Six Traits Writing Rubric

| |6 |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |Exemplary |Strong |Proficient |Developing |Emerging |Beginning |

|Ideas & Content |•   Exceptionally clear, |•   Clear, focused, |•   Evident main idea |•   Main idea may be |•   Purpose and main |•   Lacks central idea;|

|(  main theme |focused, engaging with |interesting ideas with |with some support which|cloudy because |idea may be unclear and|development is minimal |

|(  supporting details |relevant, strong |appropriate detail |may be general or |supporting detail is |cluttered by irrelevant|or non-existent |

| |supporting detail | |limited |too general or even |detail | |

| | | | |off-topic | | |

|Organization |•   Effectively organized |•   Strong order and |•   Organization is |•   Attempts at |•   Lack of structure; |•   Lack of coherence; |

|(  structure |in logical and creative |structure |appropriate, but |organization; may be a |disorganized and hard |confusing |

|( introduction |manner |•   Inviting intro and |conventional |“list” of events |to follow |•   No identifiable |

|(  conclusion |•   Creative and engaging |satisfying closure |•   Attempt at |•   Beginning and |•   Missing or weak |introduction or |

| |intro and conclusion | |introduction and |ending not developed |intro and conclusion |conclusion |

| | | |conclusion | | | |

|Voice |•   Expressive, engaging, |•   Appropriate to |•   Evident commitment |•   Voice may be |•   Writing tends to be|•   Writing is lifeless|

|( personality |sincere |audience and purpose |to topic |inappropriate or |flat or stiff |•  No hint of the |

|( sense of audience |•   Strong sense of |•  Writer behind the |•  Inconsistent or dull|non-existent |•  Little or no hint of|writer |

| |audience |words comes through |personality |•  Writing may seem |writer behind words | |

| |•   Shows emotion: humour,| | |mechanical | | |

| |honesty, suspense or life | | | | | |

|Word Choice |•   Precise, carefully |•   Descriptive, broad |•   Language is |•   Words may be |•   Monotonous, often |•   Limited range of |

|( precision |chosen |range of words |functional and |correct but mundane |repetitious, sometimes |words |

|(effectiveness |•  Strong, fresh, vivid |•  Word choice |appropriate |•  No attempt at |inappropriate |•  Some vocabulary |

|(  imagery |images |energizes writing |•  Descriptions may be |deliberate choice | |misused |

| | | |overdone at times | | | |

|Sentence Fluency |•   High degree of |•   Easy flow and |•   Generally in |•   Some awkward |•   Often choppy |•   Difficult to follow|

|( rhythm, flow |craftsmanship |rhythm |control |constructions |•  Monotonous sentence |or read aloud |

|(variety |•  Effective variation in |•  Good variety in |•  Lack variety in |•  Many similar |patterns |•  Disjointed, |

| |sentence patterns |length and structure |length and structure |patterns and beginnings|•  Frequent run-on |confusing, rambling |

| | | | | |sentences | |

|Conventions |•   Exceptionally strong |•   Strong control of |•   Control of most |•   Limited control of |•   Frequent |•   Numerous errors |

|(age appropriate, |control of standard |conventions; errors are|writing conventions; |conventions; frequent |significant errors may |distract the reader and|

|spelling, caps, |conventions of writing |few and minor |occasional errors with |errors do not interfere|impede readability |make the text difficult|

|punctuation, grammar | | |high risks |with understanding | |to read |


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