6th grade Science Fall Semester Exam Review

Name: ____________________________________

Date: _____________

Period: _____

6th grade Science Fall Semester Exam Review

Part 1: Lab Safety /Scientific Method

Safe/Not Safe: Write S if the behavior described is safe. Write NS if the behavior described in not a safe behavior in the science classroom /lab.

1. _____ Susie was thirsty. She grabbed a beaker which looked clean and used it to get a drink from the sink. 2. _____ Mike went into the storeroom to see what was in there while the teacher was not looking. 3. _____ Julie cut herself while dissecting a frog. Since it was a little cut, she didn't bother telling the teacher. 4. When using a sharp instrument, always cut carefully ____________ from yourself. 5. Describe the PASS method when using a fire extinguisher.

P A S S 6. Describe the method to be used to test the odor of fumes in a test tube.

Review safety symbols.

Define the following:

7. Hypothesis:

8. Independent Variable:

9. Dependent Variable:

10. Control Variable:

Part 2: Measurement

Look at each group of concepts. Circle the one concept that does not belong to the group. 1. Mass, volume, grams, length 2. Centimeters, milliliters, grams, ruler 3. Mass, cubic centimeters, milliliters, volume 4. Graduated cylinder, length, centimeters, ruler 5. Ruler, cm3, mass, volume 6. Length, balance, ruler, centimeters 7. Ruler, volume, graduated cylinder, milliliters


Complete the data table Measurement

8. Volume of a glass of water 9. Length of a sheet of paper 10. Mass of a liter of milk 11. Volume of an irregular solid (like a

sea shell) 12. Mass of a hockey puck 13. Volume of 20g of alcohol 14. Volume of a cube

Tool to Use

Unit to Use

Read and label the following pieces of lab equipment with the correct measurement

1. _______ ___

2. _______ ___


4. ______ ____

5. ______ ____


Part 3: Organisms and Environments 1. What is the difference between cells that are prokaryotic and eukaryotic? 2. What system of classification did Carolus Linnaeus create? 3. What are the three components of cell theory?

4. What is taxonomy?


5. How are scientific names of living organisms written?

6. The scientific name of a bobcat is Lynx rufus. What is the name of the genus?

7. What is the broadest level of classification of living organisms? Think: the biggest part of the taxonomic pyramid.

8. What is the basic unit of structure and function in living things?

9. Define the following terms: a. Organism

b. Population

c. Community

d. Ecosystem

10. How does an autotroph obtain its nutrients? 11. How does a heterotroph obtain its nutrients? 12. Samuel is developing a multimedia presentation on multicellular organisms. Which of the following should he

include in the report? a. Fungi b. Bacteria c. Archaea d. Prokaryotes

13. Which of the following is a characteristic of Domain Archaea? a. Multicellular b. Undergo photosynthesis c. Membrane-bound organelles d. Able to tolerate extreme conditions

14. Some organisms consist of one cell. Other organisms consist of multiple cells. Which of the following is true of cells in a multicellular organism? a. All cells have the same function b. Every cell has a different function c. Different types of cells have the same function d. Different types of cells have different functions

Part 4: Properties of Matter

1. Define and describe the following terms a. Matter

b. Element

c. Compound


Fill in the chart below: Properties/Changes

Physical Property

Define Term

Physical Change

Chemical Property

Chemical Change

2. What is the main difference between a physical and chemical change?


3. Identify the following as either a chemical or physical property a. Ice melts when left outside in the summer ___________________ b. Wood has the ability to burn ___________________ c. Iron will rust when left outside ___________________

4. Identify the following as either a physical or chemical change: a. Baking a cake _________________ b. Cutting the grass ________________ c. Painting a car ___________________

5. What is density and what is its formula?

6. A sample of material has a mass of 48 grams and a volume of 6 cubic centimeters. What is the density of this sample?

7. Which type of matter consists of two or more substances that are all chemically combined?

True or False * If the statement is false- circle the key word that makes the statement incorrect*

8. _____ A compound is made of only one kind of element 9. _____ A compound contains elements that are physically combined 10. _____ A compound contains elements combined in a specific ratio 11. _____ A compound is made of substances that keep their individual properties 12. What are the 5 indicators that a chemical reaction has taken place?

13. Which of the following is not an example of matter? a. Sound b. Graduated Cylinder c. Beaker d. Air e. Water



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