TERM I (April to September)

| | | | | SUGGESTED |



| |Food: where does it come from? |1.Cross word puzzle |1.Application,recall,mental alertness |Analytical thinking |

| | | |2. Deductive reasoning, analyzing | |

| | |2.Riddles |3. Holistic approach, opportunity to explore | |

| | | |child’s experiences. | |

| | |3. Worksheet includes pictures of animals|4.Recall,application,mental alertness, speed | |

| | |while eating their food to distinguish | | |

| | |herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. | | |

| | |Pictorial type | | |

| | | | | |

| | |4.Oral quiz | | |

| |Components of food |1. Work sheet-schematic flow chart on |1.Understanding,documentation of learner’s |Application of content |

| | |balanced diet. |experiences and recall of events. |knowledge |

| | | |2.understanding,search for information, | |

| | |2.Work sheet – deficiency diseases |articulate ideas | |

| | | |3.Independent | |

| | |3.Visual quiz on deficiency diseases. |thinking,correlation,speed,mental alertness. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Creativity |

| |Fibre to fabric |1.Collection of natural and synthetic |1.Collaborative skill |Knowledge |

| | |fibres | | |

| | |2.Worksheet –crossword puzzle |2.Recall,correlate,inquisitveness,mental | |

| | |3.Activity to make yarn from fibre |alertness | |

| | | |3.Scientific | |

| | |4. Weaving with paper strips. |skill,inquisitiveness,observation,active | |

| | |5. Collection of information of places |participation | |

| | |where cotton and jute are produced in |4.Creativity,originality,explorative | |

| | |India. |5.Collection of data | |

| | | | |Logical reasoning, |

| |Sorting materials into groups |1. Memory test to identify materials. |1.mental alertness, Clarity of concepts, |Observation |

| | | |holistic approach |Presentation |

| | |2.Activity on properties of materials |2. Team work , | |

| | |(group) |inquisitiveness,observation,recording,analyzin| |

| | | |g,drawing conclusion | |

| | | | | |

| | | |3.Recall, recollect,interpretation,practical | |

| | |3. MCQ(practical based) |skill. | |

| | | |4.Collect,organize,analyse, | |

| | |4.Collection and grouping of materials |interpret, draw conclusion, collaborative | |

| | |based on properties of materials |skill. | |

| | | | | |

| |Separation of substances |1. Group activity |1.Team work, inquisitiveness, | |

| | | |Observing and recording, analyzing and |Logical and rational |

| | | |inferring |thinking, Creativity, |

| | | |2.Recollecting and correlating |Presentation |

| | |2.Pictorial representation to identify | | |

| | |methods of separation |3.Critical thinking, interpretation, | |

| | |3. MCQ |analyzing | |

| | | |4.Recalling,recollecting, | |

| | | |mental alertness | |

| | |4.Oral |5. Analysing,interpreting, | |

| | | |Observing, data collecting | |

| | |5.Field trip-construction site to observe|6.Ability to understand, grasp, recall, define| |

| | |sieving |and reason, holistic approach, opportunity to | |

| | |6. Narrating the activities observed at |explore child’s experience | |

| | |home. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Creative and original in | |

| | | |presentation,inquisitiveness,confident. | |

| | | |2.Voluntary participation, spirit of enquiry, | |

| | | |peer related behavior. | |

| |Changes around us |1.Individual activity(slow and fast) | | |

| | | |3.Recording,presentation skill, recall and |Knowledge, Reasoning, |

| | |2.Group activity-reversible and |application, holistic approach | |

| | |irreversible changes | | |

| | | | | |

| | |3.Narrating the changes around us | | |

| | | |1. observation ,recording and inferring | |

| | | |2.Collaborative skill, critical | |

| | |1.Study plant parts ,types of stem, root,|thinking,analyzing, interpreting | |

| | |leaves,seed. |3.observation ,recording and inferring | |

| | |2. Field trip |4.Recall ,recollect, application, | |

| | | |mental alertness | |

| | | | for information, articulate ideas | |

| | | |6.Critical thinking ,reasoning |Understanding of concept, |

| |Getting to know plants |3.Collection of leaves (herbarium) | |Presentation |

| | |4.Quiz | | |

| | |5.Studying modifications in plants | | |

| | |6.Observation how different environmental| | |

| | |factors affect them.(Water availability, | | |

| | |temperature.) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |4.Worksheet | | |

| | | | | |

| | |5.Crossword puzzle | |FA I 10 |

| | | | |FA II 10 |

| | | | |SA I 30 |

| | | | |TOTAL 50 |

| | |ASSESSMENT I | | |

| | | | | |

| | |TERM II (Oct to March) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |1.Models to explain the type of bodily |1.Inquisitiveness,Exhibits creativity and | |

| | |motion(joints) |originality, logical, practical application | |

| |Revision | |skill | |

| | | | | |

| | |2.Observation of movement of animals, |2.Observation,inquisitive approach | |

| | |aquarium | | |

| | |3.observation of skeleton in the lab |3. Observation, inquisitive approach, to | |

| | |4.demonstrate objects having more than |concretize the ideas | |

| | |one type of movement(screw motion, |4. Observation, Inquisitive approach | |

| | |bicycle wheel, fan, top) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |SUMMATIVE |1.List things around us. Listing | | |

| | |characteristics after making observation |1.Observation and recording the data | |

| | |on size,colour, shape etc | | |

| | | | |Knowledge, reasoning |

| | |2.Video clipping /ppt. of different |2.Understand the events taking place, | |

| | |habitats website |different way of thinking, | |

| | | |analyse,organize, interpret | |

| | | |3.Creative and original | |

| |Body movements |3.Germination of seeds-individual | | |

| | |activity |4.Observation and recording the data | |

| | |4.Observation of specimen-cactus, water | | |

| | |plants |5. Observation and recording the data, | |

| | |5.Album/scrap book on animals and plants |gathering | |

| | |habitats |information,organizing,presenting,information,| |

| | | |organizing,presenting | |

| | |6. Visit to zoo |6.observation,inquisitiveness,observation,crit| |

| | | |ical thinking, analyzing,interpretation. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Inquisitiveness,observation,analyzing,inferi|Knowledge, reasoning, |

| | | |ng |Observation |

| | |1.Individual activity to measure length | | |

| |The living organism and their |and breadth of their table or teacher’s | | |

| |surroundings |table using hand span. | | |

| | |2. Find the length of curved line using |2.motor skills, collaborative skill, confident| |

| | |thread. |3.Collection of data ,analyzing, interpreting | |

| | |3.Observation of different types of |4.Active participation, practical skill, | |

| | |motion |opportunity to learn, &share ,application | |

| | |4. Measuring the length of classroom |,calculation | |

| | |using footsteps and comparing with | | |

| | |different students | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Confidence,originality, | |

| | | |Creativity ,scientific skill | |

| | |1.Individual activity –shadow formation |2.Creativity,motor skills, inquisitiveness | |

| | |2.Shadow formation with hands |3.Motor skill ,creativity,originality | |

| | |3.Model to show linear propagation of |4.Motorskill, ,creativity,originality | |

| | |light |5.Observation,recording, | |

| | |4.Pin hole camera model /periscope |analyzing |Observation, |

| | |5.Reflection of light-activity | |Accuracy and precision skill |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Holistic approach, opportunity to explore | |

| | |1.Study of electrical components-electric|Childs talent | |

| | |cell,bulb,switch |2.practical application skills | |

| | |2.Making of electric circuit |3.understanding,logical thinking, good | |

| |Motion and measurement |3.Conduction test |reasoning skill | |

| | | |4.confident,originality, | |

| | | |Creativity,practical skill | |

| | |4.To make a simple switch |5.Active participation, motor skills , | |

| | |5.A game to show how steady your hands | | |

| | |are? |6.provides an opportunity to work in groups | |

| | | |,fluent presentation with appropriate | |

| | |6. Presentation of an imaginary story |gestures, | |

| | |/play-suppose there was no electricity | | |

| | |for 1 month. How would it affect our day | | |

| | |to day activities? | | |

| | |FA 3(PEN-PAPER TEST) | |Observation, reasoning, |

| | | | |creativity |

| | |1. List out the items having magnets at |1.Curiosity,observation, | |

| | |home. |recording | |

| | |2.Group activity-to show magnetic and |2.Inquisitiveness,observation,team spirit, | |

| |Light, shadows and reflection |non-magnetic materials |active participation | |

| | |3.Activities on magnetic properties |3.Develops positive attitude towards group | |

| | | |work, peer learning | |

| | |4.Oral quiz |4.Recall,application,mental alertness, speed | |

| | | |5.Inquisitiveness,observation,recording,analyz| |

| | |5.Finding the direction of window and |ing,inferring,drawing conclusion | |

| | |entrance of your classroom using compass.| |Creativity, Relevance |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |1.List out the activities for which you | | |

| | |use water. |rmation gathering, correlating to real | |

| |Electricity and circuits |2.individual activity- |life | |

| | |chart on water cycle |2.Recall,recollect and correlate | |

| | |3.Model of rain water harvesting |3.Motor skill, practical application skill | |

| | |4.Seminar |munication skills,presentation,critical | |

| | | |thinking, collaborative skill | |

| | | |5.Accurate recall of events provides insight | |

| | |5.slogan writing |into emotional ,social and psychological | |

| | | |aspects | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Speaking skill,listening,fluent | |

| | | |presentation,confidence, | |

| | | |originality | |

| | | |2.Confidence,critical thinking |Observation, Presentation |

| | |1.Talk on air pollution |Inquisitiveness,observation,Practical | |

| | | |application skill | |

| | | |Motor skill, logic | |

| | | |3. Documentation of learners experience and | |

| | |2.Activity –individual |accurate recall of events. Helps to indicate | |

| | |Making a simple firki and |different ways of thinking | |

| | |Making a windmill | | |

| |Fun with magnets | | | |

| | |3.Poster making, slogan writing | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |1.Social life skill, active participation | |

| | | |,leadership skill, communication skill, active| |

| | | |participation | |

| | | | | |

| | | |2.Recall,application,mental alertness | |

| | |1. Collection of garbage from respective | | |

| | |houses and separating them into bio |3.Inquisitivenss, |Critical thinking, Decision |

| | |degradable and non biodegradable. |observation, Provides an opportunity to work |making |

| | |2.Cross word puzzle |in groups,explore,collect data,analyse |Presentation |

| | | |,interpret, draw conclusion | |

| | | |4. Collaborative skill, information skill | |

| | |3.Group activity –making vermicomposting |5. Fluent presentation with appropriate | |

| | |and project report |gestures. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |4.Recycling of paper | | |

| | | | | |

| | |5.Debate on use of plastics | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Water | | |Critical thinking, |

| | | | |Application of concept |

| | |REVISION | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |ASSESSMENT II | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Air | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Application of content |

| | | | |knowledge |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| |Garbage in, garbage out | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | |FA III 10 |

| | | | |FA IV 10 |

| | | | |SA II 30 |

| | | | |TOTAL 50 |

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Written Assignments (Classwork & Homework), MCQ, Planning or designing experiments to collect data or to investigate properties, law, phenomenon etc.


Written Assignments (Classwork & Homework), Science Quiz, Seminar, Peer Assessment, Class Response etc., Field Tour and Reporting, Model making etc.


Written Assignments (Classwork & Homework), Presentation including the use of Information Technology (IT), Experimental work involving one or more of setting experiments, making observations, handling data, making deductions, working safely etc., Science Quiz , Peer Assessment etc.


Written Assignments (Classwork & Homework), Research work which could be investigative or information gathering and deducing, Symposium, Class Response, MCQ etc.

Formative Assessment in the following suggested areas:

a) Home assignments / Class assignments

Due weightage to be given to:

• Regularity

• Neatness

• Presentation

• Correctness

b) Class response may include:

• Oral Questioning

• Quiz

• Worksheets

|S. No. |Assessment Method |Areas of Assessment |

|1 |Oral Questioning |Listening Skills |

| |Oral Questions to assess the understanding of the topic |Clarity if expression |

| | |Clarity of concepts |

| | |Communication Skills |

|2 |Quiz |Thinking Skills |

| |The class is divided into groups and questions pertaining to the topic |Alertness |

| |are asked to assess the students of a group. |Time management |

| | |Application of Knowledge |

| | |Reasoning Skills |

| | |Art of Quizzing |

|3 |Worksheets |Comprehension |

| |Use of worksheets to assess the students in the class |Regularity |

| | |Application of Knowledge |

| | |Attentiveness |

c) Seminar

A topic may be divided among eight to ten students, who, in turn, need to research/study and ‘present’ it to all students.

Areas of Assessment

❖ Ability to research on the topic

❖ Acquisition of content knowledge

❖ Public Speaking

❖ Verbal Expression

❖ ICT Skills

❖ Leadership quality

d) Symposium

Students can be asked to ‘present’ papers on the topic of their choice.

Areas of Assessment

❖ Depth of the content

❖ Presentation of the content

❖ Use of Audio – visual aids

❖ Expression

❖ Comprehension of the topic

e) Group Discussion

A group of ten students can be given a topic to discuss.

▪ Students to choose their group leader, a moderator and a recorder

▪ Their roles to be clarified

▪ The topic to be thrown open for discussion

Group leader to ensure all students participate in the group discussion

Moderator to ensure that there is no cross talk and no two students speak together and all listen to one speaker patiently

Recorder to record the observation made by all students in the group including his/her own

Area of Assessment

❖ Courage to put forth views

❖ Team work

❖ Respect to peer

❖ Knowledge of content

❖ Appropriate body language

❖ Communication skills

❖ Listening skills

f) Group Activity

I. Projects

The students may be asked to do the investigatory/ experimental projects

• Investigatory Projects include

▪ Collection of data

▪ Analysis & Interpretation of data

▪ Observation

▪ Conclusion and Inference

Areas of Assessment

❖ Inquisitiveness

❖ Observation skills

❖ Thinking skills ( logical, rationale)

❖ Analytical

❖ Application of Knowledge

❖ Comprehension & understanding (viva-voce)

❖ Computing skills

❖ Drawing conclusion

• Experimental Projects Include:

▪ Identifying problem

▪ Making hypothesis

▪ Testing

▪ Observation

▪ Analysis & Interpretation

▪ Conclusion & Inference

▪ Making a theory

Areas of Assessment

❖ Inquisitiveness

❖ Observation skills

❖ Thinking skills

❖ Analytical

❖ Application of Knowledge

❖ Comprehension & understanding (viva-voce)

❖ Computing skills

❖ Drawing conclusion

❖ Experimental Skills

II. Action Plan

Students of a class to be divided into 5-6 groups to make an action plan

Action Plan includes identifying a problem and making a plan to find a solution.

The students to

• Identify a problem

• Study the causes of the problem

• Interact with people (stake holder) associated with the problem

• Categorize the problem in terms of

➢ Magnitude

➢ Effect on people

➢ Impact on community

• Make a plan to find the solution of the problem. The plan to include:

o Meeting people

o Counseling the people

o Listing people/ authorities who can help find solutions

o Seeking appointments with the authorities to discuss the problem and seek their help

• A follow up action on the solution of the problem

The work to be divided among the students or all work in a group as a unit. Assessment may be done group-wise or student-wise.

Areas of Assessment

❖ Identification of a problem

❖ Concern for the community

❖ Team work

❖ Analysis of the problem

❖ Strategy planned by the students

❖ Self confidence

❖ Speaking skills

❖ Follow up action to see concern for people/environment

III. Survey – Collecting information on a relevant topic of study in a group

Assessment may be done group-wise or student-wise.

Areas of Assessment

❖ Inquisitiveness

❖ Conversational skills

❖ Public relations

❖ ICT skills

❖ Data collection

❖ Analytical skills


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