|1829 | | |September 1st: Brother, Edwin Frye Greene, born in North Waterford, ME. |

|1830 | | | |

|1831 | | |March 1st: Brother William Warren Green born, North Waterford, ME. |

|1832 | | | |

|1833 | | |June 21st: Brother Edwin Frye Greene, dies, North Waterford, ME. (Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, |

| | | |North Waterford.) |

| | | |July 27th: Brother, Edwin Frye Greene (2nd use of the name), born, North Waterford, ME. |

|1834 | | | |

|1835 | | |October 7th: Sister Sarah Abbott Greene born, North Waterford, ME. |

| | | |December 22nd: 3rd wife, Caroline S. Barrow, born (location?) |

|1836 | | | |

|1837 |0 |August 9th: Born, North Waterford, ME. |February 19th: Brother, Edwin Frye Greene (2nd use of name), dies, North Waterford, ME. (Buried|

| | | |in Woodlawn Cemetery, North Waterford.) |

|1838 |1 | | |

|1839 |2 | | |

|1840 |3 | |August 1st: Brother George Frye Greene born, North Waterford, ME. |

| | | |December 24th: 2nd wife, Mary Annette Humphrey, born (location?) |

|1841 |4 | | |

|1842 |5 | | |

|1843 |6 | |June 11th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene born, North Waterford, ME. Deaf at birth. |

|1844 |7 | | |

|1845 |8 | | |

|1846 |9 | |Sister, Sarah Abbott Greene, starts what will be five years of study at the American Asylum for |

| | | |the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb in Hartford, CT. School data say she became |

| | | |deaf at age 3 due to “ulcers in the head.”) |

|1847 |10 | | |

|1848 |11 | |According to obituary written by George Frye Greene, brother William Warren Greene attended |

| | | |Gould Academy from 1848 – 1851. |

|1849 |12 | | |

|1850 |13 | | |

|1851 |14 | | |

|1852 |15 | | |

|1853 |16 | |Brother, William Warren Greene, listed in school register as attending Gould Academy, Bethel, |

| | | |ME. |

|1854 |17 | | |

|1855 |18 |Fall Term: Enters Gould Academy, Bethel, ME. |May 21st: Brother, William Warren Greene, marries 1st wife, Elizabeth Carleton of Waterford, ME.|

| | |September 19th: Signs role as an Acting Member of Gould Academy’s “United Brothers Society” for |(Date?): Brother, William Warren Greene, graduates from Medical Department of the University of |

| | |the Fall term. On the same date, he signed as a regular member for the winter (1855) and spring|Michigan, Ann Arbor. |

| | |(1856) terms. |(Date?): Brother, Samuel Thomas Greene, enters The American Asylum for the Education and |

| | | |Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb in Hartford, CT. |

|1856 |19 |Listed as attending Gould Academy, Bethel, ME. | |

| | |March 26th: Appointed to participate in a United Brothers’ debate at Gould Academy. At their | |

| | |April 2nd meeting, he spoke in favor of the assertion “That reason exerts a greater influence | |

| | |upon man than habit.” The affirmative won, 22 to 20. | |

| | |April 9th: Delivered the “report of the week” to the United Brothers Society. In fact, I have | |

| | |this report in the original as well as transcription. It takes the form of a rambling poem to | |

| | |the “tune” of Longfellow’s poem, “Hiawatha.” | |

| | |April 16th: Appointed to participate in another United Brothers’ debate. He was to dispute the | |

| | |assertion “That the repeal of the Missouri Compromise was uncalled for and unjust.” At the | |

| | |April 23rd meeting the debate was held. The affirmative won with 21 votes, against 20 supporting| |

| | |the negative and 1 abstention. | |

|1857 |20 | | |

|1858 |21 | | |

|1859 |22 |Date?: Admitted to the Bar; began practice of law in Lapeer Co., MI. | |

| | |(Estimated year): Marries 1st wife, Malvina Wood. | |

|1860 |23 |Date?: Appointed Court Commissioner, Lapeer Co., MI. |February 21st: Brother William Warren Greene’s 1st wife, Elizabeth Carleton, dies in Gray, ME. |

| | | |November 6th: Daughter Kittie (Katherine) M. Greene born in Lodi, MI. |

|1861 |24 |June: Enlists as Private, Company G, 7th Michigan Infantry. |January: Brother, William Warren Greene, marries 2nd wife, Elizabeth Lawrence of Pownal, ME. |

| | |August 22nd: Commissioned as 1st Lieutenant, Company G, 7th Michigan Infantry. (After ranks |March 7th: Sister, Sarah Abbott Greene, marries Osgood Bailey of North Bridgton, ME. (Note: |

| | |were filled – all from Lapeer, MI, the company went to Fort Wayne for training, then was “sent |Both Sarah and Osgood were deaf-mutes. Osgood ran a machine shop which has been preserved as a |

| | |to the front” – meaning the vicinity of Washington, D.C. His unit was peripherally involved in |museum.) |

| | |the Union attack on Balls Bluff.) I have a tinted color photo of him taken at the time of his | |

| | |commissioning. | |

|1862 |25 |January 28th: Discharged from 7th Michigan Infantry due to a debilitating illness. He |September 21: Brother William Warren Greene’s son, Charles Lyman Greene, born in Gray, ME. |

| | |convalesced in Monroe, MI, where he probably first met Custer and certainly met his 2nd wife to |November: Brother, William Warren Greene, takes chair in theory and practice of Medicine at |

| | |be, Mary Annette Humphrey, and Mary’s friend, Libby Bacon who was to become Custer’s wife. |Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, MA. Shortly switches to chair of surgery which he held |

| | | |until 1868. |

|1863 |26 |July 14th: Commissioned Captain, 6th Michigan Cavalry (not mustered). |Note: Generally armies did not fight during the winter so it was common for officers to take |

| | |July 23rd: Custer appoints him Assistant Adjutant General, Michigan Cavalry. |extended leaves. |

| | |September 4, 1863, accepts commission as Captain, U.S. and serves as Custer’s Assistant Adjutant| |

| | |General, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. | |

|1864 |27 |February 9th: Serves as best man at the wedding of General Custer and Libbie Bacon at 1st | |

| | |Presbyterian Church, Monroe, MI. Jacob’s fiancée, Nettie Humphrey is a bride’s maid. | |

| | |March 8th: Official confirmation of appointment as Assistant Adjutant General with rank of | |

| | |Captain of Volunteeers, signed by Lincoln and Stanton. (16”x19” certificate was in JLG’s | |

| | |campaign trunk stored at CT Mutual.) | |

| | |May 24th: Struck on the head by a spent ball but not injured. | |

| | |June 11th: Taken prisoner by Confederates at battle of Trevilian Station, VA. (Custer managed | |

| | |to fight his way out, but JLG in the HQ wagon was caught.) He was confined at Libby Prison | |

| | |(Richmond, VA), Macon, GA, Charleston, SC, and Columbia, SC. (I have a tinted photo of JLG | |

| | |taken while he was at Libby Prison, as well as a photo of the prison itself.) | |

| | |December 9th: Paroled at Annapolis, MD, and granted the standard 30-day leave of paroled | |

| | |officers. | |

|1865 |28 |January 12th: Marries 2nd wife, Mary Annette Humphrey in Monroe, MI, by Henry Safford, minister |April 9th: Lee surrendered at Appomattox. |

| | |of Trinity Episcopal church. Leave extended 30 days. |Fall: Brother, William Warren Greene, accepts professorship in Surgery at the Medical School of |

| | |March 6th: Letter from War Department advising him to consider himself exchanged. |Maine. Begins teaching there in 1866 while still holding his chair at the Berkshire Medical |

| | |April 8th: Formally exchanged by Confederates. |College. |

| | |April 10th: Rejoins Custer at Burkesville Junction, VA. Later serves Custer as Chief of Staff | |

| | |in LA and TX, having been promoted to Major (July 11th) and brevetted Lieutenant Colonel (March | |

| | |13th) for distinguished gallantry at Trevellian Station. | |

| | |May 23rd: Marched with Custer in Victory Parade, Washington, D.C. | |

|1866 |29 |March 20th: Honorably discharged and mustered out of the Army. (Some sources say April 20th) |(Date?): Brother, Samuel Thomas Greene, attends National Deaf-Mute College – now Gallaudet |

| | |(Date?): Becomes agent for Berkshire life Insurance Co., probably with influence of his brother,|University – in Washington, D.C. He completes his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1870. |

| | |William who was already living in Pittsfield, MA. His territory was Meriden, CT. | |

| | |September: Promoted to Assistant Secretary, Berkshire Life. (Quite a step up from agent to 4th | |

| | |highest role in company in just a few months.) | |

|1867 |30 | |Fall: Brother, William Warren Greene, becomes professor of Surgery at University of Michigan, |

| | | |his alma mater, while retaining roles at Berkshire Medical College and Medical School of Maine. |

| | | |Resigns at end of winter due to ill health. |

|1868 |31 |Address in Pittsfield Register given as Foot’s Block, Union (Avenue). |Pittsfield Register states brother William Warren Greene living in house on East Housatonic |

| | | |Street. No number given. Before year-end, he moves to Portland, ME. |

| | | |June 10th: Son, Jacob Humphrey Greene, born, Pittsfield, MA. |

| | | |July 9th: 2nd wife, Mary Annette Humphrey, dies, Pittsfield, MA. Cause of death given as “Heart|

| | | |Disease.” |

|1869 |32 |Address in Pittsfield Register given as “boards at American House” which I assume to have been a| |

| | |hotel. | |

|1870 |33 |April 26th: Marries 3rd wife, Caroline S. Barrow, “of New York City” Wedding in Pittsfield, MA,|October 20th: Brother, Samuel Thomas Greene, becomes first deaf teacher of deaf students in |

| | |by clergyman Edward L. Wells. |Ontario at opening of the Ontario Institution for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and |

| | |June 1st: Takes job as Assistant Secretary, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Hartford, |Dumb in Belleville. |

| | |CT. | |

|1871 |34 |April: Promoted to Secretary, CT Mutual Life. |April 17th: Brother William Warren Greene’s daughter, Ida Lawrence Greene, born in Portland, ME.|

| | | |August 15th: Brother, Samuel Thomas Greene, marries Caroline Campbell Howard in Belleville, |

| | | |Ontario. |

|1872 |35 | |(Date?): Brother, William Warren Greene, becomes Professor of Surgery in the Long Island College|

| | | |Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y (This in addition to his position(s) in Maine. He retained this role |

| | | |in NY through 1874.) |

| | | |July 17th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s son, Howard Greene, is born in Belleville, Ontario. |

|1873 |36 | |September 22nd: Mother, Sarah Walker (Frye) Jewett, dies in North Waterford, ME. (Buried in |

| | | |Woodlawn Cemetery, North Waterford.) |

|1874 |37 | |September 13th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Bessie Greene, is born in Belleville, |

| | | |Ontario. |

| | | |October 13th: Father, Jacob Holt Greene, dies in North Waterford, ME. (Buried in Woodlawn |

| | | |Cemetery, North Waterford.) |

| | | |November 25th: Brother, George Frye Greene, marries Deborah Blanchard Rideout of New Gloucester,|

| | | |ME (location of wedding?) |

|1875 |38 | | |

|1876 |39 | |June 15th: Brother, William Warren Greene’s 2nd wife, Elizabeth Lawrence, dies in Portland, ME. |

| | | |August 1st: Brother George Frye Greene’s son, Edward Leon Greene, born in North Waterford, ME. |

|1877 |40 | |September 5th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Sarah Howard Greene, is born in |

| | | |Belleville, Ontario. |

|1878 |41 |March: Promoted to President, CT Mutual Life. |March 8th: Sister, Sarah Abbott (Greene) Bailey, dies in North Bridgton, ME, possibly during |

| | |June 6th: Appointed a Director of the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. |childbirth. No record of a living child, however. (Buried in cemetery on Sweden Road, North |

| | | |Bridgton.) |

|1879 |42 | |June 1st: Brother George Frye Greene’s daughter, Alice Blanchard Greene, born in North |

| | | |Waterford, ME. |

|1880 |43 | |(Date?): Brother, William Warren Greene, was elected President of the Maine Medical Association.|

| | | |March 3rd: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Octavia Lambart Greene, is born in Ottawa, |

| | | |Ontario. |

|1881 |44 | |September 10th: Brother, Dr. William Warren Greene, dies at sea while returning from a medical |

| | | |conference in London. |

|1882 |45 | | |

|1883 |46 | |May 2nd: Daughter, Kittie M. Greene, marries Harry Slade Richards at Ann Arbor Congregational |

| | | |Church, Washtenaw Co., MI. |

| | | |September 23rd: Brother George Frye Greene, dies, probably in South Paris, ME. (Buried in |

| | | |Riverside Cemetery, South Paris.) |

|1884 |47 |Begins corresponding with George Blodgette of Rowley, MA, who he hires to research his Greene, |January 22nd: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Wilhelmina Warren Greene, is born in |

| | |Frye, and Kilbourne ancestors. Correspondence continues through at least 1895 and results in |Belleville, Ontario. |

| | |the Kilbourne Genealogy which I have in Blodgette’s hand as well as in transcription. | |

|1885 |48 | | |

|1886 |49 | |Oct 15th: Granddaughter Helen Wood Richards, born in Paw Paw (Van Buren County), MI, to Kittie |

| | | |and Harry S. Richards. |

|1887 |50 |December 8th: Presents speech, “The Social Vice,” to meeting of the Evangelical Alliance. | |

| | |(Location?) Among other things, the speech advocates the White Cross League, a group for | |

| | |religious education of “young men.” JLG played an “oversight” role in his local chapter, by | |

| | |which I assume Hartford, CT. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

|1888 |51 |November 21st: Presents speech, “The Race Question in the United States,” to the Church Congress| |

| | |in Buffalo, NY. Though paternalistic in the extreme, he comes out in favor of the development | |

| | |of the Negro race. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

|1889 |52 | | |

|1890 |53 | |February 17th: Brother, Samuel Thomas Greene, dies after an ice-boating accident on February |

| | | |3rd; Belleville, Ontario. |

|1891 |54 | |(Date?): Son Jacob Humphrey Greene receives Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity College, |

| | | |Hartford, CT. |

| | | |In Portland, ME, directory, brother William Warren Greene’s daughter, Ida Lawrence Greene, is |

| | | |recorded as a teacher boarding at 639 Congress Street. |

| | | |In St. Paul, MN directory, brother William Warren Greene’s son, Charles Lyman Greene, is |

| | | |recorded as a physician living at 233 Irvine Park. |

|1892 |55 | | |

|1893 |56 |(Date?): Appointed Trustee of Trinity College, Hartford, CT. | |

|1894 |57 | |November 7th: Son Jacob Humphrey Greene marries Florence Buck, Hartford, CT. She was born in |

| | | |Manchester, CT. |

|1895 |58 | | |

|1896 |59 |(Date?): Appointed Secretary of the board of Trinity College, Hartford, CT. | |

| | |March 23rd: Presents speech, “Our Currency Problems,” to the Hartford Board of Trade. Addresses| |

| | |issues of gold versus silver standards. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

|1897 |60 |Yale confers (honorary, I assume) Master of Arts degree. | |

| | |September 3rd: Delivers speech, “The New England Town,” at the Centennial Celebration of legal | |

| | |incorporation of North Waterford, ME. (I have the original, typed speech, plus reprinted | |

| | |copies.) | |

| | |November 23rd: Presents speech, “A Proper Paper Currency: What it is and who can utter it,” to | |

| | |the Hartford Board of Trade. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

|1898 |61 | | |

|1899 |62 | |(Date?): Son Jacob Humphrey Greene appointed Assistant Secretary of Connecticut Mutual Life |

| | | |Insurance Co. (Same job his father accepted 29 years earlier.) |

|1900 |63 |May 10th: Presents speech, “An Ideal Currency,” to the American Social Science Association, | |

| | |Washington, D.C. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

| | |(Date?): Publishes 38 pp book, “General William B. Franklin and the Operations of the Left Wing | |

| | |at the Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.” Hartford; Belknap And Warfield publishers.| |

|1901 |64 |December 17th: Presents speech, “Money and Currency,” to the Workingman’s Club of the City of | |

| | |Hartford. (I have a reprint of this speech.) | |

|1902 |65 |August 22nd: Rode in an automobile with President Teddy Roosevelt during a parade in Hartford, | |

| | |then introduced the President to the assembled gathering. (I don’t know the occasion of | |

| | |Roosevelt’s visit, but I do have a copy of JLG’s brief speech of introduction, and a photo of | |

| | |JLG and Roosevelt.) | |

|1903 |66 |January 14th: Presents speech, “Our Fellow Christians,” at the Pittsfield, MA, Church Club. | |

| | |(Date?): Publishes book, “In Memoriam William Buel Franklin February 27, 1823 March 8, 1903.” | |

| | |Hartford; Belknap and Warfield publishers. | |

|1904 |67 |Trinity College confers (honorary, I assume) Doctor of Laws degree. | |

|1905 | |February: Undergoes surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore for an unspecified condition.|(Date?): Son Jacob Humphrey Greene promoted to 2nd Secretary, CT Mutual Life. |

| | |Returns to his Woodland Street, Hartford, home, to recover. |March 29th: Son, Jacob Humphrey Greene, “summoned home from the West” where he had been on |

| | |March 29th: Dies, Hartford, CT of “cerebral apoplexy.” Buried in Pittsfield, MA on April 1st. |business, on notice of his father’s death. In her father’s obituary, Kittie is mentioned as |

| | |(Lot 204, Linden Slope, Pittsfield Cemetery.) Funeral at Trinity Church, Hartford, CT, March |living in Buffalo, NY. Other sources say Rochester, NY where she was definitely living on April|

| | |31st at 3:30. (I have a description of the service published in “The Standard,” an insurance |22nd, 1929 when her brother, Jacob Humphrey Greene, named her in his will. (I have this will.) |

| | |industry publication I assume, dated April 8, 1905, page 321.) | |

| | |March 29th: Army and Navy Club of Connecticut’s executive board announces to it’s members the | |

| | |death of their President, JLG. | |

|1906 | | | |

|1907 | | | |

|1908 | | | |

|1909 | | |In Rochester, NY directory, Harry S. Richards (and presumably his wife, Kittie, daughter of JLG)|

| | | |is recording as living at 22 Park Avenue. His employment address was 814 Insurance Block. |

|1910 | | | |

|1911 | | | |

|1912 | | |May 4th: 3rd wife, Caroline S. (Barrow) Greene, dies, probably in Hartford, CT. Buried in |

| | | |Pittsfield, MA. . (Lot 204, Linden Slope, Pittsfield Cemetery.) |

|1913 | | | |

|1914 | | | |

|1915 | | | |

|1916 | | |July 30th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Sarah Howard (Greene) Fairlamb dies – either|

| | | |in NJ or NY most probably. She was divorced at the time of her death. |

|1917 | | |January 14th: Brother Samuel Thomas Greene’s daughter, Bessie Greene, dies in New York City. |

|1918 | | | |

|1919 | | | |

|1920 | | | |


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