Military Locator & Reunion Service, Inc

Premier Reunion Services, LLC

PO Box 11438

Hickory NC 28603

Phone: (828) 256-6008 Fax: (828) 256-6559

E-mail: dina@

MLRS Web: ; Group Web: asaokinawa

Welcome to the Signal Service & ASA Okinawa Personnel 1945-1985 Reunion Group!

We are pleased to announce that plans are underway for the next reunion of Signal Service & ASA Okinawa Personnel 1945-1970 members. Reunions are always memorable events. We have been working on coordinating and advertising the ASA Okinawa reunion. The next reunion is planned for September 17-20, 2014 in Albuquerque, NM. We have a wonderful package of lodging, tour attractions and meals lined up for you for a great reunion. Your registration material will be sent approximately 90 days prior to the reunion.

Please allow us to introduce ourselves. Our business is to plan and host military reunions. We serve all branches of the service and are working on close to a hundred reunions this year! We are and intend to remain the premier reunion management company in the United States.  We've been in business since 1987, thanks to the veterans who served our country and our dedicated office and travel staff. We welcome your inquiries to the Better Business Bureau and invite you to check out our web site. Our company president is a veteran of twenty-three years of active military service. We manage reunions all over the United States and our reputation for planning quality reunions is well known.

We promise that same high standard of quality will be demonstrated at the ASA Okinawa reunion. However, we need the help of the former members in making this reunion a success. Any help that you can give us in locating more ASA Okinawa members will be greatly appreciated. Even if you only have 20 or even 50 year old names and addresses, at least that gives us somewhere to begin our search. The ASA Okinawa rosters that have the first and last name and the hometown at the time are the best! The more of the guys we are able to locate, the bigger and better your reunion will be. If you are in touch with any other ASA Okinawa members, please encourage them to get their name and address added to the mailing list as soon as possible. The best way to do this is by email.

You will find enclosed with this letter a questionnaire asking you to answer certain questions about your life both with the ASA Okinawa, and now. Please take a moment to complete this form and return it to us with as much information as you care to share. This questionnaire can also be filled out on line via our web site (questionnaire.htm). The info submitted will be entered into our computers and included on your group’s reunion web page on our web site. Your fellow members will enjoy learning what happened to you after you walked away from the ASA Okinawa that last time. (Please note, your address and phone number will NOT be posted on the web site. Your email address will only be posted with your permission).

Along with the questionnaire, please send us a current picture and a picture of yourself as you looked while a part of the ASA Okinawa. These pictures will be included in the 2014 Reunion Memory Book that will be included as part of the registration options available for the 2014 reunion. We promise that all pictures sent to us will be returned to you when the orders are filled after the reunion. We can also accept electronic photos in .jpg or .gif format if you would like to email them to us. Please do not send a photo printed from your home computer unless it is VERY high quality. Reproductions of printer generated pictures lose a lot of quality. We realize that your pictures are priceless and we will take the utmost care in handling them while they are in our care. Please put your name, address, and ship’s name on the back of any photos you send. Also, as you are looking for photos, go ahead and pull out your other mementoes from your military days - Christmas Menus, Commissioning Programs, etc. All these are great items to bring with you to the reunion to share in the hospitality room. We thank you for sharing your memories with those people who will most appreciate it – your comrades.

Please note, all future material from us concerning this and future ASA Okinawa reunions will be posted on the groups web site. You must let us know if you don’t have internet access and need to receive your reunion info via US Postal mail! There is a place for you to indicate this on the enclosed questionnaire.

Okay, that’s it. Your duties are finished. Now all you need to do is sit back and relax while we handle the details. Your final task is to sign up for the reunion and visit with those old friends that shared your life during your time in the service. Even if for some reason you are unable to attend the reunion, we’d like to have the questionnaire and photos sent to us! Please send your questionnaire and photos to the address above.


Dina Coffey

Return Questionnaire and Photos to: Premier Reunion Services, LLC ; PO Box 11438; Hickory NC 28603

ASA Okinawa Questionnaire

Please note, this info will be posted on your group’s web page, except where notated by **

Your Name: _______________________________ Nickname: _____________

Please check here if you do not have internet access and need to receive your reunion info, newsletters, etc via US Postal mail: _____

Rank While on part of this group : ________ Highest Rank in this Unit/Co/Bn: ________

**Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________

**City: _________________ **State: _________ **Zip: ________ **Country: _____

**Phone Number: ________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________

Please check here if we have permission to publish your email address on the reunion web site: _____

Spouse’s Name: ________________ Hometown When You Entered the Military: _______________

Were you career Military? No ____ Yes ______

If yes, Highest rank attained: ____________ When did you retire from Active Duty?: ____________

Years Served with the ASA Okinawa: From: ___________ To: _____________

Do you attend other military reunions? Yes___ No___

If yes, which ones? __________________________________________________

What was/is your primary civilian occupation?

What are your special interests and hobbies?

What is your favorite ASA Okinawa memory?

What is your worst ASA Okinawa memory?

Is there one person in particular you would like to see?

How many children do you have? ___ Grandchildren _____ Great Grandchildren ____

How did you find out about this reunion?

If there is anything special you would like to say to your friends, or if there are any special activities you would like included as part of the reunion, please use the back side of this form, or add another sheet.

** This info will not be posted on the internet.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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