Executive Branch Study Guide

Executive Branch & Foreign Policy Study Guide

1. Appointed presidential advisors make up the ________________________________.

2. Where does the Constitution define the role of the presidency? ________________________________.

3. The eight roles of the president are 1. ______________________2. ______________________________



4. Who expanded the role of the presidency? __________________________________

5. _____________________ powers can be argued to be more powerful______________________ powers.

6. The informal powers are 1. _________________________2._________________________


7. ___________________________ sets the president’s salary.

8. The presidential succession act says ________________________________________.

9. The president is elected by the ____________________________________.

10. The Watergate scandal took place during what decade? ______________________.

11. _____________________ gave the first State of the Union address.

12. The president’s current salary is ____________________.

13. The power to tax is listed where? _____________________.

14. What are the formal qualifications to be president? 1.______________________2._________________


15. The maximum amount of years a person can serve as president is ___________years (trick question)

16. To remove the president from office the House of Representatives must___________, and the Senate must_____________________________.

17. ____________________ proposes the federal budget to________________ for approval.

For the test be sure to:

- Know the different Cabinet positions and what each position entails.

- Know the powers of all 15 executive agencies. Matching-3 sections of 5.

- all 15 Executive agencies will be on the test.

- Know the difference between formal and informal powers.

The test will consist of fifty questions ranging from multiple-choice, true/false, and matching. There will be one essay question.

List 3 goals of American foreign policy ________________________2_____________________________


The most important goal in American foreign policy is__________________________________

In 1973, CongressPassed____________________________ to limit the Presidents ability to engage American troops in combat by

The chief purpose of all ____________________ is to facilitate diplomatic communication between governments.

Executive ______________________ are as legal a treaties

The majority of American foreign aid goes towards Developing__________________________

The government agency that has the greatest responsibility for carrying out America foreign policy is the__________________________________

The Marshall Plan, which was put into effect after WWII, is an example of_____________________aid

__________________________ is best explained by America giving financial and military aid to European Nations to prevent further expansion of Communism.

________________________ was the commander-in-chief when the United States and the Soviet Union were on the brink of Nuclear War during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

At the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis rather than using military force we did a _________________ of Cuba

The Cold War was a war of ideologies and ________________

The United States insisted that Iraqi’s nuclear capability be destroyed after Iraq was defeated in Operation Desert Storm because American leaders

feared that a local dispute could turn into a worldwide nuclear conflict.

The United Nations was established during which war _______________________

The capital city of communist North Vietnam was______________________

America was involved in Vietnam for over______________ yrs.

The “____________theory_,” maintained that a communist takeover in South Vietnam would lead to the fall of the rest of Southeast Asia.

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council include all of the following US, Soviet Union, Great Britian, China, and _________________.

The rules and goals of the United Nations is found in the U.N. ___________________?

The__________________ of the U.N. was given the responsibility of investigating situations that threaten world peace.

List the 3 presidents that had direct involvement in Vietnam 1__________________ 2__________________


The __________________gives the president the power to be commander in chief

26. Congress has all of the following powers in the making of foreign policy except the power

a. to declare war

b. to appropriate money for military action

c. to send troops anywhere in the world immediately

d. to refuse aid to other nations

Name the 3 wars America never officially declared war 1.________________ 2._____________________


For the following know whether they are Isolationist or Internationalist____

The Monroe Doctrine declares the Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonization____.

The United States goes to war with Iraq in 1991 after Iraq invades Kuwait.____

George Washington in 1789 urges American’s not to become involved in war in Europe.___

Korean War___

Vietnam War___

Current war against terrorism___

World War II begins in Europe, America remains neutral___

World War I___

Operation Iraqi Freedom___


1. Ambassador 2. foreign policy 3. internationalism 4. arms race 5. national security

6. détente 7. The Truman Doctrine 8. secretary of state 9. secretary of defense

10. Monroe Doctrine 11. unilateralism 12. resolution 13. treaty 14. isolationism


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