Park Ridge Historical Society

Park Ridge Historical Society

Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting:

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

PRHS Museum at 41 South Prairie Avenue


Those present: Mary Ellen Jones, Mary Ann Tanquary, Judy Matzen, Pat Adlaf, Paul Adlaf, Maureen Connelly, Jeff Caudill, Nancy Pytel, Bonnie Tinder, Lauren Maloney Quorum Present

(Those absent: Leo Rizzetto, Paul Carlson, Ron Matzen, Harry and Millie O’Brien, Peggy Edwards, Lorraine Shouldis)


Minutes of the meeting from June 19, 2007 were approved but not read aloud. Approved as distributed.

III. TREASURER’S REPORT – Ron was absent but Jeff reported the City has donated the annual $10,000 and the check was deposited.


Chairman’s report – Leo absent

A. President’s report – Jeff mentioned the transition for the Accessions position from Nancy Pytel to Paul Adlaf. Thank you to Nancy for your help over many years and thank you to Paul for taking over this important position. The regulatory filing, etc is up-to-date on the house. October 21 is the Annual Meeting and the Nominating Committee will soon be convening to discuss the Board positions. Please contact Jeff if you are interested in this committee. It was decided that our contract states we are not able to “sublease” the garage as space so we are unable to store non-Museum property there. Discussion ensued about the Schiessle family and whether or not to appeal our tax bill by paying an attorney. Discussion continued with the contract we have and that it began in 1983 but the current lease expires in 2008. The details of the lease include our ongoing maintenance of the building, the repainting of interior/exterior, new roof, etc. Discussion points included: What is our commitment or interest in pursuing a new contract? Do we need to give 60 days’ notice before we vacate? Do we want to try to meet with the Schiessle family if we have a contact? If not here, where could the PRHS find our “new home”?

With the position of the Museum at 41 Prairie being so uncertain, we need to ascertain the future of the building. The Hines House, The Youth Campus and the Park District were all discussed as possible leads for future locations. The Youth Campus’ property is from 1908, the Solomon building, which was designed by Holabert and Roote. It is on the National Register so not in “danger” but could be altered/renovated/added to in order to create a more efficient and effective Museum. The Ianelli building at Northwest Highway and Elm (Audrey’s Flowers) might also become available and this location was discussed. This is an ongoing conversation and we need to explore any and all locations due to the tenuous relationship with our current landlords.

B. Vice President’s Report – open position


A. Accessions – no report

B. Communications – Bonnie mentioned the website is getting more and more “hits.” The addition of a live video of docent Aline Harz giving a tour has really added a wonderful touch to the site.

C. Publicity – Mary Ellen Jones continues to generate publicity for upcoming family and adult events.

D. Finance – Details will be reported next Board meeting when Treasurer is present

E. Hosting – open position

F. Membership – no report

G. Newsletter – open position

H. Nominating – to be appointed

I. Program – The Stop By Our Front Porch Saturdays are going well with some days having more visitors than others. We need to have a more effective sign in front to stimulate interest and conversation. Upcoming events include:

Harry Potter 7 Days of Magic on Friday, July 20

Pat’s Kids’ History on August 4

Glass Through the Ages Show on August 11

The Cemetery Tour is on September 22 and Harry and Millie O’Brien discussed the need for new characters and scripts to keep the tour lively. Help is needed to sew a few basic skirts for the actresses to use from year to year so we do not have to borrow them from Maine South, but instead have our own. Volunteers will be needed for this important day on our calendar. The PRCAC invited us to participate in their Arts Week in October, so we are planning a fall project and the group is donating money for our publicity and promotions for the event on October 13.

J. Museum - no report

K. Ways and Means – Inez Cresy contacted Jeff to discuss the PRHS “hosting” the Flea Market on September 8. If the PRHS does this to generate some money, we need a contract with all of the details of participation and contact info for participants. Millie will follow-up with this lady and let the Board know the details.



A – Upcoming Board Meeting set for September 18.

B - October Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, October 21. at the Park Ridge County Club.

** Special Thanks to Mary Ann Tanquary for the lovely treats and wonderful hospitality at tonight’s meeting!!

Meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm.

Upcoming Events:

June – October Ongoing Saturdays with various exhibits and displays. The first Saturday of the month will be specifically designed with programming for families and children. The Museum will be open from 10am-1pm each Saturday, with no charge for admission.

Friday, July 20 5pm-8pm Harry Potter: 7 Days of Magic will be a city-wide event with many merchants, retailers, restaurants and community groups offering family fun to celebrate the upcoming release of the last Harry Potter book. The PRHS Museum will host a special Storyteller and fun for the families who visit.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauren Maloney, Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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