Mrs. Tisa Miller

 6th Grade English/ Language Arts Course SyllabusCarnage Middle School2018-2019 Mrs. Tisa MillerTeam: Recruits Room #2602Email:tmiller3@Website: . Suzette MurphyTeam Recruits Room #2606Email: szmurphy@Mrs. Debbie RobinsonTeam: Recruits Room #2605Email: dgrobinson@Website: mrsdgrobinson. If you would like to contact your child’s ELA teacher, please feel free to email. You can schedule a conference with your child’s teacher on Tuesday or Thursday by contacting Mrs. V. Murphy (Conference Contact person) at vmurphy@. Class Description: This language arts class is designed to increase your communications skills through reading, writing, speaking, and the study of the English language. We will use the 4 C’s – Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity to implement the curriculum that is designed to meet the needs of all students. This year you can expect to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction including novels, short stories, dramas, poetry, and essays. These writing pieces will model the different writing styles we will be working on ourselves. Writing assignments will include timed responses, journal writing, essays, critiques, and creative pieces. Vocabulary, spelling, and grammar assignments will also be an important part of this class. Students will be expected to work periodically in group situations or individually and to present information to their peers. Please understand that at-home reading is expected and is a component of our course. Our major units of study will include but are not limited to: Quarter One: Close Reading and Writing to LearnTopic: Myths: Not Just Long AgoQuarter Two: Working with EvidenceTopic: Voices of AdversityQuarter Three: Understanding PerspectivesTopic: Sustaining the OceansQuarter Four: Research, Decision Making, and Forming PositionsTopic: Insecticides: Cost Vs. Benefits *Throughout the year, we will also utilize the multi-step writing process to develop, revise, evaluate, and improve our products. In the units that we cover, we will address the various elements of specific genres (including but not limited to organization, purpose, audience, narration, conflict, sound, graphics, tone, and theme). PowerTeacher Pro Information:PowerTeacher Pro information will be obtained from our Data Manager Ms. Dunston. This will be your connection to your child’s grades. Homework Information:Teachers use the homework that will is assigned from the EL curriculum from Wake County, however your child will also have some additional supplemental homework assignments. Grading Policy:In our class, you will be graded using a 10 point grading scale. Throughout the year your child will be assigned Grade SystemA90-100B80-89C70-79D60-69F0-59 Required Materials:*5- Subject Notebook*Pocket folder *Writing Utensils (Black/blue pens or mechanical pencils are required.)Returned Work:All work will be graded and returned in-class in a timely manner. Please allow a while longer for lengthier writing assignments. Students will have an opportunity to review their graded work, and then they will be asked to file the assignments into their class portfolios. Portfolios are used to gauge student progress throughout the year. Textbook:Students will be issued a reading book for each unit of study. Your child is required to keep up with their book or they will be charged for the book. Teachers will not issue the next book until the book fee has been paid.Assignments: All assignments must be submitted by the given due date and are due at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise stated. All homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated. Late Assignments/Missed Work: Any assignments not received on or before the due date are considered late. It is the school’s policy that students lose 10% of their grade for turning in late work. It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher regarding any late/missed assignments and their due date. Cheating/PlagiarismCheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic grade of zero. This includes copying homework, classwork, test answers, talking during a test or quiz, allowing someone to copy your work, and trying to pass off someone else’s work as your own. Parents, please fill out the attached slip and return it to your child’s Language Arts teacher by the end of the week. Thank you very much! Tisa Miller, Debbie Robinson, Suzette MurphyParents/Guardians: I have read the Syllabus for the sixth-grade Language Arts Class, and I understand the course grading policy, homework policy, intended units of study, required notebook organization, and items that my child must bring in daily to be prepared. Parent/Guardian signature:________________________________________________ Child’s name:__________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________ Parents/Guardians: I have read the Syllabus for the sixth-grade Language Arts Class, and I understand the course grading policy, homework policy, intended units of study, required notebook organization, and items that my child must bring in daily to be prepared. ................

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