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For Windows 10 Tutorial:Dev CPP “Add Graphics properties in Dev Cpp projects”Step 1 Install the 64 bit version of Dev Cpp From the following link. 2 Open Dev CPPMake sure that 32-bit release mode should be selected.Create new project.Go to>File>New>ProjectSelect Empty projectGive name and press OKSave project In any folder.After creating project. Put your code in file as follows. A CPP file will automatically be created. Put your code in it.To add graphic.h header file, Download “graphics library” zip file for 64 bit version of Dev C++ from following link. the zipped folder, you will find two files (graphics.h & winbgim.h) place both files in the include folder of DevCPP at following path, I have installed DevCPP at drive E:E:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\includePut the third file “libbgi.a” file in lib folder of Dev CPP. At following path As I have installed Dev CPP at drive E:E:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\libSecondly also place both header file (graphics.h & winbgim.h) in the include folder at following path. I have installed DevCPP at drive E:E:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\includePut the third file “libbgi.a” file in lib folder of Dev CPP. At following path As I have installed Dev CPP at drive E:E:\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib Now you will be able to include graphics.h header file without any error.Add graphics parameters.Go to>Projects>Project Options>Parameters TabSelect the parameters tabAdd the following parameters to the linker option-lbgi-lgdi32-luser32-lcomdlg32-luuid-loleaut32-lole32Paste them in linker Tab.Click ok.Now run the project it will be compiled without any error.Before executing it will ask you save the project if you have not already saved it. ................

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