Ms. Hitchcock’s 6th grade Language Arts SyllabusContact Information:Ms. Jean HitchcockEmail is my preferred method of contacthitchcockj@hitchcockj.Welcome to 6th Grade Language Arts! I am looking forward to a productive and successful school year. To have such a year, you need to be an active participant in class. I have high expectations for you, both academically and behaviorally, and I will do all that I can to help you be successful in meeting those expectations. If you have any questions or if you need extra help, please let me know. I look forward to having a successful school year!!!Plato’s Mission:The mission of Plato Academy Charter Schools is to assist students in achieving their full potential by requiring and nurturing high academic and behavioral standards in a safe, supporting, challenging and enthusiastic environment fostered by a commitment and cooperative effort between the school, students, parents, and community.Class Description: This language arts class is designed to increase your communications skills through reading, writing, speaking, and the study of the English language. Our primary focus in language arts class will be mastery of different writing styles, reading, spelling, vocabulary, demonstration of the rules of grammar, and the ability to express yourself orally.Course Goals: The goals of this course are as follows: Read and comprehend literature and informational text building in complexity. Write routinely over varied time frames (in all subjects) for multiple purposes, tasks and audiences. Engage in a range of collaborative discussions on various topics and texts to share knowledge and experiences, building upon one another’s ideas, and referring to the text for support. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English including grammar, usage, and mechanics while learning ways to use language to convey meaning effectively. Determine/clarify meaning of grade-appropriate words encountered through listening, reading, and use. Additional Supplies needed for Success:? 1-70 page notebook for A Long Walk to Water…we will create an interactive notebook? 1-70 page notebook for Bell ringers and/or Editing worksheets…we will create an interactive notebook? 1-70 page notebook for short stories/poetry…we will create an interactive notebook? DividersX4…Literature/reading, grammar, vocabulary, assessments/tests for school binder?1 pack construction paper…any colors will doApproximate Weekly Schedule:Monday-Thurs: Bell ringer grammar/paragraph editing worksheetsVocabulary…use the Internet to find, define and use in a sentence; interactive notebookLAFS workbook (includes short passage reading)Literature/Reading-Read novel(la) and/or short stories and complete worksheets, vocabulary and summaryThursday items due: Bell ringer interactive notebook due for Mon-Thur work due after Thur bell work…BOCLAFS worksheets due for Mon-Thur work in order and stapled together…EOCFriday: Vocabulary quiz… weekly words quiz…BOCLiterature/Reading ….in interactive notebook; weekly worksheets and vocabulary…EOCLiterature/Reading fishbowl/Socratic discussion and weekly wrap upSummary of weekly activities and objectivesLearning activity…could include but is not limited to activities such as pair/share, jigsaw, gallery walk, art related, collaborative groups, Socratic seminar, journaling, word games, 10-2-2, talking chips, team huddles, Vocab charting, write-draw-discuss, talking heads, take five, word blossoms, 4-corners novel ideas, book marker making, crosswords, etc. Research activities…. One time per month Fieldtrip…1X per semester…This year’s fieldtrip will be to see the movie “Wonder” around the end of November or beginning of December (depending on release date). X-tra activity: Paragraph Editing worksheets may begin in week 8 AFTER conventions and mechanics have been discussed**I will do my best to stay on a consistent weekly schedule. As we all know, sometimes projects take longer than expected, discussions last longer than anticipated and/or other school wide activities take place that prevent exact adherence. I will accommodate within the classroom for these unexpected changes and students will be notified accordingly.**Grading Policy and breakdown:Students will be graded informally and formally using several different types of assessments. 35% Tests/Interim Assessments and Research assignments/activities30 % Class work and quizzes: LAFS reading and worksheets…Mon-Thurs worksheets completed, in order and stapled together due Thursday EOCBell ringer and/or editing worksheets interactive notebook…Mon.-Thurs worksheets completed and in interactive notebook due Thursday BOCLiterature/Reading Wed-Thur work completed and in interactive notebook due Friday EOCVocabulary quizzes from LAFS and Literature reading words…due Friday BOC20% Participation/Character/Collaboration (discussions in class)15% HomeworkAssignments: All assignments must be submitted by the given due date. Any work not completed during the school day will be considered homework. Late Assignments/Missed Work: Any assignments not received on or before the due date are considered late. In order to receive credit for any missed assignments, students must have an excusable absence, tardy, or early dismissal. Until the missing work is turned in, it will be put in the grade book as “0” (missing) which is equivalent to a “F”. If you are absent and missing work or a test, you have one week from the day of your EXCUSED absence to make up the work. Otherwise it will be marked as incomplete which is equivalent to a “F”. No exceptions! Each day late will incur a reduction of 1-10%, day 2-20%, day 3-30%, day 4-40%, by day 5 the student would incur a “F”. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to check with the teacher regarding any late/missed assignments and their due date. Making up missing tests or assignments is the responsibility of the STUDENT not the parent. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is expected at all times during this class. Cheating or plagiarism is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. Consequences for this poor conduct may include: reduction in grade on assignment, redo assignment, assignment will be entered as 0-F with no option to make up, or other consequences as deemed appropriate. Academic dishonesty will be reported to a school counselor and a parent will be notified.The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like them to treat you.Do not enter the classroom if a teacher is not present. Quietly wait outside the door along the wall mindful that other classes may be in session.Please be on time and have all materials ready for class. If you do not arrive on time with all materials, you will be marked TARDY. Have all completed homework on your desk at beginning of each class.Copy day’s homework exactly into your agenda or calendar.Please respect school property, and all others’ property. Appropriate and respectful behavior is to be shown to others at all times.Student Choices and the Resulting Consequences: Students should understand that they have choices and that it is up to them whether those choices are good or bad. Either way, there are consequences for those choices, which are also good or bad depending on the choice(s) they make. Plato Academy has a very strict but fair discipline policy. Appropriate behavior will ensure uninterrupted teaching and will encourage an atmosphere conducive to learning. Consequences including out of school suspension and possible expulsion are assessed for noncompliance.Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices: Students may bring cell phones and other electronics to school. However they must be turned off and given to the front desk. Cell phones and electronics may not be turned on while on school property. Cell phones or electronics being used or found will be confiscated by the staff until a parent is able to pick up the cell phone. Cell phones may not be used to call home for illness or due to forgotten items. If a student is ill they need to use the front office to call home. Any lost or stolen cell phones or electronic devices are not the responsibility of the school. Food:In classroom snacks only are okay as long as they do not make a mess or disrupt the class. Foods not allowed ever: full lunch, sandwiches, sodas or other canned products, Cheetos, cheese balls or the like (orange food), any beverage that does not have a lid that seals completely (all drinks will be placed on the floor next to the student chair during class), any shelled items (seeds, nuts in the shell) or chips (noisy food and noisy containers). I do not allow full lunch to be eaten during classroom time…just small snacks. Students must clean up all messes they make. I reserve the right to change this policy to NO food items allowed if I see that there is a problem. Backpacks: Students may bring backpacks to school, but backpacks are to be left in their locker. No backpacks will be allowed in the classrooms. Attendance Policy per Plato Academy Code of Conduct/Student Handbook:Good attendance and punctuality are very important characteristics that all students need to acquire. Attendance is important to learning because when a student is absent they miss the strategies necessary to master skills being taught in class which are needed to be successful. Plato puts a lot of emphasis on good attendance and being at school on time. In General Students who have been absent five days or more in a grading period may be required to bring a certificate of illness from a licensed doctor to the school. Every three "tardies" or early pick-up will result in the student receiving one unexcused absence. Within 48 hours of a student’s absence the parent will send a note or call the school explaining the absence. If that contact does not occur, the absence will be recorded as unexcused. Excessive absences may lead to a referral and/or parent/teacher/administration conference.15 unexcused absences will result in staff contacting the truancy office and/or social services being contacted.To be successful we will use F.O.C.U.S. as the Classroom Norm:Find the courage it takes to grow up and become who I really am.Open up to challenge so I can change.Care and be kind, for everyone I meet is fighting a hard battle.Understand that dreams only work when I do.Set myself up for success so anything can be possible.Parents/Guardians:I have read the syllabus for the sixth-grade Language Arts class, and I understand the course goals, classroom discipline policy, supplies needed to be successful, approximate weekly schedule, course grading policy, late and classroom policies, and classroom norms.Parent/Guardian signature:Parent/Guardian email for monthly parent newsletter/updates:Parent/Guardian best parent contact name and telephone number:Child’s name:Child’s food and/or other allergies (we may go outside for activities):Date: ................

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