The Scarlet Letter (Chapters 1-6) - Union High School

The Scarlet Letter (Chapters 1-6): Active Reading Packet


I. Journal

Directions: Create a Metacognition Journal for this set of chapters.

1. Include 6-9 entries.

2. Ensure that each reading strategy is used at least once.


II. Vocabulary


1. Define each word, including the part of speech

2. Craft a contextual sentence for each term which focuses on characters and plot elements of the narrative

|1. Inauspicious |2. Physiognomy |3. Beadle |

|4. Pillory |5. Ignominy |6. Mien |

|7. Vie |8. Remonstrance |9. Contumely |

|10. Sagacity |11. Efficacy |12. Martyr |

|13. Anathematic |14. Paramount |15. Grievous |

III. Comprehension Questions

Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Respond on a separate sheet of paper; your

responses will serve as your notes on the reading.

Chapter 1

1. What does Hawthorne describe in detail in this first chapter? Write a short description in your own words.

2. What were the first two things the Puritans built upon arriving in a new colony?

3. What does the narrator say he hopes the rose bush will symbolize? Make a prediction about the ending of the novel based upon this statement.

Chapter 2

4. Why are the townspeople gathered in the center of town?

5. Describe how the women in New England are different from the generations of women before them.

6. What is Hester Prynne’s relationship to Arthur Dimmesdale?

7. Describe Hester Prynne.

8. What is Hester’s crime? What does the letter “A” stand for?

9. Why are the women upset when they see Hester’s embroidered letter?

10. What is the scaffold? What is it used for?

11. What is on Hester’s mind as she serves out the first part of her punishment?

Chapter 3

12. What does Hester notice immediately about the strange man being accompanied by an Indian?

13. What gesture does the stranger make to Hester when she realizes that she recognizes him?

14. What does the stranger tell one of the townspeople about himself?

15. What does the townsman tell the stranger about Hester’s crime? What do we learn about Hester’s husband?

16. Describe Reverend Dimmesdale.

17. What do the magistrates and ministers want Hester to tell them? What does she do?

18. What does Dimmesdale do and say after Hester firmly states that she will not reveal the name of her lover?

Chapter 4

19. Why was Hester placed under constant watch when she returned to the prison?

20. What is the stranger’s name and what is his relationship to Hester?

21. Chillingworth says that he and Hester have both wronged each other. What is the reasoning behind this?

22. What does he ask Hester to promise him? Why do you think he asks this of her?

23. What does he promise to do if Hester does not freely reveal the name of her lover?

24. What is Chillingworth’s response when Hester asks him why he won’t just announce himself and cast her off?

Chapter 5

25. Why does Hester decide to stay close to her town instead of going back to Europe or joining another community?

26. How does Hester make money? (What is her gift?)

27. What is ironic about the townspeople’s willingness to purchase Hester’s creations?

28. How does Hester act and dress?

29. How is she treated by the townspeople? Who does she dread the most? Why?

30. What happens when Hester looks into the eyes of the townspeople who stare at the scarlet letter?

Chapter 6

31. Why did Hester name her child “Pearl”?

32. Describe how Pearl is dressed. What reason is given for the way Pearl is dressed?

33. What thoughts does Hester have about Pearl? How does Pearl react to the punishment?

34. What is Pearl’s relationship with the other children of the town? Why do you believe this is so?

35. Who are Pearl’s playmates? What does she do to entertain herself?

36. Do you think Hester is a martyr, or do you think her repentance is sincere? Explain.


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