First Nine Weeks - Anderson School District Five
|Reading Selections |Writing |Speaking and Listening |Language |
|Introduction (approximately 2 weeks) |
|Introduction to Reading |Introduction to Writing |**Speaking and Listening activities should be |Suggested Resources for Teaching Grammar throughout |
|Suggested Resources: |Suggested Resources: |centered in the content being taught. For suggested |the year |
|This is a potential unit plan to introduce reading to|This is a potential unit plan to introduce writing to|activities, see the Collections textbook. |ReadWriteThink Grammar Lessons: A menu of general |
|6th graders |6th graders. | |grammar lessons that would be useful during writing |
| Resources: |class throughout the year: |
|iteracy/sec_lit/archives/planning_guides/6/6_1_establ|iteracy/sec_lit/archives/planning_guides/6/6_1_establ|Toastmasters: Tips & Techniques for Public Speaking: |
|ishing_reading_writing_workshop_lesson.pdf |ishing_reading_writing_workshop_lesson.pdf | |vance&q=Grammar&srchgo.x=-201&srchgo.y=-223&old_q=&sr|
|This is another potential unit plan to introduce |National Writing Project: A menu of writing topics |“Video”: How to Give an Awesome Presentation: |chwhere=full-site |
|reading to 6th graders. |for teaching writing (audience, grammar, responding | |Four Level Analysis (Michael Clay Thompson): These |
| writing, style & rhetoric, specific genres, |Video: 5 Basic Public Speaking Tips: |.pdf files provide a short explanation and examples |
|dle/ms_unit_1.pdf |writing processes, etc.): | this grammar strategy that can be introduced at |
|This site introduces genres figurative language, and | |the beginning of the year and continued throughout |
|other key reading terms. It also includes |ching_writing | |the year (bellringers, daily practice, etc.): |
|PowerPoints and more. |Teaching that Makes Sense: A website with a plethora | | |
| |of downloads consisting of “Welcome to Writer’s | |The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson (most A5 |
|Reader’s Handbook A Student Guide for Reading and |Workshop,” “The Writing Teacher’s Strategy Guide,” | |Schools should have a copy of this in their |
|Learning – This book provides a detailed study of and|What is Good Writing?” “Assessing Writers; Assessing | |professional library): This is Thompson’s book that |
|introduction to reading, the reading process, reading|Writing,” “An Introduction to the Writing Process,” | |introduces parts of speech and basic grammar concepts|
|skills, reading strategies, and text structures. |“K-12 Student Writing Samples: Authentic Work | |using four-level analysis (above). This is a |
|Check with your media specialist for a class set of |Compiled by CCSSI,” and much more! Also posters and | |four-level analysis (above). This is a comprehensive |
|these books and a teacher’s kit. |handouts for the writing classroom! | |method of teaching grammar that could be used |
|Corbett Harrison, a middle school ELA teacher from | | |throughout the year, but must be introduced in the |
|Nevada, provides a plethora of lessons, resources and| | |first few weeks. |
|ideas for the ELA classroom. |Writing Fix: Excellent resources are provided by | |Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson (book – may be|
| |northern Nevada’s Writing Project. Here you can find:| |available in your school’s library) This book helps |
|Teaching Reading in the Middle School by Laura Robb |Mentor Text Lessons, Writing Genre Lessons, Writing | |teachers find ways of making the mechanics of English|
|() |Process Lessons, etc. | |meaningful to middle school students. Also has a |
|Introduction to Reading Lessons (unit resources |Corbett Harrison, a middle school ELA teacher from | |website: downloads for |
|folder) |Nevada, provides a plethora of lessons, resources and| |teachers. |
|THIEVES: A Strategy for Previewing Textbooks (unit |ideas for the ELA classroom. The second link below | |BrainPop (your school may have a subscription to this|
|resources folder) |showcases mentor texts categorized by ideas, | |online resource): when you log in to the website |
| |structure, and writing craft. | |(), choose English. From the next menu, |
| | | |choose Grammar to view the list of topics that are |
| | | |available. For each topic you can find a video and |
| |This website by writing guru, Barry Lane, provides | |several activities. |
| |many wonderful handouts and videos to assist teachers| | |
| |in almost all genres of writing. | | |
| | | |
| |l?xg_source=activity | | |
| |Trail of Breadcrumbs: website with teacher writing | | |
| |resources (under “Teaching”): | | |
| | | | |
| |Ms. McClure’s Class: This webpage encompasses many | | |
| |lessons which fall into 4 distinct categories, | | |
| |including lessons about: topics, principles of | | |
| |writing, genre, conventions. | | |
| | (for more lesson | | |
| |ideas from this teacher, click the words “Language | | |
| |Arts” at the top of the page) | | |
| |BrainPop (your school may have a subscription to this| | |
| |online resource): when you log in to the website | | |
| |(), choose English. From the next menu, | | |
| |choose Writing to view the list of topics that are | | |
| |available. For each topic you can find a video and | | |
| |several activities. | | |
| |Thinking Through Genre (This book may be in your | | |
| |professional library): Contains actual unit plans for| | |
| |a variety of reading and writing genres. For a more | | |
| |detailed description and additional writing process | | |
| |resources, see this website: | | |
| | | | |
| |This site provides student models of all genres, | | |
| |research information, etc. Class sets of the actual | | |
| |handbooks are available in middle school media | | |
| |centers. | | |
| |Introduction to Writing Lessons (unit resources | | |
| |folder) | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Introduction – Writing Workshop – Grammar, Rubric, | | |
| |Basics (unit resources folder) | | |
| |Writing to the Prompt (unit resources folder) | | |
|Thematic Unit – Important People (approximately 3 weeks) |
|Suggested Resources: |Personal Narrative | |Suggested Resources: |
|Collection 5 – Decisions That Matter - |Suggested Resources: | |Blending Sentence Functions: |
| by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - page 303 | |
|r/ |in Teacher’s Edition and Digital Interactive Lessons | |n/craft-lessons/meganweimortspaper.pdf |
|Narrative Unit of Study (unit resources folder) |at the bottom of pages 252b and 252c in Teacher’s | |Using transitions in writing: |
|Poetry Unit of Study (unit resources folder) |Edition | |
|Reading Poetry in the Middle Grades (unit resources | |n/craft-lessons/changinggears.pdf |
|folder) |ts.Ver2.0.New.pdf (pages 31-69) | | |
| | | |
| |s/PersonalNarrativeLessonsBrainstorming_Beginningsand| | |
| |Setting.pdf | | |
| | | |
| |ofaPersonalNarrativeEssay.pdf | | |
| | | | |
| |Narrative Unit of Study (unit resources folder) | | |
|Thematic Unit – Nature and Survival (approximately 4 weeks) |
|Suggested Resources: |Expository Essay (Informative) | | |
|Collection 1 – Facing Fear - |Suggested Resources: | | |
| |Collections by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - page 67 in| | |
|Collection 3 – Dealing with Disaster - |Teacher’s Edition and Digital Interactive Lessons B | | |
| the bottom of pages 2b and 2c in Teacher’s Edition| | |
|r/ |Common Core Assessment Workbook: Unit 2 Informative | | |
|Informational Text Unit of Study (unit resources |Essay (pages 36 – 65) | | |
|folder) |Multi Media Presentation - Collections by Houghton | | |
| |Mifflin Harcourt – page 201 | | |
| |Informational Text Unit of Study (unit resources | | |
| |folder) | | |
| |Persuasive Unit of Study (unit resources folder) | | |
| |A Bibliography for a Few Text Sets (unit resources | | |
| |folder) | | |
|Standards |
|6.RL.3 |6.W.2, 6.W.2a – 6.W.2f |6.L.1d |6.L.1, 6.L.1a – 6.L.1e |
|6.RL.6 |6.W.3, 6.W.3a – 6.W.3e |6.SL.4 |6.L.2, 6.L.2a – 6.L.2b |
|6.RL.9 |6.W.4 |6.SL.5 |6.L.3a – 6.L.3b |
| |6.W.5 |6.SL.6 |6.L.4, 6.L.4a - 6.L.4d |
|6.RI.1 |6.W.8 | |6.L.5 |
|6.RI.6 |6.W.9b | |6.L.6 |
|6.RI.7 |6.W.10 | | |
|Reading Selections |Writing |Speaking and Listening |Language |
|Novel Unit (approximately 4 weeks) |
|Novel Selection |Research Writing Unit |**Speaking and Listening activities should be |Suggested Resources for Teaching Grammar throughout |
|The Cay or Behind Rebel Lines (grade level) | |centered in the content being taught. For suggested |the year |
|Phineas Gage (accelerated) |Suggested Resources: |activities, see the Collections textbook. |ReadWriteThink Grammar Lessons: A menu of general |
| |A5 Novel unit for The Cay | |grammar lessons that would be useful during writing |
| |A5 Novel unit for Behind Rebel Lines |Additional Resources: |class throughout the year: |
|Suggested Resources: |A5 Novel unit for Phineas Gage |Toastmasters: Tips & Techniques for Public Speaking: |
|A5 Novel unit for The Cay |Informational Text Unit of Study (unit resources | |vance&q=Grammar&srchgo.x=-201&srchgo.y=-223&old_q=&sr|
|A5 Novel unit for Behind Rebel Lines |folder) |“Video”: How to Give an Awesome Presentation: |chwhere=full-site |
|A5 Novel unit for Phineas Gage |ReadWriteThink – | |Four Level Analysis (Michael Clay Thompson): These |
|Informational Text Unit of Study (unit resources |: 5 Basic Public Speaking Tips: |.pdf files provide a short explanation and examples |
|folder) |son-plans/ribbean-island-study-30636.html?tab=1#tabs | this grammar strategy that can be introduced at |
|NonFiction Reading and Argument Writing (unit | |B13391A176E8F5 |the beginning of the year and continued throughout |
|resources folder) | | |the year (bellringers, daily practice, etc.): |
| |Novel Unit to be taught simultaneously by reading and| | |
|Novel Unit to be taught simultaneously by reading and|writing teachers. | |The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson (most A5 |
|writing teachers. | | |Schools should have a copy of this in their |
| | | |professional library): This is Thompson’s book that |
| | | |introduces parts of speech and basic grammar concepts|
| | | |using four-level analysis (above). This is a |
| | | |four-level analysis (above). This is a comprehensive |
| | | |method of teaching grammar that could be used |
| | | |throughout the year, but must be introduced in the |
| | | |first few weeks. |
| | | |Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson (book – may be|
| | | |available in your school’s library) This book helps |
| | | |teachers find ways of making the mechanics of English|
| | | |meaningful to middle school students. Also has a |
| | | |website: downloads for |
| | | |teachers. |
| | | |BrainPop (your school may have a subscription to this|
| | | |online resource): when you log in to the website |
| | | |(), choose English. From the next menu, |
| | | |choose Grammar to view the list of topics that are |
| | | |available. For each topic you can find a video and |
| | | |several activities. |
|Thematic Unit – Making Your Voice Heard (approximately 5 weeks) |
|Suggested Resources: |Argument | | |
|Collection 4 – Making Your Voice Heard |Suggested Resources: | | |
| |Collections 4: pages 247-249 and Digital Interactive | | |
| |Lessons A – Writing an Argument, Writing as a | | |
| |Process, Presenting an Argument in a Speech (pages | | |
| |210b and 210c) | | |
| |Teaching Argument Writing by George Hillocks (unit | | |
| |resources folder). | | |
| |Teaching Argument Writing by George Hillocks (This | | |
| |book is located in your professional library.) | | |
| |Common Core Assessment Workbook: Unit 1 Argument | | |
| |Essay (pages 3 - 31) | | |
| | | | |
| |The sites below provide an overview of argument | | |
| |writing elements for the teacher, a PowerPoint, | | |
| |argument cards, and an argument outline for students.| | |
| | | |
| |c.html | | |
| | | |
| |1/Centricity/Domain/5763/StepByStepResearchWriting.pp| | |
| |tx | | |
| | | |
| |1/Centricity/Domain/5763/ARGUMENT_CARDS.docx | | |
| | | |
| |1/Centricity/Domain/5763/ARGUMENTATIVE_ESSAY_OUTLINE.| | |
| |docx | | |
| | | | |
|Standards |
|6.RL.1 6.RL.2 |6.W.1, 6.W.1a – 6.W.1e |6.SL.1, 6.SL.1a – 6.SL.1d |6.L.1, 6.L.1a, 6.L.1e |
|6.RL.3 6.RL.5 |6.W.5 |6.SL.3 |6.L.2, 6.L.2A – 6.L.2b |
|6.RL.6 |6.W.7 |6.SL.4 |6.L.4a – 6.L.4c |
|6.RI.1 6.RI.2 |6.W.8 |6.SL.5 |6.L.5a - 6.L.5b |
|6.RI.3 6.RI.5 6.RI.6 |6.W.10 |6.SL.6 |6.L.6 |
|6.RI.7 6.RI.8 | | | |
|6.RI.9 | | | |
|Reading Selections |Writing |Speaking and Listening |Language |
|Collection 2 – Animal Intelligence (approximately 4 ½|State Test Review (approximately 3 weeks) |**Speaking and Listening activities should be |Suggested Resources for Teaching Grammar throughout |
|weeks) | |centered in the content being taught. For suggested |the year |
| |Suggested Resources: |activities, see the Collections textbook. |ReadWriteThink Grammar Lessons: A menu of general |
| |Crunchtime by Gretchen Bernabei (can be found in | |grammar lessons that would be useful during writing |
| |your school’s professional library) |Additional Resources: |class throughout the year: |
| |Look here for videos explaining the book and |Toastmasters: Tips & Techniques for Public Speaking: |
| |strategies. | |vance&q=Grammar&srchgo.x=-201&srchgo.y=-223&old_q=&sr|
| |“Video”: How to Give an Awesome Presentation: |chwhere=full-site |
| |t9&path=rtmp://heinpublishing.flashsvc.vitalstreamcdn| |Four Level Analysis (Michael Clay Thompson): These |
| |.com/heinpublishing_vitalstream_com/_definst_/videos/|Video: 5 Basic Public Speaking Tips: |.pdf files provide a short explanation and examples |
| |E02673 | this grammar strategy that can be introduced at |
| |Strategies and Practice for State and Standardized |B13391A176E8F5 |the beginning of the year and continued throughout |
| |Tests (unit resources folder) | |the year (bellringers, daily practice, etc.): |
| |Writing to the Prompt (unit resources folder) | | |
| |PASS Practice (unit resources folder) | |The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson (most A5 |
| |PASS Writing Blueprint (unit resources folder) | |Schools should have a copy of this in their |
| |PASS Writing Sample (unit resources folder) | |professional library): This is Thompson’s book that |
| | | |introduces parts of speech and basic grammar concepts|
| |Below are other units/lesson plans for teaching| |using four-level analysis (above). This is a |
| |personal narrative. | |four-level analysis (above). This is a comprehensive |
| | | |method of teaching grammar that could be used |
| | |throughout the year, but must be introduced in the |
| |ts.Ver2.0.New.pdf (pages 70-89) | |first few weeks. |
| | | |Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson (book – may be|
| | | |available in your school’s library) This book helps |
| |Literary Analysis (approximately 2 weeks) | |teachers find ways of making the mechanics of English|
| | | |meaningful to middle school students. Also has a |
| |Suggested Resources: | |website: downloads for |
| |Collection 2 – pages 129 – 131 | |teachers. |
| |Digital Interactive Lessons A – Writing Informative | |BrainPop (your school may have a subscription to this|
| |Texts, Using Textual Evidence, Write a Literary | |online resource): when you log in to the website |
| |Analysis | |(), choose English. From the next menu, |
| |The SIFT Method for Analyzing Literature - | |choose Grammar to view the list of topics that are |
| | |available. For each topic you can find a video and |
| |alyze-literature | |several activities. |
| |This site provides a Literary Analysis unit for | | |
| |middle school students. | | |
| | | |
| |ts.Ver2.0.New.pdf (pages 90 - 119) | | |
| |This site provides student handouts and outlines for | | |
| |literary analysis. | | |
| | | |
| |aspx?id=40aeacbf-069e-4561-9d68-3ff71cddad9f&userGrou| | |
| |pId=2bd5ccb1-5592-4d1b-8b53-895d7fa48aee&userGroupTyp| | |
| |e=C | | |
| | | | |
| |Common Core Assessment Workbook: Unit 3 – Literary | | |
| |Analysis (pages 70 - 105) (approximately 1 week) | | |
| | | | |
|Novel Unit (approximately 4 – 4 ½ weeks) |
|Novel Selection |Research Writing Unit | | |
|Maniac Magee (grade level) | | | |
|Lottery Rose (accelerated) | | | |
| |Suggested Resources: | | |
| |A5 Novel unit for Maniac Magee | | |
|Suggested Resources: |A5 Novel unit for Lottery Rose | | |
|A5 Novel unit for Maniac Magee | | | |
|A5 Novel unit for Lottery Rose |Novel Unit to be taught simultaneously by reading and| | |
| |writing teachers. | | |
| | | | |
|Novel Unit to be taught simultaneously by reading and| | | |
|writing teachers. | | | |
|Standards |
|6.RL.1 |6.W.4 |6.SL.1, 6.SL.1a – 6.SL.1d |6.L.1, 6.L.1a, 6.L.1e |
|6.RL.3 |6.W.5 |6.SL.2 |6.L.2, 6.L.2a – 6.L.2b |
|6.RL.4 |6.W.6 |6.SL.4 |6.L.3, 6.L.3a |
|6.RL.5 |6.W.7 |6.SL.5 |6.L.4a, 6.L.4c |
|6.RL.6 |6.W.8 |6.SL.6 |6.L.5b – 6.L.5c |
| |6.W.10 | |6.L.6 |
|6.RI.3 | | | |
|6.RI.7 | | | |
|Reading Selections |Writing |Speaking and Listening |Language |
|State Test Review (approximately 3 weeks) |Common Core Assessment Workbook: Unit 4 – Mixed |**Speaking and Listening activities should be |Suggested Resources for Teaching Grammar throughout |
| |Practice On Your Own (approximately 2 weeks) |centered in the content being taught. For suggested |the year |
|Suggested Resources: | |activities, see the Collections textbook. |ReadWriteThink Grammar Lessons: A menu of general |
|This source provides passages and multiple choice |Poetry Writing (approximately 4 weeks) | |grammar lessons that would be useful during writing |
|questions to improve comprehension. |These resources include mentor texts for writing |Additional Resources: |class throughout the year: |
| |poetry, unit and lesson plans, as well as audio |Toastmasters: Tips & Techniques for Public Speaking: |
|Readers Handbook: A Student Guide for Reading and |poems. | |vance&q=Grammar&srchgo.x=-201&srchgo.y=-223&old_q=&sr|
|Learning (A teacher’s guide and class sets of these | |“Video”: How to Give an Awesome Presentation: |chwhere=full-site |
|books can be found in your professional library.) |Suggested Resources: | |Four Level Analysis (Michael Clay Thompson): These |
|USA Test Prep | (49 poetry |Video: 5 Basic Public Speaking Tips: |.pdf files provide a short explanation and examples |
|Strategies and Practice for State and Standardized |lessons can be found here.) | this grammar strategy that can be introduced at |
|Tests (unit resources folder) | |the beginning of the year and continued throughout |
|PASS Practice (unit resources folder) |nts/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=3535& | |the year (bellringers, daily practice, etc.): |
| |Poetry Unit of Study (unit resources folder) | | |
| | |The Magic Lens by Michael Clay Thompson (most A5 |
| |son-plans/alliteration-headline-poems-81.html | |Schools should have a copy of this in their |
| | |professional library): This is Thompson’s book that |
| |etryUnit.pdf | |introduces parts of speech and basic grammar concepts|
| | |using four-level analysis (above). This is a |
| |0/Introduction.pdf | |four-level analysis (above). This is a comprehensive |
| | |method of teaching grammar that could be used |
| |rner_Terri/PoetryUnit.php | |throughout the year, but must be introduced in the |
| | | |first few weeks. |
| | | |Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson (book – may be|
| | | |available in your school’s library) This book helps |
| | | |teachers find ways of making the mechanics of English|
| | | |meaningful to middle school students. Also has a |
| | | |website: downloads for |
| | | |teachers. |
| | | |BrainPop (your school may have a subscription to this|
| | | |online resource): when you log in to the website |
| | | |(), choose English. From the next menu, |
| | | |choose Grammar to view the list of topics that are |
| | | |available. For each topic you can find a video and |
| | | |several activities. |
|Thematic Unit – Cultures and People (approximately 4 weeks) |
|Collection 6 – What Tales Tell (approximately 3-4 |Collection 6 – What Tales Tell (approximately 3 | | |
|weeks) |weeks) | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Suggested Resources: | | |
|Literature Circles (Optional) (approximately 2-3 |Collections by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - | | |
|weeks) |Performance Task B: Write a Play (pages 322-380) in | | |
| |Teacher’s Edition and Digital Interactive Lessons B | | |
|Literature Circle Novels |at the bottom of pages 312b and 312c in Teacher’s | | |
|Bud, Not Buddy |Edition | | |
|Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key |Cinderella Comparison (unit resources folder) | | |
|Who Put the Hair on My Toothbrush |Folklore Unit of Study (unit resources folder) | | |
| | | | |
|Suggested Resources: | | | |
|A5 Novel unit for Bud, Not Buddy | | | |
|A5 Novel unit for Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key | | | |
|A5 Novel unit for Who Put the Hair on My Toothbrush | | | |
|Standards |
|6.RL.9 |6.W.5 |6.SL.1c |6.L.1e |
|6.RL.10 |6.W.9, 6.W.9a – 6.W.9b |6.SL.3 |6.L.2, 6.L.2a – 6.L.2b |
| |6.W.10 |6.SL.6 |6.L.3 |
|6.RI.1 | | |6.L.4a, 6.L.4c |
|6.RI.3 | | |6.L.6 |
|6.RI.6 | | | |
|6.RI.7 | | | |
|6.RI.10 | | | |
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