Crucial Software Libris 2 Installation

Crucial Software Libris 2 Installation

Libris is made up of two parts a “server,” which manages the database and provides access to one or more computers, and the “client” program which is what the user runs to make and view bookings.

There are two ways you can install Libris.

1. Install Libris on to a single computer

2. Install Libris to be run on more than one computer.

For option 2. you will need a computer to act as the server, this can be one of the client computers but this server will need to be switched on whenever anyone will need access to the database.

To install Libris on to a single computer, just install the server and client parts on to this computer.

Libris Server Installation

1. There are two installation programs for the Libris Server. One is for 64-bit versions of Windows and one is for 32-bit versions. Most installations of Windows 7, 8 or 10 are 64-bit versions, so unless you have specifically installed a 32-bit version of Windows, you will need the 64-bit installation program.

2. Make sure you are not running any other programs. THIS IS IMPORTANT. The installation process will install the Microsoft SQL Server Express database and may automatically restart your computer.

3. Click on the Libris Server Installation option.

4. You should see a window headed Libris Server 2 Installation.

5. You may see a message telling you that you need the Microsoft Data Access Components. If you see this message these will automatically be installed now and the computer will then restart. The install process will start again automatically after the restart.

6. You may see a message telling you that the Windows Installer is being installed. If you see this message, once the Installer is installed the computer will automatically restart. The Libris install process will start again automatically after the restart.

7. Click Next.

8. You will see a window telling you that Microsoft SQL Server Express (SQL Server) is about to be installed.

9. Click Next.

10. The installation process will now install SQL Server, this may take a few minutes so please be patient.

11. The computer will restart.

12. The installation will automatically run again after the computer has restarted.

13. You will see a window telling you that SQL Server has successfully been installed.

14. Click Next.

15. You will see a window asking for the Destination Location. Do not change the Destination Folder unless you have an important reason to install Libris in to a different folder.

16. Click Next.

17. You will now be asked whether you wish to install a sample database (Office for use in offices or halls, and Personnel for use in booking people) or an empty database. If you are installing a trial system it is recommended you install a sample database to see an example of how Libris can be set up.

18. Click Next.

19. The Libris Database will now be installed.

20. You will see a window telling you that Libris has been successfully installed.

21. Please make a note of this computer's name because this will be needed for installing the Libris Client below.

22. You have now completed the installation of the Libris Server.

Libris Client Installation

1. Make sure you are not running any other programs. THIS IS IMPORTANT. The installation process may need to install the Microsoft Data Access Components and this will automatically restart your computer.

2. Click on the Libris Client Installation option.

3. You should see a window headed Libris Client 2 Installation.

4. You may see a message telling you that you need the Microsoft Data Access Components. If you see this message these will automatically be installed now and the computer will then restart. The install process will start again automatically after the restart.

5. You will see a window asking for the Destination Location.

6. Do not change the Desination Folder unless you have an important reason to install Libris in to a different folder.

7. Click Next.

8. You will see a window asking you to start the installation.

9. Click Next.

10. The Libris Client will now be installed.

11. You will see a window telling you that Libris has been successfully installed.

12. Run Libris. The first time you run Libris it will check the integrity of the database, this may take up to 2 minutes. Please be patient, this will not happen the next time you run Libris.

13. You will be asked to log in to Libris and enter a password. Libris requires a password of at least 6 characters. Please make a note of the log in you use here, this will become the administrator login for Libris.

14. You have now completed the installation of Libris. See below for instructions on what to do the first time you run Libris.

Running Libris for the first time

The Security module is an important way of making sure that each user can only do what they are allowed to do. For this to operate Libris has to identify each user when they run the program. There are two ways to do this:

1. Libris can pick up the Login Name that a user has used to login to Windows and automatically identify them using that. This is the simplest way to operate as long as everyone uses their own computer or logs out of Windows so that the next person to use the computer has to log on with their own identity.

2. Libris can maintain its own internal list of Login IDs and passwords, so that when a user runs Libris they are asked to log in. This is the best way to operate if the booking managers all use the same computer(s).

When you run Libris for the first time you will be asked to select which of these two methods you wish to use.

If you select to use the Windows Login Name method, the Windows login name you use will be identified as the Libris administrator and all other users will be identified as standard access users. The administrator will have to change the access rights of any other user who requires administrative access.

If you select to use the internal Libris security, you will be asked to put in a new Login ID and password which will be used as the administrator login, so please make a note of these details.


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