(Persuasive: Business Letter)

(July 2007)

Unit Statement: The student will write a business letter expressing an opinion and prepare an envelope in which to send the letter. The letter will include adjectives and use proper subject-verb agreement. Evidence of the writing process and use of “6+1 Traits of Writing” in preparing this persuasive letter will be demonstrated. The ideas and conventions traits will be the focus of this unit.

Trait focus: Ideas & Conventions

Grammar focus: Adjectives & Subject-Verb agreement

Essential Outcomes: (assessed for mastery)

1. The Student Will develop a list of topics and people/organizations to whom a persuasive business letter could be written.

2. TSW write persuasive business letter(s) using the writing process and the “6+1 Traits of Writing” to:

a. state an opinion and provide supporting details.

b. use the correct form and conventions for a business letter.

c. revise incorrect subject-verb agreement uses.

d. use a variety of adjectives and adjective forms to make a stronger voice.

e. evaluate letter for conventions using a “conventions” rubric.

f. edit and/or revise and send.

g. includes documentation of following the 5 steps of the writing process.

3. TSW address an envelope with the correct format and punctuation.

4. TSW differentiate between revising and editing.

5. TSW use a beginning list of copy editor’s symbols in editing their own writing for spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization.

6. TSW use conventions as a way to clarify meaning.

7. TSW use a 6 point rubric to do self-assessments of the business letters.

8. TSW write daily during the school day for at least 15 minutes in a journal, writer’s notebook, diary, or other writing assignments. (Ideas)

Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (* see Course Outcomes)

1. TSW apply course-level appropriate spelling skills.

2. TSW. practice and develop handwriting skills.

3. TSW participate in vocabulary enhancing activities.

4. TSW review a classmate’s letter suggesting additional information that may make the persuasion topic more convincing.

Suggested Professional Materials:

6+1 Traits of Writing: The complete Guide pp. 220-246

(assessing) pp.221-237

(copy-editor symbols) p. 220

Suggested Instructional Materials:

Write Source Teacher’s Edition Grade 5

(business letter) pp. 244-247, 498.3

(envelope) pp. 477, 522.1

(persuasive paragraphs) pp.195-236

(assessment rubric) pp. 232-233

(self-evaluation) p. 236

(adjectives) pp. 423,424,592-593

(ideas) pp.10, 22-24, 200-204, 216-217; 8-109, 164-165, 220-221

WriteTraits Teacher’s Guide: (abbreviated WT)

(conventions introduction) pp. 92-96

(conventions self rubric) p. 95

(conventions teacher’s rubric) p. 94

(revising vs. editing) pp. 97-99

(recognizing errors) pp . 100-103

(editor’s marks) pp. 104-107

(guided practice) pp. 108-111

(ideas introduction) pp. 2-6

(ideas teacher rubric) p. 4

(ideas self rubric) p. 5

(targeted writing) pp.10-12

(selective choice of supporting details) pp. 13-15

(spotting “holes” in their writing) pp. 16-18

WriteTraits Student Traitbook (abbreviated Traitbook)

(revising vs.editing) pp.92-95

(recognizing errors) pp. 96-99

(editor’s marks) pp. 100-102

(guided practice) pp. 103-105

(targeted writing) pp.12-15

(selective choice of supporting details) pp. 16-19

(spotting “holes” in their writing) pp. 20-23.

Suggested Assessment Tools & Strategies:

1. -display physical evidence of final draft, prewriting , rough draft, self-evaluation rubric for persuasive writing WS text p. 231-232, conventions p 95, and ideas p. 5 (TSW 2)

2. -complete the WT Traitbook pp. 97-99 (TSW 4)

3. -do a self-assessment for conventions and ideas (WT TE pp. 5 and 95). (TSW 1, 2, 5, 6, 7)

4. –use the following rubrics for assessment of written presentation. (TSW 2)

Language Arts-10 Persuasive Business Letters E07


“A” grade = 5 “A’s” and no “In Progress”

“B” grade = all marks on the rubric at the “B” or “A” level and no ”In Progress.”

|Essential Outcome |‘A’ Level Mastery |‘B’ Level Mastery |‘P’ In Progress |

|TSW develop a list of topics and |List is extensive with topics |List is limited but includes |List has no substance. The|

|people/organizations to whom a persuasive |that can influence self or |topics that can be supported |ideas have no impact on |

|business letter could be written. (TSW 1) |society with proper presentation.|with documentation. |self or society. |

|TSW write persuasive business letter(s) using |Shows evidence of each step of |Show evidence of each step of |Is missing evidence of |

|the writing process and the “6+1 Traits of |the writing process to a high |the writing process. |completing steps of the |

|Writing” to: |level of involvement. | |writing process. |

|state an opinion and provide supporting details. | | | |

|b. use the correct form and conventions for a | | | |

|business letter. | | | |

|revise incorrect subject-verb agreement uses. | | | |

|use a variety of adjectives and adjective forms | | | |

|to make a stronger voice. | | | |

|evaluate letter for conventions using a | | | |

|“conventions” rubric. | | | |

|edit and/or revise and send. | | | |

|Has documentation of following the 5 steps of the| | | |

|writing process. (TSW 2) | | | |

|TSW address an envelope with the correct format |Presentation is clean and |Presentation is “B” and |Presentation is “in |

|and punctuation. (TSW 3) |envelope is addressed is |envelope is addressed with |Progress” and envelope is |

| |correctly with no assistance. |limited assistance. |addressed with a lot of |

| | | |assistance. |

|TSW differentiate between revising and editing. |Explanation is clear and concise.|Explanation is correct but not|Explanation is confusing. |

|(TSW 4) | |clear and/or concise. | |

|TSW use a beginning list of copy editor’s symbols|Correctly uses editing symbols |Correctly uses editing symbols|Doesn’t use the symbols |

|in editing their own writing for spelling, |demonstrating an understanding of|but shows limited |correctly and doesn’t know |

|punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. (TSW |what the symbols mean. |understanding of when to apply|what they mean. |

|5) | |them. | |

|TSW use conventions as a way to clarify meaning |Applied to all parts of the |A few minor errors in use of |Many errors in |

|and enhance voice. (TSW 6) |business letter correctly. |punctuation. |capitalization and |

| | | |punctuation. |

|TSW use a 6 point rubric to do self-assessments |Receives 36-31 pts. on the |Receives 30-27 points on the |Receives 26 points or less |

|and assess other descriptive paragraphs. (TSW 7) |persuasive business letter |persuasive business letter |on the rubric |

| |rubric. |rubric. | |

|TSW write daily during the school day for at | |Shows evidence of writing 15 |Doesn’t show evidence of |

|least 15 minutes in a journal, writer’s notebook,| |minutes /day. |writing 15 minutes/day |

|diary or other writing assignments. | | | |

Persuasive Letter Rubric: 10-Year-Old

E07: 6 Traits of Writing Focus: Ideas/Conventions


• Cannot receive a score of 2 or lower in any area or paper should be rewritten.

• Must earn a 5 or higher in 6 Traits of Writing focus: Ideas and Conventions

• Scoring: Rubric points of 36-31 is an A, 30-27 is a B, 26 or lower can result in a H,P, or D.

| |Ideas |Organization |Voice |Word Choice |Sentence Fluency |Conventions |

|5 |The letter has a clear |The opening opinion statement is clearly |The writer’s voice sounds |Some strong adjectives help |A variety of types and lengths |The persuasive business letter has very |

| |opinion statement. |supported in the middle. The ending suggests |natural and creates interest |to make the message clear. |of sentences and varied |few errors in spelling, punctuation, or |

| |Logical reasons support |actions that can be taken. Transitions are |in the topic helping to |The subject-verb agreement is|beginnings add interest in the |grammar. |

| |the writer’s opinion. |not great. Letter has correct heading, date,|persuade the reader. |consistent. |subject.. | |

| | |greeting and closing. | | | | |

|4 |The opinion statement is |The opening has an opinion statement. Most |The writer’s voice creates |Writing is clear in most |Sentence beginnings are varied,|All sentences begin with a capital letter |

| |clear, and most the |details are in order. Most transitions work. |interest in the letter. |cases. Adjectives are used |but sentence variety would make|and end with punctuation. Some errors in |

| |reasons support the |Letter has correct heading, date, greeting |Persuasion is evident but not|but do not make the message |the essay more interesting. |grammar, punctuation or spelling exist. |

| |writer’s opinion. |and closing. |strong. |clear. | | |

|3 |The clear opinion |The order of sentences needs to be revised. |The writer’s voice needs to |The variety of adjectives is|A better variety of sentences |The number of errors could confuse the |

| |statement is not well |The parts of a letter are not used. |be more confident to persuade|limited. Many sentences do |is needed. Varied sentence |reader. |

| |supported by reasons and | |the reader. |not have subject-verb |beginnings are needed. | |

| |details. | | |agreement. | | |

|2 |The opinion statement is |The beginning, middle, and ending are |The voice sounds unsure. It |Many weak and over-used |Too many sentences begin the |Many errors make the letter hard to read. |

| |unclear. Reasons and |unclear. The letter needs to be organized. |is not distinctive. |adjectives are used again and|same way. The sentences do not| |

| |details are needed. | | |again in the letter. |flow. | |

|1 |An opinion statement, |The organization is unclear. The reader is |The writer needs to learn |The letter shows limited word|Poorly formed sentences make |Serious errors disrupt the writing. |

| |reasons, and details are |easily lost. |more about voice. |choice or incorrect usage of |the letter very difficult to | |

| |needed. | | |verbs. |read. | |


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