Prefixes and suffixes worksheets for 6th grade

Prefixes and suffixes worksheets for 6th grade

6th grade prefix and suffix worksheets. Worksheets of prefixes and suffixes for grade 6. Suffixes worksheets for grade 6 with answers.

Prefix, Suffix, Make Sense of It!Prefix, Suffix, Make Sense of It!Looking at prefixes, suffixes, and root words can help readers find meaning. Even young readers can start to build their vocabulary from prefixes and suffixes. In this activity, students will create words by combining prefixes, suffixes, and root words.2nd gradeReading & Writing Prefixes

and suffixes are very important in English. They are sets of letters that are often placed at the beginning of a word (a prefix) or at the end of a word (a suffix) to change its meaning. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses This is why we often see words that look similar, but have different beginnings or

endings, and have similar meanings. Learning the most common prefixes and suffixes will help you to learn lots of new vocabulary. Look at the examples and tables in this article and practice with these prefixes and suffixes worksheets. You'll start to feel comfortable with them very quickly! Prefixes and suffixes are two kinds of affixes. Review them

before continuing with these worksheets.First, let's go over some of the most common prefixes and suffixes and how they are used. A prefix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each prefix has a general meaning, so you will be able to understand what a word with a prefix means more easily. Let's look at an

example. friendlyunfriendly The first man looks very friendly! I think it would be nice to spend time with him. The second man looks unfriendly. I don't think it would be much fun to spend time with him! We can see in the second sentence that we added the prefix "un-" to the word "friendly." This prefix "un-" means "not" or "the opposite of." Here are

more examples with the prefix "un-": happy ----> unhappy finished ----> unfinished believable ----> unbelievable acceptable ----> unacceptable These words are all adjectives. We can also use the prefix "un-" with verbs. Look at these examples: do ----> undo plug in ----> unplug When you see a word that begins with the prefix "un-", you can know its

meaning by looking at the word's root (the part that is not the prefix or the suffix). It might be a word you already know! But, be careful! Be sure you've seen the whole prefix before you decide the word's meaning. Look at the word below: Let's try to find the prefix. Is it "un-" as in underdeveloped? No, that doesn't sound right! We know the word

"develop," which means "to grow bigger or become more advanced." This is the root of our word! So, the prefix must be under, which means "below," "lower," or "not enough." The word underdeveloped means "not developed enough." The table below has some common prefixes, their meaning, and an example word. Prefix Meaning Example word dis-

not, opposite of disagree in-, im- not incorrect, impossible mis- incorrectly misunderstand re- again redo (do again) un- not uninteresting under- below, lower, not enough underwater A suffix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each suffix has a general meaning, so you will be able to understand what a

word with a suffix means more easily. Let's look at an example.lovelovable The couple is getting married because they love each other very much. That teddy bear is so cute and lovable! We can see in the second sentence that we added the suffix "-able" to the word "love." This suffix "-able" means "capable of being" or "able to be." So, the word

lovable means something is able to be loved, or it makes you feel love for it. Here are more examples with the suffix "-able" or "-ible" (depending on the root word): present ----> presentable comfort ----> comfortable depend ----> dependable reach ----> reachable "-able" is an example of an adjective suffix. Any time you see a word ending in "-able", it is

an adjective. Some suffixes are noun suffixes. They always make a noun. For example, "-ment" talks about an "action" or a "process": enjoy ----> enjoyment treat ----> treatment govern ----> government Do you remember the word underdeveloped that we look at a moment ago? The root of this word is "develop." The root is the same, but we have used

the noun suffix ment, so this is the process or action of developing. The table below has some common adjective suffixes, their meaning, and an example word. Suffix Meaning Example word -able, -ible able to be terrible -ful full of beautiful -less not having, without toothless And here are some noun suffixes, their meaning, and an example word. Suffix

Meaning Example word -dom place or state of being freedom -er a person who does worker -ment action or process payment -ness state of being happiness Now that we've learned some common prefixes and suffixes, it's time to practice! Complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to help you. dis-





under- 1. I just can't believe it! The story is _____believable! 2. No, that answer is _____correct. It is wrong. 3. Let's look at this information again. We should _____view it before the test. 4. I saw Allison just a moment ago, but now I can't find her! It seems that she _____appeared! 5. Oh, I'm sorry,

I didn't hear you correctly. I _____understood you. 6. The subway does not go over the land like a normal train. It moves _____plete the words that describe the pictures below. Use the suffixes from the list.-able


-less1. The first woman is very tired. She wants to rest!The second woman can't stay still. She always wants

to move! She is rest_____.

2. The first dog isn't cute. He's a little scary!The second dog is very cute! He's ador_____!

3. Jason writes lots of lists, so he always remembers what he has to do. He never forgets!But Melanie can't remember anything! She's very forget_____!

Complete the sentences that describe the pictures using the

correct suffix. You can use a dictionary to help you.1. I teach science in big a university. I am a physics teach_____.2. Sir Alan is King Richard's best knight. He is brave and strong. He is the most important knight in Richard's whole king_____!3. Henrietta is my best friend. She is wonderful! The best thing about her is her kind_____. She is always so

nice to people!4. The kids always have fun together. They never disagree or have an argu_____. 1. I just can't believe it! The story is unbelievable! 2. No, that answer is incorrect. It is wrong. 3. Let's look at this information again. We should review it before the test. 4. I saw Allison just a moment ago, but now I can't find her! It seems that she

disappeared! 5. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you correctly. I misunderstood you. 6. The subway does not go over the land like a normal train. It moves underground.1. The first woman is very tired. She wants to rest!The second woman can't stay still. She always wants to move! She is rest2. The first dog isn't cute. He's a little scary!The second dog is

very cute! He's adorable!3. Jason writes lots of lists, so he always remembers what he has to do. He never forgets!But Melanie can't remember anything! She's very forgetful!1. I teach science in big a university. I am a physics teacher. 2. Sir Alan is King Richard's best knight. He is brave and strong. He is the most important knight in Richard's whole

king3. Henrietta is my best friend. She is wonderful! The best thing about her is her kindness. She is always so nice to people!4. The kids always have fun together. They never disagree or have an argument. Please share this page with others: For sixth graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of the rules for using the English

language, including vocabulary use and language conventions, in order to improve their skills as writers and readers. Among the complete standards for this grade, sixth graders will be asked to: demonstrate that they understand standard English usage in writing and speaking by showing that they understand the function of proper case, intensive

pronouns, capitalization, using punctuation to set off nonrestrictive/parenthetical elements, spelling grade appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and root words, and many additional conventions of the language, maintain consistent style and tone, be able to use digital and print glossaries, dictionaries, and thesauruses to find means, spellings and

pronunciation of words, gather vocabulary knowledge to assist in word choice and comprehension. Let's work on some common abbreviations for people's titles! This worksheet addresses the abbreviation in addresses! It's time to add some appositives to sentences! This worksheet has more on adding appositives to sentences. It's time to go

appositive hunting! This worksheet features appositives in different places of a sentence. In this worksheet your student will match the appositive to a noun or noun phrase. Students complete each sentence by choosing the correct homophone and writing it in the blank. This worksheets asks your student to combine sentences using appositives.

Here's more practice on combining sentences with appositives. Students identify misused homophones in sentences and make corrections as necessary. With this printable grammar worksheet, students will read through a series of sentences and answer the corresponding questions. In each sentence, atleast one verb is used incorrectly. Students will

be asked to replace the incorrectly used verb with the correct one. In this worksheet, students will use the Greek or Latin prefixes ad- and su- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the words these words, students will be asked to circle the word word made with the prefix.

This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this worksheet, students will use the Greek or Latin prefixes ante- and uni- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the words these words, students will be asked to circle the word word

made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this worksheet, students will use the Latin or Greek prefixes -inter and super- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the words these words, students will be asked

to circle the word made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this worksheet, students will use the Latin or Greek prefixes -micro and in-/im-/il-/ir- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the words these words,

students will be asked to circle the word made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this worksheet, students will use the Latin or Greek prefixes -mono and syn- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original sentences using the

words these words, students will be asked to circle the word made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this worksheet, students will use the Latin or Greek prefixes -multi and kilo- to create five different English words out of those given in the word bank. After writing five original

sentences using the words these words, students will be asked to circle the word made with the prefix. This is great practice for learning how to use and identify Greek and Latin prefixes! In this fun classroom activity on Greek root words, students will match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B! This is great practice for students

learning how to identify and define commonly used root words. Aud comes from the Latin word meaning "hear" or "listen." Vocare/voc is from another Latin word meaning "call." Use the list of prefixes and root words in the word bank to make five different English words out of the root words aud and vocare.

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