4-6 Month Milestones - Hub City Outreach Center

0-3 Month MilestonesMotor MilestonesWhile lying on tummy, pushes up on armsWhile lying on tummy, lifts and holds head upAble to move fists from?closed to openAble to bring hands to mouthexcitedSensory MilestonesWhile lying on back, attempts to reach for a toy held above their chestWhile lying on back, visually tracks a moving toy from side to sideWhile lying on back, keeps head centered to watch faces or toysAble to calm with rocking, touching, and gentle soundsEnjoys a variety of movementsCommunication MilestonesQuiets or smiles in response to sound or voiceTurns head towards sound or voiceShows interest in facesMakes eye contactCries differently for different needs (e.g. hungry vs. tired)Coos?and smilesFeeding MilestonesLatches onto?nipple or bottleTongue moves forward and back to suckDrinks 2 oz. to 6 oz. of liquid per feeding, 6 times per daySucks and swallows well during feeding0-3 Month AbilitiesPlay and Social SkillsEnjoys playful face-to-face interaction with peopleCoos in response to playful interactionNotices and responds to soundsCoordinationMoves legs and arms off of surface when excitedUses vision to follow black and white or brightly colored objectsIs able to open and shut handsIs able to bring hands to mouthIs able to be on tummy for short bursts of timeDaily ActivitiesIs able to latch on while nursing or bottle feedingIs able to calm during car rides when not tired or hungryEnjoys bath timeIs usually able to tolerate diaper changing without cryingSelf-ExpressionIs able to be comforted by cuddling or a parent’s touchIs not upset with everyday soundsIs usually happy when not hungry or tiredEnjoys varied playful movement experiences (e.g. bouncing on knees)Is able to calm with experiences such as rocking, touching, and calm soundsDoes not demonstrate frequent or long bouts of being upset0-3 Month Warning SignsMotorDifficulty lifting headStiff legs with little or no movementKeeps hands fisted and lacks arm movementPushes back with head while lying on backSensoryDoes not follow an object with their eyesFrequently resists being heldFists remain closed most of the timeDoes not enjoy different types of movementCommunicationDoes not cry when hungry or uncomfortableDoes not notice or respond to loud soundsDoes not make eye contact or smile at caregiverFeedingUnable to latch on while nursing or bottle feedingLoses a lot of breast milk or formula out of side of mouth while feeding4-6 Month MilestonesMotor MilestonesUses hands to support self while sittingRolls from back to tummy and tummy to backWhile standing with support, accepts entire weight with legsReaches for nearby toys?while on tummyWhile lying on back, reaches both hands to play with feetWhile lying on back, transfers a toy from?one hand to the other?Sensory MilestonesUses both hands to explore toysGenerally happy when not hungry or tiredBrings hands and objects to mouthAble to calm with rocking, touching, and gentle soundsIs not upset by everyday soundsEnjoys a variety of movementsCommunication MilestonesReacts to sudden noises or soundsListens and responds when spoken toBegins to use consonant sounds in babbling, e.g. “da, da, da”Uses babbling to get attentionMakes different kinds of sounds to express feelingsNotices toys that make soundsFeeding MilestonesShows interest in foodOpens mouth as spoon approachesMoves pureed food from front of mouth to backBegins to eat cereals and pureed foods –?Smooth, pureed food (single ingredient only), like carrots, sweet potato, squash, apples, pear4-6 Month AbilitiesPlay and Social SkillsEnjoys playful interactions with others (such as peek a boo)Is vocalizing in response to playful interactionTurns head toward soundsMaintains eye contact with familiar people during playful interactionEnjoys playing with toys of varied texturesEnjoys musical toysRaises hands to be picked upEnjoys various types of movement, such as being gently swungCoordinationIs beginning to put weight through feet when supported in standingIs able to lift head forward when being pulled to sitting, from lying on backIs able to play on tummy for short bursts of timeIs able to roll from tummy to back (5 months) and from back to tummy (6 months)Is able to pick up head and prop on elbows during?tummy timeUses hands to play with and explore toysUses both hands equally to play with toysIs able to turn head to visually follow motivating toys and peopleDaily ActivitiesIs able to latch on while nursing or bottle feedingIs able to stay calm during car rides when not tired or hungryEnjoys bath timeIs usually able to tolerate diaper changing without cryingIs not fearful when moving to lying on back for diaper changingSelf-ExpressionIs able to be comforted by cuddling or a parent’s touchIs not fearful of everyday soundsIs generally happy when not hungry or tiredEnjoys varied playful movement experiences (e.g. bouncing on knees)Is able to calm with experiences such as rocking, touch, and soothing sounds0-4 Month Warning SignsMotorSits with a rounded backPoor head control and unable to lift headDifficulty bringing arms forward to reach outArches back and stiffens legs when pulling to a sitHolds arms back and has stiff legs in a supported standSensoryDoes not try to grasp or reach for toysDoes not bring hands or objects to mouthFrequently irritable for no apparent reasonDoes not visually track moving objectsCommunicationDoes not respond to sounds or voicesDoes not make any vowel soundsAvoids eye contactDoes not smile or laughFeedingDoes not hold own bottle during feeding7-9 Month MilestonesMotor MilestonesSits?without supportSits and reaches for toys without fallingMoves from tummy or back into sittingStarts to move with alternate leg and arm movement e.g. creeping, crawlingPicks up head and pushes through elbows during Tummy TimeTurns head to visually track objects while sittingShows more control while rolling and sittingPicks up small objects with thumbs and fingersIn simple play imitates othersSensory MilestonesEnjoys a variety of movements?– bouncing up and down, rocking back and forthExplores and examines an object using both hands and mouthTurns several pages of a chunky (board) book at onceExperiments with the amount of force needed to pick up different objectsFocuses on objects near and farInvestigates shapes, sizes, and textures of toys and surroundingsObserves environment from a variety of positions – while lying on back or tummy, sitting, crawling, and standing with assistanceCommunication MilestonesUses increased variety of sounds and syllable combinations in babblingLooks at familiar objects and people when namedRecognizes sound of nameParticipates in two-way communicationFollows some routine commands when paired with gesturesShows recognition of commonly used wordsUses simple gestures, e.g. shaking head for “no”Imitates soundsFeeding MilestonesIn a high chair, holds and drinks from a bottleBegins to eat thicker pureed?and mashed table foodsEnjoys teethers?that can massage sore and swollen gums during teethingStays?full longer after eatingStarts to look and reach for objects such as food that is nearbyShows strong reaction to new smells and tastes7-9 Month AbilitiesPlay and Social SkillsIs interested in interacting with others (such as peek a boo)Enjoys playing with toys of varied texturesEnjoys playing with musical toysIs interested in playing with colorful objectsRaises hands towards adult to be picked upMaintains eye contact with people during playful interactionEnjoys moving to explore the environment when placed on floorEnjoys various types of movement, such as being gently swung in the air by parentsCoordinationIs able to put weight through feet when supported in standingIs able to pick up head and push through elbows during tummy timeKeeps head forward when being pulled to sitting from lying on backIs able to play on tummyMoves on floor to get desirable toyMoves in and out of various positions (e.g. sitting, tummy, and hands and knees)Is able to turn head to visually follow motivating toys and peopleMaintains balance while sitting and using two hands together to explore toysUses both hands equally to play with toysDaily ActivitiesIs able to latch on while nursing or bottle feedingEnjoys bath timeIs able to self calm in car rides when not tired or hungryUsually tolerates diaper changes without cryingIs not fearful of tipping head back when moving from sitting to lying down, for activities such as diaper changingIs able to transition from milk or formula to infant cerealSelf-ExpressionIs able to be comforted by cuddling or a parent’s touchIs generally happy when not hungry or tiredIs able to calm with experiences such as rocking, touch, and soothing soundsIs not fearful of everyday soundsHas an established and reliable sleeping schedule7-9 Month Warning SignsMotorUses one hand predominatelyRounded back when sitting, inability to straighten backPoor use of arms in sittingDifficulty crawlingUses only one side of the body to moveCannot take weight on legsDoes not transfer toys from one hand to the otherSensoryDoes not enjoy playing with toys of varied texturesDoes not enjoy playing with musical toysIs not interested in playing with colorful objectsDoes not move to explore environment when placed on the floorDoes not enjoy different types of movement such as being swungSeems fearful of everyday soundsCommunicationIs not interested in interacting with othersDoes not maintain eye contact during playful interactionUnresponsive to sounds or voicesDoes not babbleDoes not respond to own nameFeedingUnable to latch on while nursing or bottle feeding10-12 Month MilestonesMotor MilestonesPulls to stand and cruises along furnitureStands alone and takes several independent stepsMoves in and out of various positions to explore environment and get desired toysMaintains balance in sitting when throwing objectsClaps handsReleases objects into a container with a large openingUses thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objectsSensory MilestonesEnjoys listening to songsExplores toys with hands, fingers, and mouthCrawls to or away from objects baby sees in the distanceCommunication MilestonesMeaningfully uses “mama” or “dada”Responds to simple directions, e.g. “Come here”Produces long strings of gibberish (jargoning) in social communicationSays one or two wordsImitates speech soundsBabbling has sounds and rhythms of speechPays attention to where you are looking and pointingResponds to “no”Begins using hand movements to communicate wants and needs, e.g. reaches to be picked upFeeding MilestonesFinger feeds selfEating an increasing variety of foodBegins to use an open cupReady to try soft-cooked vegetables, soft fruits, and finger foods e.g. banana slices, cooked pastaMight be ready to start self feeding with utensilsEnjoys a greater variety of smells and tastes10-12 Month AbilitiesPlay and Social SkillsIs interested in interacting with others (such as peek a boo)Maintains eye contact with people during playful interactionsRaises hands to be picked upTurns head in response to name being calledPoints to objects of interest by 12 monthsEnjoys playing with toys of varied texturesEnjoys playing and banging musical toysEnjoys various types of movement, such as being gently swung in the air by parentsFrequently explores the environment when placed on floorEnjoys moving to get a desirable toyCoordinationMoves in and out of various positions (e.g. crawling, climbing,?cruising, and walking) to explore environment and get desired toysKeeps head forward when being pulled to sitting from lying on backIs able to pull self to standIs able to hold head upright while crawling by 11 monthsPrimarily crawls or walks to get desired objectsPuts weight through hands or feet when moving in and out of positions and while supported in standingIs able to sit unsupported and turn head to look at objects without losing balanceIs able to throw balls and maintain balanceUses both hands equally to play and explore toysIs able to clap handsEnjoys and seeks out various ways to move and playDaily ActivitiesUsually enjoys bath timeIs able to self calm in car rides when not tired or hungryIs usually able to tolerate diaper changing without cryingIs not fearful of tipping head back when moving from sitting to lying on backIs able to use fingertips to pick up small objects, such as small pieces of foodIs eating an increasing variety of foodCan usually participate in dressing without becoming upsetHas an established sleep scheduleIs usually able to calm self to fall asleepSelf-ExpressionIs comforted by cuddling and a parent’s touchHas grown accustomed to everyday sounds and is usually not startled by themIs generally happy when not hungry or tiredIs able to calm with experiences such as rocking, touch, and calm soundsIs able to enjoy a wide variety of touch, noise, and smellsCries and notices when hurtIs able to self soothe when upset10-12 Month Warning SignsMotorDifficulty getting to stand because of stiff legs and pointed toesOnly uses arms to pull up to standingSits with weight to one sideStrongly flexed or stiffly extended armsNeeds to use hands to maintain sitting positionPoor head control in upright positionSensoryBecomes fussy in response to movementExtreme reactions to touch or when exposed to new texturesCommunicationDoes not turn when someone calls their nameShows no recognition of familiar words such as “mama” “dada” “doggy”?FeedingDoes not use fingertips to pick up small objects of foodBaby rejects solid foods, preferring only milkBy their first birthday, typically babies:Sit without assistanceGet into hands-and-knees positionCrawlPull self up to standWalk holding onto furniture, and possibly a few steps without supportUse pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)Say “dada” and “mama”Use exclamations, such as “oh-oh!”Try to imitate wordsRespond to “no” and simple verbal requestsUse simple gestures, such as shaking head “no” and waving bye-byeExplore objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)Begin to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair)Find hidden objects easilyLook at correct picture when an image is namedBy their second birthday, typically children:Walk alonePull toys behind them while walkingCarry large toy or several toys while walkingBegin to runKick a ballClimb on and off furniture without helpWalk up and down stairs while holding on to supportScribble with crayonBuild tower of four blocks or moreRecognize names of familiar people, objects and body partsSay several single words (by 15 to 18 months)Use simple phrases (by 18 to 24 months)Use two- to four-word sentences (“want snack”)Follow simple instructionsBegin to sort objects by shapes and colorsBegin to play make-believeImitate behavior of othersShow growing independence ................

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