Telecare LIN



December 2012

Welcome to an additional supplement from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Knowledge Transfer Network and the Telecare Learning and Improvement Network.

This supplement to the December 2012 Newsletter provides a summary of news stories relating to Telecare and Telehealth from the UK and around the world. They cover the following topic areas:

a) Policy, funding and trends

To view information on policy, funding and trends that may be of interest, click on the links below:

£1.5m for personal health budgets rollout after 'positive' evaluation - Community Care (UK)

1,500 jobs at risk in NHS Direct call centre closures, say unions| (UK)

100,000 people to benefit from telehealth to help them live independently at home (UK)

100,000 people to reap telehealth benefits in 2013 - Public Service (UK)

100,000 to get 'doctor by broadband' in 2013 - Telegraph (UK)

100percent personalbudgets - Blog - Think Local Act Personal (UK)

3millionlives programme: turning the spotlight on telehealth and telecare (UK)

4 top trends that will shape digital health

A day in the life of ... a CCG chief officer (UK)

A decade of austerity for the NHS? | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

A decade of austerity? The funding pressures facing the NHS from 2010/11 to 2021/22 | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

A healthy outlook | Holyrood Magazine - New Scottish Health Secretary Alex Neil outlines his priorities

A person-centred approach to dementia care - Health Service Journal (subscription) (UK)

A step by step guide to commissioning for social value (UK)

About personal health budgets - Patient choice - NHS Choices (UK)

Accident and emergency 2012 | Care Quality Commission Report (UK)

Achieving high reliability in NHS Wales - Health Foundation (UK)

Active Ageing: Delivering Results for Europe

Adoption of mHealth technologies: UK vs. USA (UK)

All Together Now: Competitive integration in the NHS (UK)

An extra £48bn public spending cuts are required by 2018 (UK)

An organisational analysis of the implementation of telecare and telehealth: the whole systems demonstrator

An organisational analysis of the implementation of telecare and telehealth: the whole systems demonstrator

Analysis: mandate may allow space for CCGs' freedom | Health Service Journal (Subscription) (UK)

Anna Dixon: why does health and social care need to change? | The King's Fund (UK)

Are NHS Pharmacists capable of giving personalised medicine a chance? (UK)

Audio: Dementia Challenge reception at Downing Street (UK)

Auditors say most councils are coping with cuts, but stress is starting to show - Audit Commission (UK)

Baby boomers 'facing unseen health crisis' (UK)

BBC News - A&E waiting times longer - CQC (UK)

BBC News - Adult social care suffering under cuts, survey suggests (UK)

BBC News - Bend me, shape me: Flexible phones 'out by 2013' (UK)

BBC News - Cold homes cost NHS more than a billion, Age UK study says (UK)

BBC News - Consultants warn care hit by poor deals on supplies (UK)

BBC News - Diabetes: 1-in-3 inpatients suffer NHS error, report to claim (UK)

BBC News - Fears over health and loneliness of elderly this winter (UK)

BBC News - Full hospitals creating potential danger, analysis says (UK)

BBC News - High-tech health care 'can benefit NI patients and economy'

BBC News - High-tech health care 'can benefit NI patients and economy' (UK)

BBC News - Is the NHS mandate really that radical? (UK)

BBC News - Ministers rebuked on NHS spending claim (UK)

BBC News - 'Never mind the patient, tick the box' (UK)

BBC News - NHS cracks 'beginning to appear' (UK)

BBC News - NHS medical director wants surgeon league tables (UK)

BBC News - NHS 'must be tougher negotiator' on private deals (UK)

BBC News - Quality of care suffering, says regulator (UK)

BBC News - UK chancellor announces more fast broadband cities (UK)

Better data means better care in the NHS | Jeremy Hunt (UK)

Big data: what does it mean for healthcare?

Biomedical Catalyst funding to develop healthcare technologies (UK)

Blog ¦¦ BIVDA - Telehealth and self care could revolutionise management of long-term conditions (UK)

Board Assurance Prompt – supporting vulnerable adults - The application of assistive living technology to support independence (UK)

Bridging the gap between local government and the NHS (UK)

Campaign to End Loneliness (UK)

Can we 'nudge' older people to go online?

Cancer patients are living longer than ever before (UK)

Care for older people: projected expenditure to 2022 on social care and continuing health care for England's older population | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Care Home reviews by Reevoo and Yourcarehome - Residential and Nursing Care Home News (UK)

Care homes watchdog could monitor firms' financial health| (UK)

Care homes: How can data and technology impact the lives of vulnerable patients? - Health 2.0 London (London, England) - Meetup

Care Quality Commission must not run the risk of politicisation (UK)

Care Quality Commission: budget cuts not to blame as elderly are denied dignity and respect (UK)

Care Quality Commission: Elderly denied dignity and respect (UK)

Care reform must be a postbag issue | Briefing | Local Government Chronicle

Care UK calls for more integration between health and social care following Dr Foster report (UK)

Careline Personal Pendant Alarms for the Elderly (UK)

Cash for care' rolled out to 56,000 people (UK)

CCG authorisation: time for Wave 1, but what's the splash? | MHP Health

CCG running costs allowances 2013/14 | NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

CCGs face old fears with desire for change - Health Service Journal (Subscription) (UK)

CCGs to lead huge telehealth expansion (UK)

CCGs˜will not delegate mandate responsibilities to practices (UK)

Charity: More Help Needed For Cancer Carers

Choice Support saves local authority £250,000 in new initiative (UK)

Choose Well web site (UK)

Choosing the place of care: The effect of patient choice on treatment location in England, 2003-2011 | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

CIOs more optimistic about health IT than docs

Civil Service Live Network: Civil Service World's news: Prescribing data for a healthier NHS

Clinical-financial partnerships in the NHS: why we need them to deliver the cost and quality challenge

Cold homes cost NHS £1.36 billion (UK)

Community nurses in Lothian await £1m mobile gadget boost

Compassion in practice: Our vision and strategy is here! | Viv Bennett (UK)

Contractual ‘duty of candour’ to drive a more open NHS culture (UK)

Copy of Plasmas's by The King's Fund on Prezi (UK)

Council to increase care charges in Midlothian - Local Headlines - Midlothian Advertiser (UK)

Councils need to plan for financial future to avoid going over the edge (UK)

Cracks begin to appears in NHS (UK)

David Bennett: Monitor's changing role (UK)

David Nicholson addresses nursing leaders - YouTube (UK)

Debate on NHS Digital First Initiative Demonstrates Telemedicine's Hidden Hurdle

Dementia challenge champion groups report on progress | The Dementia Challenge (UK)

Dementia Friends Web Site (UK)

Department of Health outline diabetes care plan

Department publishes Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework 2013-14 (UK)

Designing a Car That Takes Your Pulse, Senses If You're Ill

Developing a clearer strategy for the CQC | David Behan (UK)

Developing integrated care at scale and pace: time to make it happen | The King's Fund (UK)

DH reveals detail of GP contract deal (UK)

DH support for telehealth roll-out (UK)

Digital by default requires a concerted culture change in government (UK)

Digital Inclusion in Care Homes (UK)

Doctors could Skype patients to save time and money

Doctors dismayed as public health committee is scrapped (UK)

Doctors need to be part of the digital revolution

Dr Foster Intelligence - Using the power of information to provide better services (UK)

Dr Foster's report: live chat on the state of the NHS| (UK)

Dr George Margelis' Blog on telehealth

E-Health Insider :: GP develops patient engagement tool (UK)

E-Health Insider :: 'Historic' mandate highlights IT (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Lamb 'banging the drum' for telehealth (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Monitor to base tariff on PLICS (UK)

E-Health Insider :: New GP data set to assess quality (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS CB builds customer service platform (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS CB finds info bosses outside NHS (UK)

E-Health Insider :: NHS CB mandated to create EHR (UK)

E-Health Insider :: PACS to the future (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Poulter says IT key for new DH team (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Power to the people (UK)

E-Health Insider :: 'Revolution in transparency' for NHS (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Revolutionary road (UK) Portal | Housing LIN Launches Report on Benefits of Assisted Living Technology for Vulnerable Adults Portal | Opinion Article: Building an Innovative & Cost Effective Health System in Europe Portal | UK is to be World Leader in Delivering Health Technology (UK)

End of the Doctor's surgery (UK)

End of the doctors surgery? GP visits to be replaced by Skype consultations in bid to save NHS £3bn (UK)

Exactly how does the new Secretary of State think he is going to influence the NHS to do his bidding?

Exclusive: Less than a dozen CCGs 'very difficult to operate'

EXCLUSIVE: Technology sidelined in QIPP plans | News | Health Service Journal (Subscription) (UK)

Executives Unplugged' say healthcare needs an attitude adjustment

Expert Patients Programme Courses for Long Term Health Conditions (UK)

EXPO, Innovators Den - NHS Inno Expo 2013

First NHS Commissioning Assembly meeting and patient responsibilities (UK)

Five million elderly only have TV for company | Carers Chill4us (UK)

Five million elderly only have TV for company: Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt - Telegraph (UK)

General practice in London: supporting improvements in quality | The King's Fund (UK)

Going paperless at King's College Hospital | The power of information (UK)

Google: Britain must embrace the web's innovators - Telegraph (UK)

Government announces next steps on Dementia Challenge | The Dementia Challenge (UK)

Government spending by department, 2011-12: get the data | (UK)

Government urged to pay GP partners £160k to go salaried (UK)

Government's NHS spending claims are misleading, watchdog tells Jeremy Hunt - UK Politics - UK - The Independent (UK)

GP quality and outcomes framework indicators focus on the wrong issues| The Guardian (UK)

GP super-partnerships: a route to integrated care? | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

GPs are being asked to take up thy mouse and co-ordinate (UK)

GPs as providers working closer with colleagues at astonishing speed | Inside Commissioning Blogs (UK)

GPs face more scrutiny under 'mandate' to improve care

GPs to begin implementation of telehealth drive under new DES (UK)

GPs told to boost dementia diagnoses (UK)

Health - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Health and Social Care Act explained (UK)

Health Care Waste: Is Technology the Answer or Part of the Problem?

Health checks by GPs 'should cover mental health' (UK)

Health minister praises Airedale Hospital staff for dementia services (UK)

Health policy under the coalition government | The King's Fund (UK)

Health records to move online by 2015 - Government Computing Network

Health reforms: The NHS still needs to change its ways, Mr Hunt | The Economist (UK)

Health Secretary orders review into new rating system for NHS and social care (UK)

Health technologies to improve the lives of people with long-term conditions (UK)

Healthcare professional acceptance of telemonitoring for chronic care patients in primary care

Healthcare professional acceptance of telemonitoring for chronic care patients in primary care

Healthwatch England aims to ensure the voices of service users are heard| The Guardian (UK)

Home care chief Bridget Warr keeps home care on top of Government agenda (UK)

Hospital beds nearly all occupied, say government figures (UK)

Hospitals 'full to bursting' as bed shortage hits danger level (UK)

Hospitals 'full to bursting', claim health monitors (UK)

How anxiety over falling can lead to elderly losing their sense of independence (UK)

How service user watchdog plans to make impact on poor practice - Community Care (UK)

How telecare is transforming social care | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

How the new NHS Mandate will impact upon the care sector (UK)

Hunt admits GPs are doing more work for no more money (UK)

Hunt announces telehealth push - News - Practice Business (UK)

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) three-year report: the first million patients

Improving GP services in England | The King's Fund (UK)

Improving Oxygen Services (UK)

INHALE Web site (UK)

Intellect Calls for Renewed Focus on Implementation and Policy Delivery (UK)

Internet not used by most over-75s | Age UK (UK)

Is It Possible To Innovate Without Innovating??

Is the RCT too slow for mobile health?

It's time to think differently | The King's Fund (UK)

Jeremy Hunt speaks at the Age UK conference (Audio) (UK)

Jeremy Hunt Speech at Age UK on 14 November 2012 (UK)

Jeremy Hunt, King's Fund Speech on 28 November 2012 (UK)

Jeremy Hunt: Making quality of care as important as quality of treatment | The King's Fund (UK)

Jeremy Hunt: The four improvements I want to see in the NHS by 2015 (UK)


Joint Committee on the Draft Care and Support Bill - Membership - UK Parliament (UK)

Kent and Medway Public Health Observatory - Long term conditions (UK)

Labour steps cautiously up to difficult truths about the NHS

Let's find the political will to integrate care | Health Service Journal (Subscription) (UK)

Local councils warned that "paying for failure cannot continue" (UK)

Loneliness and telehealth | Margaret McCartney's blog

Loneliness measure to boost care for older people (UK)

Long-term conditions and multi-morbidity | The King's Fund (UK)

Looking after someone: a guide to carers' rights and benefits 2012/13| Carers UK (UK)

Lords Committee asks what's right and wrong in health and social care for the elderly - UK Parliament (UK)

Managing COPD resources (UK)

Measuring accountability for outcomes: is transparency enough? | The King's Fund (UK)

Measuring patient involvement is hard, but we must do it - Health Foundation (UK)

mHealth will remain uncharted territory until FDA finalizes app rules

Mike Nolan: how relationship-centred care can improve patient outcomes | The King's Fund (UK)

More pain for social care as Osborne cuts extra £445m from councils - Community Care (UK)

My Diabetes My Way - Diabetes Information in Scotland (UK)

My Journey' phone app for mental health patients (UK)

My unfinished business in the NHS

National Well-being interactive wheel of measures (UK)

New technologies promote respiratory condition awareness

New technology for nurses (UK)

NHS accused of wasting billions on unnecessary hospital admissions (UK)


NHS Commissioning Board (Mandate): 13 Nov 2012: House of Commons debates - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

NHS Confederation statement on Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2012 (UK)

NHS cost-cutting being put ahead of patients' welfare, claims watchdog (UK)

NHS Direct maps out its future - Government Computing Network (UK)

NHS failings aggravate distress over blunders (UK)

NHS friends and family benchmark too crude, says ex-Lansley adviser (UK)

NHS health checks through general practice: randomised trial of population cardiovascular risk reduction (UK)

NHS IT expenditure will rise, says study (UK)

NHS lays out G-Cloud timetable for e-mail services - Government Computing Network (UK)

NHS Leadership Recognition Awards 2012 (UK)

NHS mandate dumps the targets to focus on improvements (UK)

NHS Mandate pledges to boost e-consultations with GPs (UK)

NHS mandate welcomed by health bodies - Public Service (UK)

NHS Outcomes Framework 2013 to 2014 focus on measuring health outcomes (UK)

NHS Outcomes Framework 2013/14 mind map (UK)

NHS Outcomes Framework indicators | The NHS Information Centre (UK)

NHS shakeup tackles disparity between mental and physical health services| The Guardian (UK)

NHS staff need to be creative to hit Qipp targets (UK)

NHS telehealth will not get national implementation - Public Service (UK)

NHS under pressure from lack of joined-up care, says report (UK)

NHS will have to make better use of social care solutions (UK)

NICE: GPs should screen all adults for exercise habits (UK)

Non-elective activity increase could hit CCG budgets           (UK)

Notes on the Whole System Demonstrator | Margaret McCartney's blog (UK)

Nurses 'unaware' how they can patronise and demean - Telegraph (UK)

Nurses will be formally rated for their compassion (UK)

One million˜Dementia Friends will help make life better for people with dementia | The Dementia Challenge (UK)

Online access to medical records is essential but too many GPs see patient power as a threat

Online GP consultations 'to become widespread'

OnMedica - News - Telehealth expansion to be headed by CCGs

Operating principles for joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) and joint health and wellbeing strategies (JHWSs)

Oxfordshire Telecare Revised on Vimeo

Panel session: what does real partnership with patients mean in practice? | The King's Fund (UK)

Patient data in the NHS: live discussion (UK)

Patient Voices: Not Florence Nightingale? (UK)

Patients should be given power to correct record errors, says DH adviser (UK)

Personal budget pilots increased costs by 22%, shows DH report (UK)

Personal Budgets are proven to improve care (UK)

Personal health budgets Learning Network (UK)

Personal health budgets Learning Network (UK)

Personal Health Budgets: 30 Nov 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

PHBE :: Personal Health Budgets Evaluation (UK)

PHRs improve patients' adherence to preventive services guidelines

Poll: Telemedicine Is Popular in Britain

Poor care 'a betrayal of our values' says nursing chief (UK)

Practical guides for health and wellbeing boards (UK)

Practice nurses can help elderly do more walking (UK)

Pressures on health and care services are increasing the risks of poor care according to our latest report | Care Quality Commission (UK)

Prime Minister launches next phase of Dementia Challenge (UK)

Pro-Active Care model - Dr Tuan Nguyen | Long term conditions (UK)

Public attitudes to NHS spending: new poll by Ipsos MORI | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Public consultation on the revision of European legislation on medical devices : MHRA (UK)

Public expenditure crisis: no cash for decrepit schools, jails or NHS| The Guardian (UK)

Public health commissioning in the NHS from 2013 (UK)

QIPP NHS Connecting for Health (UK)

QOF activity could be unprofitable, accountants warn (UK)

Report: NHS slipping on Innovation, Health and Wealth targets | Health Service Journal (Subscription) (UK)

Research into new care technologies gets £6.25m in funding | BMJ

Resources for health and wellbeing boards

Restrictions on test strips | Diabetes UK Blogs (UK)

Richard Smith: At last, a consumer led NHS?

Rising costs and flat economic growth set to prolong the NHS financial squeeze for a further decade | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

Roll-out of telehealth to start next year | PJ Online

RSM Videos | The Royal Society of Medicine

SCIE: Personalisation (UK)

Scottish Older people may give up Safety Alarms after charges are added (UK)

Sector Skills Insights : Health & Social Care | Publications | UKCES (UK)

SEHTA launches new UK Healthcare Innovation Hub (UK)

SEHTA unveils UK Healthcare Innovation Hub (UK)

Self Directed Support bill passed (UK)

Self management support resource centre (UK)

Service award - Durham Council (UK)

Shared services: Sponsored roundtables

Shared services: Surveys¦ a confidence trick?

Sharp rise in adult abuse cases amid fall in social work numbers - Community Care (UK)

Should we start preparing for a decade of austerity in the NHS? (UK)

Simple Guide to Payment by Results (UK)

Snow angels win award (From Northwich Guardian) (UK)

Social Care Worker Survey Exposes Cuts (UK)

Social care: a postcode lottery | Full Fact (UK)

Social Work Reform | Projects | The Centre for Welfare Reform

Standards fall as care operators get 'too big to fail' - Home News - UK - The Independent (UK)

Structures and processes for priority-setting by health-care funders: a national survey of primary care trusts in England

Summary of responses to the draft Care and Support Bill consultation published (UK)

Surge in non-elective hospital activity hits CCG budgets           (UK)

Systemic failures' to blame for poor patient care, say health leaders (UK)

Technology cash for Scottish community nurses

Telecare: delivering savings in Hillingdon (UK)

Telehealth to benefit three million by 2017 (UK)

Telemedicine: 12 Nov 2012: Hansard Written Answers and Statements - TheyWorkForYou (UK)

Telemonitoring NI | HSC Public Health Agency

Telescot project - Stroke

Telestroke network pays off for member hospitals

The CCG Commissioning cycle (NHS Institute) by Robert Varnam on Prezi (UK)

The Centre for Usable Home Technology (UK)

The franchising of Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust - National Audit Office (UK)

The Health and Social Care Information Centre: QOF online results database (UK)

The health and social care ratings review | The Nuffield Trust (UK)

The key to better healthcare lies in data | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional (UK)

The Mandate | A mandate from the Government to the NHS Commissioning Board (UK)

The new wonder-drug - NHS Networks Blog (UK)

The Royal College of Nursing: NHS is 'sleepwalking into a crisis'

There are two worlds in the NHS: policy and practicality (UK)

Tim Kelsey interview | Using Health Data to Develop Better Treatments - YouTube (UK)

Time for radical change to shift power to patients | The King's Fund (UK)

Time to Think Differently | The King's Fund (UK)

TLAP welcomes Personal Health Budgets Pilot evaluation report - News - Think Local Act Personal (UK)

TLAP welcomes SCIE's new digital guide to Personalisation - News - Think Local Act Personal (UK)

Top nurses announce new strategy to build culture of compassionate care across the NHS (UK)

Tough times 2012 - Audit Commission (UK)

Towards Excellence in Adult Social Care (UK)

Tunstall Healthcare Blog: Tunstall welcomes Minister's endorsement that UK is to be world leader in delivering health technology (UK)

U.K. NHS mandate includes expansion of health IT, PHRs and mobile health | Government Health IT (UK)

U.K. telehealth model, smartphone prescribing unlikely to take hold in U.S. (UK)

U.S. primary care doctors making sizeable strides on health IT -

UK dials up "virtual doctors" in big telehealth push - Yahoo! News (UK)

UK experimenting with virtual clinics using iPad and Skpe to help close budget gap (UK)

UK government announces healthcare technology revolution - E & T Magazine (UK)

UK GPs Leading the Way for Online Services (UK)

UK to be world leader on health technology, says Hunt (UK)

UK to be 'world leader' on health technology, says Hunt (UK)

Up to 100,000 patients could be on telehealth in 2013, says UK health secretary, Articles | MobileHealthLive (UK)

Updated national framework for NHS continuing healthcare and related tools (UK)

Video: Critical elderly care report is a 'wake-up call', says Jeremy Hunt - Telegraph (UK)

Wakefield - supporting young carers with telecare

Welbeing at the double: Two top business awards for leading telecare service (UK)

Welcome to the website for ThinkGlucose - NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (UK)

What about end of life care? Mapping England's health and wellbeing boards

What can be done to ensure care home residents get quality healthcare? (UK)

What health professionals should know about diabetes (UK)

What impact does telehealth have on long-term conditions management? | The King's Fund (UK)

What matters most to NHS managers (UK)

What would a world without NICE look like? | MHP Health

WhatsApp: the new text messaging | Technology | The Guardian (UK)

Why the NHS reforms sow seeds of confusion (UK)

Will the friends and family test transform the NHS? | Healthcare Network | (UK)

Windows 8 and Surface are poised to disrupt healthcare | Perficient Healthcare IT Solutions Blog

With #dementia on the political agenda, we™re optimistic about the future | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (UK)

b) Business intelligence and product development

To view information on business intelligence and product development that may be of interest, click on the link below:

“20% doctor included”: speculations & musings of a technology optimist

20 Game-Changing Technology Trends That Will Create Both Disruption and Opportunity on a Global Level

2012 mHIMSS Mobile Technology Survey Results from HIMSS Analytics!

2012 NDEP Frankie Award Winners (Diabetes)

2013 crystal ball time: AT&T's top 5 predictions

2020health's Blog | Technology. Business. Policy. (UK)

3D imaging device enables dramatic improvement in wound care

3-D 'light switch' could lead to new Parkinson's, epilepsy treatment

4 Things Media Companies Must Do ... or Die

45 Mind Blowing Digital Health Statistics and Trends

5 great mobile apps for healthcare you've never heard of

5 steps to a mobile practice

7 ways health IT can help curb prescription drug abuse

A baby monitor that 'socks' it to you

A creative approach to helping people with dementia (UK)

A Digital Health Manifesto: or why health data integration is the key to a healthcare renaissance

A guide to measuring the triple aim: population health, experience of care, and per capita cost

A History of Social Media [Infographic]

A Hospital War Reflects a Tightening Bind for Doctors Nationwide

A Measured Life on Vimeo

A Role for Physicians: An Observation on Cost Containment

A Simpler Social Technographics Ladder

A Strategy for Healthcare Digital Engagement

About self management | My Condition, My Terms, My Life

Access To Online Health Information And Use Of Clinical Services Linked

ACO Tally Could Double By January, Says CMS Official

AEA Technology PLC : New health app for iPhone helps those affected by air pollution | 4-Traders

Aetna Chairman and CEO at mHealth Summit: Sneak Peek of Passage? Virtual Fitness App; Eight New Partners Added to the CarePass„¢ Platform | Aetna News Hub

Aframe Digital Receives FDA Class II 510(k) Clearance for Mobilecare Monitor

AgendaWorld Conference on Active Ageing, 2012: UKAFA members' perspective (UK)

Air Products Telehealth (UK)

AliveCor founder: Payers will invest in medtech to save money (video)

AliveCor IPhone ECG transforms heart rhythm monitoring

AliveCor's Heart Monitor for iPhone Receives FDA Clearance

Almost half of clinicians collect data at bedside via mobiles

American Medical News Examines Top Telemedicine Markets

AMIA: Why interoperability is 'taking so darn long'

App heralds official launch of health services directory

Are e-visits coming to a doctor near you? - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe

Arizona studies envision telemedicine on smartphones - Phoenix News -

Army-funded home telehealth system measures firefighter stress

At the VA, More Patients to be Served by Telehealth - Center for Telehealth and e-Health Law

AT&T chief medical information officer on why remote monitoring is mod twist on house calls (video)

AT&T Sees Telehealth, Mobile App Growth as 2013 Health IT Trends

ATA CEO says telehealth use to double in next few years

Atlanta docs develop app to detect heart defects

Autom, the Robotic Weight Coach: Interview with Intuitive Automata's Founder, Dr. Cory Kidd

Avado - Connecting Providers and Patients

Basis health and heart rate monitor for wellness and fitness

BBC News - 'Promising results' for bowel cancer breath-test (UK)

BBC News - Robots in the classroom help autistic children learn (UK)

BBC News - Smartphones to be pocket seismometers (UK)

BBC News - Warning over urgent care for cancer patients (UK)

Beginnings of Bionic - Flexible, stretchable electronics could launch cyborg era

Big Data "Eurekas!" Don't Just Happen - Harvard Business Review

Biggest mHealth Issue | EMR and EHR

BII MOBILE INSIGHTS: Mobile Technology May Define The Future Of Healthcare

Bill Aims To Advance Innovation in Mobile Health Technology

BlipCare Launches The Next Generation Wireless Weight Scale That Reminds Users To Take Their Readings

Blood meter design concept reduces waste

Boost for video consultation on World Stroke Day (UK)

Bosch selects Doro to enrich its TeleCare offering with mobile solutions

Bosch selects Doro to enrich TeleCare offering with mobile solutions

Breast cancer detection device for the OR inches closer to pre-market approval

BYOD: Is Mobile Device Management The Answer?

Can mobile technology retool the world's seniors?

Canada and Europe fund intelligent senior homes

Cardiac rehabilitation may not provided a quality of life benefit in coronary artery disease patients

Catholic Health Initiatives - a plan for a national Virtual Health Services platform

Cell Phone Activities 2012 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Cell Phone Activities Over Time | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project (Infographic)

Change4Life launches smartphone drinks tracker app (UK)

Chronic Disease and Social Networks

Cisco Connected World Technology Report 2012 - The Network: Cisco's Technology News Site

Clinton Health Matters Initiative

Clinton turns to remote monitoring, Verizon to address health gaps

Cloud experts say healthcare is the perfect storm

Coags Uncomplicated is a free educational app? with a hidden agenda

Colin Sullivan's sensor mat a virtual doctor

Collaboration To Improve Healthcare Accessibility For Veterans

Colorado Telehealth Network to offer statewide image archive and exchange

Communication failures lead to rampant discharge medication errors

Connected Housing - Connecting the Housing Twitterverse (UK)

Connected Housing - The building block of our social fabric (UK)

Content, partnerships now trump technology in global mHealth

Contracting value - Conclusion | KPMG | GLOBAL

Coordinating Care Using Telemedicine Solutions

Cost-Effective Application-cum-iPhone case to assess Heart Condition | French Tribune

Costing Dementia Care after General Hospital (UK)

Courage Project on Ageing in Europe

Dancing Robots To Help Autistic Children

Data for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma: making a real difference

Decisions doctors must make to avoid Medicare penalties

Dell Launches Unit Providing Social-Media Strategy to Brands

Demand for informal care is rising but supply is set to fall - we must solve this conundrum' (UK)

Design Ltd.: Renovated Myths for the Development of Socially Embedded Technologies

Diabetes Insulin Pumps Victims of Airport Security

Diabetics can check sugar with phone

Dial-a-doctor, online services cut office visits

Digital Technologies, Older People, Trust, and Isolation

Discussing data ownership and analysis with Open mHealth on Twitter

Disease Management Company ActiveCare Collaborates With Qualcomm Life

Diversinet Introduces mobiHealth Wallet with New Patient-Centered Health Information

Divining a Digital Future

Do Smartphones (& Tablets) Mean Smart Healthcare? (UK)

Do You Understand Medicalese?

Docs could ditch the dirty stethoscope with this wireless, disposable lung monitoring system

Docs involved in patient portal creation more likely to recommend use

Doctors give a cautious welcome to epilepsy patch (UK)

Don't immediately believe the mhealth hype

Drugmaker ties to diabetes bloggers come under fire

Early warning system for pediatric patients could alert providers to deteriorating condition (video)

East and Midlothian Physiotherapy Service shortlisted for national award (UK)

Effects of a mHealth intervention for alcohol relapse prevention

Effort Uses Smartphones To Boost Cervical Cancer Diagnoses in Tanzania

ehealth Access Launches the Virtual Medical Kiosk - Telepresence Options

eHealth Access launches virtual medical kiosk

eHealth Access with its Virtual Medical Kiosk, aims to widen healthcare delivery in India

eHealth conference: Telehealth's time has come

E-Health Insider :: E-portal for youth mental health (UK)

E-Health Insider :: Interest high in EMR deployment (UK)

E-Health Insider :: South group to share e-prescribing info (UK) Portal | Patients' Electronic Medical Record to the Foot of the Hospital Bed Portal | Philips CarePartners Mobile App Helps Ease the Burden of Caregiver Coordination Portal | Tunstall Previews iVi Intelligent Pendant

Electronic Health Records Infographic

Empowering Intelligent Health

Empowering Intelligent Health, Denmark Conference (UK)

Epocrates finally fights back

Epocrates for patients may be coming soon

e-Prescribing nears halfway mark

Eric Topol's tech tools: what it would take for this doc to use

European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

Europe's Information Society Newsroom

Expanded telemedicine program unveiled that is aimed at veterans

Experts urge commissioners to invest in self management courses for patients with chronic disease

FairPoint Communications to build New England Telehealth Consortium Network

FCC committee: mHealth Task Force must meet needs of underserved groups

FDA clears Aframe's MobileCare Monitor as Class II device

Federal Telemedicine News: Partners in mHealth (UK)

Feds announce $3.3m aged care telehealth program

Five Disruptive Telehealth Startups to Watch

Freedom - Internet Blocking Productivity Software

From Mobile Health to mHealth: Driving patient care

From now on for me, it's health *and* care « e-Patient Dave

From the mHealth Summit: The Medium or the Message?

Frontline first: protecting services, improving care

Gaming takes hold in healthcare

genHOME | York St John (UK)

Genomics revolution: UK could miss the boat, scientists warn (UK)

GeriTech: When multiple problems lead to multiple recommendations; how to help patients succeed?

Glooko Logbook - Lets Your iPhone Talk To Your Blood Glucose Monitors And Plan Your Diet [ App Review]

Growing Digital Health, Increasing Challenges for Public Administrators“ Part II

Guilford business brings telemedicine to the workplace” Business” Bangor Daily News” BDN Maine

Half of all app store revenue goes to just 25 developers (UK)

Half of smartphone owners consult the˜doctor in their pocket”

Half of Smartphone Users Research Health Information on Web: Pew

HandiHealth presentation

Harnessing Energy From the Body to Power Devices

Health apps claims can be bogus

Health Hacks win: controlling the speed of "Call Me Maybe" with a heart rate monitor

Health IT Group Offers Tool To Assess Patient Engagement Strategies

Health IT Group Unveils Framework To Bolster Patient Engagement

Health News - Sensor Network to Protect the Elderly

Health-care apps for smartphones pit FDA against tech industry - The Washington Post

Healthcare IT News Breakfast | 2012 mHealth Summit

Healthcare Observers Disagree on Cost-effectiveness of Electronic Health Record Systems

Healthcare Technology Utilization... Tactical Technology Guidance (UK)

Healthcare, Technology & Government 2.0: 10 Billion Dollars in Electronic Health Record Incentives (UK)

Healthcare's Age of Agility Will Shuffle Market Leadership - Forbes

HealthSpot Unveils Telehealth Solution for Anytime, Anywhere Access to Healthcare

Healthy Aging and Independent Living HAIL Lab - Center for Innovation - Mayo Clinic

Heart Gadgets Test Privacy-Law Limits -

Help patients remember appointments to save big bucks

Helping the elderly use computers - My Ageing Parent

- Health and fitness app users hooked on workout trackers

Hospitals check into social media

Housing associations 'must do more' to help tenants ahead of Universal Credit (UK)

How Apps Are Changing the Way Surgeons Operate and Communicate With Patients

How Can Nurses Contribute to Patient Engagement?

How Clean Hands Help Manage Diabetes

How elderly go from being perceived as capable consumer to 'old person'

How Much Will We Save If We Raise the Age When Seniors Can Apply for Medicare to 67?

How Physicians Utilize Digital Media for Patient Interaction

How smart phones help me be a better doctor

How technology can save our healthcare system

How the iPad mini can transform mobile healthcare | ZDNet

How to reduce unscheduled admissions in the over-75s by 20%

How to stay in your own home when age or illness strike (UK)

Hurricane Sandy Sheds Light On Telemedicine Trend

IAB study reveals 80% of smartphone owners shop on their device (UK)

Ian Jacobs - The Health and Wealth Challenge 2012

iHealth Partners with Evernote and Practice Fusion to Bring Doctors and Patients Better Data for Healthier Living

Implant Devices Collect Patient Data, But Patients Denied Access

Improving productivity, patient satisfaction and clinical workflow in your medical practice, clinic or hospital

Inclusive Design Toolkit

Infographic: 10 Benefits of Health IT

Infographic: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care

Infographic: Is mHealth Poised to Explode?

Infographic: mHealth Mobile apps, devices and solutions

Infographic: Mobility in health care

Infographic: Pharma Goes Digital

Infographic: Rise of the Digital Doctor

Innovation in Healthcare

Innovation in Healthcare

Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report Looks at Telehealth Challenges

Integrating Health Technology Into Everyday Devices

International Profiles of Health Care Systems, 2012

IOS Press Books Online, Telemonitoring of Medication Adherence in Patients with Major Mental Illness: Watching the Patient as well as the Pills

iPhone Medical Apps: FH Diagnosis (UK)

iRobot's RP-VITA mobile telepresence robot iPad app eyes-on (video)

Is age really the issue in later life? | Nominet Trust (UK)

Is bigger better for the NHS? | Resource centre | Health Service Journal (UK)

Is the NHS entering treacherous waters? | The King's Fund (UK)

IT departments are ignoring the BYOD trend

It’s about people, not technology

ITU and Google face off at Dubai conference over future of the internet | Technology | (UK)

Just Checking and people with learning disabilities (UK) (UK)

Key Factor of Social Media Success Within Organizations: Employees And Their Emotional Capital

Key Issues in Mobile Health and Implications for New Zealand

Kickstarting: A Wi-Fi-Connected Light Socket Connects Any Bulb To Your iPhone

Lack of Evidence in Medical Apps: The Solution

Lead With Your Heart, Not Just Your Head - Harvard Business Review

Leading Matters: Focus on Mobile Health IT at HIMSS

Leading the way in Assistive Technology conference

Learn Web Design, Web Development & More | Treehouse

Lessons Learned Preparing for Medicare Bundled Payments NEJM

Lightbulb innovation: the care and dignity of older people in hospital (UK)

LinkousThink: Regulation or Roadblock? (UK)

Macy's Flagship New York Store Gets Indoor GPS Navigation

Major insurers embrace mobile health technology

Map of Most Popular mHealth Apps Worldwide | Smart Phone Health Care

Mapping future health: patient, provider, pharma perspectives

Market Oversight in AdultSocial Care (UK)

McMurray company's medical website expands access to doctors | TribLIVE

MediaPost Publications Rise In Mobile Users Searching Health Info 11/09/2012

Medical Museion | Social media: putting the public into public health information dissemination

Medical Smartphones: A portable ECG in every pocket

Medical Smartphones: Notable tweets from Day #1 of the mHealth Summit

Medical tricorders: The dream of the medical tricorder | The Economist

Medical vital-sign monitoring reduced to the size of a postage stamp


Medicare Is Faulted in Electronic Medical Records Conversion

Medicine and Technology: Technology innovation and health care quality

mHealth : Healthcare Mobile Apps, Devices and Solutions

mHealth and Regulations- What to Expect in 2013

mHealth And The FCC: What Does The FCC Have To Do With Medical Devices?

mHealth perceived as globally effective: GSMA

mHealth presence grows at Europe's largest Telecare and Telehealth Conference « mHealth Insight: the blog of 3G Doctor

mHealth Summit 2012 | mHIMSS

mHealth Summit 2012: Remote monitoring invaluable for reducing readmissions

mHealth Summit 2012: Smartphone system a 'game changer' for cancer diagnosis

mHealth Trials Are Happening, Without the Clinic

mHIMSS, the mobile initiative of HIMSS, presents the Roadmap

MHP Health Mandate

MHS takes cautious, yet innovative, approach to mobile health initiatives

miroRx | a healthcare innovation firm - humanize health

Misfit Adds Shine To Wearable Health - Forbes

Misfit Shine is an all metal activity tracker for those looking to get fit - SlashGear

Misfit Wearables launches Shine, an elegant but rugged activity tracker

Mobile apps 'revolutionising healthcare' - Public Service Europe

Mobile devices effectively influence physical activity

Mobile Drives Adoption Of Social Media In 2012: Apps & Mobile Web Account For Majority Of Growth; Nearly Half Of Social Media Users Access Sites On Smartphones | TechCrunch

Mobile Health 2012 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Mobile Health Apps: Meeting the Apple challenge“ the Google way

Mobile Health Around the Globe: India - Using eCompliance to Control Tuberculosis

Mobile Health Association | LinkedIn

Mobile Healthcare Faces The Future [Infographic]

Mobile Medical Apps - Where is the Evidence?

Mobile technology use by docs on the rise

Mobile Web Africa 2012 in Johannesburg: The Best Bits

Modern technology allows users to take charge of their health

Monitor Your Diabetes Using These Digital Tools

More NHS patients being treated by private firms, survey finds (UK)

Most providers now using patient portals

Music Breathes Life Into COPD Patients - COPD

My 2012 Digital Health Awards: Company, Person, Book Of The Year - Forbes

My Thoughts on Telehealth

myHealthFile | Cloud based clinical management solution

mySugr | eating diabetes

Myth and Reality of Doctors Getting Overwhelmed by Emails - Forbes

National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)  (UK)

Nationwide Medical Weight Loss via Teleconferencing from hCGTreatments

Neurological Institute Expands Telehealth Network - Features - California Healthline

New AHRQ guide identifies successful design methods for development of consumer health IT

New anonymisation code sets out how to manage privacy risks and maintain transparency (UK)

New behavioral strategies may help patients learn to better control chronic diseases

New centre gets doctors online

New dementia service to help people stay at home based on understanding behaviour patterns (UK)

New health chiefs reveal action plan | Herald Sun

New mobile technology revolutionizes drug-resistant TB diagnosis

New practice models may help save primary care - Why PCMH and team-based models could rescue and transform healthcare delivery - ModernMedicine

New Report Finds E-Prescribing Is on the Rise

New research reveals true regional picture of end of life care (UK)

New system connects heart patients and doctors from different ends of the Island

North Island Midweek - Doctor on line one

Number of Medicare ACOs could top 300 in January, official says - McKnight's Long Term Care News

Nurses using smartphones to fill IT gaps

OCR Issues Guidance About De-Identifying Patient Information - iHealthBeat

Off the Hamster Wheel? Qualitative Evaluation of a Payment-Linked Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot - The Commonwealth Fund

One day smartphones will know your body better than you do (Wired UK) (UK)

One-third of patients look to phone for health info

Open data - the big talk must be backed with action - Public Service (UK)

Open mHealth - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Open mHealth | Building open software architecture to break down barriers to mobile health integration.

Open mHealth | Transforming mobile health through open architecture and an open community.

Open mHealth: Making Sense of Mobile Health Data - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Oracle Big Data - YouTube

Our Digital Planet (UK)

Our Views: Digital age for medicine

PAH gets serious about telehealth

Panic buttons for seniors must go

Paul Barter: Why Getting Grandpa Online Could Save His Life

People Using Twitter To Find, Post Information About Cardiac Arrest - iHealthBeat

Personal Social Services: Expenditure and Unit Costs -England 2011-12 - Provisional Release (UK)

Person-Centered HealthCare: Connecting Homes and People to Improve Lives

Person-Centered HealthCare; FDA Approves EarlySense Bedside System

Pew Internet & American Life Project

Pew study analysis proffers promise for mHealth sector

Pfizer Think Science Now

Positive Technology App created by the EU funded Interstress Project on Vimeo

Programs preview mainstreaming of personalized medicine

Progressing towards using telehealth - General

Qualcomm Life Announces New Technology Collaborators and Customers, Expands Availability of the 2net Platform and Hub to Canada - Sacramento Business Journal

Qualcomm Life launches in Europe

Qualcomm Life Launches Its Wireless Health Solution in Europe - First Customers Include Telbios and Cystelcom

RACGP opposes telehealth cutback

Real games for health and the trouble with gamification

Reducing Length of Stay: Like Clockwork

Reform and Healthcare in Canada

Reimbursement remains a major barrier to telehealth

Remote monitoring to cut readmissions by 75%

Remote monitoring to cut readmissions: One year later, Beacon pilot preps for future

Retail clinics create continuity gap in patient care

Reverse Innovation

Robot extends doctors' reach

Robots may help improve dementia care

Roundup: partnerships in social care (UK)

Samsung provides specialized Galaxy S® II smartphone for Preventice remote patient monitoring system

Scanadu hopes its tricorder-like device and a smartphone will help people track their health and diagnose problems

Scanadu unveils smartphone-enabled home diagnostics

Scientific Statement Examines Role Of Social Media In Fighting Childhood Obesity - Forbes

Scottish government must 'get a move on' over broadband - Public Service (UK)

See the Future of Telehealth Through the Eyes of Teleradiology

Self-tracking: six ways to manage your health and wellbeing“ in pictures (UK)

Self-tracking: the people turning their bodies into medical labs (UK)

Several Slideshare Decks From RockHealth | Enabling Healthy Decisions

Shaping Innovation – two sides of the equation

Sharecare and the Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance Join Forces to Advance Connected Health Innovations

Silverline apps help seniors enjoy iPhones | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Silvers Summit

Simple, connected mHealth is the key to patient engagement

Singing a New Tune: Redefining Innovation in the Medical Device World

Skip Skype For Telemedicine: Facts To Consider

Smart Customers, Digital Experiences and 5 Stupid Mistakes Presented at Digital Experience 2013

Smart hospitals: Medicine for the knowledge age

Smart hospitals: Transformational medicine for the knowledge age Part 1 - KMWorld Magazine

Smartphone apps for health and fitness an exploding craze

Smartphones and Implications for the mHealth Space (UK)

Smartphones Might Aid Health Effort in Rural California

SmartWard patient care app wins London Startup Weekend competition (UK)

Social customer service: are you ready to connect? - Business Review Europe

Social media and health care: opportunities and obstacles

Social Media as the Next Web - Brian Solis

Social media in medical education by jonathon tomlinson on Prezi

Social Media Pyramid Servings? need to Serve | Social Media University, Global

Social Media: What Have We Done Since Last Year? by Nick Atkin on Prezi

Solutions4Health Web Site (UK)

Spending on medicines must be cut because Britons cannot put up with aches and pains like their wartime forebears, says Tory MP - Telegraph (UK)

St. Jude Medical Wins EU Approval for Assura Line of Implantable Defibrillators

State of mHealth: Present, Adoption, Economics, Barriers, & Future

State Variation in E-Prescribing Trends in the United States

Susannah Fox of Pew Research Center Talks About New Findings on Mobile Health Usage

Tech support key to physicans' adoption of telemonitoring

Technolage - ICT for Aging Well

Technology could ease pressure on health system

Technology Is Useless If It Doesn't Address A Human Need

Technology Lets Users Control Smartphones With Gestures

Technology News: Mobile: Bringing Healthcare Home From the Hospital

Technology that helps the aged stay home

Technology to allow connection between patients, clinicians

Technology to help us manage our health (UK)

Technology will replace 80% of what doctors do - Fortune Tech

TEDxToronto 2012 Talk: Dr. Joseph Cafazzo | TEDxToronto 2012 Conference

Telehealth dials up momentum | New York Nursing News

Telehealth for oncology genetic counseling: An Idaho experience

Telehealth Impact Presentation Thank you

Telehealth Infographic: Benefits, Delivery & Outcomes

Telehealth medicine: the future or another technological disaster waiting to happen? - Lexology

Telehealth monitoring keeps recovery on track at home


Telehealth Network to be Built in New England

Telehealth over satellite broadband confronts the issue of latency

Telehealth poised to take center stage

Telehealth Services Provide Remote Patients Link to Doctors

Telehealth startup could reduce hospital re-admission rates for chronically ill patients

Telehealth Technologies--The Tools for 21st Century Health Care - YouTube

Telemedicine | Health Care Transformation

Telemedicine boost for people with MS and CF

Telemedicine Brief: Patients In The World Wide Waiting Room

Telemedicine Leader Climbs into the Top 100 Fastest Growing Technology Companies

Telemedicine making a shift to smartphones

Telemedicine Navajo Nation

Telemedicine network to connect hospitals in the north country

Telemedicine program in Haiti shows how VTC can deliver healthcare to those most in need

Telemedicine program shows promise for patients with concussions in rural Arizona

Telemedicine rising in popularity along with security risks

Telemedicine's Effect in Delivering Healthcare to the Underserved

Text messaging turns 20 | Technology | The Observer (UK)

The Best (and Worst) of Mobile Connectivity | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

The Best Asthma Education App in the World

The best mHealth apps in the world?

The Best Talks From #LEWEB PARIS 2012 - DAY 1

The biggest cause of shared services failure?

The concept of prevention: a good idea gone astray?

The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Reinvent Healthcare - YouTube

The Empowered Patient: 5 Ways Social Media Makes Patients Stronger

The EU impact on UK healthcare (UK)

The Fallacy of Treating Health Care as an Industry


The future of digital healthcare: Introduction (UK)

The future of digital healthcare: Patient experience based online education & learning (UK)

The great mobile technology leap forward

The hidden inequity in health care

The House Call Reinvented: Video Creates Personal Doctor-Patient Connection Via Cloud-Based Remote Patient Monitoring Service | AT&T

The Impact of Telehealth Technology and Social Innovation in Healthcare

The Internet of Things is coming. Now what? | Intel Business IT Hub | ComputerworldUK (UK)

The Medical Home

The New 6Ps of Radical Innovation for Large Companies – #6 PEOPLE

The pacemaker implanted in the brain that can prevent Alzheimer's patients losing their memory (UK)

The Princess Royal Trust for Carers and Crossroads Care are now Carers Trust. Action, help and advice for carers

The quantified self movement: some sociological perspectives

The Rapid Rise of Mobile Health Management Tools 

The Real Issue in Telehealth: How Can I Get Paid?

The relationship between commercial website ratings and traditional hospital performance measures in the USA

The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary

The Rural Blog: Telehealth lets rural seniors be independent longer (UK)

The SMUG Social Media Pyramid | Social Media University, Global

The tablets that do more harm than good - Telegraph (UK)

The telephone is obsolete: How my patients contact me today

The two things that could doom 'the Internet of things' revolution” Tech News and Analysis

The Ultimate Battle for Supremacy: Doctor versus Machine

The virtual doctor who is always on call

Think like a data journalist | News | (UK)

This Is Generation Flux: Meet The Pioneers Of The New (And Chaotic) Frontier Of Business | Fast Company

This Tool Will Archive Your Entire Online Life

This Video Company Powers Google Hangouts - And Nintendo's Wii U

Three Key Steps to Building an HIT Supported ACO

Three years of stagnant health app adoption

Ting Shih: Is Disruptive Health Care Technology an Absurd Idea?

Tunstall Healthcare Blog: Tunstall is a lead partner in EU CommonWell project in Andalusia (UK)

Tunstall Healthcare Blog: Tunstall wins Medilink Award for Outstanding Achievement (UK)

Tunstall previews iVi intelligent pendant and PNC7 at International Telecare and Telehealth Conference 2012 (UK)

Twitter – An Important Tool for Innovation Efforts

Twitter app takes on disease tracking

University of California, San Francisco Medical Center: Reducing Readmissions Through Heart Failure Care Management - The Commonwealth Fund

Up to 15 jobs to go at telehealth company - Business News - Yorkshire Post (UK)

Using Social Media to Help Manage Your Diabetes - Taking Control of Your Diabetes - UCSD-TV - University of California Television

Using Technology to Promote Health Literacy | HealthWorks Collective

VA plans app to view VistA imaging on mobile devices | Government Health IT

VA Plans to Double Its Telehealth Program

Value in Knowing: A Look at The Benefits of Early, Accurate Detection of Neurodegenerative Diseases

VanguardInHealth: Spot the difference (UK)

Verizon's Tippett says mHealth data transfer and security must be invisible and seamless | mHIMSS

VODG - Blog - Home improvement: why the adaptations system needs an overhaul (UK)

Voice Biometrics, the Key to Simple and Secure Access to Health Information (UK)

We can have it all: why healthcare will still be unaffordable

We Really Want Health Tech to Be Mainstream Tech

Wearable microchip monitors vital signs, draws power from cell phones

Wearables fitness and activity tracking for seniors -- nowhere in mHealth


West Coast collaboration looks to promote mHealth, telehealth in senior living communities

West Coast collaboration looks to promote mHealth, telehealth in senior living communities

What Boomers won't do with their phones

What Broadband Giveth Health Taketh Away « Dr George Margelis' Blog

What does the future hold for the mobile industry?

What does the US presidential election mean for the future of healthcare in America?

What has been achieved so far | The Dementia Challenge (UK)

What Instagram and Kodak have to do with health reform

What Is Glympse: Glympse

What Percentage of U.S. Adults Follow a Health Care Provider on a Social Media Website?

What would your personal health checklist look like?

What™s Next for HealthCare Information Technology Innovation? | HealthWorks Collective

When is patient data not patient data? When a patient wants his or her ICD data | e-

Where are parasites going next? Can we pre-empt and halt them with a mobile phone? « Environmental, Earth & Life Sciences « Cambridge Journals Blog

Where growth is coming in telemedicine -

White paper explores mHealth market“ FM Magazine

Who are the chronically costly? Health care's 1% -

WHO/Europe | European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies - Countries and subregions

Whose care costs the most? - Many or most of the patients with the highest health care costs in the nation have health insurance and higher relative incomes, and are white.-

Why Doctors Should Learn to Code by Jeremy Walker - Jeremy Walker - iHiD (UK)

Why Lean Might Not Be the Best Solution to Healthcare Inefficiencies | Capacity Management

Why there is such a Frenzy about Medical Apps (UK)

Why We Can't Solve Big Problems | MIT Technology Review

Will Disruptive Innovations Cure Health Care? - Sponsored by GE - Harvard Business Review

Without patient participation, there is no patient engagement

Working smarter not just longer is a better way to support ageing population | CARDI : Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland

Would the integration of health and social care promote independent living? | Social care network | Guardian Professional (UK)

Xboxification of Healthcare - Forbes

You think randomized controlled trials are great? Actually, they are even better than that-Guest post by Clement de Chaisemartin | News, views, methods, and insights from the world of impact evaluation

Your Car as Stress Monitor? - IEEE Spectrum

c) Research, evaluation and evidence

To view information on research, evaluation and evidence that may be of interest, click on the links below:

A $1.70 solution found to greatly increase prescription pickups

A Comparison of Care at E-visits and Physician Office Visits for Sinusitis and Urinary Tract Infection

A cross-sectional survey and service evaluation of simple telehealth in primary care: what do patients think?

A framework for evaluating the formation, implementation, and performance of accountable care organizations

A Survey Of Primary Care Doctors In Ten Countries Shows Progress In Use Of Health Information Technology, Less In Other Areas

A systematic review of the mediating role of knowledge, self-efficacy and self-care behaviour in telehealth patients with heart failure

A UK Case Study of Who Uses NHS Direct: Investigating the Impact of Age, Gender, and Deprivation on the Utilization of NHS Direct | Abstract (UK)

Action After Review (AAR) - South Yorkshire Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care - CLAHRC SY (UK)

Are you using social media to build your practice? Patient trends and healthcare changes give new value to online presence

Assessing the Return on Investment in Health IT: An Exploration of Costs and Benefits in Relation to the Remote Monitoring of Chronic Diseases

Association of Online Patient Access to Clinicians and Medical Records With Use of Clinical ServicesOnline Patient Access and Use of Clinical Services

BMJ Journal: Public web ratings identify great care

Boston University-based study finds many medical apps worthless [Video]

Brain injury research study: progress is 'ordered, predictable'

Burden of atrial fibrillation and poor rate control detected by continuous monitoring and the risk for heart failure hospitalization

Cardiac rehabilitation and quality of life: a systematic review

Clinical Impact of Home Telemonitoring on Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Clinical Impact of Home Telemonitoring on Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Abstract

Cochrane review demonstrates smoking cessation after six months through mobile phone intervention

Congenitally blind learn to see and read with soundscapes : Positive Technology Journal

Considering Patients' Personality in Outcomes and Experience Initiatives - Patient Performance Institute

Controlling vascular disease may be key to reducing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease

Denver Health patients like text reminders, but clinical gains uncertain

Detecting inpatient falls by using natural language processing of electronic medical records

Diabetes may be linked to hearing loss: study

Does cigarette smoking exacerbate the effect of blood pressure on the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among hypertensive patients?

Does telemonitoring in heart failure empower patients for self-care? A qualitative study

Electronic Health Record-Based Patient Identification and Individualized Mailed Outreach for Primary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: A Cluster Randomized Trial

Electronic Patient Visits Appear to Offer Accurate Diagnoses but May Lead to Overprescribing of Antibiotics, Pitt Study Finds

Emergency Medicine: Clinicians' Perceptions of Telemedicine Opportunities & Barriers

Emergency readmission rates for stroke rise » Hospital Dr (UK)

Enhancing Access to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Using Health Information Technology

Essentials of telehealth and telemedicine, top Do's and Don'ts, mHealth and other health IT advice

Evidence builds for SMS smoking cessation

Evidence-based healthcare plus agile technology development equals effective mHealth

E-visits could lead to overprescribing

E-Visits Offer Mixed Results in Primary Care

E-Visits to Doctors Might Streamline Care: Scientific American Podcast

Experts Make a Business Case for Pursuing Medication Adherence Initiatives

Factcheck: How many diabetes-related deaths are avoidable?

Factors affecting medication adherence in patients with hypertension

Failings in diabetes care 'cost thousands of lives'

Feasibility of evidence-based diagnosis and management of heart failure in older people in care: a pilot randomised controlled trial

Five reasons that many comparative effectiveness studies fail to change patient care and clinical practice

General health checks in adults for reducing morbidity and mortality from disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis

GP pilot offers obese patients free weight-loss sessions (UK)

High Blood Pressure Often Missed in Young Adults: Study - MedicineNet

Home telehealth scheme 'reverses hypertension' (UK)

Huge Experiment Aims To Save On Care For Poorest, Sickest Patients - Kaiser Health News

Hypoglycaemia is associated with increased length of stay and mortality in people with diabetes who are hospitalized

Increased Mortality Following Telemonitoring in Frail Elderly Patients: Look Before You Leap!

Indigo funded project in eHealth is peer reviewed!

Integrated Telehealth and Care Management Program Reduces All Cause Mortality in Medicare Beneficiaries with Heart Failure

Is your hospital fit for the future? (UK)

Italian organ transplant centre trials telehealth (UK)

JMIR--Impact of Interactive Web-Based Education With Mobile and Email-Based Support of General Practitioners on Treatment and Referral Patterns of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: Randomized Controlled Trial | Schopf | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR--Improving Diabetes Management With a Patient Portal: Qualitative Study of a Diabetes Self-Management Portal | Urowitz | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR--Increasing Physical Activity With Mobile Devices: A Meta-Analysis | Fanning | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR-Open Peer-Review: Designing iCanFit--A mobile-enabled web application to promote physical activity for older cancer survivors, and other submissions

JMIR-Open Peer-Review: Internet-based Early Intervention to Prevent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Injury Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial, and other submissions

JMIR--Persuasive System Design Does Matter: A Systematic Review of Adherence to Web-Based Interventions | Kelders | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR--The Impact of Electronic Patient Portals on Patient Care: A Systematic Review of Controlled Trials | Ammenwerth | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR--The Smartphone in Medicine: A Review of Current and Potential Use Among Physicians and Students | Ozdalga | Journal of Medical Internet Research

JMIR--What E-patients Want From the Doctor-Patient Relationship: Content Analysis of Posts on Discussion Boards | Hewitt-Taylor | Journal of Medical Internet Research

Kaiser Permanente Research Finds Association Between Access to Online Health Information and Use of Clinical Services in Colorado | Kaiser Permanente News Center

Letter from Doctor Boosts Cholesterol Medication Use: Study

Many health apps are based on flimsy science at best, and they often do not work

Medication Adherence and Medicare Expenditure Among Beneficiaries With Heart Failure

medwireNews - Hypertension - Texting service helps patients reduce their blood pressure

Methodologies for assessing telemedicine: A systematic review of reviews (UK)

mHealth apps may make chronic disease management easier - The Clinical Advisor

More evidence of high weekend mortality rates (UK)

NHS information: Revolution or evolution? (UK)

NZ Study: Telehealth: Rethinking Healthcare Roles for Smarter Care

Online disease management of diabetes: Engaging and Motivating Patients Online With Enhanced Resources-Diabetes (EMPOWER-D), a randomized controlled trial -- Tang et al. -- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

Online medical records may not improve efficiency

Outcomes of an effectiveness trial of cognitive-behavioural intervention by mental health nurses in schizophrenia

Patient satisfaction with electronic medical/health record: a systematic review

Patients With Online Access To Doctors May Make More Office Visits

Patients With Online Access To Doctors May Make More Office Visits : Shots - Health News : NPR

Perspectives on the enablers of e-heath adoption: an international interview study of leading practitioners

Pilot evaluation of the text4baby mobile health program

Pragmatic randomised trials using routine electronic health records: putting them to the test | BMJ

Predictors of Attrition in Older Users of a Home-Based Monitoring and Health Information Delivery System

Principle-based analysis of the concept of telecare

Recent study on telemonitoring and telemedicine solutions confirms research by eHealth innovation

Relations between Internet use, socio-economic status (SES), social support and subjective health

Reliability of Real-Time Video Smartphone for Assessing National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Scores in Acute Stroke Patients

Screening for type 2 diabetes and population mortality over 10 years (ADDITION-Cambridge): a cluster-randomised controlled trial : The Lancet (Abstract)

Screening for type 2 diabetes and population mortality over 10 years (ADDITION-Cambridge): a cluster-randomised controlled trial : The Lancet (Full text)

Six-monthly HbA1c tests in diabetes 'unnecessary' (UK)

Social Theory and Health - Knowing as practice: Self-care in the case of chronic multi-morbidities

Strategies for monitoring and updating clinical practice guidelines: a systematic review

Study backs telemedicine for assessing concussions

Study comparing virtual doctor visits versus office visits for Sinusitis and UTI

Study finds no evidence to support GPs in A&E wards (UK)

Study Points to Mobile Device as Breakthrough for Community Screening and Stroke Prevention

Study shows patients quickly forget how to use EPI pen, mobile app offers solution

Study: Exercising With Physically Superior Partners Makes You Better Even if They Aren't Real

Surprise Ending: Huge Diabetes Study Stops Early

Sus-IT A New Dynamics of Ageing Project (UK)

Systematic Review of Teleneurology: Methodology | Frontiers in Teleneurology

Teleconcussion--A New, Innovative Strategy for Assessing Young Athletes

Teleconcussion--A new, innovative strategy for assessing young athletes

Telehealth Program Did Not Increase Abortions in Iowa, Study Finds

Telehealth services to extend the reach of care involve more than using a telephone for intervention delivery

Tele-health trial axed

Telemedicine Holds Promise In Mild TBI Treatment, Researchers Say | News | Rehab Management

Telemedicine in heart failure: Pre-specified and exploratory subgroup analyses from the TIM-HF trial

Telestroke? - The Application of Telemedicine for Stroke

Text Messages Now Help People Kick the Smoking Habit

Text, video messages may help stop smoking -

Text4Baby Initiative Led to Changes in Attitudes, Beliefs About Pregnancy

Texting service helps patients reduce their blood pressure

The appropriateness of, and compliance with, telephone triage decisions: a systematic review and narrative synthesis

The challenge of taking baby steps—Preliminary insights into telemedicine adoption in Rwanda

Type 2 diabetics benefit from smartphone disease management |

Using simple telehealth in primary care to reduce blood pressure: a service evaluation

Volume 18, Issue 9 | Telemedicine and e-Health | Table of Contents

Which chronic obstructive pulmonary disease care recommendations have low implementation and why? A pilot study

Newsletter supplement prepared by Mike Clark and brought to you by the Telecare LIN on behalf of the Technology Strategy Board


Disclaimer: “We provide this newsletter supplement for information purposes only and neither the Technology Strategy Board nor the authors accept any liability whatsoever for inaccuracies, errors or omissions therein or for any consequences arising therefrom.”[pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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