Mrs. Unda's 6th Grade Social Studies Class - Home

World History Syllabus 2015-2016

Ms. Kennel

(504) 301-1500 - G.Kennel@

Dear Parents,

My name is Ms. Gabrielle Kennel and I am very excited to be teaching your child for the 2015-16 school year! In order for your child to be fully prepared, he/she will need the following materials for class:

• 1-1 1/2 in. binder

• 1 pack of dividers (5)

• Blue Pocket Folder

• Post its (turn in to teacher)

• Pack of Loose-leaf (turn in to teacher)


Journey Through Time!


In sixth grade social studies, students will study about past events and people from around the world. The class will begin with a review of Geography and an introduction of the earliest known ancient civilizations. The class will end with a unit on the first Americans. Below you will see the Units that will be studied throughout the course of the whole school year:

1.) Geography 6.) Ancient Greece

2.) Mesopotamia 7.) Ancient Rome

3.) Ancient Egypt 8.) The Middle Ages/The Renaissance/Age of Exploration

4.) Ancient China 9.) The First Americans/Native Americans

5.) Ancient India

Lesson Starters:

A lesson starter consists of review questions that are aligned with the curriculum being studied. Lesson Starters will be completed daily at the beginning of class. Every other Friday students will complete a lesson starter test (LST) to assess mastery of the concepts taught during class.

Daily Schedule:

1—Lesson Starter 4—New Lesson/Activities

2—Warm up 5—Closing Review

3—Review Homework 6—Homework Assigned

Binder Setup:

Section 1: Lesson Starters Section 4: Notes/Handouts

Section 2: Warm ups (Need Loose-leaf) Section 5: Returned tests/ Progress Reports

Section 3: Homework

Grading Policy:

1. A standard percentage scale will be used to determine your grade. The grades will be weighted as follows:

25%- Exams

• 1 exam at the end of each 9-weeks

40%- Tests and Quizzes

• Tests are administered every other week and after each unit

20%- Daily Classwork

• Grades are determined by participation and completion of classwork for a weekly average.

15%- Homework

• Homework is given Monday-Thursday every week.

2. All assignments must be turned in on time for the student to receive full credit. Late work results in a zero, partial credit is given for half completed work.

3. Students are responsible for all assignments missed during their absence unless an agreement was made between the teacher and/or the administrator prior to the absence.

4. You will be given the same amount of time to turn in missed assignments as the rest of the class was given. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to ask for any missed assignments; students must turn in assignments on their own!

Grading Scale:

The grading scale used at Andrew Jackson Middle School for regular coursework and assessments:

|A |89.5-100 |

|B |79.50- 89.49 |

|C |69.50- 79.49 |

|D |59.50- 69.49 |

|F | 0- 59.49 |

The grading scale used at Andrew Jackson Middle School for 9-week benchmark exams:

|A |88.5-100 |

|B |77.50- 88.49 |

|C |60.50- 77.49 |

|D |40.50- 60.49 |

|F | 0- 40.49 |


Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday. Students will be expected to return with their homework completed. Homework will always be collected but in different ways. At times I will ask students to write only one of their homework questions on a piece of paper to turn in and at other times I will require students to turn in the whole assignment. Please encourage your child to always complete the whole assignment because I do not tell the students what I will be collecting.

The students will receive 1 point for homework per day.

4 points= A

3.5 points= B

3 points= C

2.5 points= D

2 points of less= F


Students will be required to take notes and participate in class discussion. Class work will consist of a variety of activities such as class discussions, note taking, cooperative learning activities, labeling pictures, worksheets, projects, essays reflections, multimedia presentations, etc. Organization is very important. Binder checks will occur each nine weeks.

Students will receive 4 daily classwork points. At the end of the week, the points are averaged to create a weekly grade. Students have the opportunity to gain up to 20 points in a week.

Points Breakdown:

1 point: Completing Lesson Starter

1 point: Class participation

2 points: Completing Classwork WITHOUT disruption


It is the student’s responsibility to make-up work missed due to absence. You will be given the same amount of days to make-up work, as you were absent. Students should copy missed notes from a classmate. Also, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher about scheduling any missed test/quizzes.


Each student will be given a bathroom pass for each nine weeks. The pass can be used three times. Once the pass has been used three times, students will not be permitted to leave the classroom. Any bathroom passes that are not used may be turned in at the end of the nine weeks for an incentive. Incentives do vary per nine weeks (homework passes, ticket for a prize drawing, colonel cash, ticket for a day in a cozy chair, etc.….). Also, if a student looses their bathroom pass he/she may not be able to leave the classroom unless it is a severe emergency. Also, lost bathroom passes will NOT be replaced.


I have developed a classroom discipline plan that allows every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior. Your child has the right to a positive educational climate that allows academic growth. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times.

Classroom Rules: Consequences:

1. Be Prepared 1. Warning

2. Be Orderly 2. Reflection

3. Be Respectful 3. Parent Notification/Lunch Detention

4. Be Responsible 4. Parent Notification and After School Detention

5. Be Cooperative 5. Office Referral


It is imperative that students arrive to school and class on time. Please remember school begins promptly at 8:00 A.M. Students are not excused when checked-in by a parent. Students will also be given detentions when tardy for class. Students are given an adequate amount of time to get to class. Please discuss the school tardy policy with your child.

1st Tardy: Before Roll is Taken: Lunch Detention

After Roll is taken: After School Detention and Parent Notification

After Roll is taken and Lesson has started: Office Referral

2nd Tardy: Before Roll is Taken: Lunch Detention

After Roll is taken: After School Detention and Parent Notification

After Roll is taken and Lesson has started: Office Referral

3rd Tardy: Before Roll is Taken: After School Detention and Parent Notification

After Roll is taken: Office Referral

After Roll is taken and Lesson has started: Office Referral

Cell Phones

Cell Phones are not allowed in school. Please encourage your child to leave

his/her cell phone at home or keep them turned off. If your child is playing with his/her phone during class, he/she is missing vital academic information and showing disrespect for the rules. If I hear a cell phone make noise in my class, I reserve the right to take it away and give it to the assistant principal, Mrs. Licciardi. Please discuss this policy with your child.


If a student is caught cheating, plagiarizing, or copying an assignment, in part or whole from another student, a failing grade will be recorded for that assignment, no exceptions and with no chance to make up the assignment.

I look forward to working with your child and your cooperation. If there are ever any questions or problems, please contact me at school at 504-301-1500, or e-mail address GKennel@.

***** PLEASE SIGN, DATE, and RETURN this page NO LATER THAN Friday, AUGUST 14, 2015. *****

*I have read over Ms. Kennel’s social studies class guidelines and understand that my signature holds both my student and I accountable for adhering to them.

Parent Signature Student Signature

X___________________________ X____________________________

Date ______________ Date ______________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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