Students should know and be able to…

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | |No. | |Instruction | |

| | | | | |Woven Stone |

|1: Prewriting |Prewriting includes using | | |Discuss and diagram ideas and their | |

| |strategies to generate, plan, and |PO 1. |Generate ideas through a variety of activities|relationships regarding themes, |From Sand Creek |

| |organize ideas for specific | |(e.g., brainstorming, notes and logs, graphic |conflict, characters, social issues | |

| |purposes. | |organizers, record of writing ideas and |Chart purpose and audience |Guest speaker: Simon Ortiz |

| | | |discussion, printed material or other |Silent discussion to evolve controlling| |

| | | |sources). |ideas |Carlos Montezuma, M.D.: A Yavapai |

| | | | |Graph/outline application organization |American Hero |

| | | |Determine the purpose (e.g., to entertain, to |strategies | |

| | |PO 2. |inform, to communicate, to persuade, to |Maintaining writer’s notebooks and |Guest Speaker: Karen Day (from Ft. |

| | | |explain) of an intended writing piece. |writing territories |McDowell Yavapai Nation) |

| | | | |Write to timed prompt | |

| | | |Determine the intended audience of a writing | |The Way to Rainy Mountain |

| | | |piece. | | |

| | | | | |The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time|

| | |PO 3. |Establish a controlling idea | |Indian |

| | | |appropriate to the type of writing. | | |

| | | | | |Rising Voices |

| | |PO 4. |Use organizational strategies | | |

| | | |(e.g., outline, chart, table, graph, | |Guest speaker: Laura Tohe |

| | | |Venn Diagram, web, story map, | | |

| | | |plot pyramid) to plan writing. | |"The Names" |

| | |PO 5. | | | |

| | | |Maintain a record(e.g., lists, | |“Cat or Stomp" |

| | | |journals, folders, notebooks) of | | |

| | | |writing ideas. | |"Mennen Skin Bracer" |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use time management | |No Parole Today |

| | |PO 6. |strategies, when appropriate, to | | |

| | | |produce a writing product within | |Moccasin Thunder |

| | | |a set time period. | | |

| | | | | |Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist fight in |

| | |PO 7. | | |Heaven |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |“ Broken Arrows, Broken Heart” |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |“Birdfoot’s Grandpa” |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |“My Father’s Song” |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Guest Speakers: Don & Alleen Nilsen (ASU|

| | | | | |Dept. of English) |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 1: Writing Process

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|2: Drafting |Drafting incorporates prewriting |PO 1. |Use a prewriting plan to develop the main |Follow organization schema to organize | |

| |activities to create a first | |idea(s) with supporting details. |prewriting into first draft for | |

| |draft containing necessary | | |personal narrative | |

| |elements for a specific purpose. | | |Use peer responding groups to arrive at| |

| |. | |Sequence ideas into a cohesive, meaningful |6-trait analysis for revision | |

| | | |order. |______________________ | |

| |Revising includes evaluating and |PO 2. | |Model and guide revision strategies for| |

| |refining the rough draft for | | |ideas, organization, vice, word choice,| |

|3: Revising |clarity and effectiveness. (Ask: | |Evaluate the draft for use of ideas and |sentence fluency, and conventions in | |

| |Does this draft say what you want| |content, organization, voice, word choice, and|persuasive essay from “As Long as the | |

| |it to say?) |PO 1. |sentence fluency. (See Strand 2) |Grass Grows” Unit | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Add details to the draft to more effectively | | |

| | | |accomplish the purpose. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 2. |Delete irrelevant and/or redundant information| | |

| | | |from the draft to more effectively accomplish | | |

| | | |the purpose. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 3. |Rearrange words, sentences, and paragraphs in | | |

| | | |the draft in order to clarify the meaning or | | |

| | | |to enhance the writing style. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Add transitional words and phrases to the | | |

| | |PO 4. |draft in order to clarify meaning or enhance | | |

| | | |the writing style. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 5. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 1: Writing Process

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use a variety of sentence structures (i.e., | | |

|3: Revising |. |PO 6. |simple, compound, complex) to improve sentence| | |

|cont’d | | |fluency in the draft. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., | | |

| | | |peer review, checklists, rubrics) to refine | | |

| | | |the draft. | | |

| | |PO 7. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use resources and reference materials (e.g., | | |

| | | |thesaurus, dictionary) to select more | | |

| | | |effective and precise language. | | |

| | |PO 8. | | | |

| | | |Identify punctuation, spelling, and grammar | | |

| | | |and usage errors in the draft. (See Strand 2)|Implement proofing strategies on | |

|4: Editing | | | |various applications (i.e., backwards | |

| |Editing includes proofreading and| | |reading, and peer editing) | |

| |correcting the draft for |PO 1. | | | |

| |conventions. | |Use resources (e.g., dictionary, word lists, | | |

| | | |spelling/grammar checkers) to correct | | |

| | | |conventions. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 2. |Apply proofreading marks to indicate errors in| | |

| | | |conventions. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Apply appropriate tools or strategies (e.g., | | |

| | |PO 3. |peer review, checklists, rubrics) to edit the | | |

| | | |draft. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 4. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 1: Writing Process

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|5: Publishing |Publishing involves formatting |PO 1. |Prepare writing that follows a format |Develop Native American web resources | |

| |and presenting a final product | |appropriate for the purpose (e.g., for |with on line publishing | |

| |for the intended audience. | |display, sharing with others, submitting to a | | |

| | | |publication). | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Include such techniques as principles of |Research appropriate publication venues| |

| | | |design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing, columns)|with a variety of Native and non-Native| |

| | |PO 2. |and graphics (e.g., drawings, charts, graphs),|audiences (reader-centered text) | |

| | | |when applicable, to enhance the final product.| | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Write legibly. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 3 | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 1: Writing Process

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

| |Writing is clear and focused, | |Maintain a clear, narrow focus to support the | | |

|1: Ideas and Content |holding the reader’s attention |PO 1. |topic. | | |

| |throughout. Main ideas stand out | | | | |

| |and are developed by strong | | | | |

| |support and rich details. Purpose| | | | |

| |is accomplished. | | | | |

| | |PO 2. |Write with an identifiable purpose and for a | | |

| | | |specific audience. | | |

| | | | |Peer response approaches: Shoulder to | |

| | | |Provide sufficient, relevant, and carefully |Shoulder, PQP, peer conferencing | |

| | |PO 3. |selected details for support. | | |

| | | | |Revising activities: | |

| | | | |List the details | |

| | | |Demonstrate a thorough, balanced explanation |Sensory imagery | |

| | | |of the topic. | | |

| | |PO 4. | |P.O.V activity: Who am I? | |

| | | |Include ideas and details that show original | | |

| | | |perspective and insights. | | |

| |Organization addresses the | | | | |

|2: Organization |structure of the writing and |PO 5. | | | |

| |integrates the central meaning | | | | |

| |and patterns that hold the piece | |Use a structure that fits the type of writing | | |

| |together. | |(e.g., letter format, narrative, play, essay).| | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Include a strong beginning or introduction | | |

| | |PO 1. |that draws in the reader. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Place details appropriately to support the | | |

| | | |main idea. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 2. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 3. | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

| |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

|Concept | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|2: Organization | |PO 4. |Use effective transitions among all elements |Peer response activity; Graph the | |

|Cont’d |. | |(sentences, paragraphs, and ideas). |transitions | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Employ a variety of paragraphing strategies | | |

| | |PO 5 |(e.g., topical, chronological, spatial) |Paragraphing activity: Which paragraph | |

| | | |appropriate to application and purpose. |works? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Create an ending that provides a sense of | | |

| | | |resolution or closure. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 6 |Show awareness of the audience through word |Plot construction activity: | |

| | | |choice, style, and an appropriate connection |Is the story over? | |

| | | |with, or distance from, the audience. | | |

|3: Voice | | | | | |

| |Voice will vary according to the |PO 1. |Convey a sense of identity through | | |

| |type of piece, but should be | |originality, sincerity, liveliness, or humor | | |

| |appropriately formal or casual, | |appropriate to topic and type of writing. |POV activity: Changing points of view | |

| |distant or personal, depending on| | | | |

| |the audience and purpose. | |Choose appropriate voice (e.g., formal, | | |

| | | |informal, academic discourse) for the | | |

| | |PO 2. |application. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use engaging and expressive language that | | |

| | | |shows a commitment to the topic. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 3. |Use language appropriate to purpose, topic, | | |

| | | |and audience. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 4. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 5. | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|4: Word Choice |Word choice reflects the writer’s|PO 1. |Use accurate, specific, powerful words and | | |

| |use of specific words and phrases| |phrases that effectively convey the intended |Tired words, precise words, dress it | |

| |to convey the intended message | |message. |up-dress it down, forms of be vs. | |

| |and employs a variety of words | | |action verbs, words used in fresh and | |

| |that are functional and | |Use vocabulary that is original, varied, and |unusual ways | |

| |appropriate to the audience and | |natural. | | |

| |purpose. |PO 2. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use words that evoke clear images. | | |

| | |PO 3. | | | |

| | | |Use literal and figurative language | | |

| | | |intentionally when appropriate. | | |

| | | |(See R09-S2C1-02, R10-S2C1-02, R11-S2C1-02, | | |

| | |PO 4. |R12-S2C1-02) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use clichés only when appropriate to purpose. | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Fluency addresses the rhythm and | | | | |

| |flow of language. Sentences are | | |Super sentences | |

| |strong and varied in structure | |Use a variety of sentence structures (simple, | | |

|5: Sentence Fluency |and length. |PO 5. |compound, complex, and compound-complex) and | | |

| | | |lengths to reinforce relationships among ideas| | |

| | | |and to enhance the flow of the writing. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Show extensive variation in sentence | | |

| | |PO 1. |beginnings, lengths, and patterns to enhance | | |

| | | |the flow of the writing. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 2. | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 3. |Demonstrate a flow that is natural and | | |

|5: Sentence Fluency |. | |powerful when read aloud. | | |

|Cont’d | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use capitals correctly for: |What’s the noun: | |

|6: Conventions |Conventions addresses the | |proper nouns: |Proper noun activity | |

| |mechanics of writing, including |PO 1. |holidays | | |

| |capitalization, punctuation, | |place/regional names | | |

| |spelling, grammar and usage, and | |languages |MLA format: | |

| |paragraph breaks. | |historical events |Citing source internally | |

| | | |organizations |Works Cited page | |

| | | |academic courses (e.g., algebra/Algebra I) | | |

| | | |product names | | |

| | | |words used as names (e.g., Grandpa, Aunt Lyn)|Evaluating and citing Internet sources | |

| | | |literary titles (book, story, poem, play, | | |

| | | |song) |Pronoun/antecedent agreement | |

| | | |titles | | |

| | | |abbreviations |Maintaining verb tense | |

| | | |proper adjectives (e.g., German shepherd, | | |

| | | |Chinese restaurant) |Active voice/passive voice | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Avoiding forms of BE as main | |

| | | | |verbs/Action verbs | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use commas to correctly punctuate: |(preparing for university writing): | |

|6: Conventions |. |PO 2. |items in a series |Maintaining ethos through consistent | |

|Cont’d | | |greetings and closings of letters |attention to conversions | |

| | | |introductory words, phrases and clauses | | |

| | | |direct address | | |

| | | |interruptors | | |

| | | |compound sentences | | |

| | | |appositives | | |

| | | |dialogue | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use quotation marks to punctuate: | | |

| | | |dialogue | | |

| | | |titles | | |

| | | |exact words from sources | | |

| | |PO 3. | | | |

| | | |Use underlining or italics to correctly | | |

| | | |identify titles and vessels (e.g., ships, | | |

| | | |spacecrafts, planes, trains). | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 4. | | | |

| | | |Use colons to punctuate business letter | | |

| | | |salutations and sentences introducing lists. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use semicolons to punctuate compound and | | |

| | | |compound-complex sentences when appropriate. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 5. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 6. | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|6: Conventions | | |Use apostrophes to punctuate: | | |

|Cont’d |. |PO 7. |contractions | | |

| | | |singular possessives | | |

| | | |plural possessives | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use hyphens, dashes, parentheses, ellipses, | | |

| | |PO 8. |and brackets correctly. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Spell words correctly. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 9. |Use paragraph breaks to reinforce the | | |

| | | |organizational structure, including dialogue. | | |

| | |PO 10. | | | |

| | | |Demonstrate control of grammar and usage in | | |

| | | |writing: | | |

| | | |parts of speech | | |

| | |PO 11. |verb forms and tenses | | |

| | | |subject/verb agreement | | |

| | | |pronoun/antecedent agreement | | |

| | | |parallel structure | | |

| | | |comparative and superlative degrees of | | |

| | | |adjectives | | |

| | | |modifier placement | | |

| | | |homonyms | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Use appropriate format, according to type of | | |

| | | |writing, to cite sources (e.g., Chicago, APA, | | |

| | | |MLA, UPI, any other recognized style manual). | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PO 12. | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 2: Writing Elements

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| |Expressive writing includes | |Write in a variety of expressive forms (e.g., | | |

|1: Expressive |personal narratives, stories, |PO 1. |poetry, fiction, autobiography, narrative, |Personal narrative: | |

| |poetry, songs, and dramatic | |and/or drama) that: |“What it Means to be Me” | |

| |pieces. Writing may be based on | |use voice and style | | |

| |real or imagined events. | |appropriate to audience and purpose |Story board techniques | |

| | | |organize ideas in | | |

| | | |writing to ensure coherence, logical | | |

| | | |progression, and support | | |

| | | |employ literary devices | | |

| | | |(e.g., irony, conceit, flashback, | | |

| | | |foreshadowing, symbolism, allusion) to enhance | | |

| | | |style and voice | | |

| | | |Example: After reading from Geoffrey Chaucer’s| | |

| | | |The Canterbury Tales, write your own version of| | |

| | | |a traveler’s tale. | | |

| |Expository writing includes | |Write a multi-paragraph essay (e.g., analysis, | | |

| |non-fiction writing that | |deduction/ induction, problem/solution, | | |

| |describes, explains, or | |extended definition) that: | | |

|2: Expository |summarizes ideas and content. The|PO 1. |includes background | | |

| |writing supports a thesis based | |information to set up the thesis (hypothesis, | | |

| |on research, observation, and/or | |essential question), as appropriate |Compare and contrast the roles of | |

| |experience. | |states a thesis |Native Americans today and 100 years | |

| | | |(hypothesis, essential question) with a narrow |ago. | |

| | | |focus | | |

| | | |includes evidence in |Research Sherman Alexie’s life and | |

| | | |support of a thesis (hypothesis, essential |demonstrate how elements of his | |

| | | |question) in the form of details, facts, |experiences and beliefs show up in The | |

| | | |examples, or reasons |Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time | |

| | | | |Indian | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Create a student newspaper based on the| |

| | | | |poems and narratives from Rising | |

| | | | |Voices. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Write a summary of the Native American | |

| | | | |mascot | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Writing Applications

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|2: Expository | | |communicates |Debate after reading newspaper and | |

|Cont’d | | |information and ideas from primary and/or |magazine articles about the issue. | |

| | | |secondary sources accurately and coherently, | | |

| | | |as appropriate | | |

| | | |attributes sources of | | |

| | | |information as appropriate | | |

| | | |includes a topic | | |

| | | |sentence for each body paragraph | | |

| | | |includes relevant | | |

| | | |factors and variables that need to be | | |

| | | |considered | | |

| | | |includes visual aids to | | |

| | | |organize and record information on charts, | | |

| | | |data tables, maps and graphs, as appropriate | | |

| | | |includes an effective | | |

| | | |conclusion | | |

| | | |Example: Compose an essay explaining how your | | |

| | | |school’s service learning program has | | |

| | | |identified and addressed a community problem. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Write a work-related document (e.g., resume, |Inquiry letters, emails, etc. to | |

|3: Functional |Functional writing provides specific | |application essay) that: |possible publication venues | |

| |directions or information related to | |presents information | | |

| |real-world tasks. This includes |PO 1. |purposefully and succinctly to meet the needs |Write a persuasive letter to the school| |

| |letters, memos, schedules, | |of the intended audience |principal about a current issue that | |

| |directories, signs, manuals, forms, | |follows a conventional |Native Americans face today. | |

| |recipes, and technical pieces for | |format | | |

| |specific content areas. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Writing Applications

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|3: Functional | | |Example: Write a resume outlining job | | |

|Cont’d | | |experience, extra-curricular activities and | | |

| | | |other skills, formatted for the intended | | |

| | | |audience. (See R12-S3C2) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Write a persuasive composition (e.g. speech, |Model and execute definitional argument| |

|4: Persuasive |Persuasive writing is used for the | |editorial, letter to the editor, public |paper strategy: | |

| |purpose of influencing the reader. |PO 1. |service announcement) that: |A. Pre-existing definitions | |

| |The author presents an issue and | |states a position or |B. Create new definitions | |

| |expresses an opinion in order to | |claim |C. Evaluate definition | |

| |convince an audience to agree with | |presents detailed |evolution | |

| |the opinion or to take a particular | |evidence, examples, and reasoning to support | | |

| |action. | |effective arguments and emotional appeals |Write a persuasive essay supporting or | |

| | | |attributes sources of |refuting a governmental decision that | |

| | | |information when appropriate |affected the Native Americans after | |

| | | |structures ideas |watching Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.| |

| | | |acknowledges and | | |

| | | |refutes opposing arguments |Write and ad campaign in support of a | |

| | | |Example: Write a public service announcement |current Native American issue. | |

| | | |persuading citizens to vote. (See R12-S3C3) | | |

| |Literary response is the writer’s | | |Literacy letters | |

| |reaction to a literary selection. The| |Write literary analyses that: | | |

| |response includes the writer’s | |evaluates the author’s | | |

|5: Literary Response |interpretation, analysis, opinion, | |use of literary elements (i.e., theme, point | | |

| |and/or feelings about the piece of |PO 1 |of view, characterization, setting, plot) | | |

| |literature. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Writing Applications

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|5: Literary Response | | |interprets figurative | | |

|Cont’d | | |language (i.e., personification, hyperbole, | | |

| | | |symbolism, allusion, imagery, extended | | |

| | | |metaphor/conceit, and allegory) with emphasis upon| | |

| | | |how the writer uses language to evoke readers’ | | |

| | | |emotions | | |

| | | |explains how meaning is | | |

| | | |enhanced through various features of poetry, | | |

| | | |including sound (e.g., rhythm, repetition, | | |

| | | |alliteration, consonance, assonance), structure | | |

| | | |(e.g., meter, rhyme scheme), graphic elements | | |

| | | |(e.g., line length, punctuation, word position) | | |

| | | |d. analyzes a writer’s word choice and imagery as | | |

| | | |a means to appeal to the reader's senses and to | | |

| | | |set the tone, providing evidence from the text to | | |

| | | |support the analysis | | |

| | | |e. describes the function of dialogue, scene | | |

| | | |design, soliloquies, asides, and/or character | | |

| | | |foils in dramatic literature | | |

| | | |f. compares literary texts that express a | | |

| | | |universal theme, providing textual evidence (e.g.,| | |

| | | |examples, details, quotations) as support for the | | |

| | | |identified theme | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Writing Applications

Students should know and be able to…

| | | | | | |

|Concept |Objective |PO No. |Performance Objective |Suggested Activities/ |Text/Materials/Resources |

| | | | |Instruction | |

| | | | | | |

|5: Literary Response | | |g. analyzes characteristics of subgenres (e.g., | | |

|Cont’d | | |satire, parody, allegory) that overlap or cut | | |

| | | |across the lines of genre classifications such as | | |

| | | |poetry, novel, drama, short story, essay or | | |

| | | |editorial | | |

| | | |Example: Write an essay comparing and contrasting| | |

| | | |the realities of war as presented in “Dulce Et | | |

| | | |Decorum Est ” by Wilfred Owen and All Quiet on the| | |

| | | |Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. | | |

| | | |(See R12-S2C1) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Write a research product that: | | |

|6: Research | | |incorporates evidence in | | |

| |Research writing is a process in | |support of a thesis or claim |Cyber literacy: | |

| |which the writer identifies a |PO 1 |integrates information and |Mini research paper, | |

| |topic or question to be answered.| |ideas from multiple primary and secondary sources |researched online on | |

| |The writer locates and evaluates | |makes distinctions |topic generated from | |

| |information about the topic or | |between the relative value and significance of |Rising Voices – Emphasis | |

| |question, and then organizes, | |specific data, facts, and ideas |on cyber sources | |

| |summarizes, and synthesizes the | |includes visual aids to | | |

| |information into a finished | |organize and record information on charts, data | | |

| |product. | |tables, maps and graphs, as appropriate | | |

| | | |integrates direct quotes | | |

| | | |uses internal citations | | |

| | | |includes a works cited, | | |

| | | |bibliography, or reference page | | |

| | | |Example: Write a research report about inventions| | |

| | | |that were first mentioned in science fiction | | |

| | | |novels or movies and later became a scientific | | |

| | | |reality. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Italics denotes a repetition of a performance objective (learned in an earlier grade) that is to be applied to more complex writing activities.

Arizona Academic Content Standards: Writing Standard Articulated by Grade Level Strand 3: Writing Applications


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