Colton City Council Meeting September 21, 2010

Humboldt City Council Meeting Minutes

The Humboldt City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 12, 2016 at Humboldt City Hall. Mayor Allen Schmeichel called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with the following members present for roll call: Adam Lund, Heather VanZee and Ritchy Griepp. Amanda Siemonsma was present for city personnel. Theresa Muth was absent with cause. Mike Beaner will arrive at 6:45pm for his review.

The agenda was amended to add Planning Commission appointments. A motion to approve the amended agenda was made by Schmeichel and seconded by VanZee. Motion carried.

A motion was made by VanZee to enter executive session at 6:38pm for the purpose of Siemonsma employee review according to SDCL 1-25-2. Schmeichel seconded the motion. Motion carried. The council exited executive session at 6:48pm. No motions were made as a result of executive session. Mike Beaner arrived. Siemonsma left the meeting.

A motion was made by Schmeichel to enter executive session at 6:50pm for the purpose of Beaner employee review according to SDCL 1-25-2. VanZee seconded the motion. Motion carried. The council exited executive session at 7:00pm. No motions were made as a result of executive session. Siemonsma rejoined the meeting. Also present at the meeting were Jon Fischer from Stockwell engineers, Steve VanZee, Fred Konechne and Sean and Brenda Sosa.

A motion made by VanZee to approve the August 22nd meeting minutes was seconded by Schmeichel. Motion carried with Lund, Schmeichel and VanZee voting aye and Griepp abstaining.

A motion made by VanZee to approve the September 2nd special meeting minutes was seconded by Schmeichel. Motion carried with Lund, Schmeichel and VanZee voting aye and Griepp abstaining.

Community Board Updates: Planning commission was added to the agenda for the purpose of appointing two new members. A motion was made by Griepp to appoint Alex Pageler and Dave Froke to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Schmeichel. Motion carried with all present members voting aye. The new members will be sworn in at the next P&Z meeting.

Old Business: Steve VanZee was present to submit a sealed bid for the surplus street signs that were remaining at the city shop. With no opposing bids received, a motion was made by Lund to accept VanZee’s bid of $126. The motion was seconded by Griepp. Motion carried with Lund, Schmeichel and Griepp voting aye and VanZee abstaining.

Jon Fischer was present to discuss with the council the need for change order #2. The change order would alter the work done at the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue. The change order is necessary to relocate the water main due to the horizontal conflict with the proposed sanitary sewer. The cost of the change order would add $9611.25 that would be covered by the state grant. A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Lund to approve change order #2. Motion carried with all present members voting aye.

Fischer presented the council with a pay application for the total of $273,477.73. A motion was made by VanZee and seconded by Griepp to approve the change order. Motion carried with all present members voting aye.

The second reading of Ordinance #16-02 and #16-03 was tabled until the next meeting so the members had more time to review the details.

HCC sidewalks and cameras were discussed. Beaner will work with Fischer to come up with a possible solution to the issues with the sidewalk. He will discuss with the board at the next meeting. Siemonsma will shop around for different camera system for the center. The cameras that were previously approved are no longer available. She will discuss with the board at the next meeting.

Trunk or Treat will be held on Main Street this year on October 31st. More details will follow in the city newsletter.

New Business: Dave Gilderhuus will wrap up his summer part time help for the city this week. He will be available this winter to help with snow removal is Beaner would need assistance. Beaner has a good understanding of the duties to be done. He will seek the assistance of Don Boll shall he have questions with water or sewer issues. He will still work closely with Boll as they perform natural gas duties. Boll is the main contact for natural gas and Beaner is the main contact for all other city utility issues.

The city lot on Ford Street that was previously for sale has been removed from the market. The council is interested in potentially developing the land into city lots for expansion and growth. More discussion will be held in the future.

The first reading was held for Ordinance # 17-01, the approval and acceptance of the 2017 budget. A motion was made by VanZee and seconded by Griepp to approve the first reading. Motion carried will all present members voting aye.

Department Reports:

Sheriff: 42.32 hours were logged in the city in the month of August. The full report is available at City Hall.

Water: Water tower maintenance was discussed. The city will follow the recommended annual maintenance and keep a record of any other maintenance or repairs done on the water tower in the city shop.

Utility Manager: Beaner presented the addition of new automatic water meters. After much discussion on cost and feasibility, the board would like to discuss further at the next meeting after more information can be obtained. Beaner also presented the board with the removal of the excess asphalt under the manhole on Carlson Street. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Griepp to approve the work to be done at the cost of $600. Motion carried with all present members voting aye.

Finance Officer: Siemonsma presented the board with the audit review from the audit that was performed this year. A deficiency in the segregation of duties was discussed. The board has a plan in place to review the monthly bills and cross check them with the bank statements. This should eliminate the deficiency according to Schoenfish.

Claims: City financials were reviewed. All claims for the month and current payroll were approved on a motion by Schmeichel and a second by Griepp. Motion carried. List of claims in the amount of $32,265.39 are as follows: ADDY 50.00 garbage; AMERICAN ENGINEERING 26.00 water sample; ANDERSON PUB 249.02 publishing; ATS 15.00 mower repair; B&A COMPUTERS 60.00 comp support; BATTERIES AND BULBS 381.50 supplies; BEST WESTERN WATERTOWN 273.00 conference; BIERSCHBACH 28.25 supplies; CAMPBELL SUPPLY 129.97 supplies; CENTERPOINT 606.29 ng supply; DSG 1266.15 supplies; GENE CARROLL 25.30 deposit refund; FARMERS ELEVATOR 440.92 diesel; FRED LEE 152.50 flags; FRIENDLYS 226.61 mower/truck gas; G&K 110.15 rug service; GILLESPIE 65.55 mower supplies; GOLDENWEST 124.75 phone/fax; GTS 664.00 ng services; HBC 28.16 supplies; HEALTH POOL 1234.79 insurance; HELPLINE 103.15 ng phone; HILLYARD 110.38 hcc supplies; KOLBACH 400.00 fo rent; JP COOKE 68.70 dog tags; LIPETSKYS 225.99 water supplies; MARCO 119.31 printer; MEIERHENRY 300.00 attorney fees; MICHAELS FENCE 56.00 supplies; MCWC 2708.24 water supply; PAUL CLARKE 150.00 inspector; PITNEY BOWES 117.00 postage meter; PRUNTY CO 688.77 services; PUTHOFF INS 850.00 ng bonds; RELIABANK 687.44 ball loan; RITEWAY 224.67 billing cards; SAMS CLUB CARD 1133.65 charges/supplies/cell; SD TREASURER 444.28 ng tax; SIOUX VALLEY ENERGY 2442.78 electric; STAN HOUSTON 211.68 supplies; STOCKWELL ENG 15022.34 engineer; SUNSHINE 14.97 water; TOWN OF HUMBOLDT 28.13 utilities.

Adjournment: With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14pm on a motion by Griepp and a second from Lund.


Amanda Siemonsma

City Finance Officer


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