6th Persuasive Writing

6th Persuasive Writing

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Topics for Mrs. Leaver's 6th Grade Persuasive Writing

q Advertising in tobacco industry r Advertising Bans and Tobacco Consumption OECD Countries

q D.A.R.E. r Violations of Liberty - Civil Liberties Resources from

q Gun Control r Gun Rights - Civil Liberties - Net Links r From the Hip by Daniel Polsby National Review March 24, 1997

q Homework ?is it working? r Solutions To The Homework Dilemma

q Internet censorship r Free Speech The Internet Resources Civil Liberties - Net Links

q Lower driving age r Driving Restrictions r The Legal Driving Age

q NBA Salaries r A Regression Analysis of NBA Players Salaries

q Nuclear Power r Nuclear Power pro-con r Untitled Document Has list of pro-con issues r Nuclear Energy is the most certain future source.

q Prayer in School r Americans For Voluntary School Prayer

q Right whales r Lobster Gear and Whales r Lobstermen denounce right whale

q Smoking in public places r Students debate morality of public smoking, tobacco sales r Opposition to California Smoking Ban Update - Jan 1998

q UFO's r Annotated links to the best articles and resources on UFOs -

q Uniforms (4/2003) r Archived Manual on School Uniforms r NAESP - School Uniforms Why & How r Pauline Harding's School Uniforms and Dress Codes Page r con: Mandatory School Uniforms NOT! a few debating points r con: The Polk County School Uniforms Page

q Violence and Video games r 4/7/04 01AB Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior r 4/7/04 Slashdot A History of Video Game Controversy r Violence In The Media

(1 of 2)9/14/2007 11:52:55 AM

6th Persuasive Writing

r GameSpot News Decapitation Linked to Video Games

q Welfare in U.S. r Firing Line Debate - 8-11-97 r Robert Benson Getting Business Off the Public Dole

q Wolves in Maine r Afraid of big, bad wolves r Endangered Eastern Timber Wolves

Last Updated: March 28, 2006

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(2 of 2)9/14/2007 11:52:55 AM


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