Community House Middle School

Community House Middle School

Mrs. Pessoa

Fire Team

6th Grade Honors Mathematics


Classroom Expectations:

1. Be prompt: Arrive and put your homework on your desk, and begin morning warm-up

2. Be positive: Attitude is everything!

3. Be prepared: We have an hour and ½ together and we want to enjoy doing projects and hands-on learning activities. When you are not prepared, you affect everyone in our classroom family.

4. Be respectful: Please address all adults and peers with respect.

5. Be responsible: Turn in work on time, notice your surroundings and the school property and be neat clean and organized

The Classroom “Ticket” System:

My expectations are reinforced with the “Ticket” system. I will be encouraging your positive behavior with “tickets”. Every day you will properly fill out your earned tickets and will put them in your class period ticket jar. You will be earning various class rewards. Including, but not limited to homework passes. If your child has a NO homework pass, know that it was earned by excellent participation and classroom expectations were met. Every Child has this opportunity.

Grades will be passed on regular assessments:

65% Formal Assessment-Tests, Major Quizzes, and Projects

35% Informal Assessment- Homework, Classwork and Quizzes

CMS Grading Scale

93-100 A

85-92 B

77-84 C

70-76 D

Below a 70 F

Our math class will be playing [pic] to reinforce our Mathematic vocabulary. As you take notes in class, please attempt to complete our “Words” with Friend’s bulletin board. I will publish top weekly “Word” winners from ALL of my classes. At the end of the quarter, I will tally the points and determine how to use the points earned as personal reward. (May be bonus points on a test or quiz, may equal no homework coupons, etc.

How to play,

1) You may NOT duplicate vocabulary words already on the bulletin board. If the word doesn’t appear on the bulletin board, you are free to submit the word, until it appears. Make sure your name is on the back of your submission form in the format stated. (Name, Word, and where the word connects and word value.)

Agenda Expectations

The agenda is a KEY communication tool between students, parents, and teachers. Notes from teachers and other important information are often sent via the agenda. Students are required to have the agenda in every class every day. They will record homework in the agenda in every class and each teacher will initial or stamp the agenda signifying that the homework assignment is accurately recorded. Students should refer to the agenda before beginning homework to ensure they do the right assignment. * Please read and sign the agenda nightly. This lets us know you have seen any communication and that your child has completed their homework.


Homework Expectations

You can expect your child to have thirty minutes of math homework most nights except Friday. If assignments are completed within that time, your child should review their notes. Homework is due at the beginning of class the next day in order to receive full credit. Late or incomplete homework will receive partial credit. Homework is “Incomplete” if problems are left off, if directions are not followed, or if work is not shown (as directed in class).


In-School Team Math Tutoring Hours:

Starting 9/9:

Tuesday: 8:00-8:30 am Mr. Godfrey

Wednesday: 4:30-5:00 pm Mrs. Pessoa

Students must come to tutoring with questions prepared in advance.

Teacher/Parent Communication

 Please feel free to email or phone us questions or concerns. Phone:



Website: To be provided next week.

1st Homework Assignment: 8/26/13

Parent Signature:________________________________________________

Student Signature:_______________________________________________



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