Literary Terms Review Worksheet

Literary Terms Review Worksheet Name __________________

Date _____________

Score __________________

(25 points possible)

Carefully read each of the definitions provided and fill in the name of the Literary Term which BEST fits the definition.

1. Having an object, person or idea stand for or represent something else is called __________________________________.

2. The place and time of a story’s action is called its ________________________.

3. The struggle between opposing forces in a story or play is called ______________ (NOTE: all stories must have this element in order to move forward!).

4. ___________________ (Not “narrator”) determines through whose eyes the story is told from. These three types are referred to as ____________________________, _____________________________, and ________________________________.

5. The two types of conflict in a story or play are _________________________ OR _______________________________ (NOTE: both types can be in the same story).

6. A series of related events within the same story is known as its _________________.

7. A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens in a story is called _______________________________________.

8. ___________________________ is the main idea, moral or “insight into life” which the author wants you to pull from the story.

9. ________________________ is the method an author uses to develop the personalities of his characters.

10. The five elements of plot/ storyline (in the exact order): ____________________, ________________________, __________________, _____________________, _______________________.

11. ________________________ starts a story in the present and then moves backward in time to retell the plot.

12. Hints about what is going to happen next use the techniques of _________________.


1. Symbolism

2. Setting

3. Conflict

4. Point of view

a) first person b) second person c) third person

5. internal and external

6. plot

7. irony

8. theme

9. characterization

10. introduction or exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution or denoument

11. flashback

12. foreshadowing


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