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Social StudiesGrade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 US History Economics ? GSE ELA Grade 6 SamplesNASA Robotsby Jakhil Roberts0-190500The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has designed many robots to help astronauts explore space. Some robots drive around like cars, some are just large arms, and some look like humans. All of these robots can accomplish tasks in space that are too difficult or dangerous for astronauts to do alone.The most famous NASA robots are called the Mars rovers. According to NASA, the wheeled rovers are part of the Mars Exploration Program, “a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet.” The newest rover, Curiosity, landed on Mars in August 2012. The size of a small car, Curiosity carries advanced equipment to analyze the soil and air on Mars. Curiosity has made many exciting discoveries about the planet's environment. Most importantly, it discovered that Mars contains the right ingredients to support life, including carbon, oxygen, and water. Curiosity has also found that astronauts on Mars would be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. This discovery will help NASA protect its astronauts when they one day travel to Mars.NASA is also building other robots. For example, the Robonaut2 looks like the upper half of a human. The human hand is a very complex and useful tool. It might seem easy for a person to press a button, grasp and lift an object, or turn a knob, but these tasks are very hard for a robot. However, a robot that could perform these tasks would be very useful to astronauts. The Robonaut2 is now being tested at the International Space Station (ISS). Eventually, NASA wants to add legs or wheels to the Robonaut2, which would allow it to move around outside the ISS.Another robot on the ISS is a massive arm called Canadarm2. It can do repair work and transport objects too big for humans to move. Canadarm2 has even caught the Hubble telescope to allow astronauts to repair it. As technology develops, NASA will increasingly rely on robots. They will guide astronauts in new places, give them medical care, and do dangerous work for them. With their special equipment and considerable strength, robots can help humans explore new worlds.LexileWord Count1000358?1. Which is the author's purpose for writing the passage?A to convince the reader that it is too dangerous to live on Mars without robotsB to convince the reader that robots are more important than astronautsC to provide specific facts about robots exploring MarsD to explain how robots help astronauts in spaceDOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.6?2. How does paragraph 4 affect the passage as a whole?A It explains how the Canadarm2 is similar to the other robots discussed in the passage.B It explains how robots like the ones discussed in the passage will continue to help astronauts in the future.C It shows that robots like the ones discussed in the passage will one day take the place of human astronauts.D It shows that NASA relies on the Canadarm2 more than the other robots described in the passage.DOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.5?3. Part AWhich is a main idea of the passage?A The Mars rovers have made important discoveries about the planet.B NASA is relying on robots more because they can help astronauts in many ways.C Robots are extremely strong and have lots of advanced equipment.D It is very difficult to design a robot that can successfully perform complex tasks.?Part BWhich sentence from the passage best supports the answer in Part A?A "All of these robots can accomplish tasks in space that are too difficult or dangerous for astronauts to do alone." (paragraph 1)B "Most importantly, it discovered that Mars contains the right ingredients to support life, including carbon, oxygen, and water." (paragraph 2)C "It might seem easy for a person to press a button, grasp and lift an object, or turn a knob, but these tasks are very hard for a robot." (paragraph 3)D "With their special equipment and considerable strength, robots can help humans explore new worlds." (paragraph 4)DOKGSE3ELAGSE6.RI.24. Which sentence does the author use to support the idea that robots help NASA discover new things about space?A "All of these robots can accomplish tasks in space that are too difficult or dangerous for astronauts to do alone." (paragraph 1)B "Curiosity has also found that astronauts on Mars would be exposed to dangerous levels of radiation." (paragraph 2)C "Eventually, NASA wants to add legs or wheels to the Robonaut2, which would allow it to move around outside the ISS." (paragraph 3)D "They will guide astronauts in new places, give them medical care, and do dangerous work for them." (paragraph 4) DOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.8?5. Explain how the Robonaut2 and the Canadarm2 are similar and different. Use details from the passage to support your answer.DOKGSE3ELAGSE6.RI.3Both of these robots are designed to help astronauts perform difficult or dangerous tasks in space, and both of them are intended for use outside the International Space Station. Both are now in use on the Space Station, too.However, these two robots are designed to do different tasks. The Robonaut2 is designed after human hands, which means the robot can perform detailed tasks like turning a knob or lifting a small object. But the Canadarm2 is made for larger tasks. It is big and strong enough to catch the Hubble telescope or lift objects too heavy for humans.Scoring RubricPointsDescription2The response achieves the following:Gives sufficient evidence of the ability to determine how the robots are similar and differentIncludes specific details that make clear reference to the passage1The response achieves the following:Gives limited evidence of the ability to determine how the robots are similar and differentIncludes vague or limited details that make reference to the passage0The response achieves the following:Gives no evidence of the ability to determine how the robots are similar and differentThe Joy of Robots014351000by Luisa SinclairAs technology advances, the capabilities, functions, and benefits of robots also increase. Robots provide medical treatments, assist astronauts in space, assemble products like cars, and even disarm bombs. In contrast to these very important duties, robotic toys and pets are designed to entertain and comfort people.One of the most popular toys in 2015 was a small robot. It is modeled after BB-8, a character in the Star Wars movie The Force Awakens. The robot’s simple design is what makes it so extraordinary—it is really just a ball with a head on top that magically never falls off. Controlled by a cell phone or operating automatically, the robot rolls around and responds to voice commands. The BB-8 is also capable of learning. It develops a unique personality as its owner plays with it, and while the robot initially runs into anything in its path, it learns from these mistakes. Eventually, the robot has mapped a particular space and can avoid objects that it has run into before. On the day BB-8 was released, which was the same day The Force Awakens came out in theaters, more than 2,000 of the robots were sold every hour.The idea of robotic toys is not new. Sony, for example, has been making robotic dogs for over a decade. These dogs can move, bark, and respond to commands. They don’t need food, water, or exercise, and they never make a mess. These robotic dogs are good replacements for real pets because they’re easier for children to care for. Similarly, Hasbro manufactures robotic cats that can meow, purr, and ask for belly rubs. Hasbro says these cats “bring fun, joy, and friendship” without the difficulty of caring for a real animal. Keeping a pet healthy requires money, time, and open space. Robots allow people to have a “pet” who might otherwise not be able to afford or care for one.Although not as remarkable as exploring outer space, robots built for entertainment bring joy to millions of people around the world. Robotic animals can be great company for those unable to have a pet. Robotic toys are also capable of getting kids interested in science and technology.LexileWord Count10903686. Which sentence from the passage best explains a benefit of robotic toys?A "Robots provide medical treatments, assist astronauts in space, assemble products like cars, and even disarm bombs." (paragraph 1)B "Eventually, the robot has mapped a particular space and can avoid objects that it has run into before." (paragraph 2)C "Similarly, Hasbro manufactures robotic cats that can meow, purr, and ask for belly rubs."(paragraph 3)D "Robots allow people to have a 'pet' who might otherwise not be able to afford or care for one." (paragraph 3)DOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.1?7. Read this sentence."Robotic toys are also capable of getting kids interested in science and technology." (paragraph 4)Why does the author include this sentence in the passage?A to explain another difference between robotic toys and other kinds of robotsB to prove that robotic toys are just as important as other kinds of robotsC to show why robotic toys are used in classroomsD to list another benefit of robotic toysDOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.5DOKGSE2ELAGSE6.RI.5?8. What is the purpose of paragraph 3 in the passage?A to describe the benefits of having a robotic petB to prove that robotic pets are better than animalsC to show how long the idea for robotic pets has been aroundD to explain how any kind of pet can improve the life of its owner 9. Part AWhich statement best explains the author's point of view in the passage?A Robotic toys and pets can teach kids important skills.B Robotic toys and pets offer many benefits.DOKGSE3ELAGSE6.RI.6C Having a live animal as a pet is too much work.D The BB-8 robot is an amazing and fun toy.?Part BWhich evidence best supports the answer in Part A?A "It develops a unique personality as its owner plays with it, and while the robot initially runs into anything in its path, it learns from these mistakes." (paragraph 2)B "Eventually, the robot has mapped a particular space and can avoid objects that it has run into before." (paragraph 2)C "Keeping a pet healthy requires money, time, and open space." (paragraph 3)D "Robotic animals can be great company for those unable to have a pet." (paragraph 4) PointsDescription4The student’s response is a well-developed informative essay that examines a topic in depth and clearly conveys ideas and information based on one or more texts.Effectively introduces a topicGroups related ideas together to give some organization to the writingEffectively develops the topic with multiple facts, definitions, and detailsEffectively uses linking words and phrases to connect ideas within categories of informationProvides a strong concluding statement or section3The student’s response is a complete informative essay that examines a topic and presents information based on one or more texts.Introduces a topicDevelops the topic with some facts, definitions, and detailsGroups some related ideas together to give partial organization to the writingUses some linking words to connect ideas within categories of information, but relationships may not always be clearProvides a concluding statement or section2The student’s response is an incomplete or oversimplified informative essay that cursorily examines a topic based on one or more texts.Attempts to introduce a topicAttempts to develop a topic with too few details, but not all of these are? supported or relevant to the topicIneffectively groups some related ideas togetherUses few linking words to connect ideas, but not all ideas are well connected to the topicProvides a weak concluding statement or section1The student’s response is a weak attempt to write an informative essay that examines a topic based on one or more texts.May not introduce a topic or topic is unclearMay not develop a topicMay be too brief to group any related ideas togetherMay not use any linking words to connect ideasProvides a minimal or no concluding statement or section0The student’s response is flawed for various reasons:BlankCopiedToo Limited to Score/Illegible/IncomprehensibleNon-English/Foreign LanguageOff Topic/Off Task/Offensive?10. How does the author support the idea that the BB-8 is a popular toy?A by stating how many were sold on the day it was releasedB by comparing its success to that of robotic dogs and catsDOKGSE3ELAGSE6.RI.8C by explaining how it develops a unique personalityD by describing its connection to a famous movie11. With which statement would the authors of both passages agree?A Robots are becoming increasingly important.B Robots are easier to care for than animals.C It is hard to design robots that are as capable as humans are.D Traveling to another planet without robots is too dangerous.Show Answer DOKGSE3ELAGSE6.RI.9?12. People have created many different types of robots. Some perform important duties like offering medical aid, and others are toys or pets.Think about the ideas in the two passages. Then, write an essay that explains why people will rely on robots more and more. Use information from both passages in your answer.As technology has advanced, many different types of robots have been developed. Some robots have very important jobs. They assist astronauts in space, offer medical help, or disarm bombs. They do jobs that humans cannot do alone. Other kinds of robots are pets or toys to entertain and comfort people. Robots help people in many ways, and they will only get better at assisting humans as technology continues to develop. For this reason, people will rely on robots more and more in the future.Robots help people do jobs they cannot do themselves. For example, the Canadarm2 is a robot arm on the International Space Station that lifts objects too heavy for humans. The robot has even captured the Hubble telescope so that astronauts could repair it. The Mars rovers have also discovered important information about Mars that will protect astronauts when they arrive on the planet. As people explore new planets like Mars, they will need robots to help them do difficult jobs. They will also rely on robots to help them learn about the new environment.Back on Earth, people rely on robots for entertainment and companionship. Toy companies have been developing robotic pets for many years already. They allow people who do not have the ability or energy to care for an animal to have a pet. Other robots, like the BB-8 robot, are popular toys that bring joy to people around the world. As robots become more advanced, they will become better at entertaining and offering comfort to humans. Therefore, people will rely on robot pets and toys more and more.People rely on different types of robots for different reasons. Robots are already capable of offering medical help, physical strength, entertainment, and information. As robots continue to develop, humans will rely on them more and more in the future.Show Answer DOKGSE4ELAGSE6.W.2Show Rubric Scoring Rubric – Informative Essay ?Scoring Rubric – Language Usage and Conventions PointsDescription3The student’s response demonstrates full command of language usage and conventions.Has clear and complete sentence structure, with appropriate range and varietyShows knowledge of language and its conventions when writingAny errors in usage and conventions do not interfere with meaning2The student’s response demonstrates partial command of language usage and conventions.Has complete sentences, with some varietyShows some knowledge of language and its conventions when writingHas minor errors in usage and conventions with no significant effect on meaning1The student’s response demonstrates weak command of language usage and conventions.Has fragments, run-ons, or other sentence structure errorsShows little knowledge of language and its conventions when writingHas frequent errors in usage and conventions that interfere with meaning0The student’s response is flawed for various reasons: BlankCopiedToo Limited to Score/Illegible/IncomprehensibleNon-English/Foreign LanguageOff Topic/Off Task/Offensive ................

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