Section 1 Character Abilities

Character Information SheetTABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \n \h \z \u Section 1 Character AbilitiesSection 2 Combat StatsSection 3 WeaponsWeapon AttacksWeapon RangesSection 4 Skills ListSection 5 Spells and Combat AbilitiesSpell or Ability NameSection 6 Character FeaturesFeature NameSection 7 InventoryArmour.Weapons.Potions.Treasure.Kits & Tools.Items.Section 8 ProficienciesSection 9 Character Information ListSection 10 Character BackgroundPersonality TraitsIdealsBondsFlawsCharacter AppearanceCharacter BackstorySection 1 Character AbilitiesStrength.Base16.Modifier3.Save5.Dexterity.Base14.Modifier2.Save2.Constitution.Base16.Modifier3.Save5.Intelligence.Base10.Modifier0.Save0.Wisdom.Base11.Modifier0.Save0.Charisma.Base10.Modifier0.Save0.Section 2 Combat StatsInitiative.2.Hit Points.13.Hit Dice1 D10.Armor Class.14 (16 with Shield).Speed.30.Passive Perception12.Section 3 WeaponsWeapon AttacksDagger.Hit Modifier 5.Damage: 1 D4 +3 Piercing.Hand-Axe.Hit Modifier 5.Damage: 1 D6 +3 Slashing.Long-Bow.Hit Modifier 4.Damage: 1 D8 +2 Piercing.Long-Sword (One Handed).Hit Modifier 5.Damage: 1 D8 +3 Slashing.Long-Sword (Two Handed).Hit Modifier 5.Damage: 1 D10 +3 Slashing.Weapon RangesDagger, 5 feet. Dagger (Thrown), 20 to 60 feet. Hand-Axe, 5 feet. Hand-Axe (Thrown), 20 to 60 feet. Long-Bow, 150 to 600 feet. Long-Sword, 5 feet. Section 4 Skills ListAcrobatics4Animal Handling0Arcana0Athletics5Deception0History0Insight0Intimidation2Investigation0Medicine0Nature0Perception2Performance0Persuasion0Religion0Sleight of Hand2Stealth2Survival0Section 5 Spells and Combat AbilitiesSecond WindYou have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.Section 6 Character FeaturesFighting Style: DefenseYou gain a +1 to your armor class when you are wearing armor. Section 7 InventoryArmour.Leather, Shield. Weapons.Dagger, Hand-Ax, Long-Bow, Long-Sword. Potions.None. Treasure.10 Gold Pieces. Kits & Tools.Playing Card Set. Items.Backpack, Crowbar, Hammer, 10 Pitons, 10 Torches, Tinderbox, 10 days of rations, Waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope. Section 8 ProficienciesSimple Weapons, Martial Weapons, All Armor, Shields, Playing Cards, Land Vehicles. Section 9 Character Information ListPlayer Name: Player Character Name: FighterRace: HumanClass: FighterBackground: SoldierAge: UnknownHeight: 6 feet tallAlignment: Lawful NeutralLanguages: Common, Elvish. Section 10 Character BackgroundPersonality TraitsI am always polite and respectful.IdealsGreater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. BondsI would still lay down my life for the people I served with. FlawsI obey the law, even if the law causes misery.Character AppearanceCharacter appearance description. Character BackstoryCharacter Backstory description. END OF DOCUMENT ................

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