CPA Exam Cheatsheet - My Accounting Course

CPA Exam Cheatsheet



Hi, my name's Shaun. I'm just an average accountant like you. There's nothing special about me, but I did pass all four sections of the CPA exam on my first try. It's not because I'm super intelligent or anything. I just figured out a way to study that actually works. After buying a review course, I was a little lost on how to actually use it. The weird thing is the review companies don't tell you how to actually study. They just say, "here's the info. Now go pass the exam."

That's why I started developing my study strategies and tactics. I needed something that would ensure I understand and remember the information in my review course. These secret tactics worked for me on every section without fail. I don't want to say I developed the "correct" way to study, but if you are studying a different way, you will probably be one of the 50%+ of candidates who fail.

In this cheatsheet, I'll share with you 5 of tips that I came up with that helped me pass every section the first time. If you want to find out about the entire strategy that I developed to dominate the CPA exam, go to 6-month-cpa

Trust me. It's worth it. It's a cool feeling to walk into work and tell everyone you passed the first time. Let's get started.

CPA Exam Tip #1

Set a Date Now!

Don't fall into the trap of telling yourself that you are going to sign up for an exam date when you are ready to take it. Newsflash. If you do, you will never take it. I know because I did the same thing. I told myself that I would sign up to take AUD after I finished half of the review course. Guess what? After two months I never even cracked the book. I kept putting it off because I could. Believe in yourself and just set and exam date now. This will force you to buckle down and start studying. When you have a set deadline, you will force yourself to learn faster and be more productive. You can't just push studying off because the exam date is fixed.

How long should you study for each section?

It's in my method 6-month-cpa.

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CPA Exam Tip #2

Stay Focused!

This might sound like an obvious tip, but my people actually struggle with this. They study for hours and don't actually get anything accomplished. How many times have you watched a lecture for a half hour or read 10 pages in a text book and realized that you didn't comprehend anything that you just heard or read? This happens to everyone. We all zone out and start thinking about something else why we are studying. This is unproductive and can add tens of hours to your study time for each section. When you study, make sure you are actually studying. Stay focused.

Here's how I stay focused.


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CPA Exam Tip #3

Stick to a Schedule!

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are going to take a break on one day and get back to studying the next. It never works that way. One day always ends up becoming two days and two days always leads to three days. Before you know it, you haven't studying all week. When your exam date is set, you have to stick to a study schedule and be committed to seeing it through. Don't take random days off or get behind. It's too difficult to catch up down the road. Set a schedule and stick to it.

What's the perfect study schedule?

It's in my method 6-month-cpa.

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