Motivated to Inspire

[Pages:63]Understanding by Design

Motivated to Inspire

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title: Motivated to Inspire Grade Levels: 6th Topic/Subject Areas: English Language Arts: Argumentative Writing Key Words: Inspire, Determination, Motivate, Perseverance, Resilience

Designed By: Sheneska Jackson School District: LAUSD

Time Frame: 5 weeks School: Orville Wright STEAM Magnet

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):

In this unit on Argumentative writing, students will write and film a confessional video that examines their lives and provides examples of life defining moments that exemplify who they are as human beings. Students will then use these life experiences to motivate and inspire others to persevere and reach their goals. Students will read the life stories of everyday people as well as famous celebrities to discover the various ways in which people overcome adversity. Students will analyze motivational speeches to uncover the rhetorical techniques of argumentation and understand how those techniques are used to effectively persuade an audience.

In the culminating performance task, students will write an argumentative essay in which they use experiences from their own lives as well as the life experiences of those whom they have studied to inspire others to never give up and be resilient. Finally, they will present their essays in the form of a motivational speech to the entire class in order to encourage them to be resilient and persevere towards their dreams.

Unit design status:

Completed template pages ? stages 1, 2, 3 x

x Completed blueprint foKr each performance task

x Completed rubrics

x Directions to students and teacher

x Materials and resources listed

Suggested accommodations

Suggested extensions

Status: x Initial draft date: January 2, 2015

Revised draft (date: ____________)

Peer Reviewed Content Reviewed Field Tested Validated Anchored


Stage 1 ? Identify Desired Results

Established Goals:

CCSS Anchor: W1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. CCSS Anchor: W4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. CCSS Anchor: SL6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

WAhdataunderstandings are desired? Students will understand that:

?Writers use a variety of rhetorical devices and techniques to engage and persuade readers

?Encouragement can lead to change

?Effective Communicators know their audience

What essential questions will be considered?

?How do effective writers hook, hold, and inspire their audience? ?How might the effectiveness of inspiration be measured? ?What impact might sharing personal anecdotes have on an audience?

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?

Students will know... ?The techniques of effective argumentative writing: logos, ethos, repetition, etc. ?The audience and purpose of a texts influences stylistic choices. ?The structure of an argumentative essay.

Students will be able to... ?Write an effective argumentative essay ?Deliver an effective speech ?Support claims with evidence ?Address opposing arguments


Stage 2 ? Determine acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand?

Performance Tasks* (Summary in GRASPS form): You are a successful professional who has made it to the top of your field (i.e. Principal, CEO, Producer). You have been asked to return to your former middle school to give a speech to a group of youth who are on the verge of dropping out of school and lack plans for their future. Your goal is to inspire these students to be resilient and persevere. You need to convince the skeptics in the audience, who may have completely given up on their education that they are capable of becoming a success. The challenge involves motivating these students to believe that they can overcome any adversity they may face. You must write a draft of the speech in the form of an argumentative essay. Then, develop that essay into a motivational speech in order to inspire this group of students to never give up. Your performance must include an anecdote from your own life struggles, evidence and support from the texts that you have read and analyzed about other overcomers, and a rebuttal that addresses the opposing views of those students in the audience who may have been through so much hardship that they no longer believe that they can achieve success in life.

*Complete a Performance Tasks Blueprint for each task (next page)

Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples)

?Quiz: The Academic Language of Argumentation ? Vocabulary, Devices, and Techniques

?Check For Understanding: Exit Slip ? The Format of a Basic Argumentative Essay ?Check For Understanding: SQ3R Worksheet for Never Say Die, Part #1 ?Check For Understanding: Context Clue Exercise ?Prompt: After listening to the motivational song, ? What is your favorite verse? What

does that verse mean to you? ?Work Sample: Argumentative Essay ? 1st Draft ?Work Sample: Argumentative Essay ? 2nd Draft

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:

?Journal Reflection: Who Am I? ?Journal Reflection: The Greatest Challenge I've Overcome ?Journal Reflection: What Motivates Me? ?Journal Reflection: Who Inspires Me? ?Self-Assessment: Argumentative Essay ? 1st Draft


Performance Task Blueprint

What understandings and goals will be assessed through this task?

?Use of Rhetorical Devices and Techniques. ?Inspirational words can help people overcome


?Effective arguments are tailored to a specific audience.

?The use of valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

?The clarity and coherence of the writing. ?Command of Standard Academic English ?Appropriateness to audience.

What criteria are implied in the standards and understandings regardless of the task specifics? What qualities must student work demonstrate to signify that standards were met?

?Argumentative writing should cause the audience to consider changing their minds.

?Argumentative writing is based on logic, fact and evidence.

?Essay must be properly structured, clear and coherent.

?Speech must be delivered eloquently and cause doubters to rethink their position.

Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding?

Because of your success in your chosen field, the Principal of your former Middle School has asked you to return to the school in order to give a speech to the students that will inspire them to not give up on school and to follow their goals and dreams towards success. Using an anecdote from your Video Confession, as well as the other inspirational stories you've studied in class, you will write an effective argumentative essay that persuades the students to persevere despite their challenges. Using this speech as the foundation, you will give a motivational speech that encourages students to be resilient and causes even the most hardened of them to stay in school and be a success. Your speech should employ effective rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques. Also, your speech must include a unique inspirational slogan or phrase that you leave as final words of wisdom for your audience.

What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired understanding?

Argumentative Essay

Inspirational Speech

By what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?

?Essay employs the proper argumentative structure.

?Essay addresses the opposition ?Essay is supported by logical and

factual evidence.

?Speech will be delivered with sophistication and use of Standard Academic English.

?Speech will employ a unique inspirational slogan.


Stage 3 ? Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Consider the WHERETO elements 1.Present Michael Jordan Nike Commercial on failure. Resource (H) 2.QW Prompt: Who are you? A Survivor or a Quitter? Explain. Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 3.In groups of 4, students share Journal Responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 4.Class Discussion: Who Am I? Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O) 5.Reveal and Discuss Essential Questions. Handout (W) 6.End class by showing another inspirational video clip. Resource (H) 7.HW: QW--What's the value of an inspirational word? Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 8.In groups of 4, students share HW Journal Responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 9.Class Discussion: The Value of an inspirational word. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O) 10.Give students Overview of the Argumentation Unit, including Performance Task. Handout (W) 11.Introduce Key Vocabulary. Personal Dictionary, p. 107 Handout (E) 12.Introduce Foundational text: Never Say Die (E) 13.View video of Trailer for 127 Hours. Resource (H) 14.Make Predictions about the text. Handout (E) 15.View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource (H) 16.Text: Chapter 1. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 17.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 18.Text: Chapter 2. Train Reading, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 19.Check for Understanding: SQ3R, p. 197 Handout (E) 20.View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource (H) 21.Text: Chapter 3. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 22.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 23.Text: Chapter 4. Fade In and Fade Out, p. 191. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 24.Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197 (E) 25.View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource (H) 26.Text: Chapter 5. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 27.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 28.Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197 (E) 29.Introduce Video Confession Assignment. Handout (E) 30.Motivational Speech Clip. Resource (H) 31.QW Prompt: The Greatest Challenge I've Overcome. Explain. Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 32.In groups of 4, students share Journal Responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 33.Class Discussion: My Greatest Challenge. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O) 34.Distribute a Sample of an Argumentative Essay. Handout (E) 35.Analyze Structure of Essay. Define Rhetorical Devices and Techniques. Handout. (E) 36.Distribute Argumentative Sample #2. Handout (E) 37.In groups of 4, students find examples of Rhetorical Devices and Techniques. Handout (E) 38.Motivational Speech Clip. Resource (H) 39.QW Prompt: What Motivates Me? Explain. Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 40.In groups of 4, students share their Journal responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 41.Class Discussion: My Motivation. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O)


Stage 3 ? Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction

Consider the WHERETO elements

42.View Clip of Touching the Void Resource (H) 43.Text: Chapter 6. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 44.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 45.Text: Chapter 7. Train Reading, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 46.Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197 (E) 47.HW: Review Key Vocabulary, Rhetorical Devices, and Techniques. (R) 48.View Clip of Touching the Void. Resource (H) 49.Text: Chapter 8. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 50.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 51.Text: Chapter 9. Fade In and Fade Out, p. 191. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 52.Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197 (E) 53.HW: Check for Understanding ? Essay Format. Handout (E) 54.View Clip of Touching the Void. Resource (H) 55.Text: Chapter 10. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 56.Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout (E) 57.Text: Chapter 11. Train Reading, p. 190. Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 (E) 58.Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197 (E) 59.HW: Review Key Vocabulary, Rhetorical Devices, and Techniques. (R) 60.Video Confessions are Due! (T) 61.Quiz: Key Vocabulary, Rhetorical Devices and Techniiques. Handout (E2) 62.Teacher Models Writing Paragraph #2 (E,O) 63.HW: Paragraph #2 Writing. Handout (E,O) 64.Peer Review of HW Paragraph #2. Handout (E2,O) 65.Paragraph #2 Rewrite. (E2,O) 66.Motivational Speech Clip. Resource (H) 67.QW Prompt: Who Inspires Me? Explain. Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 68.In groups of 4, students share Journal Responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 69.Class Discussion: My Inspiration. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O) 70.Teacher Models Writing Paragraph #3 (E,O) 71.Students Write Paragraph #3. (E,O) Handout 72.Peer Review of Paragraph #3. Handout (E2,O) 73.Paragraph #3 Rewrite (E2,O) 74.Teacher models writing paragraph #4, featuring the Counter-Claim and the Rebuttal. (E,O) 75.Students write Paragraph #4. Handout (E,O) 76.Peer Review of Paragraph #4. Handout (E2,O) 77.Teacher models writing an effective Introduction and Conclusion. (E,O) 78.Students write their Introductions and Conclusions. Handout (E,O ) 79.Peer Review of Introductions and Conclusions. Handout (E2,O)


Stage 3 ? Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Consider the WHERETO elements

78.Putting it all together. Teacher models and analyzes draft of Argumentative Essay. (E,O) 79.Students put it all together. (E,O) 80.HW: Complete 1st Draft of Essay. (E,O) 81.Peer Review of 1st Draft. Handout (E2,O) 82.Students rewrite 1st Draft (E,O) 83.Self-Assessment of 1st Draft. (E2,O) 84.HW: Write Final Draft of Essay. (E,O) 85.Listen to motivational song. Resource (H) 86.QW Prompt: What is your favorite verse of the song and why? Journal Writing, p 205 (E,O) 87.In groups of 4, students share Journal Responses. Think-Pair-Share, p. 157 (E,O) 88.Class Discussion: My Favorite Verse and Why. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 (E,O) 89.View Clip of Motivational Speech. Resource (H) 90.Introduce 7 Keys to Effective Public Speaking. Resource (E) 91.In Groups of 2, rehearse Delivery of Motivational Speech. Handout (R) 92.HW: Rehearse Speech. (R) 93.In Groups of 2, rehearse Delivery of Motivational Speech. Handout (R) 94.HW: Rehearse Speech. (R) 95.Group 1 Speeches (T) 96.Full Screen of the movie,127 Hours (H)


Stage 3 ? Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction




?Present Michael Jordan Nike Commercial on failure. Resource

?QW Prompt: Who are you? A Survivor or a Quitter? Explain. Journal Writing, p 205

?In groups of 4, students share Journal Responses. ThinkPair-Share, p. 157

?Class Discussion: Who Am I? MerryGo-Round, p. 157

?Reveal and Discuss Essential Questions. Handout

?End class by showing another inspirational video clip. Resource HW: QW--What's the value of an inspirational word? Journal Writing, p 205


2 ?In groups of 4, students share HW Journal Responses. ThinkPair-Share, p. 157 ?Class Discussion: The Value of an inspirational word. Merry-Go-Round, p. 157 ?Give students an Overview of the Argumentation Unit. Handout ?Introduce Key Vocabulary. ***Personal Dictionary, p. 107 Handout ? Introduce Foundational text: Never Say Die ?View video of Trailer for 127 Hours. Resource ?Make Predictions on the text. Handout

***Use of Personal Dictionary and Personal Thesaurus are ongoing, as needed for each individual student.


3 ?View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource ? Text: Chapter 1. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190. ***Personal Thesaurus, p. 105 ?Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout ?Text: Chapter 2. Train Reading, p. 190 ?Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197

***Use of Personal Dictionary and Personal Thesaurus are ongoing, as needed for each individual student.



?View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource

?Text: Chapter 3. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190

?Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout

?Text: Chapter 4. Fade In and Fade Out, p. 191 Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197



?View Clip of 127 Hours. Resource

?Text: Chapter 5. Teacher Reads Aloud, p. 190

?Context Clues Exercise, p. 104. Handout

?Check for Understanding: Handout: SQ3R, p. 197

?Introduce Video Confession Assignment. Handout



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