Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH April Competency: Grammar & Spelling L 1 : Wake Up!

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Show the time on the clocks :

8 O’ clock Half past seven

Half past nine Quarter past five

II. Some adjectives are given in the box. Use them with the same nouns with which they are used in the Unit I :

lovely warm bright buzzing

tiniest sleepy warm chirpy

|…………………… day |………………...…… blanket |

|…………………… bees |……………………… birds |

|…………………… head |……………………… sun |

|…………………… chicken |……………………… smile |

III. Write two rhyming words for each of the following :

1. day ………………………… …………………………

2. tree ………………………… …………………………

3. bed ………………………… …………………………

4. out ………………………… …………………………

5. sheep ………………………… …………………………

6. late ………………………… …………………………

IV. Encircle the correct spellings :

|buzing |buzzing |muttered |Muterred |

|lovely |luvely |snuglled |Snuggled |

|tinyest |tiniest |birthday |Berthday |

|pillow |pillou |windo |Window |

|true |treu |becos |Because |


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH April

Competency: Vocabulary L 1 : Wake Up!

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Some adjectives are given in the box. Use them with the suitable nouns given.

lovely warm bright buzzing

tiniest sleepy warm chirpy

|…………………… day |………………...…… blanket |

|…………………… bees |……………………… birds |

|…………………… head |………………………… sun |

|…………………… chicken |……………………… smile |

II. Make a word pyramid starting with ‘s’ :

[clue : two letters, 3 letters, ………………… 9 letters]


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH April

Name : Competency: L 1 : Wake Up!

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. My Daily Routine :

1. I get up at ……………………… a.m.

2. I brush my teeth and take a bath at ……………………… a.m.

3. I eat my breakfast at ……………………… a.m.

4. I go to school at ……………………… a.m.

5. At ……………………… p.m. I come back from school.

6. I eat lunch ……………………… p.m.

7. I study at ……………………… p.m.

8. I go to play at ……………………… p.m.

9. I watch TV for ……………………… hours.

10. I go to sleep at ……………………… p.m.

II. Show the time on the clocks :

8 O’ clock Half past seven

Half past nine Quarter past five


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH April

Competency:Grammar L 2 : Neha’s Alaram Clock

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. My Daily Routine :

1. I get up at ……………………… a.m.

2. I brush my teeth and take a bath at ……………………… a.m.

3. I eat my breakfast at ……………………… a.m.

4. I go to school at ……………………… a.m.

5. At ……………………… p.m. I come back from school.

6. I eat lunch ……………………… p.m.

7. I study at ……………………… p.m.

8. I go to play at ……………………… p.m.

9. I watch TV for ……………………… hours.

10. I go to sleep at ……………………… p.m.

II. Tick (() the correct form of verb and write in the space provided

1. Neha ………………………….… [smile, smiles]

2. Birds ……………………………. [chirp, chirps]

3. The Sun ………………………… [shines, shine]

4. Children ………………………… [play, plays]

5. Bees ……………………………... [buzz, buzzing]

6. Watch …………………………… [say, says]

III. Use these groups of words to make sentences of your own :

1. in the trees


2. lie in bed


3. under the rug


4. big bright sun


5. warm smile


6. wake up



Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH June/July

Competency: Grammar & Vocabulary L 3 : Noses

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I.Write few sentences on any part of your body e.g., ears, eyes, head, nose etc., and give it a suitable title.









II. Sunita wrote a letter to her uncle but she wrote the address without punctuation marks. Help her by rewriting the address with punctuation marks.

mr. jugal kishore arora ………………………………………………

house no. 41 ………………………………………………

street No.6 ………………………………………………

vinay vihar ………………………………………………

opposite i.s.b.t. ………………………………………………

kashmere gate ………………………………………………

delhi India 110007 ………………………………………………

III. Circle twelve body parts hidden in the word search :

|M |F |D |T |

|quickly |immediately |later |Slowly |

|disappear |lost |vanish |Forget |

|small |oversized |weak |Tiny |

|delight |to enjoy |to charm |to play |

II. Rearrange the words to make questions :

1. talk rabbit a how can


2. going he is where


3. read he can time the


4. hurry is in a why he


III. Pick out the describing words from the lesson :

pink eyes ………………………………

white rabbit ………………………………

big watch ………………………………

blue coat ………………………………

talking rabbit ………………………………

glass table ………………………………

bright flowers ………………………………

IV. Word Web :






Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH August

Competency:Grammar L 9:Don’t be Afraid of the Dark

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Fill in the blanks with the clues given in the bracket :

1. Water melons are ______________ than apples. [correct form of ‘big’]

2. Sridhar is the ______________ boy in the class. [correct form of ‘tall’]

3. Bangalore is ______________ than Chennai. [correct form of ‘sweet’]

4. Mount Everest is the ______________ mountain peak in the world.

[correct form of ‘high’]

5. Love for one’s parents is the ______________ of all gifts.

[correct form of ‘great’]

6. ______________ tell lies. [never/always]

7. Obedient children are ______________ loved by everyone.


8. I visit my grandparents ______________ we get holidays.


9. Do not throw waste paper ______________ you want.


10. ______________ came to the ashram received fruits. [whoever/whenever]

II. Write the short form of :

1. i am - _______________ 6. she is - _______________

2. we are - _______________ 7. they are - _______________

3. it is - _______________ 8. he will - _______________

4. will not - _______________ 9. we have - _______________

5. can not - _______________ 10. will not - _______________

III. Rewrite the sentences with the plural form of the words underlined.

1. The man painted the walls.


2. The baby’s foot is very soft.


3. The story is about animals.


4. The puppet is beautiful.


5. The child is drawing pictures.


6. This shoe is polished.


7. I cleaned the shelf in my room.


8. The leaf has fallen from the tree.


9. The branch of this tree is very strong.


10. The match was cancelled due to rain.


11. I got this feather in the park.


12. We should love our neighbouring country.


III. Add the suffix ‘ness’, ‘ity’ or ‘ly’ and make new words :

1. happy - _______________ 7. sure - _______________

2. polite - _______________ 8. mad - _______________

3. solid - _______________ 9. correct - _______________

4. curious - _______________ 10. heavy - _______________

5. lazy - _______________ 11. bright - _______________

6. blind - _______________ 12. complete - _______________


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH August

Competency:Creative Writing L 10: Helen Keller

Name:………………………….. Date:……………


I a] Write five to six sentences about ‘A Rainy Day”. Use the clues given below.

Weather cloudy use umbrellas, raincoats, warm clothes, room-heaters, eat

hot and spicy children paper boats.






b] Write five to fix sentences about ‘Cricket”.

Out door, bat, ball, wickets, bowlers, batsmen, umpire, wicket-keeper,

my favourite player.








Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH September

Competency: Grammar

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Write a or an to complete each sentence.

1. We saw ____________ elephant at the zoo.

2. Sheela brought ____________ apple to her teacher.

3. Our family stayed in ____________ hotel on our vacation.

4. Yesterday I saw ____________ ant hill.

5. Texas is ____________ large state.

6. Please look that word up in ____________ Spanish dictionary.

7. John will put on ____________ old shirt before he begins to paint.

8. Jill will pull the toddler in ____________ wagon.

9. I use ____________ umbrella when it rains.

10. Mother placed the flowers in ____________ vase.

11. They need ____________ oven for their new house.

12. We landed on ____________ island.

13. Dad will put ____________ engine in the old car.

14. Sam will use ____________ axe to chop firewood.

15. Martin has ____________ blue and white tie.

16. Juile and Justin talked to ____________ teacher about their project.

17. She went to get ____________ open bottle of sunscreen.

18. Neal wrote ____________ article for the school paper.

19. They saw ____________ camel by the river.

20. We will wait no longer than ____________ hour.


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH October

Competency: Grammar & Vocabulary L 11 :The Donkey

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Fill in the crossword with the opposites of the given clues :

Across ( ( ) Down ( ( )

1. hated 4. rich

2. cruel 5. domestic

3. clean 6. wet

II. Read the following sentences and complete the blanks using the

following words :

1. The weather ____________ beautiful today.

2. All the children ____________ in the playground.

3. Boys! You ____________ always late for class.

4. ____________ you in the basketball team, too ?

5. Nobody in my class ____________ interested in football.

6. ____________ this computer more expensive than that one ?

7. Sally ____________ my best friend.

8. Mum and dad ____________ downstairs watching television.

9. Poll and Henry ____________ in the computer room.

10. The Eiffel tower ____________ the tallest monument in Paris.


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH September

Competency: L 11 : I had a Little Pony

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Animals are our friends. They are very useful to us. So, we should take

good care of them. Write a sentence under each picture.

1. We should ……………………… 2. We should ………………………

3. We should ……………………… 4. We should ………………………

5. We should ……………………… 6. We should ………………………

II. Write the names of animals under their pictures :

……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..

……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..

III. Match these animals with their living places :

|Animals |Living Places |

|pig |stable |

|horse |nest |

|dog |burrow |

|bird |hole |

|rat |sty |

|rabbit |kennel |

1. …………………………………… 4. ……………………………………

2. …………………………………… 5. ……………………………………

3. …………………………………… 6. ……………………………………


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH October

Competency: Vocabulary L 13 :The Milkman’s Cow

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

Fill in the blanks using the words given in the help box :

jingling, gleaming, muscles, refused, grocer

1. The milkman’s cow _____________ to move.

2. Buttons and buckles of a policeman were _____________ bright.

3. A _____________ had a bag of potatoes and peas.

4. The _____________ of a wrestler were gleaming in the sun.

5. An ice-cream man with his _____________ cart.

II. Match the word to their synonyms :

1. refused to smile widely

2. begged to pull hard

3. clattered to move or dance round or round

4. grinned to say no

5. pail to ask for money or food

6. gleaming knocking together to make a loud noise

7. tugged bucket

8. twirling shining


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH October

Competency: Vocabulary & Grammar L 12 :The Milkman’s Cow

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. A milkman visits your house everyday and brings you milk. Write a few

lines about him.











II. Make sentences using the following words :

1. bad mood ………………………………………………………………….

2. pleaded ………………………………………………………………….

III. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the help box :

jingling, gleaming, muscles, refused, grocer

1. The milkman’s cow _____________ to move.

2. Buttons and buckles of a policeman were _____________ bright.

3. A _____________ had a bag of potatoes and peas.

4. The _____________ of a wrestler were gleaming in the sun.

5. An ice-cream man with his _____________ cart.

IV. Write the antonyms and make sentences with both the words :

1. pretty - ……………………………



2. strong - ……………………………



3. bright - ……………………………



4. pulled - ……………………………



5. difficult - ……………………………




Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH November

Competency: L 14 :Hiawatha

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Fill in the blanks using a, an, the :

This is ________ airport. Planes land and take off from here. He is _______ pilot. Look at that lady in ________ blue saree. She is________ hair hostess.

II. Write a sentence about each of the following :

1. Hiawatha – ______________________________________________________


2. birds - ______________________________________________________


3. beavers - ______________________________________________________


4. reindeer - ______________________________________________________


5. rabbit - ______________________________________________________


III. Write 2 adjectives for the following :

1. Your father _________________ , _____________________________________

2. Your mother _________________ , ____________________________________

3. Your teacher _________________ , ____________________________________

4. Your friend _________________ , _____________________________________

IV. Choose words from the list and complete the group.

[ice-cream, umpire, medicine, honey, traffic light]

1. sunny day, cotton clothes, umbrella _________________________________

2. road, traffic police, zebra crossing ___________________________________

3. cricket, batsman, bowler ____________________________________________

4. hospital, patient, nurse, doctor ______________________________________

5. flowers, honey bees, bee-hives ______________________________________

V. Write your name in your mother tongue.


VI. Name other languages you can speak.


VII. Write names of 5 things you carry when you are going for a picnic :

____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ ,

____________________ , ____________________

VIII. Add ‘a’ or ‘an’ :

1. ______ doll 2. ______ ink pot 3. ______ bow and ______ arrow

4. ______ honest man 5. ______ chair

IX. Write any of your favourite advertisement that you watch in T.V or Radio. [Draw a picture]


Bangalore Region

Class : IV SUB : ENGLISH November

Competency: Grammar & Vocabulary L 13 : Hiawatha

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

singular / plural

I. Correct the underlined words and rewrite the sentences :

1. The puppy are sleeping close to their mother.


2. The donkey are braying loudly.


3. Call the plumber. The taps in the bathroom is leaking.


4. The monkey are on the tree.


II. Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the blanks :

1. Do you _____________________ a secret ? [no, know]

2. I can _____________________ the bird’s song. [hear, here]

3. The king sits on the _____________________ [thrown, throne]

4. The squirrel has a long _____________________ [tail, tale]

5. This sum is _____________________ [right, write]

6. I have to leave at _____________________ [too, two]

7. He is our school _____________________ [principal, principle]

III. Here are the movements of some objects and animals :

wind blows

snake slithers

duck waddles

river flows

butterfly flutters

flag flutters

aeroplane flies

IV. Make words from the jumbled set of words :

1. setercs - __________________ (something hidden from others)

2. mitid - _____________ ( shy)

3. lodseg - ______________(beavers live here)

4. laeenrd - _______________ ( educated)

5. wgimaw - ____________________( a house of Red Indians)


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH November

Competency: Grammar & Vocabulary L 8 :The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Complete the puzzle with the help of the clues given below :

1. opposite of shut

2. opposite of confident

3. heavy rain and strong wind

4. speak in a low voice,

which is difficult to hear

5. opposite of fake

6. streak of light in a cloudy sky

II. Circle the word that is opposite of the

word given on the left.

1. outside - close, open, inside, beside

2. together - in a group, separate, fine, deep

3. shadow - light, outline, reflection, drawn

4. noise - voice, silence, din, storm

III. Fill in the missing letters :

1. asl ___ ep 2. flu ___ nt

3. ni ___ ht 4. irrita ___ ed

5. di ___ ficult

IV. Match the words in column ‘A’ with words in column ‘B’ :

‘A’ ‘B’

1. king children

2. teacher patients

3. doctor courtiers

4. bus driver clients

5. lawyer passengers

6. mother students

V. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’ or ‘an’ :

1. Raju is not __________ honest man.

2. __________ elephant is the largest animal in the world.

3. She is __________ fairest girl in the village.

4. Not __________ man was present there.

5. He wants __________ umbrella.

6. Cricket is __________ outdoor game.


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH November

Competency: Grammar L 8 : The Scholar’s Mother Tongue

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Complete the paragraph using ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ :

Once ________ farmer was going to ________ market riding his horse. ________ old man stopped him on ________ way and requested him to given him ________ ride. ________ man agreed But, when they reached ________ market, ________ old man refused to get down and started shouting at ________ farmer ________ saying it is his horse. ________ man who heard him came near them and told them to stand at ________ distance holding ________ apple and call ________ horse. ________ old man called, but the horse did not respond. when ________ Farmer called him instantly he came running. ________ man who came to settle their dispute told the farmer to take his horse and go.

What’s the word ?

1. The place where the king and his ministers sit and discuss ____________

2. The language we speak at home ____________

3. To read or speak without unnecessary stops ____________

4. The one who is well read and knows many things ____________

5. To speak in a very low voice into one’s ear ____________

Add SUFFIX ‘ly’ and make new words :

1. happy ____________

2. merry ____________

3. sweet ____________

4. gentle ____________

5. angry ____________


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH November

Competency: Vocabulary L 16 : A Watering Rhyme

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Look for words in the poem which sound like the words given below :

1. are - _______________ 4. there - _______________

2. son - _______________ 5. where - _______________

3. dye - _______________ 6. route - _______________

II. Who am I ?

1. I fix the plant firmly to the soil and absorb water.


2. I am green in colour. I prepare food.


3. I grow above the soil. Many branches are there on me.


4. I am the attractive part of the plant.


5. Some plants like Rose, Lemon have this on them. It pricks us when we



III. Underline the silent letters in these words :

|know |walk |talk |Knife |

|knitting |knowledge |write |Knee |

|condemn |hour |honour |Watch |

|sign |depot |answer |Listen |

|honest |wrap |wrong | |

IV. Punctuate and Rewrite these sentences :

1. alice saw a white rabbit in the garden.


2. rahim ravi and raju are going to see the circus.


3. how are you mohan


4. what is the colour of the sky


V. We should water the plants regularly. Look at the picture and write down

what all a plant needs :







Bangalore Region


Competency: L 16 : The Giving Tree

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Who am I ?

1. I carry a baby plant inside me ____________________

2. I fix the plant firmly to the soil ____________________

3. I am the food factory of the plant ____________________

4. I bear branches ____________________

5. I have seeds inside me ____________________

II. Write ‘-age’ words that have the following meanings :

1. whatever you carry while travelling l ____________

2. waste material thrown away g ____________

3. a very long journey by sea v ____________

4. a reflection in the mirror i ____________

5. written information you often leave for someone m ____________

6. a small house in the countryside c ____________

7. a thing that helps you to be better a ____________

III. Make adverbs from the following words :

hasty _______________

happy _______________

cool _______________

proud _______________

naughty _______________

light _______________

IV. Write a paragraph on the ‘Importance of Trees’ :






















Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH December

Competency:Vocabulary L 18 : 17 BOOKS

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Make word families. One has been done for you :

|oot |op |at |tch |In |

|b __ __ __ |h ___ ___ |b ___ ___ |bi __ __ __ |p ___ ___ |

|sh __ __ __ |sh ___ ___ |br ___ ___ |ca __ __ __ |th ___ ___ |

|l __ __ __ |m ___ ___ |ch ___ ___ |ha __ __ __ |sk ___ ___ |

|c __ __ __ |t ___ ___ |m ___ ___ |ba __ __ __ |gr ___ ___ |

|r __ __ __ |cr ___ ___ |p ___ ___ |sna __ __ __ |tiff ___ ___ |

|h __ __ __ |dr ___ ___ |h ___ ___ |la __ __ __ |sp ___ ___ |

II. March the columns to complete the sentences correctly :

|Rahul is very proud |like a mule |

|He is as gentle |as a lamb |

|He is obstinate |as firm as a rock |

|You can’t convince him; he is |as greedy as a wolf |

|He wants more money; he is |like a peacock |

III. Add ‘es’ to the following words. Be careful about the change in spellings :

1. knife ________________

2. baby ________________

3. wife ________________

4. hurry ________________

5. city ________________

6. lady ________________

7. leaf ________________

8. class ________________

9. mango ________________

10. carry ________________


IV. Give one word for the following :

1. A place where aeroplanes are kept __________________

2. A place where coins are made __________________

3. A place where Hindus go to worship __________________

4. A place where you buy stamps, envelopes, etc. __________________

5. A place in your house where your vehicles are kept __________________

6. A place where leather goods are made __________________

7. A place where you stay when you are on a vacation __________________

8. A place where scientific experiments are conducted __________________


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH January

Competency: L 19 : Going to buy a book

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :

[ of, for, in, on, by, up, down, to, with, at ]

1. She is afraid __________ her mother.

2. I went __________ the stairs.

3. I get __________ early in the morning.

4. She will go __________ us.

5. Manish lives __________ Delhi.

6. The book is __________ the shelf.

7. They asked __________ money.

8. She was scolded __________ her teacher.

9. Sunita is related __________ me.

II. Complete these sentences :

1. May I _________________________________________________________

2. Will you please _________________________________________________

3. Always ________________________________________________________

4. Sorry ____________________ come with you.

5. Excuse me I _____________________ hurry.


Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH January

Competency: Vocabulary L 19 :Naughty Boy

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Using the letter ‘B’ complete the word pyramid :


II. Match the group of words with its one word :

barrel schedule

time table a wooden container

III. Classify these things accordingly :

mosquito sheep mango tree crow spade

axe camel house fly coconut tree sparrow

|tools |insects |animals |tress |Birds |

| | | | | |

IV. Match the bubbles to get the correct rhyming words :


V. Underline & highlight the action words with green colour in the following sentences :

1. Ravi watched a cartoon on television.

2. The captain blew the whistle.

3. The horse jumped over the fence.

4. The angry man shouted at the boys.

5. The crowd clapped for the players.

VI. Observe the picture and write its name. Make words with every letter of it


__________ _________ __________ __________ __________

Observe the pictures and using the first letter of each picture make a new word:-

| |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] | | | | | |

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

I help the fisherman to fish the right word from the pond to match the

group of words given and rewrite the same in the spaces provided :

1. to be all by oneself _______________

2. the young ones of a duck ____________

3. a very hot season ________________

4. a drink made of lime, water and sugar


5. a little book that can be kept in one’s pocket



Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH February

Competency:Vocabulary L 20 : Pinocchio

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Make two smaller words from the bigger words :

E.g., : ridiculous lid rid

1. carpenter ____________ ____________

2. finished ____________ ____________

3. puzzled ____________ ____________

4. naughty ____________ ____________

5. wooden ____________ ____________

6. laughing ____________ ____________

II. Who said this to whom ?

1. “Stop, you are tickling me”.



2. “Stop laughing”.



3. “I am glad to be a real boy”.




Bangalore Region

Class : IV ENGLISH February

Competency: Grammar & Vocabulary Lesson 11 : Pinocchio

Name:………………………….. Date:……………

I. Add ‘er’ or ‘or’ suitably to the following words. Be careful with the spellings :

call _______________ train _______________

act _______________ conquer _______________

debt _______________ dictate _______________

deposit _______________ publish _______________

credit _______________ walk _______________

liberate _______________ invent _______________

inherit _______________ govern _______________

elevate _______________

II. Make ten words from the word ‘CARPENTER’.

___________ ___________

___________ ___________

___________ ___________

___________ ___________

___________ ___________

III. Pick out the words having silent letters and write them in the space given:

know---- honest---- knelt---- walk----knife----listen----doubt----height----hasten

………………… ……………………… ……………………

………………… ……………………… ……………………

………………… ……………………… ……………………

IV. Form as many words as you can using the letters of the words given here:

1. threaten

2. mastermind

3. arrangement

4. testament

V. Colour this picture and write three

sentences about it:-
















[pic] [pic]




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