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Jeremiah Writes God’s Words in a Book

God’s Word cannot be destroyed.

Jeremiah 36


This week your kids learned that God’s Word is a treasure and that it needs to be taken seriously. We learned to treasure the Bible by reading it, singing it, praying it, sharing it, and memorizing it. Make a list of the ways you treasure God’s Word in your home using the following questions.

• Do you read the Bible individually? As a family?

• When do you pray individually? As a family?

• Where do we sing songs that honor God?

• Have you memorized any scriptures you’d like to share?

• When is the last time you shared God’s words with someone else?


Look up the following verses in your Bible. Send kids on a scavenger hunt to collect one item from each verse and bring them back to you. It’s important to practice looking up verses, so we’ll be able to use the Bible that God gave us. We don’t just pick it up and read it the way we read other books. How is it different from reading other books?

Ezekiel 37:16        

Matthew 16:7        

Job 13:25      

Joshua 4:3             

Numbers 20:2  

Genesis 19:26

Luke 15:8

Matthew 13:24      



flour tortillas




table knife

paper plates

Cut the rounded edges off of large flour tortillas—the thinnest ones you can find—to make them rectangular in shape. (Don’t throw the pieces away that you cut off. Toss them in some hot oil or bake them to make chips.) The kids will spread a thin layer of margarine over one side of the tortilla. Then, they can sprinkle it with sugar and cinnamon.

Once the condiments are on the tortilla, roll the tortilla tightly from one end toward the middle. Now, roll the other end toward the middle. You have just made a tortilla scroll, just like the one that Baruch wrote the words on that God gave Jeremiah.



YouTube download

Download this fun, fun, fun YouTube video called “Go Fish – Bible Book Bop” submitted by youarenotamonkey:

In order to use the Bible with ease, we need to know the books. There are 66 books in the Bible and that’s a lot to remember. But, here’s a song that’s going to make that a whole bunch easier! Adults and kids are going to love this song … and you might be surprised how it can help you remember the books of the Bible.

Scripture Memorization

Philippians 3:8-9a (NIrV)

“I consider everything to be nothing compared to knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him is the best thing of all. Because of him I have lost everything. But I consider all of it to be garbage so I can get to know Christ.”


May you treasure God’s Word in all you do!

Take the Lead

Prepare your child for next week’s lesson by reading together from the book of Job.


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