Sixth Grade English - Sayre School



Sixth grade English is an in-depth adventure into the world of literature, story, information and analysis. We will actively develop the four language skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - in a program designed to teach students to become more effective thinkers and communicators.

Writing will be a major part of the focus for the year. Writing occurs at many levels and in diverse contexts, and therefore students will have opportunities to write in many different ways. Some writing will be free-form and without constraint; at other times the writing process will be highly structured and organized. Most of the time our everyday writing assignments will fall somewhere between those extremes.

Reading is one of the joys of life. From classic novels to stock market quotes, Wildcats’ scores to compact disc reviews, we read for pleasure, for analysis and for information. Likewise, our classroom reading will be the source of great pleasure as well as a vehicle for developing skills. The reading program will include time to establish the learned habit of reading for the love of it, choosing great books, identifying genres and recommending books to friends.

Sixth graders will come to class prepared to participate and listen. Kindness and respect for each other are crucial. Nightly assignments will be a part of the course. Anything that enhances learning and develops character is welcome in the English classroom.


At the heart of the course is our book list which features three novels:

Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor

The Conch Bearer by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Vocabulary Workshop

Write Source Skills Book: Editing and Proofreading Practice


We will routinely participate in quiet and independent reading, journal writing, grammar in mini-lessons, formal grammar, peer-editing, vocabulary exercises, creative and analytic writing, research, and studies of theme, character, plot, setting, genre and other literary elements.

Homework Policy

Homework may be assigned for the following day or long-term. First drafts may be “casual” (i.e. written in pencil, roughly organized), but all drafts will be neat, proofread and checked for spelling. Final drafts are written in pen or typed, proofread for grammar, organized, neat, and free of all spelling errors.

Late homework, with the exception of absences excused by the office, will be marked down one letter grade per day.


Grades will be determined based on the following areas:

-quality of writing

-commitment to regular reading

-short and long term projects

-participation and attitude

-preparedness and effort

-quizzes and tests

-specific skills

-culminating assessments

-knowledge and understanding of content

Points will be given for each assignment, typically:

-nightly homework (10-20 pts) -essays (25-50 pts)

-in-class projects (10-25 pts) -take-home projects (25-100 pts)

-quizzes (10-30 pts) -tests (50-100 pts)

-reading /journal notes (10-30 pts) -book analyses (50-100 pts)

I look forward to meeting parents and students in sixth grade English. Please feel free to stop by and see me before or after school or to call me at 254-7177 ext. 241 if you have any questions.

Kristin Seymour


6th Grade English


Kristin Seymour


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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