FSMS 2007-2008 Science Fair

FSMS 2011-2012 Science Fair

6th GT Students


❖ All 6th grade Science GT students will complete a Science Fair project* this year. This project will count as (2) daily and (1) major grade.

*You are not required to actually enter your project in the official Science Fair, but you must follow all of the Science Fair guidelines for this project. You cannot advance in 6th grade, but you can advance in 7th and 8th grade. I do encourage you to enter your project in the fair this year if you’d like; it is great practice for next year!

❖ Your projects’ category can be in the Consumer Product/Scientific Method, Forces and Motion or Engineering category. You can choose your category; it must follow the Scientific Method. Be creative and have fun! (

❖ You may work individually or in a team of (3). If you choose to work with a partner, he or she must be in your Science class as we will be having in-class Science Fair Focus Sessions.

❖ You will work on this project inside and outside of class, I will schedule Science Fair Focus Sessions during class time. These sessions will be 25 minutes in length, and will be scheduled periodically throughout the upcoming weeks. You will use this time to work on your project, meet with me, discuss your data, work on your experiment portion, etc. I want to make sure you are on the right track, and help you with any questions/concerns you may have. I’m also excited to see what you are learning and testing!!

❖ You may attend my tutorial sessions in the morning if you have questions, need extra help and/or want to work on your project. I am here to help! Tutorials are Tuesday and Thursday mornings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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