Chapter 6: Drinking, Drugs, & Health

Chapter 6: Drinking, Drugs, & Health

Effects of Alcohol

Driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages means that a driver’s __________ and __________________ are impaired by alcohol.

After 2, 3, 4 drinks alcohol begins to impair _______________________, __________________, and _____________________.

Vision and the ability to judge distance is affected, making it more difficult to react and to drive safely.

The ONLY thing that can make a person sober is ____________.

How much is too much?

A breath test will show a motorists __________.


Determined by 4 factors:

1. 3.

2. 4.

The best way to reduce the risk of a crash cause by drinking and driving is not to ___________


Motorists 21+ cannot drive with a BAC over ________.

Motorists under 21 cannot driver with a BAC over ________.

BAC of _______ = 2x greater risk of motor vehicle accident

BAC of _______ = 6x greater risk of motor vehicle accident

BAC of _______ = 25x greater risk of motor vehicle accident

Amounts of Alcohol

Every drink contains about __________ of alcohol. It’s not what you drink, but how many drinks you have.

______ oz of 86 proof liquor = _______ oz beer = ______ oz glass of wine

Studies show most people arrested for drinking and driving had been drinking __________.

Signs of Drinking and Driving

_______________ - an intoxicated driver often thinks high speed driving is safe

_______________ - even though an intoxicated driver may stay in the correct lane, driving straight may be a problem

_______________ - an intoxicated driver may be overly cautious and drive slower than the normal traffic flow

_________________ - an intoxicated driver often may have short mental lapses and not keep a steady speed on a clear road

_______________ - an intoxicated driver may make sudden stops at a traffic sign or light, rather than easing up to it

Good Hosts

Never insist that a guest should drink alcoholic beverages or insist on refills.

Hosts may _________________________________ if a guest is involved in a drinking and driving collision after leaving a party.

Designated Driver

NJ is the first state to officially launch the Hero Campaign for Designated Drivers.

Encourages residents to participate in designated driver programs wherever they travel.

Drugs & Driving

Drugs that may affect basic driving skills include:





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