
Inquiry letter

The letters that are written for collecting information about job seekers, prices, products, and services before awarding jobs, granting credit, making contracts and giving promotions are known as letters of inquiry. These letters are written to a third party seeking information about either a job or a company that wishes to make business relationship.

Quible and others defined, “Letters of inquiry are a type of business message that asks the recipient for information or assistance.”

Types of inquiry letter

Based on purpose, there are two most common types of inquiry letters such as (1) personal status inquiry letter and (2) business status inquiry letter.

1. Personal status inquiry letter: The letters that are written by prospective employers for obtaining information about job applicants are called personal status inquiry letter. Employers write this letter to obtain information relating to the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc. generally this letter is written to the referees mentioned by the concerned applicant. In response to this letter, the referees write a reply letter to the employer. This response letter may be favorable, unfavorable or neutral to the applicant.

2. Business status inquiry letter: When a business enterprise writes letter to another business enterprise for collecting information about a prospective customer, it is known as business status inquiry letter. This letter is usually written for collecting information about financial capability, goodwill, nature of business dealings, honesty etc. of a business enterprise to determine whether to establish business transactions with it. Responses of this letter may be either favorable or unfavorable.

Sample of personal status inquiry letter

Sample or Specimen-1: Mr. John has applied for the job of sales representative in the Mick Telecom Pvt. Ltd., 27, Washington, New York. He gave the reference of Mr. Michel, Manger, and customer service department, Jack Automobile servicing Ltd., Agrabad, and Chittagong. Write a personal status inquiry letter to Mr. Michel.


❖ Sample of reply letter to business status inquiry letter

Assume that you are the manager of Mr. Anna Trade International, 54, Washington, New York. Mr. Michel Trading Agency, 302, TUCSON AZ 85705 USA has a letter to you inquiring the financial solvency of John and company, 14/1, Taxes, Washington. Write a positive response to this business status inquiry letter. (Favorable reply to the inquiry letter given in specimen)

• [pic]

❖ Order Letter

The letter that is written by a potential buyer to the seller requesting him to deliver goods is known as order letter. By writing inquiry letters, buyers can collect necessary information about the price, quality of goods and terms of sale. If the buyer finds the quoted price, quality of goods and terms of sales satisfactory, he places an order to supply goods in his address. The seller delivers the good according to the buyer’s order. In modern time, sellers supply printed orders forms to the customers and customers place orders by filling up those printed order blanks. In this case, the printed order sheet or blank is considered as the order letter.

❖ Factors to Be Considered In Writing Order Letter or, Contents of Order Letter

Through order letter, the potential buyers request the suppliers to deliver goods to them. In modern time, printed order blanks or purchase order forms supplied by the seller are typically used for placing orders. However, in absence of order blanks and purchase order forms, order letters are written. Such letters contain three major categories of information:

• Information about the items being ordered;

• Information relating to shipping; and

• Information relating to payment.

1. Information about the items being ordered: An order letter must contain full particulars of goods ordered. Such information includes the followings:

• a. Product name

• Brand name

• Quantity

• Catalog number

• Model number

• Color

• Size

• Weight

• Unit price

2. Information relating to shipping: Shipping information is very important. In absence of shipping information, there can arise misunderstanding between buyer and seller. Shipping information may include the followings:

• Desired receipt date;

• Desired shipping location; and

• Mode of shipping (rail, road, or waterways).

3. Information relating to payment: Mode of payment of prices for the ordered items must be clearly indicated. The seller will accept the order letter only when both of them come to a common ground relation to payment of price. Payment information include the following:

• Mode of payment (cash, cheque, draft)

• Payment data

The above stated factors are usually included in order letter. However, the buyer can include any other instruction or element if he thinks necessary.


Specimen: 2

 Mancini Kitchen Equipment

Troy D. Mancini

4220 Straford Park

Harold, KY 41635

Dear Mr. Mancini,

We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers (Model #43423), all in the color red. We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account that we have with you, business account #543234.

We hope to receive this order no later than Friday, November 11th, 2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method and receiving address. Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563 anytime during business hours, Monday to Friday.

Thank you for your cooperation

Keller Kitchen Co.

❖ Specimen of order confirmation letter

Assume that you are the manager of M.H. Publication (Pvt.) Ltd. 38 Bangla Bazar, 2nd floor, Dhaka. The Bangladesh Commerce College has placed an order for some books to your company; write an order confirmation letter addressing the librarian of The Bangladesh Commerce Collage.


❖ Order execution letter

The letter through which the seller informs the customer that the ordered goods have been delivered is called order execution letter. Once seller receives order from customer, he can accept or reject it. Whether the order is accepted or rejected, the seller must inform it to the customer. When the seller accepts the order and delivers the ordered items, he writes the order execution letter. The purpose of writing this letter is to inform the customer about the date of delivery, mode of transportation used, the probable date at which customer will get the shipment and the total price. The invoice is usually enclosed with this letter.

❖ Contents of order execution letter

Generally, and order execution letter conations the following points:

• Reference number of order letter with date

• Name, brands and quality of products

• Quantity of products

• Date of delivery of goods

• Expected date of reaching goods to the buyer’s address

• Nature of packing of goods

• Transportation used for delivering goods

• Total price of the products and

• Expected date and mode of payment

❖ Specimen of order execution letter

Specimen: Assume that you are the manager of M. H. Publication (Pvt.) Ltd. 38 Bangla Bazar, 2nd Floor, and Dhaka. The Bangladesh Commerce College has placed an order for some books to your company. Write an order execution letter addressing the librarian of the Bangladesh Commerce College.


❖ Specimen of order cancellation letter

Assume that you have placed an order to A. K. Electronics (Pvt. ) Ltd. 33, Nowabpur, Dhaka, to supply some electronic goods. Write a letter canceling your order as you have decided not to do business in this line.


❖ Claim letter

When affected buyer writes a letter to the seller raising complaints and demanding compensation, it is known as clam letter. Generally, a losing buyer writes claim letters to the seller. However, sometimes the buyer writes the letter to the transportation authority if any damage is caused by their negligence. Again, seller or transportation authority may also write claim letter to the buyer claiming their demand.

Quible and Others defined, “A claim letter is a message designed to inform its recipient about the writer’s dissatisfaction with a product or service.”

According to Himstreet and Baty, “A claim letter is a request for adjustment. When writes ask for something to which they think they are entitled refund, replacement, exchange, payment for damages and so on the letter is called a claim letter.”

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that when customer writes a letter expressing his dissatisfaction with the purchased product and claims compensation, it is called claim letter. Although a phone call or personal visit may solve the problem, a written claim letter is better as it is a document of customer dissatisfaction. As the volume of operations of a business increases, the frequency of claims letters may also increase. The manner in which an organization deals with the claims of customer affects its reputation.

❖ Mode of claims or Type of claims

Although claim letters are written for possible compensation or adjustment but the mode of claims asked for are not always same. Depending on the nature of damage or loss, the buyer can claim one or more of the followings:

• Partial or full refund of purchase price of the product or service.

• Future delivery of the products with correct items.

• Replacement of defective products.

• Repair of the damaged products.

• Reduction in the price.

• Credit the amount to purchase account.

• Cancellation of order or portion of order.

• Rescheduling the payment installments.

• Correction of error in bill.

❖ Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of claim letter

A claim letter possesses the general qualities of a good commercial letter like completeness, conciseness, use of easy and simple language etc. however, a good claim letter is one that has the following characteristics:

1. Fair claim: An effective claim letter contains a realistic, fair and honest claim or request. If the buyer makes any unfair claim, it proves his dishonesty. As a result business relationship between buyer and seller may end.

2. Showing confidence upon the seller: The buyer should be confidant that seller will accept his claim. Such confidence will motivate the seller to settle the claim with due consideration.

3. Free form anger: An effective claim letter never shows anger to the recipient. Anger or antagonism reduces the chance of getting compensation.

4. Inclusion of facts courteously: A good claim letter states all relevant facts logically. Courteously and impersonally. It includes neither exaggerated nor irrelevant facts.

5. Definite request: An effective claim letter makes a definite request. Such request may be of the followings:

o Replacement of the product or service.

o Partial or full refund of the purchase price of the product or service

o Replacement of shipments

o Cancellation of an order or part of the order

o Correction of an error in bill

6. Free from guess and opinion: It is unwise to guess or to give opinion holding any specific person responsible for the damage. The letter should be written impersonally and the charge of detecting the responsible persons should be given to the seller.

❖ Specimen of claim letter

Specimen 1: M/s. Anna cloth store, House no. 07, Road no. 14 North 302, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA has purchased 2000 miters of suit cloths with a total cost of 12000$. Form Michel enterprise. : M/s. Anna cloth store has returned the shipment as quality does not match with the order specification. Write a claim letter to the manager, Michel enterprise, 20, Kualampur, Malaysia. Claiming full refund of the purchase price.


Specimen 2: The Bangladesh Commerce College, Road No 7, Uttara, Dhaka has purchased some books from Jamuna Publishing Pvt. Ltd. Bangla Bazar, Dhaka. The publisher has sent older edition of the books. Write a claim letter for replacing the books with the new edition.


❖ Complaint letter

In a simple way, the letter written by the customers to convey their complaints to the seller of goods or to the transport authority is termed as complaint letter. In the process of supplying ordered goods to the customers, different persons and parties are involved. Therefore, there is every possibility of inadvertent mistakes being committed by someone. This may create inconvenience to the customers and even cause them financial loss. Therefore customers write letter to inform their inconveniences to the seller or to the transport authority. The letter written for this purpose is known complaint letter.

In business, occurrence of mistakes is common and natural even though the parties are causations and careful. Some of the customary mistakes are supplying low quality products, charging high prices, low quality packaging, damage of products due to poor packaging etc. so complaint letter is drafted by the buyer mentioning the mistakes occurred or claiming for the damage to the seller or to the transportation authority.

❖ Cause of drafting complaint letter

After placing orders, customers expect that sellers will deliver the products accordingly. If the seller fails to do so, customers write complaint letter. Such letter is usually written for the following reasons or causes:

• Merchandise not received.

• Part of the merchandise not received

• The merchandise received was not received

• Delivery of defective products

• Goods received in a damaged condition

• Quantity of good is not what was ordered

• Goods delivered to wring address

• Delivery of goods is delayed

• Impoliteness of office staff of the seller

• Delivery of mix-up products

• Clerical or book keeping errors

• Mistakes in the bill

• Charging high price

• Price included for goods returned

• Reminders for payment of bill already paid

• Poor quality of packaging

• Faulty insurance coverage

• Missing of products during transportation

• Carelessness of transportation authority

• Ignoring the provisions regarding brokerage, commission and discount

Factors to be considered while drafting complaint letter

A complaint letter should be written in a polite and considerate way by incorporating the following factors or elements:

1. Specific cause of complaint: In a complaint letter, the customer should mention the specific cause of complaint. This will help the seller to understand his fault and to take necessary step for adjustment.

2. Nature of loss: Complaint letter must specify the nature and extent of damage caused in terms of money, loss of sales, loss of service or goodwill.

3. Amount of loss: If any financial loss has to fault to the seller or transport authority, actual amount of loss should be mentioned with supportive documents.

4. Possible remedy: A complaint letter should clearly indicate the probable remedies for setting the complaint.

5. Avoiding assumptions: In the letter, the buyer should include only the actual event. There should not be any assumption on the part of the buyer.

6. Courteous language: Language of complaint letter should be simple, easy, courteous and friendly. However, its tone should be straightforward.

7. Documentary proof: Sufficient documents should be enclosed as proof of complaint. Without necessary documents, the letter may have no value to the recipient.

8. Controlling anger: Though anger is a natural reaction of the affected buyer, it is not wise to express anger. Rather, the buyer should make the complaint in a respectful and considerate way.

9. Art of presentation: Complaint should be made artfully. That is the buyer should raise the complaint in a way that does not hurt the seller. Artful presentation requires raising the complaints passively rather than directly.

10. Mentioning preventive measures for future: For preventing the mistakes in future, the buyer can suggest the seller some alternative course of actions.

❖ Specimen of complaint letter

Specimen 1: M/s. Anna Food Products Ltd. has placed an order on December 05, 2013 to Mr. Michel Flour Mills Ltd. For 2000 bags of flour to be sent within December 15, 2013. Mr. Michel Flour Mills has accepted the order but the delivery of shipment was delayed for 3 (three) days, for the a complaint letter to the Manager, Mr. Michel Flour Mills Ltd. 10, Washington, New York, for the delay.


Specimen 2: M/s. Anna enterprise, House no. 07, Road no. 14 North 302, TUCSON AZ 85705, USA, is the seller of high quality local and foreign furniture for home and office. It has purchased 100 nos. office desks from Michel furniture Ltd. Kualalampur, Malaysia, on February 10, 2013. After receiving the shipment, some of the desks were found defective. Write a complaint letter to the manager of Michel furniture Ltd.


❖ Contents of resume

Contents of resume: Contents and layout of resume or curriculum vitae vary widely. There is no single best way to write resume. However, a factual and effective resume usually contains the following contents:

1. Opening section: Opening section of a resume generally includes following two items:

o Identifying information: Identifying information includes name, contact address (both present and permanent), e-mail address and telephone number of the applicant.

o Career objective: A modern resume includes a statement of immediate and long-term career objective of applicant. This statement helps the employer to evaluate what type of job the applicant likes. Career objective also helps the employer to categorize the applicants.

2. Education or academic qualification: This section of resume contains a list of degree achieved along with name of the in situation granting the degree, year of obtaining the degree, courses taken, position obtained etc.

3. Work experience: In this section, a list of employment and description of work experience are incorporated by following a reveres chorological order. It mentions employer’s name and location, duration of employment and position held.

4. Achievements and awards: This section includes school and community memberships, offices held, honors, publications, language skills etc. of the applicant.

5. Personal data: Personal data include applicant’s age, religion, gender, nationality, marital status, hobby, height, date of availability etc.

6. Reference: Most resumes mention references from which the employer can seek information about the applicant. Generally, name of the former employers and teachers are mentioned as reference.


Job application

Employment application means the letter written for getting a job. It is the primary means of introducing the job seeker with the employer. Getting a job is a long way process. This process starts with writing job application by the job seekers and ends with final selection of candidate by the employer.

Through the job application, job seeker offers to sell his or her labour and service for a return. Therefore, the application for employment acts as personal advertisement. Job application contains job seeker’s personal data like name, address, qualification and experience along with his/her appeal for job.

Quible, Johnson and Mott defined, “A letter of application is a message designed to inform the reader of your desire for a position in this or there organization and to request an interview for that position.”

At last, we can say that the letters that is written describing the personal data, qualifications, skills and experience of a job seeker along with appeal for job is known as job application. This letter is generally written in response to the job advertisement of the employer. Job seeker can get the news of vacancies from newspapers, internet or from any other informal source.

Considerable factors while drafting job application

Getting a job largely depends on the art and efficiency of writing application. Application gives the employer a primary impression about the job seeker. So, it should be drafted very carefully, sincerely and honestly. The followings are the factors to be considered in drafting a job application:

1. Clear idea: Before writing the application, the candidate should have adequate knowledge about the job, contents of the job, qualification requirements, employer, conditions of the job etc.

2. Planning: In the order to make the application attractive, the candidate should take necessary plan before drafting it. The application should think about the attractive presentation of relevant information.

3. Developing a format: The applicant should develop a rough copy of the application. Later on, it should be edited and be finalized.

4. Selection the structure: Though job application is one kind of commercial letter, yet it should be drafted in an independent way. Generally, job application does not require any title.

5. Arranging contents: Arrangement of contents is very crucial in making the application meaningful. Contents should be arranged sequentially and logically in various paragraphs.

6. Name of the position: A well-drafted application should clearly indicate the specific position for which the candidate applies.

7. Mentioning the qualification: A good application clearly indicates qualification, experience and training of the applicant.

8. Mentioning the reference: At the beginning of the body of application, source of reference should be mentioned.

9. Address: In the application the applicant must mention his present and permanent address.

10. Submitting through proper channel: If the applicant is currently employed in anywhere, application should be submitted through the present employer.

11. Courtesy: The application should write the application courteously. Applicant should keep in mind that “courtesy costs nothing but gains more.”

12. Language: Language of application should be as simple as possible. Application should be free from ambiguous and technical words, complex jargons, poetic language etc.

13. Correctness: Application should be free from any kind of mistakes. Grammatical or linguistic mistake creates bad impression about the candidate.

14. Cleanliness: Cleanliness is an important quality of any letter. Job application should be free from overwriting, writing through etc.

15. Conciseness: Application should contain all the relevant information completely but concisely.

16. Enclosures: Application should be followed by necessary documents such as photograph, copy of academic certificates, experiences certificate, bank draft or postal order if required.

17. Assurance: The applicant should assure the employer that if employed, he will discharge his duties and responsibilities with due sincerity, honesty and dedication.

Type of employment applications

Job application can be of two types: Solicited application and un-solicited application. These are described below:

1. Solicited application: When job application is written in response to the advertisement given by the employer, it is known as solicited application. That is, this application is submitted in response to the invitation form the employer.

Quible and others defined, “When one sends a letter knowing that an opening exists in a company, this is called a solicited letter of application.”In this situation, the applicant knows the required qualifications. Solicited application generally includes the name of the position applied for, reverence and date of the source etc.

2. Un-solicited application: Un-solicited job application is written for unannounced vacancies. It is also known as prospecting application. In this situation, the job seeker assumes that any job vacancy may be created in the organization in near future.

Quible and others defined, “When one sends a letter not knowing whether an opening exists in a company, the letter is called an unsolicited application.

This type of job application helps the job seeker to tap into the hidden job market. In some case, the companies create positions to hire a well-qualified person who is on the market. Therefore, in an unsolicited application, the applicant tries to create employer’s attention and interest.

Specimen of employment applications

Solicited application for fresh graduates (inexperienced candidate) In the Daly Star of February 03, 2014, Sonali Bank invites application for the post of management trainee. Write an application addressing the Head of Human Resources Department, Sonali Bank, Motijheel, and Dhaka

February 5, 2014

Head of Human Resources Department

Sonali Bank

73/3, Motijhel Commercial Area

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Subject: Application for the post of Management Trainee

Dear Sir/Madam,

You have advertised in “The Daily Star” of February 03, 2014, for an ambitious and hard working management trainee. My BBA degree in Management and MBA degree in Human Resource Management fit well with your required qualifications. Moreover, six months internship in the Human Resource Department of a private bank makes me confident for this job. I consider myself to be the type of employee you wish to hire. The enclosed resume gives you details about my personal inventory.

I am confident that with my education and talents I can contribute in accelerating growth and efficiency of your bank.


Salim Uddin

Enclosures: 1. Resume 2. Attested Photocopies of all certificates

Appointment letter

The letter written by the employer requesting the selected candidates to join in a specific position is known as appointment letter. Appointment letter is also called ‘job offer letter’ or ‘job letter’.

When people apply for jobs, they will undergo a selection process. At the end of the selection process, some candidates are finally selected for the job. Once the selection process. At the end of the selection process, some candidates are finally selected for the job. Once the selection process is over, the employer sends appointment letter to those candidates who have successfully completed the selection process. Through this letter, the employer informs the candidate that he or she has been finally selected and invites him or her to join in the specified post. This letter also states the conditions of the job, its duties and responsibilities.

Contents of appointment letter

Appointment letter must give a full disclosure of the terms and conditions from the employer’s side. Because, the candidate will join only when those term and conditions are acceptable to him. An ideal appointment letter should contain the following contents:

• Name and address of the organization (employer)

• Name and address of the applicant

• Name of the position

• Duties and responsibilities of the job

• Conditions of job: whether permanent or temporary, office time, performing another job simultaneously.

• Monthly salary

• Time length of the contract

• Date of joining

• Documents to be submitted during joining

• Security requirements

• Commitment or declaration and

• Provision regarding termination

Specimen of appointment letter

Write an appointment letter to a selected candidate requesting to join as a lecture in your college


❖ Joining letter

Job searching process ends with the joining letter of the selected candidate. After selecting a candidate, employer sends appointment letter mentioning the terms and conditions of the job. Receiving the appointment letter from employer, the candidate may accept or reject the job offer. When a candidate accepts the job offer from the employer and decides to join, he writes a joining letter. Through this letter, after applicant expresses his acceptance of the terms and conditions of the job. After writing this letter. The person starts his job as an employee of the organization.

❖ Specimen of joining letter

Assume that you have received an appointment letter from the General Manager, John Resource Department, Sonali Bank for the post of a Management Trainee. Write a joining letter to the general manager.

Date: 10.05.2014

General Manager

Human Resource Department

Sonali Bank

30 Motijheel Commercial Area


Sub: Joining Report.


With reference to your appointment letter no. HO/HRD/PD/2014, dated May 01, 2014, I am pleased to inform you that I want to join as a Management Trainee Officer in your esteemed Bank accepting the terms and conditions mentioned in the appointment letter. I give the commitment that I shall properly discharge my duties and responsibilities. I also assure you that I shall abide by all the rules and regulations of your organization.

I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind to grant my joining letter.

Yours Faithfully,

(Mr. Michel Carry)


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