Daniel’s Story Picture Book Project

Daniel’s Story Picture Book Project

6th Grade World History

Mr. Marley’s Class

Main Objective: For this project, the student will be able to turn the novel, Daniel’s Story which we have read in class, into a picture book that is suited for a third-grade reader.

What do I need for this activity?

• The information that we have learned about the novel Daniel’s Story.

• A summary sheet of each chapter, which has been broken-down into three simple sentences.

• A character traits sheet, which describes what the character would look like. This will help our target audience identify with your story.

• A hand-made book, complete with a cover, title sheet, and sixteen chapter pages.

• Coloring and drawing utensils.

Procedure For this activity, we will be taking the story that we have read in class and turning it into a picture book, suitable for a third-grade class. This book will follow the theme and morals of Daniel’s Story and will contain all four main sections of the book (Frankfurt, Lodz, Auschwitz, Buchenwald). Each of the following pages should have the following information:

• A full-colored picture pertaining to an event in the chapter.

• A storyline and moral that follows that of the novel.

• At least three sentences suitable for the third-grade audience.

We will be working on the following parts of the project in class, using the schedule below:

Monday – Complete reading the final chapters of Daniel’s Story.

Tuesday – Summarizing the sixteen chapters into simple sentences.

Wednesday – Drafting the pictures, story and cover of the book.

Thursday – Finalizing the pictures, story and cover of the book.

Friday – No School - Good Friday!

Monday (4/25) – Project Due!

Tuesday (4/26) – Project Due (10pts off)

Wednesday (4/27) – Project Due (20pts off)

Thursday (4/28) – Project Due (30pts off)

Friday (4/29) or later – Maximum 50pts allowed.

All other work time out of class will need to be done at home.

This is a project grade – worth 30% of your total grade – please hand in on or before the due date to guarantee maximum credit!

If you have ANY questions, please see me as soon as possible. I will not be able to help you if work is put off till the last minute!!

Good luck, have fun and I look forward to seeing your hard work!

- Mr. Marley (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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