Aventura Math

55867687307200FSA Training Test Scavenger Hunt: Grade 6 1. Draw the button needed to access the Reference Sheet. 2. Which of the following describes where the button for the Reference Sheet may be found on the screen?Bottom Rightc. Top RightBottom Leftd. Top Left 3. How many formulas are on the 6th Grade Reference Sheet? ___________ Are they labelled with the name of the shape? ___________ 4. On the screenshot below, do the following:Put a circle around the location you would click to flag an item.Put a box around the location you would click to access the notepad.Draw an arrow pointing to the Line Reader. 5. Go to example 5 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. This item type is called the Equation Response. Draw, in order, what buttons you would select to enter the following answers (*Please note that these are not the answers to example 5). Be sure to include all buttons needed in the appropriate order.an answer of 15 _________________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 35 __________________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 7(a + 9) ___________________________________________________________________________________an answer of 3 14 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Stay on example 5: Equation Response. Describe what the following buttons do: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Go to example 7 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. Click on and drag the number 5 to place in the empty box in front of the 7. Then click on and drag the number 7 to place in the empty box in front of the 4, to create the number 5774. (*Please note that these are not the answers to example 6)To delete this 5, what do you click on first: the 5 or the delete button? ________________________________What would you click on second? __________________________________________________________________________To now move the 7 to the last row and place in front of the 8, what would you click first? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Go to example 9 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. Similar to example 5, this item type is called the Equation Response. Are there any buttons on the keypad that are different from example 5? If so, what are they? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Go to example 11 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. Put 6 points above the 3.5 marker on the line plot. Put 1 point above the 5 marker on the line plot. Describe how you can now delete one point from the 6 points above the 3.5 marker. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Go to example 16 on the 6th grade FSA Training Test. Draw the remaining sides of the pentagon with the conditions provided. What are the name(s) of the buttons used to draw the pictures? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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