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6TH GRADE YOGA INDEPENDENT STUDY PROJECT PART 3NAME:COHORT:Rubrics attached! Got questions? Need support? Ms. Fleming will be available from 1:10-2:10pm Monday – Friday via text, email, and phone!Contact Ms. Fleming: 443-386-9389; efleming@ Assignment 1: Self-Awareness Reflection #2Suggested COMPLETION Date: Wednesday, 4/30Check-in with your body, mind, and emotions twice a day each day. Reflect on how you’re feeling in the present moment. Note and track information like: time of day, day of the week, etc…during each check in, as well as any changes you notice between your first and second check-in of the day. You might want to set aside a specific time (think: before leaving for school in the morning and before bed) to complete your check-ins each day. You may submit your check in’s in written form, like a journal (see template attached), or audio / video form. If submitting in video form, please make sure you send all video entries at once, and the time and date are clearly stated. *To earn a 3, you must complete a self check-in 2x/day for the duration of the assignment, and identify at least two yoga poses or mindfulness strategies you would use to support you based on how you feel. You must also reflect on how your experience in your body, mind, and emotion changed from the first to the second check-in. *To earn a 4, you must complete a self check-in 2x/day for the duration of the assignment, and IDENTIFY AND PRACTICE A SERIES of yoga pose or mindfulness strategies you would use to support you based on how you feel in your mind, body, and emotions. You must also reflect on how your experience in your body, mind, and emotion changed from the first to the second check-in each day. To earn a 4, you must SUBMIT A VIDEO of yourself practicing the poses. Remember, this assignment takes place over 4 days, so you should have 8 entries completed (2 entries per day)! Note that you’ve completed this assignment once before this year, so it should be familiar to you. Self-Awareness Reflection # 2 – RUBRIC ExceedingProficientApproachingDevelopingTarget Area: Self Awareness4321Anchor Standard:Students will bring mindful awareness (curiosity and kindness) to their bodies, minds, and emotions in the present moment. Task or Assignment:Self Awareness ReflectionHow the standard is demonstrated:Student observes and tracks their present moment experience in body, mind, and emotions through self check-ins twice each day for the duration of the assignment and accurately identifies and practices a series of at least 2 yoga poses or mindfulness strategies they would use to support them and explains why and reflects on their experience and any changes they noticed after practicing the poses in written AND video form.How the standard is demonstrated:Student observes and tracks their present moment experience in body, mind, and emotions through self check-ins twice each day for the duration of the assignment and identifies at least two yoga poses or mindfulness strategies they would use to support them and explain why and reflects on their experience and any changes they noticed in written, video, or audio form. How the standard is demonstrated:Student observes and tracks their present moment experience in only one or two of the three areas (body, mind, and emotions) through self-check ins once each day for the duration of the assignment and identifies at least one yoga pose or mindfulness strategies they would use to support them and reflects on their experience in written, video, or audio form. How the standard is demonstrated:Student observes and tracks their present moment experience in only one of the three areas (body, mind, and emotions) through self check-ins less than once each day for the duration of the assignment, and / or does not provide an accurate reflection. Notes:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Self-Awareness Reflection Day 1(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 1(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 2(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 2(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 3(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 3(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 4(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Self-Awareness Reflection Day 4(Optional Journal Template)Day of Week: Date:Time:Check-in #: 1 2 (circle one)Body Observations:Mind Observations:Emotions Observations:Pose(s)/Strategies I would use to support me:Why:Changes I noticed from earlier today (if second check-in):Gratitude Journal Suggested COMPLETION Date: THURSDAY, MAY 7TH For this assignment, you will be asked to reflect on at least 3 or more people, places, and / or experiences you’re grateful for each day for the duration of the assignment, explain why you are grateful for each, and reflect on how you felt before and after your gratitude practice each day. You might want to set aside a specific time (think: when you get home from school each day or before bed) to complete your gratitude journal each day You may submit your gratitude journal in written form, like a journal (see template attached), or audio / video form. If submitting in video form, please make sure you send all video entries at once, and the time and date are clearly stated. If you are emailing me your video, please email them to my BCPS email at *To earn a 3, you must complete your gratitude journal each day for the duration of the assignment, explain why you are grateful for each person, place, or experience each day, and how you felt before and after completing your entry each day. *To earn a 4, you must complete your gratitude journal each day for the duration of the assignment, explain why you are grateful for each person, place, or experience each day, and how you felt before and after completing your entry each day. You must also complete a reflection of at least 5 sentences after completing the last day of your assignment where you reflect on what you learned from this assignment and how it impacted you. Remember, this assignment takes place over 4 days, so you should have a total of 4 entries. Need help? Text / call Ms. Fleming at 443-386-9389 OR come to office hours on Blackboard Collaborate from 1:10-2:10pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday!Gratitude Journal #2 –RUBRICExceedingProficientApproachingDevelopingTarget Area: Self Awareness4321Anchor Standard:Students will develop a daily gratitude practice and reflect on how it impacts their emotional state. Task or Assignment:Gratitude Journal How the standard is demonstrated:Student reflects on three or more people, places or experiences they are grateful for each day for the duration of the assignment (12 total) and explains why they’re grateful for each. Student reflects on how they felt before and after their gratitude practice each day AND includes a reflection of at least 5 sentences on what they learned from this experience and how the experience impacted them. How the standard is demonstrated:Student reflects on three people, places or experiences they are grateful for each day for the duration of the assignment (9 total) and explains why they’re grateful for each. Student reflects on how they felt before and after their gratitude practice each day. How the standard is demonstrated:Student reflects on at least two people, places or experiences they are grateful for each day for the duration of the assignment (6 total) and explains why they’re grateful for each. AND / OR Student reflects on how they felt before and / or after their gratitude practice for only two out of three days. How the standard is demonstrated:Student reflects on one or more people, places or experiences they are grateful for each day for the duration of the assignment but does not explain why. AND / ORStudent reflects on how they felt before and / or after their gratitude practice for only one out of three days.Notes:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Gratitude Journal Day 1Date: Person / Place / Experience #1:Why I’m grateful for this person / place / experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 2:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 3:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:How I felt before my check-in:How I feel after my check-in:Gratitude Journal Day 2Date: Person / Place / Experience #1:Why I’m grateful for this person / place / experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 2:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 3:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:How I felt before my check-in:How I feel after my check-in:Gratitude Journal Day 3Date: Person / Place / Experience #1:Why I’m grateful for this person / place / experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 2:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 3:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:How I felt before my check-in:How I feel after my check-in:Gratitude Journal Day 4Date: Person / Place / Experience #1:Why I’m grateful for this person / place / experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 2:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:Person/ Place/ Experience 3:Why I’m grateful for this person/ thing/ experience:How I felt before my check-in:How I feel after my check-in:Reflection (must complete to earn a 4)Directions: Respond to each question. Reflections must be at least 5 sentences and written in complete sentences to earn a 4. What did you learn from this assignment? How did it impact you?Meditation PracticumSuggested COMPLETION Date: THURSDAY, MAY 14th For this assignment, you will film yourself completing a 3-minute meditation practicum on your own, at home, and then answer some reflection questions on your experience.When submitting your video, ensure it is the full 3 minutes in length. Note that this means it might be too big to text, so you can email me your video or share it with me via GoogleDrive at Before you complete and film your practicum, please review the key assessment criteria and rubric, which are attached, and ensure you are practicing for a few nights beforehand. Note that you MUST complete the reflection questions in order to earn a 4!Need help? Text / call Ms. Fleming at 443-386-9389 OR come to office hours on Blackboard Collaborate from 1:10-2:10pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday!Meditation Practicum #5SUGGESTED PRACTICUM DATE: THURSDAY, MAY 14TH ExceedingProficientApproachingDevelopingTarget Area: Meditation4321Anchor Standard:Student meditates for 3 minutes and uses appropriate strategies to remain focused during duration of exercise.Task or Assignment:Meditation Practicum How the standard is demonstrated:Student utilizes learned “anchor” strategies to demonstrate advanced proficiency of the standard as shown through accurate posture, gaze, and stillness. ANDcompletes all required reflection questions. How the standard is demonstrated:Student utilizes learned “anchor” strategies to demonstrate proficiency of the standard as shown through accurate posture, gaze, and stillness.How the standard is demonstrated:Student utilizes learned “anchor” strategies to demonstrate approaching proficiency of the standard as shown through use of only two of three learned meditation elements (posture, gaze, stillness) AND / OR video only shows part of the 3-minute practicum. How the standard is demonstrated:Student demonstrates developing proficiency of the standard as shown through accurate use of only one of the three learned meditation elements (posture, gaze, stillness). AND / OR video only shows part of the 3-minute practicum.Meditation 101The three steps:1. Sit up with back straight and eyes closed2. Notice breath going in and out3. When your mind wanders, start againKey Assessment Criteria: Posture – legs crossed or extended long, back straightGaze- eyes closed or looking at a spot in the floor in front of youStillness – body is still, no fidgetingAnchor Strategies:1. Hand pose4.2. Counting Inhales5.3. Square Breath6.6th Grade Meditation Practicum ReflectionAnswer the questions below in complete sentences as you reflect on our meditation. Did your mind wander off during meditation? If so, were you able to bring it back? How? Were you more or less focused during meditation than during previous practicums? Explain why. What anchor strategy did you use to keep your mind focused? Was it the same anchor strategy you used last time or a different one? Why or why not? Your answer should include a specific anchor strategy you used. ................

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