1 总论 - World Bank

Certificate No.: GHPZ Class A No.1703 Project No.: HKYBGS—(2013) 008

Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project

Environmental Impact Report

(Pre-evaluation Version)

Entrusted by: Communications Bureau of Harbin

Prepared by: Environmental Protection Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province

November 2013

Project name: Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project

Text type: Project No.: HKYBGS—(2013) 008

Entrusted by: Communications Bureau of Harbin

Prepared by: Environmental Protection Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province

Legal representative: Chi Xiaode

Evaluation certificate: GHPZ Class A No.1703

Project leader: Sun Baini A17030081000

He Chenyan A17030009

Technical reviewer: Guan Kezhi A17030023

Main Preparation Personnel

|Preparation Personnel|Duty |Title |Registration/Work License No.|Signature |

|Sun Baini |Report preparation |Senior engineer |A17030081000 | |

|Qin Bo |Report preparation |Assistant engineer | | |

|Jiang Yueli |Report preparation |Assistant engineer |A17030047 | |


Since the development of urbanization and mechanization has led to the ever-increasing gasoline usage in China, energy will be principal factor influencing the Chinese social and economic development in future. For a long time, the country’s urban public traffic infrastructure construction has been lagged behind, and urban public traffic system is unable to satisfy the high-quality daily travelling of urban citizens. The acute imbalances between supply and demand of urban traffic are mainly reflected by the insufficient urban public traffic system capacity, out-of-step development of urban public traffic system with the urban scale, single urban public traffic structure and lack of the advanced traffic planning concept with most of cities experiencing the absence of public traffic-oriented traffic planning. This project is an important measure to optimize public traffic of Harbin and promote economic and social development and need to deal with cold weather and ease traffic difficulties under cold weather. Intelligent public traffic system is the only way to integrate data information and guarantee operation and management efficiency.

Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System of Harbin has construction period of five years, the construction contents of which include: I. Public traffic priority corridor construction project; II. Public traffic infrastructure construction project; III. Traffic management and safety construction project; IV. Road maintenance and emergency response construction project; V. Institutional capacity construction. The project has a total investment of RMB 1435.4186 million Yuan, including construction investment of RMB 1412.7449 million Yuan (including engineering cost of RMB 1179.5387 million Yuan, other construction costs of RMB 106.4000 million Yuan and reserve cost of RMB 126.8062 million Yuan) and interest during construction period of RMB 22.6737 million Yuan.

Environmental Protection Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province, being entrusted by Communications Bureau of Harbin, undertook the environmental impact assessment of the project. Upon the entrustment, we rapidly set up the project group for environmental impact assessment consisting of assessment professionals in the field of noise, atmosphere, ecology, water and society. Basing on the serious studies on the previous outcomes of the project progress, the group carried out detailed investigation and filed survey along the project line, and collected relevant information from departments involved of Harbin and eventually prepared, in combination with the feasibility study report of the project, the Environment Impact Report of Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project of Harbin (Draft for Examination) in September, 2013. The assessment has been strongly supported by Environmental Protection Bureau of Heilongjiang Province and Environmental Engineering Assessment Center of Heilongjiang Province, the construction unit Communications Bureau of Harbin, Beijing Huaxie Traffic Consulting Company undertaking feasibility study, such editorial units as Hohai University, Public Transport Company of Harbin, Harbin Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Construction Bureau, Traffic Police Brigade, Education Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Tourist Administration, Bureau of Civil Affairs, Agricultural Bureau, Water Discharge Company, Meteorological Bureau, Hydrographic Office, Water Affairs Bureau, Sanitary Bureau, Cultural Relics Bureau, Sewage Treatment Plant, Planning Bureau and other departments of Harbin. We would like to acknowledge all of them!

Environmental Impact Assessment Organization, Filed Survey Methods and Survey Process

Entrusted by Communications Bureau of Harbin, Environmental Protection Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province undertook the environmental impact assessment of the project and carried out the first filed survey from February 2 to 7, 2013. The survey aims to make preliminary investigation and analysis for the project composition, scale and current environmental status and determine the main environmental impact factors. Additionally, the Academy also visited the common people lived in project area for their suggestions about the project construction.

During the filed survey, the official data and information have been collected from Public Transport Company of Harbin, Harbin Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Construction Bureau, Traffic Police Brigade, Education Bureau, Forestry Bureau, Tourist Administration, Bureau of Civil Affairs, Agricultural Bureau, Water Discharge Company, Meteorological Bureau, Hydrographic Office, Water Affairs Bureau, Sanitary Bureau, Cultural Relics Bureau, Sewage Treatment Plant and Planning Bureau. Besides, forum was held on which each relevant unit and citizens showed their strong supports for the project construction. In their opinions, the project is for the conveniences of the people, and can promote the economic development correspondingly with energy conservation and emission reduction effect and improve the travelling condition for citizens. All of them want its implementation as soon as possible. Moreover, all proposed construction sites in pre-feasibility study and feasibility study have been investigated, and the site conditions photos and videos were made with abundant image data left.

Table of Content

1 Overview Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Project Overview Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.1 Project Name Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.2 Project Composition Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.3 Project Location Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.4 Construction Unit Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.5 Project Background Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.6 Necessity of Project Construction Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 Process of Environmental Impact Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 Basis of Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4.1 National Laws, Regulations, and Policies Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4.2 Local Regulations, Policies, and Documents Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4.3 Relevant Documents of the World Bank Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4.4 Design Data of Project 6

1.4.5 Technical Codes for Environmental Impact Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5 Grades and Scopes of Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5.1 Classification Method Specified in OP4.01 of the World Bank Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5.2 Grade of Domestic Environmental Impact Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5.3 Scope of Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.6 Assessment Factors Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.7 Assessment Criterion Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.7.1 Acoustic Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.7.2 Water Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.7.3 Atmospheric Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.8 Assessment Forecast Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.9 Emphasis of Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.10 Technical Methods of Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.11 Identification of Factors Impacted by Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.12 Environmental Protection Objectives Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.12.1 Ecologically Sensitive Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.12.2 Water Environmental Protection Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.12.3 Noise and Atmospheric Environmental Protection Objective Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 Project Overview Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Basic Information of the Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Engineering Proposal Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.2 Public Traffic Infrastructure Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.3 Traffic Management and Safety Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.4 Road Maintenance and Emergency Response Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.5 Institutional Development and Capacity Construction Error! Bookmark not defined.

3. Environmental and Social Status Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Natural Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.1 Geographic Location Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.2 Hydrology Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1.3 Meteorology Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 Social Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.1 Administrative Division and Population Distribution Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.2 City Layout and Economic Situation Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.3 Communication and Transportation Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.4 City Construction and Environmental Protection Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2.5 General Situation of Infrastructure Development in Project Area Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3 Urban Development Planning Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3.1 Urban Master Planning of Harbin (2011-2020) Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3.2 Integrated Traffic Development Planning of Harbin (2011-2030) Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3.3 12th Five-year Plan for Environmental Protection of Harbin Error! Bookmark not defined.

4 Current Environment Quality Status Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1 Current Ambient Air Quality Status Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.2 Current Water Environment Quality Status 69

4.3 Environmental Noise Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3.1 Current Acoustic Environment Status and Sensitive Spot Survey Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3.2 Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status Monitoring Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3.3 Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.4 Current Ecology Environment Status 77

5. Alternative Comparison Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1 Public Traffic Priority Corridor Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1.1 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road (Road Bridge to Tonggang Street) Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1.2 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street) Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.1.3 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi Road) Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2 Public Traffic Infrastructure Construction Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2.1 Suggestions on Existing and New Buses Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2.2 Public Traffic Hub Station Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2.2 First and Last Station Project of Public Traffic Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.3 Zero Scheme Comparison Error! Bookmark not defined.

6. Environmental Impact Perdition in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1 Social Environmental Impact Analysis in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1.1 Analysis of Impact on Urban Traffic Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1.2 Analysis of Impacts on Residents Living Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.1.3 Impacts on Urban Infrastructure Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.2 Analysis of Impacts on Ambient Air Quality in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.2.1 Analysis of Impacts on Ambient Air Quality in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.3 Analysis of Impacts on Water Environment in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.4 Analysis of Impacts on Water Environment in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.4.1 Noise Predicting Result and Impact Analysis in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.5 Analysis of Urban Ecological Impact in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.5.1 Analysis of Ecological Impact in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.6 Analysis of Solid Waste Impact in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.7 Analysis of Impacts of Vibration in Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

6.8 Analysis on Impacts on Cultural Relic Error! Bookmark not defined.

7 Predication and Assessment of Environmental Impact in Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.1 Analysis and Assessment of Social Environment Impact Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2 Predication and Assessment of Ambient Air Quality Impact Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2.1 Analysis of Meteorological Characteristics of Pollution Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2.2 Predication and Assessment of Air Quality Impact of Three Public Traffic Corridors Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2.3 Predication and Assessment of Air Quality Impact of Traffic Hub and First and Last Station Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2.4 Ambient Air Impact and Assessment Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.2.4 Ambient Air Impact and Assessment Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.3 Predication and Assessment of Surface Water Environmental Quality Impact Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.3.1 Analysis of Water Environmental Impact of the Project Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.3.2 Analysis of Water Environment Impact in Road Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.4 Predication and Assessment of Acoustic Environmental Impact Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.4.1 Predication Mode and Parameter Selection Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.4.2 Predication of Traffic Noise in Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.5 Analysis of Impact on Urban Ecological Environment and Ecology Landscape Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.6 Analysis of Impact of Road Snow Removal on Environment in Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

8 Public Participation Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.1 Objective and Significance of Public Participation Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.2 Investigation Method and Principle Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.3 Statistics and Analysis on Results of Public Participation Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.3.1 Survey Method Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.3.2 Issue of Questionnaire of Public Participation Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.3.3 Analysis on the Statistical Result Error! Bookmark not defined.

8.3.4 Public Participation and Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.

9 Environment Management Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.1 Purpose Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.2 Environment Management Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.3 Environment Monitoring Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.3.1 Formulation Purpose and Principle Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.3.2 Environment Monitoring Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.5 Prevention Measures Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.4.1 Environment Protection Measures in Construction Period and Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.4.2 Environmental Protection Training Plan Error! Bookmark not defined.

9.5 Completion Acceptance of Environmental Facilities Error! Bookmark not defined.

10 Conclusions and Suggestions Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.1 Project Overview Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.2 Assessment of Environmental Status Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.2.1 Quality Status of Ambient Air Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.2.2 Quality status of Water Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.2.3 Acoustic Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.2.4 Urban Ecological Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3 Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3.1 Social Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3.2 Urban Ecological Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3.3 Water Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3.4 Acoustic Environment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.3.5 Ambient Air Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.4 Main Environmental Protection Measures Proposed in the Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.4.1 Construction Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.4.2 Operation Period Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.5Public Participation Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.6 Conclusions and Suggestions Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.6.1 General Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.

10.6.2 Requirements Error! Bookmark not defined.


1. Name List of Public Participation Respondents

1 Overview

1.1 Project Overview

1.1.1 Project Name

Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project

1.1.2 Project Composition

Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project consists of public traffic priority corridor construction project, public traffic infrastructure construction project, traffic management and safety construction project, road maintenance and emergency response construction project and institutional capacity construction project.

1.1.3 Project Location

The construction site of this project is Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.

1.1.4 Construction Unit

Communications Bureau of Harbin

1.1.5 Project Background

Traffic infrastructure of Harbin has reached a certain scale after years of development, but still lacks of overall planning in respect of transport corridor construction, transportation structure configuration, connection between urban traffic and external traffic, connection between line and station and coordination of different modes of transportation; furthermore, significant adjustment has been made on the economic and social development strategy, urban planning and industry layout of Harbin in recent years, a series of major traffic infrastructures including highway, railway, water port and national hub stations shall be adjusted accordingly. Change in economic and traffic development environment objectively requires that the traffic construction of Harbin must take the developing comprehensive transportation as the fundamental starting point, and shall coordinate all modes of transportation, optimize the traffic resource allocation, exert the combined advantage of comprehensive transportation, accelerate the construction of integrated comprehensive transportation system to promote the sustainable economic and social development.

According to Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economy and Social Development of Harbin, during Twelfth Five-year period, Harbin will focus on three strategic tasks, i.e. significant progress in construction of people's livelihood, substantive breakthrough in economic structural adjustment and fundamental improvement in basic public service. In order to further implement the idea of sustainable development of people oriented and construct the “convenient, efficient, safe and comfortable” public-traffic-oriented urban traffic system, Harbin municipal Party committee and municipal government actively implement the public traffic priority strategy, perfect legal system and establish supportive policies to provide powerful guarantee for urban public traffic in respect of planning, construction, land use and funds. Opinions on Implementation of Urban Public traffic priority in Harbin and Regulations on Urban Public traffic Infrastructure Planning and Construction of Harbin are published, which define the non-profit orientation of urban public traffic, determine the principle of urban public traffic priority and preferential policies on land use, investment, right of way allocation and finance and taxation supporting, vigorously promoting the development of public traffic.

1.1.6 Necessity of Project Construction

(1) Needs for construction of livable cities with convenient traffic

Construct intelligent public traffic system, to realize urban environment optimization of Harbin and improve the urban function, and promote both quality and level of urbanization to create a good livable environment with convenient traffic in progress of urbanization and improve the living quality of the residents.

(2) Needs for urban sustainable development

Urban sustainable development has a broad connotation, and the sustainable development of economy, society and environment is closely associated with regional space. The project takes realization of sustainable development of urban traffic as the starting point and promotes the sustainable development of economy, society and environment through construction of intelligent public traffic system, make the relationship between city and region closer and promote the sustainable development of the whole region.

(3) Needs for traffic safety

The construction of public traffic system will promote the traffic intelligent strategy implementation and drive the coordinated development of traffic and city by means of informationization to realize scientific traffic decision-making, modern management and maximum operation efficiency of traffic infrastructure in order to meets the needs of increasing public traffic, fully enhance the city comprehensive competitiveness, reduce the traffic accident rate and improve the safety level of urban public traffic.

1.2 Purpose of Environmental Impact Assessment

The construction and operation of this project will have a few impacts on the regional environment of the proposed project. This assessment is proposed to predict the impact of project construction on environment, put forward feasible measures to prevent pollution and relieve impact, provide basis for project decision-making, and guide the environmental protection design and environment management in construction period and operation period through engineering pollution analysis on the basis of investigation of current condition of regional environment of the project, to coordinate the economic, social and environmental benefit of project construction.

(1) Assess the impact of activities during design, construction and operation of the project on different environmental elements to provide basis for optimal route selection.

(2) Investigate and monitor the present condition of environment quality along the project, understand the present condition of regional environment quality, predict impact of the project construction on the environment and local ecological damage conditions through environmental impact assessment, propose feasible mitigation or indemnifying measures so as to effectively control the adverse impact of project construction on the environment;

(3) Provide basis and guidance for environment management during construction period and operation period, to make the project construction meet the requirements of national environmental protection and local planning of project construction and provide scientific basis for development of economy and environmental planning along the project.

1.3 Process of Environmental Impact Assessment

On January 2013, Communications Bureau of Harbin entrusts Environmental Protection Science Research Institute of Heilongjiang Province to conduct environmental impact assessment on Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project and meet the review requirements of domestic and World Bank environment agencies.

1.4 Basis of Assessment

1.4.1 National Laws, Regulations, and Policies

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, taken effect since December 26, 1989;

(2) Law of the People's Republic of China on Appraising Environmental Impacts, taken effect since September 1, 2003;

(3) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, taken effect since September 1, 2000;

(4) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution, taken effect since March 1, 1997;

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, revised on February 28, 2008;

(6) Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution, taken effect since April 1, 2005;

(7) Law of the People's Republic of China on Urban and Rural Planning, taken effect since January 1, 2008;

(8) Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, taken effect since August 28, 2004;

(9) Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation, taken effect since June 29, 1991;

(10) Provisions on the Administration of Expenses of Safety Protection and Civilized Construction Measures and Usage in Construction Projects

(11) Decree No. 253 Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (1998) issued by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, taken effect since December 12, 1998;

(12) Notice of the Ministry of Construction on Issuance of JS No. 2002189 Measures for the Administration of Construction Standing-by Supervisor of Housing Construction Project (Trial);

(13) Notice of the National Environment Protection Agency on HF [2003] No. 94 Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Highway, Railway (Including Light Rail) Construction Projects;

(14) HF 2006 [No. 28] Interim Procedure on the Public Take Part in Environmental Impact Assessment issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration, taken effect since March 18, 2006;

(15) Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Vehicles (II) (GB 18352.2-2001)

1.4.2 Local Regulations, Policies, and Documents

(1) Decision Several Issues Concerning Environmental Protection issued by Heilongjiang Provincial Party of the Communist Party of China, Provincial People's Government, 1997;

(2) Regulations of Heilongjiang Province on the Environmental Protection, April 1, 1995;

(3) Measures for the Administration of Environmental Monitoring of Heilongjiang Province, October 1, 2001;

(4) Standards for Surface Water Functional Area of Heilongjiang Province (DB23/485-1998);

(5) Measures for the Implementation of Law of the People's Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation in Heilongjiang Province, December 1, 1993;

(6) Measures for the Administration of Safety Production in Construction Project of Heilongjiang Province;

(7) Safety Supervision Code for Engineering Construction in Heilongjiang Province (DB 23506–1999);

(8) Regulations on the Administration of Cultural Relics in Heilongjiang Province.

1.4.3 Relevant Documents of the World Bank

(1) OP/BP4.01 and attachment (Environmental Assessment) of the World Bank, January 1999;

(2) OP / (Environmental Assessment) of the World Bank, January 1999;

(3) GP4.01 / (Environmental Assessment) of the World Bank, January 1999;

(4) Compilation of Data for Environmental Impact Assessment of the World Bank;

(5) General EHS Guidelines – General Guidelines for Environment, Health, and Safety;

(6) Operations Manual of the World Bank– Cultural Relics Protection for the World Bank Funded Project (OP4.11);

1.4.4 Design Data of Project

(1) Proposal for Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project Using World Bank Loan, January 2013;

(2) Segment Report for Traffic Management and Safety Construction in Feasibility Study on Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Project (Draft), March 2013;

(3) Feasibility Study Report for Public Traffic Infrastructures of Harbin (Exposure Draft), May, 2013;

(4) Feasibility Study Report for Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project – General Report, July, 2013;

(5) Public transportation company of Harbin: public traffic hub construction project, positions of the first and last stations, public traffic corridor construction project, and public traffic route map etc.

(6) Environmental Protection Agency of Harbin: the 12th Five-year Plan for Environmental Protection of Harbin.

(7) Construction Bureau: data for domestic garbage disposal plant and greening of Harbin.

(8) Traffic police detachment: statement for motor vehicles, traffic accidents, current traffic management for urban road and its improvement plan, and road traffic reconciliation plan of central zone of Harbin etc.

(9) Education Bureau: basic data of schools within the Harbin urban area;

(10) Forestry Bureau: data for animals and plants in Harbin etc.;

(11) Tourist Administration: overall plan for tourism development of Harbin etc.;

(12) Bureau of Civil Affairs: basic information on pension agency under the administrative jurisdiction of Harbin etc.;

(13) Sewage Corporation: current conditions of sewage pipe network of Harbin;

(14) Meteorological Bureau: meteorological data of years in Harbin urban area;

(15) Hydrological Bureau: hydrological data of Harbin etc.;

(16) Water Supplies Bureau: data for water intakes of Harbin etc.;

(17) Health Bureau: basic data of hospitals in Harbin urban area;

(18) Cultural Relics Bureau: investigation whether there is cultural relics in the project area etc.;

(19) Planning Department: Overall Plan of Harbin (2011-2020), and Comprehensive Traffic Development Plan of Harbin (2011-2030) etc.

1.4.5 Technical Codes for Environmental Impact Assessment

(1) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-General Programme (HJT2.1-2011);

(2) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Atmospheric Environment (HJ2.2-2008);

(3) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Surface Water Environment (HJ/T2.3-93);

(4) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Acoustic Environment (HJ2.4-2009);

(5) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment-Ecological Impact (HJ19-2011);

(6) Specification for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highways (JTG B03-2006);

(7) Technical Specification for Comprehensive Control of Soil and Water Conservation (GB/T16543.1 to 16453.6-2008);

(8) HF [2010] No. 7 Technical Policies of Pollution Prevention and Control of Ground Traffic Noise;

(9) Technical Standard of Highway Engineering (JTGB01-2003).

1.5 Grades and Scopes of Assessment

1.5.1 Classification Method Specified in OP4.01 of the World Bank

According to the classification method specified in Operations Manual of the World Bank – Environmental Impact Assessment (OP4.01), the assessment is classified into class B.

1.5.2 Grade of Domestic Environmental Impact Assessment

The grade of domestic environmental impact assessment is different from that of the World Bank and classified into grade III according to the state Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment. According to the characteristics of subprojects and environmental characteristics of the places where they are located, and Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highway Construction, the corresponding assessment subjects and determined grades of assessment are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1.5-1 Assessment Subjects and Grades Classification

|Name of |Assessment |Assessment Grade|Basis for Assessment Grade |

|Subproject |Subject | | |

|1. Construction |Ecology |III |The additional floor area is less than 2km2 with greening area almost no |

|project of | | |reduced. The ecological environmental assessment is graded as III. |

|public traffic | | | |

|priority | | | |

| |Noise |II |The noise after the project construction is forecasted significantly larger |

| | | |than that before the construction (increasing by 3 to 5dB). So the acoustic |

| | | |environmental assessment is graded as II. |

| |Air |II |3 corridors are urban major roads. So the atmospheric assessment is graded as |

| | | |II. |

| |Water |III |The sewage discharges mainly include the pavement runoff during the operation,|

| |environment | |with the sewage components simple. |

|2. Construction |Ecology |III |The additional floor area is less than 2km2 with greening area almost no |

|project of | | |reduced. The ecological environmental assessment is graded as III. |

|public traffic | | | |

|infrastructures | | | |

| |Noise |II |The noise after the project construction is forecasted significantly larger |

| | | |than that before the construction (increasing by 3 to 5dB). So the acoustic |

| | | |environmental assessment is graded as II. |

| |Air |III |The fugitive dust from the project construction has adverse impact |

| | | |tentatively. The automobile exhaust is emitted during the project operation. |

| |Water |III |The sewage discharges mainly include the sewage from the construction camp, |

| |environment | |and pavement runoff during the operation. In the operation, the sewage is |

| | | |mainly classified into industrial wastewater, domestic sewage, and rainwater |

| | | |runoff, with the amount of the domestic sewage little and sewage components |

| | | |simple. |

|3. Traffic |Ecology |/ |The greening area is almost not reduced, so the ecological assessment is not |

|management and | | |graded. |

|safety | | | |

|construction | | | |

|project | | | |

| |Noise |/ |The acoustic environmental impact is almost none, so the acoustic |

| | | |environmental assessment is not graded. |

| |Air |/ |The ambient air impact is almost none, so the ambient air assessment is not |

| | | |graded. |

| |Water |/ |The surface water quality impact of this project is almost none, so the |

| |environment | |surface water assessment is not graded. |

|4. Road |Ecology |/ |The greening area is almost not reduced, so the ecological assessment is not |

|maintenance and | | |graded. |

|emergency | | | |

|response | | | |

|construction | | | |

|project | | | |

| |Noise |/ |The acoustic environmental impact is almost none, so the acoustic |

| | | |environmental assessment is not graded. |

| | |/ |The ambient air impact is almost none, so the ambient air assessment is not |

| |Air | |graded. |

| |Water |/ |The surface water quality impact of this project is almost none, so the |

| |environment | |surface water assessment is not graded. |

|5. Institutional|Ecology |/ |The greening area is almost not reduced, so the ecological assessment is not |

|capacity | | |graded. |

|construction | | | |

|project | | | |

| |Noise |/ |The acoustic environmental impact is almost none, so the acoustic |

| | | |environmental assessment is not graded. |

| |Air |/ |The ambient air impact is almost none, so the ambient air assessment is not |

| | | |graded. |

| |Water |/ |The surface water quality impact of this project is almost none, so the |

| |environment | |surface water assessment is not graded. |

1.5.3 Scope of Assessment

The assessment scopes are shown in Table 1-2 according to the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highway Construction.

Table 1-5-2 Assessment Subjects and Scopes

|Name of Subproject |Assessment Factor |Assessment Scopes |

|1. Construction |Ecology |Within 200m from each side of road centerline, and possible project construction |

|project of public | |areas. |

|traffic priority | | |

| |Noise |Within 200m from each side of road centerline |

| |Air |Within 200m from each side of road centerline |

| |Water environment |The assessment is not ranged, and only the emission standard analysis is required. |

|2. Construction |Ecology |Scopes of public traffic hub and the first and last stations, and possible project |

|project of public | |construction areas. |

|traffic | | |

|infrastructures | | |

| |Noise |Beyond 60m from the boundaries of public traffic hub and the first and last |

| | |stations |

| |Air |Scopes of public traffic hub and the first and last stations, and possible project |

| | |construction areas. |

| |Water environment |The assessment is not ranged, and only the emission standard analysis is required. |

1.6 Assessment Factors

According to the features of pollution in the project, the environmental impact assessment factors of each assessment subject are shown in Table 1-3.

Table 1-6-1 Summary of Main Factors of Environmental Impact Assessment

|Assessment Factor |Main Assessment Factors |

| |Construction Period |Operation Period |

|Acoustic |Equivalent continuous A sound level |Equivalent continuous A sound level |

|environment | | |

|Vibration |VLzmax |VLz10 |

|environment | | |

|Water environment |SS, COD, and petroleum etc. |PH, BOD5, COD, animal and vegetable oil, petroleum, and ammonia |

| | |nitrogen |

|Ambient air |TSP |NOX(NO2)、CO |

|Solid waste |Building rubbish, and domestic garbage |Domestic garbage of workers and garbage carried by passengers at|

| | |the public traffic stations |

|Ecological |Water loss and soil erosion, and urban |Landscape and plant recovery |

|environment |greening | |

1.7 Assessment Criterion

1.7.1 Acoustic Environment

According to the environment function regionalizing of Harbin and practical condition of land use around the project site, the noise standards for assessing acoustic environment are as follows:

1. Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-2011, shown in Table 1-4) for the construction period

2. Operation period

(1) Construction project of public traffic priority corridors

For buildings facing the streets beyond the road redline, if they are mainly more than three storeys and above high, the standard of Class 4a (for acoustic environment functions) in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be executed for the areas facing the roads of the first row of the buildings,; and the 60dB for daytime and 50dB for nighttime shall be executed for special sensitive buildings such as schools and hospitals (sanatorium and nursing homes);

The executive standards for assessment (200m) for the construction project of public traffic priority corridors are shown in Table 1-7-1.

Table 1-7-1 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise of Construction Project of Public Traffic Priority Corridors

|Name of Project |Grade |Executive Standard |

|Public traffic priority corridor of Youyi|Urban |1st row facing the |Other areas within the assessment ranges |

|Road (Road Bridge to Tonggang Street) |major |roads | |

| |road | | |

| | |Class 4a |Class 1 for the north of Road Bridge to Tonggang |

| | | |Street |

| | |Class 4a |Class 2 for the south of Road Bridge to Tonggang |

| | | |Street |

| | |Class 4a |Class 2 for Tongjiang Street to Tonggang Street |

|Public traffic priority corridor of | |Class 4a |Class 1 for the east of Dongzhi Road to Hanshui |

|Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi| | |Road |

|Road) | | | |

| | |Class 4a |Class 1 for the west of Dongzhi Road to Ganshui |

| | | |Road |

| | |Class 4a |Class 2 for the east of Hanshui Road to Youfang |

| | | |Street |

| | |Class 4a |Class 2 for the west of Ganshui Road to |

| | | |Harbin-Suifenhe Railway line |

| | |Class 4a |Class 3 for the west of Harbin-Suifenhe Railway |

| | | |line to Sandadongli Road |

| | |Class 4a |Class 3 for the east of Youfang Street to |

| | | |Sandadongli Road |

| | |Class 4a |Class 2 for Sandadongli Road to Jinxiang Street |

|Public traffic priority corridor of | |Class 4a |Class 2 for Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street |

|Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to | | | |

|Jincheng Street) | | | |

(2) Construction project of public traffic infrastructure

① The standard of class 2 in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be executed for Xiangbin Road Hub Station.

② The standard of class 1 in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be executed for the First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue.

③ The standard of class 2 in the Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) shall be executed for the First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Avenue.

The executive standards for assessment for the construction project of public traffic infrastructure are shown in Table 1-7-2.

Table 1-7-2 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise of Construction Project of Public Traffic Infrastructure

|Name |Executive Standard |

|Xiangbin Road Hub Station |Class 2 |

|First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue |Class 1 |

|First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Avenue |Class 2 |

The environmental quality standards for noise of the project are shown in Tables 1-7-3 and 1-7-4.

Table 1-7-3 Noise Limits for Construction Site (GB12523-2011) Unit: LAeq (dB)

|Noise limit |

|Daytime |Nighttime |

|70 |55 |

Table 1-7-4 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) Unit: LAeq (dB)

|Category of Noise Environment Functional Area |Daytime |Nighttime |

|1 |55 |45 |

|2 |60 |50 |

|3 |65 |55 |

|4a |70 |55 |

1.7.2 Water Environment

The main surface water within the area where the project is located is Songhuajiang River and determined as the section of Zhushuntun in the main stream of Songhuajiang River, and the standard of class III in the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB3838-2002) shall be executed for it, shown in Table 1-7-5.

Table 1-7-5 Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water Unit: (mg/L, except pH)

|SN |Item |Class III |

|1 |pH |6~9 |

|2 |Permanganate index |6 |

|3 |COD≤ |20 |

|4 |BOD5≤ |4 |

|5 |Ammonia nitrogen |1.0 |

|6 |Petroleum |0.05 |

This project is a main urban road project. During the operation, the sewage is discharged into the urban sewage pipe network, and finally into the urban sewage treatment plant. The standard of grade III in the Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) shall be executed for the sewage discharge, shown in Table 1-7-6.

Table 1-7-6 Executive Standards for Water Environmental Assessment

|Standard No. |Name of Standard |Standard Value and |Pollutant |Standard Value (mg/L) |

| | |Grade | | |

|GB8978-1996 |Integrated |III |pH |6~9 |

| |Wastewater | | | |

| |Discharge | | | |

| |Standard | | | |

| | | |SS |400 |

| | | |BOD5 |300 |

| | | |COD |/ |

| | | |Petroleum |500 |

| | | |Animal and |30 |

| | | |vegetable oil | |

| | | |Ammonia nitrogen |2.0 |

| | | |LAS |20 |

1.7.3 Environmental Vibration

The environmental vibration for the areas along the line shall conform to the Urban Regional Environment Vibration Standard (GB10070-88).

Table 1-7-7 Z Standard Value Table for Direction of Z Vibration Level in Various Urban Areas (dB)

|Scope of Applicable Area |Daytime |Nighttime |

|Special residential area |65 |65 |

|Residential and cultural and education |70 |67 |

|area | | |

|Mixing area and commercial central area |75 |72 |

|Industrial concentration area |75 |72 |

|Both sides of traffic artery and road |75 |72 |

1.7.4 Atmospheric Environment

The standard of grade II in the Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-2012) shall be proposed executed for the atmospheric environmental quality in the area along the project site, shown in Table 1-7-8.

Table 1-7-8 Executive Standards for Atmospheric Environmental Assessment

|Pollutant |TSP |NO2 |CO |

|Standard of grade II in |Average/day |0.30mg/m³ |0.08mg/m³ |4mg/m³ |

|GB3095-2012 | | | | |

| |Average/hour |/ |0.20mg/m³ |10mg/m³ |

The standards for concentration limits of unorganized emission monitoring point in the Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996) shall be executed for the air pollutants during the construction, shown in Table 1-7-9.

Table 1-7-9 Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996)

|Pollutant |Maximum Allowable |Maximum Allowable Emission Rate (kg/h) |Concentration Limit of |

| |Emission Centration | |Unorganized Emission |

| | | |Monitoring Point |

| | |Height of exhaust funnel |Grade II | |

| | |(m) | | |

|Particulate matter |120 |15 |3.5 |1.0 maximally outside the|

| | | | |boundary |

| | |20 |5.9 | |

| | |30 |23 | |

|Methylbenzene |60 |15 |3.6 |0.3 maximally outside the|

| | | | |boundary |

| | |20 |6.1 | |

| | |30 |21 | |

| | |40 |36 | |

|Dimethylbenzene |90 |15 |1.2 |1.5 maximally outside the|

| | | | |boundary |

| | |20 |2.0 | |

| | |30 |6.9 | |

| | |40 |12 | |

|Nitrogen oxide |1400 (production of |15 |0.77 |0.12 maximally outside |

| |nitric acid, nitrogen | | |the boundary |

| |fertilizer and gunpowder)| | | |

| |240 (nitric acid using | | | |

| |and others) | | | |

| | |20 |1.3 | |

| | |30 |4.4 | |

| | |40 |7.5 | |

| | |50 |12 | |

| | |60 |16 | |

| | |70 |23 | |

| | |80 |31 | |

| | |90 |40 | |

| | |100 |52 | |

|Non-methane hydrocarbon |120 (use of solvent |15 |10 |4.0 maximally outside the|

| |gasoline or other mixed | | |boundary |

| |hydrocarbon type) | | | |

| | |20 |17 | |

| | |30 |53 | |

| | |40 |100 | |

| | | | | |

1.8 Assessment Forecast Period

The assessment period is divided into the construction period and operation period, with the former same as the project construction period; and the latter consistent with the forecast year of traffic volume, i.e.:

The construction period is from March 2014 to March 2018, lasting for 5 years.

1.9 Emphasis of Assessment

According to the potential main environmental impacts of the project and environmental sensitivity of the region where the project is located, the assessment emphasizes the following environmental impact assessment chapters:

(1) Acoustic environmental impact assessment chapter: mainly to assess the impacts of the project operation on the schools, hospitals, and resident concentration area along the roads.

(2) Urban ecological environmental impact assessment chapter: mainly to analyze the harmony between the road landscape and surrounding environment.

(3) Ambient air impact assessment chapter: mainly to assess the impacts of automobile exhaust on the schools, hospitals, and resident concentration area along the roads.

(4) Public take part in the assessment: mainly to investigate the units, schools, hospitals, and resident concentration area along the roads.

1.10 Technical Methods of Assessment

According to the principle of “point as the principal, and point and line combined to reflect the whole line”, the methods such as model calculation, analogy, and research & analysis shall be used for the assessment.

The data collection and investigation & analysis shall be used for the ecological environmental assessment; the analogy shall be used for the water environmental assessment; the model calculation shall be used for the acoustic and atmospheric environmental assessment; the investigation & analysis shall be used for the social environmental assessment; and the combination of probability analysis and pattern forecast shall be used for the risk analysis.

1.11 Identification of Factors Impacted by Construction Project

According to the nature and improvement of traffic environment of the construction project and corresponding discharge features of pollutants, the table of identification of factors impacts by the project shall be used to identify the degrees and natures of factors impacted by the project, with the identification results listed in Tables 1-11-1 and 1-11-2.

Table 1-11-1 Identification of Degrees of Factors Impacted by the Project

|Environmental |Natural Environments |Ecological Resources |Social Environments |Quality of Life |

|Resources | | | | |

| |Groundwater Hydrology |Groundwater Quality |

| |Construction Period |Operation Period |Construction Period |Operation Period |

| |Short-term|Long-term |Reversible |Irreversible |Partial |Wide |Short-term |

| |4 |Zunrong Huafu |31m |54.75m |North |1 row: 1 building, 24 storeys |Class 4a, 156 |

| | | | | | | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |468 persons |

| |10 |Youyi Road, No. 188 |43m |63m |South |Noise functional area of class 2, building to be protected of | |

| | | | | | |class II |Grade II |

| |11 |Heilongjiang Huihao Hospital |40m |60m | |Class 2, 150 medical workers, and 240 sickbeds | |

| | | | | |South | |Grade II |

| |12 |Chi Kedong Internal Medicine Clinic of |20m |40m | |Class 2, 60 medical workers, and 45 sickbeds | |

| | |Traditional Chinese Medicine | | |South | |Grade II |

| |13 |Wang Dianyuan Orthopedics Hospital |20m |40m | |Class 2, 70 medical workers, and 40 sickbeds |Grade II |

| | | | | |South | | |

| |14 |The Second Clinic of the Second Hospital |35m |55m | |Class 2, 120 medical workers, and 80 sickbeds | |

| | |of Heilongjiang | | |South | |Grade II |

| |15 |Service Center for Sub-health Physical |35m |55m | |Class 2, 40 medical workers, and 30 sickbeds | |

| | |Treatment | | |South | |Grade II |

| |16 |Zhang Hongbing Gynecology Hospital of the |22m |42m | |Class 2, 55 medical workers, and 30 sickbeds | |

| | |Western Medicine | | |South | |Grade II |

| |18 |Children’s Hospital |30m |50m | |Class 2, 956 medical workers, and 900 sickbeds | |

| | | | | |North | |Grade II |

| |19 |Fengguang Jiangjing Apartment |32m |52m | |1 row: 1 building, 42 storeys |Class 4a, 126 |

| | | | | |North | |households, 378 |

| | | | | | | |persons |

| |21 |No. 40 Middle School of Harbin |87m |107m | |Class 2, 94 teaching and administrative staff, and 1500 students | |

| | | | | |South | |Grade II |

| |22 |Yumin Primary School |30m |50m | |Class 2, 50 teaching and administrative staff, and 600 students | |

| | | | | |South | |Grade II |

| |23 |Shuguang School |30m |50m | |Class 2, 75 teaching and administrative staff, and 800 students | |

| | | | | |South | |Grade II |

| |24 |No. 12 Ji Culture School |30m |50m | |Class 2, and 25 teachers | |

| | | | | |North | |Grade II |

| |25 |Taibao Community |30m |50m | |1 row: 4 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 4a, 202 |

| | | | | |South | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |606 persons |

| |27 |Jiangpan Fangyuan Community |50m |70m | |1 row: 3 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 4a, 168 |

| | | | | |North | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |534 persons |

| |29 |Fangyuan Binjiang Guoji |35m |55m | |1 row: 1 building, 18 storeys |Class 4a, 72 |

| | | | | |South | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |216 persons |

| |31 |Yunhui Institute of Infertility Prevention|35m |55m | |Class 2, 40 medical workers | |

| | |and Control | | |South | |Grade II |

| |32 |Dongfang Community |22m |42m | |1 row: 5 buildings, 6 storeys |Class 4a, 136 |

| | | | | |South | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |408 persons |

| |37 |No. 8 Middle School of Harbin |22m |42m | |Class 2, 120 teaching and administrative staff, and 800 students | |

| | | | | |North | |Grade II |

|Public |38 |Dongzhi Community |30m |55m |West |1 row: 3 buildings, 6 storeys |Class 4a, 92 |

|traffic | | | | | | |households, and |

|priority | | | | | | |276 persons |

|corridor of | | | | | | | |

|Hongqi Avenue| | | | | | | |

| |40 |Tianhui Weiye Finance School |62m |97m | |Class 1, 50 teachers | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

| |41 |Qinghuayuan Kindergarten |25m |50m | |Class 1, 80 teaching and administrative staff, and 200 students | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

| |42 |Shuanglong Lvse Jiayuan |25m |50m | |1 row: 2 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 4a, 64 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |192 persons |

| |44 |Chen Shunxin Stomatological Clinic |121m |146m | |Class 1, 25 medical workers | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

| |45 |Honghe Teachers’ Residence Community |164m |189m | |1 row: 5 buildings, 6 storeys |Class 4a, 182 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |728 persons |

| |47 |Hongping Community |25m |65m | |1 row: 9 buildings, 6 storeys |Class 4a, 286 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |858 persons |

| |50 |Hongqi Xinqu |25m |65m | |1 row: 3 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 4a, 98 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |294 persons |

| |52 |Guoji Huizhan Mingcheng Community |25m |65m | |1 row: 2 buildings, 18 storeys |Class 4a, 162 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |486 persons |

| |54 |Jiayi Sunshine Foreign Languages School |38m |78m | |Class 1, 80 teaching and administrative staff | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

| |55 |Huanghe Jiayuan Community |25m |65m | |1 row: 2 buildings, 24 storeys |Class 4a, 152 |

| | | | | |West | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |456 persons |

| |62 |Beechen Guoji Community |20m |60m | |1 row: 2 buildings, 31 storeys |Class 4a, 186 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |558 persons |

| |66 |Zhujiang Community |94m |134m | |2 rows: 6 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 2, 408 |

| | | | | |West | |households, 1224|

| | | | | | | |persons |

| |69 |Baolaile Bilingual Kindergarten |125m |165m | |Class 2, 80 teaching and administrative staff, and 200 students | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

| |70 |Yongji Jiayuan Community |30m |70m | |2 rows: 2 buildings, 7 storeys |Class 2, 144 |

| | | | | |East | |households, 432 |

| | | | | | | |persons |

| |74 |Hospital for Staff of Harbin Industry |30m |60m | |Class 2, 100 medical workers, and 120 sickbeds | |

| | |Investment Group | | |East | |Grade II |

| |75 |Zhoucheng Mingyuan Community |150m |180m | |2 rows: 3 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 2, 216 |

| | | | | |East | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |648 persons |

| |81 |Antong Jiayuan |85m |115m | |2 rows: 2 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 2, 154 |

| | | | | |East | |households, 462 |

| | | | | | | |persons |

| |83 |Aide Culture and Art School |45m |75m | |Class 2, 58 teaching and administrative staff | |

| | | | | |East | |Grade II |

|Public |84 |Harbin No.10 Hospital |20m |50m | |Class 2, 558 medical workers, and 302 sickbeds | |

|traffic | | | | |South | |Grade II |

|priority | | | | | | | |

|corridor of | | | | | | | |

|Xinyang Road | | | | | | | |

| |85 |Yingbin Jiayuan |33m |63m | |1 row: 4 buildings, 8 storeys |Class 4a, 218 |

| | | | | |South | |households, and |

| | | | | | | |654 persons |

| |90 |Bolite Hospital |15m |55m | |Class 2, 50 medical workers, and 30 sickbeds | |

| | | | | |North | |Grade II |

| |91 |Hongyang Primary School |35m |75m | |Class 2, 120 medical workers, and 800 students | |

| | | | | |North | |Grade II |

| |92 |Harbin Women’s Federation Kindergarten |20m |60m | |Class 2, 83 teaching and administrative staff | |

| | |Teacher School | | |North | |Grade II |

| |93 |Yinbin Apartment for the Elderly |35m |75m |

|First and |95 |Noise functional area of class 1, with wasteland all around now, and no building within 1km. | |

|Last Bus | | |Grade II |

|Station at | | | |

|Qunli First | | | |

|Avenue | | | |

|First and |96 |Noise functional area of class 2, in the project, the construction site is at 20m of the east, where the residential district is built; an open space is | |

|Last Bus | |within 200m of the west, without building; the shopping mall is under construction in the south, with the minimum distance of 180m; and the residential |Grade II |

|Station at | |district is under construction in the north, with the minimum distance of 60m (no residents now within the assessment ranges). | |

|Hexie Avenue | | | |

2. Project Overview

2.1 Basic Information of the Project

Project name: Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project

Construction site: the construction site of the project is urban center of Harbin. Three proposed public traffic corridors are located in the downtown of Harbin, of which, Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road (Road Bridge to Tonggang Street) runs through Daoli District and Daowai District, Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi Road) runs through Daowai District, Xiangfang District and Nan’gang District and Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street) runs through Daoli District.

First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue is located at northeast corner of intersection of Qunli First Avenue and 3rd Ring Road. Xiangbin Road Hub Station is located at No. 30 of Xiangbin Road, and it is encircled by Hengxiangzhongshan residential area in the east and north. First and last bus station of Hexie Street locates at northeast side of the intersection of Hexie Street and Beixing Street, adjoining existing public buildings and residential areas in the east and the planned grassy area in the north.

Scale of construction:

1. Public Traffic Priority Corridor Construction Project includes construction of the public traffic priority corridor and construction of supporting public traffic corridor intellectualization;

2. Public Traffic Infrastructure Construction Project includes public traffic infrastructure construction, public transport vehicle procurement and intelligent public traffic construction;

3. Traffic Management and Safety Construction Project includes construction of public traffic priority and road safety system and control system, construction of public traffic priority and road safety monitoring and enforcement system and construction of public traffic priority and road safety command and dispatch center;

4. Road Maintenance and Emergency Response Construction Project includes construction of public traffic priority road and geographic information management system, purchase of public traffic priority road maintenance equipment and purchase of traffic safety special vehicles;

5. Institutional Capacity Construction Project includes research on urban traffic construction project financing and public transport improvement strategy, research on comprehensive emergency management strategy for severe weather of alpine-cold city, training of administrative staff for public traffic and safety, improving capacity of project management institutes and researching and training at home and abroad.

The project has a total investment of RMB 1435.4186 million Yuan, including construction investment of RMB 1412.7449 million Yuan (including engineering cost of RMB 1179.5387 million Yuan, other construction costs of RMB 106.4000 million Yuan and reserve cost of RMB 126.8062 million Yuan) and interest during construction period of RMB 22.6737 million Yuan.


Source of the project fund is composed of World Bank Loan of one million USD (convert into RMB 613.5 million Yuan at the exchange rate of 1: 6.1350) and Harbin municipal governmental allocation of RMB 821.9186 million Yuan. Source of governmental allocation is the self-finance of local government, making up about 57.26% of the project dynamic storage investment, which meets the relevant provisions of the State Council and demand of World Bank Project for project fund.

For the World Bank Loan, only the interests for the construction period shall be paid off during the construction period and the rest shall be paid off within 20 years after completion of the project, namely, from 2019 to 2038, in the mode of annual average capital plus interest. Repayment fund shall be self-raised fund by Harbin local finance.

2.2 Engineering Proposal

Table 2-2-1 Engineering Composition List

|ain |I. |Public |Construction |Adjust cross section of road, trim pavement, reconstruct main intersecting nodes along the road and |

|Works |Public |Traffic |content |adjust position of bus bay (bus stop) with combination of intersection reconstruction. |

| |Traffic|Priority| | |

| |Priorit|Corridor| | |

| |y |of Youyi| | |

| |Corrido|Road | | |

| |r | | | |

| |Constru| | | |

| |ction | | | |

| |Project| | | |

| | | |Line length |Starting point is the intersection of Youyi Road and Road Bridge and terminal point is Tonggang |

| | | | |Street with setting-out overall length of 8.3 km and it is planned as urban major road. |

| | | |Pavement works |Deal with damages of the existing pavement and colorful bituminous mixture is recommended as surface|

| | | | |layer of the bus transit lane of the corridor road. |

| | | |Crossing works |Main intersecting node of the road shall be reconstructed and position of bus bay (bus stop) shall |

| | | | |be adjusted with combination of intersection reconstruction. |

| | | |Bus bay |Bus transit lane in the middle of road shall be constructed on Youyi Road corridor and all the bus |

| | | | |stations shall be bus bays. |

| | | |Slow-driving |①Sidewalk: permeable quadrels shall be used to re-pave the sidewalk |

| | | |system |②Pedestrian crosswalk: set up isolating guardrail on the main road; set up signal lights at the |

| | | | |intersections; and set up pedestrian induction signal light at necessary positions. |

| | | | |③Overpass: add one overpass. |

| | | | |④Barrier-free facilities: make sidewalks for the blind connected together during the reconstruction |

| | | | |process of sidewalk. Connect barrier-free path well at intersections and bus station. |

| | | |Traffic |Set up safety facilities such as traffic guide signs, traffic informational signs, traffic markings,|

| | | |engineering |ground marks, guideboards and traffic isolating guardrails and road crossed within the intersections|

| | | | |shall be correspondingly reconstructed for traffic guidance. |

| | | |Lighting works |Street lamps shall be set up along the public traffic corridor for lighting. |

| | | |Pipeline works |Lay cables necessary for power supply of bus station and traffic control along the line as required.|

| | | | |Meanwhile adjust original positions of tube wells during the road design process. |

| | | |Landscape works|Plant street trees along sidewalk and arrange green belt at the wide part of sidewalk. |

| | |Public |Construction |Adjust cross section of road, trim pavement, reconstruct main intersecting nodes along the road and |

| | |Traffic |content |adjust position of bus bay (bus stop) with combination of intersection reconstruction. |

| | |Priority| | |

| | |Corridor| | |

| | |of | | |

| | |Hongqi | | |

| | |Avenue | | |

| | | |Line length |Starting point is Jinxiang Street, the terminal point is Dongzhi Road with overall length of 9.3 km |

| | | | |and it is an urban major road. |

| | | |Pavement works |The public traffic corridor needs to removal partial central green belt and median between motor and|

| | | | |non-motor vehicles lanes and will be reconstructed to one-plate pavement and part of roadbed shall |

| | | | |be rebuilt. |

| | | |Crossing works |Deal with damages of the existing pavement and colorful bituminous mixture is recommended as surface|

| | | | |layer of the bus transit lane of the corridor road. |

| | | |Bus bay |Main intersecting node of the road shall be reconstructed and position of bus bay (bus stop) shall |

| | | | |be adjusted with combination of intersection reconstruction. Median at the original intersection |

| | | | |shall be adjusted. |

| | | |Slow-driving |Bus transit lane in the middle of road shall be constructed and all the bus stations shall be bus |

| | | |system |bays. |

| | | |Traffic |①Sidewalk: permeable quadrels shall be used to re-pave the sidewalk |

| | | |engineering |②Pedestrian crosswalk: set up isolating guardrail on the main road; set up signal lights at the |

| | | | |intersections; and set up pedestrian induction signal light at necessary positions. |

| | | | |③Overpass: reconstruct overpasses along the line and add passageway to bus station. |

| | | |Lighting works |Set up safety facilities such as traffic guide signs, traffic informational signs, traffic markings,|

| | | | |ground marks, guideboards and traffic isolating guardrails and road crossed within the intersections|

| | | | |shall be correspondingly reconstructed for traffic guidance. |

| | | |Pipeline works |Street lamps shall be set up along the public traffic corridor for lighting. |

| | | |Landscape works|Lay cables necessary for power supply of bus station and traffic control along the line only as |

| | | | |required. |

| | | |Construction |Plant street trees along sidewalk and arrange green belt at the wide part of sidewalk. |

| | | |content | |

| | |Public |Construction |Adjust cross section of road, trim pavement, reconstruct main intersecting nodes along the road and |

| | |Traffic |content |adjust position of bus bay (bus stop) with combination of intersection reconstruction. |

| | |Priority| | |

| | |Corridor| | |

| | |of | | |

| | |Xinyang | | |

| | |Road | | |

| | | |Line length |It is an urban major road from Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street with overall length of 3.95 km. |

| | | |Pavement works |Deal with damages of the existing pavement and colorful bituminous mixture is recommended as surface|

| | | | |layer of the bus transit lane of the corridor road. |

| | | |Crossing works |Main intersecting node of the road shall be reconstructed, position of bus bay (bus stop) shall be |

| | | | |adjusted with combination of intersection reconstruction, and median at the original intersection |

| | | | |shall be adjusted. |

| | | |Bus bay |Bus transit lane in the middle of road shall be constructed and all the bus stations shall be bus |

| | | | |bays. |

| | | |Slow-driving |①Sidewalk: permeable quadrels shall be used to re-pave the sidewalk |

| | | |system |②Pedestrian crosswalk: set up isolating guardrail on the main road; set up signal lights at the |

| | | | |intersections; and set up pedestrian induction signal light at necessary positions. |

| | | | |③Overpass: reconstruct overpasses along the line and add passageway to bus station. |

| | | |Traffic |Main intersecting node of the road shall be reconstructed, position of bus bay (bus stop) shall be |

| | | |engineering |adjusted with combination of intersection reconstruction, and median at the original intersection |

| | | | |shall be adjusted. |

| | | |Lighting works |Set up street lamps for lighting. |

| | | |Pipeline works |Lay cables necessary for power supply of bus station and traffic control along the line as required.|

| | | |Landscape works|Plant street trees along sidewalk and arrange green belt at the wide part of sidewalk. |

| |II. |Xiangbin Road Hub |The project locates at No. 30 Xiangbin Road with total planned land area of 34801 square meters, |

| |Public |Station |newly built Xiangbin Road Hub Station with gross floor area of 48693 square meters and newly built |

| |Transpo| |outdoor stopping pad and road area of 15211 square meters. |

| |rtation| | |

| |Infrast| | |

| |ructure| | |

| |Constru| | |

| |ction | | |

| |Project| | |

| | | |Water supply: connect one DN100 service pipe to municipal water-supply line at Xiangbin Road. |

| | | |Drainage: wastewater shall be discharged into municipal drainage line after processed in the on-site|

| | | |septic tank and finally discharged into Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant. |

| | | |Heat supply: the project heat shall be provided by municipal centralized heating. |

| | |First and Last Bus |The project locates at at northeast corner of intersection of Qunli First Avenue and 3rd Ring Road |

| | |Station at Qunli First |with total planned land area of 14406.3 square meters, gross floor area of 17144.82 square meters |

| | |Avenue |and newly built outdoor stopping pad and road area of 11300 square meters. |

| | | |Water supply: connect one DN100 service pipe to municipal water-supply line at Qunli First Avenue. |

| | | |Drainage: wastewater shall be discharged into municipal drainage line after processed in the on-site|

| | | |septic tank and finally discharged into Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant. |

| | | |Heat supply: the project heat shall be provided by municipal centralized heating. |

| | |First and Last Bus |The project locates at northeast side of the intersection of Hexie Street and Beixing Street with |

| | |Station of Hexie Street |total planned land area of 3071 square meters, gross floor area of 900 square meters and newly built|

| | | |outdoor stopping pad and road area of 2371 square meters. |

|= | | |Water supply: connect one DN100 service pipe to municipal water-supply line at Hexie Street. |

| | | |Drainage: wastewater shall be discharged into municipal drainage line after processed in the on-site|

| | | |septic tank and finally discharged into Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant. |

| | | |Heat supply: the project heat shall be provided by municipal centralized heating. |

| | |Purchase of |Purchase 200 environmental protection & energy saving public traffic vehicles. |

| | |environmental protection| |

| | |& energy saving traffic | |

| | |vehicles | |

| | |Public traffic |With handset intelligent terminal, the public can rapidly know information about public traffic |

| | |intellectualization |vehicles within the public traffic corridors, information about bus stations within the the public |

| | |construction scheme |traffic corridors and vehicle information at the traffic signal priority crossings, first and last |

| | | |stations, hub stations and dispatching center so that public traffic system of Harbin becomes more |

| | | |intelligent and convenient and fast for public service. |

| |III. Public Traffic Management |The subproject will construct traffic police intellectualized system around three public traffic |

| |and Safety Construction Project |corridors. |

| |IV. Road Maintenance and |Construction contents: 1. Monitoring equipment for road and bridge; 2. road maintenance system |

| |Emergency Response Construction |facilities establishment, and 3. Road emergency response system facilities establishment. |

| |Project | |

| |V. Institution Development and |Institution development and capacity building shall be executed as the overall process of the |

| |Capacity Building |project is implemented and it shall be conducted by stages and in groups in accordance with physical|

| | |truth and requirements of World Bank. It includes 1. Subject study and 2. Training, communication |

| | |and investigation. |

|Ancilla|Borrow pit and spoil ground |No borrow pit will be provided for the project. Spoil from first and last station works of Qunli |

|ry | |Avenue and Hexie Street shall be transported to Datang Power Plant at Hashuang Road for centralized |

|Works | |storage while spoil from Xiangbin Road Hub Station Works shall be transported to 904 Institute in |

| | |Songbei District for centralized storage. |

|Project|Investment Estimate |The project has a total investment of RMB 1435.4186 million Yuan, including construction investment |

|Investm| |of RMB 1412.7449 million Yuan (including engineering cost of RMB 1179.5387 million Yuan, other |

|ent | |construction costs of RMB 106.4000 million Yuan and reserve cost of RMB 126.8062 million) and |

| | |interest during construction period of RMB 22.6737 million Yuan. |

| |Investment in environmental |Total investment in environmental protection of the project is RMB 19.01 million Yuan. Investment in|

| |protection |environmental t protection makes up 1.32% of the total project investment. |


Figure 2-2-1 Project Location Sketch Map

2.2.1 Public Traffic Priority Traffic Corridor Construction Project

Overall plan and layout:

Arrangement of bus transit lane involves in several aspects such as selection of road section, width and location of the bus lane cross section, signs, markings, isolation mode and bus stops.

Bus transit lanes arranged for three public traffic priority corridors of the project are shown in the Table 2-2-2.

Table 2-2-2 Summary of Bus Transit Lanes

|Corridors |Road Section |Width of Road |Width of |Width of |Layout Type |Width of Bus|Length |

| | |Red Line |Existing |Design | |Lane (m) |(m) |

| | | |Roads |Pavement | | | |

|Public |Road Bridge to Shanghai |50 m |38 m |38 m |Median bus lane |3.5 |8261 |

|traffic |Street | | | | | | |

|priority | | | | | | | |

|corridor of | | | | | | | |

|Youyi Road | | | | | | | |

| |Shanghai Street to Jingwei |47.5 m |38 m |38 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Jingwei Street to Jiuzhan |40 m |28 m |27 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Jiuzhan Street to Gengxin |40 m |30 m |30 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Gengxin Street to Taoci |40 m |25 m |25 m |No bus lane | | |

| |Avenue | | | | | | |

| |Taoci Avenue to Tonggang |40 m |30 m |30 m |No bus lane | | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

|Public |Jinxiang Street to Liangku |60 m |22 m |22 m |Roadside bus lane|3.5 | |

|Traffic |Street | | | | | |9336 |

|Priority | | | | | | | |

|Corridor of | | | | | | | |

|Hongqi | | | | | | | |

|Avenue | | | | | | | |

| |Liangku Street to Zhoucheng |60 m |27 m |27 m |No bus lane | | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Zhoucheng Street to Yanfu |60 m |37 m |37 m |Roadside bus lane|3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Yanfu Street to Gongbin Road|60 m |48.5 m |48.5 m |Roadside bus lane|3.5 | |

| |Gongbin Road to Xiangdian |70 m |48.5 m |48.5 m |Roadside bus lane|3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Xiangdian Street to Ganshui |70 m |42 m |40 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Road | | | | | | |

| |Ganshui Road to Xianfeng |80 m |42 m |40 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Road | | | | | | |

| |Xianfeng Road to Dayoufang |60 m |42 m |40 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | |

| |Dayoufang Street to Dongzhi |50 m |42 m |40 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Road | | | | | | |

|Public |Xiangzheng Street to Anhong |45 m |39 m |39 m |Median bus lane |3.5 |3995 |

|Traffic |Street | | | | | | |

|Priority | | | | | | | |

|Corridor of | | | | | | | |

|Xinyang Road| | | | | | | |

| |Zhigong Street to Jinchang |60 m |39 m |39 m |Median bus lane |3.5 | |

| |Street | | | | | | | Project design

Construction scheme for Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road (Road Bridge to Tonggang Street)

1. Current status

Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road (Road Bridge to Tonggang Street) is composed of Youyi Road, Daxin Street, Beixin Street and Dongbeixin Street and the section from Tonggang Street to Songhua River Road Bridge is an urban major road with overall length of approx. 8.5 km.

All the roads along the whole line have been built in the recent three years with a result of pavement in good condition. The road is one-plate road with 6 to 8 two-way lanes. Business and enterprises are intensively along the corridor with high visitors flow rate. There are totally 28 bus routes running through.

2. Road works

(1) Plane design

The starting point of Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road is the intersection of Youyi Road and Road Bridge and its terminal point is Tonggang Street with setting-out overall length of 8261.336 m.

(2) Profile design

Profile design of road shall be designed on the principle of not significantly adjusting road elevation and with control factors such as elevation of existing road, apron elevation of existing buildings and elevation of existing pipelines and tube wells.

(3) Cross section design

1) Section from Road Bridge to Jingwei Street (K0+000 to K1+400)

The road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 10 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 38 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road design centerline.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

2) Section from Jingwei Street to Jiuzhan Street (K1+400 to K1+740)

The road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 8 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 27 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road design centerline.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

3)Section from Jiuzhan Street to Gengxin Street (K1+740 to K7+300)

The road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 8 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 30 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road design centerline.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

4) Section from Gengxin Street to Taoci Avenue (K7+300 to K7+900)

The road design cross section shall be the same as existing cross section, namely, the road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 6 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 25 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. No bus lane shall be arranged.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

5) Section from Taoci Avenue to Tonggang Street (K7+900 to the terminal point)

The road design cross section shall be the same as existing cross section, namely, the road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 8 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 30 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. No bus lane shall be arranged.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

(4) Pavement works

Pavement reconstruction scheme: deal with damages of the existing pavement, and pave mill SBS modified fine-grain bituminous concrete AC-13F with thickness of 4 cm as the surface layer after mill 1 to 4 cm, and perform warm mixing in order to ensure eco-environment protection. Pave emulsified asphalt bonding layer between layers and replace lower seal coat. Colorful bituminous mixture is recommended as surface layer of the bus transit lane of the corridor road.

Construction scheme for Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi Road)

1. Current status of road

Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi Road) runs through Daowai District and Xiangfang District in Harbin and it is an urban major road with starting point of Jinxiang Street and terminal point of Dongzhi Road and overall length of 9.3 km.

Part of pavement along Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue is damaged. Business and enterprises are intensively along the corridor with high visitors flow rate. There are totally 28 bus routes running through.

2. Road works

(1) Plane design

Starting point of Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue is Jinxiang Street and the terminal point is Dongzhi Road with setting-out overall length of 9336.692 m.

(2) Profile design

Profile design of road shall be designed on the principle of not significantly adjusting road elevation and with control factors such as elevation of existing road, apron elevation of existing buildings and elevation of existing pipelines and tube wells.

(3) Cross section design

1) Section from Jinxiang Street to Liangku Street

Central green belt and median between motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be removed and the road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 8 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 34 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two roadside bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

2) Section from Liangku Street to Zhoucheng Street

Keep current cross section unchanged and do not construct bus lane due to road section restriction.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

3) Section from Zhoucheng Street to Yanfu Street

Make markings again by using original wide non-motor vehicle lane and sidewalk. The road cross section shall be reconstructed to two-way 10 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 37 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two roadside bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

4) Yanfu Street to Xiangdian Street

Underbridge bus station shall be arranged because overpass runs through the section and bus runs on the side road under the overpass. 3 lanes shall be respectively constructed on the side roads on on both sides of the overpass. Therefore, two bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

5) Xiangdian Street to Dongzhi Road

Central green belt and median between motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be removed and the road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 10 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 40 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two median bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along the road centerline.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

(4) Roadbed works

The public traffic corridor needs to remove part of central green belt and two medians of motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes and it shall be reconstructed to be one-plate pavement with reconstruction of partial roadbed involved.

Different degrees of subgrade compaction applied shall meet requirements of Design Code for Urban Road (CJJ37-2012) in accordance with different road performances and they shall be considered as per standard for heavy compaction.

|Excavation Types |Depth Range (cm) |Degree of Compaction |

| | |Major road |Minor road |

|Fill |0~80 |95 |93 |

| |>80 |93 |90 |

|excavation |0~30 |95 |93 |

(5) Pavement works

The same as Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road.

Construction scheme for Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street)

1. Current status of road

Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street) runs within Daolin District and connects main business zones in Harbin. It is composed of Edmonton Road and Chengxiang Road from Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street as an urban major road with overall length of 3.95 km. The road is one-plate two-way road with 8 lanes.

There are 4 signal control intersection along the road and 19 regular bus routes with 8 bus stations. Business and enterprises are intensively along the corridor with high visitors flow rate. All the roads along the whole line have been built in the recent three years with a result of pavement in good condition.

2. Road works

(1) Plane design

Starting point of Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street) is the intersection of Xiangzheng Street and Edmonton Road and the terminal point is Jincheng Street with setting-out overall length of 3954.561 m.

(2) Profile design

Profile design of road shall be designed on the principle of not significantly adjusting road elevation and with control factors such as elevation of existing road, apron elevation of existing buildings and elevation of existing pipelines and tube wells.

(3) Cross section design

The road cross section is one-lane two-way road with 10 lanes with motor and non-motor vehicle lanes of 39 to 45 m in width and sidewalk on both sides. Two bus lanes with one up and one down with width of 3.5 m shall be set up along both sides of the road design centerline.

Cross slopes for motor vehicle and non-motor vehicle lanes shall be two-side straight slope of 1.5% toward to sidewalk on both sides. Sidewalk cross slopes shall be straight slope of 1.5% toward to the lane.

(4) Pavement works

The same as Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road.

(5) Intersection channelization works

Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street) crosses Xiangzheng Street, etc. Main intersecting nodes of the road shall be reconstructed and main intersections shall be channelized. Intersecting intersections shall be reconstructed according to practical situation and location of bus bay (bus stop) shall be adjusted by combining intersection reconstruction.

Corresponding traffic signs and indicating arrows shall be regulated and median for original intersections shall be adjusted to meet pedestrian requirement.

2.2.2 Public Traffic Infrastructure Construction Project Xiangbin Road Hub

1. Project construction siting

This project is located in No.30, Xiangbin Road, and surrounded by the Hengxiangzhongshan residential area on its west and north side, with the total planning land use area of 34,801 square meters, now its property right unit is Harbin Municipal Public Bus Corporation and the land use function is public traffic station land (S41). In accordance to overall land-use plan of Harbin city, this land conforms to national land supply policy, so it can be supplied through allocation.

2. General layout

The land to be used in newly built Xiangbin Road hub station project is trapezoid, thus in order to combine with the landform and keep an eye on overall planning layout and street elevation, the building plan is designed as two rectangle buildings, 1# and 2# respectively, and a corridor on second floor is used to connect these two buildings. The newly built building lies in the midland of project land’s eastern side, and its north side is 44.02 meters away from the nearest residence, its western side is 25.86 meters away from the existing road construction. The layout of entire site is compact and regular, with a bright and clear space and an open vision.


Figure 2-2-2 Layout of Xiangbin Road Hub Station


Figure 2-2-3 Effect Picture of Xiangbin Road Hub Station

3. Traffic organization

The newly built project site is set with two gates, both of them are located in Xiangbin Road which is on the western side of project land. Vehicles can enter into the site through Xiangbin Road’s south side gate and pull out of the site through north side gate after the customer get on/off the bus in waiting area.

4. Greening

The total area of green land in this project is 3500 square meters, where the green land ratio has reached 10.05%.

5. Construction scheme

(1) Construction scale

Total area of newly built building is 48,693 square meters, wherein underground building area is 23,700 square meters and above-ground building area is 24,993 square meters. Being capable of berthing 6 bus lines, this hub station is a medium-sized hub station.

Building 1# has two floors above the ground and partially four floors above the ground, with two protected stairways. The building’s four above-ground floors are all 4.5 meters high, and the building’s total height is 18 meters, with a height diffidence of 0.45 between indoor and outdoor, and the total height of two-story building is 15 meters.

Building 2# has two floors above the ground, with two protected stairways. Total height of the above-ground building is 15 meters, with a height diffidence of 0.45 between indoor and outdoor.

Table 2-2-3 Table for the Function of Building’s Each Floor

|SN |Floor |Building Area |Building Function |

|1 |Underground first floor |23700 |With 125 bus parking spaces |

|2 |1# first floor |5445 |Waiting hall, ticket hall, driver lounge, guard monitoring room, |

| | | |toilet, car washing service room, parking spaces for large vehicles |

|3 |1# second floor |6145 |Driver lounge, sanitation worker lounge, office, meeting room, toilet, |

| | | |dispatching hall and parking space etc. |

|4 |1# first and forth floors |1000 |Fleet office, station office, meeting room, toilet and dispatching hall|

| | | |etc. |

|5 |2# first floor |5265 |Car washing service room, service shop and parking spaces for large |

| | | |vehicles |

|6 |2# second floor |6138 |Parking garage |

This project subjects to urban road public traffic station standard and belongs to public traffic hub station project. According to the stipulation of Clause 2.1.3 of Code for Design of Urban Road Public traffication Stop, Terminus and Depot Engineering, the area of land to be used for first and last station of each standard bus shall be calculated as 100 m2-120 m2. The area of land to be used in Xiangbin Road Hub Station is 3.4801 hectares, this hub station is planned to accommodate 6 bus lines and 360 buses. Since both the area of land to be used and the scale of construction are restricted to accommodate only 235 buses, the second floor is used as parking lot.

See the attachment for the layout of Xiangbin Road Hub Station’s each floor.

6. Municipal supporting works

(1) Water supply and drainage

Domestic water of the entire station is supplied by a DN100 water supply pipe which is connected to municipal water supply pipeline for Xiangbin Road, and indoor domestic sewage shall be drained to outdoor inspection well. Canteen and vehicle washing bay shall be equipped with grease traps, all the sewage shall be drained to municipal water drainage pipeline after being handled in station septic tank, and drained to Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant at the very end. The drainage system shall be set in the form of rainwater and sewage shunting.

The maximum daily water consumption of this project is 169 cubic meters and hourly water consumption is 24.5 cubic meters per hour.

A domestic water feed pump room is independently installed on the underground 1st floor in this project, a variable-frequency water supply device and a buffer tank are set in this room to supply domestic water for newly built hub station, using the down feed water supply system.

Drinking water shall be supplied by automatic water dispenser.

(2) Design of heating system

Heat source: heat source in this project is supplied by municipal central heating, with the heating mode of continuous heating. The heating medium is hot water at 85℃~60℃.

(3) Design of ventilation system

Ventilation system of the kitchen shall be equipped with lampblack purification device, and the lampblack shall pass through the built smoking shaft and then be carried to rooftop for emission.

(4) Power supply

One power supply in this project is municipal electricity and the standby power supply is supplied by diesel generator set. Diesel generator room is designed in the underground 1st floor and the capacity of diesel generator is estimated as 150kW.

7. Labor requirement and production cycle

After Xiangbin road hub station is built, there shall be 180 persons working for 16 hours each day, 365 days in a year. First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue

1. Site selection of project construction

This project lies in the northeast corner of Qunli First Avenue and 3rd Ring Road interchange, and the total area of land planned to be used is 14406.3 square meters. The land is state-owned unregistered land, with the function of public traffic station land (S41). In accordance to overall land-use plan of Harbin city, this land conforms to national land supply policy, so it can be supplied through allocation.

Current status: surrounded by wastelands, no buildings within 1km.

2. General layout

The land to be used in the project of newly built First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue is rectangle, thus in order to combine with the landform and keep an eye on overall planning layout and street elevation, the building plan is designed as a rhomboid building. The newly built building lies in the eastern side of project land, its north side is 47.60 meters away from Xingguangyao Square and its western side is set as above-ground parking area. The layout of entire site is compact and regular, with a bright and clear space and an open vision.


Figure 2-2-4 Layout of First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue


Figure 2-2-5 Effect Picture of First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue

3. Traffic Organization

An entrance for vehicles is set on the east of newly built project site, adjacent to Langjiang Road, and an exit for vehicles is set on the site’s south side, adjacent to Qunli First Avenue. Vehicles can enter into the site through Langjiang Road entrance and pull out of the site through Qunli First Avenue exit after the customer get on/off the bus in waiting area.

4. Greening

The total area of green land in this project is 806.8 square meters, where the green land ratio has reached 5.6%.

5. Construction scheme

(1) Construction scale

Total area of newly built building is 17,144.82 square meters, wherein underground building area is 11,974.3 square meters and above-ground building area is 5,170.52 square meters, being capable of berthing 6 bus lines.

The building in this project has four floors above the ground, partially one floor above the ground. Two protected stairways are installed for the above-ground part. The building’s above-ground first floor of is 6.5 meters high and other three above-ground floors are 4.5 meters high. The building’s total height is 20 meters, with a height diffidence of 0.45 between indoor and outdoor.

Table 2-2-4 Table for the Function of Building’s Each Floor

|SN |Floor |Building Area |Building Function |

|1 |Underground first |11974.3 |Parking garage, power distribution room, weak-current equipment room, |

| |floor | |diesel generator room and equipment room etc. There are 76 bus parking |

| | | |spaces for large vehicles and 14 for small vehicles underground. |

|2 |First floor |1625 |Office, dispatching room, service shop, vehicle washing bay, tool room, |

| | | |toilet, policeman duty room and waiting hall etc. |

|3 |Second-forth floors|1140.71 |Station management room, line dispatching room, driver lounge, meeting |

| | | |room and toilet etc. |

6. Municipal supporting works

(1) Water supply and drainage

Domestic water of the entire station is supplied by a DN100 water supply pipe which is connected to municipal water supply pipeline for Qunli First Avenue, and indoor domestic sewage shall be drained to outdoor inspection well. Canteen and vehicle washing bay shall be equipped with grease traps, all the sewage shall be drained to municipal water drainage pipeline after being handled in station septic tank, and drained to Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant at the very end. The drainage system shall be set in the form of rainwater and sewage shunting.

Water supply mode: a domestic water feed pump room is independently installed on the underground 1st floor in this project, a variable-frequency water supply device and a buffer tank are set in this room to supply domestic water for newly built first and last station, using the down feed water supply system.

Drinking water shall be supplied by automatic water dispenser.

(2) Design of ventilation system

Ventilation system of the kitchen shall be equipped with lampblack purification device, and the lampblack shall pass through the built smoking shaft and then be carried to rooftop for emission.

(3) Design of heating system

①Heat source: Heat source in this project is supplied by municipal central heating, with the heating mode of continuous heating. The heating medium is hot water at 85℃~60℃.

(4) Power supply

One power supply in this project is municipal electricity and the standby power supply is supplied by diesel generator set. Diesel generator room is designed in the underground 1st floor and the capacity of diesel generator is estimated as 150kW.

7. Labor requirement and production cycle

After First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue is built, there shall be 120 persons working for 16 hours each day, 365 days in a year. First and last station at Hexie Street

1. Site selection of project construction

This project lies in the northeast side of Hexie Street and Beixing Street intersection, adjacent to existing road construction on its western side and next to the planning green land on its north side, with the total planning land use area of 3,071 square meters. Now the land is state-owned unregistered land, with the function of public traffic station land (S41). In accordance to overall land-use plan of Harbin city, this land conforms to national land supply policy, so it can be supplied through allocation.

A construction site is located 20 meters to the east of this project site, and on the construction site a residential area is to be built (current status within evaluating scope: no resident living).

2. General layout

The land to be used in the project of newly built First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Street is trapezoid, thus in order to combine with the landform and keep an eye on overall planning layout and street elevation, the building plan is designed as a rectangle building. The newly built building lies on the north of project land and an above-ground parking area is set on the south of project land. The building adjacent to the land planned to be used on its north and is 21.5 meters away from existing residence on its south. The layout of entire site is compact and regular, with a bright and clear space and an open vision.


Figure 2-2-6 Layout of First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Street


Figure 2-2-7 Effect Picture of First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Street

3. Traffic organization

An entrance for vehicles is set on the south of newly built project site, adjacent to Beixing Street, and an exit for vehicles is set on the site’s western side, adjacent to Hexie Street. Vehicles can enter into the site through Beixing Street entrance and pull out of the site through Hexie Street exit after the customer get on/off the bus in waiting area.

4. Greening

The total area of green land in this project is 400 square meters, where the green land ratio has reached 13.0%.

5. Construction scheme

(1) Building scale

Total area of newly built building is 900 square meters, wherein underground building area is 300 square meters and above-ground building area is 600 square meters. Being capable of berthing 2 bus lines, it is a samll hub station.

The building in this project has two floors above the ground and one floor underground and a protected stairway is installed for the above-ground part. The building’s underground first floor is 7.65 meters high and two above-ground floors are both 7.65 meters high. The building’s total height is 10 meters, with a height diffidence of 0.45 between indoor and outdoor.

Table 2-2-5 Table for the Function of Building’s Each Floor

|SN |Floor |Building Area (m2) |Building Function |

|1 |Underground first |300 |Bathroom, locker room, cleaner’s room, toilet and storehouse etc. |

| |floor | | |

|2 |First floor |300 |IC card selling, policeman duty room, warm waiting hall and toilet |

|3 |Second floor |300 |Office, collection room, dispatching room, sanitation worker lounge and |

| | | |toilet etc. |

6. Municipal supporting works

(1) Water supply and drainage

Domestic water of the entire station is supplied by a DN100 water supply pipe which is connected to municipal water supply pipeline for Hexie Street, and indoor domestic sewage shall be drained to outdoor inspection well. Canteen and vehicle washing bay shall be equipped with grease traps, all the sewage shall be drained to municipal water drainage pipeline after being handled in station septic tank, and drained to Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant at the very end. The drainage system shall be set in the form of rainwater and sewage shunting.

A domestic water feed pump room is independently installed on the underground 1st floor in this project, a variable-frequency water supply device and a buffer tank are set in this room to supply domestic water for newly built hub station, using the down feed water supply system.

Drinking water shall be supplied by automatic water dispenser.

(2) Design of heating system

Heat source: heat source in this project is supplied by municipal central heating, with the heating mode of continuous heating. The heating medium is hot water at 85℃~60℃.

(3) Design of ventilation system

Ventilation system of the kitchen shall be equipped with lampblack purification device, and the lampblack shall pass through the built smoking shaft and then be carried to rooftop for emission.

(4) Power supply

One power supply in this project is municipal electricity and the standby power supply is supplied by diesel generator set. Diesel generator room is designed in the underground 1st floor and the capacity of diesel generator is estimated as 150kW.

7. Labor requirement and production cycle

After First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Street is built, there shall be 40 persons working for 16 hours each day, 365 days in a year. Acquisition of environment protection and energy saving buses

200 environment protection and energy saving buses shall be purchased. Scheme for intelligent construction of public traffic

Through portable intelligent terminal, publics can keep abreast of the information about the public traffic vehicles and bus stations in transit corridors as well as the information about the vehicles at transit signal priority crossroads, first and last stations and hub stations, which makes the public traffic system of Harbin offer a more intelligent and convenient service to publics. This project involves only equipment installation, commissioning and networking.

2.2.3 Traffic Management and Safety Construction Project General technical scheme

Traffic management and safety construction project of Harbin city includes 12 modules, which are traffic signal control of public traffic priority, video monitoring (including both fixed and portable video monitoring), electronic police, intelligent toll-gate, traffic guidance, traffic signs, traffic markings, emergency risk-elimination, traffic law enforcement, communication (cable and wireless), safety facilities (refuge islands and guardrails) and demonstration of safety education. Construction content

In this subproject, an intelligibility transportation system will be built around three transit corridors, Xinyang Road Channel (Xiangzheng Street-Jincheng Street), Youyi Road Channel (Tonggang Street-Road Bridge) and Hongqi Street Channel (Dongzhi Road-Jinxiang Street). The construction content of this subproject consists of three main taskes, which are bus lanes and other intelligent road traffic infrastructures (task 1), construction of emergency command and control system (task 2) and safety education system (task 3). Wherein, the sidewalk guardrail of Jiuzhan Street-Tonggang Street is finished in the construction of Youyi Road’s bus priority corridor. There is no substantial earthwork in this project, and only brief statement is made for the elevation.

2.2.4 Road Maintenance and Emergency Response Construction Project

1. Road and bridge monitoring device construction mainly includes the following three parts:

The construction of road management project in Harbin city includes construction of road maintenance management system and acquisition of road and bridge monitoring device. The general objective is, through introducing modernized technology and equipment, to improve the performance and efficiency of urban traffic facility maintenance, optimize and reasonably allocate maintenance fund, and ensure the continuity and systematization of maintenance management.

2. Road maintenance system construction

Purchase road maintenance equipment, like roller, loader, milling machine, paver, multi-function paver, multi-function vacuum truck, integrate maintaining machine, grader, waterwheel and cold regenerating machine etc.

Establish a supporting team of road maintenance experts, to offer specific care and maintenance service for roads and bridges in Harbin.

3. Road emergency response construction

Traffic safety special vehicle procurement consist of two parts, emergency rescue equipment procurement performed by road and bridge management office and emergency snow-moving machine procurement performed by sanitation department. As the necessary equipment and equipment resource of traffic emergency response mechanism, the above emergency equipment satisfies the business requirement of each department.

There is no substantial earthwork in this part of project, and only brief statement is made for the elevation.

2.2.5 Institutional development and capacity construction

Institutional capacity development goal:

The general target for Harbin city giving priority to the development of urban public traffic is, to establish a public traffic system with the rail traffic as the backbone and the normal motor and electric vehicle as the mainstay, featuring coordinated stems and branches and reasonable structure, being efficient and speedy, matching up to city scale, population and economic development, and being capable of bearing the basic travel demand of central city residents of Harbin on the scale.

In order to realize the modernization of Harbin urban traffic management and meet the ever-increasing traffic demand of residents, it is necessary and pressing to perform the institutional capacity construction and operation management scientifically and systematically.

Construction content:

Construction content includes three parts, capacity construction of operation mechanism, researches on improvement strategy of public traffic as well as investigations and training at home and abroad.

3. Environmental and Social Status

3.1 Natural Environment

3.1.1 Geographic Location

As a typical Cold Zone city, Harbin, also called “Ice City” is located between 125º42’ and 130º10’ east longitude and between 44º04’ and 46º40’ north latitude and its climate is temperate continental monsoon climate. Winter (November to March) in Harbin lasts as long as five months and it starts from October 3 and ends at April 30 (210 days) on which the average temperature is below 10 ℃ and the weather is cold and dry. January is the coldest month and its average temperature is -20.3 ℃, the extreme low temperature being -38.1 ℃ (within urban district). In midwinter, the temperature always drops sharply and big snow storm would hit the city due to outbreak of severe cold air and its southward movement which seriously affects the city’s traffic and makes it inconvenient for people to go outside. The city district of Harbin is mainly distributed on the three-stage terraces shaped by the impact of Songhua River: the first terrace is flat and its elevation varies between 132 m and 140 m. It mainly includes Daoli District and Daowai District; The second terrace whose elevation varies between 147 m to 175 m is gradually developed from the first terrace and there is no clear boundary between the two terraces. It mainly covers part of Nangang District and Xiangfang District in a large area and it is an important agriculture district of Harbin provided deep soil layer and fertile soil after erosion of running water for a long time. The third terrace covers Huangshanzuizi and southern part of Pingfang District and its elevation varies between 180 m and 200 m. It gradually expands to Zhangguangcai Ridge southeastwards in hilly area.


3.1.2 Hydrology

All rivers within the territory of Harbin flow into Songhua River System and Mudanjiang River System, mainly Songhuajiang River, Hulan River, Ashi River, Lalin River, Mangniu River, Mayan River, Dongliangzhu River, Ni River, Piao River, Feiketu River, Shaoling River, Wuyue River, Woken River, etc. Songhua River originates from the Heaven Pool of Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province and its tributary, as the largest river way of Harbin in irrigation volume, flows across the middle part of Harbin from west to east. The annual precipitation totals about 500 mm and it rains mainly from June to September in the whole year, accounting for more than 70% of the whole year’s precipitation. After 1949, the West Spring Reservoir Project, the biggest hydraulic project, has impounded in 1996 which controls a drainage area of 1,151 square kilometers and covers an area of 40.86 square meters and it could irrigate another 15,133.3 hectares of area after the completion of the reservoir. Water resources in Harbin is characterized by the features that there is less self-producing water and more passing water and the water distribution is unbalanced because of rich water reserves in the east and poor water reserves in the west. The per capita occupation volume of water resources in Harbin is 1,630 cubic meters.

3.1.3 Meteorology

As a typical Cold Zone city in Northern China, Harbin, also called “Ice City”, has highest longitude among big cities in China and it is controlled by temperate continental monsoon climate. Four seasons in Harbin are distinctive: winter is long and cold; summer is short and cool; and spring and autumn are transitional seasons which last quite short and temperature in the two seasons change rapidly.

In spring, Harbin’s temperature rises quickly featured by little precipitation, dry air, changeable weather and fluctuated temperature; the monthly temperature varies greatly, normally 8℃ to 10 ℃; and gale weather is more frequent in Spring with its number of the gale weather tops the four seasons.In summer, Harbin is warm and rainy and the light, heat and precipitation are sufficient; its monthly temperature varies least in all seasons; the temperature of July is the highest in all seasons; the average temperature remains 23.0 ℃ all year round; summer has the most precipitation, but it rains lightly; and the number of days for average heavy rain is one to two days and extraordinary rainstorm is rare.

3.2 Social Environment

3.2.1 Administrative Division and Population Distribution

Located in the south part of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin is the provincial capital of Heilongjiang Province as well as the most important central city in China’s Northeast district, having Daqing Oil Field to its northwest, connecting Northeast Economic Zone of Changchun, Shenyang, and Dalian to its south, and overlooking forest treasure of the Greater Khingan Mountains and the Lesser Khingan Mountains to its north. In August 15, 2006, the State Council has approved that Harbin make an adjustment on part of its administrative division which includes the establishment of the new Xiangfang District by replacing Dongli District and Xiangfang District, the establishment of the Acheng District by replacing Acheng City, and the administration adjustment of YongYuan Town and JuYuan Town from Acheng City to Daowai District. After the adjustment on administrative division, Harbin, covering an area of 53,068 square kilometers which includes 7,086 square kilometers of urban area, has eight districts of Daoli District, Daowai District, Nangang District, Xiangfang District, Pingfang District, Daowai District, Hulan District and Acheng District, seven counties of Bin County, Bayan County, Yilan County, Yanshou County, Mulan County, Tonghe County and Fangzheng County, and three county-level cities of Wuchang, Shuangcheng and Shangzhi. The sixth population census shows that there are a total of 10,635,971 people (permanent population) in Harbin including 5,282 million people within the urban area.

3.2.2 City Layout and Economic Situation

Harbin, the famous city for ice-snow tourism in winter, is the provincial city of Heilongjiang Province and the center of politics, economy, trade, technology, as well as cultural undertaking in Heilongjiang Province. Harbin has a complete infrastructure of transportation, energy, post and telecommunications, communications, and power supply; the urban area is sanitary and neat; the development of trade, tourism, entertainment and catering is with unique feature; and the industries of finance, insurance, information consultation as well as real states are booming showing that Harbin is functioned better. As a comprehensive industrial city with solid industrial foundation, Harbin is one of the oldest industrial bases and one of the commodity grain bases in China. After China’s Reform and Opening-up Policy since 1978, Harbin has fastened its face of economic development and its comprehensive economic strength is growing continuously forming a new industrial pattern combining industries of medicine, food, chemicals, etc. and four competitive industries of manufacture, medicine, food and chemicals among which manufacture, medicine and high and new technology account for 74%, 82%, and 50% of total production volume of the whole province in the three industries respectively. The contribution rate of industry to national economy reaches 35% and the third industry is playing a more important role in the national economy.

In 2009, the gross regional production of Harbin totals 325,81 billion Yuan (taking up to 39% of the whole province), an increase of 13% over the previous year and the per capita regional production reaches 32,857 Yuan, an increase of 12.8% over the previous year with its per capita gross production being about 1.3 times of the average of the whole province as well as the whole country. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents totals 158,87 million Yuan, an increase of 8.9% over the previous year; the per capita consumption expenditure is 123,58 million Yuan, an increase of 14.5%; and the per capita net income of rural households is up to 5,775.5 Yuan, an increase of 14.9%.

The reform of social security system is further implemented: the coverage rates of social old-age insurance of state-owned enterprises, collective-owned enterprises and private enterprises have reached 99%, 80% and 90% respectively. The re-employment work is further implemented: there are 203 training classed last year which trained 12,922 laid-off workers and found jobs for 16,360 people among which 11,404 are laid-off workers and 4,956 are others. There are 3,106 registered unemployed people in Harbin and the registered unemployment rate in urban area is 3.4%.

In 2011, the gross regional production of Harbin totals 424.34 billion Yuan which increases 12.3% over the previous year calculated by comparable prices including 44.72 billion Yuan of added value in the primary industry increasing by 7.0%, 164.72 billion Yuan of added value in the secondary industry increasing by 14.4% and 214.9 billion Yuan of added value in the third industry increasing by 12.0%. The added value of the economy of public sector attains 225.21 billion Yuan, an increase of 14.1%, accounting for 53.1% of Harbin’s gross regional production. The proportion of the three industries adjusts to 10.5: 38.8: 50.7 from 11.3: 37.8: 50.9 in the previous year; the contribution rate to the GDP growth of the primary, secondary and third industries are 6.4%, 44.2% and 49.4% respectively; and the per capita gross regional production is 42,700 Yuan, an increase of 12.0%; the gross regional production of ten counties (cities) reaches 128.96 billion Yuan, an increase of 12.9%, accounting for 30.4% of GDP; and the contribution rate of county-level economy to the economic growth of Harbin is 30.9%.

In 2012, the gross regional production increased by 10% over the previous year; the fixed assets investment totaled 391.5 billion Yuan, an increase of 30%; the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by almost 15%; and the total budgetary revenue of public finance attained 58.14 billion Yuan, an increase of 15.8%, including 35.47 billion Yuan of budgetary revenue of local public finance, an increase of 18.1%. The comprehensive energy consumption of ten thousand GDP is estimated to drop by more than 3.6%. The per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of rural residents have reached 22,500 Yuan and 11,443 Yuan respectively, increasing by 12.3% and 19.1% their own. The intensity of infrastructure construction is strengthened and the service of city carrier is continuously promoted. The city infrastructure of roads and bridges has made new breakthrough including the construction of 146 newly reconstructed roads of all varieties and 34 bridges and culverts. The Line 1 metro is on trial operations; the West Railway Station of Harbin has come into service; and the Harbin-Dalian high speed rail is in operation officially.

3.2.3 Communication and Transportation

Harbin Airport is an important international airport providing more than 40 international and domestic air lines; Harbin Harbor is one of the eight great inland ports in China which flows directly into Japan Sea passing Heilongjiang along Songhua River; Harbin Railway Station is seated on the joints of five railway trunks, connecting Siberia Railway to its northwest which goes straight to the Europe, neighboring Vladivostok of Russia to its east, and reaching big cities of China to its south; the Harbin Expressway makes it possible to go from Harbin to Beijing, Dalian, Daqin, etc. directly; and its seven main roads spreading in a radial pattern lead to all places of the Northeast China.

Harbin is an key open city in the inland of China and a pilot city of comprehensive reform and it enjoys a series of preferential policies given by the country, especially that Harbin’s “Inland Port”, the first inland port in China’s inland city and a port city without coast, is approved by the State Council making it possible for container cargo to enter and leave ports and go in bond and out bond directly, which compensates the shortcoming that there is no harbor.

3.2.4 City Construction and Environmental Protection

The city’s environment is greatly improved. The urban district is constructed as a whole and more than ten key projects have been completed including the reconstruction of removing obstacles in Hejiagou and the construction of overpass bridge from Shangzhi Street to Haicheng Street. More than 10 kilometers rural roads have been constructed. There are 50 landscape courtyards in municipal level and green courtyards, 3 featured landscapes decorated by lanterns, and 405 buildings of … Themed on “Forever Green”, 10 landscape courtyards and 40 green courtyards have been constructed, adding an area of 131,779 square meters of green land, whose green coverage ratio is 29.9%.

The ability of environmental protection has been improved. The city has strengthened its comprehensive treatment on pollution of smoke and dust, sewage, waste gas as well as noise; the comprehensive index of environmental protection is 96.6%; the qualified rate of industrial waste water discharge is 72.7%; the comprehensive usage rate of industrial waste is 100%; and the treatment rate of industrial waste gas is 100%.

3.2.5 General Situation of Infrastructure Development in Project Area

After years of construction, Harbin’s transportation has been greatly improved. However, there are still many problems such as lacking of infrastructure in road net, stations, etc., and coordination among different transportation means, differences of management systems and policies made by different sectors, and lacking of information communication, which are shown as below:

Traffic of the city---low density of city road net; small number and poor connectivity of fast roads and arterial roads; aging and lacking of channel infrastructure to cross rivers restricting the city’s development and the interaction between the two banks; unbalance in the coverage of public traffic network; lacking of right for roads leading to a poor function of bus transit lanes; lacking of public traffic stations making it hard to take advantage of the public traffic; the problem of parking in city which is more serious; poor management of parking which needs to be further improved; poor traffic environment for pedestrian paths and slow speed roads; the new challenge is posed in terms of how to make a harmonious and environmental-friendly traffic environment in the city.

External traffic in the city---severe unbalance in cargo categories and transportation volume between up going railway transportation and down going railway transportation; severe insufficiency of transport capacity in different seasons and different directions; bad traffic gather and distribution in cities and stations divided by different railway lanes; low grade and density of road network; poor circuity of arterial roads; presence of bottleneck roads; serious in exits and passageways of roads in cities (towns); bad road condition of rural roads; lower level of overall service; lacking of channels that crossing rivers still; incapacity of direct communication between counties and cities on the two banks of Songhua River; decrease in water volume after navigation; lagging of infrastructure construction; aging of ships; insufficiency of taking the advantage of water transport of Songhua River; independence of different stations and lacking of communication and coordination; lacking of main stations which are too small in scale and are bad in gathering and distributing cargos externally; lacking of connectivity and cooperation among different transportation means; and lacking of unified planning, coordination and management mechanism.

The management systems are different and policy differences are obvious——the transport market system is imperfect, the management system reform lags and institutional barriers, such as “perform their own policy” exist; multi-channel and multi-level transportation investment and financing system and mechanism have not been formed; it is short of the orientation and guidance of “public traffic priority”, bus operation is disperse, bus economic subsidies, compensation policy and mechanism have not been established and bus operation and management level needs to be improved.

There are 1,862 roads in the city area currently with total length as 2,166 km, wherein, the length of the express way is 167 km, that of main road is 463 km and that of secondary road is 341 km and the basic layout is “two axes, three rings and ten rays”. There are 252 bridges of all varieties. The average density of road network in the built-up area is 6.5 km/km2; density of main road network is 2.93 km/km2. Land for urban road square is 34.32 km2, land rate of road is 10.6% and the road land use per capita is 9.0 m2. 2 pedestrian streets: the pedestrian street on the Central Avenue (west second street-west fourteenth street) is 1,429 m long; the pedestrian street on the Jianshe street (Dazhi street-Youzheng street) is 240 m long.

The net begins to take shape and has covered the whole city. The bus operation net of the whole city is 776.6 km and there are 205 bus coding lines; there are 5,433 operational buses in the city. The number of buses has increased by 38 in 2012, the updated buses are 562, 600 large-capacity buses start to operate and the bus passenger capacity has reached 1.16 billion.

Harbin has started to implement establishment of “bus city” demonstration city in 2012, has constructed 200 bus platforms totally, 23 first and last station of public traffic and has started to construct 6 bus transfer integrated hubs. Currently, centered in railway passenger station, Harbin station and Harbin east station have been formed initially and Harbin west station has been put into operation, forming a large-scale integrated hub with convenient transfer of various means of transportation.

Subway (rail transit) has met the urban rail transit planning and has been in construction. No. 1 Route has been started and No. 3 Route is to be started. According to the frame of Systematic Planning of Harbin Bus Transit Lane, the construction efforts of bus transit lane has been strengthened through coordinating urban construction, planning and public security, traffic police and other departments. A bus lane of 30.65 km long has been set in Harbin station, Zhongshan Road, Xinyang Road, Dongdazhi Street, Xidazhi Street and other streets; the bus reverse driving lane has been set in the one-way traffic organization of the five streets, such as Guogeli Street, Shitoudao Street, Diduan Street, Shangzhi Street and Senlin Street; the limitation for left-hand bend of the bus has been canceled in the level crossing of longitude and latitude twelfth street, Diduan Street and other main roads in the city area.

Currently, there are only 30.65 km of bus transit lane, which are disperse mutually. Effective network has not been formed. As a result of occupation of cars and other motor vehicles, road resource is more and more limited, especially the bus corridor with heavier bus trip. Because of large density of net layout and a lack of bay parking stations (only taking up 6.9%), buses on various routes always reach the station at the same time with very disordered traveling order, so the bus speed and on-time rate are influenced more seriously. The average running speed of the buses in the bus corridor is only 14.7 km/h currently, which is far from the standard of 20 km/h required by Ministry of Construction. Furthermore, the signal monitoring system and vehicle guidance system ensuring public traffic priority have not been established, which increased the parking time of buses largely and reduced the traveling speed.

Three public traffic priority corridors of the project are unrelated to the underground pipe network. Xiangbin Road is Harbin Bus Corporation currently, underground pipe network is of underground water supply and heat supply pipe network. There is no construction plan recently. The construction pipe network of hub station of Xiangbin Road is directly connected to the underground pipe network of the Bus Corporation.

4. Current Environment Quality Status

4.1 Current Ambient Air Quality Status

The data comes from 2012 Harbin Environment Quality Summary and 2012 Harbin Air Quality Summary, the regular monitoring points of Harbin ambient air quality are: Nangang Xuefu Road, Taiping Hongwei Park, Daowai Chengde Square, Xiangfang Hongqi Street, Dongli Heping Road, Daoli Jianguo Street, Pingfang Dongqing Factory, Songbei University of Commerce and Acheng Huining Park. The monitoring points are shown in Figure 4-1-1.

Figure 4-1-1 Location of Regular Monitoring Points of Atmospheric Environment of Harbin Urban Area

Atmosphere environment quality of Harbin urban area in 2012:, the major pollutant of Harbin ambient air quality in 2012 is inhalable particle, the annual average value is 0.094 mg/m3, which meets the grade II standard, and doesn’t meet the new grade II standard; the annual average value of sulfur dioxide is 0.047 mg/m3, which meet the grade II standard, and doesn’t meet the new grade II standard; the annual average value of nitrogen dioxide is 0.047 mg/m3, which meet the grade II standard, and doesn’t meet the new grade II standard; the annual average PH value in rain is 7.50, and there is no acid rain in the whole year.

4.2 Current Water Environment Quality Status

The data comes from 2012 Harbin Environment Quality Summary, the routine monitoring sections of water environment of Harbin urban area are: Zhunshun Village, Ashi estuary downstream, Hulan estuary downstream, Dadingzi Mountain, Baidu Town and Mudanjiang estuary upstream, totaling to 6 sections. The monitoring sections of water environment of Harbin urban area are shown in Figure 4-2-1.

Figure 4-2-1 Routine Monitoring Sections of Water Environment of Harbin Urban Area

2012 water environment quality of Harbin urban area: the overall status of water quality of Harbin section of Songhua River is excellent in 2012. The water quality of 6 section at Zhunshun Village, Ashi estuary downstream, Hulan estuary downstream, Dadingzi Mountain, Baidu Town and Mudanjiang estuary upstream meet the class III standard, and achieve the planned target of water function zone. The section ratio of which the water quality meets the class III at the Harbin section of Songhua River achieves 100%. The major test index such as the annual average value of potassium permanganate index, ammonia nitrogen, five days' biochemical oxygen demand, oxygen demand are 5.32mg/L, 0.791 mg/L, 2.80 mg/L, 9 mg/L respectively, all of which meet the class III standard.

4.3 Environmental Noise

2012 regional acoustic environment quality of Harbin urban area is medium (class III). The equivalent sound level range of environmental noise of Harbin urban area is 46.6-66.6dB(A), the weighted average value of equivalent sound level area is 56.0dB(A), basically equal to the last year. The monitoring area of environmental noise of Harbin urban area is 105.84 square kilometers, wherein, the monitoring area of region in which the class I standard is applicable is 15.19 square kilometers, the weighted average value of equivalent sound level area is 53.3dB(A), lower than the national standard of 1.7dB(A), the qualification rate is 59.4%; the monitoring area of region in which the class II standard is applicable is 77.91 square kilometers, the weighted average value of equivalent sound level area is 56.2 dB(A), lower than the national standard of 3.8 B(A), the qualification rate is 83.6%; the monitoring area of region in which the class III standard is applicable is 12.74 square kilometers, the weighted average value of equivalent sound level area is 58.2 dB(A), lower than the national standard of 6.8 dB(A), and the qualification rate is 100%.

The regional acoustic environment quality of each administrative district of Harbin is: the weighted average value of equivalent sound level area of Daoli District regional acoustic environment 58.2 dB(A), which is the highest value of the whole city; Hulan District is 50.5 dB(A), which is the lowest value of the whole city. The acoustic environment of Hulan, Acheng and Pingfang Distruct are better. Other districts are medium (class 3).

The regional equivalent sound level range of Chengguan Town in a county (city) is 43.9-59.8 dB(A), wherein, the average value of equivalent sound level area of Yilan County is lowest, 43.9 dB(A); the value of Shangzhi City is the highest, 59.8dB(A). The regional acoustic environment quality of Yanshou, Tonghe and Yilan County are best (class 1), the regional acoustic environment quality of Wuchang, Shuangcheng, Fangzheng, Mulan County and Bin County are better (class 2), the regional acoustic environment quality of Shangzhi and Bayan County are general (class 3). Other counties are general (class 3).

From high to low, the order of weighted average equivalent sound level value of road traffic noise length of each administrative district is: Daoli, Daowai, Hulan, Nangang, Xiangfang, Pingfang, Acheng Disrict. The weighted average equivalent sound level value of road traffic noise length of Daoli District is the highest, 68.4 dB(A), Acheng District is the lowest, 64.7dB(A); the road acoustic environment quality of Daoli is ok (class 2), others are good (class 1).

4.3.1 Current Acoustic Environment Status and Sensitive Spot Survey

(1) Major noise pollution resource along the project

The assessment range of two sides along this project road and service facility includes wasteland and resident, this project is the transformed project, which is transformed on the basis of original road, the road length is longer, and there are more sensitive spots involved. There is no large-scale factory and mine noise resource along the road within the 200m range of road central line, the major noise resource is the traffic noise.

(2) Acoustic environment sensitive spot survey within the assessment range

According to the site survey, the acoustic environment protection objects of in the assessment area of Harbin Alpine-cold Intelligent Public Traffic System Construction Project are mainly the residents. The acoustic environment sensitive spots are shown in Table 1-6-3.

4.3.2 Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status Monitoring

(1) Monitoring range and point layout

The current status monitoring place is in the 200m range of the two sides of this project construction road. In order to handle the current quality status of acoustic environment along the proposed project, after the on-site reconnaissance and survey, according to the principle of using point instead of line, 11 monitoring points of current acoustic environment status have been determined, the dividing of representative environment sensitive spot are performed according to the distance between road and residents, resident area situation, greening and sound insulation facility around the road and the population intension level etc., as shown in Table 4-3-1. The monitoring station of environment protection science academy of Heilongjiang Province was entrusted to perform the site noise monitoring on October 5, 2012-October 9, 2013, the monitoring points are shown in Table 4-3-2.

4-2-2 Noise Monitoring Point Position

Table 4-3-1 Similar Status of Acoustic Environment Sensitive Level

|Monitoring Point Position |Acoustic Environment Status is Similar to Monitoring Point |Remarks |

|Staff and Workers University of |Chi Kedong Internal Medicine Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wang | |

|Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of|Dianyuan Orthopedics Hospital, The Second Clinic of the Second Hospital of | |

|Social Sciences (Class 2) |Heilongjiang, Service Center for Sub-health Physical Treatment, Zhang Hongbing | |

| |Gynecology Hospital of the Western Medicine, Shen Xunlan Stomatological Clinic,| |

| |Children’s Hospital, Fengguang Jiangjing Apartment, Fengguang Jiangjing | |

| |Apartment, Shuguang School, No. 12 Ji Culture School, Harbin Datong Primary | |

| |School, Harbin Oriental Institute of Hepatology of Traditional Chinese | |

| |Medicine, Yunhui Institute of Infertility Prevention and Control, Dianli | |

| |Jiashun Apartment for the Elderly, Daowai Clinic of Stomatological Hospital of | |

| |Harbin, No. 8 Middle School of Harbin, No. 40 Middle School of Harbin | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |The road is |

| | |closed to the |

| | |resident area, |

| | |the environment |

| | |statuses around |

| | |are similar, the|

| | |greening |

| | |facilities |

| | |around road are |

| | |similar, the |

| | |population |

| | |intensity |

| | |degrees are |

| | |similar, sound |

| | |functions of |

| | |sensitive spot |

| | |are similar |

|Shangshi Langqinshuian Community |Youyi Community, Guanjiang Internal Community, Fengguang Jiangjing Department, | |

|(Class 2) |Taibao Community, Beihuan Junjing Community, Mingdu Guoji, Youyi Wuye | |

| |Community, Jiangpan Fangyuan Community, Harbin Taotai Mansion, Fangyuan | |

| |Binjiang Guoji, Dongfang Community, Zhenjiang Community | |

|Zunrong Huafu (Class 1) |I. Jiangnan, Lishuihuating Community, Friendship Palace | |

|Harbin Engineering University |Henghe Aixin Apartment for the Elderly, East region of Harbin Engineering | |

|(Class 1) |University, Tianhui Weiye Financial School, Qinghuayuan Kindergarten, Chen | |

| |Shunxin Stomatological Clinic, Chen Shunxin Stomatological Clinic, Jinxin | |

| |Kindergarten, E.T.D.Z. Campus of Qizheng Music School, Sitong Computer School, | |

| |Jiayi Sunshine Foreign Languages School, Secondary Schools for Adults of | |

| |Heilongjiang, Harbin No.81 Middle School, Harbin Xinghua School, Huaao Culture | |

| |School, Baolaile Bilingual Kindergarten, Hospital for Staff of Harbin Industry | |

| |Investment Group, Yuandongli Culture School , Aide Culture and Art School | |

|Hongping Community (Class 1) |Dongzhi Community, Shuanglong Lvse Jiayuan, Honghe Teachers’ Residence | |

| |Community, Honghe Teachers’ Residence Community , Liaohe Community, Hongqi | |

| |Xinqu, Guoji Huizhan Mingcheng Community, Huanghe Jiayuan Community, Huanghe | |

| |Lvyuan Community, Nongken Community, Liantong Community, Xingken Community, | |

| |Hanshui Jiayuan Community, Boda Department, Beichen Guoji Community, Hahzou | |

| |Hongqi Community, Zhujiang Mingfu Community, Zhujiang Community, Shunshui | |

| |Community, Yongji Jiayuan Community, Fengqiao Guoji Community, Hengdao | |

| |Community, Zhoucheng Mingyuan Community, Fujiang Jiayuan Community, Dongao, | |

| |Jiayuan Community, Dingxiang Jiayuan Community, Antong Jiayuan, Jinrui Lincheng| |

|Touzi Jiayuan (Class 2) |Tanshan Building, Nongken Community, City Infectious Disease Hospital | |

|Fujiang Jiayuan (Class3) |Dongao Jiayuan | |

|Harbin No.10 Hospital (Class 2) |Rural and urban community health service centers of Daoli District, Harbin | |

| |Campus of No. 3 Health School of Heilongjiang, Bolite Hospital, Hongyang | |

| |Primary School, Yingbin Apartment for the Elderly, Harbin Women's Federation | |

| |and Kindergarten Teacher School | |

|Yingbin Jiayuan (Class 2) |Yingbin Community, Sanjing Jiayuan, Muslim Community | |

|Junction Station of Xiangbin Road |First and Last Bus Station at Hexie Street | |

|(Class 2) | | |

|First and Last Bus Station at | | |

|Qunli No.1 Avenue (Class 1) | | |

Table 4-3-2 Monitoring Point of Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status

|SN. |Monitoring Point |Monitoring |Measuring Point Position |

| | |Item | |

|1 |Staff and Workers University of Heilongjiang |Leq |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| |Provincial Academy of Social Sciences (Class 2 | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| |) | | |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|2 |Shangshi Langqinshuian Community (Class 2) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|3 |Zunrong Huafu (Class 1) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|4 |Harbin Engineering University (Class 1) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|5 |Hongping Cmmunity (Class 1) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|6 |Liantong Community (Class 2) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor(9m above the ground) |

|7 |Fujiang Jiayuan (Class 3) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|8 |Harbin No.10 Hospital Class 2) | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|9 |Yingbin Jiayuan V | |1m in front of the first row of house close to the road |

| | | |(1.2m above the ground) |

| | | |Three floor (9m above the ground) |

|10 |Junction Station of Xiangbin Road (Class 2) | |50m at one side of the house close to the road (1.2m above |

| | | |the ground) |

|11 |First and Last Bus Station at Qunli No.1 Avenue | |20m at one side of the house close to the road (1.2m above |

| |(Class 1) | |the ground) |

(2) Monitoring method and time: monitoring according to the method in Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096-2008).

(3) Monitoring result statistics

The monitoring statistics results of current environment noise status of this project are shown in Table 4-3-3.

Table4-3-3 Monitoring Data of Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status Unit: Leq[dB(A)]

|Point Position |Daytime |Nighttime |

| |8th |9th |Average value |8th |9th |Average value |

|1 |64.1 |61.2 |62.7 |61.6 |58.4 |59.5 |

| |64.5 |61.7 |63.1 |61.9 |58.7 |60.8 |

|2 |61.3 |61.6 |61.5 |58.0 |56.1 |57.1 |

| |61.9 |61.7 |61.8 |58.7 |57.1 |57.9 |

|3 |64.5 |64.0 |64.3 |50.3 |54.9 |52.6 |

| |64.5 |64.0 |64.3 |50.7 |55.8 |53.2 |

|4 |53.9 |55.4 |54.7 |47.4 |46.7 |47.1 |

| |54.9 |56.1 |55.0 |47.5 |47.1 |47.3 |

|5 |56.8 |53.0 |54.9 |46.0 |45.7 |45.4 |

| |57.3 |53.9 |55.2 |46.2 |45.8 |46.0 |

|6 |63.9 |66.2 |65.1 |54.6 |56.0 |55.3 |

| |64.6 |66.5 |65.5 |54.8 |56.2 |55.5 |

|7 |65.0 |64.5 |64.7 |52.1 |55.0 |53.5 |

| |65.7 |64.8 |65.3 |53.1 |55.0 |54.1 |

|8 |62.0 |62.1 |62.1 |53.0 |48.8 |50.9 |

| |62.2 |62.7 |62.4 |53.5 |48.9 |51.4 |

|9 |60.1 |58.8 |59.4 |51.5 |49.5 |50.0 |

| |60.6 |58.9 |59.7 |52.0 |51.0 |51.5 |

|10 |64.6 |65.5 |65.1 |56.9 |57.9 |57.4 |

|11 |59.0 |59.4 |59.2 |47.2 |48.2 |47.7 |

4.3.3 Current Acoustic Environment Quality Status Assessment

(1) Assessment value

Take the equivalent sound level Leq of environment noise as the assessment value.

(2) Assessment standard

Assess according to Acoustic Environment Quality Standard (GB3096-2008). For the environment noise, implement the standard of class 4a, class 1, class 2 and class 3.

(2) Monitoring result analysis

Table 4-3-4 Noise Measuring Result of Sensitive Spot

|Monitorin|Point |Monitoring Point |Distance |Distance |Monitoring Result dB(A) |

|g Point |No. | |from the |from the | |

|Position | | |Road Center |Road Red | |

| | | |Line |Line | |

| | | | | |May 8 |May 9 |

| | |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1.1 Cross Section of Current Status of Youyi Road |Figure 5-1-6 Design Cross Section of Youyi Road (Road Bridge to Jingwei |

|(Road Bridge to Jingwei Street) |Street) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-2 Cross Section of Current Status of Youyi Road |Figure 5-1-7 Design Cross Section of Youyi Road (Jingwei Street to |

|(Jingwei Street to Jiuzhan Street) |Jiuzhan Street) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-3 Cross Section of Current Status of Youyi Road |Figure 5-1-8 Design Cross Section of Youyi Road (Jiuzhan Street to |

|(Jiuzhan Street to Gengxin Street) |Gengxin Street) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-4 Cross Section of Current Status of Youyi Road |Figure 5-1-9 Design Cross Section of Youyi Road (Gengxin Street to Taoci |

|(Gengxin Street to Taoci Avenue) |Avenue) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-5 Cross Section of Current Status of Youyi Road |Figure 5-1-10 Design Cross Section of Youyi Road (Taoci Avenue to |

|(Taoci Avenue to Tonggang Street) |Tonggang Street) |

|Environment comparison: |

| |

|①Acoustic environment: the feasible scheme can guarantee the running speed of road, to avoid the driver from whistling due to irritable |

|mood caused by low vehicle speed, to relieve the noise impact of sensitive points as both sides. |

|②Atmospheric environment: the exhaust emitted in bad car traffic capacity is more than good traffic capacity, thus, the feasible scheme |

|is better than the existing scheme. |

|③Ecological environment (including solid waste): the ecological environment impacts of the two schemes are consistent, both of them are |

|small. |

|Conclusion: comparing with the cross section scheme, the non-motor vehicle lane is too wide, the motor vehicles are driving and parking |

|on the non-motor vehicle lane, which may cause greater impact on safety of non-motor vehicles. After comparing with canalization of |

|cross section, the motor vehicle lane is too wide, which is not safe for the pedestrians to cross the street. The feasible scheme can |

|avoid the motor vehicles driving on the non-motor vehicle lane, thus, it is recommended to adopt the feasible scheme. |

| |

|Taking into account of the above factors, the feasible road scheme is better than the current status. |

5.1.2 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng Street)

5-1-2 Scheme Comparison of Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Xinyang Road

|Current Status |Feasible Scheme |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-11 Cross Section of Current Status of |Figure 5-1-12 Design Cross Section of Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng |

|Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng |Street) |

|Street) | |

|[pic] | |

|Figure 5-1-12 Cross Section of Current Status of | |

|Xinyang Road (Xiangzheng Street to Jincheng | |

|Street) | |

|Environment comparison: |

| |

|①Acoustic environment: the feasible scheme can guarantee the running speed of road, to avoid the driver from whistling due to irritable |

|mood caused by low vehicle speed, to relieve the noise impact of sensitive points as both sides. |

|②Atmospheric environment: the exhaust emitted in bad car traffic capacity is more than good traffic capacity, thus, the feasible scheme |

|is better than the existing scheme. |

|③Water environment: the water environment impacts of the two schemes are consistent, both of them are impact of pavement runoff. |

|④Ecological environment (including solid waste): the ecological environment impacts of the two schemes are consistent, both of them are |

|small. |

|The width of road redline of major road sections of the comparison scheme is 39 to 45 m, which is planned as urban main road, the road |

|trend is along the design of the original road, and the designed road redline is the redline of the original road. The road mainly |

|crosses the following control points: Xiangzheng Street, Xiangli Street, Zhigong Street, Caiku Street and Lijiang Road etc. The whole |

|road is one plate (one way road) type. |

|In graphic design of road, the route shall meet the safety and driving comfort requirements, and modify partial unreasonable places of |

|the original road, and arrange the easement curve, superelevation and broadening reasonably. The turning points of the route shall be |

|arranged within the intersection range as much as possible. Regulate the unreasonable phenomena at entrances and exits on both sides of |

|the original roads, to minimize the impact on main road by entering and leaving of vehicles. |

| |

|The feasible schem is benefit for directing traffic quickly, thus, it is suggested to adopt the feasible scheme. |

|Taking into account of the above factors, the feasible road scheme is better than the current status. |

5.1.3 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang Street to Dongzhi Road)

5-1-1 Public Traffic Priority Corridor of Youyi Road

|Current Status |Feasible Scheme |

| | |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-13 Cross Section of Current Status of Hongqi Avenue |Figure 5-1-18 Design Cross Section of Hongqi Avenue (Jinxiang |

|(Jinxiang Street to Liangku Road) |Street to Liangku Road) |

| |[pic] |

|[pic] |Figure 5-1-19 Design Cross Section of Hongqi Avenue (Liangku |

|Figure 5-1-14 Cross Section of Current Status of Hongqi Avenue |Street to Zhoucheng Street) |

|(Liangku Street to Zhoucheng Street) |[pic] |

| |Figure 5-1-20 Design Cross Section of Hongqi Avenue (Zhoucheng |

|[pic] |Street to Yanfu Street) |

|Figure 5-1-15 Cross Section of Current Status of Hongqi Avenue |[pic] |

|(Zhoucheng Street to Yanfu Street) |Figure 5-1-21 Design Cross Section of Hongqi Avenue (Yanfu Street|

| |to Xiangdian Street) |

|[pic] |[pic] |

|Figure 5-1-16 Cross Section of Current Status of Hongqi Avenue |Figure 5-1-22 Design Cross Section of Hongqi Avenue (Xiangdian |

|(Yanfu Street to Xiangdian Street) |Street to Dongzhi Road) |

| | |

|[pic] | |

|Figure 5-1-17 Cross Section of Current Status of Hongqi Avenue | |

|(Xiangdian Street to Dongzhi Road) | |

|Environment comparison: |

| |

|①Acoustic environment: the feasible scheme can guarantee the running speed of road, to avoid the driver from whistling due to |

|irritable mood caused by low vehicle speed, to relieve the noise impact of sensitive points as both sides. |

|②Atmospheric environment: the exhaust emitted in bad car traffic capacity is more than good traffic capacity, thus, the feasible |

|scheme is better than the existing scheme. |

|③Water environment: the water environment impacts of the two schemes are consistent, both of them are impact of pavement runoff. |

|④Ecological environment (including solid waste): the ecological environment impacts of the two schemes are consistent, both of them|

|are small. |

| |

|The stream of people of public traffic corridor of Hongqi Avenue is larger, the recommended scheme is convenient for people and |

|non-motor vehicles to cross. Through comprehensive consideration, it is suggested to adopt the recommended scheme. |

|Taking into account of the above factors, the feasible road scheme is better than the current status. |

Besides, the environment impact assessment also suggests:

1. For overpass of public traffic corridor: add ceiling and cover, pay attention to anti-slip (the feasible scheme has been adopted)

2. The bus stops shall be close to the traffic lights as much as possible, to be convenient for passengers to cross: do not newly build or dismantle overpass and underpass, and adding caring for the vulnerable groups.

5.2 Public Traffic Infrastructure Construction Project

5.2.1 Suggestions on Existing and New Buses

(1) If spreading snow-melting agent in the compartment, the snow-melting agent contains salt, the floor in the compartment is iron, which is easy to be corroded.

(2) Non-slip mat: in winter, the compartment floor may freeze a thick layer of ice. If laying plastic non-slip mat, the mat may be frozen firmly by the thick layer of ice, then it will lose the anti-slip function completely. For the plastic floor, the non-slip layer may be damaged through using for a long time.

(3) Using abrasive floor in the bus can avoid the impact generated by freezing of non-slip mat.

It is suggested to use abrasive floor in the bus in the environment impact assessment, meanwhile, anti-slip carpet shall be arranged on the steps, which shall be fixed on the vehicle, to prevent passengers from falling down when getting on or off the bus due to carpet slipping.

(4) Make passengers be easier to confirm the starting point, target point and the location of themselves in the space through strengthening certain spatial forms (such as adding the main passages getting through various spaces, and the atrium space acting as the space center), factors (light, color and material quality etc.). Lead the stream of people through construction manner as much as possible, instead of simply canalization the stream of people by using handrail and ropes.

(5) Provide comfortable waiting space (shelter from wind and rain, bright and enough chairs); the stair width of transfer passage, anti-slip measures, and numbers of escalator shall match with the stream of people, besides, the arrangement of infrastructures such air conditioning and rest room in the transfer hall shall be taken into account.

5.2.2 Public Traffic Hub Station

The public traffic hub station project includes one site in all, i.e. Xiangbin Road public traffic hub station, based on the objective requirements of “north jump, south expansion, middle resurgence and strong county” strategy and the development model concept of public traffic urban “with intensive public traffic as main part, several kinds of transportation modes operating coordinately”, construct “periphery loop” 6 public traffic urban pilot demonstration parking and transfer integrated hub, Xiangbin Road hub station is one of them, which is planned to part 6 bus lines. Its particularity cannot be replaced; therefore, this environment impact assessment will not discuss the site.

Environment Impact Assessment Suggestions:

1. The passages in the station shall use closed ceiling, in order to guarantee the light within the passages and no constriction generated by passengers, it is suggested that the ceiling using transparent materials.

2. The rainwater on shoes of the passengers and the rainwater on the umbrella in rainy season, and the snow on shoes of the passengers and the snow spread on clothes in snow season may drop on the floor of the passage. In environment impact assessment, it is required to add the anti-slip facilities such as anti-slip design and laying carpet on the passage, meanwhile, in view of the low temperature in winter, if the carpets is frozen, they will be surrounded by ice, which may lead to slippery road, if carpet is laid, it is required that the passage is provided with insulation function. If carpets are not used, the ground itself shall be designed as anti-slip ground.

3. The waiting hall is provided with one rest room at present, which can be used by 4 persons at the same time, including 2 males and 2 females. In the environment impact assessment, it is suggested to increase the number of rest room to the condition that 8 persons can be used at the same time, include 3 males and 5 females, to guarantee the usage of passengers.

4. There are 8 chairs in the waiting hall at present, in the environment impact assessment. It is suggested to increase to 30, to guarantee waiting comfort of passengers.

5. See Table 2-2-5, it is suggested to adjust the driver lounge, dispatching room and monitoring guardhouse layout from floor 1 to floor 2 or floor 3, to guarantee the demands of residents in floor 1 to waiting chairs and rest room. Besides, the parking space in the waiting hall is too much, or the waiting hall is too small, it is suggested to reduce parking space correspondingly, and increase areas of waiting hall of floor 1.

5.2.2 First and Last Station Project of Public Traffic

The first and last station project of public traffic includes two sites, i.e. First and Last Bus Station at Qunli First Avenue and First and Last Station at Hexie Street. In order that the first and last station of the line is coincided with OD point of major passenger flow between each traffic zone of the city, avoid unnecessary short distance transfer; in the newly-built vast stretches of residential districts located in the urban peripheral, arrange the two first and last stations of bus line according to the passenger flow volume. Its particularity cannot be replaced, thus, the feasible scheme does not give the comparison site of the site in the subproject, therefore, this environment impact assessment will not discuss the comparison scheme.

Environment Impact Assessment Suggestions:

1. For the first and last station with small areas: the indoor area is not large, it is suggested to change the layout of dispatching room from ground floor 1 to ground floor 2 in the environment impact assessment; change the car washing room and repair room layout from ground floor 1 to underground floor 1, to guarantee enough passenger waiting space.

2. On ground floor 1, increase the chairs in the waiting zone from 6 currently to 12, and the rest rooms shall be increased from using by 2 persons to using by 4 persons at the same time. It is required to add public traffic information service system.

3. Buildings recommended reducing the floor height

The upstairs of hub and first and last station are all internal office rooms (non-public use), in environment impact assessment, try to reduce floor height as much as possible, but it shall guarantee the health level of users is not affected, and the theoretical basis are as follows:

①National standard of the People’s Republic of China Design Code for Residential Buildings GB500961999 requirements: the floor height of common residence should not be higher than 2.80 m; the ceiling height of bedroom and living room (hall) shall not be lower than 2.40 m, and the ceiling height of kitchen and rest room shall not be lower than 2.20 m. Today, many developed countries on the world limit their respective ceiling height of residence below 3 m, for example, the American regulation is 2.28 to 2.4 m, the UK regulation is 2.2 to 2.4 m, and Japanese and Poland regulation is 2.2 to 2.6 m.

②Floor height and ceiling height of residence may directly affect the project cost, it is due to the condition that if the floor height and ceiling height increases, the wall area will increase, the column volume will increase, and bring about foundation pipeline heating factors, which may also increase the project cost. When the floor height is reduced from 3 m to 2.8 m, the comprehensive cost of each set of resident will reduce 4% to 5%, which can also save materials, energy and be benefit for anti-seismic mouth.

③On the condition that meeting the using requirements and sanitary requirements, reduce the floor height properly may reduce the housing spacing correspondingly, which may save land, reduce housing weight, and save materials. Proper reduction in floor height may save energy. Space ratio treatment shall use different treatments of window to adjust the space sense of proportion. Through using the contrast technique of setting off high with low, reduce the ceiling of the secondary room, so as to make the major space look taller, and the secondary space is kind and pleasant.

④Impacts on energy conservation by floor height are mainly reflected on the following aspects: production energy consumption of building materials is usually larger, reducing the floor height can reduce the using amount of wall materials, pipeline engineering materials and base materials of building. Building envelope area: the heat transmission amount of building envelope is proportional to the heat transmission area thereof, reduction in heat transmission area can reduce heat transmission amount effectively. The heat transmission area of wall depends on the floor height and perimeter of house; therefore, on the condition that meeting the using head room height requirements of house, the floor height shall not be increased at will. When the wall thickness, perimeter and wall material is unchanged, changes of floor height may directly bring about changes of heat transmission amount.

5. Indoor and outdoor anti-slip suggestion of the station facilities:

①Outdoor anti-slip of bus station – It is suggested that the outdoor ground granite plate of the first and last station is fire board, which can play a role in anti-slip, to prevent the pedestrian from falling down.

②Indoor anti-slip of bus station – It is suggested to lay carpets on the passages people getting through inside the bus station, which is used for anti-slip, to prevent pedestrian from falling down.

5.3 Zero Scheme Comparison

The so-called zero scheme is that there is no construction in the project. Zero scheme comparison is the comparison of impact on external environment between no construction and construction of project.

Seen from the relevant contents of project construction meaning, if the project is not constructed, the phenomena of congestion at the relevant traffic intersection and roads may occur in Harbin, the reduction of car running speed may also cause increase of fuel quantity and pollutant emission, meanwhile, it may increase travel time of pedestrians, reduce efficiency, which may not only consume fuel but also pollute environment, therefore, the impact on external environment by zero scheme is obvious.

On the contrary, if the project is constructed, it may certainly reduce the current traffic congestion phenomena, to make a corresponding increase in running speed of cars, while reduce pollutant emission and be convenient to travelling of pedestrians, which is not only energy conservation but also emission reduction. Of course, smooth road may bring about increase in car ownership, which may increase fuel and pollutant emission correspondingly, but it only can be realized based on improvement of people’s living standard, therefore, it has essential difference with no development and no construction of zero scheme.

In general, the project is a project with more positive environment benefit than negative benefit, which is benefit for people’s livelihood, and the impact on external environment by project construction is obviously greater than zero scheme impact caused by no construction.

6 Environmental Impact Perdition in Construction Period

6.1 Social Environmental Impact Analysis in Construction Period

6.1.1 Analysis of Impact on Urban Traffic

(1) This project involves many road sections, at present, the traffic volume on three public traffic corridors of Youyi Road, Xinyang Road, Hongqi Avenue, therefore the construction of this project has certain influence on the daily traffic. Some road sections may suffer from traffic jam and stoppage at the rush hours, and encounter the morning peak and evening peak, the traffic condition is serious. At this moment, the traffic manage department shall control and manage it, utilize the adjacent road network to organize the traffic and diverge the traffic, so as to guarantee that the normal life of resident will not be interrupted.

(2) During the construction, plenty of construction machinery and transportation vehicles will be used in the construction, therefore the traffic flow along the line will be increased, disturbing the urban traffic.

6.1.2 Analysis of Impacts on Residents Living

From the analysis of impacts on urban traffic, it can be seen that the urban traffic will be disturbed during the construction of engineering, causing the traffic jam and crowd of urban road, and the public traffic line shall be laid out again when the division and bypass measures and other temporary measures are taken, which will bring influence and inconvenience to the residents’ trip, work and living.

6.1.3 Impacts on Urban Infrastructure

Three public traffic corridors will be built in this project, mainly changing the pavement, without influencing the urban ground and underground water pipeline network, electricity, gas and communication facilities. During the construction of sidewalk, the trip of pedestrian will be influenced temporarily, but this influence will disappear after the completion of construction, with the influence small. The bus first and last station and the hub of this project has no impact on urban ground and underground water pipeline network, electricity, gas and communication facilities, which will be integrated into the urban underground pipeline network after completion. The construction of this project has no impacts on the urban drainage facilities.

6.2 Analysis of Impacts on Ambient Air Quality in Construction Period

6.2.1 Analysis of Impacts on Ambient Air Quality in Construction Period

During construction, the ambient air impact factor is flying dust and dust. The wind will cause the material stacked in the open air dusting, especially when the wind speed is stronger and the material is dry and not covered, the dusting pollution is serious. During the construction, there are certain dust dispreading into the surrounding air during the transportation, loading and unloading and mixing process, influencing the regional air quality; The other kind is the exhaust discharged by the construction machinery and heavy-duty vehicle during the running, the main pollutant is carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOX) and hydrocarbon (HC), and the pollution will be more serious when the vehicle drives at overspeed.

①Road dust

The road dust is mainly caused due to the transportation of construction material by the construction vehicle on the road; there are many factors causing the road dust, it is mainly related to running speed of vehicle, wind speed, quantity of dust accumulated on the road and the humidity of dust accumulated on the road, wherein the wind speed can also directly influence the transmission distance of dust; due to that it is strong windy weather in the project area, therefore the road dust pollution is serious during the construction.

According to the monitoring (see Table 6-2-1) on the vehicle dust on Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway during construction by the Ministry of Communication Road, the TSP concentration is 5.093mg/m3 at 150m at the down wind direction, and the influence scope of pollution will expand when the wind speed is larger.

Table 6-2-1 Monitoring Result of Vehicle Dust on Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway during Construction

|Monitoring Place |Source of Dust Pollution |Distance of Sampling Point |Monitoring Result (mg/m3) |

| | |(m) | |

|Roadside at the construction |At the moment of laying the |50 |11.652 |

|site at Wuqingyang Village |cement stabilization road top | | |

| |basement and dust of | | |

| |transportation vehicle | | |

| | |100 |19.694 |

| | |150 |5.093 |

From the above table, we can see that the concentration of dust will be reduced quickly with the increase of distance.

②Dust at the stacking yard

The type, nature and wind speed of material at the ash stacking yard has a lot to do with the dust capacity; the material with small specific gravity can be disturbed easily and generate dust, and the dust capacity will be large when the small grain accounts for most in the material. The dust at the stacking yard include the dust of stacking material caused by the wind, dust caused in the loading and unloading as well as the reentrainment of dust of road accumulated dust caused by the vehicle passing by, which will generate the serious dust pollution, and have certain impact on the surrounding environment, but the dust emission can be effectively restrained through watering, reducing 70% of the dust emission.

③Dust at the construction site of public traffic hub and first and last station

The construction dust generated during the construction of public traffic hub and first and last station is mainly from the excavation of earthwork and stacking on site, the handling and stacking of building material (pale grey, cement, sand, pebble and brick etc.) at the site, the clearing and stacking of construction garbage, and the road dust on site caused by the coming and going of people and vehicle. The analogy method is used in this evaluation to analyze the ambient air impact by utilizing the measured data of existing construction site.

According to the statistics of related data, Beijing Municipal Research Institute of Environmental Protection has monitored the dust condition of 7 construction sites, and the wind speed at the moment of monitoring is 2.4 m/s, and the results are detailed in Table 6-2-2.

Table 6-2-2 TSP Concentration of Dust Pollution of Building Construction Site (Unit: μg/m3)

|Name of Works |In the |Upwind Direction of|Downwind Direction of Construction Site |

| |Construction |Construction Site | |

| |Site | | |

| | | |50m |100m |150m |

|Qianban Construction Site |759 |328 |502 |367 |336 |

|Construction Site of Metallic Material |618 |325 |472 |356 |332 |

|Headquarters | | | | | |

|Construction site of Broadcasting and |596 |311 |434 |376 |309 |

|Television Department | | | | | |

|Construction Site of 5#、11#、12# Building in |509 |303 |11# 538 |12# 465 |314 |

|Jinsong Community | | | | | |

|Average Value |595.5 |316.7 |486.5 |390 |322 |

According to the above data, it can be seen that:

1. The dust of building construction is large, when the wind speed is 2.4m/s, the TSP concentration in the construction site is 1.5 to 2.3 times of that of the control point at the upwind direction (50m), average of 1.88 times, which is equal to 1.4 to 2.5 times of the ambient air quality standard, average of 1.98 times.

2. The influence scope of dust of building construction is 150m within the downwind direction, the TSP concentration average value of area influenced is 491ug/m3, which is 1.5 times of the control points at the upwind direction (50m), equal to 1.6 times of the ambient air quality standard.

6.3 Analysis of Impacts on Water Environment in Construction Period

6.3.1 Analysis of Impacts on Water Environment in Construction Period

The water pollution source in the construction is mainly the construction waste water, washing sewage of mechanical equipment, oily wastewater and domestic wastewater of constructor.

(1) Construction wastewater

The horizontal sedimentation rank is set at the construction site of this project, after the muddy water is treated through the coagulation sedimentation, and the supematant will be reused to the reduce water on the construction site. The production wastewater generated in the construction can be drained into the municipal sewage pipe network after being treated in the sedimentation tank.

(2) Washing wastewater of machinery equipment

According to the study of Li Jing of Environmental Science and Engineering School of Chang’an University, the washing wastewater quantity of general large-scale sand processing system is 3 times of that of the processing the sand, the principal pollutant of sand wastewater is SS, and the concentration of SS is related to the mechanical composition of sand, and the mass concentration of washing wastewater can be more than 500mg/L. According to construction scale and features of this works, the discharge is determined of 0.8m3/d, and the concentration of principal pollutant is COD300mg/L and SS800mg/L.

Table 6-3-1 Demission Source Strength of Construction Wastewater

|Total Quantity of |Pollutant Types |Emission Concentration of Pollutant |Source Strength of |

|Wastewater Generated | | |Pollutant |

|0.8m3/d |COD |300mg/L |2.4kg/d |

| |SS |800mg/L |6.4kg/d |

(3) Oily wastewater

The oily wastewater in the construction period is mainly from the repairing and maintenance of construction machinery as well as the leakage, bubbling, dropping and seeping during the work. It mainly consists of lubrication oil, diesel, gasoline and other petroleum type material, once these materials enter into water body, they will float on the water, hinder the material exchange on the oil-water interface, reduce the dissolved oxygen of water body, and influence the vital movement of water living things. Analogy with the similar engineering statistical data, the quantity generated of oil is about 0.2m3/d, and the concentration of petroleum type material is about 30-150mg/L. Therefore they can be absorbed with solid-state oil absorption material, and then be treated after being mixed and sealed.

(4) Domestic wastewater of constructor

According to estimation, there are about 300 person such as various workers and manager at the traffic hub and first and last station works at the rush hour; according to the domestic water consumption norm of construction site and the analogy investigation of constructors’ water consumption, the total quantity of domestic wastewater generated of this works will be about 2880t/a calculated by taking the 80L/person day, 150 days construction days and 0.8 sewage discharge factor. Component and concentration of domestic wastewater pollutant of construction station is detailed in Table 6-3-2.

Table 6-3-2 Component and Concentration of Domestic Wastewater Pollution

|Emission Condition |COD |BOD5 |SS |Ammonia Nitrogen |

|Stage | | | | |

|Emission Concentration |300 |220 |150 |35 |

|(mg/l) | | | | |

|Discharge (t/a) |0.864 |0.634 |0.432 |0.1 |

6.4 Analysis of Noise Impacts in Construction Period

The main noise source at the construction period of project is the noise generated by various building construction machinery and equipment production, the construction noise generated during the decoration and the noise generated during the transportation of building garbage and raw material. The mechanical equipment used in the construction includes excavator, concrete pump, vibrator, air compressor, electric drill and electric saw etc., and the construction machinery has the feature of high noise, irregular and strong sudden etc. The noise level of some part construction machinery during running is detailed in Table 6-4-1.

Table 6-4-1 Noise Level of Construction Machinery during Running

|Construction Stage |Sound Source |Sound Level /dB (A) |

|Earthwork and Stonework Stage |Excavator |78~96 |

| |Air Compressor |75~85 |

| |Hydraulic type pile driver |90~95 |

| |Winch |95~105 |

| |Vibrating tamper |100~105 |

|Base Plate and Structure Stage |Concrete pump |90~100 |

| |Vibrator |100~105 |

| |Electric saw |90~95 |

| |Welder |90~95 |

| |Air compressor |75~85 |

|Decoration and Installation Stage |Electric drill |95~100 |

| |Electric hammer |100~105 |

| |Manual drill |95~100 |

| |Toothless saw |105 |

| |Multi-function carpenter’s plane |90~100 |

| |Cutting tool |100~110 |

| |Angle grinder |100~115 |

The traffic noise at the material transportation stage is the noise caused by transportation vehicle of construction waste and material in construction, the vehicle type and sound level at all stages are detailed in Table 6-4-2.

Table 6-4-2 Vehicle Type and Sound Level in Construction Stage

|Construction Stage |Transportation Content |Vehicle Type |Sound Level [dB(A)] |

|Earthwork and Stonework Stage |Construction waste and earthwork |Large-scale truck |90 |

|Base Plate and Structure Stage |Rebar, commercial concrete |Concrete tank and truck |80~85 |

|Decoration and Installation Stage|Decorative material and equipment |Light duty truck |75 |

6.4.1 Noise Predicting Result and Impact Analysis in Construction Period

(1) Noise source

Various machineries type are involved in the construction; diesel pile driver, drilling machinery, vacuum pressure pump and concrete batch plant etc. are used in the foundation treatment; bulldozer, road roller, grader, loading and unloading machine etc. are used in the filling of roadbed; Diesel pile driver, winch, bulldozer, road roller etc. are used in the bridge construction, and these sudden noises will have certain impacts on the surrounding acoustic environment. Wherein the noise effect at the construction stage of foundation is the most; two viaducts will be built in this project, therefore the piling work of bridge will generate the serious influence to the acoustic environment along the line, In addition to, during the construction of foundation, accompanied with will bring radiation noise brought by the transportation vehicle of building material, during the transportation of construction material, the transportation road will inevitably select the existing road nearby the sensitive points, but the noise level of mechanical equipment used in the construction is very high, if not controlled, they will have large impacts on the nearby village, schools and environment sensitive points.

According to investigation, the sound pressure level of mechanical equipment (include bulldozer, excavator, grader, concrete mixing machine, road roller and paver etc.) used in the road construction in domestic land at present are detailed in Table 6-4-1, and the noise test value of asphalt concrete mixing station is detailed in Table 6-4-2.

Table 6-4-1 Sound Level Test Value and Range of Mechanical Equipment Used in Road Construction Unit: dB(A)

| |Machinery Type |Model |Distance between Testing |Maximum Sound Level (dB |

|SN | | |Point to the Construction |(A)) |

| | | |Machinery (m) | |

|1 |Wheel type loading and |ZL40 Model |5 |90 |

| |unloading machine | | | |

| | |ZL50 Model |5 |90 |

|2 |Grader |PY160A Model |5 |90 |

|3 |Vibrating type road roller |Y2J10B Model |5 |86 |

|4 |Dual wheel dual vibration road |CC2 Model |5 |81 |

| |roller | | | |

|5 |Three -wheel road roller | |5 |81 |

|6 |Pneumatic tired roller |ZL16 Model |5 |76 |

|7 |Bulldozer |T140 Model |5 |86 |

|8 |Rubber-tired hydraulic |W4-60C Model |5 |84 |

| |excavator | | | |

|9 |Paver |Fifond311ABGco |5 |82 |

| | |VoGELE |5 |87 |

|10 |Generator set |FKL75 |1 |98 |

|11 |Impacted well drill |22 Model |1 |87 |

|12 |Asphalt concrete mixing machine|Parker LB1000 Model (England) |2 |88 |

| | |LB30 Model |2 |90 |

| | |LB2.5 Model |2 |84 |

| | |MARINI (Italy) |2 |90 |

|13 |Concrete pump | |5 |85 |

Table 6-4-2 Noise Testing Value of Asphalt Concrete Mixing Station

|Model of Mixer |Distance between Testing Point to the |Maximum Sound Level Lmax[dB(A)] |

| |Construction Machinery (m) | |

|Parker LB1000 Model (England) |2 |88 |

|LB30 Model (XRMC) |2 |90 |

|LB2.5 Model (XRMC) |2 |84 |

|MARINI (Italy) |2 |90 |

Note: The above data are tested when the construction machinery runs with full load.

The road construction is different from the general construction, and the features of noises generated are as follows:

①Various construction machinery, different construction machinery are used at different construction site, and the quantity of construction machinery used in same construction stage is different, which makes the noise of road construction has the feature of contingency.

②The feature of noise source of different equipment is different, wherein the noise of some equipment is the vibrating type, burst type and impulse type, which has great impact on human body, some equipment’s frequency (such as mixer) is low, which will not attenuate easily, and make people feel agitated. The noise of construction machinery is larger, buy there are large difference between their sound level, and the running noise of some equipment is more than 90 dB.

③The source of construction noise is different from the general fixed noise source, i.e. it has fixed noise source and the flowing noise source. The construction machinery are exposed outdoor, and they are always moved in the certain range, therefore the noise pollution scope is increased compared with the fixed noise source, but the source of construction noise is in the local noise pollution scope compared with the flowing the noise source.

④Compared with the scope influenced, the noise of construction equipment is rather smaller, therefore its noise can be deemed as the point acoustic source.

⑤For specific road section, the pollution of construction noise is only exists for a certain time.

The construction machinery used in works are mostly the flowing sound source, the noise source has certain mobility, discontinuity, wherein the moving scope of transportation vehicle is large, and the bulldozer and excavator etc. has small moving area, with smaller moving scope, its feature of sound source is different from that of the movable vehicle. Therefore, its impacts have obvious time-bound.

For the water supply and drainage work of this project, less machinery is used in the laying of pipeline, with short construction period, and the noise impacts are limited. Therefore this evaluation only predicts and analyzes the noise impacts of construction machinery used in the road works.

(2) Prediction and analysis of noise impacts

In consideration of the complexity of construction noise and the regional and stage of construction noise impact, this evaluation only calculate the noise impact scope of different construction equipment according to national Emission Standard of Environment Noise for Boundary of Construction Site (GB12523-90), so as to ensure that the construction unit can take the proper noise pollution prevention measures by combining with the actual condition.

The noise source of construction equipment will be calculated according to the point source, and its noise prediction mode is:


Wherein: Li and L0 is the noise level of equipment at the place Ri and R0 far from the equipment; ΔL is the additional attenuation generated by the obstacle, vegetation and air etc.

For multiple construction machinery, the impacts on the certain predicted position, it is required to add the sound level:


(3) Calculation and analysis of construction noise impact scope

According to the above prediction method and mode, the prediction result of noise value (doesn’t overlay with the current value) of various construction machinery at different places is show as Table 6-4-3, without taking the noise attenuation of wood and buildings.

Table 6-4-3 Noise Predicted Value of Various Construction Machinery at Different Places Unit dB (A)

|SN |Machinery Type |Predicted Value of Noise |

| | |5m |10m |20m |

|Vibratory Hammer |75 |67 |48 |44 |

|Road Roller |58 |53 |50 |48 |

|Diesel locomotive |62 |58 |54 |51 |

From Table 6-7-1, it can be seen that when the vibration influence of the above mentioned construction machinery is transmitted to the place 10 m away from the vibration source, the requirements of residents’ cultural and education area in Urban Regional Environment Vibration Standard, and the requirements of artery traffic road at the two sides can be met. The distance between the construction site boundary of this project and residential buildings, schools, kindergarten and culture relic protection site is about 15 to 40m, therefore it is forbidden to use the vibratory hammer and other construction machinery that may generate large vibration at night, so as to prevent the vibration generated disturbing people, and it is required to consider the shockproof device for the machinery. During the construction, it is required to increase the related person’s know on the vibration, shorten the operating time of construction machinery, reasonably distribute and arrange the working position and time.

6.8 Analysis on Impacts on Physical Cultural Resources

The designed protection building of this project includes Friendship Palace, Jiangjun Boiling and Harbin Taotai Mansion.

(1) During the construction, it is inevitable to occupy some site, and the place of construction machinery, and the stacking of earthwork and stonework as well as the construction waste will influence the existing landscape, but the change in landscape during the construction is temporary and is far away from the protection building, therefore it will not directly influence the landscape and tourism visiting.

(2) The construction dust will pollute the surrounding atmospheric environment of the protection building to some extent. Under normal conditions, the dust produced during the construction is the instantaneous source; its particle is large and it is generated at low place, mainly within the nearby construction site; however, if the wind blows, the dust produced by the construction will cover the surface of the ancient buildings to some extent.

(3) The mechanical noise during the construction will affect the buildings to some extent.When the intensity is high, it will cause serious damage.The fragile cultural relics are in the dynamic environment at long-term, which will slowly weaken the strength of the structural surface of rock crack and facilitate the formation and spallation of the dangerous rock. The vibration caused by the short-term and discontinuous construction machinery will not obviously affect the cultural relics.

7 Predication and Assessment of Environmental Impact in Operation Period

7.1 Analysis and Assessment of Social Environment Impact

(1) Save travel time, promote the city's economic development

After implementation, the project will greatly improve the traffic speed of stream of people in the city, save travel time of traveller, improve the efficiency, and let them create values for the society.

Besides, with the development of society, people’s living standard improves continuously, proportion of private cars has increased, petrol and gas filling difficulty and parking difficulty have become the problems that the messes have to face at present stage, and it is inevitable that construction of petrol and gas filling station and public parking lot will greatly alleviate the existing contradictions. Meanwhile, the construction of public traffic hub will inevitably bring more smooth people and logistics communications, promote the economic development of Harbin.

(2) Reduce automobile exhaust emissions, reduce noise

After completion of the project, average speed of automobiles traveling on road will increase on different degrees, with the reduction of traffic congestion phenomenon, vehicles can always keep a constant speed, and the times of start and whistle will decline sharply. For automobile produces minimum exhaust emissions when traveling at constant speed, so the exhaust emissions and noise will be reduced greatly on the condition that vehicle type and fuel etc. are all the same, this will play an important role in improvement of urban air quality and noise environment quality. The construction of public traffic hub station will reduce the usage rate of private car and automobile exhaust emissions.

(3) Promote urban competitiveness, improve competitive environment and attract external investment

Develop regional road traffic resource, strengthen construction of integration of road traffic facilities will have deep influence in promoting the healthy development of urban development and various social causes of Harbin.

After completion, the project will inevitably strengthen the external image of the city further, improve competitiveness of the city and attract more external investment.

7.2 Predication and Assessment of Ambient Air Quality Impact

7.2.1 Analysis of Meteorological Characteristics of Pollution Source of meteorological data

(1) Source of conventional ground meteorological data

Ground meteorological data is provided by meteorological observatory of Heilongjiang Province, geographical position of Harbin meteorological station is 126º46´east longitude, 45º45´ north latitude, station number (national unified number) of the meteorological station is 50953, category of meteorological station (basic station), altitude of observation field is 142.3m.

Conventional meteorological data of Harbin meteorological station can reflect the basic climatic features of proposed project area, so the ground meteorological data of the station in recent 20 years and conventional ground meteorological data measured each day, each time can be directly used.

(2) Source of conventional high altitude meteorological sounding data

Conventional high altitude meteorological sounding data will be provided by national environmental engineering evaluation center. Climate overview

In recent 20 years, annual average temperature of Harbin is 4.2℃, average temperature of July the maximum 23.0℃, annual extreme highest temperature is 36.7℃ (June 1997), the coldest month is January with an average temperature of -18.4℃, annual extreme lowest temperature is -38.1℃ (January 1981), the average annual rainfall is 524.5mm, annual maximum rainfall is 826.3mm; the rainfall mainly concentrates on July and August; annual average air pressure is 990.1hpa; predominant wind directions of Harbin in many years are S wind and SSW wind, annual maximum wind speed is 26.0m/s, average wind speed in many years is 2.6m/s.

Monthly changes of annual average temperature, annual average wind speed in recent 20 years are shown in Table 7-2-1, frequency of each wind direction for many years is shown in Table 7-2-2.

Table 7-2-1 Monthly Changes Annual Average Temperature and Annual Average Wind Speed

|Month |January |February |March |April |May |June |

|Small Vehicle |CO |31.34 |23.68 |17.9 |14.76 |10.24 |7.72 |

| |NO |8.14 |6.7 |6.06 |5.3 |4.66 |4.02 |

| |THC |1.77 |2.37 |2.96 |3.71 |3.85 |3.99 |

|Medium Vehicle |CO |30.18 |26.19 |24.76 |25.47 |28.55 |34.78 |

| |NO |15.21 |12.42 |11.02 |10.1 |9.42 |9.1 |

| |THC |5.4 |6.3 |7.2 |8.3 |8.8 |9.3 |

|Large Vehicle |CO |5.25 |4.48 |4.1 |4.01 |4.23 |4.77 |

| |NO |2.08 |1.79 |1.58 |1.45 |1.38 |1.35 |

| |THC |10.44 |10.48 |11.1 |14.71 |15.64 |18.38 |

Hence, the source intensities of different pollutants during project operation period can be calculated in accordance with predicated traffic volume of the project and vehicle composition, source intensities of main pollution factors are shown in Table 7-2-9.

Table 7-2-9 Calculation of Source Intensity of Motor Vehicle Exhaust Unit: mg/s.m

|Road Section |Year |Pollutant |Peak Hour Traffic Volume |

| | | |(Converted into Small Vehicle) |

|Traffic priority corridor |2019 |CO |0.72 |

|of Youyi Road | | | |

| | |NO2 |0.24 |

| |2025 |CO |0.93 |

| | |NO2 |0.31 |

| |2033 |CO |1.27 |

| | |NO2 |0.43 |

|Traffic priority corridor |2019 |CO |0.26 |

|of Hongqi Avenue | | | |

| | |NO2 |0.09 |

| |2025 |CO |0.39 |

| | |NO2 |0.13 |

| |2033 |CO |0.63 |

| | |NO2 |0.21 |

|Traffic priority corridor |2019 |CO |0.30 |

|of Xinyang Road | | | |

| | |NO2 |0.10 |

| |2025 |CO |0.46 |

| | |NO2 |0.15 |

| |2033 |CO |0.68 |

| | |NO2 |0.23 |

Note: Source intensity of NO2 shall be calculated as per 90% source intensity of NOX.

After completion and put into operation, vehicle exhaust will become the main pollutant that influencing the ambient air quality along the road. Vehicle exhaust pollution source can be stimulated as a linear pollution source that emits continuously. The size of quantity of pollutant discharged is closely related with that of traffic volume, meanwhile, it also depends on vehicle type and conditions of running vehicles. In accordance with the experience on environmental impact evaluation of existing road construction project, emissions of vehicle exhaust pollutant in equivalent standard Pi are all far less than 2.5×109 m3/h.

The highway environmental impact, highway environmental protection acceptance investigation on completion and highway analogy monitoring (Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highways JTG B03—2006) already conducted show that diffusion of pollutant emitted by vehicle during highway operation period is related to the terrain and weather conditions along the highway, the region covered after diffusion is the belt-like region on both sides of highway and parallel to the line. Even the highway with prodigious traffic volume, pollutant concentration of 150m far from central line of the highway has already approach the background value. So the 200m corridor on both sides of central line of highway shall be taken as basis for evaluation of data of highway environmental protection acceptance investigation on completion. Most bus lanes of the project is changed to lanes on both sides of central line, which is relatively far away from environmental sensitive points on roadside, the nearest sensitive point is 3 meters from the project. After transformation of bus lane and purchase of environmentally friendly vehicle, the NO2, CO emitted by vehicles will be lower than in current situation, after completion,

NO2, CO emitted from the project can also satisfy the requirements of implementation standard of Class II district in Ambient Air Quality Standards in the event of traffic volume increase.

7.2.3 Predication and Assessment of Air Quality Impact of Traffic Hub and First and Last Station

(1) Vehicle exhaust

After completion of the project, public traffic hub station, first and last station of public traffic will be built, exhaust of vehicles in and out will cause certain impact to ambient air, pollutants of vehicle exhausts are mainly CO and THC, then NO2. Vehicle exhaust pollutants mainly comes from vehicle exhaust, fuel evaporation in oil tank an carburetor, etc. and leaking gas from crankcase, the percentages of pollutants discharged from these three pollution source in total discharge are shown in Table 7-2-10.

Table 7-2-10 Percentages of Pollutants Discharged from Each Part in Total Discharge

|Emission Source |CO |Non-methane Hydrocarbon |NO2 |

|Exhaust Pipe |98-99 |55-56 |98-99 |

|Crankcase |1-2 |25 |1-2 |

|Fuel System |0 |10-20 |0 |

Vehicle pollutant discharge occurs when in and out of garage, start and stop, and exhaust pollutants produced when vehicle travels at idle speed. When calculate with the usage rate of 70%, each vehicle idles for two times and each idle lasts for 3 minutes, volumes of pollutants analyzed in accordance with relevant data are shown in Table 7-2-11.

Table 7-2-11 Total Exhaust Pollutants Produced in Hub Station and First and Last Station

|Item |CO |THC |NO2 |

|Single Vehicle (g/time) |8.25 |2.34 |0.02 |

|Xiangbin Road Hub Station |2000 |g/d |16500 |4680 |40 |

| | |t/a |6.0225 |1.7082 |0.0146 |

|First and Last Station of Public Traffic |1500 |g/d |12375 |3510 |30 |

|at Qunli First Avenue | | | | | |

| | |t/a |4.5169 |1.281 |0.01095 |

|First and Last Station of Public Traffic |900 |g/d |7425 |2106 |18 |

|at Hexie Avenue | | | | | |

| | |t/a |2.7101 |0.7687 |0.00657 |

In order to reduce exhaust concentration in parking lot and guarantee environmental quality, firstly, strengthen management, dispatch the in and out vehicles well, reduce the excessive pollutants in idle running, so as to reduce discharge further; secondly, install forced air supply equipment, strengthen the ventilation in garage and install alarm device. After adopting good ventilation measures, vehicle exhaust pollutant discharge concentration in parking lot and garage shall conform to Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

(2) Environment impact from the organic solvent steam

Repair and maintenance work in public traffic station, parking and warranty shop will bring certain adverse effect to air and workers’ health.

The main occupational hazard of paint work is to breathe into the steam of organic solvents. Various paints compose of film forming substances (all kinds of resins), solvents, pigments, desiccants and additives and the gasoline is usually used as solvent for common paint. The iron red epoxy primer contains a little dimethylbenzene and the dipping paint mainly contains methylbenzene. The spray paint (nitrolacquer) and its diluent (banana oil) contains much benzene or methylbenzene, dimethylbenzene; if paint is sprayed in the absence of protection, the concentration of benzene will be quite high in the air of the workplace, which will cause great harm to the hematopoietic organs of painting workers.

Paint mist formed when spraying shall also influence human health, in which, flexibilizer in nitrocellulose lacquer and alkyd paint has larger toxicity. Acid mist evaporates during rust removal shall shall have strong stimulation effect to eyes and respiratory mucosa.

Make full use of protective equipment, such as work clothes and cap, work shoe, protective eyewear, respirator (anti-poison respirator), etc. All these equipment can be used to prevent the solvent being inhaled into the lung and contract with the skin. For exposed skin, protective paste such as petroleum jelly for medical purposes can be applied, which can also be used on hand, and shall be washed after completion of construction.

Natural ventilation and local mechanical ventilation will be used. Spray room shall be built and being equipped with mechanical equipment if conditions permit, meanwhile, paint mists shall be removed by oil screen so as to solve the harm to human health caused by toxic substances and paint mists.

For places where air cannot flow, construction personnel should use forced draft mask, implement intermittent operation, strengthen labor protection, and benzene solvent cannot be used to wash hands, the impact of harm gas to human body can be relieved in this way.

The range of effect to air and workers’ health caused by paint spraying is mainly centres within the scope of station, parking and warranty shop, which shall not cause great influence to regional ambient air. If the measures above are taken, the impact of organic solvent vapour produced when repairing and spraying to ambient air can be accepted by the impact of ambient air.

(3)Impact of gas filling station in Xiangbin Road Hub Station on atmospheric environment

The east of existing gas filling station in Xiangbin Road Hub Station of this project is Hengxiangzhongshan residential area and the minimum distance is 350 m; and Zhongbeichuncheng Community is in the west with the minimum distance of 50 m; current old residential district is in the south with the minimum distance of 420 m and Branch of Haqi Hospital is in the north with the minimum distance of 270 m. Each standard and risk prevention measures of existing gas filling station in Xiangbin Road conform to the requirements of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). Existing gas filling station in Xiangbin Road is close to Zhongbeichuncheng Community and the distance is 50 m. Xiangbin Road passes between the gas filling station and Zhongbeichuncheng Community. All kinds of protection measures and fire fighting equipment of existing gas filling station can effectively control the production of risk such as explosion and combustion, and the width of buffer strip is enough. Existing gas filling station of this project has little effect on atmospheric environment.

7.2.4 Ambient Air Impact and Assessment Conclusion

After completion of project, motor vehicle exhaust will bring certain influence to air environment belt along the road with increase of traffic volume. While, when analysis from the whole regional environment of Harbin, since the proposed project can improve the traffic congestion of Harbin, with the increase of vehicle speed, total amount of discharge of pollutants in vehicle exhaust will certainly be reduced, and will change the distribution of vehicle discharge in urban area. With the increase of vehicle exhaust pollutants along the proposed project, vehicle pollution of other roads will be reduced due to project shunting. And the vehicle exhaust can be relieved by strengthening of vehicle design, development of manufacturing technology and constant using of clean energy. In general, the impact of vehicle exhaust to quality of ambient air along road during operation period is relatively small, and can be accepted by external environment.

7.3 Predication and Assessment of Surface Water Environmental Quality Impact

7.3.1 Analysis of Water Environmental Impact of the Project

After operation of the project, water environmental pollutants mainly come from road surface runoff pollution, domestic sewage produced by staff working in newly-built public traffic hub, first and last station and wastewater produced when washing vehicles.

(1) Surface runoff

There are many factors that influencing the concentration of runoff pollutants with strong randomness and big chanciness. In accordance with the study of South China Institute of Environmental Science of Ministry of Environmental Protection on road surface runoff pollution, changes of concentration of road rainwater pollutants are shown in Table 7-3-1.

Table 7-3-1 Runoff Pollutants Concentration Table

|Item |5-20 Minutes |20-40 Minutes |40-60 Minutes |Average Value |

|SS (mg/L) |231.42-158.22 |158.22-90.36 |90.36-18.71 |100 |

|BOD5 (mg/L) |7.34-7.30 |7.30-4.15 |4.15-1.26 |5.08 |

|Petroleum (mg/L) |22.30-19.74 |19.74-3.12 |3.12-0.21 |11.25 |

Seen from the table above, during the 30 minutes from the start of rainfall to forming runoff, there are large amount of SS and petroleum material in rainwater, after 30 minutes, with the extension of rainfall time, concentration of pollutants reduces rapidly.

Formula for calculating the pollution emission of road runoff is shown as follows, data used for calculation is shown in Table 3-3-8.


Wherein: E—annual emission intensity, in t/a;

C—average value in 60 minutes, in mg/L;

H—average annual rainfall, in mm;

A—road surface area, in m2;

a—runoff coefficient, zero dimension.

Table 7-3-2 Table for Emission Source Intensity of Road Runoff Pollutants

|Item |SS |BOD5 |Petroleum |

|Average value in 60 minutes (mg/L) |100 |5.08 |11.25 |

|Average annual rainfall |509.8 |

|Runoff coefficient |Road 0.6 |

|Road surface area (m2) |Road area 552790 |

|Annual runoff output (t/a) |25052 |

|Annual pollutant output (t/a) |2.51 |0.127 |0.282 |

(2) Sewage from public traffic hub, first and last station of public traffic and vehicle warranty shop

Main pollutants of oily sewage produced from vehicle maintenance are COD, BOD5, petroleum, etc.; Main pollutants in wastewater from vehicle washing are COD, BOD5, petroleum, etc.; main pollutants of domestic water are COD, BOD5, animal and vegetable oils, ammonia nitrogen, etc. by comparison with similar projects, predications of water quality of sewage discharged are shown in Table 7-3-3.

Table 7-3-3 Predictions of Water Quality of Sewage Discharged during Operation Period

|Source of Sewage |Prediction of Water Quality of Sewage |

|Oily sewage produced from |pH |COD (mg/L) |BOD5 (mg/L) |Petroleum (mg/L) |

|vehicle maintenance | | | | |

| |7.8 |425 |127 |30 |

|Vehicle washing sewage |pH |COD (mg/L) |BOD5 (mg/L) |Petroleum (mg/L) |

| |8.1 |300 |30 |23.1 |

|Domestic sewage |pH |COD (mg/L) |BOD5 (mg/L) |Animal and |Ammonia |

| | | | |Vegetable Oils |nitrogen |

| | | | |(mg/L) |(mg/L) |

| |7.5~8.0 |150~200 |50~90 |5~10 |23 |

After operation of the project, there will be 180 staff in Xiangbin Road hub station, 120 staff in first and last station of public traffic at Qunli First Avenue, 40 staff in first and last station of public traffic at Hexie Avenue. In accordance with the Water Requirement Quota Standard of Heilongjiang (DB23/T727-2010), if the average water consumption is 80L/(person per day), pollution discharging coefficient is 0.8, domestic sewage discharge of public traffic hub, first and last station of public traffic in the project shall be 21.76t/d.

When the project is put into operation, number of daily migrant population in public traffic hub and first and last station is 5000, if each person produces 3 liters/ time wastewater, the water discharge of migrant population is 15t/d.

When the project is put into operation, number of vehicles washed in Xiangbin Road hub station every day is 50, number of vehicles washed in first and last station of public traffic at Qunli First Avenue every day is 50, number of vehicles washed in first and last station of public traffic at Hexie Avenue every day is 10, if water for washing each vehicle is 500 liters / set· day, and the vehicle washing wastewater of the project is 55t/d.

In accordance with analogy analysis, discharge capacity of oily sewage produced during vehicle maintenance in operation period of the project is shown in the following table, water quality indicators discharge during operation period of project is shown in Table 7-3-4.

Table 7-3-4 List of Water Quality Discharge during Operation Period of the Project

|Drainage Type |Water Discharge |COD |BOD5 |Ammonia Nitrogen |

|Vehicle maintenance oily |3.3t/d, 1204.5t/a |0.51t/a |0.15t/a |-- |

|sewage | | | | |

|Vehicle washing sewage |55t/d, 20075t/a |6.02t/a |0.602t/a |-- |

|Domestic sewage |36.76t/d, 13417.4t/a |2.01t/a |0.67t/a |0.3t/a |

|Total amount |95.06t/d, 34696.9t/a |8.18t/a |1.422t/a |0.3t/a |

Wastewater produced during operation of the project mainly includes the road runoff of the three public traffic corridors, domestic water produced by staff working in first and last station of public traffic and traffic hub, and the wastewater produced during washing and maintenance of vehicle.

(3) Wastewater discharge whereabouts

Vehicle washing wastewater produced in Xiangbin Road comprehensive public traffic hub will first enter into grease trap to be disposed reaching the standard, domestic sewage will be discharged into municipal pipe network after septic tank treatment, finally being discharged into Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant.

Domestic sewage of Qunli and Hexie first and last stations of public traffic shall be discharged into outdoor inspection well, and being discharged into municipal drainage pipeline, finally into Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant. Domestic sewage will first enter into grease trap to be disposed reaching the standard, then being discharged into municipal drainage pipeline, finally into Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant.

Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant is built in 2010, put into operation in 2011 with processing capacity of 0.1 million t/d, locates in the interaction of Xinyigou and Ashi River, adopts A2/O treatment process, sewage discharge standard is Class I B standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002), currently, Xinyi Sewage Treatment Plant is in good operation condition, sewage discharged from it conforms to Class I B standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002).

Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant is built in 2010, put into operation in 2011 with processing capacity of 0.15 million t/d, locates in west side of Hejiagou, within Qunli New District, adopts CASS treatment process, sewage discharge standard is Class I B standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002), currently, Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant is in good operation condition, sewage discharged from it conforms to Class I B standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918-2002).

Water discharge of Binjiang Road hub and the two first and last stations of the project is 95.06t/d, the discharge capacity is relatively small, which the daily sewage treating capacity of Xinyi and Qunli Sewage Treatment Plant is relatively large, sewage discharged in the project can be accommodated by the two sewage treatment plants.

(4) Analysis of water environment impact in operation period

During operation period of project, sewage discharged by newly-built public traffic hub, first and last station and warranty shop mainly comes from oily wastewater, produced during vehicle maintenance, vehicle washing wastewater and staff domestic sewage, the water quality is relatively simple, the sewage will finally enter into municipal wastewater treatment plant through urban sewage pipe network after treatment, and will have no impact on peripheral surface water.

7.3.2 Analysis of Water Environment Impact in Road Operation Period

After completion of the project, the wastewater of operation period is mainly rainwater, main pollution factors of rainwater are SS and COD. The size of concentration of pollutants in road surface rainwater will through a change process from large to small, concentration of pollutants will reach the maximum within 0~15 minutes, then it will reduce gradually, and remain stable an hour after precipitation.

For the concentration of water pollutant in rainwater is low, and it will cause impact at the early stage of rainfall. Meanwhile, the urban sewerage and drainage system along the road of the project will be improved with the project construction, so the road rainwater will not bring obvious impact to water environment along the project after completion of project.

7.4 Predication and Assessment of Acoustic Environmental Impact

After completion of the project, the main impact to environment during operation period is traffic noise.

Because of the differences in road structure and distribution of buildings on both sides, sound field distribution on both sides of road will also be different, motor vehicles traveling on road shall have different traveling conditions such as constant speed, accelerating, braking, swerving and climbing, etc. in addition, project involves a lot of road sections, all road interact with each other and all roads locate close to each other, so the respective analysis of each road without considering the noise overlay of each road shall become complex and inaccurate. In order to make the evaluation result credible, grid point prediction method shall be adopted in the evaluation for predication of ground road noise impact, and correct pavement grade and pavement materials, main working condition of vehicle shall be traveling at constant speed.

In the evaluation, traffic volume and road design parameters of each road section shall be predicted in accordance with the data provided in feasibility study report, the vehicle compositions are given in accordance with status quo survey results and combined with development trend.

In accordance with Environmental Quality Standard for Noise ((GB3096-2008), the evaluation has used daytime equivalent sound level and nighttime equivalent sound level as evaluation quantities.

7.4.1 Predication Mode and Parameter Selection

The assessment adopts highway noise prediction mode recommended in Appendix A.2 of HJ 2.4-2009 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact--Acoustic Environment, specific mode is shown below:

1. Predication mode of equivalent sound level of class i vehicle



[pic]—hourly equivalent sound level of class i vehicle, dB (A);

[pic]—speed of class i vehicle is Vi,km/h; Average A sound level of energy in place with horizontal distance of 7.5 m, dB (A);

Ni—average hourly traffic volume of class i vehicle passes certain predication point, set/h;

r — distance from central line of lane to predication point, m; applies to noise prediction of predication point with r>7.5m.

Vi — average speed of class i vehicle, km/h;

T —time for calculating equivalent sound level, 1h;

Ψ1、Ψ2——aperture angle, radian from predication point to both ends of road section with limited length;

In which, value of [pic] and Vi shall be determined by referring to the determination method recommended in Appendix C of JTG B03-2006 Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highways.


Small vehicle


Medium vehicle


Large vehicle


LOS, LOM, LOL—average A sound level of energy of small, Medium and large vehicles in position of 7.5 m, dB (A);

VS, VM, VL—average speed of small, Medium and large vehicles, km/h,




Vi —average speed of class i vehicle, km/h; if design speed is less than 120km/h, the predicated speed of this type will scale down;

ui—equivalent number of this vehicle type;

ηi—type ratio of this vehicle type;

vol—traffic volume of single lane, set/h;

mi—weighting coefficient of other two vehicle types;

k1, k2, k3, k4 are coefficients, values are shown in Table 7-4-1.

Table 7-4-1 Coefficient of Vehicle Speed Calculation Formula

|Vehicle Type |k1 |k2 |k3 |k4 |mi |

|Small Vehicle |-0.061748 |149.65 |-0.000023696 |-0.02099 |1.21020 |

|Medium Vehicle |-0.057537 |149.38 |-0.000016390 |-0.01245 |0.80440 |

|Large Vehicle |-0.051900 |149.39 |-0.000014202 |-0.01254 |0.70957 |

△L —correction caused by other factors, dB(A), which can be calculated with the following formula:

ΔL= ΔL1−ΔL2+ ΔL3

ΔL1 = ΔL坡度 + ΔL路面

ΔL2 =A atm +A gr +A bar +A misc


ΔL1 —correction caused by route factor, dB(A);

ΔL grade—correction of highway longitudinal grade, calculated with the following formula:

Small vehicle: ΔL坡度=50×β

Medium vehicle: ΔL坡度=73×β

Large vehicle: ΔL坡度=98×β

β—highway longitudinal grade, %;

ΔL pavement—correction caused by highway pavement material, pavement of this project is asphalt concrete, correction shall be 0;

ΔL2 —attenuation caused during sound wave transmission route, dB(A);

A atm—attenuation caused by air absorption, main sensitive points of the project are all close to road, correction value shall be 0;

A gr—attenuation caused by ground effect, main sensitive points of the project are all close to road, correction value shall be 0;

Abar—attenuation caused by barrier, including the noise barrier attenuation, attenuation of sound shadow region on both sides of high-fill embankment or low cutting and additional attenuation of rural housing shielding may be set. Specific details of noise barrier attenuation and attenuation of sound shadow region on both sides of high-fill embankment or low cutting are shown in guideline A.2.2.2 Calculation and Value Determination Mode.

2. Calculation of correction and attenuation

(1) Correction caused by route factor ([pic])

a) Longitudinal grade correction ([pic])

Corrections of highway longitudinal grade [pic]can be calculated with the following formula:

Large vehicle: [pic] dB(A)

Medium vehicle: [pic] dB(A)

Small vehicle: [pic] dB(A)


[pic]——highway longitudinal grade, %.

b) Pavement correction ([pic][pic])

Corrections of noise on different pavements are shown in Table 7-4-2.

Table 7-4-2 Corrections of Common Pavement Noise (Unit: dB(A))

|Pavement Type |Corrections of Different Traveling Speed km/h |

| |30 |40 |[pic]50 |

|Asphalt Concrete |0 |0 |0 |

|Cement Concrete |1.0 |1.5 |2/0 |

Note: correction in the table is[pic], corrections of results obtained on asphalt concrete pavement.

(2) Attenuation caused during sound wave transmission route ([pic][pic])

a) Barrier attenuation ([pic])

①Sound barrier attenuation ([pic]) calculation

Sound barrier with infinite length can be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

[pic] dB


[pic]——Sound wave frequency, Hz; in the evaluation of highway construction project, barrier attenuation can be obtained through calculation of sound wave with frequency of 500Hz, and take it as the appropriate attenuation of A sound level.

[pic]——path length difference, m;

[pic]——sound velocity, m/s.

Finite length sound barrier calculation:

[pic]is still calculated with the following formula, then it shall be corrected in accordance with Figure 8-4-1, The corrected [pic]is depending on shielding angle [pic]. Dotted line in 7-4-2(a) shows that attenuation of finite length sound barrier is 8.5dB, if the shielding angel percentage corresponds to finite length sound barrier is 92%, sound attenuation of finite length sound barrier is 6.6dB.


Figure 7-4-1 Correction Diagram of Sound Barrier and Line Sound Source with Finite Length

Projection and reflection correction of sound barrier can be calculated in accordance with HJ/T90.

②Calculation of attenuation on both sides of high-fill embankment or low cutting

Attenuation on both sides of high-fill embankment or low cutting ([pic]) is the additional attenuation of predication point caused in sound shadow region on both sides of high-fill embankment or low cutting.

If predication point locates in sound irradiation region, [pic]=0;

If predication point locates in sound shadow region, [pic]is determined by sound difference[pic].

Calculate [pic]through Figure 7-4-1, [pic]=a+b-c. Then look up [pic] from Figure 7-.4-3.


Figure 7-4-2 Schematic System for Calculating Sound Path Difference


Figure 7-4-3 Relation Curve of Noise Attenuation [pic] and Sound Path Difference [pic] (f=500Hz)

③Estimated value of additional attenuation of rural housing

Attenuation of rural housing can be calculated by referring to Appendix A of GB/T17247.2, within the scope of sound shadow region of housing of first row along the highway, values of appropriate calculation can be determined in accordance with the following figure and table.


Figure 7-4-4 Schematic Diagram for Estimating Noise Reduction of Rural Housing

Table 7-4-3 Estimated Value of Noise Additional Attenuation of Rural Housing

|S/S0 |[pic] |

|40%~60% |3dB(A) |

|70%~60% |5dB(A) |

|Add a row of house successively |1.5dB(A) |

| |Maximum attenuation[pic]10dB(A) |

b)[pic],[pic][pic] attenuation shall be calculated in accordance with relevant modes of HJ2.4-2009.

(3) Correction caused by reflection, etc. ([pic])

a) Correction value of noise (impact) in urban road intersection

Calculation (additional value) of noise correction in interaction is shown in Table 7-4-4.

Table 7-4-4 Noise Addition in Interaction

|Distance between Noise Influencing Points and the Nearest Fast Lane Central Axis Interaction (m) |Interaction (dB) |

|[pic]40 |3 |

|40 ................

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