten.

[The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the

conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all

conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have

prepared their own downfall by doing so.]

-- Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942

Matthew 12:35 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.


Hitlerism is Satan's nationalism. The determination to rid the German national body of the Jewish element, however, led Hitlerism to discover its 'kinship' with Zionism, the Jewish nationalism of liberation. Therefore Zionism became the only other party legalized in the Reich, the Zionist flag the only other flag permitted to fly in Nazi-land. It was a painful distinction for Zionism to be singled out for favors and privileges by its Satanic counterpart.  'Baal is not God', Congress Bulletin (24 January 1936), p. 2.

Nazis persecuted Christians, not jews

Hitler's top staff were jews, not Christians


Regardless of what Americans think or have heard about Hitler, we must assess him from the perspective of how his rule affected White Christian Israelites and jews.  And in spite of massive cold war propaganda on both sides of the issue, we must understand that he played a central role in the relationships between various White Christian Israelites and worldwide Zionism.

The worldwide population of jews had been on the decline before he came to power, dropping by 314,641 or 2%, from 15,630,000 in 1924 to 15,315,359 in 1933.  Had this trend continued through WWII, there would have been only 15,009,005 jews in the world by 1948, but it was during Hitler's regime that this trend reversed and the population of jews increased by 438,279 or 2.9% to 15,753,638 by 1948.  Thus we can conclude that Hitler played a pivotal role in a 4.9% INCREASE in the worldwide population of jews, something that required an ingenious shipment of jews across Europe to protect them from the firebombing that completely destroyed Christian populations in cities like Dresden and Hamburg.

It's precisely because of Hitler's policies, and only because of his policies, that the population of White Christian Israelites in Europe plunged by 12.5%, or 48 million.  No other figure in WWII can be accredited with the policies which led to such devastation--not Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, nor Roosevelt.  It was his policies which led to the creation of the current state of Israel, and to the looting by jews of the treasuries of most White Christian Israelite nations, including the US--a process which continues to this very day.   The only  thing we've gained by pouring $132 billion into the establishment and maintenance of the jewish state in Israel is the enmity of 1.2 billion Muslims and of many other nations around the world, ultimately causing 9-11 and the loss of the rest of our very own Constitutional rights.  Germany and Switzerland gained nothing from their payments of reparations to the jews who were purportedly exterminated in the "holocaust".

The bottom line of Hitler's rule is simple:

|[pic|jews = 4.9% increase in population. |

|] | |

|[pic|Christians = 12.5% decrease in population. |

|] | |

And now that we have written proof that the Nazis intended to replace Christians and Christianity in Germany with Nazis and Naziism, we cannot conclude that Hitler was an errant Christian who was a mere victim of circumstances--we can only conclude that he was a jew who was carrying out all the tenets of the Talmud, to perfection.


Hitler and the 'Big Lie'

It has been repeated so often that virtually no one bothers to challenge it: Adolf Hitler created and used the "Big Lie," one of his many evil techniques. As holds true for so many things we are told, this belief, too, must be examined to see the underlying truth.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:

But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall [of Germany in WWI] precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle -- which is quite true in itself -- that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper stata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily, and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.

From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies." Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

Clearly, Hitler is not advocating the use of the "Big Lie," and, far from creating it, he in fact is ascribing the "Big Lie" technique to the Jews and Marxists. The "Big Lie" technique is Hitler's in the same fashion that Halley's Comet is Halley's -- not because either man was the inventor, but rather because he was the discoverer.


Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf. James Murphy, translator. London, New York, Melbourne: Hurst and Blackett Ltd; April 1942; page 134.


Page 231 of the Mannheim translation, London: Hutchinson; 1969.

Page 232 of the Houghton-Mifflin edition.


For more information about historical revisionism, including Holocaust revisionism, visit the web site for the Institute for Historical Review.

For a catalog with a complete listing of revisionist books and audio and video tapes, send two dollars to:

Noontide Press

Post Office Box 2719

Newport Beach, California 92659

Send all questions and comments to revisionism@

The Jews purportedly declared war on Germany in 1933.   The newly elected German Chancellor had inaugurated the Nationalist Plan to remove the central banking power and liberate Germany from the centralist tyranny.  All of Europe and America were elated by the prospects of he German success.   Within five years, Adolf Hitler and his N.S.D.A.P. party had delivered every promise given in the Nazi campaign for election.   Within two years the conflagration of the Jewish Bolshevik  American war machine began to unleash its evil power to utterly destroy all of Germany and all its allies.  By 1945, Germany lay in ruin and 40 million Germans had been murdered.   This enriched America enormously.   The American force did not stop there.  These same monsters continue to kill all who would resist the drive to enslave the goyim.

Despite this apparent triumph, the forces of evil will fail.

This revelation about FDR is only a snippet of the many evidences now coming into the light.  Perhaps you will see that witnesses to the truth include your good self.    May the Father enable us with his blessing and grace.  

In His service,  

Reinhold Sommerstedt


Papers reveal Nazi aim: End Christianity

A Rutgers journal will put rare Nuremberg documents

online. A plan to rout the church and install a Reich

faith is shown.

By Edward Colimore


The fragile, typewritten documents from the 1940s lay

out the Nazi plan in grim detail:

Take over the churches from within, using party

sympathizers. Discredit, jail or kill Christian

leaders. And re-indoctrinate the congregants. Give

them a new faith - in Germany's Third Reich.

More than a half-century ago, confidential U.S.

government reports on the Nazi plans were prepared for

the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg and

will be available online for free starting tomorrow -

some of them for the first time.

These rare documents - in their original form, some

with handwritten scrawls across them - are part of an

online legal journal published by students of the

Rutgers University School of Law at Camden.

"When people think about the Holocaust, they think

about the crimes against Jews, but here's a different

perspective," said Julie Seltzer Mandel, a third-year

law student who is editor of the Nuremberg Project for

the Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion.

"A lot of people will say, 'I didn't realize that they

were trying to convert Christians to a Nazi

philosophy.' . . . They wanted to eliminate the Jews

altogether, but they were also looking to eliminate


Mandel said the journal would post new Nuremberg

documents about every six months, along with

commentary from scholars across the world, on its Web

site at .

The material is part of the archives of Gen. William

J. Donovan, who served as special assistant to the

U.S. chief of counsel during the International

Military Tribunal after World War II. The trials were

convened to hold accountable those responsible for war


The first installment - a 120-page report titled "The

Nazi Master Plan: The Persecution of the Christian

Churches" - was prepared by the Office of Strategic

Services, a forerunner of the CIA.

"Important leaders of the National Socialist party

would have liked to meet this situation [church

influence] by complete extirpation of Christianity and

the substitution of a purely racial religion," said an

OSS report in July 1945. "The best evidence now

available as to the existence of an anti-Church plan

is to be found in the systematic nature of the

persecution itself.

"Different steps in that persecution, such as the

campaign for the suppression of denominational and

youth organizations, the campaign against

denominational schools, the defamation campaign

against the clergy, started on the same day in the

whole area of the Reich . . . and were supported by

the entire regimented press, by Nazi Party meetings,

by traveling party speakers."

A second online journal posting - to be added in about

six months - will spotlight a secret OSS document,

"Miscellaneous Memoranda on War Criminals," about the

efforts of various countries to bring Nazis to


A third installment - to be included in the journal in

a year - focuses on translated, confidential Nazi

documents. A message sent during the Kristallnacht

("Night of Broken Glass") pogrom of November 1938 is

titled "Measures To Be Taken Against Jews Tonight."

Authorities were given specific instructions: "Jewish

shops and homes may be destroyed, but not looted. . .

. Foreigners, even if Jewish, will not be molested."

Mandel, whose 80-year-old grandmother is a survivor of

the Auschwitz concentration camp, said that allowing

the public access to such documentation is


"Some of the papers will answer questions that

scholars have been asking for years," said Mandel, 29,

of Berlin Borough, Camden County. "What did we know?

When did we know it?"

The documents are part of the collection of the

Cornell University School of Law library, which has

about 150 bound volumes of Nuremberg trial transcripts

and materials. They are housed at the school and are

being cataloged.

"Gen. Donovan kept extensive, detailed records of Nazi

atrocities," said Mandel, who taught at Triton High

School in Runnemede and at Shawnee High School in

Medford, where she led a course on "Literature of the


She and other journal editors - Daniel Bahk,

Christopher Elliott, Ross Enders and Jessica Platt -

examined hundreds of documents at Cornell before

choosing those to be posted on the journal site. "The

project could not be published in a conventional

journal without losing the international accessibility

that it demands," said Rayman Solomon, dean of the

School of Law. "This student initiative will make a

significant contribution to legal history scholarship

while being of great interest and importance to the

general public, especially at this time in our


Greg Baxter, marketing editor of the journal and a

third-year Rutgers law student, said the online

project was "definitely pertinent in light of the

Sept. 11 terrorist attack" and Bush administration

plans to hold a military tribunal to try the accused.

"The Nuremberg trials provide a framework for today's

trials," said Baxter, 24, of Winslow, Camden County.


> 2. Also Reviewed This Week: 'The Hidden Hitler' by Lothar

> Machtan

> =========================================================


> In "The Hidden Hitler" Lothar Machtan, who teaches history

> at the University of Bremen in Germany, maintains "that he

> has marshaled convincing evidence that Hitler was a

> homosexual and that his homosexuality explains much about

> who Hitler was and why he did what he did," writes Walter

> Reich, who holds the Yitzhak Rabin Chair at George

> Washington University and is a former director of the United

> States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Machtan suggests that

> Hitler probably had homoerotic relationships before World

> War I; and that he may have engaged in homosexual activities

> right up to his assumption of political power in 1933.


> Reich writes, Machtan "assembles with considerable industry"

> a variety of "circumstantial evidence of Hitler's

> homosexuality," but that "the circumstantial evidence

> Machtan offers is just that -- circumstantial. And the hard

> evidence seems far less reliable than he would have us

> believe." Still, "the biggest problem with Machtan's book

> isn't the reliability of his sources but his mode of

> argumentation. He accepts what fits his thesis and rejects

> what doesn't . . . . To interpret evidence his way, Machtan

> employs innuendo and insinuation."



Getting to know the Hitlers (relatives alive in NY)


Posted on 1/21/02 2:45 PM Pacific by sirgawain

Getting to know the Hitlers

(Filed: 20/01/2002)

FOR more than 50 years, the relatives of Adolf Hitler have hidden

under false names in Long Island, New York. They have not spoken

publicly since the Second World War. In a revelatory new book to be

launched this week, they break their silence. David Gardner tells

their story.

The faint lilt of German folk music floated through the open window

of the dark-wood alpine bungalow as I walked down the short path to

the front door. The property straddled two small roads on a forested

private estate nestling into one of the bays tucked behind slivers of

land protecting the New York coastline from the full impact of the

Atlantic Ocean.

Neither close enough to New York city to be overrun by urban sprawl

nor fashionable enough to compete with the wealthy weekend getaways

in the Hamptons, it was a community left largely untouched by the

passing of the years.

This was the place where Liverpool-born William Patrick Hitler had

chosen to escape from the world.

For more than five decades, scores of historians and academics had

been searching in vain for any clues that would solve one of the

untold mysteries of the Second World War: whatever happened to the

English Hitler?

William Patrick was the son of Adolf Hitler's half-brother, Alois,

but there was little family affection: "Uncle Adolf" referred to

William Patrick as "my loathsome nephew".

After a difficult childhood in England, a spell in Germany before the

war, and a tour of duty as a US seaman fighting with the Allies

during the war, the burden of his name simply became too much.

William Patrick Hitler adopted a double-barrelled surname and dropped

out of sight in 1946, creating a new life for himself a world away

from the horror of the Holocaust.

Now I was about to ask his widow the question she had been dreading

for 50 years: "Is your real name Mrs Hitler?"

I knew William Patrick would not be answering the door. I had just

been to visit his grave, a 20-minute drive away, at the closest Roman

Catholic cemetery, where I was given the name and address of his

widow, Phyllis.

The music stopped and a tall, elegantly-dressed woman peered from

behind the screen and spoke with a distinct German accent. Even from

behind the grey mesh I could tell the reason for my visit was already

dawning on her. She must have envisaged this very conversation

countless times over the years.

"Perhaps we will talk about it when the boys are older," she

said. "We were married a long time and my husband never wanted anyone

to know who he was. Now my sons don't want anything to do with it. It

was all too long ago. There has been enough trouble with this name."

Despite my polite attempts to persuade her to tell me more, she was

adamant she did not want to talk about her extraordinary family

secret. It was only when I drove slowly away from the house that I

realised the implications of what Phyllis had told me; that the

Hitler line did not die out with William Patrick Hitler when he died

in 1987, aged 76. It lived on through her sons.

From that first, short conversation with William Patrick's widow

through subsequent dealings with her family over a period of three

years for my book, The Last of the Hitlers, and a Channel 5

documentary, set to be screened on February 4, I have kept a pledge

not to reveal the name adopted by the Hitler family in New York, nor

the town where they live.

I was to discover that the Hitler bloodline was carried on through

William Patrick's four sons - one of whom died in a road accident in

1989 - and that the brothers had decided in a remarkable pact not to

have children themselves in order that Adolf Hitler's genes would die

with them.

The eldest of these sons holds an even more remarkable secret; he was

named after his despotic uncle. So an Adolf Hitler lives on to this

day in a forgotten corner of America. Alexander Adolf Hitler

understands the enduring fascination with his great-uncle but, like

his mother, he doesn't want his life overturned, and possibly

endangered, by revealing his true identity.

He told me: "I know that in England there is still a lot of interest

in Hitler and it is on the television and in books and newspapers

more often than it is here. Just make sure you say good things about

my father because he was a good guy. He came to the United States, he

served in the US Navy, he had four kids and he had a pretty good


Just in case I was in any doubt, Alex wanted to spell it out: "My

father was definitely anti-Nazi and anti-Hitler." So why did he name

his eldest son Adolf? "I don't know. I wasn't there when that was


The naming of Alexander Adolf is one of the many contradictions in

the fascinating saga of a family's attempt to escape from its surname.

As a journalist working in New York, I spent nearly four years trying

to unravel the secret of William Patrick's disappearance. I was

fascinated and intrigued by what I unearthed - with the help of FBI

files, intelligence reports and, eventually, through interviews with

his family and friends - about his remarkable life.

The story begins with William Patrick's father, Alois - Adolf

Hitler's older half-brother. He was touring Britain studying, he

said, the hotel industry and met a farm girl called Brigid Dowling in

Dublin in 1909. The couple eloped to London before moving up to

Liverpool where Brigid gave birth to their only son, William Patrick,

in a flat at 102 Upper Stanhope Street, Toxteth, in 1911.

Alois ran in turn a small restaurant in Dale Street, a boarding house

on Parliament Street and a hotel on Mount Pleasant, which went bust.

Bankrupt, Alois left his wife and young child to fend for themselves

and returned to Germany.

When William Patrick grew up he moved to London but by this time his

uncle had risen to power in Germany. For the first, but not last,

time the curse of his surname struck and he was laid off from the job

he had found.

He decided, therefore, to travel to Germany and make full use of the

Hitler family connections. His father and uncle helped him find work

but the young William Patrick thought that he deserved something

better than the book-keeping jobs he was given. He eventually fell

foul of his uncle when he suggested that if he wasn't found something

more befitting a member of the Fuhrer's family, he would go public

with rumours that the Nazi leader's grandfather was an Austrian Jew.

This prompted an ultimatum by Hitler: William Patrick was ordered to

renounce his British citizenship and take a senior position in the

Third Reich. The young man instead chose to flee from Germany. It was

now 1939 and he received a cold welcome in London, so he left England

with his mother for a lecture tour of America on the subject of "My

Uncle Adolf".

He arrived in New York at the end of March 1939 and "divested himself

of a lot of uncomplimentary remarks about uncle Adolf", according to

a report in the New York Daily News. His lectures attracted

considerable attention at first but once America was forced into the

war at the end of 1941 interest began to wane.

In 1942 William Patrick wrote to President Roosevelt asking to be

allowed to join the US army. "I have attempted to join the British

forces," he wrote. "The British are an insular people and while they

are kind and courteous, it is my impression, rightly or wrongly, that

they could not in the long run feel overly cordial or sympathetic

towards an individual bearing the name I do."

He continued by saying that he and his mother owed a "great debt" to

the United States and pleaded: "More than anything else I would like

to see active combat as soon as possible and thereby be accepted by

my friends and comrades as one of them in this great struggle for


As a result of the letter William Patrick was investigated by the

FBI, who found no evidence of any subversive activities, and he was

given hope that he may be allowed to join up. But it wasn't until

1944 that he was finally enlisted into the US navy.

There was one moment of comic coincidence when William Patrick

arrived at the draft office and was asked his name by the recruiting

officer. "Hitler," he replied.

"Glad to see you Hitler," said the officer, "my name's Hess."

The event was recorded by several newspapers - it was the last time

that William Patrick Hitler was seen or heard of in public. Once in

uniform he disappeared from public sight for ever.

My inquiries to discover what had happened to him eventually led me

to a small cemetery tucked beside a freeway in Long Island, where I

found that Brigid and William Patrick shared the same grave. He died

in 1987, 18 years after his mother, in the anonymity he craved for

much of his life. His family even considered leaving the grave

unmarked, but decided instead to bury him under the false name that

had brought him peace.

I discovered that William Patrick had first met his wife Phyllis in

Germany in the 1930s through her brother. With war looming, the

brother had asked William Patrick to look after Phyllis in New York

and dispatched the girl - who was 12 years younger than Hitler - into

his safekeeping. Romance blossomed and the couple married after the

war in 1947.

Their three surviving sons - Alex, 52, Louis, 50, and Brian, 36 -

fiercely guard their privacy and their family secret. Alex is a

social worker and his brothers run a gardening business.

Their father, they told me, was wounded in action during the war and

later set up a blood analysis laboratory in the home he moved to in

the countryside to escape from prying eyes.

None of the three sons has married, and there are no children. Alex

initially denied that there had been a pact between the brothers to

ensure that the Hitler line was not continued. Then he told

me: "Maybe my other two brothers did [make a pact], but I never did."

It was just one more contradiction to add to the many that already

cloud his family history.

David Gardner's book The Last of the Hitlers (BMM, �16.99) is on sale

this week. A Channel 5 programme based on the book, Hitler's Living

Relatives, will be shown on February 4 at 8pm.




The following quotations are taken from ‘My New Order’, (NO), a compilation of Chancellor Hitler’s speeches; from his book, ‘Mein Kampf’ (MK) and from ‘The Testament of Adolf Hitler’ (TAH).

On His Own Christianity

"I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator: by warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work" (MK, page 84).

"I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling ‘as a man and a Christian’ prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: my feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to the fight against them and (to) who, God’s truth was greatest not as (a) sufferer but as (a) fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the capitalized temple the brood of vipers and of adders. How terrible was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognized more profoundly then ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago – a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people" (NO, Speech at Munich, April 12, 1922)


"And now Staatspr�sident Bolz says that Christianity and the Catholic faith are threatened by us. And to that charge I can answer: in the first place it is Christians and not international atheists who now stand at the head of Germany. I do not merely talk [pic]of Christianity, no, I also profess that I will never ally myself with the parties which destroy Christianity. If many wish today to take threatened Christianity under their protection, where, I would ask, was Christianity for them in these fourteen years when they went arm and arm in atheism? No, never and at no time was greater internal damage done to Christianity than in these fourteen years when a party, theoretically Christian, sat with those who denied God in one and the same government" (NO, Speech at St�ttgart, February 15, 1933).

[pic]On the Christianity of His Volk


"Germany possessed once - as the first condition for the organization of our people on a large scale – a Weltanschauliche [pic]basis in our religion [pic]-[pic]Christianity. When this basis was shattered we see how the strength of nation turned from external affairs to internal conflicts. ... These were the great periods of the civil wars, of the wars of religion" (NO, Speech at D�sseldorf, January 27, 1932).


[pic]"In 1920 in this same hall I announced as the most important point in our program the demand for the unity of all Germans. That goal has now been reached. Tremendous, unbelievable events have taken place since then. ... Many of the questions raised in our program have already been solved. Today the Jewish question is no longer a German problem, but a European one. ... We are the first nation to make the ingenuity and industry of our people the basis of our prosperity. If the positive element of Christianity is love of one's neighbor, that is, caring for the sick, clothing the poor, feeding the hungry and quenching the thirst of the parched, then we are true Christians! For in these respects the people's community of National Socialist Germany has tremendous accomplishments to its credit" (NO, Speech at Munich, February 24, 1939).


[pic]"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life" (NO, Proclamation to the German Nation at Berlin, February 1, 1933).

[pic]"In the same way, the Government of the Reich, which regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation ..." (NO, Speech at Reichstag, March 23, 1933).


[pic]"Christianity also could not content itself with building up its own altar, it was compelled to proceed to destroying the heathen altars. Only out of this fanatical intolerance could an apodictic creed form itself, and this intolerance is even its absolute presupposition" (MK, page 675).


[pic]"...[the] Christian religion [is] the guardian of supreme Truth!" (TAH, pg. 17)

On Compromising With Atheists

[pic]"The advantages of a personal and political nature that might arise from compromising with atheistic organizations would not outweigh the consequences which would become apparent in the destruction of general moral basic values. The national government regards the two Christian confessions as the weightiest factors for the maintenance of our nationality: their rights are not to be infringed" (NO, Speech at Reichstag, March 23, 1933).

[pic]"The greatness of Christianity was not rooted in its attempted negotiations of compromise with perhaps similarly constructed philosophical opinions of the old world, but in the inexorably fanatical preaching and representation of its own doctrine" (MK, page 487).

On False Christianity

[pic]"This pride of race is a quality which the Germans, fundamentally, do not possess. The reason for this is that for the last three centuries the country has been torn by internal dissension and religious wars and has been subjected to a variety of foreign influences; to the influence, for example, of false Christianity as taught by the many proselyte preachers in today's churches" (TAH, pgs. 26-27).


[pic]"Mankind always falls for a specious trick of that sort ... Marxism is a very powerful force. But how shall we assess Christianity, that false leadership has Judaised to the extent that it will no longer fight the Anti-Christ Jew? Believe me, it is incomparably stronger! (TAH, pg. 69).



On Christian Religious Freedom

[pic]"National Socialism has always affirmed that it is determined to take the Christian Churches under the protection of the State. For their part the churches cannot for a second doubt that they need the protection of the State, and that only through the State can they be enabled to fulfill their religious mission. Indeed, the churches demand this protection from the State" (NO, Radio Broadcast, July 22, 1933).

"No one in Germany has hitherto been persecuted for his religious views, nor will any one be persecuted on that account! ... The National Socialist State has neither closed any church nor prevented any service from being held, nor has it ever influenced the form of a church service. It has neither interfered with the doctrinal teaching nor with the creed of any denomination. But the National Socialist State will ruthlessly make clear to those clergy who, instead of being God's ministers, regard it their mission to speak insultingly of our present Reich, its organization or its leaders, that no one will tolerate a destruction of this State and that a clergy that places itself beyond the pale of the law will be called to account before the law like any other German citizen. Let it be mentioned, however, that there are tens of thousands of clergy of all Christian denominations who fulfill their ecclesiastical duties just as well or probably better than the political agitators, without ever coming into conflict with the laws of the State. The State considers their protection its task. The destruction of the enemies of the State is its duty" (NO, Speech at [pic]the [pic]Reichstag, January 30, 1939).

On Jewish Tactics

[pic]"The Jew, in any event, achieved the desired goal: Catholics and Protestants were merrily at war with one another, and the deadly enemy of Aryan humanity and of all Christendom laughed up his sleeve. Just as the Jew was once able to occupy public opinion with [pic]the [pic]struggle [pic]between [pic]federalism [pic]and centralization, and thus undermine it, while he sold out the national freedom and betrayed our fatherland to international high finance, so he was again able to loose a storm between [pic]the [pic]two [pic]German denominations, while the foundations of both were eaten away and undermined by international world Jewry ... let it be pondered, further, how racial decay drags down, indeed often annuls, the final Aryan values of our German nation, so that our force as a culture-bearing people is visibly more and more in retreat and we run the great danger of ending up, at least in our great cities, where southern Italy already is today. This infection of our blood, which hundreds of thousands of our people overlook as though blind, is, moreover, promoted systematically by the Jews today. Systematically these black parasites of the nations ravish our innocent young, blonde girls and thus destroy something that can never again be replaced in this world. Both, yes, both Christian denominations regard with indifference this desecration and annihilation of a noble and unique race to whom the earth was given by the grace of God. ... Today, the two denominations do not fight against the despoiler of this humanity, but strive to destroy one another. Precisely he who is folkishly oriented has the most sacred [pic]duty, [pic]each [pic]within [pic]his [pic]own denomination, to see to it that God's will is not simply talked about outwardly, but that God's will is also fulfilled and God's labor not ravished. Because God's will once gave men their form, their being, and their faculties. Who destroys His work thereby declares war on the creation of the Lord, the divine will" (MK,

pgs. 825-827).



On the Jew Usage of Negroes


[pic]"A further example may show how boundlessly today's mankind sins in this direction. From time to time it is demonstrated to the German petty bourgeois [pic]in illustrated periodicals that for the first time here or there a Negro has become a lawyer, teacher, even clergyman, or even a leading opera tenor or something of that kind. While the stupid [pic]bourgeoisie , marveling, takes cognizance of this miraculous training, filled with respect for this fabulous result of our present educative skill, the Jew knows very slyly how to construe from this a new proof of the correctness of his theory of the equality of men [pic]which he means to instill into the nations. It does not dawn upon this depraved bourgeois [pic]world that here one has actually to do with a sin against all reason; that it is a criminal absurdity to train a born half-ape until one believes a lawyer has been made of him, while millions of members of the highest culture race have to remain in entirely unworthy positions; that it is a sin against the will of the eternal Creator to let hundreds and hundreds of thousands of His most talented beings degenerate in the proletarian swamp of today, while Hottentots and Zulu Kafirs are trained for intellectual vocations. For it is training, exactly as that of the poodle, and not a scientific 'education.' The same trouble and care, applied to intelligent races, would fit each individual a thousand times better for the same achievements" (MK, page 639-640).

On Communism and Bolshevism

"As M. Stalin in his last great speech expressed the fear that forces hostile to the Soviet might be active in Germany, I must correct this opinion insofar by stating here that communistic tendencies or even propaganda would be no more tolerated in Germany than German National Socialistic tendencies would be tolerated in Russia" (NO, Speech at Reichstag, January 30, 1934).

"And lastly, Germany, her rear secure, could have thrown herself heart and soul into her essential task, the ambition of my life and the raison d'�tre  of National Socialism - the destruction of Bolshevism" (TAH, pg. 6).

On Homosexuality and Pederasty

"The National Socialist State is neither prudish nor deceitful. There are, however, certain moral principles adherence to which is in the interests of the biological health of a nation, and with which we tolerate no tampering. Pederasty and sexual offenses against children are punishable by law in this State, and no matter who commits such crimes. "When, some five years ago, certain heads of the National Socialist party were found guilty of these crimes, they were shot. When other persons in public or private life, even priests, are guilty of such offenses, they are, according to law, sentenced to terms of imprisonment or hard labor" (NO, Speech at the Reichstag, January 30, 1939).


On Masons and the Jews


"Could the Freemasons perhaps stop the war? - this most noble of philanthropic institutions who foretold the good fortune of the people louder than anyone and who at the same time was the principal leader in promoting the war. Who, after all, are the Freemasons? You have to distinguish two grades. To the lower grade in Germany belong the ordinary citizens who through the claptrap which is served up to them can feel themselves to be 'somebodies,' but the responsible authorities are those many-sided folk who can stand any climate, those 300 Rathenaus who all know each other, who guide the history of the world over the heads of Kings and Presidents, those who will undertake any office without scruples, who know how brutally to enslave all peoples - once more the Jews!" (NO, Speech at Munich, April 13, 1923).


On America


"This war against America is a tragedy. It is illogical and devoid of any foundation of reality. It is one of those queer twists of history that just as I was assuming power in Germany, Roosevelt, the elect of the Jews, was taking command in the United States. Without the Jews and without this lackey of theirs, things could have been quite different. For from every point of view Germany and the United States should have been able, if not to understand each other and sympathize with each other, then at least to support each other without undue strain on either of them. ... I am prepared to wager that well within twenty-five years the Americans themselves will have realized what a handicap has been imposed upon them by this parasitic Jewry ... It is this Jewry that is dragging them into adventures which, when all is said and done, are no concern of theirs and in which the interests at stake are of no importance to them. ... One thing is quite certain - within a quarter of a century the Americans will either have become violently anti-semitic or they will be devoured by Jewry... [Roosevelt] has made them see the world through the eye of Jewry, and he has set them on a path which will lead them to utter disaster, if they do not pull themselves together in time" (TAH, pgs. 62-66).

"At this juncture it is difficult to say which, from the ideological point of view, would prove to be the more injurious to us-Jew-ridden Americanism or Bolshevism. It is[pic]possible that under the pressure of events, the Russians will rid themselves completely of Jewish Marxism, only to re-incarnate pan-slavism in its most fierce and ferocious form. As for the Americans, if they do not swiftly succeed in casting off the yoke of the New York Jewry (which has the same intelligence as a monkey that saws through the branch on which it is perching), well - it won't be long before they go under, before even having reached the age of maturity ... it is questionable whether it will long remain a predominantly white continent" (TAH, pgs. 84-85).



[pic](MK) - Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf.  New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941.

[pic](NO) - Hitler, Adolf. My New Order . New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1941.

[pic](TAH) - Fraser, L. Craig, Ed. The Testament of Adolf Hitler: The Hitler-Bormann Documents .

Additional Hitler quotes.


Our Cold War Against Joseph Stalin

Stalin "failed to promote individual prosperity"


"By 1937, after less than a decade's rule as totalitarian dictator, he had increased the Soviet Union's total industrial output to the point where it was surpassed only by that of the United States"


The best example of the futility of cold war propaganda by jews against fellow Christians in Russia, and particularly against fellow Christian Joseph Stalin, is the following article from Encyclopedia Britannica. While it decries Stalin because he "failed to promote individual prosperity" on the one hand, it acknowledges that "By 1937, after less than a decade's rule as totalitarian dictator, he had increased the Soviet Union's total industrial output to the point where it was surpassed only by that of the United States."  It then goes on to claim "Stalin has arguably made a greater impact on the lives of more individuals than any other figure in history", and discounts that statement by saying "... the evaluation of his overall achievement still remains, nearly two decades after his death, a highly controversial matter".  Who else other than jews can reconcile such wildly contradictory statements about Christians in their minds?

Having lived in 27 countries and traveled through 72 of them, this author fully  expected to discover that such propaganda tactics had seriously misled us about Russia and Stalin, but it was a complete shock to discover that Russians to this day love Stalin as a fellow Christian.  In a year and a half of travelling all over Russia, not one single Russian didn't show the utmost respect for a fellow Christian whom we Americans were told by our best and brightest jewish scholars had killed one sixth of the Russian population.  Such a level of respect is not enjoyed by even one US president, not even George Washington.

It begrudgingly acknowledges that he "moved to Tiflis Theological Seminary, where he secretly read Karl Marx", as if though they were under his bed covers with him as he read, holding the flashlight for him.  This is nothing but a naked attempt to belittle his being a Christian, which is his single most important characteristic in the era in which he lived.  It ignores the role Stalin played in restoring SPOKEN Christian school prayer; bringing to trial and removing the Bolshevists (85% of whom were jews) from power; and exiling and eventually assassinating the jew Trotsky and condemning Lenin for their roles in the wholesale slaughter of 25-50 million White Christian Russians, none of which demonstrates much of a fondness for jews like Karl Marx.

It claims that "the drunken father savagely beat his son", which is the typical jewish charge that's easy to make but impossible to disprove--just as the jewish controlled media and legal establishment in this country do, incessantly.  It notes that "Stalin also held two ministerial posts in the new Bolshevik government" but fails to note the far more important point that he was one of the only Christians to ever be permitted such an honor in Russia.  It claims "the pockmarked Georgian [Stalin] was so obviously unintellectual", yet fails to even mention that his "brilliant rivals, including Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev" were STUPID jews who killed tens of millions of Stalin's fellow Christians.

At the same time that it claims he was a devout Communist, it claims:

"Stalin used the show trial of leading Communists as a means for expanding the new terror. In August 1936, Zinoviev and Kamenev were paraded in court to repeat fabricated confessions, sentenced to death, and shot"

This single paragraph conceals three important facts:

1. Stalin was the "Communists'" [read: "jews'"] worst nightmare.

2. The "Communists" [read: jews] he had executed were the very people who orchestrated the killing of 25-50 million White Christian Russians.

3. This was anything but a mere "show trial".



The major area of suffering by Christians in the last century has

been in Russia. Although the persecutions affected other Roman

Catholic and Protestant communities, it was the Orthodox Church which

bore the brunt of it. In 1917

there were over 80,000 Orthodox Churches, Chapels and Monasteries in

Russia. By 1939, probably the nadir of the fortunes of the Russian

Orthodox Church, there were only 200-300 left.

By 1939 over 80,000 bishops, priests, deacons and religious had been

murdered. The suffering of the laity was both economic and political.

Famine took at least 7 million in 1922, and more than 7 million in

1930. The purges of Stalin in 1934 killed at least 19 million

Russians, including millions of Orthodox believers. Stalin in his

five year plan of 1932 made it his open objective to eradicate the

whole Church. In 1914 there were 163 bishops; by 1939 there were only

4 active bishops left. In 1914 there were 51,000 priests, in 1939 a

few hundred. In 1914 57 seminaries. In 1939



Encyclopedia Britannica on Joseph Stalin [caution: this scanned article may contain scanning errors].  Note that this photo is the one in a million which makes Joseph Stalin appear to be sitting in his pajamas.[pic]

During the quarter of a century preceding his death in 1953, the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin probably exercised greater political power than any other figure in history; Stalin industrialized the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, forcibly collectivized its agriculture, consolidated his position by intensive police terror, helped to defeat Germany in 1941-45, and extended Soviet controls to include a belt of eastern European states. Chief architect of Soviet totalitarianism and a skilled but phenomenally ruthless organizer, he destroyed the remnants of individual freedom and failed to promote individual prosperity, yet he created a mighty military-industrial complex and led the Soviet Union into the nuclear age. Stalin's biography was long obscured by a mendacious Soviet-propagated "legend" exaggerating his prowess as a heroic Bolshevik boy-conspirator and faithful follower of Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union. In his prime, Stalin was hailed as a universal genius, as a "shining sun," or "the staff of life," and also as a "great teacher and friend" (especially of those communities he most savagely persecuted); once he was even publicly invoked as "Our Father" by a metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church. Achieving wide visual promotion through busts, statues, and icons of himself, the dictator became the object of a fanatical cult that, in private, he probably regarded with cynicism.

The young revolutionary. Of Georgian-not Russian -origin, Stalin was born on December 21 (December 9, old style), 1879, as Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, son of a poor cobbler in the provincial Georgian town of Gori in the Caucasus, then an imperial Russian colony. The drunken father savagely beat his son. Speaking only Georgian at home, Joseph learned Russian-which he always spoke with a guttural Georgian accent-while attending the church school at Gori (1888-94). He then moved to the Tiflis Theological Seminary, where he secretly read Karl Marx, the chief theoretician of international Communism, and other forbidden texts, being expelled in 1899 for revolutionary activity, according to the "legend"-or leaving through ill health, according to his doting mother. The mother, a devout washerwoman, had dreamed of her son becoming a priest, but Joseph Dzhugashvili was more ruffianly than clerical in appearance and outlook. He was short, stocky, black haired, fierce eyed, with one arm longer than the other, his swarthy face being scarred by smallpox contracted in infancy. Physically strong and endowed with prodigious willpower, he early learned to disguise his true feelings and to bide his time; in accordance with the Caucasian Mood-feud tradition, he was implacable in plotting longterm revenge against those who offended him.

In December 1899, Dzhugashvili became, briefly, a clerk in the Tiflis Observatory, the only paid employment that he is recorded as having taken outside politics; there is no record of his ever having done manual labour. In 1900 he joined the political underground, fomenting labour demonstrations and strikes in the main industrial centres of the Caucasus; but his excessive zeal in pushing duped workers into bloody clashes with the police antagonized his fellow conspirators. After the Social Democrats (Marxist revolutionaries) of the Russian Empire I had split into their two competing wings-Menshevik and Bolshevik-in 1903, Dzhugashvili joined the second, more militant, of these factions and became a disciple of its leader, Lenin. Between April 1902 and March 1913, Dzhugashvili was seven times arrested for revolutionary activity, undergoing repeated imprisonment and exile. The mildness of the sentences and the ease with which the young conspirator effected his frequent escapes lend colour to the unproved speculation that Dzhugashvili was for a time an agent provocateur in the pay of the imperial political police.

Rise to power. Dzhugashvili made slow progress in the party hierarchy. He attended three policy-making conclaves of the Russian Social Democrats-in Tammerfe (now Tampere, Finland; 1905), Stockholm (1906), and London (1907)-without making much impression. But he was active behind the scenes, helping to plot a spectacular holdup in Tiflis (now Tbilisi) on June 25 (June 12, O.S.), 1907, in order to "expropriate" funds for the party. His first big political promotion came in February (January, O.S.) 1912, when Lenin-now in emigration-co-opted him to serve on the first Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which had finally broken with the other Social Democrats. In the following year, Dzhugashvili published, at Lenin's behest, an important article on Marxism and the national question. By now he had adopted the name Stalin, deriving from Russian stal ("steel"); he also briefly edited the newly founded Bolshevik newspaper Pravda before undergoing his longest period of exile: in Siberia from July 1913 to March 1917.

In about 1904 Stalin had married a pious Georgian girl, Ekaterina Svanidze. She died some three years later and left a son, Jacob, whom his father treated with contempt, calling him a weakling after an unsuccessful suicide attempt in the late 1920s; when Jacob was taken prisoner by the Germans during World War II, Stalin refused a German offer to exchange his son.

Reaching Petrograd from Siberia on March 25 (March 12, O.S.), 1917, Stalin resumed editorship of Pravda. He briefly advocated Bolshevik cooperation with the provisional government of middle class liberals that had succeeded to uneasy power on the last tsar's abdication during the February Revolution. But under Lenin's influence, Stalin soon switched to the more militant policy of armed seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. When their coup d'etat occurred in November (October, old style) 1917, he played an important role, but one less prominent than that of his chief rival, Leon Trotsky.

Active as a politico-military leader on various fronts during the Civil War of 1918-20, Stalin also held two ministerial posts in the new Bolshevik government, being commissar for nationalities (1917-23) and for state control (or workers' and peasants' inspection; 1919-23). But it was his position as secretary general of the party's Central Committee, from 1922 until his death, that provided the power base for his dictatorship. Besides heading the secretariat, he was also member of the powerful Politburo and of many other interlocking and overlapping committees-an arch-bureaucrat engaged in quietly outmanoeuvring brilliant rivals, including Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev, who despised such mundane organizational work. Because the pockmarked Georgian was so obviously unintellectual, they thought him unintelligent: a gross error, and one literally fatal in their case.

From 1921 onward Stalin flouted the ailing Lenin's wishes, until, a year before his death, Lenin wrote a political "testament," since widely publicized, calling for Stalin's removal from the secretary generalship; coming from Lenin, this document was potentially ruinous to Stalin's career, but his usual luck and skill enabled him to have it discounted during his lifetime.

Lenin's successor. After Lenin's death, in January 1924, Stalin promoted an extravagant, quasi-Byzantine cult of the deceased leader. Arch-priest of Leninism, Stalin also promoted his own cult in the following year by having the city of Tsaritsyn renamed Stalingrad (now Volgograd). His main rival, Trotsky (once Lenin's heir apparent), was now in eclipse, ousted by the ruling triumvirate of Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, and Stalin. Soon afterward Stalin joined with the rightist leaders Nikolay Bukharin and Aleksey Rykov in an alliance directed against his former co-triumvirs. Pinning his faith in the ability of the Soviet Union to establish a viable political system without waiting for the support hitherto expected from worldwide revolution, the Secretary General advocated a policy of "Socialism in one country"; this was popular with the hardheaded party managers whom he was promoting to influential positions in the middle hierarchy, His most powerful rivals were all dismissed, Bukharin and Rykov soon following Zinoviev and Kamenev into disgrace and political limbo pending execution. Stalin expelled Trotsky from the Soviet Union in 1929 and had him assassinated in Mexico in 1940.

In 1928 Stalin abandoned Lenin's quasi-capitalist New Economic Policy in favour of headlong state-organized industrialization under a succession of five-year plans. This was, in effect, a new Russian revolution more devastating in its effects than those of 1917. The dictator's blows fell most heavily on the peasantry, some 25,000,000 rustic households being compelled to amalgamate in collective or state farms within a few years. Resisting desperately, the reluctant muzhiks were attacked by troops and OGPU (political police) units. Uncooperative peasants, termed kulaks, were arrested en masse, being shot, exiled, or absorbed into the rapidly expanding network of Stalinist concentration camps and worked to death under atrocious conditions. Collectivization also caused a great famine in the Ukraine. Yet Stalin continued to export the grain stocks that a less cruel leader would have rushed to the famine-stricken areas. Some 10,000,000 peasants may have perished through his policies during these years.

Crash industrialization was less disastrous in its effects, but it, too, numbered its grandiose failures, to which Stalin responded by arraigning industrial managers in a succession of show trials. Intimidated into confessing imaginary crimes, the accused served as self-denounced scapegoats for catastrophes arising from the Secretary General's policies. Yet Stalin was successful in rapidly industrializing a backward country-as was widely acknowledged by enthusiastic contemporary foreign witnesses, including Adolf Hitler and such well-known writers as H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw.

Among those who vainly sought to moderate Stalin's policies was his young second wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, whom he had married in 1919 and who committed suicide in 1932. They had two children. The son, Vasily, perished as an alcoholic after rising to unmerited high rank in the Soviet Air Force. The daughter, Svetlana, became the object for her father's alternating affection and bad temper; emigrating after his death, she wrote memoirs that illuminate Stalin's well-camouflaged private life.

The great purges. In late 1934-just when the worst excesses of Stalinism seemed to have spent themselvesthe Secretary General launched a new campaign of political terror against the very Communist Party members who had brought him to power; his pretext was the assassination, in Leningrad on December 1, of his leading colleague and potential rival, Sergey Kirov. That Stalin himself had arranged Kirov's murder-as an excuse for the promotion of mass bloodshed-was strongly hinted by Nikita Khrushchev, first secretary of the party, in a speech denouncing Stalin at the 20th Party Congress in 1956.

Stalin used the show trial of leading Communists as a means for expanding the new terror. In August 1936, Zinoviev and Kamenev were paraded in court to repeat fabricated confessions, sentenced to death, and shot; two more major trials followed, in January 1937 and March 1938. In June 1937, Marshal Mikhail Tukhachevsky, at the time the most influential military personality, and other leading generals were reported as court-martialled on charges of treason and executed.

Such were the main publicly acknowledged persecutions that empowered Stalin to tame the Soviet Communist Party and the Soviet elite as a whole. He not only "liquidated" veteran semi-independent Bolsheviks but also many party bosses, military leaders, industrial managers, and high government officials totally subservient to himself. Other victims included foreign Communists on Soviet territory and members of the very political police" organization, now called the NKVD. All other sections of the Soviet elite-the arts, the academic world, the legal and diplomatic professions-also lost a high proportion of victims, as did the population at large, to a semi-haphazard, galloping persecution that fed on extorted denunciations and confessions. These implicated even more victims until Stalin himself reduced the terror, though he never abandoned it. Stalin's political victims were numbered in tens of millions. His main motive was, presumably, to maximize his personal power.

Role in World War II. During World War II Stalin emerged, after an unpromising start, as the most successful of the supreme leaders thrown up by the belligerent nations. In August 1939, after first attempting to form an anti-Hitler alliance with the Western powers, he concluded a pact with Hitler, which encouraged the German dictator to attack Poland and begin World War II. Anx* ious to strengthen his western frontiers while his new but palpably treacherous German ally was still engaged io the West, Stalin annexed eastern Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and parts of Romania; he also attacked Finland and extorted territorial concessions. In May 1941 Stalin recognized the growing danger of German attack on the Soviet Union by appointing himself chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (head of the government) : his first governmental office since 1923.

Stalin's prewar defensive measures were exposed as illcompetent by the German blitzkrieg that surged deep into Soviet territory after Hitler's unprovoked attack on the Soviet Union of June 22, 1941. Khrushchev claimed that Stalin was shocked into temporary inactivity by the onslaught, but, if so, he soon rallied and appointed himseU supreme commander in chief. When the Germans menaced Moscow in the winter of 1941, he remained in the threatened capital, helping to organize a great counter-offensive. The battle of Stalingrad (in the following winter) and the Battle of Kursk (in the summer of 1943) were also won by the Soviet Army under Stalin's supreme direction, turning the tide of invasion against the retreating Germans, who capitulated in May 1945. As war leader, Stalin maintained close personal control over the Soviet battlefronts, military reserves, and war economy. At firat overinclined to intervene with inept telephoned instructions a la Hitler, the Soviet generalissimo gradually learned to delegate military decisions. '

Stalin participated in high-level allied meetings, including those of the "Big Three" with Churchill and Roosevelt at Teheran (1943) and Yalta (1945). A formidable negotiator, he outwitted these foreign statesmen; his superior skill has been acclaimed by Anthony Eden, then British foreign secretary.

Last years. After the war Stalin imposed on eastern Europe a new kind of colonial control based on native Communist regimes nominally independent but in fact subservient to himself. He thus increased the number o( his subjects by about a hundred million. But in 1948 the defection of Titoist Yugoslavia from the Soviet camp struck a severe blow to world Communism as a Stalindominated monolith. To prevent other client states from following Tito's example, Stalin instigated local show trials, manipulated like those of the Great Purge of the 1930s in Russia, in which satellite Communist leaders confessed to Titoism, many being executed.

Far from continuing his wartime alliance with the United States and Britain, Stalin now regarded these countries -and especially the United States-as the archenemies that he needed after Hitler's death. At home, the primacy of Marxist ideology was harshly reasserted, Stalin's chief ideological hatchet man, Andrey Zhdanov, the secretary of the Central Committee, mounting a reign of terror in the Soviet artistic and intellectual world; foreign achievements were derided, and the primacy of Russians as inventors and pioneers in practically every field was asserted. Hopes for domestic relaxation, widely aroused in the Soviet Union during the war, were thus sadly disappointed.

Increasingly suspicious and paranoid in his later years, Stalin ordered the arrest, announced in January 1953, of certain-mostly Jewish-Kremlin doctors on charges of medically murdering various Soviet leaders, including Zhdanov. The dictator was evidently preparing to make this "Doctors' Plot" the pretext for yet another great terror menacing all his senior associates, but he died suddenly on March 5, 1953, according to the official report; so convenient was this death to his entourage that suspicions of foul play were voiced.

Assessment. A politician to the marrow of his bones, Stalin had little private or family life, finding his main relaxation in impromptu buffet suppers, to which would invite high party officials, generals, visiting foreign potentates, and the like. Drinking little himself on these occasions, the dictator would encourage excessive indulgence in others, thus revealing weak points that he could exploit. He would also tease his guests, jocularity and malice being nicely balanced in his manner; for such bluff banter Stalin's main henchman, Vyacheslav Molotov, the stuttering foreign minister, was often a target. Stalin had a keen, ironical sense of humour, usually devoted to deflating his guests rather than to amusing them.

Foremost among Stalin's accomplishments was the industrialization of a country which, when he assumed complete control in 1928, was still notably backward by comparison with the leading industrial nations of the world. By 1937, after less than a decade's rule as totalitarian dictator, he had increased the Soviet Union's total industrial output to the point where it was surpassed only by that of the United States. The extent of this achievement may best be appreciated if one remembers that Russia had held only fifth place for overall industrial output in 1913, and that it thereafter suffered many years of even greater devastation-through world war, civil war, famine, and pestilence-than afflicted any of the world's other chief industrial countries during the same period. Yet more appallingly ravaged during World War II, the Soviet Union was nevertheless able, under Stalin's leadership, to play a major part in defeating Hitler while maintaining its position as the world's second most powerful industrial-and now military-complex after the United States. In 1949 Stalinist Russia signalized its arrival as the world's second nuclear power by exploding an atomic bomb.

Against these formidable achievements must be set one major disadvantage. Though a high industrial output was indeed achieved under Stalin, very little of it ever became available to the ordinary Soviet citizen in the form of consumer goods or amenities of life. A considerable proportion of the national wealth-a proportion wholly unparalleled in the history of any peacetime capitalist country-was appropriated by the state to cover military expenditure, the police apparatus, and further industrialization. It is also arguable that a comparable degree of industrialization would have come about in any caseand surely by means less savage-under almost any conceivable regime that might have evolved as an alternative to Stalinism.

Stalin's collectivization of agriculture did not produce -either during his lifetime or during the decades immediately following his death-positive economic results remotely comparable to those attained by Soviet industry. Considered as a means of asserting control over the politically recalcitrant peasantry, however, collectivization triumphantly justified itself and continues to do so, remaining one of the dictator's most durable achievements. Moreover, the process of intensive urbanization, as instituted by Stalin, continued after his death in what still remained a population more predominantly rural than that of any other major industrial country. In 1937, 56 percent of the population was recorded as engaged in agriculture or forestry; by 1958 that proportion had dropped to 42 percent, very largely as a result of Stalin's policies.

The most lasting of all the dictator's achievements may prove to be his elaborately bureaucratized administrative machinery based on the interlinking of the Communist Party, ministries, legislative bodies, trade unions, political police, and armed forces, as also on a host of other meshing control devices. During the two decades following the dictator's death, these continued to supply the essential management levers of Soviet society, often remaining under the control of individuals who had risen to prominence during the years of the Stalinist terror. But the element of total personal dictatorship did not survive Stalin in its most extreme form. One result of his death was the resurgence of the Communist Party as the primary centre of power, after years during which that organization, along with all other Soviet institutions, had been subordinated to a single man's whim. Yet, despite the great power wielded by Stalin's successors as party leaders, they became no more than dominant figures within the framework of a ruling oligarchy. They did not develop into potentates responsible to themselves alone, such as Stalin was during his quarter of a century's virtually unchallenged rule.

That Stalin's system persists, in all its major essentials, after the death of its creator is partly due to the very excess of severity practiced by the great tyrant. Not only did his methods crush initiative among Soviet administrators, physically destroying many, but they also left a legacy of remembered fear so extreme as to render continuing post-Stalin restrictions tolerable to the population; the people would have more bitterly resentedmight even, perhaps, have rejected-such rigours, had it not been for their vivid recollection of repressions immeasurably harsher. Just as Hitler's wartime cruelty toward the Soviet population turned Stalin into a genuine national hero-making him the Soviet Union's champion against an alien terror even worse than his own-so too Stalin's successors owed the stability of their system in part to the comparison, still fresh in many minds, with the far worse conditions that obtained during the despot's sway.

Stalin has arguably made a greater impact on the lives of more individuals than any other figure in history. But the evaluation of his overall achievement still remains, nearly two decades after his death, a highly controversial matter. Historians have not yet reached any definitive consensus of opinion on the worth of his accomplishments, and it is unlikely that they ever will. To the United States scholar George P. Kennan, Stalin is a great man, but one great in his "incredible criminality ... a criminality effectively without limits," while Robert C. Tucker, a United States specialist on Soviet affairs, has described Stalin as a 20th-century Ivan the Terrible. To the British historian E.H. Carr, the Georgian dictator appears as a ruthless, vigorous figure, but one lacking in originalitya comparative nonentity thrust into greatness by the inexorable march of the great revolution that he found himself leading. To the late Isaac Deutscher, the author of biographies of Trotsky and Stalin-who, like Carr, broadly accepts Trotsky's version of Stalin as a somewhat mediocre personage-Stalin represents a lamentably deviant element in the evolution of Marxism. Neither Deutscher nor Carr has found Stalin's truly appalling record sufficiently impressive to raise doubts about the ultimate value of the Russian October Revolution's historic achievements.

To such views, each illuminating a facet of Stalin's personality, may be added the suggestion that Stalin was anything but a plodding mediocrity, being rather a man of superlative, all-transcending talent. His special brilliance was, however, narrowly specialized and confined within the single crucial area of creative political manipulation. Outside the realm of pioneering political manoeuvre, in which Stalin's flair remains unsurpassed, his qualities appear in no way superhuman, apart perhaps from the dogged persistence with which he was accustomed to pursue to the death both his manifold goals and his innumerable enemies.


BOOKS: Anarkhizm ili sotsializm? (1949, Russian version of articles published serially in Georgian periodicals, 190607; Anarchism or Socialism?, 1950); Natsionalny vopros i marksiwi (1914, based on article "Natsionalny vopros i sotsial-demokratiya" in periodical Prosveshchenie, 1913, and reissued as Marksivn i natsionalnokolonialny vopros, 1934;

Marxism and the National and Colonial Question, 1935); Na putyakh k Oktyabryu (1925; selections translated as The Road to Power, 1937); Voprosy lenmiuna (1926, llth ed., much enlarged, 1939; Leninism, 1940, or Problems of Leninism, 1940 and 1953), a monumental collection of treatises, articles, reports, and speeches including "Ob osnovakh leninizma" (1924; Theory and Practice of Leninism, 1925, and Foundations of Leninism, 1932); "K voprosam agrarnoy politiki v SSSR" (1929); "0 proyekte konstitutsii Soyuza SSR" (1936; On the Draft Constitution of the U.S.S.R., 1936, and The New Democracy, 1937); and "0 dialekticheskom i istoricheskom materializme" (1938; Dialectical and Historical Materialism, 1941); Ob oppozitsii (1928), a massive collection of writings of the period 1921-27; 0 pravom uklone v VKP(b) (speech of 1929 published integrally as a separate book in 1954); 0 nedostatkakh partiynoy raboty i merakh likvidatsy Trotskistskikh i inykh dvurushnikov (1937); Istoriya Vsesoyuznoy Kommunisticheskoy Partii (Bolshevikov): Kratky kurs (1938, ostensibly the work of a party committee, but wholly Stalinian in inspiration; Short History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1939);

losif Vissarionovich Stalin: Kratkaya biografiya (1940, 2nd ed. 1947, likewise ostensibly a collective production; Stalin, 1943); 0 Velikoy Otechestvennoy Voyne Sovetskogo Soyuza (1942, 5th ed., much enlarged, 1946-52; The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 1945, or War Speeches, Orders of the Day, and Answers to Foreign Press Correspondents during the Great Patriotic War, July 3, 1941-June 22nd, 1945, 1946); Marksiw i voprosy yazykoznaniya (1950; Marxism and Linguistics, 1951); Ekonomicheskie problemy sotsialiima v SSSR (1952; Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R., 1952); Perepiska Predsedatelya Sovieta Ministrov SSSR s preddentami SShA i premler-ministrami Velikobritanii vo vremya Velikoy Otechestvennoy Voyny (1957;

Correspondence with Churchill, Attlee, Roosevelt and Truman, 1941-45, 2 pt., 1958).

BIBLIOGRAPHY. The standard Soviet edition of Stalin's works in Russian is his Cowimemia, 13 vol. (1946-51), covering publications up to January 1934; an American-published continuation of this edition and containing later works (vol. 14-16) in Russian has been issued in similar format by the Hoover Institution (1967), ed. by ROBERT H. MCNEAL.

An annotated bibliography by ROBERT H. MCNEAL, Stalin's Works (1967), considers the authenticity of material in Russian attributed to Stalin. Bibliographies more useful to the general reader will be found in the works of Deutscher, Payne, Souvarine, and Smith cited below.

There is no definitive biography of Stalin. The most useful among scores of published studies include: ROBERT PAYNE, Rise and Fall of Stalin (1965), readable, but verbose; ISAAC DEUTSCHER, Stalin: A Political Biography, 2nd ed. (1966), one-sidedly Marxist in its approach; LEON TROTSKY, Stalin:

An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence, 2nd ed. (1946), an eloquent and witty but biassed and uncompleted study;

also denunciatory, BORIS SOUVARINE, Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism (1939), still commands some respect, as does BERTRAM D. WOLFE, Three Who Made a Revolution (1956). Stalin, ed. by T.H. RIGBY (1966), is an excellent short anthology of biographical and critical material.

Reliable, detailed firsthand accounts of Stalin's domestic background are few, the only family memoirs not subject to Stalinist censorship being those published by the dictator's daughter, SVETLANA ALLILUYEVA, in emigration: Twenty Letters to a Friend (Eng. trans. 1967) and Only One Year (Eng. trans. 1969); for Soviet-censored memoirs by Svetlana Alliluyeva's grandfather and aunt, see The Alliluyev Memoirs, trans. and ed. by DAVID TUTAEV (1968); the most valuable full account of Stalin in his role as dinner-party host is that of MILOVAN DJILAS, Conversations with Stalin (Eng. trans. 1962); on this subject the memoirs of Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Charles de Gaulle, and many others may be consulted (see also the bibliographies in works by Payne and Deutscher cited above).

On Stalin's pre-revolutionary career, EDWARD ELLIS SMITH, The Young Stalin (1967), unsuccessfully but informatively attempts to prove that the subject was an agent of the Tsarist political police; erring far more in the opposite direction, LAVRENTY BERIA, On the History of the Bolshevik Organizations in Transcaucasia (1949), mendaciously glorifies Stalin's role as an anti-Tsarist political conspirator and is the chief classic of Stalinist legend-building.

For the political background of Stalin's mature career, LEONARD SCHAPIRO, The Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 2nd ed. (1970), is especially valuable, as is JOHN A. ARMSTRONG, The Politics of Totalitarianism (1961); a more subjective version of the same events by a former participant is ABDURAKHMAN AVTORKHANOV, Stalin and the Soviet Communist Party (1959). BORIS i. NICOLAYEVSKY, Power and the Soviet Elite (1965), is an illuminating collection of essays bearing on Stalin's activities from 1934 onward by the leading Russian emigre authority on Soviet conspiratorial politics.

ROBERT CONQUEST, The Great Terror (1968), is the fullest and liveliest account of the persecutions of 1937-38, on which ZBIGNIEW K. BRZEZINSKI, Permanent Purge (1956), is also helpful; see further The Great Purge Trial, ed. by ROBERT c. TUCKER and STEPHEN F. COHEN (1965). F. BECK and w. GODIN, Russian Purge and the Extraction of Confession (1951), remains a classic account of Stalin's terror; on this see also W.G. KRIVITSKY, / Was Stalin's Agent (1939); and ALEXANDER ORLOV, Secret History of Stalin's Crimes (1953), informative primary sources, but they cannot always be cheeked against other material.

On Stalin's role as wartime leader, SEWERYN BIALER'S as thology of Soviet memoir material, Stalin and His General (1969), is outstandingly useful; so too is HERBERT FBI! Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin (1957); see further, ALEXANDE WERTH, Russia at War, 1941-1945 (1964), and The Memoh of Marshal Zhukov (1971).

On post-war and posthumous Stalin, ROBERT CONQUBSI Power and Policy in the U.S.S.R. (1961), plausibly unravel many mysteries. On the controversy surrounding Stalin' image after his death, see The Anti-Stalin Campaign an International Communism: A Selection of Documents, e( by the RUSSIAN INSTITUTE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY (1956) BERTRAM D. WOLFE, Khrushchev and Stalin's Ghost (1957) and The Stalin Dictatorship: Khrushchev's "Secret Speech and Other Documents, ed. by T.H. RIGBY (1968).


The point here is that your own government LIED to you about the role played by jews in causing wars between White Christian Israelites, keeping us in a "cold war" with Russia for half a century, and getting us into yet another war in Afghanistan.  Russians are Christians, they were massacred by the tens of millions by jews who were funded by "American" jew Jacob Schiff, and the very same jews are now employing the very same tactics against Afghanistan.  You won't find much at all about Schiff in our history books, but throughout the rest of the world, his name is known as the American jewish banker who used our money to  fund many sides of all wars, including the Japanese attack against Russia, as well as the Russian attack against Japan.  Lenin, Trotsky, all the way back to Marx, were jews, and 85% of Bolshevists were jews who were funded by the American jew Jacob Schiff.

It's correct that the muds in this country can't be counted upon to uphold Christianity, even though they answer "Christian" in any poll about religion.  Not even nigger Alan Keyes upheld Christianity when the chips were down in the Elian Gonzalez situation, because he voted to kidnap Elian from his father.

Americans who accept the false claim that the rest of the world "envies" us are stupid for accepting this LIE of centuries, the one that's used by our own presidents as an excuse to attack anybody they dam. well please to attack, for any squirrelly "raison du jour".  Any American who's been to Cuba and Russia can guarandamntee you that fathers in both countries are light years ahead of American fathers in their ability to exercise *fundamental* religious freedoms.   Both Cuba and Russia have spoken Christian prayers in their public schools (thanks to Stalin, a Christian, who had Trotsky, the jew who killed millions of Russians, rightfully and deservedly executed in Mexico).

There's a memorial in St. Petersburg right across from the Pulkovskaya Hotel to FOUR MILLION WHITE CHRISTIAN RUSSIANS who died, fighting, with guns in their hands, to defend their city from the Germans during WWII.  If you spent a day wandering around there, the sheer magnitude of the LIES that pitted us against fellow White Christians in Russia, in Palestine, and in Kosovo, would begin to sink in.   Even Vietnamese are Christians, yet we slaughtered 2 million of them for a reason that we'll never understand.

Taking on 1.2 billion Muslims in order to "protect" the jews is sheer suicide.  Even IF they took down the World Trade Center, a big IF in the light of Silverstein's new massive insurance policy on the building, then there is only ONE reason they did it--the jews.

If we don't ship them out, now, our entire cities will be rubble, just like 20% of Manhattan is already, within one year.

General George Patton

Assassinated by William J. Donovan


"Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is -- not intended for the individual but for the race. Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals."


"We fought the war of 1776 for independence. We fought the Civil War to free the slaves. We fought the war of 1812 to make the world safe for democracy. We fought this war to lose everything we had gained from the other three."


"OSS (Office of Strategic Services) agent Douglas Bazata on September 25, 1979 told 450 invited guests at the Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, that OSS head William Donovan paid him $10,000 to kill Gen. George Patton. Bazata also gave this information to THE WASHINGTON STAR!"


|[p|General Wild Bill Donovan ordered the assassination of Patton. |

|ic| |

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|[p|Eisenhower, *anchor* man in his West Point class, was a filthy kike. |

|ic| |

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|[p|Douglas Bazata--paid assassin. |

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[pic]Was A High Profile War Hero


One of the few with political pot

Who Benefits From His Death?


Eisenhower and his backers

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|There Are Too Many Rumors |

|There is a real possibility that Patton was assassinated. As far as the |

|official story goes, who really knows how true it  was. You can be sure there |

|were a few deaths that had to be reinvented or altered, because of |

|'inconvenient' circumstances. |

|The real question is, why would you assassinate a four star general? |

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|Eisenhower Had A Lot Of Baggage |

|Eisenhower was promoted by Bernard Baruch, over 356 more qualified commanders. |

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|Eisenhower The Soldier |

|He first assignment was to London, where he lived in the palatial Dorchester hotel. He was assigned a driver/companion, Kay |

|Somersby, a married 26 yr old model. |

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|[pic] |

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|Eisenhower And Churchill |

|Churchill was a debaucherous drunkard, whose mother was a Jewess. He ran the show, with Eisenhower playing the sycophant. Patton |

|made his distaste of Churchill public. |

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|Eisenhower's First Battle Command Was Operation Torch |

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|The Allies wanted Tunis as a staging base for the Sicily invasion |

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|He Sat In Gibraltar |

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800 Miles From The Front


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|In the North Africa campaign, Eisenhower went to Gibraltar, built a fortified bunker, threw tantrums, and blamed his generals, |

|and his soldiers, for his battle fiascos.  Rommel annihilated a US battalion at Kasserine Pass, because Eisenhower didn't use |

|reconnaissance, or provide air cover. |

|Eisenhower's incompetence, his remote headquarters, and his flaunting of  Kay Summersby, infuriated the commanders. |

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|Patton Brought To Africa |

|Patton arrived and cleaned up Eisenhower's mess. |

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|Other Generals Wanted Eisenhower Removed |

|Eisenhower botched everything, blaming his generals, and US soldiers.  Roosevelt had to fly |

|over to Tunis, and stop a mutiny over his Kasserine Pass debacle. |

|After the battle, Eisenhower swaggered around Tunis with Summersby, as he reviewed the |

|parades. |

|[pic] |

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|Eisenhower Goes Back To  London |

|Eisenhower lives at Telegraph Cottage, a ten acre Country Estate, outside of London. He attends dinner parties, and is an |

|embarrassment, whipping around London in his staff car, flags flying, with his British Mistress at the wheel. |

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|Eisenhower's Fashion Model Companion |

|After North Africa, and Sicily, he returns with his 26 yr old mistress. |

|In 1943 Eisenhower is the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe.Gen. Montgomery considered Eisenhower a clown. |

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|Ike And Kay's Love Nest |

|Long horse rides, card games, and snuggles |

|[pic] |

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|Arguing In Public |

|She got hammered at a party, and told an aide about 'Ikie' and his bed habits, how he would get a little too excited, and she got|

|left panting. Somersby wrote a book 'Past Forgetting' on their affair. |

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|Patton Was A Field Commander |

|He was in practically ever major battle, even the Germans respected him. |

|[pic] |

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|Patton Invades Sicily |

|He drove up the coast and took Messina. While visiting an army hospital he slapped a Charles H. Kuhl, calling him a 'Yellow Belly|

|Jew Coward'. A reporter, David Katz, broke the story and Patton was relieved of duty. |

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|Patton Was Repulsed By Stalin |

|Patton, who was 6', considered Stalin a 5' 6" squinty eyed Bolshevik. He was infuriated over operation Keelhaul, and Eisenhower's|

|death camps. |


|Battle Of The Bulge -Eisenhower's Blunder |

|Hitler built a massive offensive, hid it in the Ardennes forest, while Eisenhower was|

|at Telegraph cottage, with Summersby, and his dog 'Telek'. |

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|Patton warned Eisenhower about the possibility of a German attack. Patton took |

|Bastogne, and saved Eisenhower from a real catastrophe. |

|If Hitler had captured Antwerp, it could have cost 200,000 American lives, and |

|resulted in a negotiated surrender. As it was, there were 81,000 US casualties, with |

|18,000 dead. |

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|Eisenhower's Other Involvements |

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|FIREBOMBING OF GERMANY: --World Jewry demanded revenge for being taken out of their ghettos, and |

|being put in work camps. |

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|OERATION KEELHAUL:  --- Eisenhower rounded up 1.5 million anti-communist refugees, shipped them to |

|Stalin, and they were sent to the gulags, and killed. |

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|DEATH CAMPS: ---- Eisenhower had 1.4 million Germans soldiers put into open fields, and the death |

|told was over a million. |

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|EUROPE FOR THE JEWS: ----Eisenhower told Patton to throw Germans out of their houses, and jobs, and|

|install Jews. Patton refused and was demoted. |

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|Back In America |

|The Jewish interests  pushed the 'Morgenthau Plan', which wanted Germans sterilized, their industries wrecked, and the country |

|divided into three parts. |

| There was movement, 'America First', that was looking for a candidate. |

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|[pic] |

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|Henry Morgenthau |

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|The Main Suspects |

|Patton died of heart failure. Most feel his murder was orchestrated by Roosevelt's hand picked |

|OSS agent, |

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|Patton Was Too Dangerous |

|Eisenhower was a clown, and it was the Jewish press that made him a hero. If |

|Patton had political backing, he could have savaged Eisenhower. |

|Patton wasn't just a soldier, he was an actor, and a political candidate. He |

|saw himself as the ancient Roman conquering hero, another Caesar. |

|Patton detested Eisenhower, he saw the Soviets as the real enemy, and would |

|have entered the race. Maybe a Patton-Lindberg ticket, backed by Henry Ford's|

|crowd. |

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Los Angeles - June 12,1945

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Full Version Below

The 'Unedited' Speech From The Movie

Somewhere in England

June 5th, 1944


The big camp buzzed with a tension. For hundreds of eager rookies, newly arrived from the states, it was a great day in their lives. This day marked their first taste of the "real thing". Now they were not merely puppets in brown uniforms. They were not going through the motions of soldiering with three thousand miles of ocean between them and English soil. They were actually in the heart of England itself. They were waiting for the arrival of that legendary figure, Lieutenant General George S. Patton, Jr. Old "Blood and Guts" himself, about whom many a colorful chapter would be written for the school boys of tomorrow. Patton of the brisk, purposeful stride. Patton of the harsh, compelling voice, the lurid vocabulary, the grim and indomitable spirit that carried him and his Army to glory in Africa and Sicily. They called him "America's Fightingest General". He was no desk commando. He was the man who was sent for when the going got rough and a fighter was needed. He was the most hated and feared American of all on the part of the German Army.

Patton was coming and the stage was being set. He would address a move which might have a far reaching effect on the global war that, at the moment, was a TOP-SECRET in the files in Washington, D.C.

By now the rumor had gotten around that Lieutenant General Simpson, Commanding General of the Fourth Army, was to be with General Patton. The men stirred expectantly. Two of the big boys in one day!

"We are here", said General Simpson, "to listen to the words of a great man. A man who will lead you all into whatever you may face with heroism, ability, and foresight. A man who has proven himself amid shot and shell. My greatest hope is that some day soon, I will have my own Army fighting with his, side by side."

General Patton arose and strode swiftly to the microphone. The men snapped to their feet and stood silently. Patton surveyed the sea of brown with a grim look. "Be seated", he said. The words were not a request, but a command. The General's voice rose high and clear.

"Men, this stuff that some sources sling around about America wanting out of this war, not wanting to fight, is a crock of bullshit. Americans love to fight, traditionally. All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle. You are here today for three reasons. First, because you are here to defend your homes and your loved ones. Second, you are here for your own self respect, because you would not want to be anywhere else. Third, you are here because you are real men and all real men like to fight. When you, here, everyone of you, were kids, you all admired the champion marble player, the fastest runner, the toughest boxer, the big league ball players, and the All-American football players. Americans love a winner. Americans will not tolerate a loser. Americans despise cowards. Americans play to win all of the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That's why Americans have never lost nor will ever lose a war; for the very idea of losing is hateful to an American."

The General paused and looked over the crowd. "You are not all going to die," he said slowly. "Only two percent of you right here today would die in a major battle. Death must not be feared. Death, in time, comes to all men. Yes, every man is scared in his first battle. If he says he's not, he's a liar. Some men are cowards but they fight the same as the brave men or they get the hell slammed out of them watching men fight who are just as scared as they are. The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared. Some men get over their fright in a minute under fire. For some, it takes an hour. For some, it takes days. But a real man will never let his fear of death overpower his honor, his sense of duty to his country, and his innate manhood. Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best and it removes all that is base. Americans pride themselves on being He Men and they ARE He Men. Remember that the enemy is just as frightened as you are, and probably more so. They are not supermen."

"All through your Army careers, you men have bitched about what you call "chicken shit drilling". That, like everything else in this Army, has a definite purpose. That purpose is alertness. Alertness must be bred into every soldier. I don't give a fuck for a man who's not always on his toes. You men are veterans or you wouldn't be here. You are ready for what's to come. A man must be alert at all times if he expects to stay alive. If you're not alert, sometime, a German son-of-an-asshole-bitch is going to sneak up behind you and beat you to death with a sockful of shit!" The men roared in agreement.

Patton's grim expression did not change. "There are four hundred neatly marked graves somewhere in Sicily", he roared into the microphone, "All because one man went to sleep on the job". He paused and the men grew silent. "But they are German graves, because we caught the bastard asleep before they did".

The General clutched the microphone tightly, his jaw out-thrust, and he continued, "An Army is a team. It lives, sleeps, eats, and fights as a team. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse shit. The bilious bastards who write that kind of stuff for the Saturday Evening Post don't know any more about real fighting under fire than they know about fucking!"

The men slapped their legs and rolled in glee. This was Patton as the men had imagined him to be, and in rare form, too. He hadn't let them down. He was all that he was cracked up to be, and more. He had IT!

"We have the finest food, the finest equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world", Patton bellowed. He lowered his head and shook it pensively. Suddenly he snapped erect, faced the men belligerently and thundered, "Why, by God, I actually pity those poor sons-of-bitches we're going up against. By God, I do". The men clapped and howled delightedly. There would be many a barracks tale about the "Old Man's" choice phrases. They would become part and parcel of Third Army's history and they would become the bible of their slang.

"My men don't surrender", Patton continued, "I don't want to hear of any soldier under my command being captured unless he has been hit. Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. That's not just bull shit either. The kind of man that I want in my command is just like the lieutenant in Libya, who, with a Luger against his chest, jerked off his helmet, swept the gun aside with one hand, and busted the hell out of the Kraut with his helmet. Then he jumped on the gun and went out and killed another German before they knew what the hell was coming off. And, all of that time, this man had a bullet through a lung. There was a real man!"

Patton stopped and the crowd waited. He continued more quietly, "All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters, either. Every single man in this Army plays a vital role. Don't ever let up. Don't ever think that your job is unimportant. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. Every man is a vital link in the great chain. What if every truck driver suddenly decided that he didn't like the whine of those shells overhead, turned yellow, and jumped headlong into a ditch? The cowardly bastard could say, "Hell, they won't miss me, just one man in thousands". But, what if every man thought that way? Where in the hell would we be now? What would our country, our loved ones, our homes, even the world, be like? No, Goddamnit, Americans don't think like that. Every man does his job. Every man serves the whole. Every department, every unit, is important in the vast scheme of this war. The ordnance men are needed to supply the guns and machinery of war to keep us rolling. The Quartermaster is needed to bring up food and clothes because where we are going there isn't a hell of a lot to steal. Every last man on K.P. has a job to do, even the one who heats our water to keep us from getting the 'G.I. Shits'."

Patton paused, took a deep breath, and continued, "Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. We don't want yellow cowards in this Army. They should be killed off like rats. If not, they will go home after this war and breed more cowards. The brave men will breed more brave men. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia. I stopped and asked what the hell he was doing up there at a time like that. He answered, "Fixing the wire, Sir". I asked, "Isn't that a little unhealthy right about now?" He answered, "Yes Sir, but the Goddamned wire has to be fixed". I asked, "Don't those planes strafing the road bother you?" And he answered, "No, Sir, but you sure as hell do!" Now, there was a real man. A real soldier. There was a man who devoted all he had to his duty, no matter how seemingly insignificant his duty might appear at the time, no matter how great the odds. And you should have seen those trucks on the rode to Tunisia. Those drivers were magnificent. All day and all night they rolled over those son-of-a-bitching roads, never stopping, never faltering from their course, with shells bursting all around them all of the time. We got through on good old American guts. Many of those men drove for over forty consecutive hours. These men weren't combat men, but they were soldiers with a job to do. They did it, and in one hell of a way they did it. They were part of a team. Without team effort, without them, the fight would have been lost. All of the links in the chain pulled together and the chain became unbreakable."

The General paused and stared challengingly over the silent ocean of men. One could have heard a pin drop anywhere on that vast hillside. The only sound was the stirring of the breeze in the leaves of the bordering trees and the busy chirping of the birds in the branches of the trees at the General's left.

"Don't forget," Patton barked, "you men don't know that I'm here. No mention of that fact is to be made in any letters. The world is not supposed to know what the hell happened to me. I'm not supposed to be commanding this Army. I'm not even supposed to be here in England. Let the first bastards to find out be the Goddamned Germans. Some day I want to see them raise up on their piss-soaked hind legs and howl, 'Jesus Christ, it's the Goddamned Third Army again and that son-of-a-fucking-bitch Patton'."

"We want to get the hell over there", Patton continued, "The quicker we clean up this Goddamned mess, the quicker we can take a little jaunt against the purple pissing Japs and clean out their nest, too. Before the Goddamned Marines get all of the credit."

The men roared approval and cheered delightedly. This statement had real significance behind it. Much more than met the eye and the men instinctively sensed the fact. They knew that they themselves were going to play a very great part in the making of world history. They were being told as much right now. Deep sincerity and seriousness lay behind the General's colorful words. The men knew and understood it. They loved the way he put it, too, as only he could.

Patton continued quietly, "Sure, we want to go home. We want this war over with. The quickest way to get it over with is to go get the bastards who started it. The quicker they are whipped, the quicker we can go home. The shortest way home is through Berlin and Tokyo. And when we get to Berlin", he yelled, "I am personally going to shoot that paper hanging son-of-a-bitch Hitler. Just like I'd shoot a snake!"

"When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a German will get to him eventually. The hell with that idea. The hell with taking it. My men don't dig foxholes. I don't want them to. Foxholes only slow up an offensive. Keep moving. And don't give the enemy time to dig one either. We'll win this war, but we'll win it only by fighting and by showing the Germans that we've got more guts than they have; or ever will have. We're not going to just shoot the sons-of-bitches, we're going to rip out their living Goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We're going to murder those lousy Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-fucking-basket. War is a bloody, killing business. You've got to spill their blood, or they will spill yours. Rip them up the belly. Shoot them in the guts. When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt off your face and realize that instead of dirt it's the blood and guts of what once was your best friend beside you, you'll know what to do!"

"I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." We are not holding a Goddamned thing. Let the Germans do that. We are advancing constantly and we are not interested in holding onto anything, except the enemy's balls. We are going to twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all of the time. Our basic plan of operation is to advance and to keep on advancing regardless of whether we have to go over, under, or through the enemy. We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn!"

"From time to time there will be some complaints that we are pushing our people too hard. I don't give a good Goddamn about such complaints. I believe in the old and sound rule that an ounce of sweat will save a gallon of blood. The harder WE push, the more Germans we will kill. The more Germans we kill, the fewer of our men will be killed. Pushing means fewer casualties. I want you all to remember that."

The General paused. His eagle like eyes swept over the hillside. He said with pride, "There is one great thing that you men will all be able to say after this war is over and you are home once again. You may be thankful that twenty years from now when you are sitting by the fireplace with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what you did in the great World War II, you WON'T have to cough, shift him to the other knee and say, "Well, your Granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana." No, Sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say, "Son, your Granddaddy rode with the Great Third Army and a Son-of-a-Goddamned-Bitch named Georgie Patton!"




"General" jew William J. Donovan


Assassinated General Patton

Assassinated JFK right after he was fired, when he said "you can't fire me--you don't know who I work for"

Well, we will find who you worked for, we will hunt them down, and we will make them pay--and pay--and pay.







Upon a demand from Washington that more German housing be turned over to Jews, Patton summed up his feelings:

"Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is -- not intended for the individual but for the race, Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals."



"...I think things will come out for the best and may result in my getting lined up with the Anti-Communists because it is they (the Communists) and the Jews who are back of it and succeeded due to the lack of spine of D.D."


Once Patton had linked the Communists and the Zionists together, he had signed his own death sentence. On December 7, 1945, Patton had decided to go pheasant hunting with a friend, just outside Mannheim in Bavaria. Patton and his friend traveled in a Cadillac sedan, and on the Autobahn (freeway) they met with an American Army truck that suddenly turned in front of the Cadillac causing a head on collision. Patton suffered a broken neck, and was taken to the nearest American military hospital. On the way to the hospital, a second Army truck hit the ambulance but Patton survived this accident too. Severely injured he arrived at the hospital. As soon as his wife heard about it, she flew out from the U.S. to be with her husband. Patton told his wife, that unless she had him removed from the Army hospital, someone would kill him. Before she could get the proper papers and have him transferred out to the U.S. he died on December 21, 1945. The death certificate listed the death as the result of heart failure.



OSS (Office of Strategic Services) agent Douglas Bazata on September 25, 1979 told 450 invited guests at the Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, that OSS head William Donovan paid him $10,000 to kill Gen. George Patton. Bazata also gave this information to THE WASHINGTON STAR!  

Perhaps Patton was killed because he argued that U.S. forces should prevent the Soviets from entering Berlin toward the end of World War II. The power elite, however, wanted to strengthen the Soviets, and in 1953 Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither told Congressional Reece Committee research director Norman Dodd that they were under directives from the White House to so alter American life as to have a "comfortable merger" with the USSR.


Until recently, it was only speculation that Patton had been assassinated. Now it is known for a fact. And it is know for a very simple reason. Because an agent of the well-known OSS (Office of Strategic Services) or American military spy, a certain Douglas Bazata, a Jew of Lebanese origin, announced it in front of 450 invited guests; high ranking, ex-members of the OSS, in the Hilton Hotel in Washington, the 25th of September, 1979. Bazata said, word-for-word:


"For divers political reasons, many extremely high-ranking persons hated Patton. I know who killed him. Because I am the one who was hired to do it. Ten thousand dollars. General William Donovan himself, director of the O.S.S, entrusted me with the mission. I set up the accident. Since he didn't die in the accident, he was kept in isolation in the hospital, where he was killed with an injection."




Phelps: A member of the OSS came out in the Spotlight [newspaper] and said that. His name was Zapata, that agent. He said he was given a contract on Patton for $10,000. He didn't kill him, but he knows the guy who did. So, Patton was murdered, and General Vlasov was murdered, and both of them hated the Jesuits' "Grand Inquisitor", Joseph Stalin. They would have united together to eradicate Russia of that dictator, but the Jesuits [who are controlled by jews] would not have it because Russia is theirs. They must control the Orthodox Church to bring it back to Rome. That's why they got rid of the Romanoffs.

Martin: Patton's take-out was ordered by "Wild" Bill Donovan? Did I read that?



General William Donovan, the head of the OSS, placed Berg on the AZUSA project. This project looked at the enemy's progress in developing nuclear weapons. He interviewed scientists in Rome two days after the city was liberated by US troops to see how far the Italians had progressed in their research. Berg also entered German-occupied Norway as part of an Allied effort to find and destroy a heavy-water plant. In Switzerland, Berg found out from a visiting German scientist not only how far along the Germans were in developing their weapons of mass destruction, but also the location of the German scientists



The fact that Wikipedia praises General Donovan so highly suggests he must have been a jew.




Donovan was a close personal friend of Albert and Mary Lasker, and was on the Board of Directors of the Lasker Foundation in the 1950s.

"While it is still largely unknown, William J. Donovan (1883–1959) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt formed a close relationship during their time at the law school together. At the time, Donovan was a star of the Columbia football team and simultaneously attended both the college (BA 1905) and law school (LLD 1907). Roosevelt, an avid sports fan, became even more admiring of Donovan after he won the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal and Medal of Honor as a battalion commander in the "Fighting 69th" Regiment in World War I. Promoted regimental commander, Donovan led his unit in the New York City victory parade in 1919. In considerable secret, Roosevelt—then assistant secretary of the navy—made Donovan a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence after Donovan returned from Europe. Roosevelt sent Donovan to Siberia in 1920 to observe and report on anti-Bolshevik operations and Japanese activities. This began Donovan's career as a presidential intelligence agent. Despite being members of different parties (as Republican candidate, Donovan ran unsuccessfully for governor of New York against Herbert Lehman in 1932) and Donovan's outspoken opposition to the New Deal, the two men remained close friends. For example, Donovan was one of a small number of guests at FDR's birthday party in Warm Springs, Georgia, in early 1933.... Officially, Donovan was a Wall Street lawyer deeply involved in Republican party politics in the 1920s and 1930s. But he led a secret, double life. FDR sent Donovan to Ethiopia in 1935–36, to Spain during the Civil War, to Britain in 1940 and to a large swathe of Europe and the Middle East in 1941 to observe events and report back to the president.... These missions led to Donovan's appointment as civilian coordinator of information (COI) in 1941, followed by his recall to active duty as a colonel and appointment to head the military Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1942." In 1947, President Truman created the CIA, which was "built largely on the framework of the OSS and staffed overwhelmingly by COI and OSS veterans. Anticipating a Republican presidential victory in 1948, then in 1952, Donovan campaigned quietly but intensively to head the CIA in the late 1940s and early 1950s. He was gravely disappointed by Eisenhower's refusal to do so. Instead, Donovan was appointed ambassador to Thailand, where he carried activities related to containing the expansion of the PRC. Poor health forced him to resign, and he died shortly afterwards. But, for better or worse, his legacy as the founding figure of the CIA has had enormous influence over the conduct of U.S. foreign and national-security policy over the past fifty years. His statue in the main entrance to the CIA building attests to his perpetual presence as the guiding spirit of the organization." (William J. Donovan (1883-1959). By Brian Sullivan. C250 Celebrates Your Columbians.)





William Donovan, head of OSS, and Allen Dulles, head of OSS in Europe under Donovan (who later became head of the CIA until President Kennedy fired him - it was said that he told Kennedy, "You can't fire me, you don't even know who I work for!"), and J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, brought Reinhard Gehlen and his Abwehr spy group into the United States. One of the men involved was counter-intelligence officer William P. Clark. Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun (Brauner). Clark at one time was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.


"We fought the war of 1776 for independence. We fought the Civil War to free the slaves. We fought the war of 1812 to make the world safe for democracy. We fought this war to lose everything we had gained from the other three."

Did Patton die for making this critical but accurate statement?


Eisenhower the "terrible Swedish jew"?

"God, I hate the Germans..." --Dwight David Eisenhower

in a letter to his wife in September, 1944

"We now stand ten years past the midpoint of a century that has witnessed four major wars among great nations.  Three of these involved our own country.  Despite these holocausts ..."

|[p|Is this man a war criminal? |

|ic| |

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|[p|Is this man a jew? |

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|[p|By renaming POWs as DEFs, he bypassed the Geneva Convention, a typical jew mentality. |

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|[p|Changing his name from Eisenhauer to Eisenhower is a typical jew tactic. |

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A comparison of German censuses of 1946 and 1950 shows the effect of food shortages. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people fewer than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census, minus officially reported deaths, plus births and "immigrants" (people expelled from the east and returning prisoners) in the period from 1946 to 1950. The total tally of unacknowledged deaths among prisoners, refugees and non-expelled civilians comes to about nine million people between 1945 and 1950, far more than the number who died during the war itself. All of these deaths were surplus to those actually reported. Moreover, those deaths occurred in peacetime while the world media did not bother to report of them.



The Missing Holocaust

"I've checked out Churchill's Second World War and the statement

is quite correct” not a single mention of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a

'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war.

This is astonishing.  How can it be explained?

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six

volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and

de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages.  In this

mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including

the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find

no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews,

or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."



Eisenhower Had Jewish BloodWest Point yearbook



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|Eisenhower Questioned |

|West Point was very conscious of any ' Non-White' candidates. It was obvious from Eisenhower's appearance that he was carrying another |

|race's blood. The headmaster quizzed him and he admitted he had Jewish ancestors. His father was a Swedish Jew who married a Swedish |

|gentile woman. |

|During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in|

|Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred |

|Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge|

|of all the US forces in Europe. |

|[pic] |

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|Eisenhower Is A derivative Of Eisenhauer A Jewish Name |

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|[pic] |

|Eisenhower Was Considered Incompetent |

|During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific, McArthur protested to his superiors in |

|Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff. In 1943, Washington not only transferred |

|Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge |

|of all the US forces in Europe. |

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|Bernard Baruch was behind Eisenhower |

|His military promotions on the eve of WWII and during the war are curious to say the least. Zionists found an Army officer who had been a |

|military failure until Bernard Baruch promoted him to General. |

|His actions and responsibilities during and after the war: direct, personal negotiations with Stalin on the placements of the armies (and |

|the surrender of territory won by Americans, with the ceding of that territory to the Russians). |

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|[pic] |

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|[pic] |

|The massacre of surrendered Germans at Dachau, the fire bombing of Dresden, Operation Keelhaul, and the intentional starvation of over |

|1,250,000 "disarmed enemy forces" all clearly mark him as a war criminal and an embarrassment. Dresden video |

|In 1952, although he had been a Democrat most of his life, Baruch endorsed Dwight D. Eisenhower for president. |

|Interesting pictures |

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|Eisenhower flaunts his mistress |

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|Auschwitz |

|Kristallnacht |

|Riga Massacre |

|Theresienstadt |

|The truth on Dunkirk |

|Bloodlines of WW 2 leaders |

|French occupation |

|Winston Churchill's biography |

|Irma Grese |

|Budapest Gold Train |

West Point was very conscious of any ' Non-White' candidates. It was obvious from Eisenhower's appearance that he was carrying another race's blood. The headmaster quizzed him and he admitted he had Jewish ancestors


"It was clear in 1952 that the Republicans would return to the White House. Harry Truman* had more problems than the Alger Hiss scandal. "Containment" was simply not working. Sicne the concept's origination, hundreds of millions of people had fallen under Communist domination. Americans sensed the need for a strong new leader who could stand up to the Soviets. The favorite of the GOP's rank and file was Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, the son of the former President, and an outspoken foe of Communism.

Douglas Macarthur openly supported Taft, who entertained plans to make the general his running mate. It was the Establishment's aversion to this candidacy that brought Dwight D. Eisenhower forward.

In 1941, the year we went to war, Eisenhower or "Ike", was a lieutenant colonel who had never seen a battle in his life. Yet by 1943 he had become a four-star general and supreme commander of the Allied forces in Western Europe...After the war Eisenhower commanded U.S. occupation forces in Germany. He returned home to become US Chief of Staff...Bernanrd Baruch became a close acquaintance. Althihg he had no academic background, Eisenhower was made president of Columbia University in 1948. He joined the Council on Foreign Relations,...

The Establishment knew that to divest Taft and Macarthur of the Republican nomination, they would have to present a candidate who looked incredibly tough and anti-Communist. General Eisenhower, who was still wearing an aura of World War II glory, became their choice.

By no stretch of the imagination was Ike a Republican teaditionalist. In fact, until he ran, he had no party affiliation...At the Republican nominating convention, "dirty tricks" abounded. The rules for selecting delegates were changed; Taft delegations from Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas were thrown out and replaced by Eisenhower's supporters...Once again, the Establishment had succeeded in controlling both parties..."

The SHADOWS OF POWER, by James Perloff. pp. 102-103.     


* Since the inauguration of perpetual peace by the United Notions, only two Presidents, Sheeny Truman (20) and a crook from Texas (21), have had the fun of shipping large numbers of American men to be slaughtered on the other side of the globe, and creating an excuse for massively increased taxation to bleed the boobs some more.


(20. His father was a Sheeny, his mother, a White woman, so he was not a Jew by orthodox standards.)

(21. Johnson, a small-time politician, on whom see J. Evetts Haley, A Texan Looks at Lyndon, was married to and supervised by a Kikess, who probably guided him to power.

His character is adequately shown by the fact that he had or simulated a tantrum when some Vietnamese boats supposedly fired at an American destroyer, but when the Kikes bombed and torpedoed the U.S.S. Liberty, killed many American sailors, and tried to sink the little ship without survivors so that they could blame the Egyptians, Lyndon personally forbade the ships of the U.S. Navy near the scene to go to the assistance of the ship that had been detached from their squadron and personally expressed the hope that the Sheenies would succeed in killing all those stupid American swine on the American naval vessel. He was not impeached, convicted of high treason, and shot.)

"It is noteworthy that Rabbi Gruenewald ignores the fact that Truman's father was a Sheeny. The pious rabbi may have been applying the orthodox criterion that the sons of Jews by White women are not really Jews, or he may have thought it tactless to mention that Americans, with their simplistic notions of heredity, thought Truman half-Jewish but were evidently not alarmed. A little later, he likewise makes no mention of the Jews' share of Franklin Roosevelt.)"



The following document was faxed to Richard Claypool [Head of U.S. Presidential Libraries, Maryland] on June 16th 2002 , at               (301) 837 3218        , concerning Anne Morrow's identity investigation. A slightly modified version was also faxed on this same date to Harold Holt [Executive Director, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library , Kansas] , at               (785) 263 4218       .

"...Anne Morrow & myself have discovered that the name & spelling of Eisenhower was & has been corrupted from it's original spelling Eisenhauer. Although your establishment discounts Eisenhower's Jewish &/or Negro ancestry [see; ] the corruption of the original spelling , to the existing & publicly embraced & accepted Eisenhower implies the former President's descendents was a Jewish , perhaps even a German bloodline. This further supports Anne Morrow's story & that she in fact descended from "old , old blood out of Europe." Anne Morrow & myself have substantiated that the reason for the Eisenhauer name corruption to Eisenhower was merely for public relations during World War II & through-out the Cold War , & to cloak the true heritage & bloodline of Dwight D. Eisenhower. This corruption was positively reflected & perpetuated most importantly within the confines of education circles.

 The names Campbell , Gabbard & Morrow seem to be interlocked & are seemingly different names for the same bloodline , which is intended to hide the heritage & origins of an Eisenhauer (Eisenhower) line which extends back into Europe (under most likely , many other different names)."



Dear DJ,


The following document was faxed to Richard Claypool [Head of U.S. Presidential Libraries, Maryland] on June 16th 2002 , at               (301) 837 3218        , concerning Anne Morrow's identity investigation. A slightly modified version was also faxed on this same date to Harold Holt [Executive Director, Dwight D. Eisenhower Library , Kansas] , at               (785) 263 4218       . 


It was Anne Morrow who confided in me , many months ago , after I published a non-related article in my independently owned & operated publication , BEACHHEAD , her belief that she was in fact the illegitimiate daughter of former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower & her biological mother may in fact be Dwight D. Eisenhower's former driver , Kay Summersby. Rumours were confirmed in 1975 , when Kay Summersby wrote a book titled; "Past Forgetting; My Love Affair With Dwight D. Eisenhower". It was Mr.Eisenhower's superior General George Marshall who quashed a plan by Dwight D. Eisenhower to divorce his wife Mamie & marry Summersby. It has been stated , General.Marshall threatened to bust Eisenhower out of the military while fighting in Europe [World War II] , if he was to go ahead & marry Summersby & divorce Mamie. As docummented , General George Marshall served in President Truman's Cabinet , as Secretary of State & then as , Secretary of Defense.


Through my own genealogical research I have established a definite link betweeen the names Campbell , Gabbard , Morrow & Eisenhower. However , Anne Morrow & myself have discovered that the name & spelling of Eisenhower was & has been corrupted from it's original spelling Eisenhauer. Although your establishment discounts Eisenhower's Jewish &/or Negro ancestry [see; ] the corruption of the original spelling , to the existing & publicly embraced & accepted Eisenhower implies the former President's descendents was a Jewish , perhaps even a German bloodline. This further supports Anne Morrow's story & that she in fact descended from "old , old blood out of Europe." Anne Morrow & myself have substantiated that the reason for the Eisenhauer name corruption to Eisenhower was merely for public relations during World War II & through-out the Cold War , & to cloak the true heritage & bloodline of Dwight D. Eisenhower. This corruption was positively reflected & perpetuated most importantly within the confines of education circles.



 James W. von Brunn () writes:


"General DWIGHT EISENHOWER (appropriately named "The Swedish Jew" by fellow West Point cadets) was

promoted over the heads of many more qualified officers for a reason. He agreed, apparently, to exchange America's honor quid pro quo for 5-Stars and glory. After the war, at the dedication of a New York City park honoring the Bernard Baruch family, key-note speaker Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, USA-Ret., admitted: As a young unknown major I took the wisest step of my life. I consulted Mr. Baruch. (General Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Army), cited by A.K. CHESTERTON, op. cit., The New Unhappy Lords.)




" is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) [POW camp] policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald........It is known, and will be documented in my upcoming book in newsprint format, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them."




Professor Revilo P. Oliver (February 1992):


The real influx of savages began in the administration of the filthy mongrel called Eisenhower, noted for his open and vicious hatred of Germans and dissimulated hatred of other Aryans, and his scrapping of what was left of the American Constitution.



"Canada was thus ready for the next act in her enemies' program, and one is reminded of the trick used so effectively in the United States when the Republican Party was bought to install in the White House "Barney" Baruch's tool, a mongrel named Eisenhower.(5)


(5. Eisenhower's mother was probably a quadroon. His features were distinctly Negroid when he was a cadet at West Point, where he was barely able to "squeak through" to a commission.)




ALSO: "It is noteworthy that Rabbi Gruenewald ignores the fact that Truman's father was a Sheeny. The pious rabbi may have been applying the orthodox criterion that the sons of Jews by White women are not really Jews, or he may have thought it tactless to mention that Americans, with their simplistic notions of heredity, thought Truman half-Jewish but were evidently not alarmed. A little later, he likewise makes no mention of the Jews' share of Franklin Roosevelt" (REVILO OLIVER)


The issue of "Life" I have cited contains other significant photographs: the father of the disgusting creature named Harry Truman was obviously a Sheeny; the unfortunate mother seems to be a White woman.)



Following WWII, the part negro Eisenhower reclassified surrendering German forces as "unarmed enemy forces", thus removing them from the protection of the Geneva Convention which applied to "prisoners of war". This gave them the latitude to starve to death over one million German "combatants". Read Bacque's Other Losses. There are two printings. Seek the Canadian version as the American version has been tainted by jew sanitization.



Kill the Best Gentiles by James Von Brunn

This new book is available for free download of the first six chapters. This carefully documented treatise exposes the Jews and explains what you must do to protect your White family. Kill the Best Gentiles! Is a must for every concerned parent and a manual for every student of World History.

Surf over and check it out at:






15 August 2002


Dear Mr. Maguire

In your article Elite American Political Leadership you mention Eisenhower's nickname "The Swedish Jew". I am interested to know how he got that nickname. To my knowledge Eisenhower did not have anything to do with Sweden.

Best Regards -- Mr. J. -- Northern Europa

PS! I am an avid FAEM-reader and have been for the last two years. I have read almost everything posted on the site. Dear Mr. J.,

Eisenhower was nicknamed "The Swedish Jew" as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point. In Ike's time USMA cadets were required to be 100% white and non-negroid, or as close to that as medical doctors and geneological research could then ascertain. Serious official questions arose about Ike's obvious part non-white genetic heritage. These appeared to be negroid in origin. "Ike" explained this away as being due to a Jewish ancestor from Sweden, hence the nickname "The Swedish Jew".

Military Academy cadets and other officer candidates get to know each other extremely well during their schooling, provided it's conducted on an intensive basis as U.S. officer schooling formerly was. Everyone is at close quarters running 24/7. There's no place to hide character traits in those conditions. Cadet nicknames are usually extremely descriptive. And when they're keyed to obvious non-white themes it's a warning signal to look deeper. Here's another example. The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander who allowed himself to be surprised at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, was nicknamed "Mustapha" as a midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. Other "Mustaphas" in Egypt and Syria allowed this to happen to themselves in 1967.

The academy and officer training schools (used?) to take official advantage of that close quarters peer knowledge through an anonymous peer rating mechanism. I knew this as "Top Five/Bottom Five" and it meant what it said. Officer candidates rated their platoon fellows on leadership in rank order from Top One to Bottom x. People who accumulated too many "Bottom Five" rankings were automatically scheduled for periodic official leadership review boards for enquiry into whether they should be dismissed without commission. The presumption of such boards used to be such individuals should be dismissed unless they could prove they were worthy of commission. Very, very few survived such review boards.

Judeo-Marxist Academics like the military scribbler Weigley and the Jew military 'sociologist' Moscowitz are generally extremely hostile to processes like peer rating and also to troop election of officers at regimental level and below. The admixture of females has added feminist hostility to the opposition to such processes. The long-term result is a corps of military leaders who possess less and less confidence where it really counts. That's among their soldiers. This has gone so far that the average U.S. ground combat unit is unusable for its designed purpose.

After long military experience and study the wisdom of both peer ratings and also electing regimental officers in militia and citizen-soldier units seems more and more profound to me. I think the only safeguard needed is a veto power for general officers to remove obvious misfits. You can conduct all the bureaucratic schooling processes you want. But if an officer does not possess the confidence of his troops they will not follow him in combat, obey his orders or stay the course in difficult times. Consequently years of academic training simply go to waste. Electing first and schooling second is probably the best way.

P.S. The leadership qualities required from military leaders and from political leaders are not identical. Some individuals combine these two attribute sets. Hitler did not combine these qualities, at least at the lower infantry unit level. This is proven by the fact he entered the Bavarian Army as a private and emerged after four years of war as a corporal. Despite this many fellow war veterans from his former battalion willingly followed him as a political leader, including his former battalion sergeant-major and some officers.

Nineteenth Century America managed to select many men for high office who did combine both leadership sets in fairly large numbers. This more than anything explains the rapid conquest of the continent. It was not 'luck'. The old American Republic (long since vanished) actually conformed very closely in practice to the ideals of the old Roman Republic in both military process and results. The Roman Republic constitutionally required that political leaders prove themselves as leaders in war. This was an ideal for early Americans but not a definite legal requirement. Had the Founding Fathers mandated this in the Constitution our history would have turned out very differently. Certainly Canada, Mexico and Cuba would not exist as independent states. Whether this would have prevented subsequent miscegenation or the Civil War is another question.

And results (output) are the real measure of military efficiency (or any other efficiency). The military stature and efficiency of a state is not measured by the numbers of troops raised or the percentage of the budget applied to 'military' appropriations; i.e. inputs. The Neo-con pseudo-patriots of the Judeo-Republican Party (non-veterans to a womandman) do think in these Communist terms of inputs. If this measurement were valid then Italy would be one of the military success stories of the 20th Century rather than one of the premier failures. When judged by this standard of results 19th Century America was a resounding success as a military state. Twentieth Century America was a military failure to the point that political loss of territory is now occuring in the Southwest.

P.P.S. Note to the former student of Russell F. Weigley who wrote in to defend him.

In my 1984 edition of Weigley's "History of the United States Army" he devotes about 40 pages to the War of 1812. He dedicates nearly all of this to harping on the relatively small Congressional size authorization and even lower actual personnel fill (about 20,000) of the "Regular Army". In this section Weigley glosses over the militia contribution in the sentence "this number was exclusive of those men from the volunteer and common militias who served for short periods against British raids and invasions in their own districts and who may have numbered in the hundreds of thousands."

Then Weigley reverts back to beating to death obscurities like poor Regular Army horse recruitment and rotten contractor commissary stores. The obscure "Battle of Lundy's Lane" (actually a minor skirmish around Niagara) receives an extensive autopsy. The Battles of Put-in Bay, New Orleans and General Harrison's campaign to reconquer the Northwest are ignored. These large-scale decisive events were commanded by regular officers leading Weigley's ignored militia.

And New Orleans was decisive despite being fought after 'peace' was signed. Anyone who thinks the extermination of Britain's best veteran regiments at the hands of frontier militia didn't exercise a subsequent deterrent effect on British decision-making doesn't understand how governments arrive at war and peace decisions. The British decision to negotiate over "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" in the 1840s was undoubtedly influenced by that memory.

If Weigley had ever marched even once 20 miles with a 100 pound pack in 100 degree heat he would have understood something. Even 100,000 perfectly trained regulars alone would have resulted in American defeat. In the early 19th Century transport proceeded by foot, by horse or by sea. Since the British had overall naval superiority moving troops by sea convoy was not possible. This left marching on land. The factors of force/space/time applied to North America dictated that the early Republic had to rely on 'militia'. This was especially true when fighting an enemy possessing command of the sea and the choice of where and when to strike with large amphibious raiding parties. There was no possibility of a timely counter-concentration of a central reserve at the tactical level, especially on defense. This comes back to Nathan Bedford Forrest's "he who gets theah fustest with mostest." Overall numbers are irrelevant in such conditions unless you create a 'nation in arms' as was done by the Militia Act of 1792.

Like I said, Weigley's book is worthless garbage that should be collected up and pulped



-----Original Message-----

From: New Order

To: bikpatel@

Sent: Sun, 8 Jan 2006 14:33:02 -0600

Subject: Re: Eisenhower had Jewish blood

We are not impressed.  The evidence you have presented

would not make a very good case in eugenics court. 


College high-jinks remarks are not at all convincing.   

You must have something considerably more substantial. 


Also, having a Jew find a shabbos goy does not make such

a prot�g� a Jew.  Remember Lord Beaconfield's Coningsby?

One need not be a Jew to be a swine (if we may be allowed

to disparage swine in this disrespectful manner).







----- Original Message -----

From: bikpatel@

To: stone@ ; israelitejacob@ ; steele@ ;

hengist@ ; neworder@

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 2:01 PM

Subject: Eisenhower had Jewish blood


Eisenhower had Jewish blood





One Million German POWs

Killed After WWII By US & France

Environment News Service


Excerpt from - OTHER LOSSES

By James Bacque

Stoddart Publishing

Toronto, Canada

ISBN 0-7737-2269-6    


June, 1945 US POW camp in Germany


"Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army

casually annihilated one million [German] men, most of them in

American camps . . . Eisenhower's hatred, passed through the lens of

a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps

unequalled by anything in American history . . . an enormous war



--Col. Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt.

101 st Airborne Division, Senior Historian, United States Army




From Stephen R.



I heard this kind of story repeatedly in the late 1940's. Some were

much worse as to numbers involved. I was super patriotic, and told a

kid his relative was a liar.


One Sunday, he came to my house and got me, and I heard a drunken

discourse from his mothers' scarey boyfriend who had been a GI guard.

He became hysterical talking about burying 100's per day. I have no

doubt this was true. He was with some kind of roving death squad.

They arrived at the German POW camps late in 1945, took selected

prisoners from shelters to open fields in mid-Winter. And watched

them in shifts until they were dead.


Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 21:03:23 -0500

From: dkuehne@

Subject: Eisenhower's Holocaust: I DON'T like IKE!

 From: "Bob Jones"

IKE, THE KIKE! Eisenhower's Holocaust!

"God, I hate the Germans..." --Dwight David Eisenhower

in a letter to his wife in September, 1944.

     First, I want you to picture something in your

mind. You are a German soldier who survived through the

battles of World II. You were not really politically

involved, and your parents were also indifferent to

politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted

and you were drafted into the German army and told

where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see

that your country has been demolished by the Allies,

your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has

been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being

surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The

fact is, there is no other choice.

     It has been a long, cold winter. The German army

rations have not been all that good, but you managed to

survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold

rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are

tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress

of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you

has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must

surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.

     You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into

American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner of

War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to

a compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as

the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of your

fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift

corral. You see no evidence of a latrine and after

three hours of marching through the mud of the spring

rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your

mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate

and find yourself free to move about, and you begin the

futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for

directions, and are informed that no such luxury

exists. No more time. You find a place and squat. First

you were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and

now--dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind

you, pushing you on, jamming you together and every one

of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could

do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even

squat, much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None

of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food

that day, in fact there was no food while in the

American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify

to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are

slowly starving and dying.

     But, they can't do this to us! There are the

Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners

of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues

through the night, with no shelter from the cold,

biting rain. Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly

brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy

after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep

and shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your

own hope bleeds off into dispair, and finally you

actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered

first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life

itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last

thing you remember is falling, unable to get up, and

lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of

those who have gone before.

     Your body will be picked up long after it is cold,

and taken to a special tent where your clothing is

stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten,

and never again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in

half and your body along with those of your fellow

soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid

decomposition and buried. You were not one of the

exceptions, for more than one million, seven hundred

thousand German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate

policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and

disease -under direct orders of General Dwight David


     One month before the end of World War 11, General

Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the

treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the

language of those orders was this statement, "Prison

enclosures are to provide no shelter or other

comforts." Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who

was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters,

states that he proposed to exterminate the entire

German General Staff, thousands of people, after the

war. Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not

merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed

its will down from the top, but that he hated the

German people as a race. It was his personal intent to

destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to

wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible. Of

course, that was illegal under International law, so he

issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his

initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners

of War be redesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces"

called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these

Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were

not to be fed or given any water or medical attention.

The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for

under the DEF classification, they had no such

authority or jurisdiction.

     Months after the war was officially over,

Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in

operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying

that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over,

General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose

to fend for themselves and find their way home as best

they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a

specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the

DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we

know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may

well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may

have been a result of what he knew about these wretched

Eisenhower DEF camps.

     The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way a few months

ago into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter

Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research

through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his

column on September 12,1989 the following, in part:

     " is hard to escape the conclusion that

Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic

proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in

peace than were killed in the European Theatre."

     "For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing

German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too

deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been

interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared

the American camps to Buchenwald."

     It is known, and will be documented in my upcoming

book in newsprint format, that the Allies had

sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for

these German soldiers. This was deliberately and

intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene

from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German

people who offered these men food, were denied. General

Patton's Third Army was the only command in the

European Theatre to release significant numbers of

Germans. Others, such as Omar Bradley and General

J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the

release of prisoners within a week of the war's end.

However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower,

countermanded them on May 15th.

     Does that make you angry? What will it take to get

the average apathetic American involved in saving his

country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years

ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was

written setting out the political and moral philosophy;

of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by

Robert Welch.

     This year is the 107th Anniversary of Eisenhower's

birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of

Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is

all excited about the celebration of this landmark in

the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert

Dole, in honor of the Commander of the American Death

Camps, proposed that Washington's Dulles Airport be

renamed the Eisenhower Airport!

     The UNITED STATES MINT in Philadelphia, PA is

actually issuing a special Eisenhower Centennial Silver

Dollar for only $25 each. They will only mint 4 million

of these collector's items, and veteran's magazines are

promoting these coins under the slogan, "Remember the

Man ... Remember the Times.." Pardon me if I


     There will be some veterans who will not be buying

these coins. Two will be Col. James Mason and Col.

Charles Beasley who were in the U.S. Army Medical Corps

who published a paper on the Eisenhower Death Camps in

1950. They stated in part:

     "Huddled close together for warmth, behind the

barbed wire was a most awesome sight-- nearly 100,000

haggard, apathetic, dirty, gaunt, blank-staring men

clad in dirty gray uniforms, and standing ankle deep in

mud .... water was a major problem, yet only 200 yards

away the River Rhine was running bankfull."

     Another Veteran, who will not be buying any of the

Eisenhower Silver Dollars is Martin Brech of Mahopac,

New York, a semi-retired professor of philosophy at

Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY. In 1945, Brech was an

18 year old Private First Class in Company C of the

14th Infantry, assigned as a guard and interpreter at

the Eisenhower Death Camp at Andernach, along the Rhine

River. He stated for SPOTLIGHT, February 12, 1990:

     "My protests (regarding treatment of the German

DEF'S) were met with hostility or indifference, and

when I threw our ample rations to them over the barbed

wire. I was threatened, making it clear that it was our

deliberate policy not to adequately feed them."

     "When they caught me throwing C- Rations over the

fence, they threatened me with imprisonment. One

Captain told me that he would shoot me if he saw me

again tossing food to the Germans .... Some of the men

were really only boys 13 years of age .... Some of the

prisoners were old men drafted by Hitler in his last

ditch stand .... I understand that average weight of

the prisoners at Andernach was 90 pounds ... I have

received threats ... Nevertheless, this ... has

liberated me, for I may now be heard when I relate the

horrible atrocity I witnessed as a prison guard for one

of 'Ike's death camps' along the Rhine."


     Betty Lou Smith Hanson

     Note: Remember the photo of Ike's West Point

yearbook picture when he was dubbed "IKE, THE TERRIBLE

SWEDISH JEW"? By the way, he was next, or nearly so, to

the last in his class. This article was first printed

in 1990, but we thought it was meaningfull to reprint

it now.

     (Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West

Point Academy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of

the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At

the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's

blood to insure White racial integrety.

     Apparently there was a question of Eisenhower's

racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's

attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part

Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After

some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having some Jewish

background. The headmaster then reportedly said,

"That's where you get your Oriental blood?". Although

he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got

around since this was a time in history when non-Whites

were not allowed into the academy.

     Later, in Eisenhower's West Point Military Academy

graduating class yearbook, published in 1915,

Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew."

     Wherever Eisenhower went during his military

career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary

manifesting behavior was a concern to his fellow


     During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was

working for Gen. Douglas McArthur in the South Pacific,

McArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC)

that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not

want Eisenhower on his staff.

     In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col.

Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30

more experienced senior officers to five star general

and placed him in charge of all the US forces in

Europe. Thus it comes as no surprise that General

George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower.)


WAR CRIMES - U.S.A.  (The Final Truth About WW II)

A Book Review on OTHER LOSSES

by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret.

". . . there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: and hid that shall not be made known." - Matthew 10:26

The Final Truth About World War II

Is America finally about to be thrown a scrap or two of historical truth? If so, have the Soviet relations of recent months, which has caused its leaders to admit to the murder of millions of their own people, allowed a few rays of truth to filter down and penetrate the Iron Curtain which has been erected over World War II, and which has kept vital facts from our people?

Something out of the ordinary seems to be going on within America's ruling circles. Are we finally to be told the truth about World War II?

Recently a book was written by an eminent Canadian author, James Bacque, of Toronto. It is titled OTHER LOSSES and deserves the widest possible distribution in the United States, especially among our veterans who fought World War II. Although Mr. Bacque's book does not picture America and her allies in a favorable light, it has had an amazing reception in Canada, although the people of the United States, for the most part have been kept in the dark about one of the most heinous episodes of World War II, which revolves around the Supreme Commander of the Allies in Europe, Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower, who was known during his days at West Point as that "terrible Swedish Jew."

I have my own opinions of Dwight David Eisenhower, opinions formed during the early days of World War II, from information I received from officers who knew "Ike" before he became Supreme Commander.

During the days before World War II, "Ike," as he was affectionately called, was noted as a ''ladies man, and the best damned bridge player on the Post." (Quotation not mine.) When anyone would mention Ike as a troop commander, it was met with hilarious, profane skepticism. Then too, my opinions of Ike were formed by the attitude of my Commanding General, Gen. George Patton, who looked on Eisenhower as a "whimp," not worthy of his rank.

As many of you will remember, Ike was promoted to Supreme Commander in Europe. From Lieutenant Colonel, in early 1941, Eisenhower was promoted to full Colonel in March 1941, to Brigadier General (temporary) in September. In February 1942, after he became a favorite of Gen. George Marshall during the Louisiana Maneuvers, he was appointed Assistant Chief of the War Plans Division. About this time, Ike became acquainted with the daughter of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and she introduced her boy friend to "pappa." Evidently F.D.R. recognized in this young officer, a man who would agree with his plans and who would do anything to get promoted. This began a rapid spiral of promotions which by-passed many officers who outranked him and who were much more qualified for the posts he occupied. He became Chief of Operations Division, War Department General Staff (March, 1942), to Commanding General of the European Theater of Operations in June 1942, to Allied Commander in Chief, for the invasion of North Africa (November, 1942), Sicily, (May 1943), Italy (September, 1943) and finally to his ultimate designation by President F.D.R. as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force for the invasion of Europe.

It was Eisenhower's advise to F.D.R. and Churchill, which caused the war to drag on for two extra years, resulting in millions of deaths on both sides, and hundreds of billions of dollars of profit for Eisenhower's racial brethren, the International bankers, who financed both sides.

In early 1943, General Patton and the British Commander, Gen. Montgomery, presented a plan to Churchill and F.D.R. which called for the invasion of Europe through the "soft underbelly of Europe." This would have liberated all the eastern European countries from Communist control and would have ended the war in 1943.

But Eisenhower's hatred of the Germans, which was openly shown many times during those terrible days of the war, demanded that as many Germans as possible be made to suffer for their part in the war.

It might be well to state here, that as early as 1902, International Jewry had a plan for the destruction of Christianity in Europe.

This called for the destruction, first of Czarist Russia, which took place in 1917, and then for the destruction of Germany. A war chest of some $2-billion was set aside for this purpose, long before a man named Adolf Hitler came on the scene. When Churchill and F.D.R. listened to the advice of Stalin, instead of their two best military leaders, it gave Stalin two years to establish control over all of Eastern Europe, which is now known as the Warsaw Pact Nations.

We can see the further treason in Eisenhower's actions, when in 1945, as Patton's armored forces swept into Germany, they were held back from entering Berlin, and were even ordered to withdraw to the Western borders of Germany, until Soviet troops could enter Germany.

Any military commander "worth their salt," knows that Patton could have ended the war on the Eastern border of Germany and that country would have never been divided. Patton by this time was beginning to realize that a conspiracy existed among the top war leaders, which were keeping him from the victory he so richly deserved. It was a traumatic lesson which was to be later repeated with General Douglas MacArthur in Korea, when he was not allowed to attack enemy positions north of the Yalu River.

The One Worlder's in Washington, D.C., and London had other plans and aided Stalin in his rape of Eastern Europe and Germany.

It was the "terrible Swedish Jew" Eisenhower, whose open hatred of everything German, caused him to promote Operation Keelhaul, at the end of the war, where thousands of anti-Communist fighters, who had surrendered to American forces, were forced at bayonet point, back to the tender mercies of the Communists. Thousands of them were murdered outright, or disappeared into the Gulags of Russia.

Eisenhower returned to the States, made a hero by the controlled prostitute press of America, and his popularity from a populace he had betrayed, was such that he became the 34th President of the United States in 1953.

Eisenhower was quoted at lie war's end as saying: ''I hate war as only a soldier who has lived through it can only as one who has seen it's brutality, it's futility, it's Stupidity" But he did not hate it as much as he hated Germans, and he took a terrible Jewish revenge on over a million surrendered German soldiers and civilians when the war ended. Praised by the media and the ''kept'' historians, this man was directly responsible for one of the most reprehensible acts in the history of civilized warfare. One which should put him in the same class with Atilla the Hun and other barbarians.

The peace which was inflicted on a completely defeated Germany in 1945, was called the Morgenthau Plan. It was promoted by Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, a Jew, who later stated that most of the ideas for this plan had come from Eisenhower.

Now, after a tremendous research of over twenty years, the truth about this Jew Commander of America's forces, who became the 34th President of the United States, can be known.

In 1945, during the post-World War II period, American foreign policy was largely in the hands of a small group of very powerful Zionists based in Washington, D.C. This secret, invisible government, which has controlled America for over fifty years, was headed then by Sen. Herbert Lehman; Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau. They drew up the "blueprint" for a plan, which the enthusiastic Eisenhower carried out in Europe, which was the most monstrous policy of hate and vengeance known in the annals of civilized history.

This policy is still in operation today, fifty years later, where media pundits, twisting, exaggerating, and even manufacturing historical claims, have hounded, harassed, and had arrested 70 and 80-year old European war veterans for alleged ''war crimes,'' which were supposed to have taken place over fifty years ago.

The following article, entitled THE EISENHOWER DEATH CAMPS, was taken from the January 1990 issue of INSTAURATION, a scholarly American monthly. Every American veteran who served in World War II should know these facts. They are entitled to know how we were lied to and inveigled into a war for the benefits of the Internationalists. Every American Legion and Veteran's of foreign War Post in this country, should have this article read to its them bets, for you see, the same treason was carried out in Korea and then later in Vietnam. It is we, the veteran's of America, who have the right to know the truth, about the traitors who were responsible for the murder of our buddies, and the crippling of hundreds of thousands more, and who are even now laying the groundwork to get your sons and daughters involved in World War Ill.

The National Archives in Washington, (D.C.) contains an official document called the Weekly Prisoner of War and Disarmed Enemy Forces Report for the week ending Sept. 8, 1945. It shows that 1,056,482 German prisoners were then being held by the U.S. Army in the European theater, of whom 692,895 were still classified as POWs (Prisoners of War) and the other 363,587 as DEFs (Disarmed Enemy Forces.)

This latter designation was illegal under international law and completely contrary to the Geneva Convention, to which both the United States and Germany were signatories. A German soldier designated DEF had no right to any food, shelter, or water in fact, to anything. Quite often he did not receive even the basic necessities of life and died within days.

In the first week of September 1945, 13,051 of the 363,587 Germans died and were listed cryptically as "other losses." This was the equivalent of a death rate of 3.6% per week. At such a rate, all the remaining 350,536 DEFs would have been dead within 28 weeks before the end of the approaching winter.

The civilian death rate immediately outside the American camps in Germany was about 2% per year, or nearly 100 times lower, despite the greater proportion of older people. Since adequate supplies were readily available to the American troops at all times, this killing seems to have been deliberate.

As for the 692,895 German soldiers still falsely listed as POWs, the last of them had actually been transferred from POW to DEF status a month earlier on August 4, by order of General Eisenhower. Their death rate quickly quadrupled within weeks, from .2% to .8% per week. Assuming the latter rate for the week ending September 8, about 5,543 of the so-called POWs listed in the report as being alive and in American hands had died that week - all would have died within just over two years.. (The reason this death rate was lower than 3.6% weekly for the longer-term DEFs was simply that the barbaric treatment of the DEFs was cumulative, and that some of the American troops refused to go along with this barbaric treatment.) I recall the winter of 1945, when I was on occupation duty in Japan. A similar order came from our local U.S. military commander who was known for his hatred of all Japanese. It did not come from MacArthur's headquarters in Tokyo. We were not allowed to give food of any kind to Japanese civilians, although many of them were on the verge of starvation. I was commanding a detachment of 28 men, which were guarding a Japanese Quarter Master dump at the little town of Niski'ya'hama, about eighty miles south of Osaka. Food in this storehouse was literally spoiling, yet we were not allowed to share it with the Japanese people. For Christmas rations that year, my detachment received eight sheep carcasses and 28 turkeys, with no refrigeration for storage. Rather than see this food go to waste, I shared it with the starving population, and when word leaked out, I came very close to being court marshaled. It was only the intervention of a high ranking officer from MacArthur's Headquarters which saved me.

The same thing happened over and over again in Germany, and American officers and servicemen were court marshaled, on Eisenhower's orders, for sharing their rations with the starving Germans. If you were a young man, with several small children at home, you know how these enemy children played on the minds of decent Americans who knew what their government was doing was wrong. Enemy children have never been enemies, to big hearted Americans.

But with a man of unbounded hatred for the Germans, his order of August 4th, made it impossible for there to be such a thing as a bona fide German POW in American hands on European soil.

Instead, there were vast concentrations of men (including some women and children) starving to death in open, muddy, disease-ridden fields.

In November 1945, Eisenhower returned to Washington. A month later, a slight relaxation went into effect. Men of conscience such as General George Patton, had no qualms about killing German soldiers in combat, but he drew a line at the deliberate policy of murder which was advocated by Eisenhower. I firmly believe this was one of the reasons he met his untimely death The truth which is now coming out of old records, show that "war crimes" was by no means a German monopoly, and the "good war," the Jewish media and historians called it in the United States, was as evil as any conflict in world history.

Bacque's careful calculations forced hty o conclude:

Eisenhower had deplored the German's useless defense of the Reich in the last months of the war because of the waste of life. At least ten times as many Germans - undoubtedly 800,000, almost certainly 900,000, and quite possibly a million died in the French and American camps as were killed in all the combat on the Western front in northwest Europe from America's entry into the war in December 1941, through April 1945."

Bacque was ably assisted in his research by Col. Ernest F. Fisher, a senior historian for the U.S. Army, as well as by other highly placed members of the American military. One of them, Co!. Philip S. Lauben, Chief of the German Affairs branch of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force), stated that, in late 1945, "the Vosges (northeast France) was just one big death camp (for Germans)."

In spite of everything which has been written about Eisenhower which makes him out to be a hero, there seems little question that Dwight Eisenhower meets all the qualifications of a certified war criminal, even if Bacque's figures are off a bit. (If Germany had been the winner, there is little doubt he would have been tried and found guilty of the most heinous crimes against mankind.)

Many veterans will get upset with this appraisal of a man they looked on as a "bona fide" American hero. But the proof for these accusations can be found in what happened to those Germans who were fortunate enough to surrender to the British and the Canadians some two million of them. The evidence shows that "almost all continued in fair health and many were quickly released and sent home or transferred to the French, to help in the post-war work of reconstruction.

Bacque specifically commends General Patton for behavior towards his POWs it a civilized manner. His Third Army freed vast numbers of German captives during May 1945, to the dismay, no doubt, of the Zionists who controlled Washington

Both General Omar Bradley and J. C. H. Lee, Communications Zone (ComZ) Europe, ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. This SHAEF order was countermanded by Eisenhower on May IS, 1945.

While German soldiers from the British and Canadian zones were quickly regaining manr strength and were helping rebuild Europe, Germans taken by the Americans were dying by the hundreds of thousands - emaciated figures in diarrhea smeared clothing, huddling pitifully in watery holes with perhaps a scrap of cardboard over their heads and a rotten potato for supper. At times many of them were reduced to drinking urine and eating grass.

Did all this happen because of one supremely unprincipled and influential man named Eisenhower? Or was Ike in turn influenced by a small circle around him or by his superiors in Washington? Historians will be probing this question for decades to come.

Here are the principle dates by which this infamy will live:

1944: Eisenhower told the British ambassador to Washington that the 3,500 officers of the German General staff should be ''exterminated.'' He also favored the liquidation of perhaps 100,000 prominent Germans. Soon after, he wrote to his wife, Mamie: "God, I hate Germans! Why? Because the German is a beast!" Eisenhower said he was ashamed to bear a German name.

August 1944: The North American wheat surplus was create greater than at any time in history, nearly one billion bushels. The U.S. corn surplus and potato crop also reached a new high.

March 10, 1944: A message sent from Eisenhower to the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) of Britain and the U.S. recommended the creation of an entirely new class of prisoners, Disarmed Enemy Forces or DEFs. At a press conference in Paris, this same day, Ike said: "If the Germans were reasoning like normal beings, they would realize the whole history of the United States and Great Britain is to be generous towards a defeated enemy. We observe all the laws of the Geneva Convention.''

March 19, 1945: Eisenhower's special assistant, General Everett Hughes, visited the American supply depots at Naples and Marseille. In both places, he writes, there are ''more stocks than we can ever use. (They) stretch as far as eye can see.''

Spring 1945: The International Red Cross had over 100,000 tons of food stockpiled in Switzerland. At one point, it sent two trainloads into the American Zone of Germany, but the food was sent back. The Morgenthau Plan for a ''Carthaginian Peace'' in Germany, to use the words of Military Governor Lucius Clay, is implemented through the directive JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff) 1067, which specifies to Eisenhower the policy he must adopt towards every institution in Germany. The directive is largely the work of three of Henry Morgenthau's underlings in the Treasury Department Harry Dexter White, Frank Coe, and Harry Glasser. White and Glasser were both Jews and all three were Communist ''fellow travelers.''

April 11, 1945: On the eve of his death, FDR told Morgenthau in Warm Springs, GA: "Henry, I am with you l00%" When Truman took over, he continued Morgenthau's "Carthaginian Policy" towards conquered Germany.

April 17, 1945: The Americans opened their enormous Rheinberg Camp, six miles in circumference, with no food or shelter whatsoever. As in the other big "Rhine meadow" camps, opened in mid-April, there was initially no latrines and no water. In some camps, the men were so crowded they could not lie down. Meanwhile, at Camp Kripp, near Remagen, the half-American Charles von Luttichau determines that his German comrades are receiving about 5% as much food as their captors." Complaining to the camp commander, HE SAID: ''Forget the Geneva Convention. You don't have any rights."

Late April 1945: Heinz Janssen, a survivor of the Rheinberg camp, described conditions as they were at the time. "Amputees slithered like amphibians through the mud , soaking and freezing. Naked to the skies day after day and night after flight, they lay desperate in the sand of Rheinberg or sleep exhaustedly into eternity ill their collapsing holes.''

April 26, 1945: The Combined Chiefs of Staff sent a message to Eisenhower, urging him not to take any more German prisoners after VE Day. He ignored it. The CCS approved of Ike's proposed DEF status, but only for certain types of German prisoners. The British refused to go against the Geneva Convention. The CCS orders the illegal DEF status to be kept strictly secret. By this date, Eisenhower's Quartermaster General of ASHAEF, Gen. Robert Littlejohn, has already twice reduced the rations to German prisoners. A message to Gen. George C. Marshall, signed by Ike, mandated: ''No shelter'' for German prisoners, despite an unusually cold and wet March and April.

May 4, 1945: The first German POWs were transfer-red to DEF status. Mail to and from all German prisoners was banned for more than a year.

May 8, 1945: Germany surrendered unconditionally. The U.S. State Department wasted no time dismissing Switzerland as the official Protecting Power for German prisoners, contravening the Geneva Convention. State also informed the International Red Cross that, with no Protecting Power to report to, there is no point in sending delegates to the camps. From this day forward, prisoners held by the U.S. Army had no access to any impartial observer. The British and Canadians also removed the Swiss protectors, but continued treating their POWs decently.

May, 1945: The American Red Cross reported that more than 98% of Americans captured by the Germans will be coming home safely, thanks in part to the food parcels sent to them during the war, which were promptly delivered by the Germans.

May 15, 1945: Eisenhower and Churchill talked about further reducing the rations for the German POWs. Churchill was informed that the POWs have been getting 2,000 calories per day (compared to 4,000 for American troops) and that 2,150 was regarded as an absolute minimum required for sedentary adults living under shelter. Eisenhower failed to tell Churchill that the U.S. Army was not even feeding many DEFs, and that they were feeding others, much less than 2,000 calories per day.

Mid-May 1945: The Bingen camp, near Bad Kreuznach in the Rhineland, was now holding between 200,000 and 400,000 German POWs, with no shelter, food, water, or medicine. The death rate for prisoners in these U.S. camps were now about 30% per year, according to a U.S. medical survey.

June 2, 1945: The European Theater Provost Marshal issued two reports. One, the last in a series of daily reports, logged 2,870,400 POWs on hand. The other, the first report in a weekly series, dated the same day, logged only 1,836,000. At one point in mid-June, the prisoner strength on the ration list is given as 1,421,559, despite the evidence of Gen. J.C.H. Lee and others that there were about 4 million. This bizarre bookkeeping persisted throughout 1945 in all branches of the occupying army. The apparent purpose was to obscure the death toll by means of an indecipherable mass of conflicting Statistics. (One of Bacque's greatest coups has been to decipher them.)

Mid - June, 1945: British "Tommies" took over the huge Rheinberg camp from the Americans, saving many thousands of German lives. The final act of the ''Yanks" before the British took charge, was to bulldoze one section flat while the men were still living in their holes in the ground. Meanwhile, a team of doctors from the U.S. Army Medical Corps completed a survey of some of the smaller Rhineland camps, holding some 80,000 POWs (not DEFs). They found a death rate 80 times higher than anything they have known in their professional career.

July, 1945: Eisenhower becomes military governor of the U.S. Zone in Germany. He continued to turn back all relief teams from Switzerland, the U.S. and elsewhere.

July 10, 1945: A French Army unit under Gen. Rousseau, took over the Dietersheim camp (near Mainz) from the Americans. He found 32,000 men and women of all ages in a moribund (dying) State. Another French officer Capt .Julien, was taking command 17 days later and found a vast mire ''peopled with living skeletons, male and female, huddling under scraps of wet card board ." Horrified, Julien wrote: 'This is just like the photographs of Buchenwald and Dachau.

July 20, 1945: Gen. Littlejohn received a memo stating, "These men, German POWs are authorized a maximum of 1,150 calories for the non-workers and 1,850 for workers.'' (Remember, it takes 2,000 calories of keep a sedentary adult alive.

July 26, 1945: The International Red Cross proposed restoring mail service to German POWs. Fearing that the reality of the death camps might come to light, the U. S. War Department rejected the idea.

August 4, 1945: Eisenhower ordered that all remaining German POWs be stripper of their rights, thus reducing them to DEF status.

August 27, 1945: In a long memorandum, Gen. Littlejohn informed Eisenhower that 1,550,000 Germans who supposedly were getting U.S. ARMY RATIONS, WERE RECEIVING NOTHING. Ike turned a deaf ear to his report and the death rate continued to climb.

August 30, 1945: Max Huber, head of the International Red Cross, wrote a stinging letter to the U.S. State Department about American interference in efforts to save starving Germans. Some months later, an evasive response, signed ''Eisenhower,'' arrived in Washington, falsely claiming that giving Red Cross food to enemy personnel was forbidden. Thousands of train cars loaded with decaying food were sent back to Geneva arid to sources in Paris and Brussels. Huber apologized for tying up the French rail system because of the food which was being returned by the Americans.

By this time, more than 2-million German men had been discharged into American custody, including thousands of priests, ministers, doctors, and professors. Not one single camp commander or guard was questioned by the Allied press corps and the controlled media of the U.S. concerning conditions in these hell holes.

It might be well, to stop right here and ask this question: ''Is anyone who reads this horrifying account, so naive as to believe that the American people would have put up with these barbaric actions by its chief military men if they had known about it? Do you think that the politicians who were in the forefront of those who kept these facts from Americans would have lasted very long in office, if the truth had been known? Do you think that millions of Americans would show such concern for the Holocaust of the Jews, if they knew that it was Jewish hatred for their fellow kinsmen, that were killing over a million Germans? I sincerely doubt it! That's why these facts have been kept from the American people for almost fifty years.

Late Summer, 1945: Jean-Pierre Pradervand, head of the International Red Cross delegations in France, told Henry W. Dunning, an American Red Cross official, that conditions in the French camps are worse, in many instances, than anything seen in the former Nazi camps. Pradervand showed Dunning pictures of the living skeletons. Dunning explained all this to the American Red Cross in Washington, which informed key government officials. Nevertheless, the cover-up continued. Pradervand also informed Charles De Gaulle that one-third of the prisoners handed over to France by the Americans will die soon without a radical change in treatment. De Gaulle showed no interest and the prisoners continued to die.

September 27, 1945: Pradervand's pictures of German living skeletons were shown to Eisenhower in his office.

September 30, 1945 - October 1: The French newspaper, Le Monde, ran a story which began: "As one speaks today of Dachau, in ten years people throughout the world will speak about camps such as Saint Paul d'Egiaux.''

October 11,13, 14, 15, 20: The New York Times ran a cover-up report of the death camps by star newsman Drew Middleton. Interviewed by Bacque in 1988, Middleton admitted that he never actually visited any of the 50 U.S. camps located within 40 miles of his Frankfurt desk, but was only 'driven by,' as he was being debriefed by the military."

December 1945: Eisenhower returned to the States and the U.S. Army allowed the first relief shipment to enter the American sector.

1947 - 1950's: Nearly all the surviving records of the Rhineland death camps were destroyed. The West German government concluded that 1.7-million German soldiers were alive at the wars' end, and who were known to have been in fair health, and disappeared. The Western Allies pinned virtually all the blame on the Soviets.

1950: The first German edition of ALLHERERTE KRIEGSVERBRECHEN is published. Never translated into English, the book gives eye-witness descriptions of the conditions which prevailed in the American camps.

1960s - 1972: The West German Foreign Office, under Willy Brandt subsidized books denying the atrocities in American POW camps and the high death rate.

1980: The International Committee of the Red Cross refuses to open its archives to James Bacque and other investigators into Allied atrocities. To this day, the ICRC has remained silent on the subject, despite the visits of Pradervand and other Red Cross delegates to many methhe camps.

September 1989: James Bacque's book on the American death camps, "Other Losses," published by Stoddard, a Canadian Publishing House, was released, after being refused by more than 30 American publishers. Saturday night, one of Canada's most respected magazines. simultaneously published a summary of this book as its lead story and within days Canada was buzzing about Gen. Eisenhower's war crimes. Why is it that we have heard little or nothing of this in the United States?

As American citizens, many of us who served in the American Armed Forces during World War II, and a great many of us who are of German heritage, should demand of our leaders in Washington, D.C. that the truth about this War be made known.

With accurate information of what really happened, instead of Zionist propaganda, just possibly we might be able to avert World War III, which is now being planned by these same One Worlders.

It is interesting to note, that it has been proven in recent years, that many of the pictures taken in Germany during WW II, purporting to be Jewish victims of ''racial extermination,'' were actually pictures of German civilians who had died under American war criminals.

(Most of the information in this article came from the March 1990, CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE. Their mut Wly intelligence newsletter is available from the above address)





City Hall & Market Square in Gotha

The city of Gotha is mostly known to Americans, if at all, as the first headquarters of the American Army, set up by General Eisenhower in April 1945, and as the site of one of the Prisoner of War camps where captured German soldiers were treated in a barbaric fashion with total disregard to the rules of civilized warfare. Eisenhower mentioned Gotha in his book "Crusade in Europe," as the nearest city to the "horror camp" at Ohrdruf-Nord, the first concentration camp to be discovered by American soldiers in April 1945, but he failed to mention his own notorious POW camp located near Gotha.

On March 10, 1945 as World War II was coming to an end, General Eisenhower signed an order creating the status of Disarmed Enemy Forces for the German Prisoners of War who would soon be surrendering to the Americans. This order was a violation of the Geneva Convention because it allowed Eisenhower to disregard the rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. It allowed him to starve the German POWs, deny them the right to send and receive letters, receive Red Cross packages or packages from Germany civilians. All these rights were enjoyed by the prisoners in the Nazi POW camps and even in the notorious concentration camps. Eisenhower signed this order before he had even seen the horrors of the concentration camps, which so affected him.

James Bacque wrote in his book Other Losses: "There were no tents in the Gotha DEF camp, only the usual barbed wire fences round a field soon churned to mud. On the first day, they received a small ration of food, which was then cut in half. In order to get it, they were forced to run a gauntlet. Hunched over, they ran between lines of guards who hit them with sticks as they scurried towards their food. On April 27, they were transferred to the U.S. camp at Heidesheim further west where there was no food at all for days, then very little."

On May 8, 1945 the German army surrendered to General Eisenhower, who refused to shake hands with the German General, as is customary. The neutral country of Switzerland was removed as the Protecting Power for German prisoners, which violated the Geneva Convention. General Patton quickly released the prisoners who had surrendered to his Third Army, but General Eisenhower held his POWs until the end of 1946, forcing them to live on starvation rations. Red Cross packages sent to the POW camps were returned. The POW camps had no barracks or tents. The German prisoners were forced to dig holes in the ground for shelter, as the picture below shows. Even though the American army had plenty of tents, the prisoners lived for months in their holes. When it rained, the holes collapsed and the prisoners died.

German POWs had to dig holes for shelter

After 1947 most of the records of the POW camps were destroyed by the U.S. government, according to James Bacque who wrote Other Losses. The Germans determined that 1,700,000 soldiers who were alive at the end of the war and had surrendered to the Allies, never returned home. All of the Allied countries denied responsibility, and the families were never told what had happened to their loved ones.

Ironically, Gotha also holds a place in history as the birthplace of the Socialist Worker's Party of Germany in 1875. The very house, called the Haus am Tivoli, where August Bebel and others got together to form this new leftist political party, is at the intersection of Cosmartstrasse, but it is closed to tourists. A plaque was placed outside the house by the Communist East German government, commemorating this as the place where a "glorious moment in the history of the German working class" took place. Karl Marx wrote a scathing paper called "Critique of the Gotha Programme" in which he criticized the new party as a sell-out of the proletariat and the Communist party, which he had popularized in 1848 with his "Communist Manifesto." In 1890, the name of the party was changed to the Social Democratic Party, which is still one of the largest political parties in Germany today.

It was the Social Democrats who declared a Republic in Germany on November 9, 1918, forced the Kaiser to abdicate, and then signed the Armistice which ended World War I. The Nazis referred to the Social Democrats as the "November Criminals" and called their actions the "Dolchstoss" (Stab in the Back). The claim that Germany had lost World War I on the battlefield was called "The Big Lie" by Hitler in his book, "Mein Kampf." The harsh peace treaty signed by the Social Democrats at Versailles insured that another war would soon follow.


Eisenhower's Starvation Order

James Bacque

[Allied POW Camp]

Never had so many people been put in prison. The size of the Allied captures was unprecedented in all history. The Soviets took prisoner some 3.5 million Europeans, the Americans about 6.1 million, the British about 2.4 million, the Canadians about 300,000, the French around 200,000. Uncounted millions of Japanese entered American captivity in 1945, plus about 640,000 entering Soviet captivity. [Above: A U.S. Army soldier stands guard over thousands of German POWs at Sinzig-Remagen, spring 1945.]

As soon as Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945, the American Military Governor, General Eisenhower, sent out an "urgent courier" throughout the huge area that he commanded, making it a crime punishable by death for German civilians to feed prisoners. It was even a death-penalty crime to gather food together in one place to take it to prisoners ... The order was sent in German to the provincial governments, ordering them to distribute it immediately to local governments. Copies of the orders were discovered recently in several villages near the Rhine ... The message [which Bacque reproduces] reads in part: "... under no circumstances may food supplies be assembled among the local inhabitants in order to deliver them to the prisoners of war. Those who violate this command and nevertheless try to circumvent this blockade to allow something to come to the prisoners place themselves in danger of being shot...."

Eisenhower's order was also posted in English, German and Polish on the bulletin board of Military Government Headquarters in Bavaria, signed by the Chief of Staff of the Military Governor of Bavaria. Later it was posted in Polish in Straubing and Regensburg, where there were many Polish guard companies at nearby camps. One US Army officer who read the posted order in May 1945 has written that it was "the intention of Army command regarding the German POW camps in the US Zone from May 1945 through the end of 1947 to exterminate as many POWs as the traffic would bear without international scrutiny."

... The [American] army's policy was to starve [German] prisoners, according to several American soldiers who were there. Martin Brech, retired professor of philosophy at Mercy college in New York, who was a guard at Andernach in 1945, has said that he was told by an officer that "it is our policy that these men not be fed." The 50,000 to 60,000 men in Andernach were starving, living with no shelter in holes in the ground, trying to nourish themselves on grass. When Brech smuggled bread to them through the wire, he was ordered to stop by an officer. Later, Brech sneaked more food to them, was caught, and told by the same officer, "If you do that again, you'll be shot." Brech saw bodies go out of the camp "by the truckload" but he was never told how many there were, where they were buried, or how.

... The prisoner Paul Schmitt was shot in the American camp at Bretzenheim after coming close to the wire to see his wife and young son who were bringing him a basket of food. The French followed suit: Agnes Spira was shot by French guards at Dietersheim in July 1945 for taking food to prisoners. The memorial to her in nearby Buedesheim, written by one of her chidren, reads: "On the 31st of July 1945, my mother was suddenly and unexpectedly torn from me because of her good deed toward the imprisoned soldiers." The entry in the Catholic church register says simply: "A tragic demise, shot in Dietersheim on 31.07.1945. Buried on 03.08.1945." Martin Brech watched in amazement as one officer at Andernach stood on a hillside firing shots towards German women running away from him in the valley below.

The prisoner Hans Scharf ... was watching as a German woman with her two children came towards an American guard in the camp at Bad Kreuznach, carrying a wine bottle. She asked the guard to give the bottle to her husband, who was just inside the wire. The guard upended the bottle into his own mouth, and when it was empty, threw it on the ground and killed the prisoner with five shots.

Many prisoners and German civilians saw the American guards burn the food brought by civilian women. One former prisoner described it recently: "At first, the women from the nearby town brought food into the camp. The American soldiers took everything away from the women, threw it in a heap and poured gasoline [benzine] over it and burned it." Eisenhower himself ordered that the food be destroyed, according to the writer Karl Vogel, who was the German camp commander appointed by the Americans in Camp 8 at Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Although the prisoners were getting only 800 calories per day, the Americans were destroying food outside the camp gate.

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950, pp. 41-45, 94-95. Crimes and Mercies can be purchased from The Institute for Historical Review, PO Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659. $18.95 postpaid (CA sales tax $1.31)


Vae Victis - Blow to the loser After the transport over the Atlantic, many prisoners where locked in "cages". It were extremely bad conditions there. In the book "Other losses" written by James Bacque he claimed, that Eisenhower was primarily responsible for the catastrophe in the cages. Eisenhower let the German soldiers starve despite sufficient reinforcements, just due to his feelings of personal revenge. General Eisenhower was in his own words on a "crusade in Europe". The Canadian Bacque estimates, that about 1 million soldiers died in US custody. The anthology by Bishop and Ambrose tries to refute the thesis of James Bacque. They doubt that there where 1 million casualties. How many men exactly died in the cages, fact is that the SHAEF had with 5 million prisoners a considerable problem at the end of the war. An objective report, of the 11 to 12 million German prisoners of war in 20 custody states, is a publication of the "scientific commission for the documentation of the destiny of the German prisoners of the second World War". With up to 16 employees and important scientists, that commission became 400.000 statements of men returned from captivity, 50.000 reports as well and own interviews, published in 22 volumes at more than 10.000 printed pages. After ten years work, when the study had been finished, the (socialist) Westgerman chancellor Herbert Frahm, better known under his pseudonym "Willy Brand", ordered that this report had to be closed and prohibited publishing. He wanted to avoid a public discussion in Germany or even worst in the foreign countries. In his opinion people could get the impression, that a crosscheck would be opened about the injustice of the Allies against the injustice of the Nazis. He was scared that this could endanger the foreign policy turned toward reconciliation. However, it cannot be that the wrong of one site is discreet and the wrong of the other site get accused again and again. In this air picture of the "Rheinwiesenlager" represents every dot a German soldier sitting on the bare field for month. They graved holes to be protected of the wind at least. Some drowned in their foxhole when it rained strongly because they were too weak to creep out, died by their war wounds, by diarrhea, starved..... A horrible catastrophe. The viable prisoners where obliged to forced labor in France and England for many years. To this the Americans submitted to the French powers approx. 800.000 men. The need of the prisoners was particularly great in France. This doesn't have to be explained by revenge, hate or prejudices but we must consider, that large portions of France were destroyed and the Frenchmen had to suffer under a lack of food also. On 8-21-1945 the ICRC wrote a memorandum, that the life of 200.000 German POW's in French custody where immediately endangered, 2000 would hardly recover, 2000 could take no food and had to be fed artificially and 600.000 men had only inadequate accommodations what dangers their life in the approaching winter. Like on a slave market, farmers chose their workers. Thigh, arms and teeth were examined but the soldiers had not to be naked during that procedure like in Russia. A speedy dismissal was offered to soldiers who voluntarily reported for mine clearing commands in view to their highly dangerous job. But, the explanation was even given in writing, the soldiers who risked their life day for day were sent to the coal mines later. That made the prisoners so brittle that some recruited to the Foreign Legion either and died for France on battle-fields in Alger or Indochina, mutilated their self or tried an escape like 171.029 POW did.





As soon as World War II ended, the United States began shipping food to the hundreds of millions of people acing starvation as a result

of the war. Unprecedented in world history; this massive program fulfilled the highest ideals. Our generosity seemed to have no limit. We fed former enemies Italy and Japan as well as a new enemy, the Soviet Union. Only Germany was left out.

It is well known that for the next 50 years the Allies hanged and incarcerated Nazis for their alleged crimes, the murder of 6 million Jews and their alleged criminal conduct of war. The crimes against the Jews seemed to be well documented but were a concoction. The verdict of guilty was a requisite of hanging the political and military leadership and also to justify the ravaging of the vanquished enemy.

Far worse than the crimes against the Jews and the pretended general war crimes by the Germans was in fact the National Socialist philosophy, which was intolerable to the international bankers. National Socialism stood against the international capitalism of the West and the communism of the East. Between those superpowers National Socialism emerged, forged by a determined leader to liberate a demoralised country

The cruelty imposed on defeated Germany was nothing new to the Germans. They had experienced a hunger blockade after World War I. During those eight months eight hundred thousand people died. The Allies didn’t even allow the German fishing fleet to go to sea.

This child looks at you, and to all those who enjoyed the terrible slaughters of Germans as "the only just war of the century"!

He doesn't need words - the little face says it all

The above foto was taken in Bromberg (West Prussia) on January 22, 1945. It shows a German mother with her little boy. The two were unable to flee Ehrenburg's genocidal Red troops (Morgenthau raged in the west). Ehrenburg's hordes then proceeded to liberate the helpless boy's mother from Hitler. This liberating orgy of rape also "liberated her of her life". For three days and nights the sobbing child clung to his dead mother's hair, until the last strength left his exhausted little body. Heads together, the two, united forever, lay on scorched German earth.

The occupying Allied armies carved 25 percent of Germany’s most fertile land (Silesia, Pomerania, East Prussia and Bohemia) and placed it under Russian and Polish control, forcibly expelling at least 8 (and some claim 12) million people into what remained of Germany It has been forgotten that the Allies kept millions of prisoners in forced labour camps. International charitable aid to Germany was banned for another year, then restricted for more than one year. When it was permitted, it came too late for millions of people.

The Allies slashed production of oil, tractors, steel and products essential to an industrial nation. They cut fertiliser production by 82 percent They undervalued German exports, depriving Germans of

cash needed to buy food. During the next three years following the end of the war Germany’s industrial production fell by 75 percent. The loss of fertile land and the drop in fertiliser supplies caused agricultural production to fall by 65 percent Sixty million people began to starve.

The mass expulsions from one part of Germany to another, approved at the Allied victory conference at Potsdam in July and August 1945, were enforced with a maximum of brutality. In the West, the plan to dismantle German industrial capacity began at the headquarters of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower in August of 1944. Eisenhower prescribed a treatment for Germany that would be "good and hard," giving as his reason that "the whole German population is synthetic [sic] paranoid."

With 13 percent of Germany’s heavy industry destroyed during the war, an additional 3 percent was dismantled afterward, according to German statistics.

But it was the Jewish World Organisation and the Zionist World Congress which saved Germany from this fate of industrial destruction. It was thought that the Germans could be made to pay restitution for the "enormous crime of genocide." In order to commit them to that task they would need to keep the remaining industry intact. The German industrial capacity was restored to aid Israel.

Nov. 11, 1944 young German Josef Wende was murdered by the Allied-Armies for wearing a German uniform.

The government of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer conducted a massive survey about the deaths of German prisoners of war in Allied camps. It was found that some 1.4 million died in captivity. The fall of the Soviet empire in 1989 provided a spectacular test of the truth; the KGB archives were opened for historical scrutiny and the reports from KGB Col. I. Bulanov revealed that 460,000 German POWs had died in Soviet camps alone. In addition, the KGB records show that the Soviets had also imprisoned hundreds of thousands of German civilians, of whom thousands died.

Documents from the National Archives in Ottawa, Moscow, Washington and Stanford, Conn., recently revealed that the Allies not only destroyed most major industry but also reduced German food production.

A comparison of German censuses of 1946 and 1950 shows the effect of food shortages. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people fewer than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census, minus officially reported deaths, plus births and "immigrants" (people expelled from the east and returning prisoners) in the period from 1946 to 1950. The total tally of unacknowledged deaths among prisoners, refugees and non-expelled civilians comes to about nine million people between 1945 and 1950, far more than the number who died during the war itself. All of these deaths were surplus to those actually reported. Moreover, those deaths occurred in peacetime while the world media did not bother to report of them.

Courtesy of THE DECKERT-DISPATCH, P.O. Box 101117, D-69451 WEINHEIM, GERMANY

The Torah-True-Jews proclaim: "[The Zionists] provoked and increased anti-Semitism in Europe which led to the Second World War ... The world-wide boycott against Germany in 1933 and the later all-out declaration of war against Germany, initiated by the Zionist leaders and the World Jewish Congress ... The Role of Zionism in the Holocaust ... The Zionist leaders: 'Spiritually and Physically Responsible'." ()


In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps': Part I -- A U.S. Prison Guard's Story

Martin Brech

In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the U.S. army. Largely because of the "Battle of the Bulge," my training was cut short. My furlough was halved, and I was sent overseas immediately. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into box cars and shipped to the front. When we got there, I was suffering increasingly severe symptoms of mononucleosis, and was sent to a hospital in Belgium. Since mononucleosis was then known as the "kissing disease," I mailed a letter of thanks to my girlfriend.

By the time I left the hospital, the outfit I had trained with in Spartanburg, South Carolina was deep inside Germany, so, despite my protests, I was placed in a "repo depot (replacement depot). I lost interest in the units to which I was assigned and don't recall all of them: non-combat units were ridiculed at that time. My separation qualification record states I was mostly with Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment, during my seventeen-month stay in Germany, but I remember being transferred to other outfits also.

In late March or early April 1945, I was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden. Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out members of the S.S. (I found none.)

In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets; many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring and their misery from exposure alone was evident.

Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly, they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance.

Outraged, I protested to my officers and was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from "higher up." No officer would dare do this to 50,000 men if he felt that it was "out of line," leaving him open to charges. Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too said they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners' food and that these orders came from "higher up." But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with and would sneak me some.

When I threw this food over the barbed wire to the prisoners, I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the "offense," and one officer angrily threatened to shoot me. I assumed this was a bluff until I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, Why?," he mumbled, "Target practice," and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn't tell if any had been hit.

This is when I realized I was dealing with cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans subhuman and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars and Stripes, played up the German concentration camps, complete with photos of emaciated bodies; this amplified our self-righteous cruelty and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians.

These prisoners, I found out, were mostly farmers and workingmen, as simple and ignorant as many of our own troops. As time went on, more of them lapsed into a zombie-like state of listlessness, while others tried to escape in a demented or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.Some prisoners were as eager for cigarettes as for food, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, enterprising G.I. "Yankee traders" were acquiring hordes of watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigarettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I was threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s too.

The only bright spot in this gloomy picture came one night when.I was put on the "graveyard shift," from two to four A.M. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn't bothered to ask for one, disgusted as I was with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires towards the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up from the ground to warn him to get back. Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something; I had to investigate.

When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I felt completely vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me moving. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn't reflexively fired. The figure sat up. Gradually, I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way.

I did so immediately and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge of the cemetery to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and still do now, what it would be like to meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket, under those conditions as a prisoner. I have never forgotten her face.

Eventually, more prisoners crawled back to the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food to their comrades and could only admire their courage and devotion.

On May 8, V.E. Day, I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we were going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone, where I soon would witness the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps.

On this day, however, we were happy.

As a gesture of friendliness, I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner, even allowing them to play with it at theirs! request. This thoroughly "broke the ice," and soon we were singing songs we taught each other or I had learned in high school German ("Du, du liegst mir im Herzen"). Out of gratitude, they baked me a special small loaf of sweet bread, the only possible present they had left to offer. I stuffed it in my "Eisenhower jacket" and snuck it back to my barracks, eating it when I had privacy. I have never tasted more delicious bread, nor felt a deeper sense of communion while eating it. I believe a cosmic sense of Christ (the Oneness of all Being) revealed its normally hidden presence to me on that occasion, influencing my later decision to major in philosophy and religion.

Shortly afterwards, some of our weak and sickly prisoners were marched off by French soldiers to their camp. We were riding on a truck behind this column. Temporarily, it slowed down and dropped back, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. Whenever a German prisoner staggered or dropped back, he was hit on the head with a club until he died. The bodies were rolled to the side of the road to be picked up by another truck. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to slow starvation in our "killing fields."

When I finally saw the German women in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were holding them prisoner. I was told they were "camp followers," selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. I spoke to some and must say I never met a more spirited or attractive group of women. I certainly didn't think they deserved imprisonment.

I was used increasingly as an interpreter, and was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One rather amusing incident involved an old farmer who was being dragged away by several M.P.s. I was told he had a "fancy Nazi medal," which they showed me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He'd been awarded it for having five children! Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him "off her back," but I didn't think one of our death camps was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The M.P.s agreed and released him to continue his "dirty work."

Famine began to spread among the German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible -- that is, if they weren't chased away.

When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told their supply of food had been taken away by "displaced persons" (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug. I never saw any Red Cross at the camp or helping civilians, although their coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere else for us. In the meantime, the Germans had to rely on the sharing of hidden stores until the next harvest.

Hunger made German women more "available," but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we'd been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.

"So what?" some would say. "The enemy's atrocities were worse than ours." It is true that I experienced only the end of the war, when we were already the victors. The German opportunity for atrocities had faded; ours was at hand. But two wrongs don't make a right. Rather than copying our enemy's crimes, we should aim once and for all to break the cycle of hatred and vengeance that has plagued and distorted human history. This is why I am speaking out now, forty-five years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kind of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. And we can refuse ever to condone our government's murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.

I realize it is difficult for the average citizen to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated himself. Even G.I.s sympathetic to the victims were afraid to complain and get into trouble, they told me. And the danger has not ceased. Since I spoke out a few weeks ago, I have received threatening calls and had my mailbox smashed. But its been worth it. Writing about these atrocities has been a catharsis of feeling suppressed too long, a liberation, and perhaps will remind other witnesses that "the truth will make us free, have no fear." We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: only love can conquer all.



Eisenhower was nicknamed "The Swedish Jew" as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point.  In Ike's time USMA cadets were required to be 100% white and non-negroid, or as close to that as medical doctors and geneological research could then ascertain.  Serious official questions arose about Ike's obvious part non-white genetic heritage.  These appeared to be negroid in origin.   "Ike" explained this away as being due to a Jewish ancestor from Sweden, hence the nickname "The Swedish Jew".

Military Academy cadets and other officer candidates get to know each other extremely well during their schooling, provided it's conducted on an intensive basis as U.S. officer schooling formerly was.  Everyone is at close quarters running 24/7.  There's no place to hide character traits in those conditions.  Cadet nicknames are usually extremely descriptive.  And when they're keyed to obvious non-white themes it's a warning signal to look deeper.  Here's another example.  The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander who allowed himself to be surprised at Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, was nicknamed "Mustapha" as a midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.  Other "Mustaphas" in Egypt and Syria allowed this to happen to themselves in 1967.

The academy and officer training schools (used?) to take official advantage of that close quarters peer knowledge through an anonymous peer rating mechanism.  I knew this as "Top Five/Bottom Five" and it meant what it said.  Officer candidates rated their platoon fellows on leadership in rank order from Top One to Bottom x.  People who accumulated too many "Bottom Five" rankings were automatically scheduled for periodic official leadership review boards for enquiry into whether they should be dismissed without commission.  The presumption of such boards used to be such individuals should be dismissed unless they could prove they were worthy of commission.  Very, very few survived such review boards.

Judeo-Marxist Academics like the military scribbler Weigley and the Jew military 'sociologist' Moscowitz are generally extremely hostile to processes like peer rating and also to troop election of officers at regimental level and below.  The admixture of females has added feminist hostility to the opposition to such processes.  The long-term result is a corps of military leaders who possess less and less confidence where it really counts.  That's among their soldiers.  This has gone so far that the average U.S. ground combat unit is unusable for its designed purpose.

After long military experience and study the wisdom of both peer ratings and also electing regimental officers in militia and citizen-soldier units seems more and more profound to me.  I think the only safeguard needed is a veto power for general officers to remove obvious misfits.  You can conduct all the bureaucratic schooling processes you want.  But if an officer does not possess the confidence of his troops they will not follow him in combat, obey his orders or stay the course in difficult times.   Consequently years of academic training simply go to waste.  Electing first and schooling second is probably the best way.

P.S.  The leadership qualities required from military leaders and from political leaders are not identical.  Some individuals combine these two attribute sets.   Hitler did not combine these qualities, at least at the lower infantry unit level.   This is proven by the fact he entered the Bavarian Army as a private and emerged after four years of war as a corporal.  Despite this many fellow war veterans from his former battalion willingly followed him as a political leader, including his former battalion sergeant-major and some officers.

Nineteenth Century America managed to select many men for high office who did combine both leadership sets in fairly large numbers.  This more than anything explains the rapid conquest of the continent.  It was not 'luck'.  The old American Republic (long since vanished) actually conformed very closely in practice to the ideals of the old Roman Republic in both military process and results.  The Roman Republic constitutionally required that political leaders prove themselves as leaders in war.  This was an ideal for early Americans but not a definite legal requirement.   Had the Founding Fathers mandated this in the Constitution our history would have turned out very differently.  Certainly Canada, Mexico and Cuba would not exist as independent states. Whether this would have prevented subsequent miscegenation or the Civil War is another question.

And results (output) are the real measure of military efficiency (or any other efficiency).  The military stature and efficiency of a state is not measured by the numbers of troops raised or the percentage of the budget applied to 'military' appropriations; i.e. inputs.  The Neo-con pseudo-patriots of the Judeo-Republican Party (non-veterans to a womandman) do think in these Communist terms of inputs.  If this measurement were valid then Italy would be one of the military success stories of the 20th Century rather than one of the premier failures.  When judged by this standard of results 19th Century America was a resounding success as a military state.   Twentieth Century America was a military failure to the point that political loss of territory is now occuring in the Southwest.

P.P.S.  Note to the former student of Russell F. Weigley who wrote in to defend him.

In my 1984 edition of Weigley's "History of the United States Army" he devotes about 40 pages to the War of 1812.  He dedicates nearly all of this to harping on the relatively small Congressional size authorization and even lower actual personnel fill (about 20,000) of the "Regular Army".  In this section Weigley glosses over the militia contribution in the sentence "this number was exclusive of those men from the volunteer and common militias who served for short periods against British raids and invasions in their own districts and who may have numbered in the hundreds of thousands."

Then Weigley reverts back to beating to death obscurities like poor Regular Army horse recruitment and rotten contractor commissary stores.  The obscure "Battle of Lundy's Lane" (actually a minor skirmish around Niagara) receives an extensive autopsy.  The Battles of Put-in Bay, New Orleans and General Harrison's campaign to reconquer the Northwest are ignored.  These large-scale decisive events were commanded by regular officers leading Weigley's ignored militia.

And New Orleans was decisive despite being fought after 'peace' was signed.   Anyone who thinks the extermination of Britain's best veteran regiments at the hands of frontier militia didn't exercise a subsequent deterrent effect on British decision-making doesn't understand how governments arrive at war and peace decisions.   The British decision to negotiate over "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" in the 1840s was undoubtedly influenced by that memory.

If Weigley had ever marched even once 20 miles with a 100 pound pack in 100 degree heat he would have understood something.  Even 100,000 perfectly trained regulars alone would have resulted in American defeat.  In the early 19th Century transport proceeded by foot, by horse or by sea.  Since the British had overall naval superiority moving troops by sea convoy was not possible.  This left marching on land.  The factors of force/space/time applied to North America dictated that the early Republic had to rely on 'militia'.  This was especially true when fighting an enemy possessing command of the sea and the choice of where and when to strike with large amphibious raiding parties.  There was no possibility of a timely counter-concentration of a central reserve at the tactical level, especially on defense.   This comes back to Nathan Bedford Forrest's "he who gets theah fustest with mostest."  Overall numbers are irrelevant in such conditions unless you create a 'nation in arms' as was done by the Militia Act of 1792.

Like I said, Weigley's book is worthless garbage that should be collected up and pulped.



By Martin Brech

FORTY-FIVE years ago, I witnessed an atrocity: the deliberate starvation of German POWs by our own army. History, written by the victors, suppressed all news of this atrocity until James Bacque, a Canadian author, published his brilliant expose, OTHER LOSSES. This book is a best seller in Canada, a sensation in Europe, yet is virtually unavailable (censored?) in the U.S. Our major booksellers told me their distributors are not handling it. When I prevailed upon a small, independent bookstore to order direct from Canada, the publisher told them they would be the only store in New York State to carry the book. This in 'the land of the free'?"

Fortunately, Pat Buchanan called attention to OTHER LOSSES in his January 10, 1990 column. He wrote:

"Conclusion: the U.S. Army killed ten times as many Germans in POW camps as we did on battlefields from Normandy to V.E. day. (German POWs) had their rations cut below survival level until they were dying at rates up to 30% of exposure, starvation and neglect... Red Cross food trains were turned back and U.S. food shipments sat on the docks...One French officer said the U.S. camps reminded him of Dachau and Buchenwald...The book blames Eisenhower. 'The German is a beast,' Ike had written... But that was not how the Canadians and British felt, who treated their prisoners justly...It was not the view of General Mark Clark, nor of Patton...Ignoring the book is not enough."

Pat Buchanan's courageous column inspired me to help end the cover-up of the atrocity I had witnessed. I wrote letters to several newspapers which were, of necessity, short and incomplete. Now I would like to finally free more of my painful memories, hoping to be heard, so that this will help us to acknowledge our share in the "banality of evil", cleansing ourselves with the truth. Perhaps we as a nation may then put this behind us with some integrity and with some hope for redemption.

In October 1944, at age eighteen, I was drafted into the army while a student at the NYS College of Forestry. Largely due to the "Battle of the Bulge", my training was cut short, my furlough cut in half, and I was then immediately sent overseas. Upon arrival in Le Havre, France, we were quickly loaded into boxcars and shipped to the front. By the time we reached it, I had developed mononucleosis severely enough to be sent to a hospital in Belgium.

By the time I left the hospital, the unit I had trained with in Spartenburg, South Carolina was so deeply into Germany that I warn placed in a "repo depo" (a replacement depot) despite my protests. I then lost interest in which units I was assigned to because non-combat units were generally not respected. My separation qualification record states that I served mostly with the 14th Infantry Regiment, during which time I guarded prisoners of war and served as an interpreter. During my seventeen month stay in Germany, I was transferred to other outfits also.

In late March or early April 1945, I was assigned to help guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. I had four years of high school German, so I was able to talk to the prisoners, although this was forbidden.

Gradually, however, I was used as an interpreter and asked to ferret out the S.S. (I found none.)

In Andernach, between 50,000 and 65,000 prisoners, ranging in age from very young teens to very old men, were crowded together in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure which I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no tents or other shelter, no blankets and many had no coats. Inadequate numbers of slit trenches were provided for excrement, and so the men lived and slept in the mud and increasing filth during a cold, wet spring. Their misery from exposure alone was evident.

It was even more shocking to see them eating grass, sometimes throwing it into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this hoping to ease their hunger pains. Soon their emaciation was evident. Dysentery raged and, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches, they were increasingly sleeping in excrement. I saw no sign of provision for water, so the thin soup was their food and water for the day. Some days there was bread, less than a slice each. Other days there was nothing.

The sight of so many men desperate for food and water, sickening and dying before our eyes, is indescribable. Even now, I can only think of it momentarily.

We had ample food and supplies that could have been shared more humanely, and we could have offered some medical assistance, but did nothing. Only the dead were quickly and efficiently taken care of: hauled away to mass graves.

My outrage reached the point that I protested to my officers, but I was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from "higher up". No officer would dare to systematically do this to over 50,000 prisoners if he felt he was violating general policy and subject to court martial. The term "war criminal" was just beginning to come into fashion.

Realizing my protests were useless, I asked a friend working in the kitchen if he could slip me some extra food for the prisoners. He too repeated that they were under strict orders to severely ration the prisoners' food, and that these orders came from "higher up". But he said they had more food than they knew what to do with and would sneak me some.

When I threw this food over the barbed wires to the prisoners I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the "offense", and one officer threatened to shoot me. I naturally assumed this was a bluff, but I began to have some doubts after I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked, "Why?" he mumbled, "Target practice," and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn't tell if any had been hit.

This is when I more fully realized I was dealing with some cold-blooded killers filled with moralistic hatred. They considered the Germans sub-human and worthy of extermination; another expression of the downward spiral of racism. Articles in the G.I. newspaper, Stars & Stripes, played up the Nazi concentration camps, complete with photographs of emaciated bodies; this amplified our self-righteous cruelty and made it easier to imitate behavior we were supposed to oppose. Also, I think, soldiers not exposed to combat were trying to prove how tough they were by taking it out on the prisoners and civilians. At least, many combat soldiers told me later they would not have tolerated this, for they combined hatred with respect for a courageous enemy.

The prisoners I spoke to were mostly simple farmers and workingmen, as ignorant, albeit nationalistic, as many of our own troops. I heard many versions of "my country, right or wrong, my country," which we still hear in our own country today.

As time went on, many of them lapsed into a Zombie-like state of listlessness. Others, maddened by thirst, tried to escape in a desperate or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.

Some prisoners were extremely eager for cigarettes, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, some enterprising G.I. "Yankee traders" were acquiring hordes of wrist watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigar-ettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I found myself threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s also. At least this taught me an indelible lesson: how wrong majorities and authorities can be.

A bright spot in this gloomy picture came, oddly enough, one night when I was put on the "graveyard shift", from two to four A.M. Actually, there was a graveyard on the uphill side of this enclosure, not many yards away. My superiors had forgotten to give me a flashlight and I hadn't bothered to ask, being disgusted with the whole situation by that time. It was a fairly bright night and I soon became aware of a prisoner crawling under the wires to the graveyard. We were supposed to shoot escapees on sight, so I started to get up to warn him to get back. Suddenly I noticed another prisoner crawling from the graveyard back to the enclosure. They were risking their lives to get to the graveyard for something; I had to investigate.

When I entered the gloom of this shrubby, tree-shaded cemetery, I never felt more vulnerable, but somehow curiosity kept me going. Despite my caution, I tripped over the legs of someone in a prone position. Whipping my rifle around while stumbling and trying to regain composure of mind and body, I soon was relieved I hadn't reflexively fired. The figure sat up, moving erratically. Gradually I could see the beautiful but terror-stricken face of a woman with a picnic basket nearby. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near, the prisoners, so I quickly assured her I approved of what she was doing, not to be afraid, and that I would leave the graveyard to get out of the way, telling no one.

I left the graveyard as quickly as possible and sat down, leaning against a tree at the edge CF the cemetary to be inconspicuous and not frighten the prisoners. I imagined then, and often since, what it would be like to be a prisoner under those conditions and meet a beautiful woman with a picnic basket. I never saw her again, but I have never forgotten her face.

While I watched, more prisoners crawled to and from the enclosure. I saw they were dragging food back to their comrades and could only admire their courage and devotion. As I walked back to my quarters at the end of my shift, a nightingale and I were singing -- both felt a touch of spring.

(I originally did not intend to reveal the following incident, for it moves into a realm termed "mystical". However, for me, it was an extremely significant experience, changing my life, providing a light no darkness can extinguish. It must be told, hoping it will foster understanding.)

On May 8, V.E. day, I decided to celebrate with some prisoners I was guarding who were baking bread, meager amounts of which the other prisoners occasionally received. This group had all the bread they could eat, and shared the jovial mood generated by the end of the war. We all thought we would be going home soon, a pathetic hope on their part. We were in what was to become the French zone, and I later witnessed the brutality of the French soldiers when we transferred our prisoners to them for their slave labor camps (see below).

However, on this day we were happy.

After chatting with them about the potentials of peace for the rest of our lives, I decided to risk a gesture of trust that objectively would seem foolish. I emptied my rifle and stood it in the corner. They tested me further by asking to play with it, and I agreed. Intuitively I felt I could rely on their sense of honor not to attack me, for they knew they too were being tested. This thoroughly 'broke the ice', and soon we were singing songs we taught each other or I had learned in high school German ("Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen"). Out of gratitude, they secretly baked a small sweet bread and insisted I take it, explaining it was the only possible gift they had left to offer. Expressing my gratitude with a lump in my throat, I put it in my tight "Eisenhower jacket" so I could sneak it back to my barracks. I later found an opportunity to eat it outside.

Never had bread tasted more delicious, nor conveyed to me a deeper sense of communion while eating it. A wonderful feeling pervaded me, gently opening me to an intimation of the Oneness of all Being. Through those prisoners I sensed the ~cosmic presence of what has been called the Christ, Buddha-nature, or, perhaps most aptly, the Ineffable: cosmically present, but hidden and apparently separate, until revealed in the wholeness of the giving of the self. Even within the horror humans had created, I was taught a path to redemption may open by taking a first, tentative step in the direction of love, understanding and forgiveness. This above all the prisoners taught me: not only are we all potentially humane humans, there is divinity within us waiting for us to dissolve the defensive shield of ego. I was pleased to discover later the words of Matthew 25:34-46, expressing the potential within prisoners and all who are at our mercy.

Shortly after this experience I was plunged into even greater horror. Some of our weak and sickly prisoners were being marched off by French soldiers to their camp. The truck we were on first passed another truck picking up bodies along the side of the road, and then came up behind a slowly moving column of men. Temporarily we slowed down and remained behind, perhaps because the driver was as shocked as I was. The French soldiers were apparently incensed at the poor condition of our prisoners, not only for labor but for marching to another camp. Whenever a prisoner staggered or dropped back, the French clubbed him to death and then dragged him to the side of the road. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to their prolonged suffering. Even gas would have been more merciful than our murder by neglect in our slow 'killing fields'.

When I saw the German women held in a separate enclosure, I asked why we were keeping them. I was told they were "camp followers", selected as breeding stock for the S.S. to create a super-race. We provided them with tents but they were extremely hungry. I spoke to some and must say they were still spirited and attractive. However, I believe I was objective enough when I told all concerned that I didn't think they deserved our treatment.

As an interpreter, I was able to prevent some particularly unfortunate arrests. One somewhat amusing incident occurred during a pre-dawn raid we conducted on a town to discover Nazis or arms. An old farmer was being dragged away by some soldiers. I was told he had a "fancy Nazi medal", which they showed to me. Fortunately, I had a chart identifying such medals. He had been awarded it for having five or more children! Perhaps his wife was somewhat relieved to get him "off her back", but I didn't think one of our 'death camps' was a fair punishment for his contribution to Germany. The soldiers agreed and released him to continue his "dirty work".

Famine was spreading amongst German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible -- that is, when they weren't chased away.

When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told their supply of food had been taken away by "displaced persons" (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug or an expression of helplessness.

Although the Red Cross coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere for us, I never saw any Red Cross in the prison camps or helping the civilians. While my girlfriend had all the "contraband" doughnuts she could eat, most Germans had to share their meager hidden stores and wait until the next harvest.

This hunger undoubtedly made many German women more "available", but, despite this, rape was incredibly prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. I particularly remember a charming eighteen year old girl who had several unsuccessful suitors and was "just friends" with me, who had the side of her face smashed with a rifle butt and was then raped by two G.I.s. The casual shooting of German civilians also continued, usually by drunken soldiers who would tell of this as something amusing. All too many G.I.s gave the impression they were 1ike animals released from cages, free to do what they liked because they were dealing with yet a lower species of animal, a reverse racism, inflamed by our propaganda. However, even the French complained to me that our rape and drunken destructive behavior in their country was excessive. When we had arrived in Le Havre, we had been given booklets instructing us that the Germans had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.

So what? we might still say. The enemies' atrocities were worse than ours. Certainly my experiences were only of the last phases of the war, when we were already clearly the victors. The Nazi opportunity for atrocities had faded and ours was unleashed. But we might have learned the simple lesson that two wrongs do not make a right. Perhaps we might even have broken the cycle of vengeful retaliation and unbridled hatred, fed by racism, that has plagued human history and blighted human potential all to long. Instead, we committed our own atrocities and now are clinging to a cover-up. That is why I am speaking out now, forty-five years after the crime. We can never prevent individual war crimes, but we can, if enough of us speak out, influence government policy. We can reject government propaganda that depicts our enemies as subhuman and encourages the kinds of outrages I witnessed. We can protest the bombing of civilian targets, which still goes on today. (I will never forget the sickly sweet smell of rotting human flesh rising from the shattered remains of the cities and towns I entered.) And we can refuse ever to condone our government' s murder of unarmed and defeated prisoners of war.

I realized it's difficult to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated oneself. Even G.I .s sympathetic to the victims told me they were afraid to oppose so massive a policy that would surely seek to cover its tracks. I never heard this directly from an officer, but it was the belief of the rank-and-file G.I.s I spoke to that we were not to "talk" because, first, no one would believe us, and second, we would surely get into trouble. They all insisted it was better not to talk, and slowly I too realized it would be futile and dangerous. That is, until now, thanks to James Bacque and Pat Buchanan. This is not to say the danger has passed. Since I "spoke out" recently, my mailbox has been smashed and I have received threatening phone calls. But I believe it is worth the risk. Writing about these atrocities has been a atharsis of feelings suppressed too long, a liberation, and perhaps will remind other witnesses and citizens -that "the truth shall make us free, have no fear." And, in any case, "the truth shall out".

We may even learn a supreme lesson from all this: Hate is self- destructive; only love can conquer and evolve all as One.

Martin Brech (Adjunct Professor, Philosophy & Religion, Mercy College; Ex-G.I., Finally Free)





Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities

New York Times Book Review, February 24, 1991


Seldom has the publication of a historical monograph on a subject ordinarily of interest only to a few specialists - the treatment of prisoners of war - received so much attention or excited so much anger as James Bacque's "Other Losses." Published in 1989 in Canada, it was the subject of a cover story in the popular Canadian magazine Saturday Night, of a British Broadcasting Corporation documentary, of two German television documentaries and of a coming Canadian Broadcasting Network documentary. (The Canadian book, I should say immediately, carries a jacket blurb from me that was taken out of context and used without permission) It has been discussed on American television, in Time magazine and in many other news media outlets. In its German edition, it was a runaway best seller. The British edition elicited major reviews in the Times Literary Supliment and elsewhere. Prima Publishing of California intendes to publish the book in May, which could fan the flames in the United States.


The reason for the notoriety is the author's conclusion that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as head of the American occupation of Germany in 1945, deliberately starved to death German prisoners of war in staggering numbers. Mr. Bacque charges that "the victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 800,000 and quite likely over a million. Their deaths were knowingly caused by army officers who had sufficient resources to keep the prisoners alive."


Eisenhower's method, according to Mr. Bacque, was simple: he changed the designation of the prisoners from "Prisoners of War" (P.O.W.), required by the Geneva Convention to be fed the same rations as American G.I.'s, to "Disarmed Enemy Forces" (D.E.F.), which allowed him to cut their rations to starvation level. Mr. Bacque says the D.E.F. were also denied medical supplies and shelter. They died by the hundreds of thousands. Their deaths were covered up on Army records by listing them as "other looses" on charts showing weekly totals of prisoners on hand, numbers discharged and so forth.


So outraged is Mr. Bacque by his discovery of this heinous crime that he has been quoted in a wire service interview as saying Americans "should take down every statue of Eisenhower, and every photograph of him and annul his memory from American history as best they can, except to say, 'Here was a man who did very evil things that we're ashamed of.'" Questions immediately arise. If there were a million dead, where are the bodies? Did Eisenhower have such vast power that he could order starvation on a mass scale and keep it a secret? Was the undoubted suffering in the camps, especially the transit camps along the Rhine, the result of Eisenhower's policy or the result of the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Europe in the spring and summer of 1945?


Mr. Bacque, a Canadian novelist with no previous historical research or writing experience, says in his introduction: "Doubtless many scholars will find faults in this book, which are only mine. I welcome their criticism and their further research, which may help to restore to us the truth after a long night of lies." Last December, the Eisenhower Center at the University of New Orleans invited some leading experts on the period to examine the charges. The conference participants, including me, plan to publish the papers in book form.


Our first conclusion was that Mr. Bacque had made a major historical discovery. There _was_ wdiespread mistreatment of German prisoners in the spring and summer of 1945. Men were beaten, denied water, forced to live in open camps without shelter, given inadequate food rations and inadequate medical care. Their mail was withheld. In some cases prisoners made a "soup" of water and grass in order to deal with their hunger. Men did die needlessly and inexcusably. This must be confronted, and it is to Mr. Bacque's credit that he forces us to do so.


Our second conclusion was that when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously - nay, spectacularly - flawed in its most fundamental aspects. Mr. Bacque misuses documents; he misreads documents; he ignores contrary evidence; his statistical methodology is hopelessly compromised; he makes no attempt to look at comparative contexts; he puts words into the mouth of his principal source; he ignores a readily available and absolutely critical source that decisively deals with his central accusation; and, as a consequence of these and and other shortcomings, he reaches conclusions and makes charges that are demonstrably absurd.


Apart from its assessment of Mr. Bacque's findings, however, the conference - along with the book itself - raises a larger issue: how are readers who are not experts to judge a work that makes new, startling, indeed outrageious, claims? Without the knowledge or the time to investigate, how are they to know if an author has finally revealed the truth "after a long night of lies," or is simply misleading an unwary public?


As for Mr. Bacque's claims, the most immediate question is that of Eisenhower's motive: why on earth would Ike do such a thing? Mr. Bacque answers that Eisenhower hated the Germans. Now it is absolutely true that in the spring of 1945, Eisenhower's anger at the Germans was very great. He never attempted to hide these feelings. In "Crusade in Europe," published in 1948, he wrote, "In my personal reactions, as the months of conflict wore on, I grew constantly more bitter against the Germans." He relates that he signed tens of thousands of letters of condolence to the wives and mothers of his fallen men, and he wrote, "I know of no more effective means of developing an undying hatred of those responsible for aggressive war than to assume the obligation of attemption to express sympathy to families bereaved by it." The uncovering of the concentration camps added to his emotion.


Eisenhower was an enthusiastic supporter of denazification, but not because he hated the Germans or believed in collective guilt. To the contrary, he believed that there were Germans who were committed to democracy and that the task of the occupation was to find them and bring them to the fore. In a speech in Frankfurt in 1945, he declared "The success or failure of this occupation will be judged by the character of the Germans 50 years from now. Proof will come when they begin to run a democracy of their own and we are going to give the Germans a chance to do that, in time." This does not sound like a man who simultaneously was directing the death by starvation of one million young Germans.


Mr. Bacque completely misunderstands Eisenhower's position and activity in the occupation. He puts full responsibility on Eisenhower for every policy decision, never recognizing that he had superiors from whom he took policy directives and orders - specifically, the Army Chief of Staff, the European Advisory Commission, acting in the name and with the authority of the British, Soviet and American Governments, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combined Chiefs of Staff, that is, the American Joint Chiefs and the British Chiefs of Staff; and the heads of the British and American Governments. The report at the New Orleans conference on the diplomatic background, by Brian Villa of the University of Ottawa, noted that the policy of Eisenhower's superiors was to impress upon the Germans the fact of their defeat, the fact that they had brought it on themselves and in other ways to "treat 'em rough." Denazification was one aspect of that policy. Another was that German prisoners would not be fed at a higher level than German civilians, than the civilians of the liberated nations, or than the displaced persons (DPs).


An assertion that is central to Mr. Bacque's accusation is his contention that there was no European food shortage in 1945. He points to warehouses in Germany full of food. He says that the Red Cross had food available. One of his most daming pieces of evidence is that a train from Geneva loaded with food parcels sent by the Red Cross to feed German prisoners was forced to turn back.


This is shocking - food was available, men were hungry and American officers ordered the train to return to Geneva. But there was a reason: the Allied Governments had decided that Red Cross food parcels would be used to feed displaced persons, of whom there were more than two million in Germany, and the orders to Eisenhower on this policy were explicit. So DPs got those food parcels. It is painful beyond description to have to set food priorities in a hungry world, but it had to be done, and who could argue with the decision?


In his conference report on the food situation in Germany, James Tent of the University of Alabama - Brimingham says there was no question that there were severe shortages. Still, as Mr. Tent points out, there was food stocked in warehouses that was not distributed to prisoners living on a near-starvation diet. Again, this is shocking, until the reason is noted. The Allied Governments were fearful of famine in the winter of 1945-46, and they were stockpiling food. Even with the reserves, they barely got through the winter, and it was three years before the European foot shortage was overcome.


Mr. Bacque's myth was Eisenhower's nightmare. No food shortage? Eisenhower wrote the Chief of Staff, Gen. George C. Marshall, in Februayr 1945: "I am very much concerned about the food situation... We now have no reserves on the Continent of supplies for the civil population."


And here is Eisenhower writing to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on April 25, 1945: "Unless immediate steps are taken to develop to the fullest extent possible the food resources in order to provide the minimum wants of the German population, widespread chaos, starvation and disease are inevitable during the coming winter."


These - and many, many similar messages - went out before the surrender. After the first week of May, all of Eisenhower's calculations as to how many people he would be required to feed in occupied Germany became woefully inadequate. He had badly underestimated, for two reasons. First, the number of German soldiers surrendering to the Western Allies far exceeded what was expected (more than five million, instead of the anticipated three million) because of the onrush of German soldiers across the Elbe River to escape the Russians. So too with German civilians - there were millions fleeing from east to west, about 13 million altogether, and they became Eisenhower's responsibility. Eisenhower faced shortages even before he learned that there were 17 million more people to feed in Germany than he had expected.


No food shortage? This is the report of the Military Governor for Germany in July 1945: "The food situation throughout Western Germany is perhaps the most serious problem of the occupation. The average food consumption in the Western Zones is now about one-third below the generally accepted subsistence level." The September report declares, "Food from indigenous sources was not available to meet the present authorized ration level for the normal consumer, of 1,550 calories per day."


Mr. Bacque says that the prisoners were receiving 1,550 calories a day, and he contends that such a ration means slow starvation. He apparently never looked at what civilians were getting, in Germany or in the liberated countries. In Paris in 1945, the calorie level was 1,550 for civilians. It was only slightly higher in Briatin, where rationing continued. It was much lower in Russia, where rationing also continued. As noted, the official ration for German civilians was 1,550, but often not met. In Vienna in the summer of 1945 the official ration sometimes fell to 500.


There is such a thing as common sense. Anyone who was in Europe in the summer of 1945 would be flabbergasted to hear that there was no food shortage.


According to Mr. Bacque, Eisenhower personally, secretly, and with sinister intent changed the status of surrendered German soldiers from prisoners of war to disarmed enemy forces. In fact, the change in designation was a policy matter. The decision was made not by Eisenhower but by his superiors, specifically by the European Advisory Commission. Nor was any attempt made to keep it secret. All those involved acted with the authority of the British, Russian and American Governments, and they were perfectly straightforward about the reason for the change in status.


What happened is simple enough: the Allies could not afford to feed the millions of German prisoners at the same level at which they were able to feed German civilians, not to mention the civilians of the liberated countries of Western Europe, and not to mention as well the displaced persons. But the United States and other Allied nations had signed the Geneva Convention, which had the force of a treaty. They did not wish to violate it, so they used the new designation of "Disarmed Enemy Forces." The orders to the field commanders were straighforward: do not feed the DEF's at a higher scale than German civilians.


With regard to another of Mr. Bacque's conclusions, he arrives at his sensational figure of one million dead through a system of analysis that has left almost everyone who has tried to check his statistics and methods befuddled. He did make one mistake because of a typing error by a clerk. He saw a figure of 70,000 prisoners in an Army medical report and then calculated the total death rate for all prisoners in American hands on the basis of that number and the 21,000 deaths also mentioned in the report. That is, he arrived at his most basic conclusion, a death rate in all camps of 30 percent, by dividing the 21,000 deaths by the 70,000 prisoners. However, the 70,000 figure should have been 10 times higher. All other figures in the document make it clear that the correct number of prisoners was 700,000. This would make the death rate not 30 percent but 3 percent.


In fact, as Albert Cowdrey of the Department of the Army's Center of Military History reported to the conference, the overall death rate among German prisoners was 1 percent.


Mr. Cowdrey's conclusion, strongly supported by another conference participant, Maj. Ruediger Overmans of the German Office of Military History in Freiburg (who is writing the final volume of the official Germany history of the war), is that the total death by all causes of German prisoners in American hands could not have been greater than 56,000.


Finally, there is the matter of the column of figures in the weekly reports of the United States Army Theater Provost Marshal entitled "Other Losses." It is here that Mr. Bacque finds his "missing million."


What were the "other losses?" Mr. Bacque interviewed Philip S. Lauben, a retired Army colonel who was a member of the German Affairs Branch of Eisenhower's headquarters in 1945. He writes that Colonel Lauben told him "other losses" meant "deaths and escapes."


"How many escapes?" Mr. Bacque asked.


"Very, very minor," Colonel Lauben replied. Mr. Bacque says they were less than one-tenth of 1 percent, with no explanation of how he arrived at such a figure.


Neil Cameron, the producer of the BBC documentary about "Other Losses," told the conference that he had obtained from Mr. Bacque the tape of the interview. It seemed clear to Mr. Cameron that Mr. Bacque had got an old man to agree with words that Mr. Bacque used and then put in his mouth. Mr. Cameron did his own on-camera interview with Colonel Lauben; in it, Colonel Lauben said he was misled by Mr. Bacque and was wrong about the meaning of the term "other losses."


David Hawkins of CNN wanted to do an interview with Colonel Lauben. Colonel Lauben turned him down, explaining in a letter "I'm not being difficult. I am 91 years old, legally blind, and my memory has lapsed to a point where it is quite unreliable. Furthermore I am under regular medical care. Often during my talk with Mr. Bacque I reminded him that my memory had deteriorated badly during the 40 odd years since 1945.


"Mr. Bacque read to me figures...It seemed to me that, after accounting for transfers and discharges, there was nothing left to make up the grand total except deaths and escapes, i.e. the term 'Other Losses.' I was mistaken."


Thus, Mr. Bacque's only witness for the charge that "other losses" was a cover-up term for deaths has twice repudiated what Mr. Bacque maintains that he said.


What then were the "other losses?" In many cases they were transfers from one zone to another, something that was regularly done for a variety of reasons, none of them sinister, and all duly recorded in footnotes on the weekly reports.


But the greatest number of "other losses" is revealed in the August 1945 Report of the Military Governor. (These monthly reports are in the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., in the National Archives in Washington and elsewhere; they are a basic source on every aspect of the occupation, including food shortages and prisoners. Mr. Bacque did not cite them and there is no evidence he examined them.) The August report lists the numbers of disarmed enemy forces discharged by American forces and those transferred to the British and French for forced labor.


The report continues: "An additional group of 663,576 are listed as 'other losses,' consisting largely of members of the Volksturm [Peoples' Militia], released without formal discharge."


It takes little imagination to see what happened here. The People's Militia consisted of older men (up to 80 years of age, mainly World War I veterans) and boys of 16 or sometimes less. American guards and camp authorities told the old men to go home and take care of their grandchildren, the boys to go home and return to school. Along with the transfers to other zones that Mr. Bacque ignores, these people account for all the "missing million."


In short, Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the militia.


Nevertheless, Mr. Bacque makes a point that is irrefutable: some American G.I.'s and their officers were capable of acting in almost as brutal a manner as the Nazis. We did not have a monopoly on virtue. He has challenged us to reopen the question, to do the research required, to get at the full truth. For that contribution, he deserves thanks. But as to how he presented his discovery, I turn again to Albert Cowdrey: "Surely the author has reason to be satisfied with his achievement. He has no reputation as a historian to lose, and "Other Losses" can only enhance his standing as a writer of fiction." There remains, finally, the larger issue. It took a conference of experts to challenge Mr. Bacque's charges. Individual scholars have hesitated to take him on because to do so required checking through his research - in effect, rewriting his book. Instead, many of them have said in their reviews in Britain, France, Germany and Canada that they cannot believe what Mr. Bacque says about Eisenhower is true, but they cannot disprove it. Mr. Bacque has all the paraphernalia of scholarship; it looks impressive enough to bamboozle even scholars. Under these circumstances, what is a lay reader to do? I suggest that he or she trust common sense. As when confronting the Holocaust-never-happened school, ask the obvious questions. If the answers aren't clear, the charges have not been proved. In Mr. Bacque's case, two such questions are: Where are the bodies? and Is this book consistent with our picture of Eisenhower's character as we know it from innumberable other sources? Ultimately, in cases such as this one, it is often the obvious questions that bring us closest to the truth.



Post-World War I Germany yields two significant examples of the  effective use of nonviolence. In 1920, a pro-monarchist faction led by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp attempted to seize control of the Weimar government. German generals, sympathetic to the coup, refused to assist the civilian government, and many police actively sided with Kapp's forces. In response, President Theodor Ebert called a general strike and bureaucratic non-cooperation. While the military eventually came to the aid of the elected government, nonviolent resistance acted as the chief obstacle to Kapp's seizure of power.


A  second  instance of the use of nonviolence came during the so-called Ruhrkampf  from 1923 to 1925. When Germany defaulted on its war reparation payments, French and Belgian troops entered the Ruhr -- one of Germany's chief industrial centers -- to extract the payments by force. Strikes and civilian and bureaucratic obstruction made the occupation so costly that the French and Belgians withdrew without net gain.


… some of  the most famous cases of nonviolent resistance were carried out against foreign powers: colonial North America and India against the British [[would British government agree that it was a “foreign power”]]; Germany against France and Belgium in the Ruhrkampf; and Hungary against the rule of the Austrian Empire.




Humane Studies Review Volume 9, Number 1   Summer 1994


by Bryan Caplan


… one neglected but useful perspective comes from the  tradition of   nonviolent resistance. While almost exclusively associated with Gandhi,   the idea  has a long history of theory and practice. This bibliographic essay  outlines the  contours of this tradition, beginning with its roots in the more general  theory of   resistance to tyranny; it then explores the theory and practice of nonviolent  resistance and its implications for classical liberal social theory.


***Resistance Thought:  Violent and Nonviolent


An excellent survey of the history of theories justifying resistance  to tyranny is   Oscar Jszi and John D. Lewis, "Against the Tyrant: The Tradition and   Theory of  Tyrannicide" (Glencoe, IL: Free Press, 1957). While it focuses on the  question of  tyrannicide, it actually covers a much wider ground. Unsurprisingly, the  concepts of   tyranny and justified resistance to authority simultaneously arose in   ancient Greece.  Plato and Aristotle discussed tyranny without commenting on the  permissibility of  resistance to the state, but the histories of Xenophon and Herodotus  openly   sympathized with instances of tyrannicide. Romans also considered tyrannicide.  Cicero, Plutarch, Seneca, and Polybius explicitly endorsed it.  Presumably, they would  have endorsed less drastic resistance to authority as well. Christian  philosophers   such as Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham endorsed a limited right to   resistance against tyranny. Finally, during the Italian Renaissance, the   revival of  classical authors led to a parallel revival of interest in the right of  resistance against  unjust government.


The question of resistance appeared in its modern form and won  profound  practical significance during the Protestant Reformation. While Martin  Luther and  John Calvin denied the right of resistance in any form, their  intellectual heirs --  especially Calvin's -- questioned the doctrine that all "powers that be  are ordained of God" (Romans 13:1) and considered justifications for rebellion against  political and  religious persecution.


British Calvinists radicalized first. John Ponet,  successively  Bishop of Rochester and of Winchester, defended resistance and  tyrannicide in his  book "A Shorte Treatise of Politike Power" (1556; reprinted in Winthrop  S. Hudson,  "John Ponet" (1516?-1556), Advocate of Limited Monarchy [Chicago: University of  Chicago Press, 1942]). The Scottish Calvinist John Knox turned radically  against passive resistance and defended the right to establish the true religion  by force if  necessary. Knox's English compatriot Christopher Goodman took a similar  line. 


Franois Hotman's "Francogallia" (1573; trans. J. H. M. Salmon and ed.  Ralph E.  Giesey, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972; Julian H. Franklin,  trans. and  ed., "Constitutionalism and Resistance in the Sixteenth Century: Three  Treatises by   Hotman, Beza, and Mornay" [New York: Pegasus, 1969], 47-96) initiated the  genre of  French Calvinist resistance -- or "monarchomach" -- literature. In it he  argued that   historically, the French monarch had been limited, subject to both   election and  deposition by the people. "It has been sufficiently demonstrated, we  believe,"  Hotman concludes in the third edition, "that the kings of France have not  been   granted unmeasured and unlimited power by their countrymen, and cannot be   considered absolute" ("Constitutionalism and Resistance," 90).


Theodore Beza's "Right of Magistrates" (1574; "Constitutionalism and  Resistance," 97-135) gave this historical critique a firmer theoretical background. 


Fearing   individual rebellion, he gave special weight to the right of lesser   magistrates to rebel  against a tyrant. He countenanced individual rebellion only against  tyrants without  legitimate titles -- but, only if the resistance of lesser magistrates  failed.


Philippe du   Plessis-Mornay, in his "Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants" (1579;   "Constitutionalism and Resistance," 137-99) essentially drew the same  conclusions,  emphasizing that the people, not the king, are properly the owners of the kingdom.  Julian Franklin has abridged and commented upon all three works in his Constitutionalism and Resistance. Franklin emphasizes that the Calvinist  resistance   literature needed to avoid radical conclusions to convince moderate Catholics to join the Huguenot cause. Quentin Skinner's "The Foundations of Modern   Political  Thought," vol. 2, "The Age of Reformation" (New York: Cambridge  University  Press, 1978) contains an extensive discussion of Hotman, Beza, and  Mornay, as well  as lesser-known Calvinist authors and comments on their Lutheran,   Catholic  Scholastic, and humanist predecessors. For a general treatment of Huguenot  thought, see Michael Walzer, "The Revolution of the Saints" (New York:  Atheneum,



The radical Calvinists' interest in the right of resistance spread to  broader religious circles.


The humanist thinker George Buchanan defended the right to  resist tyranny   not on partisan religious grounds but on the basis of social contract theory and  Aristotle's politics. "Powers of the Crown of Scotland" (1579; trans. C.  F. Arrowood,  Austin: Texas University Press, 1949) is his most famous book; I. D.  McFarlane, in   his "Buchanan" (London: Duckworth, 1981), offers a more detailed   treatment of his  thought. At the same time, Catholics like Juan de Mariana and Francisco Surez validated the right of resistance against tyranny. Using state of nature  theory and the idea that rulers' power is delegated rather than inherent, both of these Jesuit  thinkers justified some form of the right of resistance. Surez stood behind the classical distinction between the usurper and the tyrant-by-conduct.  While it was   permissible to use violence against a usurper, such could be justified against a  tyrant-by-conduct in only the most extreme situations. Mariana took a more extreme view; he bypassed the dichotomy between the two types of unjust rulers and argued for every individual's right to kill a tyrant. Most of Surez's thought on resistance is in his "Tractatus de legibus" (1612; translated in   "Selections from Three  Works of Francisco Surez" [New York: Oxford University Press, 1944]).  Mariana's   chief work in this area is "The King and the Education of the King"  (1599; ed. and  trans. George Albert Moore, Washington, DC: Country Dollar Press, 1948).


It should be emphasized that the monarchomachs chiefly justified  resistance as  such, rather than nonviolent resistance. Their principal contemporary  critics are  Jean Bodin and William Barclay.


See Bodin, "On Sovereignty: Four Chapters  from  'The Six Books of the Commonwealth’ and Barclay, "The Kingdom and  the   Regal Power". Both  argue that this was more likely to lead to endless bloodshed and further  tyranny  than anything else.


In this context, Etienne de La Boetie's "Discourse on  Voluntary   Servitude" (1577; trans. Harry Kurz, 1942; reprinted as "The Politics of  Obedience:  'The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude'" [New York: Free Life Editions,  1975]) appeared, promoting the efficacy of nonviolent resistance. Anticipating  David   Hume's "Of the First Principles of Government" (1777; reprinted as   "Essays, Moral,  Political, and Literary", ed. Eugene F. Miller, rev. ed.[Indianapolis:  Liberty Classics,  1987], 32-36), La Boetie saw that the rule of a tiny minority over  society was possible only if the majority voluntarily accepted it.


Taking it one step further, La Boetie argued that the social consensus theory implied that it could overthrow tyranny peaceably if the majority withdrew its consent. "It is therefore," he wrote, "the inhabitants themselves who permit, or, rather, bring about their own subjection, since by ceasing to submit they would put an end to their servitude" (La  Boetie, 50). 


While La Boetie's arguments for mass civil disobedience seem more moderate than  the Huguenot justification for violent resistance, he is, in every other  respect, far  more radical. All tyrants, he argued, whether by inheritance, force of arms, or  elections, are equally bad and, therefore, equally permissible to resist.  Perhaps most  significant, La Boetie justified resistance not through custom or  national tradition  but because "freedom is our natural state" (La Boetie, 57).


La Boetie explained the oppressed state of mankind with a theory of ideology and caste exploitation. The  former, he contended, suppresses humanity's natural urge for freedom; the latter develops as a tyrant fortifies power by privileging a pyramid of followers.


Despite the originality of La Boetie's theory, it exerted little  influence on  subsequent theorists who continued to equate resistance with violence.  Thus, the  three pillars of seventeenth-century British resistance theory -- Locke,  Sidney, and  Milton -- focused chiefly on violent revolution. John Locke, in his  "Essay  concerning Civil Government," the second of the "Two Treatises of  Government"  (1689; student ed., ed. Peter Laslett, New York: Cambridge University  Press, 1988),  not only justified rebellion against tyranny but also assumed that physical force  existed as the necessary means to subdue a tyrant. While more moderate  than Locke  on many questions, Algernon Sidney in his "Discourses concerning  Government"  (1698; reprint, ed. Thomas G. West, Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1990)  militantly  advocated violent revolution against tyrants. And John Milton in his book  "The  Tenure of Kings and Magistrates" (1649; reprinted in "Political  Writings," ed. Martin  Dzelzainis [New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991], 1-48), defended  the right of  the people to execute a tyrant if the established watchdogs failed to  manage him  effectively.


The nineteenth century produced two significant theorists of  nonviolent  resistance: Henry David Thoreau and Count Leo Tolstoy.


In Thoreau's   famous essay  "Civil Disobedience" (1849; reprinted in "On Civil Disobedience: American  Essays,  Old and New,' ed. Robert A. Goldwin [Chicago: Rand McNally, 1969],  11-31), he  argued that the individual had a moral duty to resist unjust acts of   government.  While not primarily a work on collective action, Thoreau noted that "[i]f  the  alternative is to keep all just men in prison, or give up war and  slavery, the State  will not hesitate which to choose. . . . When the subject has refused  allegiance, and  the officer has resigned his office, then the revolution is accomplished"  ("On Civil   Disobedience," 21). One can find Tolstoy's arguments on nonviolence in the compilation  "Tolstoy's  Writings on Civil Disobedience and Non-Violence" (New York: Bergman,  1967).   Unlike Thoreau, who largely treated his conclusions as simply the   consistent  application of Jeffersonian principles, Tolstoy based his condemnations  of violence  on the philosophy presented in the New Testament. His most notable essays  on the  issue of non-violence include "Patriotism, or Peace?" which argued that  the general  renunciation of patriotism was a precondition of international peace and  his "Notes  for Officers" and "Notes for Soldiers", which argued that members of the  military  had a duty to resign their posts and obey their consciences rather than the state. For  more on Tolstoy's political thought, see his "The Law of Violence  and the Law of Love" (New York: Rudolph Field, 1948), in which he  favorably cited  the work of La Boetie on the efficacy of nonviolent struggle against  tyranny.


Tolstoy's "A Letter to a Hindu: The Subjection of India -- Its Cause  and Cure" in  "Tolstoy Centenary Edition," vol. 21, "Recollections and Essays" (New  York: Oxford  University Press, 1937) significantly influenced the twentieth-century's  preeminent   exponent of nonviolence, Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi began his lifetime   interest in  nonviolence when, as a lawyer in South Africa, he used nonviolence to  help repeal  governmental discrimination against the Indian minority. He later  acquired world   fame for his leadership of the nonviolent struggle for Indian independence from  the British. One can find a good sampling of Gandhi's writings in his "Non-Violent  Resistance (Satyagraha)" (New York: Schocken Books, 1951). While Gandhi's advocacy of nonviolence was chiefly religious and deontological, he also  defended  its practicality. Not only will nonviolence win more public support than  violence,   he argued, but it also has a greater chance to convert one's opponents   and succeed  with minimal casualties. In a typical passage, Gandhi wrote that a "civil  resister  never uses arms and hence is harmless to a State that is at all willing  to listen to the  voice of public opinion. He is dangerous for an autocratic state, for he  brings about  its fall by engaging public opinion upon the matter for which he resists  the State"  (Gandhi, 174). Elsewhere, echoing La Boetie, Gandhi stated that in "politics, its  [power's] use is based upon the immutable maxim that government of the  people is possible only so long as they consent either consciously or unconsciously  to be  governed"

(Gandhi, 35).


Gandhi makes for difficult reading because he mixed religious ideas  with more practical observations. Gene Sharp does a good job of disentangling these  two strains  in his "Gandhi as a Political Strategist" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1979).  If one ignores  Gandhi's religious views and focuses on his discussion of practical strategic questions, one finds a shrewd and insightful thinker in the tradition of La Boetie.  Several of Sharp's interpretive essays -- especially "Gandhi on the  Theory of  Voluntary Servitude" -- bring together the bits and pieces of Gandhi's  theory of  nonviolent resistance. For further writings on Gandhi's philosophy which  emphasize his mystical side, see Raghavan N. Iyer, "The Moral and  Political  Thought of Mahatma Gandhi"

***Nonviolent Resistance:  Theory and History


There can be little doubt that today's foremost thinker sympathetic to  nonviolent resistance is Gene Sharp. With an eye toward practical strategy rather  than   philosophy, his major work "The Politics of Nonviolent Action" (Boston:  Porter  Sargent, 1973) covers virtually every aspect of the theory and history of  nonviolent  resistance to government. In the opening of the book, Sharp carefully  crafts his   arguments as an extensive discussion of the nature of power. He draws on   the long  tradition of thinkers who argue that ideology and consent -- whether  grudging or  enthusiastic -- rather than brute force are the ultimate basis of  political power. If a large enough segment of the population refuses to comply with the government, it will lose its ability to rule. Merely the threat of non-compliance is  often serious  enough to provoke the government to redress grievances. Moreover, when  governments use violence against protesters who are clearly committed to  nonviolence, they undermine their ideological foundations and often make  uncontested rule even more difficult. He cites such diverse thinkers as  Auguste Comte, Etienne de La Boetie, David Hume, Gaetano Mosca, Bertrand de  Jouvenel, Max Weber, Jeremy Bentham, Montesquieu, and Niccol Machiavelli.


Sharp distinguishes between three stages of nonviolence: protest and  persuasion;   social, economic, and political non-cooperation; and nonviolent  intervention.   Normally a movement begins with the first stage and gradually escalates   until the  government meets its demands or agrees to compromise. As examples of  protest  and persuasion Sharp lists public speeches, petitions, distribution of  literature,   public demonstrations, and fraternizing with low-ranking soldiers and   other  government enforcers.


Nonviolent resisters bring more serious sanctions to bear when they resort to  social, economic, and political non-cooperation. Here Sharp offers as  examples social boycott, excommunication, student strikes (social non-cooperation);  consumers'  boycotts, workers' strikes, refusal to pay fees, rent, or interest,  refusal to accept a  government's money (economic non-cooperation); and the boycott of legislative bodies and elections, draft resistance, tax resistance, deliberate  bureaucratic  inefficiency, and mutiny (political non-cooperation). Unlike protest and persuasion, many of these tactics could pressure a government into changing its policies without actually changing anyone's mind.


Sharp's final category, nonviolent intervention, includes the most  radical forms of resistance against authority. Some examples include fasting until death   (Gandhi's  famed tactic), sit-ins, occupying or surrounding critical government  buildings,  blocking of roads, setting up alternative markets and transportation  systems (such as  black markets), overloading administrative systems, and forming a  parallel  government.


Sharp documents a number of examples for each category. While not all  of them   have met with success, the historical effectiveness of nonviolent action   is  surprising. One familiar but neglected example is colonial resistance to  Britain  before the American Revolution from 1765 to 1775. For further details on  the  nonviolent stage of colonial resistance, see Edmund S. Morgan and Helen  M.   Morgan, "The Stamp Act Crisis: Prologue to Revolution" (New York: Collier  Books,  1963); Lawrence Henry Gipson, "The British Empire Before the American Revolution" (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961-1965); Arthur Schlesinger,  "The  Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution" (New York: Frederick  Ungar,   1966); Lawrence Henry Gipson, "The Coming of the American Revolution"  (New  York: Harper Torchbooks, 1962); and Murray Rothbard, "Conceived in  Liberty," vol.   3, "Advance to Revolution, 1760-1775" (New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House,  1976).  The famous boycotts of tea and other British imports, refusal to pay  taxes such as  those required by the Stamp Act, and ostracism of the Tories imposed  serious costs  upon the British government, leading to desperate action to preserve  British  authority in the colonies. Fewer works on later American tax resistance  exist. See,  however, Dall W. Forsythe's "Taxation and Political Change in the Young  Nation, 1781-1833" (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977), and James Ring  Adams,   "Secrets of the Tax Revolt" (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984),  both of  which David T. Beito discusses at length in 'Tax Revolts in American  History,'  "Humane Studies Review" 4 (Winter 1986-87). Beito's major work in this  area,   "Taxpayers in Revolt: Tax Resistance during the Great Depression" (Chapel  Hill:  University of North Carolina Press, 1989), offers a broad discussion of  the largest tax  rebellion in modern America; he emphasizes the tax resistance in Chicago  during   the New Deal era.


Post-World War I Germany yields two significant examples of the  effective use of nonviolence. In 1920, a pro-monarchist faction led by Dr. Wolfgang Kapp attempted to seize control of the Weimar government. German generals, sympathetic  to the coup, refused to assist the civilian government, and many police actively sided with Kapp's forces. In response, President Theodor Ebert called a general strike and bureaucratic non-cooperation. While the military eventually came to the aid of the elected government, nonviolent resistance acted as the chief obstacle to Kapp's  seizure of power.


For more details on the Kapp putsch, see Erich Eyck, "A  History of   the Weimar Republic" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1962).


A   second  instance of the use of nonviolence came during the so-called Ruhrkampf  from 1923 to 1925. When Germany defaulted on its war reparation payments, French and Belgian troops entered the Ruhr -- one of Germany's chief industrial  centers -- to extract the payments by force. Strikes and civilian and bureaucratic obstruction made the occupation so costly that the French and Belgians withdrew without net gain. 


Wolfgang Sternstein, 'The Ruhrkampf of 1923: Economic Problems of  Civilian   Defense,' in "Civilian Resistance as a National Defense," ed. Adam   Roberts  (Harrisburg, PA: Stockpole Books, 1968) discusses the Ruhrkampf instance at great  length.


We must turn back to the Indian struggle for independence from Great  Britain, the   most famous and successful twentieth-century nonviolent movement. While   Indian independence quickly sparked ethnic violence and failed to deliver   prosperity and freedom to ordinary Indians and Pakistanis, the struggle   compares  favorably to violent colonial outbreaks such as in Algeria. Sharp  estimates that if  one takes India's population into account, Algerian-level casualties  would have left   India with three million to three and a half million people dead. The number of  Indians actually killed while taking part in nonviolence was about eight  thousand. (See Sharp, "Gandhi as a Political Strategist," 7.) 


Indians tried virtually every nonviolent tactic -- tax resistance (such as the famous salt march), boycotts of British  goods, failure to support the British war effort, and fasting -- during the independence movement. For more details on the history of the Indian struggle with the British, see Michael Edwardes, "The Last Years of British India"  (London:  Cassell, 1963); Ram Gopal, "How India Struggled for Freedom: A Political  History"   (Bombay: Book Centre, 1967); Francis Hutchins, "India's Revolution:   Gandhi and  the Quit India Movement" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973);  and  R.P. Masani, "British in India: An Account of British Rule in the Indian  Subcontinent" (New York: Oxford University Press, 1960).


The most famous nonviolent struggle in recent American history has been the  civil rights movement. A few of the many histories of the combat for legal equality  for blacks -- fought largely with nonviolent tactics -- are: Arthur I.  Waskow, "From  Race Riot to Sit-in: 1919 and the 1960's" (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,  1966); James  Farmer, "Freedom -- When?" (New York: Random House, 1954); and Alan F.  Westin, ed., "Freedom Now: The Civil-Rights Struggle in America" (New  York:   Basic Books, 1964). Martin Luther King Jr.'s theories of nonviolent   resistance should  not be overlooked. Besides 'Letter from the Birmingham Jail' (Goldwin,  ed., "On  Civil Disobedience", 61-77), King's other works on nonviolence and the civil rights   movement include "Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story" (New York: Ballantine Books, 1958) and "Why We Can't Wait" (New York: New American  Library, 1964). For a broader look at the struggle of black Americans,  most of it  nonviolent, see Joan Grant, ed., "Black Protest: History, Documents, and  Analyses,   1619 to the Present" (Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1968); Carleton Mabee,   "Black  Freedom: The Nonviolent Abolitionists from 1830 Through the Civil War"  (New  York: Macmillan, 1977); and John Hope Franklin, "From Slavery to  Freedom," 6th  ed. (New York: Knopf, 1988).


Sharp lists many historical examples of both nonviolent struggles and  violent  struggles with a large nonviolent component. His examples include:  Hungarian resistance to the Austrian empire from 1850 to 1867; the Belgian  suffragist enlargement strikes in 1893, 1902, and 1913; Finland's opposition to  Russian rule from 1898 to 1905; and the Russian Revolution of 1905 and 1906.  Anti-colonial struggles in Asia and Africa were also often nonviolent.  They included China's boycotts against the Japanese between 1906 and 1919; the struggle of the Indian minority in South Africa against discrimination from 1906 to 1914 and again in 1946;  and Samoan resistance against New Zealand from 1919 to 1936.


See Gene   Sharp,  "Social Power and Political Freedom" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1980) for a  comprehensive list. Sharp finds a common pattern throughout the history of nonviolent  resistance.   After a movement for social change acquires any sort of influence, it   typically meets with repression. While badly organized movements collapse as soon as resistance begins, the inculcation of solidarity and discipline (akin in some ways   to the training  of normal soldiers) can hold a movement together long enough to win  attention  and score some victories. Moreover, the very fact that the protesters  remain   committed to nonviolence even as the government turns to repression to   combat  them tends to win over previously neutral parties, arouse dissent among the  repressing group, and inspire and involve other members of persecuted  groups.  Sharp refers to this as "political jiu-jitsu" -- jiu-jitsu being a style  of martial art that  uses an opponent's aggressiveness and ferocity against him. Sharp is far  from a  Panglossian advocate of nonviolence; indeed, it is precisely because of  the possibility   of failure that he is interested in studying the mechanics of nonviolent   struggle.  But, insofar as it succeeds, it usually does so by converting opponents,  making  repression too costly to continue, and threatening the very ability of  the   government to maintain power.




Humane Studies Review Volume 9, Number 1   Summer 1994


by Bryan Caplan




Among Sharp's other works in the area of nonviolence are "Exploring  Nonviolent Alternatives" (Boston: Porter Sargent, 1971); "Social Power  and Political  Freedom: Making Europe Unconquerable" (London: Taylor and Francis, 1985);  "National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense" (Omaha, NE:  Association for  Transarmament Studies, 1985); and "Civilian-Based Defense: A  Post-Military   Weapons System" (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990). These   books  overlap one another to a significant extent, but, taken together, they detail the  benefits of nonviolent action as a substitute for violence. Sharp  generally utilizes a comparative institutions approach. For example, he compares the  effectiveness of   real-world violence to real-world nonviolence rather than ideal violence   to real- world nonviolence as critics often do. As Sharp puts it, "Comparative  evaluations of  nonviolent and violent means must take into consideration that political  violence   is often defeated also. By conventional standards, does not one side lose   in each  international war, civil war and violent revolution? Such defeats have  usually been  explained as resulting from certain weaknesses or inadequacies, such as  lack of   fighting spirit, insufficient or poor weapons, mistakes in strategy and   tactics, or numerical inferiority. Comparable weaknesses may also lead to defeat in  nonviolent  action. The common practice of explaining defeats of political violence  in terms of  such specific shortcomings while blaming defeats of nonviolent action on  the   presumption of its universal impotence is both irrational and uninformed"  (Sharp,  "The Politics of Nonviolent Action," p. 756).


With this in mind, he first notes that violence is usually ineffective. The ability of  the government to use violence greatly exceeds that of the rebels.  Indeed, violent  rebellion often strengthens oppressive regimes which can plausibly claim  that rebel  violence necessitates repression. Government's comparative advantage lies in violent action. The comparative advantage of the people, in contrast, lies in their ability to deny their voluntary cooperation without which it is nearly impossible for  government to persist. Consider the deadliness to a government of tax strikes, boycotts, general strikes, and widespread refusal to obey the law. While these tactics are nonviolent, their universal and unyielding use should terrify any government.


Nonviolence has other advantages as well. Because it seems less  dangerous and   radical than violence, it more easily, as mentioned above, wins broad   public  support. The costs of participation are lower, so more people are likely  to participate.  Traditional noncombatants like children, women, and the old can  effectively   participate in nonviolent struggle. It is more likely to convert   opponents and  produce internal disagreement within the ruling class. It generally leads  to far fewer  casualties and material losses than violence. And since it is more decentralized than  violent action, it is less likely to give rise to an even more oppressive  state if it  succeeds.


In addition to Sharp's impressive and far-reaching "Politics of  Nonviolent   Action," one should examine other works, including Richard B. Gregg's   "The Power  of Nonviolence" (New York: Fellowship Publications, 1944), which combines  a  theoretical discussion with a partial history of Gandhi's struggle for  Indian   independence. Gregg's theoretical approach is roughly equivalent to   Sharp's -- albeit  in a less detailed systematic form. A. Paul Hare and Herbert H. Blumberg's  "Liberation Without Violence: A Third-Party Approach" (Totowa, NJ: Rowman  and Littlefield, 1977) offers a collection of largely historical essays on  the use of   nonviolence in India, the United States, Africa, and Cyprus. V.K. Kool,   ed.,  "Perspectives on Nonviolence"

(New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990) collects  thirty essays on various topics relating to nonviolence, including a  keynote address  by Kenneth Boulding. Leroy Pelton, in "The Psychology of Nonviolence"  (New   York: Pergamon, 1974), takes a psychological approach, focusing on the   ability of  nonviolent resistance to change minds while avoiding a vicious spiral of  escalating  violence.


***Civilian Based Defense


If nonviolent action can effectively force one's government to change  its policies  or abandon power, then plausibly similar tactics might succeed against a  foreign  invader. And, since most nonviolence has historically been sporadic and  unorganized, it might bepossible to increase its effectiveness through  training and   strategic and tactical planning. These two possibilities have sparked   interest in  "civilian-based defense" -- the self-conscious use of nonviolent means  for the goal of  national defense. Sharp defines civilian-based defense as "a projected  refinement of  the general technique of nonviolent action, or civilian struggle, as it has occurred  widely in improvised forms in the past. This policy is an attempt  deliberately to adapt and develop that technique to meet defense needs, and thereby  potentially to  provide... deterrence to those particular forms of attack" (Sharp,  "Social Power and  Political Freedom," p. 233).


While this may appear intuitively impractical at first, on closer  examination the   argument may have strong appeal.  From the outset, one should note that  some of  the most famous cases of nonviolent resistance were carried out against foreign powers: colonial North America and India against the British; Germany against France and Belgium in the Ruhrkampf; and Hungary against the rule of the Austrian Empire.


Quoting Kenneth Boulding, Sharp writes "What exists, is possible." More fundamentally, nonviolent resistance never had any of the advantages that military resistance does. Usually the military has years to train, strategize, prepare arsenals, test weapons, stockpile necessary resources, and study the past for lessons. But, nonviolent struggles have almost always been  carried out  without the benefit of personnel training or tactical and strategic  planning. What would happen if countries spent as much energy preparing for a nonviolent struggle as they do for a military struggle? This is a question that  Sharp and other authors sympathetic to civilian-based defense have tried to answer.


As with most scholarship on nonviolence, the work of Gene Sharp  dominates the   area of civilian-based defense. "Social Power and Political Freedom," a  collection of  essays on topics relating to nonviolence, contains two well-written  introductory   essays to the theory of civilian-based defense: "The Political   Equivalent of War' --  Civilian-Based Defense,"and "Popular Empowerment." "The Political  Equivalent of   War," criticizes traditional solutions to the problem of war: removing   its "causes,";  pacifism and unilateral disarmament; world government; and negotiated  general  disarmament.


He also discusses the history of nonviolence, with examples  from the Montgomery boycotts, the Soviet prison camp resistance at Vorkuta, and German and Norwegian opposition to Nazi policies.


These introductory examples provide a springboard for an extensive  discussion of civilian-based defense. Sharp insists that deterrents are not limited to  standard   military ones. Rather, it is merely necessary for nonviolence to make   occupation so  difficult that the costs of conquest exceed the benefits. Massive tax  resistance,  boycotts, incitement of desertion, and strikes might accomplish this.  And, if a would-be conqueror realized that nonviolent techniques might make the  costs of  occupation skyrocket, he might be deterred from trying. Sharp considers  specific  ways to prepare effective civilian-based defense: general education and training in  the techniques of nonviolence, as well as a "West Point" for training  specialists; the wide-spread dissemination of publishing and broadcasting equipment to  prevent   invaders from seizing all of the means of communication; and  local   stockpiles  should exist to ease the pain of a general strike. Lastly, Sharp  considers questions of  strategy. He contrasts a "nonviolent Blitzkrieg" -- a policy of total  non-cooperation, a  general strike, and massive protests -- with the less dramatic but more  sustainable  "selective resistance" -- targeting specific institutions for protection  and defense and   certain enemy policies for defiance and protest.


"Popular Empowerment" offers another telling point. While standard  military   defense is easy for a government to use against its own people,  civilian-based   defense is not. Civilian-based defense is a positive check against the abuse of power.  If the government acts improperly, the same techniques that the citizenry  can wield against foreigners can be turned on its own leaders. National defense, properly understood, shields society from all oppression, both foreign and domestic.


"Making Europe Unconquerable" was Sharp's attempt to apply his theory  of civilian-based defense to the protection of Western Europe against a Soviet  invasion. While the subject is perhaps passe, the work is useful because  it   investigates a fairly specific issue in detail. Moreover, those who   doubted the efficacy  of nonviolence against the Soviets may find it a more plausible tool  against the less  serious threats that European nations face today. "Exploring Nonviolent  Alternatives," one of Sharp's shorter pieces, applies the analysis to  the question of national defense. "National Security Through  Civilian-Based   Defense," a long pamphlet, does nearly the same. "Civilian-Based   Defense," Sharp's  most recent book, summarizes his lifetime of scholarly research on  nonviolence. It  also contains fascinating treatments of the use of nonviolence in the  final   overthrow of communism in EasternEurope. Short, clear, and wide-ranging,   "Civilian-Based Defense" is the best single piece to read on the topic.


Some of the most interesting scholarship on civilian-based defense by  authors   other than Sharp appears in Roberts, ed., "Civilian Resistance as a   National  Defence." Notable essays include Sir Basil Liddell Hart's "Lessons from  Resistance  Movements -- Guerrilla and Nonviolent"; Theodor Ebert's "Nonviolent  Resistance   Against Communist Regimes?"; Jeremy Bennett's "The Resistance Against the  German Occupation of Denmark 1940-5"; Magne Skodvin, "Norwegian  Nonviolent  Resistance During the German Occupation"; and Wolfgang Sternstein, "The  Ruhrkampf of 1923: Economic Problems of Civilian Defense." One should also see  T.K. Mahadevan, Adam Roberts, and Gene Sharp, eds., "Civilian Defense: An Introduction" (New Delhi: Gandhi Peace Foundation, 1967).


For other books on civilian-based defense, see Sir Stephen King-Hall,  "Defence in  the Nuclear Age" (London: Victor Gollancz, 1958), which argues that  Britain should  unilaterally give up its nuclear weapons stockpile, since the possession  of nuclear  weapons makes Britain a more likely target for a hostile nuclear attack;  he   recommends civilian-based defense. Norman Freund, in "Nonviolent National  Defense: A Philosophical Inquiry into Applied Nonviolence" (New York:  University Press of America, 1987), summarizes many of the main arguments  for civilian-based defense, as does Krishnalal Shridharani, "War Without  Violence: A  Study of Gandhi's Methods and Its Accomplishments" (New York: Garland,  1972). A  Quaker organization, the American Friends Service Committee, defended   civilian- based defense in "In Place of War: An Inquiry into Nonviolent National  Defense" (New York: Grossman Publishers, 1967). Anders Boserup and Andrew  Mack, "War Without Weapons" (New York: Schocken Books, 1975), overlaps  with  Sharp's work; its main innovation is its explicit attempt to integrate  the theory of   nonviolence with classical strategic theory as formulated by Clauswitz. In so doing,  Boserup and Mack open the door for the application of both rational  choice and game theories to the question of nonviolence.


**"It Can Only Work Against the British" -- Nonviolence against  Totalitarian  Regimes


Almost everyone will concede that nonviolence can work against  "civilized"   nations. But what about the hard cases? What about totalitarian governments   utterly lacking in moral scruples and prepared to kill as many people as   necessary to cement their rule? Intuitively, the case against nonviolence in such  circumstances is  strong. Yet preliminary research into the history of nonviolent  resistance against Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia casts doubt on this intuition. While nonviolence may be less useful against amoral or immoral tyrants, it is far from futile.


Danish, Norwegian, and Dutch resistance to Nazism from 1940 to 1945  was  pronounced and fairly successful. In Norway, for example, teachers refused to  promote fascism in the schools. For this, the Nazis imprisoned a thousand  teachers.  But, the remaining teachers stood firm, giving anti-fascist instruction  to children and teaching in their homes. This policy made the pro-fascist Quisling  government  so unpopular that it eventually released all of the imprisoned teachers  and dropped its attempt to dominate the schools. Other forms of struggle included ostracism, the refusal to speak to Nazi soldiers and intense social hostility to  collaborationists.


Nonviolent struggle in the Netherlands was also fierce. The Dutch organized two general strikes in Amsterdam; one in 1941 protested mistreatment of Jews,  and a second in 1943 opposed the Nazi plan to intern Dutch war veterans in  Germany. In Copenhagen, Danes used a general strike to liberalize martial law.


Gene Sharp's   sources include Jeremy Bennett, "The Resistance Against the German   Occupation of  Denmark 1940-5," in Roberts, pp. 154-172; Magne Skodvin, "Norwegian  Nonviolent  Resistance During the German Occupation," in Roberts, pp. 136-153; Bjarne  H�ye   and Trygve M. Ager, "The Fight of the Norwegian Church Against Nazism"  (New  York: Macmillan, 1943); and Werner Warmbrunn, "The Dutch Under German  Occupation 1940-1945" (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1963). For a  general treatment of resistance to Nazism, see International Conference on the History of  the Resistance Movements, "European Resistance Movements, 1939-1945  (Oxford:   Pergamon Press, 1960).


But, surely the most amazing but widely neglected case of nonviolent  resistance  against Nazi Germany was the protection of Jews and other persecuted  minorities from deportation, imprisonment, and murder. In "The Lesson of Eichmann: A  Review-Essay on Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem" in "Social Power and Political Freedom," Gene Sharp shows how the nations which nonviolently resisted National Socialist racial persecutions saved almost all of their Jews,  while Jews in other Nazi-controlled nations were vastly more likely to be placed in concentration  camps and killed.


The effort to arrest Norway's seventeen hundred Jews  sparked internal resistance and protest resignations; most of the Norwegian Jews fled to  Sweden. In Belgium, police refused to cooperate with the Germans, and  railroad  workers sabotaged trains transporting imprisoned Jews. Apparently no  Belgian Jews died at Nazi hands, and about half of all foreign Jews living in Belgium  survived occupation. While Vichy France helped deport foreign Jews, it refused to  cooperate in the deportation of French Jews; in consequence, eighty percent were saved.  Even though Italy was a German ally, Italians did not share Hitler's anti-Semitism. As a result of bureaucratic resistance and non-cooperation, ninety percent of Italian Jews were saved.


When Himmler tried to crack down on Danish Jews, the Danes thwarted  his  efforts. Not only did the Danish government and people resist -- through  bureaucratic slowdowns and noncooperation -- but, surprisingly, the German  commander in Denmark also refused to help organize Jewish deportations.  This  prompted Himmler to import special troops to arrest Jews. But, in the end  almost all  Danish Jews escaped unharmed. In Bulgaria, the parliament refused to assist the German anti-Jewish measures, and Bulgarians held public demonstrations  against the persecution of Jews. As far as can be known, no Bulgarian Jews were killed or deported by the Nazis.


For more on this, see Hannah Arendt, "Eichmann in  Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" (New York: Viking Press,  1963).  The omnipresent pattern that Arendt finds and that Sharp emphasizes is that totalitarian governments are not omnipotent. They need the cooperation of  the ruled to exert their will. If a people denies cooperation, even a  government as vicious as Hitler's, bound by few moral constraints, might be unable to get what it   wants.


The history of nonviolent struggle against the Soviet Union has, until  recently,   been much more bleak. When, in 1953, East Germans used the general strike   and  other nonviolent tactics to win better treatment for workers, the Soviets  brutally  crushed all opposition, leading to worldwide recognition -- even among  socialists --  that the Soviet regime's claim to represent "workers" was absurd. Stefan  Brant, "The  East German Rising" (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957) covers the  history of  the largely nonviolent 1953 struggle. The Hungarian uprising in 1956,  while  generally considered a military struggle, contained strong nonviolent elements,  including a general strike, mass demonstrations, and the formation of a  parallel government. Again, the Soviets harshly repressed it, though it is worth  noting that  the nonviolent resistance (for example the general strike in Budapest)   held out  longer than the Hungarian military. On this, see Ferenc Vali, "Rift and  Revolt in  Hungary: Nationalism versus Communism" (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University  Press, 1961) and George Mikes, "The Hungarian Revolution" (London: Andre  Deutsch, 1957).


The Czech struggle of 1968 is a final tragic chapter in the history of  resistance to the Soviets. Remarkably, the Czechs used nonviolent means almost exclusively   and,  consequently, lasted considerably longer than did the Hungarians. The  Dubcek  government ordered its soldiers to remain in their barracks, the state  news agency   refused to announce that its government had "requested" the invasion, and  the  Czech Congress condemned Soviet actions and demanded a release of its  kidnapped  officials. Other forms of resistance included short-term general strikes,  transportation obstruction, and the use of radio to rally the people against Soviet  invaders. Even though the invasion was a complete military success, the  Soviets decided that the political situation made it unwise to replace the Dubcek  government with collaborators. Instead, after some compromise on reforms,  they   released the kidnapped Czech leaders and restored them to their previous   positions.  The liberal reformers retained power for eight more months, at which  point the  Russians replaced them with their own favorites. This ended Czech  reforms. On the   1968 struggle see Robert Littell, ed., "The Czech Black Book"

(New York:   Frederick A.  Praeger, 1969); Robin Alison Remington, ed., "Winter in Prague" (Cambridge: MIT  Press, 1969); and Philip Windsor and Adam Roberts, "Czechoslovakia" 1968 (New  York: Columbia University Press, 1969).


It would be easy to draw deeply pessimistic conclusions from this long  string of suppressed attempts to liberalize communist nations. Not only did history  support   the pessimistic conclusion of Jeane Kirkpatrick and other conservatives,   but it, a  priori, also made sense. Violent revolution in a totalitarian system  seemed futile.  The ruling elite might fight amongst itself, but they had no intention of  giving up  power voluntarily. And, nonviolence proved clearly useless against   conscienceless  dictators.


Or did it? As Sharp emphasized, nonviolence can win by converting  opponents   and neutrals and by creating divisions within ruling groups. In a way,   that was  happening for decades under communism. Not only the people, but also  subgroups  within the ruling elite itself gradually came to see the evil and  inherent  contradictions within their own system. Circulation of illegal  literature, smuggled   videotapes, and infiltration of Western cultural influences slowly eroded   confidence. It is a mistake to look at communist nations over the   past few decades and conclude that all resistance had been crushed;   rather, it had  been occurring covertly, slowly undermining all of the claims of  communist  governments of legitimacy.


The move for liberalization began with the Solidarity movement in  Poland. One   readable journalistic history of Solidarity is Timothy Garton Ash's, "The  Polish  Revolution: Solidarity 1980-1982" (London: Jonathan Cape, 1983). Ash  emphasizes   that the election of a Polish pope marked the beginning of rising   expectations in  Poland. By highlighting the role of non-state institutions, John Paul's  election  tended to make people more conscious of the distinction between society  and state.  Ash describes one of the pope's Polish appearances: "For nine days the  state virtually  ceased to exist, except as a censor doctoring the television coverage. Everyone saw  that Poland is not a communist country -- just a communist state" (Ash,p.  29).


The   chief tactic of Solidarity was the strike, which it used both to   highlight particular grievances and to attain broader reform. Peter Raina's "Poland 1981:  Towards Social  Renewal" (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985) details the history of  Solidarity's   tactics, demands, and compromises that critical year. The author analyzes   the precise  text of reform bills on independent trade unions, worker self-management,  censorship, and higher education. For a broader history, see Jadwiga  Staniaszkis,  "Poland's Self-Limiting Revolution" (Princeton: Princeton University  Press, 1984).  This work gives a solid account of the crucial 1980 through 1982 period  -- the height  of Solidarity's influence -- but it also discusses moderate reforms during the 70's, the  Polish people's rising expectations prior to Solidarity, and the early  period of Soviet  occupation after World War II.


The Solidarity movement and student and peasant associations expressed  discontent and struggled for reform despite harsh persecution. Their  limited   successes inspired dissidents in other communist nations to push harder   for reform  and frightened communist leaders into mild compromises. One work  documenting  the spread of the "Polish virus" is Elizabeth Teague's "Solidarity and  the Soviet  Worker" (London: Croom Helm, 1988) which discusses the influence of the  Solidarity movement on Soviet politics. The Politburo clearly feared the  growth of  the ideas of the Solidarity movement and made concessions to workers in  the early   1980s to prevent this. While Teague found little Polish influence upon   ethnic  Russians, the Solidarity movement frequently influenced other ethnicities  within  the USSR to push peacefully for reforms in their own republics.


Eventually the accumulated effects of resistance penetrated the Soviet  Politburo   itself. Gorbachev announced that Soviet forces would not quell reforms in   Eastern  Europe. At this point, the unself-conscious tactics of nonviolent  resistance went  public. A half million East Germans demonstrated in Berlin for democratic  elections   and civil liberties on 4 November 1989. A half million Czechs and Slovaks   protested  the phony reforms of communist bosses in Prague three weeks later.  Thousands of  protesters in Leipzig forced state security headquarters to submit to  public  inspection.


As Sharp writes, repression often rebounded against the repressors:  "Czechs and Slovaks erected shrines at the main sites of the beatings,  raising those injured to the stature of heroes. Hundreds of thousands took to the  streets daily  following the police actions. As one student put it, the beatings were  �the spark that  started the whole movement'" (Sharp, "Civilian-Based Defense," pp.  58-59). Success  was contagious -- once East Germany's neighboring communist regimes fell,  the East  Germans began to flee to West Germany by way of their government's former  allies.  In the final chapter, communism within the Soviet Union itself collapsed,  and the  last-ditch attempt of hard-line communists to seize power was foiled with  no small  thanks to mass demonstrations, fraternization with soldiers, and other  nonviolent  tactics.


 While there has been some overlap between the classical liberal  tradition and the  theory and practice of nonviolent struggle, they remain virtual strangers  to one  another in scholarship. There is, however, no intrinsic reason for this.  While  nonviolence is compatible with many viewpoints, some of the best  arguments in its   favor have a rather classical liberal flavor. The analysis of political   power and civil  obedience put forth by nonviolence theorists closely resembles classical  liberalism.  Similarly, the observation that violent revolution often serves only the  interests of  a new elite fits comfortably into the classical liberal tradition. The nonviolence  literature contains few explicit references to spontaneous order, but the  idea is often  present nonetheless, especially in Gene Sharp's work. The idiom of the  nonviolence literature is initially foreign, but frequently it is a difference  chiefly of style, not of  substance.


Classical liberals interested in the issue of nonviolence will find  several gaps in  the existing literature waiting to be filled. First of all, the notion of  spontaneous  order in general, along with rational choice and game theories, rarely  appears. But,  these tools could shed considerable light on the feasibility of  nonviolence; they  might also help answer the objection that centrally planned resistance is  necessarily  more effective than civilian-based defense. Second, classical liberals  may be able to   draw on a broader range of historical examples than the current  literature does. The  self-conscious resistance movements are its primary focus; but aren't  there many  voluntary institutions whose result is to check state power even though  that is no  part of the intention of the participants?


Thus, the informal economy is rarely a  form of ideological protest, but it is nevertheless a decentralized and  nonviolent  check upon the abuse of governmental power. A third insight that classical liberals might introduce and expand is the role of markets and economic freedom as a nonviolent check upon the state. Since contemporary advocates of  nonviolence   tend to be suspicious of capitalism, they often ignore typically liberal   observations. Classical liberals may learn from -- as well as contribute to -- the  nonviolence  literature. Besides its intrinsic interest, it may point the way to  answers to several  difficult issues within the classical liberal tradition. Despite their  distrust of state  power and interventionist foreign policy, classical liberals have had a  difficult time  envisioning specific alternatives to violence to combat tyranny. The  literature of   nonviolent resistance is  filled with penetrating insights in this area.  And, while  classical liberals frequently long for alternatives to both electoral  politics and   violence, specific suggestions have been sparse. These are merely a few   gaps that the nonviolence literature may fill.  On a more aesthetic note, many of the  historical  examples of nonviolence are beautiful illustrations of the power of  voluntary   institutions to supplement or replace the role of the state.


Finally, the role of civilian protest and direct action in recent  anti-communist   revolutions lends a new credibility to the idea of nonviolent resistance.   It would go  too far to attribute the demise of communism purely to nonviolent  resistance. But it  was one important and neglected factor in the greatest triumph of freedom  in the  twentieth-century. Classical liberals should study the lessons that it  teaches. In  particular, they should learn how freedom may be defended against  tyrannical  governments. A central lesson here is that even when the government has the  weapons, there is something that it cannot seize: the voluntary  compliance of its  citizens. Without it, maintaining power becomes costly or even   impossible. But, as  we have seen, governments almost instinctively sense this risk and strive  to  prevent it from arising. As La Boetie explains, "it has always happened  that   tyrants, in order to strengthen their power, have made every effort to   train their  people not only in obedience and servility toward themselves, but also in  adoration" (La Boetie, 75). All that is necessary to prevent tyranny is  to let the citizenry come to know its own strength. Or, in the timeless words of La  Boetie,   "From all these indignities [of tyranny], such as the very beasts of the  field would  not endure, you can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action,  but merely by  willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.  I do not ask  that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that  you  support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus  whose  pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into  pieces" (La  Boetie, p. 53).


Bryan Caplan is a graduate student in Economics at Princeton University





Under existing US laws, our own Christian Forefathers, and Jesus Christ Himself, are guilty of "hate speech".

Holy Bible vs. unholy Talmud

Balaam [Jesus] is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the words of the Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement, 57a Gittin

"Edom is in modern Jewry" The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, Page 41

It is JEWS who cause AIDS!

911 caused by our amoral support of "Israel"

Christians! Start Your Engines!!

1. PROOF that the Talmud refers to Jesus as balaam.

2. The Talmud is viciously anti-Christian.

3. Benjamin Franklin on the Talmud.

4. Talmud vs. the Holy Bible.

5. The Talmud has been BURNED countless times.

6. The Talmud condones child sex.

7. Michael Hoffman on the Talmud.

8. The Talmud condones incest.

9. The Talmud HATES Muslims.

10. The many lies in the Talmud.

11. The Talmud and the Old Testament are exact opposites.

12. The poll about the Talmud.

13. Reverend Pranaitis' expose' of the Talmud.

14. Precepts of the Talmud.

15. Quotes from the Talmud.

16. Willie Martin on the Talmud.


The Talmud claims to be the sole authority for all jews, whether they like it or not, or whether they admit it or not.  The Talmud claims that a jew who is baptized can only do so to deceive Christians, otherwise he's subject to the death penalty.  The Talmud REQUIRES that a jew who's questioned about the Talmud by a "gentile" [read: ordinarily a Christian in the U.S.] must not answer those questions but must instead lie.  While many people equate the Talmud to the Torah [the first five books of the Holy Bible] the reality is that in the most basic premises, they are exact opposites.  For example, jews claim that the Talmud condones sodomy, and even promotes it, whereas the Torah requires that sodomites be stoned to death. The Talmud claims Jesus was the illegitimate offspring of the Roman soldier Pandira who raped Mary, was hanged for blasphemy, thrown on a dung heap,and is now boiling in hot excrement, whereas the Torah views Him as the Son of God.  The Talmud claims that a "gentile" is any non-jew, whereas the Torah states that "gentile" is simply a reference to the race of anyone.



Thomas Jefferson

1743-1826 Letters, Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

"What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims [the Talmud] could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral Doctrine... It was the reformation of this `wretched depravity' of morals which Jesus undertook." 


George Washington

( in Maxims of George Washington by A. A. Appleton & Co.)

"They (the Jews) work more effectively against us, than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in... It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America."


Benjamin Franklin

(This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

"Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention. "


Jesus Christ

"Be careful," Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the

Pharisees and Sadducees [read: jews]."

John 8:44 You [jews] belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies


Martin Luther

"He did not call them Abraham's children, but a 'brood of vipers' [Matt. 3:7]. Oh, that was too insulting for the noble blood and race of Israel, and they declared, 'He has a demon' [Matt 11:18]. Our Lord calls them a 'brood of vipers'; furthermore in John 8:39-44 he states: 'If you were Abraham's children ye would do what Abraham did.... You are of your father the devil.' It was intolerable to them to hear that they were not Abraham's but the devil's children, nor can they bear to hear this today."


Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf

"When thus, for the first time, I recognized the Jew as the coldhearted, shameless, and calculating director of this revolting vice traffic in the scum of the big city, a cold shudder ran down my back."


Alexander McClelland

"The two Kapos [in the concentration camp] that beat me daily, using a heavy wooden baton they called

'Herr Doktor' (The Doctor) were both fellow Prisoners, both were Jewish,

one from Hungary and the other was, I believe, a Ukrainian."


Lt.  Col.  F.  P.   "Bud" Farrell, U.S.A.F.  Ret.

"Communism is jewish"


This puts 254 million Americans today, Jesus Christ, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Adolf Hitler himself, Louis IX, Pope Julius III, Pope Clement VIII, other popes, the Frankists, Martin Luther, Alexander McClellan, Peter Styvesant, Martin Luther, the Queen of Hungary, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Mark Twain, George Bernard Shaw, Colonel Farrell, Charles Lindbergh, Louis Farrakhan, Henry Wallace, in complete agreement about ONE thing:

The Talmud STINKS!


|[p|Talmud online. |

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|[p|An excellent expulsion order for jews. |

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|[p|The jews' proudest moment:   The Patriot Act. |

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|[p|We must test DNA to deny jews based on genealogy the way "Israel" denies non-jews. |

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|[p|jew Finkel tells us what jews REALLY think of the Holy Bible. |

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|[p|Torah prescribes death to Christians. |

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|[p|Why do  jews have more than 112 genetic diseases? |

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|[p|Confirmation of Talmud LIES. |

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|[p|Listen to the voice of the devil--a "Norwegian jew". |

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|[p|Bolshevist jews |

|ic|[pic] |

|] |How jews destroyed Russia. |

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| |How Jacob Schiff [read: Schifman] funded the war between Japan and Russia. |

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| |Michael A. Hoffman: what Bolshevists did to Russia was perceived as holocaust to Germans. |

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| |Proof that Bolshevists were jews. |

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| |Solzhenitsyn:  66 million Christians killed by Bolshevist jews. |

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|[p|Judges Being Secretly Trained To Resist Arguments Based on Constitution. |

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|[p|Pastor Greg Dixon saves a Baptist Temple from the jews. |

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|[p|How jews spy on American citizens:  Amdocs and CALEA. |

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|[p|An English perspective of the jews. |

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|[p|Killing Christians Through Better Medicine. |

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|[p|Israelites are not jews, jews are not Israelites. |

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|[p|Christians in Israel have no rights. |

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|[p|Other wars started by jews. |

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|[p|Benjamin Freedman on the jews in Germany. |

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|[p|Traitor jew Lilienthal. |

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|[p|How the jews conducted the anthrax scare. |

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|[p|The jew behind the anthrax scare. |

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|[p|The Illuminati. |

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|[p|The backlash against the ADL begins! |

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|[p|The White Race is targeted by jews. |

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|[p|NY Times supports assassinations by jews. |

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|[p|Ezra Pound imprisoned by jews for patriotism to the White Race. |

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|[p|The looting of America through asset forfeiture laws. |

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|[p|Matt Hale set up by jews. |

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|[p|David Duke:  ONE DEAD ISRAELI in 9-11. |

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|[p|How to spot a jew. |

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|[p|Quotations from famous men about the new world order (NWO). |

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|[p|How the jews stole the Palestinians' land. |

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|[p|Jew Engel gets spoken Christian prayers in American schools BANNED. |

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|[p|Congress displaced Christianity with judaism with Public Law 102-14 [HJ Res. 104] March 20, 1991:Education Day, U.S.A Proclamation, |

|ic|Joint Resolution designating March 26, 1991 as Education Day USA , a return to Seven Noahide Laws. |

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|[p|Israel costs the US $23,241 per Israeli. |

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|[p|The attack on the USS Liberty by jews. |

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|[p|Gangsters &  jews. |

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|[p|Pornography & jews. |

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|[p|Censorship and jews. |

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|[p|The Red Cross and jews. |

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|[p|Race & jews. |

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|[p|The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. |

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|[p|The TRUTH about the holocaust hoax. |

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|[p|The truth about jews' use of false flags. |

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|[p|The truth about Franklin Delano Roosevelt. |

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|[p|The truth about Harold Rosenthal. |

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|[p|Jew Leopold Moritz Amery of England direcly culpable for 264 million dead Christians. |

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|[p|Joseph Sobran finally defines anti-semitism. |

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|[p|The anti-Christian, pro-jewish bias of the mainstream media. |

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|[p|National Vanguard Magazine:   Jews control three quarters of mainstream media. |

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|[p|The Council of Foreign Relations and jews. |

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|[p|Paul Weyrich on jews killing Jesus Christ. |

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|[p|I shall remember Dresden. |

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|[p|My experience with jewish harassment. |

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|[p|How SIMON WIESENTHAL foments hate to extort money from the US treasury. |

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|[p|Ariel Sharon: war criminal, and president of "Israel". |

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|[p|Why did Christian Americans permit their government to kill Christians in Serbia? |

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|[p|Slander and defamation of character suits against terrorist Simon Wiesenthal. |

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|[p|Kevin MacDonald, Cal State Long Beach:  Jews control US immigration policy. |

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|[p|Korean General Jong Sik Park on how jews got the US into WWII. |

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|] | |

|[p|David Irving on the truth. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews are not Israelites: The Thirteenth Tribe by arthur koestler |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|John "Birdman" Bryant criticizes the jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Theodore N. Kaufman:  Germany Must Perish. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Bertrand L. Comparet: Christians are not jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jew Morgenthau wanted to starve Germans to death. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Most "jews" are Khazars. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews use ad hominems to attack Christians. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Five year prison sentences for speaking the TRUTH. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|One thousand quotes by and about jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Swiss jews imprison J�rgen Graf  for telling the TRUTH. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|How jews hijacked Parmalat. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Our Zionist Occupied Government. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Victor Marchetti: Jews control Hollywood. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|War criminal Henry Kissinger. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Meet your future "terrorist", America! |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Bob Hard:  Jews control Tavistock. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Carl Pearlston:  "Christians prefer sex with cows". |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Talmud insists that Jesus Christ is currently "boiling in hot excrement". |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Michael A. Hoffman on the Talmud. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Michael A. Hoffman: Jewish hate literature. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews from the Arab perspective. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Israel Shamir confesses for the jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jew Watch |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Famous jewish hoaxes perpetrated on this Christian nation: |

|ic|[pic] |

|] |The gigantic "holocaust" hoax. |

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| |The segregation hoax. |

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| |The Einstein hoax. |

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| |The evolution hoax. |

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| |The Madame Curie hoax. |

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| |The Martin Luther King hoax. |

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| |The public education hoax. |

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| |The vaccinations hoax. |

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| |The drinking and driving hoax. |

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| |The polio hoax. |

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| |The speed limit hoax. |

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| |The child abuse hoax. |

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| |The domestic violence hoax. |

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| |The "men are violent" hoax. |

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| |The "half a million women are raped every year" hoax. |

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| |[pic] |

| |The "adultery is a woman's right" hoax. |

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| |The "single-mother households are ok" hoax. |

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| |[pic] |

| |The gun control hoax. |

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| |[pic] |

| |The slavery hoax. |

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| |The war on drugs, crime, illiteracy, povery hoax. |

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| |The tobacco causes cancer hoax. |

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| |The Ritalin hoax. |

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| |The Personal Savings hoax. |

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| |The economy is doing great hoax. |

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| |The Japanese economy is in the tank hoax. |

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| |The feminism hoax. |

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| |The Spanish Inquistion hoax. |

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| |The gender equality hoax. |

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| |The dental amalgam hoax. |

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| |The Diary of Anne Frank hoax. |

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| |The Nineteenth Amendment hoax. |

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| |The "Italian" mafia. |

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|[p|Jerry Abbott:  Are jews really this stupid?  |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews are ruled by the Talmud, not the Holy Bible. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|What is the origin of Talmudites? |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Pharisees were the original Talmudites. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Most jews are Khazars. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Norman Finkelstein describes the magnitude of the holocaust industry. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Rev. I. B. Pranaitis exposes the meaning behind the Talmud. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|90% of world's jews are Ashkenazi jews who are neither Semites, Hebrews, Israelites, and most aren't even descendants of Judaeans, the |

|ic|original "jews". |

|] | |

|[p|The Talmud was adopted by Khazars in 861 AD. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The despicable Kol Nidre oath destroyed Constitutional integrity in the US. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Charles A. Fuller:  The New World Order and Noahide. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Oxford Dictionary: the Talmud is burned every two to three centuries. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Charles Pinckney quotes Benjamin Franklin. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr quotes Benjamin Franklin on Jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Our Christian culture was destroyed by judicial activism. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|How Zionists assassinated John F. Kennedy. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The HYPOCRISY of the ADL. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|What Famous People Have Said About The Jews throughout history |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Hypocrisy by jews at Harvard. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Additional anti-Christian excerpts from the Talmud. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews, hypocrites, and tolerance. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Israeli sponsored massacres. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jews are permitted to  live in Muslim countries but they are given a separate classification to other citizens and must pay a tax |

|ic|(jizyah) to the Muslim state. |

|] | |

|[p|Why exactly is the US 4.5% of the world's population, 45% of the world's jews, & 35% of the world's prison population? |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Jew Dylan Klebold and Jewish hate crimes. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Embrachrist. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jesus Christ condemns the Talmudites. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Jesus Christ was a Galilean, not a Judaean [read: jew]. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Censoring the TRUTH! |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Is Al Gore jewish? |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Christians versus jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Who are "the jews"? |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The jewish house of cards goes:  whoosh! |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Government and jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Precepts of the Talmud. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The error of Webster's Dictionary. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|The Chinese jews. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Library of jewish acts. |

|ic| |

|] | |

|[p|Join the Christian Party. |

|ic| |

|] | |


Charles Prescott Refutes Benjamin Freedman's account--with NO evidence, of course.


Confirmation of the Talmud from a Jewish defector


Benjamin H. Freedman

|THE TALMUD on Christians |

|[pic]"The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians," was written by Rev. I.B. Pranaitis, Master of |

|Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Old St. |

|Petersburg, Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was the greatest of the students of the Talmud. His complete command of the Hebrew language |

|qualified him to analyze the Talmud as few men in history. |

|[pic]The Rev. Pranaitis scrutinized the Talmud for passages referring to Jesus, Christians and the Christian faith. These passages |

|were translated by him into Latin. Hebrew lends itself to translation into Latin better than it does directly into English. The |

|translation of the passages of the Talmud referring to Jesus, Christians and Christian faith were printed in Latin by the Imperial |

|Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg in 1893 with the Imprimatur of his Archbishop. The translation from the Latin into English |

|was made by great Latin scholars in the United States in 1939 with funds provided by wealthy Americans for that purpose. |

|[pic]In order not to leave any loose ends on the subject of the Talmud's reference to Jesus, to Christians and to the Christian |

|faith I will below summarize translations into English from the Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis' "The Talmud Unmasked, The Secret |

|Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians". It would require too much space to quote these passages verbatim with their foot-notes|

|form the Soncino Edition in English. |

|[pic]First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by |

|him into Latin, and from Latin into English: |

|Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier |

|Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation. |

|Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions |

|Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier. |

|Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman. |

|Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus. |

|Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools. |

|Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth. |

|Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self. |

|Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel. |

|Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap. |

|Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus |

|Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted. |

|Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus. |

|Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident. |

|Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath |

|[pic]The above are a few selected from a very complicated arrangement in which many references are obscured by intricate reasoning.|

|The following are a few summarized references to Christians and the Christian faith although not always expressed in exactly that |

|manner. There are eleven names used in the Talmud for non-Talmud followers, by which Christians are meant. Besides Nostrim, from |

|Jesus the Nazarene, Christians are called by all the names used in the Talmud to designate all non-"Jews": Minim, Edom, Abhodan |

|Zarah, Akum. Obhde Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, Kuthim, Apikorosim, and Goim. Besides supplying the names by which Christians are |

|called in the Talmud, the passages quoted below indicate what kind of people the Talmud pictures the Christians to be, and what the|

|Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians: |

|Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate. |

|Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood. |

|Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood. |

|Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them. |

|Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews. |

|Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals. |

|Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals. |

|Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly |

|Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai. |

|Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians. |

|Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men. |

|Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian. |

|Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons. |

|Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always. |

|Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs. |

|Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses. |

|Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts. |

|Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast. |

|Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast. |

|Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass. |

|Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null. |

|Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially. |

|Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent. |

|Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world. |

|Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow. |

|Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins. |

|Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell. |

|Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass. |

|Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men. |

|Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians |

|Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry. |

|Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches. |

|Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols |

|Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches. |

|Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians. |

|Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share. |

|Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God. |

|Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits. |

|Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays. |

|Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws. |

|Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses. |

|Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity. |

|Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian. |

|Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb. |

|Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away. |

|Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away. |

|Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all. |

|Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry. |

|Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship. |

|Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship. |

|Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms. |

|Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days. |

|Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days. |

|Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay. |

|Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts. |

|Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious. |

|Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous. |

|Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy. |

|Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors. |

|Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant. |

|Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews. |

|Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone. |

|Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead. |

|Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace. |

|Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations. |

|Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true. |

|Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory. |

|Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god. |

|Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt. |

|Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes. |

|Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts. |

|Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship. |

|Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian. |

|Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian |

|Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming. |

|Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error. |

|Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew. |

|Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians. |

|Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians. |

|Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews. |

|Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets. |

|Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates. |

|Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians. |

|Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian. |

|Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians. |

|Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience. |

|Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording. |

|Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians. |

|Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies. |

|Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday. |

|Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death. |

|Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either. |

|Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death. |

|Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses. |

|Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued. |

|Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians |

|Sanhedrin (59a) -- `Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty |

|Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death |

|Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals. |

|Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed. |

|Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah. |

|Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators. |

|Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die. |

|Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die. |

|Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. |

|Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed." |

|Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin. |

|Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God. |

|Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice. |

|Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators. |

|Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians |

|Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill. |

|Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong. |

|Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor. |

|Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath. |

|Schabbath (118a). -- Prayers to save from punishment of coming Messiah. |

|[pic]In the Library of Congress and the New York Public Library, unless recently removed, you can find a copy of "The Talmud |

|Unmasked, The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians" by the Rev. I. B. Pranaitis. A copy of the original work printed |

|in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1892 can be made available to you by our mutual friend if you are interested in reading the above |

|passages in the original Hebrew text with their Latin translation. I trust my summaries correctly explain the original text. I |

|believe they do. If I am in error in any way please be so kind as to let me know. It was very difficult to reduce them to short |

|summaries. |

|[pic]The National Conference of Christians and Jews need not scrutinize the "63 books" of the Talmud to discover all the anti- |

|Christ, anti-Christian, and anti-Christian faith passages in the books which are "THE LEGAL CODE WHICH FORMS THE BASIS OF JEWISH |

|RELIGIOUS LAW" and which is "THE TEXTBOOK USED IN THE TRAINING OF RABBIS". They can also keep that, as Rabbi Morris Kertzer also |


|PRAYER". If the National Conference of Christians and Jews are genuinely interested in "interfaith" and "brotherhood" do you not |

|think, my dear Dr. Goldstein, that they should compel a start at once to expunge from the Talmud the anti-Christ, anti- Christian, |

|and anti-Christianity passages from the Talmud in the "brotherly" way they expunged passages from the New Testament? Will you ask |

|them? |

|[pic]Throughout the world the Oxford English Dictionary is accepted as the most authoritative and authentic source for information |

|on the origin, definition and use of words in the English language. Authorities in all fields everywhere accept the Oxford English |

|Dictionary brings out clearly that "Judaist" and "Judaic" are the correct forms for the improper and incorrect misused and |

|misleading "Jews" and "Jewish". You will agree completely with the Oxford English Dictionary if you consider the matter carefully. |

|"Judaist" and "Judaic" are correct. "Jews" and "Jewish" are incorrect. "Jew" and "Jewish" do not belong in the English language if |

|the use of the correct words is of interest to the English-speaking peoples. |

|[pic]The so-called or self-styled "Jews" cannot truthfully describe themselves as "Jews" because they are not in any sense |

|"Judeans". They can correctly identify themselves by their religious belief if they so wish by identifying themselves as |

|"Judaists". A "Judaist" is a person who professes so-called "Judaism" as his religious belief, according to the Oxford English |

|Dictionary. The origin of "Jew" has not its roots in "Judaism" as explained. The adjective form of "Judaist" is "Judaic". "Jewish" |

|as an adjective is just as incorrect as "Jew" is as a noun. "Jewish" has no reason to exist. |

|[pic]Well-planned and well-financed publicity by so-called or self-styled "Jews" in English-speaking countries in the 18th, 19th, |

|and 20th centuries created a wide acceptance and use for "Jewish". "Jewish" is being used today in many ways that are no less |

|fantastic and grotesque than incorrect and inaccurate. "Jewish" is used today to describe everything from "Jewish blood", whatever |

|that may be, to "Jewish Rye Bread", strange as that may sound. The many implications, inferences and innuendoes of "Jewish" today |

|resulting from its commercial uses beggar description. |

|[pic]At the 1954 annual meeting of the St. Paul Guild in the Plaza Hotel in New York City before more than 1000 Catholics, a Roman |

|Catholic priest who was the main speaker and the guest of honor referred to "my Jewish blood". It just happens that this priest was|

|born a so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe and was converted to Catholicism there about 25 years ago. It seems unique|

|that a priest who has professed Catholicism that length of time should mention "my Jewish blood" to Catholics. The radio blasts and|

|the out-door signs blazon "Levy's Jewish Rye Bread", in the same city at the same time. Between these two extremes are countless |

|other products and other services which advertise themselves in print, on radio and television, as "Jewish". |

|[pic]This priest who talks to Catholics about "my Jewish blood" when he addresses audiences also refers to the "Jewish blood" of |

|Mary, Holy Mother of Jesus, to the "Jewish blood" of the Apostles, and to the "Jewish blood" of the early Christians. What he means|

|by "my Jewish blood" mystifies those Catholics who hear him. They query "What is `Jewish blood' "? They ask what happens to "Jewish|

|blood" when so-called or self-styled "Jews" are converted to Catholicism? And in the extreme case when a so-called or self- styled |

|"Jew" becomes a Roman Catholic priest? How is "Jewish blood" biologically different from the blood of persons who profess other |

|religious faiths, they ask. It is hard for me to believe that there is anything biologically different which determines |

|characteristics typical of a specific religious belief. Are the inherent racial and national characteristics determined by |

|religious dogma or doctrine? |

|[pic]The word "Jewess" raises a similar question. If "Jewess" is the female for the male "Jew" I must admit that I have been unable|

|to find female as well as male designation for persons professing any religious belief other than so-called "Judaism". Are there |

|any other that you know? I have searched for the female of Catholicism, Protestantism, Hindu, Moslem, and others but without |

|success. It seems very popular now to refer to Mary, Holy Mother of Jesus, as a "Jewess". It does seem unrealistic to identify the |

|sex of members of any religious belief by appropriate designations. If the word "Jew" is regarded as descriptive of a race or a |

|nation, as is often the case, it is equally unrealistic to indicate the sex of members of a race or a nation by a suffix used for |

|that purpose. I know of no case in that respect except "Negress", and the Negro race strongly objects to the use of that |

|designation, and strongly. |

|[pic]Another word is creating more problems among Christians. I refer to "Judeo-Christian". You see it more and more day by day. |

|Based on our present knowledge of history, and on good sense applied to theology, the term "Judea-Christian" presents a strange |

|combination. Does "Judeo" refer to ancient "Pharisaism", or to "Talmudism", or to so-called "Judaism"? In view of what we know |

|today, how can there be "Judeo-Christian" anything? Based upon what is now known "Judeo-Christian" is as unrealistic as it would be|

|to say anything is "hot-cold" , or "old-young", or "heavy-light", or that a person was "healthy-sick", or "poor-rich", or "dumb- |

|smart", or "ignorant-educated", or "happy-sad". These words are antonyms, not synonyms. "Judeo-Christian" in the light of |

|incontestable facts are also antonyms, not synonyms as so-called or self-styled "Jews" would like Christians to believe. More sand |

|for Christian's eyes. |

|[pic]An "Institute of Judeo-Christian Studies" has been established by Seton Hall University. It is actually a "one-man Institute".|

|Father John M. Oesterreicher is the "one-man Institute". The "Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies" occupies a small office in a |

|down-town office building in Newark, N. J. This "one-man Institute", according to their literature, has no faculty except Father |

|Oesterreicher, and no students. Father Oesterreicher was born a so- called or self-styled "Jew" and became a convert to |

|Catholicism. I have had the pleasure of hearing him talk on many occasions. Addresses by Father Oesterreicher and literature by |

|mail are the principal activities of the "Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies". Father Oesterreicher also plans to publish books |

|and circulate them throughout the world, in large quantities. |

|[pic]Father Oesterreicher leaves no stones unturned to convince Catholics that "Judaeo-Christian" is a combination of two words |

|that are synonyms theologically. Nothing could be further from the truth. Father Oesterreicher impresses that viewpoint upon his |

|Catholic audiences. Father Oesterreicher talks to Catholic audiences only, so far as I am able to tell. In his addresses Father |

|Oesterreicher impresses upon Catholics the opinion he personally holds on the question of the dependence of the Christian faith |

|upon so-called "Judaism". His audiences depart Father Osterreicher's addresses very much confused. |

|[pic]It would make better Catholics out of Father Oesterreicher's audiences if he would "sell" Jesus and the Catholic Church rather|

|than try to "sell" so-called "Judaism" to his audiences. Well-planned and well-financed publicity by so-called or self-styled |

|"Jews" manages to keep Christians well informed on the subject of so-called "Judaism". If Father Oesterreicher would concentrate |

|upon "selling" Jesus and the Christian faith to audiences of so-called or self-styled "Jews" he would be doing more towards |

|realizing the objectives of Christian effort. The activities of this "one-man Institute" are somewhat of a deep mystery. But I am |

|certain that Monsignor McNulty will never allow the "Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies" to bring discredit upon the fine record|

|of Seton Hall as one of the foremost Catholic universities anywhere. But it will bear watching, and Monsignor McNulty will always |

|appreciate constructive comment. |

|[pic]The word "anti-Semitism" is another word which should be eliminated from the English language. "Anti-Semitism" serves only one|

|purpose today. It is used as a "smear word". When so-called or self-styled "Jews" feel that anyone opposes any of their objectives |

|they discredit their victims by applying the word "anti-Semite" or "anti-Semitic" through all the channels they have at their |

|command and under their control. I can speak with great authority on that subject. Because so-called or self-styled "Jews" were |

|unable to disprove my public statements in 1946 with regard to the situation in Palestine, they spent millions of dollars to |

|"smear" me as an "anti-Semite" hoping thereby to discredit me in the eyes of the public who were very much interested in what I had|

|to say. Until 1946 I was a "little saint" to all so-called or self-styled "Jews". When I disagreed with them publicly on the |

|Zionist intentions in Palestine I became suddenly "Anti-Semite No. 1". |

|[pic]It is disgraceful to watch the Christian clergy take up the use of the word "anti-Semitism". They should know better. They |

|know that "anti-Semitism" is a meaningless word in the sense it is used today. They know the correct word is "Judaeophobe". "Anti- |

|Semite" was developed into the "smear-word" it is today because "Semite" is associated with Jesus in the minds of Christians. |

|Christians are accessories in the destruction of the Christian faith by tolerating the use of the smear-word "anti-Semitic" to |

|silence by the most intolerant forms of persecution employing that smear word Christians who oppose the evil conspirators. |

|[pic]It no doubt grieves you as much as it grieves me, my dear Dr. Goldstein, to see our nation's moral standards sink to new all- |

|time lows day by day. Of that there is very little doubt. The moral standards of this nation in political, economic, social and |

|spiritual fields are the factors which determine the position we will occupy in world affairs. We will be judged on that basis from|

|afar by the other 94% of the world's total population. Our 6% of the world's total population will succeed or fail in its efforts |

|to retain world leadership by our moral standards because in the last analysis they influence the attitudes and activities of the |

|nation. The moral standards are the crucible in which the nation's character is refined and molded. The end product will never be |

|any better than the ingredients used. It is something to think about. |

|[pic]There is much for which this Christian country can still feel very proud. But there is also much for which we cannot feel |

|proud. A correct diagnosis of our nation's rapidly deteriorating moral standards in all walks of life will reveal the cause as the |

|nation's current psychosis to concentrate primarily on how to (1) "make MORE money" and (2) "have MORE fun". How many persons do |

|you personally know who include among their daily duties service and sacrifice in the defense against its enemies of that priceless|

|birthright which is the God-given heritage of all those blessed to be born Americans? What services? What sacrifices? |

|[pic]With very few exceptions this generation seems to regard everything as secondary to our accountability to unborn generations |

|for our generation's breach of the faith and betrayal of our trust to posterity. The sabotage of our nation's moral standards is |

|more incidental to the program of that inimical conspiracy than accidental in the continued march of mankind towards an easier |

|existence. The guidance and control of this nation's place in history has gravitated by default into the hands of those persons |

|lease worthy of that trusteeship. This notable achievement by them is their reward for their success in obtaining effective and |

|numerous Christian "male prostitutes" to "front" for them. Too many of these efficacious Christian "male prostitutes" are scattered|

|throughout the nation in public affairs for the security of the Christian faith and the nation's political, social and economic |

|stability. |

|[pic]A "male prostitute" is a male who offers the faculties of his anatomy from the neck up for hire to anyone who will pay his |

|"asking price" exactly as the female of the same species offers the facilities of her anatomy from the neck down to anyone who will|

|pay her "asking price". Thousands of these pseudo-Christian "male-prostitutes" circulate freely unrecognized in all walks of life |

|proudly pandering pernicious propaganda for pecuniary profit and political power. They are the "dog in the manger". The corroding |

|effect of their subtle intrigue is slowly but surely disintegrating the moral fiber of the nation. This danger to the Christian |

|faith cannot be overestimated. This peril to the nation should not be under- estimated. The Christian clergy must remain alerted to|

|it. |

|[pic]The international "crime of crimes" of all history, that reprehensible iniquity in which this nation played the major role, |

|was committed in Palestine almost totally as a result of the interference of the United States in that situation on behalf solely |

|of the Zionist world-wide organization with its headquarters in New York City. The interference of the United States in that |

|situation on behalf of the aggressors illustrates the power exerted upon the domestic and foreign policies of this government by |

|the "male prostitutes" fearlessly functioning on behalf of the Zionist conspirators. It is the blackest page in our history. |

|[pic]The responsibility for that un-Christian, non-Christian and anti-Christian "cause" can be honestly deposited on the door-step |

|of the Christian clergy. They must assume the full guilt for that inhumane and unholy crime committed in the name of Christian |

|"charity". Sunday after Sunday, year in and year out, the Christian clergy dinned into the ears of 150,000,000 Christians who go to|

|church regularly that Christians must regard it as their "Christian duty" to support the Zionist conspiracy for the conquest of |

|Palestine. Well, we "sowed a wind", now we will "reap a whirlwind". |

|[pic]The 150,000,000 Christians in the United States were "high pressured" by the Christian clergy to give their unqualified |

|support to the Zionist program to "repatriate" to their "homeland" in Palestine the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern |

|Europe who were the descendants of the Khazars. Christians were exhorted by the Christian clergy to regard the so-called or |

|self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe as God's "chosen people" and Palestine as their "Promised Land". But they knew better all the |

|time. It was a case of cupidity not stupidity you can be sure. |

|[pic]As a direct result of the activities of the "male prostitutes" on behalf of the Zionist program, and contrary to all |

|international law, to justice and to equity, anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the 150,000,000 Christians in the United |

|States, with few exceptions, demanded that the Congress of the United States use the prestige and the power of this nation, |

|diplomatic, economic and military, to guarantee the successful outcome of the Zionist program for the conquest of Palestine. This |

|was done and the Zionists conquered Palestine. We are responsible. |

|[pic]It is a well-established and an undeniable historic fact that the active participation of the United States in the conquest of|

|Palestine, on behalf of the Zionists, was the factor responsible for the conquest of Palestine by the Zionists. Without the active |

|participation of the United States on behalf of the Zionists it is certain that the Zionists would never have attempted the |

|conquest of Palestine by force of arms. Palestine today would be an independent sovereign country under a form of government |

|established by self-determination of the lawful and legal Palestinians. This was aborted by the payment of countless millions of |

|dollars to Christian "male prostitutes" by Zionists on a scale difficult for the uninitiated to even imagine. |

|[pic]With your kind permission anticipated, I beg to respectfully and sincerely now submit to you here my comments on several |

|passages in your latest article which appeared in the September issue of the A.P.J. Bulletin under the headline "News and Views of |

|Jews". Deep down in my heart, my dear Dr. Goldstein, I truly feel that I can make a modest contribution towards the big success I |

|wish you in the valuable work you are attempting, under such discouraging handicaps. My reactions to what you state in your article|

|may prove helpful to you. My comments here were conceived in that spirit. May I suggest that you favor them with your consideration|

|accordingly. I feel that you may be so close to the "trees" that you cannot see the "forest" in its true perspective. You may find |

|a genuinely sincere outsider's point of view helpful to you in orienting your yesterday's attitudes to today's realities and to |

|tomorrow's seemingly certain probabilities. I believe you will. |

|[pic]You realize, my dear Dr. Goldstein, that all "Laws of Nature" are irrevocable. "Laws of Nature" can neither be amended, |

|suspended or repealed regardless how we fell about them. One of these "Laws of Nature" is fundamentally the basic reason "WHY JEWS |

|BECOME CATHOLICS", the subtitle in your article which attracted my attention. The "Law of Nature" to which I refer is the law that |

|"TO EVERY ACTION THERE IS AN EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTIONS." In my respectful opinion that "Law of Nature is the alpha and omega of |

|all questions as to "WHY JEWS BECOME CATHOLICS." |

|[pic]In your article you make this mystery sound very complicated. However, it really is very simple. The so-called or self-styled |

|"Jews" who become Catholics today are subconsciously reacting to that "Law of Nature". The conversion to Catholicism of the |

|so-called or self-styled "Jews" is the "EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION" of that "Law of Nature". Their conversion is a "REACTION" not |

|an "ACTION". Can you any longer doubt that after reading these facts? |

|[pic]Catholicism has proven itself spiritually the "EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION" of the religious worship practiced today under the|

|name "Judaism", and prior to that name under the names "Talmudism" and "Pharisaism". What is spiritually conspicuous in Catholicism|

|is conspicuous by its absence in so-called "Judaism". What is spiritually conspicuous in so-called "Judaism" is conspicuous by its |

|absence in Catholicism, thank God. Anything which may be said by anyone to the contrary notwithstanding, Catholicism and so-called |

|"Judaism" are at the opposite extremes of the spiritual spectrum. |

|[pic]Our subconscious mind never sleeps. It remains awake all the while the conscious mind is asleep. This subconscious mind of |

|so-called or self-styled "Jews" is "WHY JEWS BECOME CATHOLICS". The more spiritually sensitive subconscious minds of the so-called |

|or self-styled "Jews" for 2000 years has been seeking a spiritually secure beach-head as a refuge from the terror of the Talmud. |

|After a lifetime breathing the atmosphere of the Talmud so-called or self-styled "Jews" found Catholicism a wholesome and |

|refreshing change of spiritual climate. They could not resist the spiritual force of the "EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION" WHICH |


|[pic]Catholicism supplied a sacred sanctuary for the more spiritually sensitive subconscious mind of the so-called or self- styled |

|"Jew" seeking security in his escape from the Talmud. Before sailing into the safe port of Catholicism the subconscious mind of the|

|more spiritually sensitive so-called or self-styled "Jews" would embark upon that voyage of their more courageous co-religionists |

|but for one reason. They fear reprisals by their co- religionists. |

|[pic]In your article you mention just a few of the many penalties imposed by reactionary so-called or self-styled "Jews" upon their|

|co-religionists who become converts to Catholicism. Conversion to Catholicism has even deprived many former so-called or |

|self-styled "Jews" from earning their living. Many families faced starvation for that reason. A convert to Catholicism must be |

|ready and willing to suffer the economic, social and political hardships his former co- religionists will make him pay as the price|

|for the spiritual wealth he will acquire with conversion to Catholicism. |

|[pic]Investigation by you will convince you that so-called or self-styled "Jews" never turn spiritually to Catholicism "BECAUSE |

|SUCH WAS THE JEWISH RELIGION: BECAUSE SUCH IS THE CATHOLIC RELIGION", as you state in your article. A so-called or self-styled |

|"Jew" might question the wisdom of conversion from the original to a copy of the original. Inasmuch as so-called "Judaism" is a |

|modern name for "Talmudism", and "Talmudism" is a name given to the ancient practice of "Pharisaism", how can you reconcile what |


|[pic]Several so-called or self-styled "Jews" who were recently converted to Catholicism are my personal friends. Not one of those |

|whom I have asked became a Catholic because they felt "THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE JEWISH CHURCH GLORIFIED", as you state in your |

|article. What "JEWISH CHURCH" they ask me? I am unable to answer. What "JEWISH CHURCH" I ask you? "Pharisaism"? "Talmudism"? Surely|

|you would not venture the opinion that the Catholic Church is "Pharisaism" or "Talmudism" now "GLORIFIED" as Catholicism, would |

|you? |

|[pic]It must be quite apparent to you now that so-called or self- styled "Jews" who became converts to Catholicism do not believe |

|that the Catholic Church, as you state in your article, "IS THE CHURCH OF JEWISH CONVERTS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS". They do not |

|regard Jesus as a "CONVERT" to the Catholic Church. You include Jesus as a "CONVERT" to the Catholic Church, in your article. In |

|your article you state, "FIRST CAME CHRIST, THE JEW OF JEWS". I never heard that designation before. Is it original? Nor will |

|converted so-called or self-styled "Jews" concur at all with "THEN CAME THE APOSTLES, ALL JEWS", as you also state in your article.|

|There is unquestionably too big an area of disagreement here to disregard the views of those who have become converts to |

|Catholicism. Nor can these converts to Catholicism be made to believe as truth "THEN CAME THE THOUSANDS OF THE FIRST MEMBERS OF THE|

|CATHOLIC CHURCH, WHO WERE JEWS", as you state in your article under discussion here. |

|[pic]My dear Dr. Goldstein, as a former so-called or self-styled "Jew" for almost half your life, when you became a convert to |

|Catholicism did you do so for the reasons you state in your article "WHY JEWS BECOME CATHOLICS"? That would be difficult for me to |

|believe in spite of the further statements you make in your article "IN FACT THERE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A CATHOLIC CHURCH WERE IT |

|NOT FOR THE JEWS". That statement appears incredible in view of incontestable facts, but these facts may not have been available to|

|you when you made it. |

|[pic]If so-called or self-styled "Jews" believed what you state in your article they would undoubtedly prefer to stay put |

|spiritually in their "JEWISH CHURCH", by which you mean no doubt so- called "Judaism". They would query why Catholics expected them|

|to leave their "JEWISH CHURCH" to enter the Catholic Church. It might appear more logical to expect Catholics to return to the |

|original of the Catholic Church, the "JEWISH CHURCH", or so- called "Judaism". On the basis of what you state, that would not be |

|inconsistent. |

|[pic]You take away my breath when you further state "CATHOLICISM WOULD NOT EXIST WERE IT NOT FOR JUDAISM". That leaves very little |

|for me to say after writing these 62 pages of facts and comments. In a certain sense there is certain sense to what you state if |

|you feel that the existence of so-called "Judaism", in the time of Jesus and since then, created the necessity for the existence of|

|Catholicism. But in no sense can the Catholic Church be adjudicated the projection of "Pharisaism", "Talmudism", or so-called |

|"Judaism". |

|[pic]We should get together in person to go into this matter more fully. I hope you will extend that privilege to me in the not too|

|distant future. In closing this letter I sincerely request that you bear in mind while reading this letter Galatians, 4:16, "Am I |

|therefor become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" And to this I add, "I hope not". I hope that we shall continue to be the|

|very best of friends. If the Christian faith is to be rescued from its dedicated enemies we must all join hands and form a "human |

|lifeline". We must pull together, not in different directions. We must "bury the hatchet" but not in each other's heads. |

|[pic]Looking forward with pleasant anticipation to the delight of meeting with you in person whenever you find it convenient and |

|agreeable for yourself, and awaiting your early reply for which I take this opportunity to thank you in advance, and with best |

|wishes for your continued good health and success, please believe me to be, |

|[pic] |

|Most respectfully and very sincerely, |

| |

|Benjamin H. Freedman |

| |



Benjamin Franklin

(This prophecy, by Benjamin Franklin, was made in a "CHIT CHAT AROUND THE TABLE DURING INTERMISSION," at the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. This statement was recorded in the dairy of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, a delegate from South Carolina.)

"I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.

In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States, in their Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives our substance and jeopardized our liberty. If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let them be born where they will nor how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even thou they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitutional Convention. "


[pic] The ROOT of the NEW WORLD ORDER!



The Talmud: Judaism's holiest book documented and exposed



between the TORAH from ABOVE and the law of the MOUTH!


“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for

what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)


that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.  If there

come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, received him not into your house,

neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil

deeds.” (2 John 9:11)

“...we command you, brethren, on the name of our Lord Jesus

Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and

not after the tradition which he received of us. (2 Thessalonians 3:6)

And if any man

obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that

he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.”

(2 Thessalonians 3:14-15)

3/9/2008 1:46:47 AM


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