Ophthalmology EMQ’sEMQ 1acute iritis allergic conjunctivitisangle closure glaucoma blepharitis corneal foreign body corneal ulcer herpes simplex herpes zoster marginal keratitis subconjunctival haemmorageFor the following scenarios pick the most likely diagnosis from aboveA 18year old male presents with a painful red eye and photophobia. He has a watery discharge and ciliary hyperemia. He has recently been working outside on a building site in stormy weatherAn 8 year old presents with profuse watering eyes. You note large gelatinous vegetations on the upper tarsal conjunctiva, His visual acuity is normal and cornea appears normal.A 45 year old presents with pain, photophobia and a watery eye discharge. Their visual acuity is 6/12 (not corrected with pinhole) and ciliary hyperemia. The cornea appears normal but the pupil appears small in the affected eye.A 66 year old Asian male presents with impaired vision, slight watery discharge and severe eye pain in his left eye. The cornea appears slightly dusky and you note a dilated non reacting pupil.A 65 year old woman presents with an acutely painful red eye. He reports red swollen eyelids for the preceding week. You note local medial conjunctival hyperemia on direct observationAnswers E 2. B 3.A 4. C 5. IEMQ 2 Central retinal artery occlusionCentral retinal vein occlusionGiant cell arteritisOptic neuritisRetinal detachmentTrichiasisVitreous haemorrhageFor each of the following scenarios choose the most likely diagnosisA 65 year old male with known hypertension and diabetes presents with sudden painless visual loss in his left eye. On examination you note an abnormal red reflex and the examination of the fundus reveals large areas of haemorrhage. A 55 year old female presents with a left temporal headache, fever and transient visual loss on the left. You note decreased visual acuity on the left (6/18) and an afferent pupillary defect.A 59 year old presents with sudden painless loss of vision in his right eye and a marked RAPD. Visual acuity is noted to be 6/60 on the right and 6/6 on the left with no correction on pinhole. A 20 year old female presents with painless loss of vision that occurred gradually over 4 hours. On exam you note visual acuity of 6/18 and decreased colour vision and a relevant afferent pupillary defect.A 82 year old presents with sudden loss of decreased vision after experiencing some recent small objects floating past their eye. Now they sense a dark shadow in their vision. You note a abnormal red reflex on examination Answers: 1. b 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. e ................

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