Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map

Grade: 9th grade Subject: English

|Quarters |Essential Questions |Content |Skills |Assessments |Standards |

|1 |How do I study? |Study Skills |1. Know how to prepare for various |1. Guided test taking worksheet: multiple| |

| |How can I prepare for tests better? | |types of test questions |choice strategies, T/F strategies, and | |

| |How can I take notes more |Tests | |reading comprehension strategies. | |

| |efficiently? |Notes |2. demonstrate various note taking |2. Purdue notes style activity | |

| | | |strategies |2. Notetaking of another class activity | |

| | | | | | |

|1 |Why do I write? |Writing |1. Explore reasons for writing and |1. Grounding your writing activity | |

| |How do I write? | |identify qualities of good writing. |1. Whole year scrapbook which displays | |

| |What are the qualities of good |Intro 6 writing traits | |their writing about places, themselves, | |

| |writing? |Content and Voice deep | |friends, activities, and show development | |

| |How can I become a better writer? |Prepare for state writing test | |of drafts | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |2. Matching definition with trait quiz | |

| | | |2. Define each of the 6 + 1 writing | | |

| | | |traits |3. Content and Voice activity worksheets | |

| | | | |and create definitions | |

| | | |3. Identify and label Content and | | |

| | | |Voice traits |3. Portfolio of examples of Content and | |

| | | | |Voice finds | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |4. Two examples of each of the following: | |

| | | | |expository, descriptive, argumentative, or| |

| | | | |narrative writing (one on connection of | |

| | | |4. Use the 5 step writing process |literature) edited for voice and content | |

| | | | |only | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |4. Essays will reflect use of drafts and | |

| | | | |editing | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |5. Peer edit feedback and teacher | |

| | | | |feedback | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |5. Write two timed essays in |1-5. State Writing Assessment | |

| | | |preparation for state writing | | |

| | | |assessment | | |

|1 |Why do you read? | Literature |1. Identify reading strategies: |1. Reading strategies worksheet | |

| |Why should you read fiction? | |predict, visualize, connect, question,|1. Traditional test section on | |

| |Does your life connect to literature?|Conflict, Crisis, Surprise, Suspense |clarify and evaluate |identifying definitions of reading | |

| |Was Poe a mental maniac or a normal |Poe Unit | |strategies | |

| |human being? | | |1. Teacher-led read alouds and modeling | |

| |Is conflict, crisis, surprise, and | | |of strategies with discussion using | |

| |suspense in your life? | | |teacher selected literature | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |2. Unit on Conflict, Crisis, Surprise, | |

| | | |2. Connect literature to life using |and Suspense: Poe, Cisneros, 3 short story| |

| | | |past experience: text to self, text to|selections from FORMS book, 3 poems | |

| | | |text, text to author, text to world |Angelou or Dickinson, teacher’s choice, 2 | |

| | | | |students choices. | |

| | | | |2. Double-sided entry writers’ notebook | |

| | | | |for reflection and feedback | |

| | | | |2. Project using MovieMaker or powerpoint| |

| | | | |to connect own life with readings | |

| | | | |2. Writings about readings section of | |

| | | | |freshmen scrapbook project | |

| | | | |2. Essay of connection. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |3. Tell-Tale Heart, The Pit and the | |

| | | | |Pendulum, The Black Cat, The Raven, and | |

| | | | |The Bells comprehension test. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |3. Poe Biography Quiz | |

| | | |3. Complete author study of Edgar | | |

| | | |Allen Poe and his writings and movie |3. Poe Movie (assessment)? | |

| | | |of his writings | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |4. Vocab portion of unit test | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |4. Identify vocabulary from reading | | |

| | | |selections | | |

| | | | | | |

|1 |What errors am I making in structure | Language |1. Identify and solve their own |1. Pre-test that establishes weaknesses | |

| |and mechanics in writing? | |writing problems |in language: parts of speech, usage, | |

| | |Pre-test problem areas | |agreement, punctuation, phrases, confused | |

| |How do I correct my language errors? | |1. Demonstrate mastery of grammar |words, run-ons, fragments, etc. | |

| | | |rules and mechanics | | |

| | | | |1. Mini-lessons as needed on language | |

| | | | |problems as indicated in their writing. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |1. Worksheets per individual on his/her | |

| | | | |specific problems. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |1. On-line grammar exercises, immediate | |

| | | | |feedback and grading | |

|Quarter |Essential Questions |Content |Skills |Assessments |Standards |

|2 |How can I read faster? |Study Skills |1. Demonstrate reading rate strategies|1. On-line assessment of reading rate | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Reading Rate |2. Define reading rate strategies |2. Reading rate strategies section of | |

| | | | |traditional test | |

| | | |3. Increase reading rate | | |

| | | | |3. Software reading rate testing and | |

| | | | |improvement | |

|2 |What are the modes of writing? |Writing |1. Identify the four modes of |1. Identify and label published authors’ | |

| |How do I make my writing more fluent?| |writing: narrative, descriptive, |papers by modes. | |

| |How can I chose better words for my |Four modes |expository, and persuasive. | | |

| |writing? |Fluency, Word Choice, Organization | | | |

| |How do I organize my writing? |Traits |2. Illustrate the fluency, | | |

| |Why are mechanics important? |Characterization |organization trait in their own |2. S.O.S. worksheet for length of | |

| |How do I create characters in my | |writings |sentence and varying sentence beginnings. | |

| |stories? | | | | |

| | | |3. Integrate better word choices, |3. Better words worksheet | |

| | | |precise and descriptive, in their own | | |

| | | |writing. Word Choice Trait |2-3. Fluency and word choice will be | |

| | | | |assessed in 2 essays, one is a narrative | |

| | | | |piece based on short story unit. The | |

| | | | |other is the young author’s project using | |

| | | | |their prompt. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |4. Recognize quality writing and be |4. Evaluation of students’ writing | |

| | | |able to evaluate using the 6 writing |(anonymous) using the rubric. “Becoming a| |

| | | |traits rubric. |writer.” | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |5. Create characters and develop | | |

| | | |them. |5. Creating Characters: using old purses,| |

| | | | |hats and shoes activity. | |

| | | |6. Create dialogue using characters |6. Role Play written dialogue between two| |

| | | |(partners) |developed characters (rubric created with | |

| | | | |help from the students) | |

|2 |What is the value of short stories? |Literature |1. Identify and label short story |1. Label elements in stories using the | |

| |What are the parts of a short story? | |elements; plot, setting, |FORMS book. Reformed Reformation, To | |

| |How do I develop my own short story? |Short Story Unit |characterization, rising action, |Start a Fire, There Will Come Soft Rain, | |

| | |Literature Roles |falling action, climax, conflict, |etc. | |

| | |Fishbowl Act. |resolution. |1. Short Story Elements in final test. | |

| | | | |2. Vocab sections and discussion | |

| | | | |questions at end of each writing. | |

| | | |2. Read and analyze short story unit |2. Oral, informal discussion of | |

| | | |in Forms book. |literature. | |

| | | | |3. Literature Circle Evaluations: peer | |

| | | | |points | |

| | | | |1-3: Short Story Test (traditional) | |

| | | |3. Complete Literature Roles: | | |

| | | |Discussion Director, Passage Master, | | |

| | | |Illustrator, Connector, Researcher. | | |

|2 |How do I keep from changing verb |Language |1. Use consistent use of verb tense |1. Mini-lesson on verb tense. | |

| |tenses? | | |1. Writing essays evaluations. | |

| | |Verb tenses |2. Display good parallel structure | | |

| |How do I use parallel structure? |outlining |when outlining. |2. Inspiration software outlining | |

| | | | |activity. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |1-2. On-line, immediate feedback, grammar| |

| | | | |exercises. | |

|3 |How am I smart? |Study Skills |1. Identify his/her own learning |1. Workbook “Becoming a Master Student” | |

| |How can I use my intelligence to help| |styles (multiple intelligences) and |multiple intelligences inventory quiz | |

| |me in life? |Multiple Intelligences |how to apply them. | | |

| | | | |1. Powerpoint identifying personal | |

| | | | |intelligences, the activities that fall | |

| | | | |within that category, and ways to develop | |

| | | | |that intelligence. | |

|3 |How do I create characters in my |Writing |1. Create short story using developed|1. Short story piece evaluated using a | |

| |writing? | |characters from last quarter. |narrative rubric | |

| |How do I write a story? |Characterization |2. Create an alternative ending to a | | |

| |Why do I like/hate certain characters|Ending to Story |short story. |2. Written narrative piece evaluated with| |

| |in movies, books, life? |Poetry | |6 writing traits. | |

| |How do I evaluate someone else’s | |3. Write poetry/narration for | | |

| |work? | |scrapbook. Prompts. |3. Scrapbook final copies. | |

| |How do I write poetry? | | |3. Credit for first draft completed on | |

| | | | |time. | |

| | | | |3. Evaluation of poetry using poetry | |

| | | |4. Peer edit scrapbook drafts. |rubric. | |

| | | | |4. Peer editing points, using evaluation | |

| | | | |criteria. | |

|3 |Why should I read poetry? |Literature |1. Appreciate quality poetry. |1. Song interpretation activity. | |

| |What is quality poetry? | |2. Define various types of poetry. | | |

| |How do poets write such beautiful |Poetry Unit |3. Recognize and label literary |2. Poetry webquest. | |

| |poems? |Literary Devices |devices used in published poetry. | | |

| |How can I write my own life | |4. Apply literary devices to their |3. Quality poetry worksheet. | |

| |experiences in poem form? | |own poetry. |3. Literary devices quizzes (3). | |

| |What literary devices do poets use? | | | | |

| | | |5. Analyze published poetry: Frost, |4. Write various poetry isolating each | |

| | | |Angelou, Dickinson, Whitman, Poe, |literary device (poetry webquest). | |

| | | |Sandburg. |5. Discussion questions regarding poetry.| |

| | | | |5. Fishbowl activity. | |

| | | | |5. Write poems in the same style as | |

| | | | |poets. | |

|3 |How do I use parallel structure in |Language |1. Construct poetry using creative |1. Evaluation of poetry pieces | |

| |poetry? | |treatment in language. | | |

| |How do I use word choice in poetry? |Narratives |2. Developing unique word choice in | | |

| |How do I use creative treatments in |Poetry concerns |poetry. |2. Unique combinations worksheet. | |

| |punctuation and style with poetry? | |3. Recognize parallel structure in |3. MLK activity | |

| |How do I use transitions in narrative| |Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream | | |

| |writing? | |Speech | | |

| | | |4. Connect one idea to another in | | |

| | | |narrative organization |4. Transition activity. | |

| | | | |4. Narrative evaluation. | |

|4 |How do I manage my time better? |Study Skills |1. Identify goals. |1. Journal time spent for one week and | |

| |What are my biggest time wasters? | | |evaluate. | |

| | |Time management |2. Identify time-wasters. |2. Time wasters activity. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |3. Create a plan for reaching goals |3. Goal planner activity. | |

| | | |and changing a negative behavior. | | |

| | | | |“Becoming a Master Student” workbook | |

|4 |How do I record my life experiences? |Writing |1. Write in various genres, (letters,|1. Scrapbook evaluation | |

| |How do I use writing to increase my | |poetry, songs, narratives, | | |

| |reading comprehension? |Finish up scrapbook |descriptions, etc). | | |

| |How do I use writing to connect |Book Clubs |2. Write to respond to literature. | | |

| |literature to my own life? | |3. Write for multimedia purposes |2. Connection writings in literature | |

| |How do I write for multimedia | |(presentations). |circle roles | |

| |presentations? | | |3. Book Club Presentation | |

|4 |What is a book club? |Literature |1. Conduct and organize book clubs |1. Observation of small group book club | |

| |How can I enjoy a book with my peers?| |2. Discuss content, plot, motivation,|meetings | |

| |What value does reading fiction have |Book Clubs |etc of fiction |2. Fishbowl activity. | |

| |in my life? |Lord of the Flies |3. Evaluate peers preparedness and | | |

| |How do an author’s experiences affect|Animal Farm |discussion skills. |3. Book Club Peer Evaluation Form | |

| |his/her writing? |Silas Marner |4. Demonstrate understanding of | | |

| | |Great Expectations |story. |4. Comprehension quiz | |

| | |The Giver (SPED) |5. Create presentation to involve | | |

| | | |classmates, use technology, and |5. Proposal form created by student and | |

| | | |connect to book. |teacher to evaluate their presentations. | |

|4 |Why are mechanics important? |Language |1. Use mechanics correctly. |1. Blue English book, Houghton Mifflin | |

| | | | |Grammar Reviews. | |

| | |Review Mechanics | |1. On-line grammar reviews | |

| | |Run On Sentences | |1. Personal writing conferences | |

| | |Fragments | | | |

| | |Punctuation | | | |

| | |Capitalization | | | |

| | |Numbers | | | |

| | |Often Confused Words | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Depends on their trouble spots | | | |

| | |(individualize) | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |



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